.,..her 3, 192t The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Page Threa - ' ' Mllll. . . .IP a VT f 1 HAW i?aifiration of i. TVirfiC- j. rcieciw ' . U0 . AT . t.r4 of five ,,, of tne - riui:tlOU . ,., IB. -it I iuv ml nt a Iliut'"- ?.i .lection for the 7 the automoDue nVciubs taken; trT.Z- i.t niKht in i its oeei'"6 TteWlaWr;ha, the governing staie -- . . , These uu- ffc AneHcan Legion; L. ! rentral Labor Council; T Meeker, Commercial P, w Gleaaon, Cherrians; P a KlllUH. r. . rthpr orovrae ?J7 ub organized for the ( Sa em suan . I -horsh t) in uib i it tan "'.7;" ,,! 1 ,Hnnn Candidate ( l .i!n make written KSnentedhytnedel V . .1..H ,o p-rnnted au- .i tho meeting. fva hna ui un-" MC . . ..j.-iint, and shall noiQ oi- : mr. and snail nave n onv vacancy on me rinc between annual Mtions, which will be neia on dm weanmuaj iu . even year. 4 vote on any subject may Be deemed neces-l L v- nrooldent and the I ni jlii'octnrt; hv reforpm mm HI U Ul ' SL.ux.J tn varinii mPTllhPl. mmui'u 1 LIONEL 5ARRYMORE 'JIM THE PENMAN Startine Today at Ye Liberty the service of their members as election judges free. Bill To Legalize and Place Tax On Beer Is Proposed Washington, Nov. 3. A bill to legalize and place a four per cent tax on beer and light wines, to be used in defraying the cost of a soldiers' bonus has been drafted in Runresentative Brennan. re publican, Michigan, and will be presented to congress, he announ ced tndav. as soon as the American Legion convention at Kansas City has acted on the bonus question. Two cases of Infantile paralysis are reported from the Coburg dis trict In Lane county. The financial obligations of the r...4i 1. tva hv ntnrnfn f In nah mnmlipr clllh. i IL. ULmr. maw ho nmnlldpH ..t.t - iu nw, In discussion the purchase of assure tne teneration mar. cne SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often rnear serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL IF" I .ring aulck relief and often ward of deadly diseases. Known ee the nation remedy of Holland for more then 20; years. AU druggists, in three Ul Uak for te. iu Gate Modal mm erar? bo and accapt ao Inutarioa ST IRTING Next GRAND MAT. AND NIGHT WEDNESDAY, NOV. 9 m 3EAT5 NOW SELLING 1 -BEST 5E ATS -night N7l Tonight Reed's Country Store Groceries Candies Clothing Furniture Pressing Transportation Electric Goods A present for Every Adult Attending A Contest For the Kiddies Too Also a Big Two Hour Show MUSICAL COMEDY And PICTURES "God's Country and the Woman" ,ames 01iver Curwood Story Featuring William Duncan uwren 10c Adults 35c FREE HUGH THEATRE Ms Pat the Cat Oat and Come Down ill i Ml I; UNLOADING SALE Beginning Friday, Nov. 4th, at 10 a. m. Our Entire Stock consisting of Misses'. Young Ladies' and Women's stylish fall and winter apparel offered at one-third to one-half be low regular values. Pursuant to our policy of disposing of all surplus stock away below.regular prices and because of the late ar rival of many valuable lots of merchandise and our determination to make a clean sweep of broken lines and discontinued numbers, we have resolved to take radical price reducing measures, for immediate unloading of vast quantities of this season's styles in Wo men s Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Sweaters, Millinery and Furs, forced to put on a sale of such magnitude at this early date and at a time when you need such garments, instead of waiting for the usual January Clearance sale. We are offering you the ad JX5 a complete stock at the most phenomenal price reductions the people of Salem and vicinity have ever known. All Thought OF PROFIT HAS BEEN ABANDONED AND PRICES CUT TO THE QUICK. We not only intend to cut out all profits, but will sell brand new suits, coats and dresses in many instances away below manufacturer's cost. COATS S16.50 For values up to $25.00. $19.75 For values up to $30.00. $24.75 For values up to $35.00. $32.75 For values up to $45.00. $37.50 For values up to $50.00. $42.85 For values up to $55.00. $52.00 For values up to $65.00. SUITS $19.50 For values up to $35.00. $24.50 For values up to $40.00. $31.75 For values up to $47.50. $37.50 For values up to $55.00. $42.50 For values up to $60.00. $45.75 For values up to $65.00. $52.50 For values up to $75.00. DRESSES $16.50 For values up to $25.00. $24.50 For values up to $35.00. $31.75 For values up to $48.00. $34.75 For values up to $52.50. $37.50 For values up to $60.00. $42.75 For values up to $67.50. $47.25 For values up to $75.00. Semi-Annual Sale tl Trimmed Hats Most phenomenal Bale of young ladies' and wo men's trimmed hats ever known in Salem. Cleve new shapes of Velvets, Velours, Plush, Beaver etc. Turbans and large Velvet Hats included Many are neatly trimmed with wings, feather?, ribbons and new distinctive ornaments. The assortment Includes Bmall, medium and large shapes, black and all the leading colors. To make selections easy we will arrange all hats up to $15 in thre lots on our tables and show cases, as follows: Trimmed Hats, worth regular $400 (PO to 05.00. Sale price Trimmed Hats, worth regular 15.75 (j0 QQ to $7.00. Sale price w Trimmed Hats, worth regular $7.50 !? HK to $10.00. Sale price S ww" " Buy Holiday Gift Furs Now And Save Money 1-4 Off I 4 zmmm JT JT -ir - During Our Semi-Annual Unloading Sale we offer an opportunity to purchase Christmas Gift Furs at great savings from a large variety of fur Cravats, Animal Scarfs, Choker Scarfs, Capes and Long Stoles, including Nippon Mink, Sealine, Mannot,. Gray. Squirrel,. Stone Marten, Opossum, Raccoon, Black Fox, Gray Fox and Eastern Mink, ranging in price from $3.75 up to $150.00 All offered at off. Buy your Christmas Gift Furs NOW. A small deposit will reserve your purchase until desired. Extraordinary Skirt Values Our entire line of high-grade Silk, Satin and Wool Skirts one-fourth to one-third below reg ular values: Regular values $7.50 df? Of? Sale price t)Jet) Regular values $10.00 Qr Sale price dJUa7tl Regular values $12.50 dQ ffi Sale price tBOeOU Regular values $15.00 J- f Of?- Sale price dJi-UaOtl Regular values $18.50 (J- n rt Sale price MttIU Dotted Veils Extra special values now offered in Olentex Dotted Veils and Hat Drapes. Regular values 25c -t Q Sale price AoC Regular values 50c OQ Sale price atsC Regular values $1.00 HQ n Sale price lOC Regular values $1. 76 QQ Sale price OC Mammoth Sale of Plush Coats i ' Phenomenal re ductions now of fered in Plush Coats, Including this season's most attractive mod els, strictly high grade garments. Some in full length made with gathered back and wide belts, others made up In best quality plush, beautiful ly lined through out. Sixes 16 to 46. All offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Lingerie Blouses Goody Middy Bathrobes Underwear $i98 Blouses $5.98 $5.25 V Off 4 Minonette and Trlcol- Blg ,ot of aU wooi QqoA qua,Hy Wash Satin and Crepe ette Waists and Over- Goody Middy Blouses. fiannei Bathrobes for XorT CamLVs bIUSeS- VaTioue new Red' navy and green Women. Splendidly and Combination Gar- and Pretty colors and Have them In all sizes. made and trlmmed ments. Various new all sizes. Values to $9 dr QQ witn fancy cord. and pretty designs. Now dw.eO Have them In all sizes. t . Silk Petticoats Knit Bloomers $2.98 Jumper Bloomers 48c .5.00 to $9 oo jey Dresses $4.95 $1.23 Special Group of Knit and Taffeta Silk Pet- wn d Wack Skirts and Bloomers, ticoats in a variety of , ,, Hre Blttck Sat,ne Bloomers values up to $1.25. coIorg JeT Jumper dresses rfecUy made Have Unloading 40 ' and Sport Coats. All them ,n a g,zg Sale price .... xOv sies. Bungalow Crel?3ses Aprons 93c Crepe Kimonas Sweaters . About 15 dozen Ging- $2.95 $2.98 Great Big Group of PercaIe New and Pretty Crepe jouse Japanese Silk and Special Group of Sax- XHoVtor $"oO "and Dree. that will we.r Crepe Kimonas. Value, ony Yarn Sweaters. til io no "nd wa,, 10 rour n' to ,4 60 W K 8w"1 sly'es and Sale price tire satisfaction. Sale price 0u. colors. Unloading Sale of Blouses Every previous price record eclipsed during this great unloading sale. New and pretty Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Taffeta, Pongee and Minonette Waists and Overblouses. Now offered at oft. Regular values $3.00 to $350 Sale price .. Regular values $4.00 to $$5.00 Sale price Regular values $5.50 to $7.00 Sale price Regular values $7.50 Sale price Regular values $9.00 Sale price Regular values $10.50 Sale price . - Regular values $12.60 Sale price Regular values $13.50 Sale price Regular values $15.00 Sale price $2.48 $3.25 $3.98 $5.65 $6.75 $7.85 $9.25 $9.50 $11.25 Normal Prices Prevail If price loweriwr of on astoundin nature be anv criterion, then this TJnlosdine Sale should Drove a hit- ton '-maker. 0te Old White Corner Salem, Oreeon. SALEM'S GREATEST WOMEN'S APPAREL STORE Stout Women's Apparsl Women who wear the large sixes will be Interested In knowing ws specialize on garments of this kind in Suits, Coats and Dresocs. NOSRBPENTATIOCTJT OUT THIS AD AND BRING IT WITH YOU. You'll find every garment exactly as advertised