jt November 1 1921 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Ads That Deliver The Goods at Small Cost (Us Want O yW. P i 25 cents. K& SS, in New To- ad jl1 00 iy v- T. hnne. uni ". monthly account. bus error. . -7-1, PI iv:i - 1167 Court. J " 2 IF.., reward, ii?- ..lo.tered BT room "Sale 365 N- 20th Suazo touc, --7 or 1 ' "m house"j, -. room3 ::jgfTrHcTlSl nurrtW. Call In " mnvO a car ' Klrkwoods. ..,) car at M22r-irVbom fo sale' 'usecanbe 261 keeping rooms ;7it m Cora i. BtVes 127.- l'urt-' e263 liuire. tST-One age" ' ,imane of F 'v - ..lease can " rluo T Stables. jEi-TTZ model Dodge In the i iwTbest late mode Ph0ne 261 they're Capital 261 FS M "Sanderson done. H. gra young horses Oregon cub. rWtf Br0!"' e263 for 2 with near state J266 rptEASANT room Ml. 13'4 Ferry J2Errrc-rxr and clerk EEm, nn. I'h.-ne 5 56W. wants position h263 Ford, rubber, bargain oy ow-- Phone U81J. r i u.iini' nv men 01 ,erience. prices reasonable. 261 Phone i,i lr - - . . r 19 CUHCP shot gun, ; FOK hf bass drum PfflfW-V. coats, J :rrSiTCTlrr2 room furnish- FaRpanment. See Wm W.Pow ell, just real estate, 341 N. Com 1 phone ttt, J fnRRENT 2 furnished light housekeeping room and sleeping porch. Call after 6 p. m. 592 N. Sum mer street, ' 4 - foOENT Farm all furnished, nock, etc. Renter must live In rnuul house. John Spranger, Kt. J26 8ALEM COMMISSION sa'es room, hay, oats, wneat, potatoes, iin tad mill feed, for sale; second hand machinery anil tools. 25 S. Liberty 51, m27 , FOR SALE 8-16 International L tractor, good as new, 2 -bottom f H-inch ptow, 7-foot tandem disc, I lw two good teams, weight :. 1500 lbs each. Phone 1786W4. c23 i'fOR RENT One down stairs ; sleeping room, furnace heat, I $3.50 per week; also parage $1 ftr week, close in. 143 Court street. Phone U18M. J261 'EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION it acres excellent land SV4 miles out and near Pacific high y (north,) all In 8-year old berries, mostly Royal Annes. Oood 6 room house, fair barn. Worth 1500(1. Cm lie bought for JIMO. L'ss your loan as first pay ment. De Witt, Pearcy Bros., 21 Oregon bldg. b263 !0T1CE is hereby Riven that a I road district meeting will be Held at Elmer's hop house in i road district No. 10. in Marlon county, Oregon, on Saturday the Jtn day of November, 1921 at llH o'clock p. m. for the pur Pose of levying an additional tax IZ, Ptoses in said dis trict. Wm. Bushey, county Judge. ' Vr, w7 fruita'"' berry grow- marto T ginR 10 P';ice " the market one of the finest tracts . or land near gj,,,, S th,rm'r- PT"es east of tn r.arden roaa. Better fee" if 'hebrr- 8el. fl i- V. and herries or .- ' Sllrae, an,d W'" be tract? to suit purchaser r" In and w'nd of Iand ana let us show Cicero Mutt utters an earful ir i - y I ASSUfee too THe PAlNe CtCCfte. we t tmib paV ttT NEW TODAY Ul'FiCE OK GREAT NORTHERN Traiuspvrtation Co, at 251 6. Lib erty St. Call phone 998 for daily services. , m29 7 STRICTLY modern six room Bun galow, built in features, furnace and fireplace, garage, p-.ed street, three blocks from state house. A fine home al price right. F. L. Wood, 341 State St. a263 LATE model Dodge touring, over size cord tires all around, bump er, spotlight, etc. This car has had the very beBt of care and looks and runs like a new car. Terms If desired. Phone Adams at 1601 Apt. 7. or 362. q262 VACANT, MOVE IN TODAY Modern bungalow, 7 rooms on one floor, parlor, living, dinlngj dutch kitchen, 3 bed rooms and bath, all built in features, full cement basement, furnace, sta tionary laundry trays, fruit room, double garage, east front on paved street. Worth $5500. We ask $4750, terms. R. A. Moh ney 209 Oregon bldg, phone 217 261 RUN NO RISKS Get your chains NOW. Rellne your brakes. W. E. Burps Dan Burns (Not brothers the same man) High St. at Ferry, Salem. q For Sale Houses I'OR SALE 5 room modern bun galow, immediate possession. Price $1960. D. E. Hart, 208 Ore gon bldg. a FOR SALE By owner, 4 room bungulow. immediate possession, easy terms, inquire 496 3. 19th. Phone 949 J. a Z 0 1 NIFTY 6 room cottage, newly dec orated, close in, paved .west. Owner going away. Cash bar gain. 668 N. High. a264 FOR SALE By owner, 6 room modern house, berries and fruit, of all kinds. Will sell to suit the purchaser. Box K E care Capi tal Journal. a2 6 4 FOR SALE 9 room plastered house on graveled street. Price for short time at $1800, $600 caHhbalance $20 month and ln teres : Krueger, Realtor, Oregon bldjr a281 $500 DOWN will buy good mod ern S room house, large lot, fruit, exceptional value for the price $2500, 2 blocks from State street. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. ' a SPECIAL PRICE $1250 will buy 4 room cottage, good condition, plastered, electric lights, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, barn near pavement and car line. Al most like finding it. Terms, $500 down. S. R. Pearson, 210 and 211 U. 9. bank bldg. a 6 ROOM, 1 story plastered house on Center street, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bed rooms, bath, toilet, porch, gas. electric lights, fruit, etc. Paved street, cement walks. Price $3400 Cash to handle $700 balance $45 and interest per month. See L. A. Hayford, Realtor, 305 State street. a For Sale Farms FOR SALE At a bargain, 5 acres cleared, good bungalow, out buildings .orchard, 15 minutes walk to car line, fine roads. Call 1331 Rural Ave. 265 1PBC1AL 10 acres V, mile from car line pear paving, 5 room house, barn, 2H acres logans, best soil, lays well; for a short time only. Price $4000, terms V cash or will take, house up to $2000. S. R. Pearson, 210-211 U. S. bank bldg. b GET A HOME 10 acres good, deep soil, on Salem-Dallas high way; part clearerd, some timber, plenty of buildlngB for chickens, other buildings, $3500, terms. Also 9 acres good soil, all culti vated, good bungalow, lots of out buildings, 3 miles east, good lo cation; immediate possession. Brown, over Busick's store, State and Commercial, nhone 559. b For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Paying business. In quire 420 3. Commercial. c262 FOR SALE Cream separator and feed cutter. Phone 40F5. c262 POTATOES for sale $2 sack; small ones $1. Phone 2091L -c266 FOR SALE Good, strong For information call 262. boxes. diS2 FOR SALE Minorca cockerels. Phone 8IF21. 21 GOOD cull apples for sale, SOc box. Call 61F13. 0261 FOR SALE John Deere 16-Inch sulky plow. Phone 109F12. c261 POTATOES for sale at 2305 N. 4th street. c262 FOR SALE Good 3 X wagon with box. Inquire 236 Bush St. c262 APPLES delivered. Phone 4F2. C281 FOR SALE Large reed baby bug gy. Call 1840 West Nob hill, phone 65 IW. c261 FOR SALE One 4-hole Charter Oak range, at 2266 N. 5th St. cIGJ FOR SALE Used parts for all models Maxwell cars; these parts are just as good as new at half price. Olnsrrich Motor Co., 371 Court St. phone 635. q FRlCNt)' J -- EWBBa i . cni CYimkL is tm . , ' 1 - 1 1 PERFECTION oil heaters, handy, truuuumicai, eincient. Max O Buren, 17 N. Com'l. c HUH SALE At a bargain, two - mantel gas office globe lights at i.apuai journal office. FOR BALE Home grown Barce lona ruoerts Zbc lb. Special prie on sack lots. Phone 1938J, 1210 N. 18th. c261 HIGH mountain grown western red cedar posts, poles. F. E. Westerberg, box 26, Detroit, Or. czoa FOR SALE A rew thousand Wil- son strawberry plants, trimmed and tied, $2.50 per m.; sacked $2 per m. Wm. A. Bond, Rt. , Box 98. 263 FOR SALE Cedar fence and ber ry posts, delivered your place, 16 cents each. Write for price on telephone and hop posts; can make immediate delivery. Key Lbr. Co.. Molalla. Or. c268 FARMERS ATTENTION 3 tons new shoes to put on at $2 to $3.50 per horse; also plow grind ing and all other farm work done at living prices. The Brick Shop, 253 Chemeketa St., Salem Or. m281 For Sale Livestock REGISTERED Berkshire Call 3F3, C. C. Russell. boar. CHEAP oows, fresh and coming fresh. 404 S. 16th street. e264 FOR SALE Cows, fresh and com ing fresh, at Farmers feed barn across from Oregon Electric de pot. ' e263 GOOD team and harness for sale; weight about 1600 lbs; also one good milk oow. Independence and Saleiy-road, E. M. Young, eaoi For Saje rAutomobiles FOR SAfiE """Maxwell touring cheap; -also- Burroughs adding machine. Hboat 97F4. c261 HAVE a real snap in a 1919 Dodgef tourlnTj, oversize cord tires, bumper, etc. Phone Adams 362. q261 DODGE touring $375; Just think of it, a 1916 Dodge for $375. Has new top, full set of tools, 6 tires and in good mechanical condi tion, will give terms. Phone Adams 362, .I36 CHALMERS ROADSTER $85 Car Is in A-l mechanical condition, good tires and top. A real snap for somebody. This Is one of the small 4 cylinder models with Bosch magneto. Phone Adams 362. q261 f FECIAL SALE OJ l?SKD CARS TERMS IF DESIRED Ford touring ln goocr shape $157 Ford touring late model price $200 Model 90 Overland in first class shape $450 Studebaker late model $500 BrWcoe. 1919 model, in good shape $300 Chalmers, would make dandy bug $75 Model 90 Overland like new $500 Stevens-Durea, a dandy stage car, $500 1920 Baby Grand Chevrolet road ster, in extraordinary shape, the price will please you. These cars are sold with a 10 days freetrlal, subject to being re turned and full credit given on any used car of equal value. OVERLAND GARAGE Phone 311. 246 State St. q For Sale Wood OAK wood. Phone 2F4. ee263 JUDD'S wood's good. Phone 108F3 ee286 FOR SALE Old oak wood 4 loot and 16 inch. Phone 83F2. W. W. Barry. ee285 'OR SALE Oak, ash, old fir and second growth. Phone 981M. ee 28 6 NICE dry wood priced right. Phone 254 or 622 after office . hours. i?2L2 60 CORDS 2nd growth fir $6 cord. W. A. Shelton, Rt. 3, box 148 A e270 WOOD FOR SALE 16 Inch old pitchy fir for aale, and 4 foot second growth Phone 1727. ee265 FOR SALE Best grade mill wood, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 inch, prompt delivery. Phone 1542, Fred E. Wells, 305 S. ChTjrch St. ee WOOD vV OOD Special off the car, maple $7.50, oak $8 and 16 Inch old fir $8 per cord, Salem Fuel Yards, Theo Zieman, Chas. Sons. Drops. ee FOR SALE Oak, old and second growth fir sawed or 4 ft lengths Phone 1262R or 1756. ee262 FOR RENT FOR RENT S. 15th St. -Furnished room. 160 J262 NICELY furnished rooms, furnace heat. 434 N. High. J262 FOR RE NT house. Call 5 room 262. furnished 2I1 FURNISHED apartments, reason able, close in. Phone 1396M. J261 FOR RENT 12 acre farm at Ma rion. Persey's Land office. J261' ROOMS to rent. 787 Cross street. ' JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY i HOUSEKEEPING and rooms, 63 Ferry, sleeping J273 FOR RENT close ln. 1040R. - Comfortable room, reasonable. Phone J262 MODERN furnished rooms, over Brewer's drug store; call auer 5 p. m, ' 361 FOR RENT Two strictly modern sleeping rooms, close ln. 250 a. Cottage St. Phone 1396R. J261 r-URNISHED housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 160 Court St. Cottage apartments. J261 TOR RENT One furnished two room apartment, one unfurn ished two-room apartment Phone 30, Capital hotel. J262 OR RENT Four room furnished apartment on N. Cottage street, centrally located. For particulars write thirteen twelve Mill St., Eu gene. Or. j264 Lost and Found STRAYED Male fox terrier white with brown spots. Reward for return. Write Arno V. Myers, Rt. 9, Salem. ; k261 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Gentleman Phone 1003J. boarder. J261 FOR sawing wood sail 1959J. J. F. Stlne A Son. ?i3 WOOD city. SAWING Country and Phone 1608-W. 278ee CITY and country wood sawing. Phone 2048, Fisher Bros. e PRIVATE maternity Phone 1959J hospital. WANTED White ieghorn pul lets. Gilbert Donkel, Aumsvllle, Or. 1.26 1 HIGHEST PRICES PAID for mens slightly worn clothes. Call 179. 1265 SANITARY floor oil, it keeps down the dust, 90c gallon. Max O. Bu ren, 179 N. Com'l. c WANTED I want to rent small acreage for 1 year, close in. Call 101F31. 1261 FULLER BRUSHES for demon strations. C. Grimes, 541 Mill, phone 1937J. c26j WE WANT MORE HOUSES and tracts to sell on easy payments; Socoiofsky, 341 State St, phone 970. n262 WILLAMETTE student wants work, will stay in town an sum mer. L. Thompson, 2147 State street. h261 HIGH school student wishes a place to work after school and evenings to help pay his way through school. References. Box V 7. Canital Journal. h262 SOLICITORS To take orders for a splendid line of cards and mot toes for Christmas (C. S. pre ferred;) liberal commission, ref erences. Sidney B. Cohen, 1957 8th ave. W. Seattle, Wash. g2 61 WANTED Used household goods, tools, men's suits and shoes, best cash price paid. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com. Phone 841 m LANGS hot blast fuel saving rang es, $48 up. Let us explain way we cut your fuel bill H. Peo ples Furniture store, 271 North Commercial street, phone 734. "MISCELLANEOUS FOR plowing gardens and hauling, call 1959J. m26S ARMSTRONG Transfer Co. phone 1768. fii WHEELER'S wood saw. Pnone 277 1904J. 1811 N. 4tn.' YOU CAN SELL on soldier loan plan. See Socoiofsky, Realtors, 341 State St. n262 C. C. KAYS, lathing, smngung ana roof repairing. Phone 75F3 or Ml 1261 FOR GOOD BUYS In farm and city property, see Wm. PowelL Just real estate, S41 N. Com mercial. Phone 686. n BEAUTIFUL wall tint and flat wall paint in regular colors and pastel shades. Max u. uuren. 1 1 N. Commercialj m PAPER hanging, painting, tinting, t: ner room and up, very low est prices, all work guaranteed.: L. E. Rogers, 84b xm. inn am Phono 731. m264 GLIDi;"NS Linoleum varnish for all printed linoleum and congo leum. Max O. Buren, 179 North Commercial FOR SERVICE Prize winning. Nubian buck. Call 32F4 or ad dress R. H. Wolter. Rt. 6, bo S. m263 BEE J. W. Manley for cellar dig ging, grading, plowing, heavy team work and fertilizing. Cher ry City barns, phone 199. m26 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone 19, Capital City. Bed- KLKCTHiCIAN Secure my fig ures on wiring by contrct or by the hour, at pre-war prices. H. W Hatch, phone 1744W. m ASTRONOMY, birthday reading, tell you how to choose your hus band or wire. Worth a thousand to averv body. Five 2c stamps. 376 Belmont, Salem, Or. m264 PLUMBING. repairing and coll work a specialty, reasonable charges A. L Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 1397J ( m272. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS JAMES C. DELL 690 N. 20th. Phone 1618-R, Interior Decora tor. Ivory poreelaln enameling and expert paperhanging, wall painting and tinting. Estimates furnished. 27$ REAL ESTATE YOU PRICE IT RIGHT; wa sell it. socoiofsky, Realtors, 341 State street. a262 TRADE Good 6 room modern house, barn, 2 lots, fruit; value $2500, for acreage near town; have some cash. 8. R. Pearson, tiv-m u. t. pan it bldg. a WOli EXCHANGE Klamath coun ty improved land ln Tule Lake valley, best farming and alfalfa section, 4 miles NW of Malin, close to good school, for small farm or dairy ranch in the vi cinity of Salem, north or north west. Write owner, O. E. Hunt. jaerrlL Or. b266 1 WANT MORE sai.wm wnrrsrea Some dandy farm and orchard trades CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 6 7 v sl i'i dies 215-216 Masonic Temple, Phones 1000, 1014, Salem. a SAWYER & EMMETT 5 acres rich soil close in. 1U acres ln loganberries, 1 acre straw- oerrits, small house, good well: sacrifice if sold this week for $1500 auo down. 70 acres, part in cultivation, some timber, close to school and post oltice, plenty of out range. small house. Price $1100, terms. ,ood 10 room house close in. $2500. 5 room house $1200. SAWYER & EMMETT 341 State street. n263 5 room modern except heat, full basement, three large lots, South Salem, a bargain at $3,500 or will exchange for small Farm ear Salem. 6 room house South Salem $1600 easy terms. 6 room plastered modern except heat, $1500, $300 cash $15 per month like rent. New 6 room modern house, Just ready for you, first class up-to date, East dtf State Street. A bargain at $4500, some terms if desired. Jf you want an acreage close in at a bargain, see us at once. JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray Bldg GOOD BUYS 15 acre chicken ranch, all cul tivated, 2 acres of mixed orchard, also grapes and English walnuts. good seven room plastered house with cement basement and electric lights, eleven buildings in ail on place, located 4 blocks from ,aVBd load near Tualatin. Price $8000, or vlll trade for modern home in Sa lem. 20 acres all cultivated, 4 worn lungalow, barn and wood house lo Cited 8 miles east on Silverton oad. Price $5250, down balance time. i4 acre lots in good location near paved road and car line. Price $400 ner lot, $25 down balance $10 per month 6 per cent Interest If. you are looking lor a location to build, here it is at a small cost. 210 acres, 20 cuiuvateu, z ft uin lion feet of timber, Balance pas ture, log house and barn. Price $3600, will take part trade on prop erty near Salem. 10 room house at 1107 S. Com mercial St. Price $3500. 6 room plastered bungalow in good condition, partly furnished Price Siizuu, terms. 5 room bungalow, new last year, located near McKinley school. Price $1900 cash. 6 room house located at 1008 S. 12th St. Price $2300, terms. Good 9 room house located 8 blocks out. Price $2100 cash. We write fire insurance. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. REALTORS 275 State St. U. S. bank bldg. n BEST BUYS 18 tt acres choice laud ln old Claggett estate; $5500 and terms for immediate sale. See me at once 10 acres with 3 in Bearing io gans, 6 room house, barn and coops; paved road, mile town; inly $2750, terms. 6H acres all in red raspberries, small buildings; J27DU. 10 acres first class iana, ciose to car line and just outside Salem lim its; a good investment; $3200, easy terms. 30 acres best valley loam, 2 sets buildings, horses, cows, hogs, chick ens, and all implements go; price $11,500. This is located on Gar Jen road. 40 acres improved, 30 miles from Portland, $7000. Trade for any thing here. m We have $1000 to loan at ( per cent, real estate security. YOUR LOAN WILL BUY 5 to 40 acre tracts Just outside Balem limits, at $175 per acre and up Also unimproved tracts farther out at $58 per sere. 17 acres with buildings and 10 acres bearing fruit at $5600, Ex-service men see these before ou buy. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtors in State n ToUKNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY REAL ESTATE FOR SALE S90 acre farm, well Improved, a bargain at $60 per acre, good terms inne bungalow all modern, good lot. Price $4000, good terms. 3 room house and good lot for $850, terms. Good six room house and nice lot, for $1300, terms. List your property with me for results. H. L MARSTERS Gray bldg. phone 907. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Salem dealers for tlio guidance of - Capital Journal readers, (Re vised dally.) Grain: Average valley wheat (bulk) 78c. Hay: Cheat hay 110.00011.00; oat hay $11.00 612.00: clover bay $9.00010.00. Wholesale TMatt Meat: Hogs $9. 7510; dressed hogs 13c; top steers 5S 3-4c; cows 24c; bulla 3c; lambs 6 5c; veals 14 He. Butter and eggs: Eggs 45c; light bena 14 018c; heavy hens 19020c; old roosters 8c; broil ers over two pounds 22c, Butterfat: Butterfat, 47c; creamery butter 48 49c; country butter 35 037c; milk $2.26 owt. Vegetables: Oregon onions $3.50 cwt; beets $2.50 cwt; car- $1.50 cwt; Oregon cabbage lHclb: green peppers 9c lb; rots $1.50 cwt; Oregon cabbage lb; cauliflower $1.75 per dozen; tomatoes 75c crate; potatoes $4.50 cwt. Retail JMoea- Butter aud eggs: Eggs 50c; creamery butter 64c; country but ter 42 45c. Fruits: Oranges $7.5008.00; lemons $8; bananas 9c; California grape fruit $6.&0; Florida grape fruit $8.50; Maluga grapes 10c lb.; Tokay grapes 11c lb green peas 12c; cranberries 16c lb. Portland, Or., Nov. 1. Cattle nominal; receipts none; choice steers $5.75 6.25; medium to good $5.25 05.76; fair to medium $4.75 0 5.25; common to fair $3. 4.75; choice feeders $4.50 5.00; fair to good $3.7504.50; choice cows and heifers, $4.50 05 shoice to good heifers S4 50 & 5.25; medium to good $4.00 4.50; fair to medium $3.50$ 4.00: common cows $2.7503.00: can ners $1.5002.75; bulls $?.00fi $4.00; choice dairy calves $8,500 9.00; prime light $8.0008.50: medium light $6.0008.00; heavy $5.0006.00. Hogs lower; receipts none prime light $9.0009.50; smooth heavy 250 to 300 pounds $8.00i 8.75; 300 pounds and up $7.00 S.00; rough heavy $5.007.50 fat pigs $9.009.50; feeders $9.00 9.60; stags $4.0006.60. Sheep- steady; receipts 222 east of mountain lambs $6.50 a 7.00; beat valley $6.0006.50 culls $3.0004.00; feeders $1.50 3.00; light yearlings $4.50 0 5.00 light wethers $3.50 0 4.60; heavy $2.5003.60; ewes $1.003.0. Butter steady; extra cubes 42 43c; cartons 48c; prints 47c. Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream 47048c fob Portland, un der grades 44 045c. Eggs: No fresh eggs available. Selling price case count 42 45c; 'mying price 45047c; selling price candled 46 048c; aelected candled In cartons 67 060c. Poultry: Hens light 16c; heavy 2626c; springs 26027c; heavy 20 21c; old roosters 10 012c; ducks 20 25; turkeys 48 50c. Wheat: Hard white 98c; soft white 97c; white club 97c; hard winter 97c; northern spring 97c; red Walla 95c. MlUrun, $21022; oats, $240 $25.00; corn No. 3 yellow $25.00; hay, timothy, valley, $16.0016.50; alfalfa $15.00 16.50; new grain mixed $14.00 14.50; clover $11012; straw $8. State Farm Bureau To Be Organized In Marion County Organization of Marion county farmers into a farm bureau, simi lar to the one operating ln Jack son county is to bo effected here loon, according to Geo. A. -Mans field, who has been in town for the last few days and has talked on the organization before several 7r7ooT right 1120 by International lYde M'-k nvrlstared ln the U. 8k. Sir(B(gftgT' rUOTOtiKAPHY tAJJUS studio. Better photos. 47 N. CoaunarulaL CHIROPODIST J. FOSTER, chiropodist, corns removed painless, all foot trou bles treated. 322 State St. 288 ART PHOTOGRAPHS TiMTun muuw m oil. water colors, China painting, m & Cottage, Phone 162CM. 0 OPTICIANS i. tlUed b Dr. L. R. Bur- aeice, optometrist. Bow Optical Co.. 825 State St. MERCHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor. Bourn mgn and Ferry, M. A. ESTBS, fine tailoring, 884 FURNITURE HOSPITALS FURNITURE repaired or madeto oruer. ttetinisning and uphol stering a specialty. Phone 1743,' Brown and Groves, 1201 & Com mercial street. PIANOS CHERRINGTON Pilno House. Bush and Lane piano 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL. nianoa nhonn. graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 8tate, Salem. HEMSTITCHING BALEM ELITE hemstitching chainstltchlng, pleating, button ait Oregon oiqg. Pbone 879. MRS. F. E. MULL. hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over Mll ler'e store. Phone 117. HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed. 485 Court. C. B. Ellsworth. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY Have good variety nursery stock. Of fice 640 State Salem, Or. Phone 1737 or 1140M. 1ALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit roses. Phone 1788, 428 Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life. Fire, Health, Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A C. BOI1RNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or. MOTORCYCLES HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man" 147 aCom. Phone 68 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycle 387 Court St. CITY SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 998 night phone 1698R. it. O. Cum mine, Mgr. ' Salem organizations. Mr. Mansfield Is being assisted by O. R. Daugherty, organization manager of the state farm bureau, and W. A. Crane. Thirty-four meetings will be held throughout the county at which Mr. Mans field, Claude Buchanan of Benton county, Washington; Schulmerlch of Washington county, and C. C. Payne of Morrow county will be the principal speakers. Camp Grounds Closed Today Salem's auto camp grounds cloa- court, asking that Burch be exam ed today. More than 20,000 per- lned as to his sanity, sons made uae of the ground, dur- Tag affidavits were made by ate ing the summer months, acco rdlng to figures of J. H. Albert, itiper intendent of tho grounds. The number of cars registered Is 5841 against 2619 registered last year. Oregon led all of the states with a total of 1465 cars registered, while California bad 1099 and Washington 1208 cars during the same time. Idaho cars during this time numbered 177, Colorado 70, Montana 148, Illinois 68, Ohio 45, Michigan, Oklahoma and Iowa each 34, Texaa 39, Kansas 63, Mis souri and Wisconsin 32 and Ne braska 42. The wood of which the ark was built has been Identified by many scientists as cypress. Feature Service, Inc.) patrnt Cffioe. 'i think rte OWCHT Ttt CHAN&eX TAILS uutTH THe- TRANSFER KJJOON TAXI and transfer. Lib" riy ana "erry street. .Phone T7. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. Phone 1512. over Patten book store. FINANCIAIi MARION-POLK County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. smith secretary-treasurer, 303 Balem Bank of Commerce. WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of aU kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 388, 215 Cen ter street. OARAGES CHERRY CITY garage, 170 sTiJl General repairing. AUTOMOBILE storage at $8 i. South Commercial 430 a Commercial St. rage. .838 N. High tPhone 203. Batte r 1 e recharged and repaired. Degge- Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra diator and fender specialist, 198 a. 12th St SOUTH Commercial garage, gen eral repairing. All work guaran teed. For sudden service phone 278, residence phone 1029R. Ut 8. Commercial. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding. 488 Ferry street. Phone 482. WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electrie shop, 263 N. Com'l, phone 418. R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries. starter and generator work. 171 8. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. phone 203. AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE, 404 Ferry 8t- Salem, Or. Phone 1177. COL W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer. Farm sales conducted every where. We save yo.u money on advertising. City phone 734 or nknna Tiii-nftr PPntfRl. OSTEOPATH! DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 506 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 834. "WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of- flee, corner Commercial and Trade St Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair Shop, S4T Court St. Lawn mowers grouno. G. C. PATTERSON, snoe repairing shop. 143 a. L'.oerty tw. - STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 6( years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sisei 26 to 58 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and hop hook Salem Fence and Stove Works, 158 Court street. Phone 124. BURCH TO ASK TEST OF SANITY Los Angeles, Cal., No. 1. When the case of Arthur C. lurch, indicted Jointly with Mrs. Mad lynne Obenchain for the alleged murder of J. Belton Kennedy, wal called for trial In the Bupcrlol court here today, counsel foi Burcta presented affidavits to thl i torneys ior ourcu. mcj u.i' tne application nil a sauuy isx was based upon tho "Incoherent speech and actions" of the defeagy ant during the past few days. A venire of 63 with women 18) the majority, was summoned thl8 morning for the trial before Judgg Sidney N. Reevi m the Lo An gelea superior court of Arthur 0L Burch, indicted jointly with Mrs, Madalynne Obenchain for. the afc leged murder of J. Belton Kenne dy. Drawing of a jury fr6m tblg number waa expected to take uji the greater part of the work. Mrs. Obencbaln'a trial was aUf set for today but District Attorney Thomas Lee Woolwlne announced Burch would be tried first and thjl trial of the woman defendant would be continued until the Burch case was finished. Mrs. Obenchain In a statement to the press published today ap peals to the "citizens of Los An gelea" not to "prejudge" her. She declared she knew of no "facta or cireumstancea which would in my opinion prove Arthur C. Burch guilty," and called upon Burch to take the stand and tell the truth If he had any Information or evi dence "which tends to show mo TUllty." Milk Toast Diet Too Much for Her "I doctored for year with onll temporary relief. My liver wag very bad, after eating I would al ways have such a fullness in my stomach and my heart would pal pitate. I could not eat milk toaag without distressing me. Since takN Ing course of MayTs Wonderful Remedy, more than a year ago, ( can eat anything my appetite do sires." It Is g slmpie, haimrasfj preparation that removes the CM tarrbal mucus from tho Intestinal tract oad a Trays tho tafUmmattotl which causes practically all storo seh. liver and Intestinal ailments, -rinding appendicitis. One doo4 '"' convince or money refunded. Perry. D. J. Fry aad ftrOOT-