Page Foot S Capital Joanut, Salem, Oregon 1- I rhe Capital Journal Salem. Oregon An Independent Newspaper Every evening except Sunday Telephone 81; new GEORGE PUTNAM Editor and Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES By carritr 0 cent a month By mail, in first postal eons (within SO miles of Salem) one month 60 cents, 6 months one year 14. Elsewhere year. Entered as second ciaai matter at Salem, Oregon. mail Member ASSOCIATED PRESS The Aaaoeiateri Press Is ex clusively entitled to the use for publication of all news ojs satches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this pa per and also local news pub lished herein. Tuesday, November The White-Wash The Salem Ministerial Union appointed a committee of its members to investigate news stories printed in the Capital Journal concerning the forcible seperation of children from their parents and the farminc drudges by County Judge Bushey. The report of the com mittee was adopted by the Ministerial Union without further investigation and was printed in Monday's issue. Its pre- amoie is as roiJows: Boys Smash Window Of Salem Church; 5 Will Pay For Damage Society (Continued from oagc three) W. navies and Koy Campbell. Kx tra guests tor the e veiling were Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Gregory and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patton. He freshmen's were served by the hostess, assisted by her daughter Veda Ferrell. The club will meet two weeks from Friday nlgbt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell. Home After Visit in Indiana Mrs. J. A. Carr returned on Friday evening from Indiana where she made a visit of two months. The illness which over took Mrs. Carr while she was way was overcome and she 1b now well again, making the trip home by herself. Attend Realtors' Meeting in Eugene Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mills were among those who attended the meeting of the State Realtors' association meeting In Eugene last week end. Part of their enter tainment Included a banquet, s trip to the University of Oregon campus and through the various buildings. Your commitee beg to report that bdth individually and collec tively they investigated the case of the Perry children and other complaints made against Judge Bushey and the Deaconess hospital and that they find these criticisms absolutely without foundation. How thorough this investigation was can be surmised from the fact that none of the investigators visited the parents' home and none of them knows its location. None of the investigators interviewed the Barents of the children or took any steps to ascertain their ability to take care of their offspring. None of the investigators interviewed any of the immedi ate neighbors of the family or made any effort to get at the tacts by personal inquiry from them. None of the investigators called upon the Capital Journal i . . . - m - to submit proof of its charges or attempted to learn facts 1530 some in its rvAfl;n thr,h r 1.1 u. v. u.j ivi' """ uy """en they were a sa vw vuuiu UUVC UVt.II 11UU J. JL LliC II WPH T r iiHKing The Hallowe'en spirit so far ac-i before Hayden put in an appear- celorated certain Salem youths' ance- last night that they fell la the1 Mrs' M" Ranssen. hand. nt , a.t. I Badway, complained that v"c. Ie . -r,h.rt o rr-ir thrmiirh a were ln" custody by front window of her home. The umcer White after a comolalnt missile had struck the chair in had been received from the which she had been sitting. The Evangelical chnrch that it. boV8 were not to be found by log was being disturbed and that Havden- somebody had broken a church A 1'snt at the corner of Twen window. tieth and Trade streets had been Five youths who were rounded nut nt by small boys. Hayden, up and taken to the station by called again, responded. There Patrolman White gave their names AVas n0 sign of small boys. as Raymond Van Water, 824 N Boys, the report came, were Front; Cecil McMahon, 791 N. stringing wires across the side Front; Curtis Townsend, 240 D walk at the corner of Church and street; Edwin Eby and Willis Ferry streets. Again Hayden Eby, 782 N. Front; aiid Sam jumped on his motorcycle. Neith- Manmng, svi y. Commercial. er the wires nor the boys awaited .finer tne Doys had been ques him. Mrs. John go after they had nrnm- isea to pay for the window. K. Nelson, 1726 S. High street, complained that boys if iv . w were tearing up ana exchanging xiow thorough or impartial is an investigation which is con- Man complaints having to do trt ai. hvh ,,,. tht CI 1 A l-l , . i, H' 1 1 h T.T-.11.. -. . x. . ""' "-"J mv.u '"uu iineu to listening to one side of a case and refuses a sauar: . activities were re deal to the other? - ITZl.I ,,?..p "nd the work The Commit.i-.Pe rpnnrt in,l.Woc W U S "1 "l".." was con- street, said somebody shot a - 3 au.wenug JjOl porch. hearsay and unsubstantiated gossip inspired by interested calIa of Hallowe'en victims parties. The haste in its adoption was Drobablv due to desiro - Mrs- ?harIes Maxwell, 6 Ir. ,V,ita.n,0l, nff!;A ' I ' wenty-rifth w n-uiwu UlllUaiUUIIl, To correct any misunderstandiner amornr the minisrpra nr the public, the Capital Journal wishes to make plain its position : it is actuaded by no animus aarainst Judo-P RusVipv or the Mennonite hospital. Its motives are simply to re medy what it believes is official abuse and to correct in- usuce. it nas no other mo ivp nr intovoat ir, --' " - WW All W1C WKJC. the acts of a county official are nroner subiect fnr pr,t,v. sm, though we believe in this instance that Judo R.isW was imposed upon and is standing nat. on tho th the court can do no wrong. The treatment arr-nrHpri vi.,1 children by those to whom they are entrusted for care as iuoiic cnarges is also proper subject for investigation. xue vapuai journal is opposed to the principle of taking ill ( con frnm naronta qKIq f. .;, e n , . l. ' uiuviuc 1UI I M I'm PYfont urhaw mmorality and criminality are involved. It ia principle to farming out children as drudges for penurious liersons to exploit. through a window at her home. Officer Victor, who in- 590 S. vestierated. was nf th nnlnlnn that street, said that i, i , , , j. i 1 juuio utiu ueeu maue witn a in I,; ' , " 1,Rht" "n'KBcr" shooter or sling-shot. able tn fi,7;k was un- several youths were searched for M.I fii the eI"8lTe Jd' !such a wipon. but none could be it.!.? "ragert Z4 IV. found. L.lTl'Ba,d SmaU werei Poce said that no serious dam "5" ans on oer front age was done hv The lads had disappeared workers. cation had begun. Thi man , Willamette university which told was persistent. I did not know' 'heir meetings regularly upon to whom, of all the unseeing Wednesday nights, namely the crowd, I could appeal for rescue "restopninan, Phlladorlan and In fact. I was not sure that rescue was demanded. D:i lighter Born to Mr. end Mn. Upjohn A daughter was born on Run day, October 30, to Mr. and Wn John H. I'pjohn. Artisan Will Have Partv Thursday The Artisans will give a Hal lowe'en parly on Thursday night t the Odd Fellows hall. Hew Son Born to Mr and Mn. Chamber! Mr and Mrs. ). T. PhamborB are parents of a baby son born Oc tober 2!5. He has boen named Richard Frederick. What's New On The Market By Bex Stewart Merchants are pushing their ales on apples this week walcu is being xnown an over the n tiun as National Apple week There are tw varieties on the market, Jonathans taking the pre dominant place in point of quantl ty, and starks Delicious apples toi Quality. The tatter ia selling for 3 bushel, special pack, while the former with Vauderpool Iteds and Vlnceups are selling from $1.25 to tl.75 a bushel, orchard run There seems to be a great quanti ty of applea this year, but a scare Ity of first grade stuff. Decause of rain storms along the coast, crabs are short In sup ply. The rain In bays and harbors aiutes more fresh water than the rah finds for Its comfort and forces him back Into the sea, thus snaking the catch of the fisher snen small during and shortly af ter heavy rain. The retail price fcl around 40 and 45 cents each. Flour went down tu centa on the sack at the end of last week. Jtastern hard wheat flour Is ow telling for IS. SO a sack, general ly, wfctle the prN of valley flour, whleh contains some nara wheat, ta ft TO Brands and Individual tores, however, must be taken lu te consideration when purchases are made. There ts little demand for tripe fruit. Florida grapefruit at 10 eats each la s little too high for Ike avers consumer, while tha California fruit, at two for a Charter, is la such poor condition Mat tha demand for It Is small fSiMTJ this week because nf tha iani,,. Perhaps the man Dr. E. T. Divlnn i thought he had met me. I that evening In Vv ttlamette ch.nei "Go way, go way. I never Haw1 you before in my life," i pleads Proposed Bate Snsnendert devoutly wishing I had waited The proposed new rates of the iiis. waiKlns. Freedom and Multnomah f!n.nMMil Alone in a Great City As the iqntlre suite was oc cupied in whole or In part by Mrs. Watklns. her babv. the nurae and their baggage. I had a feellna 1 smllc1 a bit to myself. , . learning fast. mat i was paying more-man my would be so nice for you to wait in the taxi with the baby while we bought the things that I have told her we need fur ih. .i independence did not seem to me Users association were Hnun.v,,io.i as alluring as I had imagined. , hv the public service commission Seeing a traffic officer at thel Monday, pending an Investigation ...,jU m Aaams street and '"to tneir reasonableness "ouievara, I started for hi in. "Here, come back," said the man without. raising his voice "I Wme?,"-: 1 ... CrosSineInve.ti?atod TAX LEVY FOR FAIR OPPOSED Declaring Its opposition to the imposition of any further tax levies on the farmers of Oregon, whom thev declare are now "taxed to the limit," the Marion County Pomona grange, in session at Stayton adopted a resolution declaring its unalterable opposi tion to the proposed tax levy of one mill to aid in. financing the 1925 World Fair in Portland. The text of the resolution adopt ed is as follows: 'Whereas: a movement has been inaugurated, and an organ ization is being perfected to hold a World's Fair at Portland In 1925 and the Governor of Oregon is being importuned to call special session of the legislature to submit to the voters of Oregon a measure for a one mill tax for the years of 1922-23-24 to raise three million dollars to partly finance said Fair, and "Whereas: said three million dollars Is only about one-half the amount the proposed Fair would cost the tax payers of the state of Oregon, and "Whereas: the farmers of this State are now taxed to the full limit, and beyond their ability to pay, many of the most fertile farms in the best farming sections already paying their full rental value In taxe;s, and "Whereas: any additional tax levy at this t(me can only serve to aggravate ah already grevious, burden placed upon the farmer, and ultimately lead to the con fiscation of farm homes and the demoralization and final destruc tion of the most fundamental and essential of all productive indus tries, and Whereas: it is the open and confessed plan of the promoters of this proposed Fair to bring people here from other states to shoulder our tax burdens upon, to induce outsiders to invest their money in real property that we no longer find it no.wihla The I tha (ovDO i uspenslon is effective until Apri.f '.wheTeas ZhTL.T jtime financially unsound and ernicaiiy indefensible, is at thel the lads had disappeared, i Mrs. W. F. Shank, 1550S. Lib- Hallowe'en Websterian soclties. will not meet Hens On PoKc Farm Average 200 Eggs a Year Dallas, Or., Nov. 1. Probably no branch of the 'arm In Polk county has developed with more rapidity than the poultry Indus try, and in some localities where the trap nest system is pursued re markable records are shown. B. T. Merrill, owner of what ia known as the Shadows Poultry & Berry Farm southeast of Mon mouth, has established a record with his pen of White Leghorns that is worthy of more than pass ing comment. His breeding flock consisting of 174 hens have made; a record average of 200 eggs. This, he says, does not include unidenti fied eggs, and persuming that some of these should bo recorded and credited to the hens on test, the average would go considerably above what the records really show. The yearly average each for a pen of ninety bens i.-: 222, and his best laying hen is said to have produced 251 eggs during the laying year.. At the present mar ket price of eggs thi3 hen has yielded more than 50 for the year. ine record wb made in 316 days. Out of a pen of 3S3 birds he has lost only four by death or other causes. The entire (lock pro ducing an average of more than 200 eggs each for the year, it would be a matter of most extreme difficulty to convince Mr. Merrill that the White Leghorns are not the bast producers c HI e over A.. - la Great Britain. ,m M Cod-liver oil ia !.... as potent in fw, iH COUNT ON CALUMET it. i ine mi i p on.i,.J .-,, , , - ' 'vi, l-lMJllll (SSH'Il " "V neao a little and found "as instituted a tornial investiga- my annoyer had gone. don into the condition existing at -n 1 t00k " more cnancen. 'he grade crossing in Imbler on Officer, I am a stranger In Chi- which two bovs were cenii un cago and I guess I am lost. Where ?d when the truck In which thev i Bet a taxi In take me in were ridinr .- t-,-.,..i. i... ... r Field's and then back to the Ton-' train, gress Hotel?" Tne investigation is called for I was1 win u ' ' IhPle e DurPse of determining wueth- There Is nnl . """"" "y minute.- , er conditions justify an order , e. thlnir tn dn i .ki. TT' 1 "e great, good-natured six- qulrlne the tnBtan0.i share of the hotel bill when I thai -f A - u ana tooter looked down on me nrote, - live A "ru:w:" -- " uu . iir vni rci r " u . . . - m auu Jit ii;i r;i r in ungiy anu in a moment he had hailed a passing taxi. nere, out, take this yonncr Lnnlr ... t .. was asked to pay half. It seem- "ul- lur "",rBe" ed strange, too, for Mrs. Watklnn' j? . " 1 went out of the remarks had Indicated that her " lne s,re' ""at Chlca- famlly was one of wealth. For ' ' . llonateiy and slanglly Instance, she had bemoaned the , ouI M,ch fact that she had been unable to 1 " Y'ry "eautirul -this Mlchl secure a drawing room on the "" Boulevard of the great city train. Consequently 1 marveled UB mmaie west. Over across i-.R iay -tne great Inland As I walked past some of most beautiful fl r.-ti if aft ,, .... I was awed at tha present time litle less confisca tory to the legitimate business Interest of the state, therefore be it nesoived, by Marlon County t-omona Orange in regular session at Stayton October 19, 1921, that we are unalterably opposed to taxing the people of Oregon to hold a Worlds Fair at Portland In 1925. "J. E. WHITEHEAD, Master "EVA T. JONES, Sec'y." thut she was so anxious to sava few dollars through me when she did not even know whether I hud money enough to carry me nlnnp when T trnt tn I .nm Anrelei I have found since that this Dtore Utile Idiosyncrasy Is quite preva the sea.' the In America skyscrapers as stopped before naa never seen At Orchestra Hall I advertisements of lady to Field's and wait for her he said as he was putting me In "And see that you deliver hei back to the Congress Hotel safei . if you don't want me to run you in when you pass here again And again he smiled at me In a fatherly manner. Tomorrow Westward Ho! ul i -ni Mary Plrkford in .. I ichi niuuug nuniiiif vHllllr l . mc iniesi pic- , - u'ck or two further on pride themselves un some pecu liar economy as an excuse tor some willful extruvugunen. Mrs. Watklns was a charming woman, but she could no more help malt History Class Visits Cha IliDfJ eg If your child rata ravenously at times and at other times has no appetite at afl. look out tor worms. White's Pream Vermifuge to tha rvmafr to tne. It clears than oat rrtre. Ik-. Sold by Daal J. 9ry. (4) IOVDOK HTJT CTX)STD Ixindon. Vov 1, The last of the wMlers' and sallora' huts, the "Afl Welcome" hut. whleh will he remembered to thmtsandj of America- "daughbnra" who visited ati' Hnn durine the war. la closed It ns situated near Victoria sta tion and had served meals to tVJMS.ttO service men and pro 4 beds to the number of t" r. soldiers and sailors of all ennld una i' ...i, Vr.A A aUllllU ' ' '" on the screen Ine one of her great emotional roles Tn. consciously I held mv h.-i . h. Under the direction nf Prnfess.,, Ing me contribute liberally to her "'gner, ror I had alreedy, lniR- Gatke the Willamette unlver hotel expense that she could help niy own mind. Joined the proce- ln Oregon history yes-i breathing. 8he had made up her "'on ,n which these women were ' 'erday afternoon and evening an-1 mind that I was not her social , leders. joyed an outing to Oregon's hlstm equal and consequently she had oume nay my name will l.e lal point Champoag. Frances M no compunction In exploiting me. , 1,1 beautiful boulevard : Itlchards, dean or Willamette wu-. I said nothing about it, although 1 immersed in dav dream-.! me". and Professor John R. M. I have since found It Is always' " nBl are you saying, dearie?". Cormlck, of Kimball achool of much batter to simply stand on 1 did not know I had voiced theology, were chaperons. Mr. one's rights when being impose m' ret ambition. I turued and Mrs. Ward K. KM is, parents of upon. rrT pallid youth with Dorothy Ellis, who is a student in I did enjoy my hatb. however. ""7!V,el e"8 was grinning with Willamette, also attended the pic nd I determined to be out of the . ,BC close to mine. nlc. otel before Mrs. Watkiiw mer- , ' talked on a little faster. Professor Oatke's reason for ged from here. Dretnid for tha aaa be In such a .Vurrv. having the trip to Chamnoeg la net, I presented inself lo the """neart. When did you come 'hat this is the point at whlch-the urw and said: "Tell Mrs. Wat ,. ,.,' . provisional government of Oregon Ins 1 am going to end soma tele- L.nuI tnn I had not noticed, waa formed. The historical ualnt- rum and do some shopping. It ,UV my clothes, while neat an.l ln of the rroun nf men in h. ... ... . n hap I . i - ' is rooiisn for either ot us to wait '" "woming. upon the other when w hava so ",Bn""i me as a short time tn the cltv. I exnect country. lo meet her bere at luncheon. . 1 un t Know you," I snannerf the students but if anything should happen ""W luiekenlng my pace r.I- that I cannot get here at one a run. clock tell her not to wait for e"- 'ou do. I met vou M me. me para yesterday." "But Miss Winston, I am sure 1 w" thoroughly frightened Mrs. Watklns Intended you to go oa Michigan Boulevard at alaven shopping with us. She aald It o'clock in the morning! My edu- Delegates To Hold Rank of Ambassadors wasuington, Nov. 1. The rank oi ambassador was given Monday to the American delegates appoint- ' y tne president to represent uie umted states at the forthcom ing conference on limitation of armament and discussion of Pa cific and Far Eastern questions. Made Girl Hop. neaumont, Texas, Nov. 1. Two small boys took a crutch away from little Marguerite Walter, who has only one leg, because they wanted to see her hop." The judge who tried the case, because of the youth of the offenders, rec ommended a warm application of the paternal hand where It would do tha most good. Ask Increase In Phone Rates Application for an Increase in telephone rates was filed with the public service commission this morning by the Home Independ ant Telephone company of La uraude. The application calls at tention to auditions and improve ments just completed to the La L,rande plant involving an expend iture of $80,000, on which addi tional capital, it is claimed the present sates do not yield an ade quate return. A new tariff involving an in rease in the rates on one nartv residence service from 11.75 tn 12.25 a month was filed bv th Mc.Minnville Local & Long Dis tance Telephone company to be come effective December 1 unless ne commission shall intervene in ne meantime. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY unerrlr.glv girl from the of voting whether Oregon should become a part of United States or of Great Britain was viewed bv A picnic supper was eaten at Champoag, the party not return lng to Salem until 10 p. m. The trip was made by automobile there being 10 cars used. Forty people tn all attended. The men's literary societies of Bringing Up Father By George McManuaT JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY afV " """" "r" f Rl grand mat. and right 11 BBaBaaBtaaaaBBBBi 1 8t SEATS NOW 5E LLlTjGSf ll . A2 -,UO e yC TF you want every -L bake-dav to be a success if you want positive results at an economical cost use and depend on CALUMET BAKING POWDER Bakings are always uniform m the millions 1 . . a a. oi nomes wnere it is used. Everything served is just right tender. 1 ight, perfectly raised and thoroughly wholesome. Failures are unknown. Guard the purity of your bakings use Calu met It's pure in the can pure in the bakine. Contains only such in gredients las have been officially approved by the United btatesFureFood Authorities. Order Calumet today ft will pay. Underwear The Real Tett The real test of your av derwear comes after the first washing. Is CUT size. So R. A Underwenr SHRUNK not R. A. fits you as long at ft lasts and It lasts for tat or three seasons if nron. rly washed. Tha finest of cotton, tat perfect seams, the roa forcemeat at points wham the strain comes, tha geo. eroos fullness at th nipt and bust all this meant wear and comfort Made for women and thfl. dren In medium and hstvj weight unions or septnoi garments. Ask Tour Detitr A C ROULETTE A SONS HAGMSTOWN, MIX of K.A.I aS o.can iMteado 16 oa. case. B - , pons wnea yon mat H m o Calumet oontalm fall j O oa. Some bakma po wdera rnaaalii 12 oi.can. instead of 16 ea. exam at A Top irom this Shop k AT.WAVS a ton made of tM ... i iU finest materials, noutaw built and expertly design! If you want your cari iop to be of the best you are sured of real satisfaction & having us make it. "Our prices are right, workmanship the best" HULL'S TOP SHOf T. C. WOOD, Manager. 271 Chemeketa St., Phone 8 Salem, Ore. LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 1868 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. rue. noot i ittin full OF Mmokf a - - - . v ,,v XZD XOUR VIFE t. ORDERS MR- r JL OiX COL LY -THE HCM c SMELLS Uakfe. A LMJNDRvf. ir- CHOKlM" FROm THAT bMOKE Copyright 1920 by H. C. FlsherTTade marlTieg. v. g. Pt. ot7- i . r n 10 I OH'. WELL - WOMEN L- FOISNX tOEAC THEbE OAV-b- FAR eEl T rRcsrvi sat C . . PUT OOT THAT C,AR - DO YOU WAIST TO iET HOOtE. FOLL WW I f4 pi I NJJ THE IK NAT. WANT ADS PKT ?J5S prT"" tvict. late