'age Ten The Capital Journal, Saleto, Oregon Friday, October 28, 1921 Japanese liner Sunk In Storm Cape Flattery Seattle. Wah., Of -The dwtehter Yet Ivan - jteed- fWC toward Yokohama today with Hkm crew and passengers of the JMgMuteM Ship Fultui ifara report ed unk last night in a hurricane IWW mil weat of Cape Flattery, Utah. Radio messages pickad up item last night described the Mk, but gate no details and tamer words was lacking this The Fukui Mara, a Teasel of W7 tons, was owned by the Ya fJMflilU Kisen Kaisha. Shs was proceeding to Kobe, but had turn ed ack toward Seattle several days ago, in a disabled ooodltton, according to wireless reports. News that she had foundored was sent by the West Ivan early Ms morning. All aboard were reported saved. The Fukui Mam lis telle ved to have carried u small Manber of passengers. Shantung Case Probe Refused Pekln, Oct. It. Dr. Yen, the Cbttieoe foreign secretary, has ar rested the demand of certain pub lic 'bodies for an explanation of bis alleged desire, expressed to Yukl eho Bata, the Japanese minister, to enter Into negotiations with re gard to the Shantung controversy and of the statement that Chinese officials had confidentially sent to the Japanese government terms lor a settlement of the Issue. Mr. Yen denied the charge. He said the Chinese government would Shortly Issue a statement to the newspapers In an endeavor to clear the government of the charges. The- ivkin leader, In an editor ial says that it will be Impossible to hold the flhantung negotiations ta either Pekin or Toklo. It sug gests that the delegates to the ap proaching Washington conference confer Informally anrj settle the matter tentatively and that the conference on Pacific questions endorse the settlement or arbi trate the matter. Pershing Will Welcome Focr New York, Oct. 18. Racing . top speed the liner George Wash ington was expected to arrive a; quarantine by ll o'clock thl. morning In ampletlme to permi General Pershing to head the wei coming party that will greet Mar shal Ferdinand Foch, when tht famous generalissimo of the allied armies arrives for a tour of Amer ica. Marshal Foch s steamer, the Parts, was reported early this morning as nearly 100 miles be hind the George Washington. An army tag went down the bay to Uke General Pershing off at quar antine. Twelve destroyers went out to meet the Paris and escort her in to port. The marshal Will leave late tu the day for Washington, where tomorrow be has a luncheon engagement with the president j and Mrs. Harding. He win leave Sunday for Kansas City to attend the American Legion convention after which he plans an extended tour. Standard 03 Gets Czech Fields Prague, Oct. 28. Contracts giving the Standard Franco-American Oil company of Paris exclu sive rights in developing oil ter ritory throughout the greater part of Czechoslovakia have been ap proved by the cabinet. This firm Is a subsidiary of the Standard Oil company of New Jersey. Cold Gray Dawn Morning After Declares Schwab Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 28 Charles M. Schwab, addressing the annual banquet of the National Paint, Oil & Varnish association last night, said he was not alarm ed about business depression. "We have been on a great spree, and we are in the cold gray dawn of the morning after," he said. "The business depression will place us In a firmer, surer position tor the future." Florida Storm Damage Is Set At 5 Millions Tampa, Fla., Oct. 28. Property lamage in that section of the Flor da peninsula sw pt Tuesday by be tropical hurricane is estimated at H, 800,800 by Insurance men here who hare been analyzing re ports reaching Tampa from other lections. The damage in Tamna is estimated at between $1,500,000 and 12.000,000. The known death list today stood at five, which In cluded two at St. Petersburg and three in Tampa and vicinity. Never before in the memory of the oldeet inhabitants of this sec tion of the state have the means of communication been so seriously Interrupted. Bridges are out. highways are under water In low places and washed awav in others and telephone and telegraph com munication is paralyzed. Reports from all sections tell of heavy damage to citrus fruit and track crops, estimates ranging from a loss of from fifty to sixty per cent In the coastal regions of PlnneMas county, down to frcsu five to ten per cent In Orange aad Polk counties. Reichstag Votes Confidence In Wirth Cabinet Berlin, Oct. 27. The German reichstag, having voted confidence in the new cabinet, whose pees sonnel was announced yesterday by Chancellor Wirth, baa adjourn ed session until November S. Before adjourning the retchstag rejected by a vote of 213 to 152 a resolution presented by the Ger man national and German peoples nasties vigorously protesting against the recent decision of the eooncll of the league of nations on the partition of Upper Silesia. Umpqua Brocoli j Men Organize To Find Cash Market Roeeburg, 0 , Oct. 27. An or ganization to te known as the Umpqua Valley Broccoli Growers, in., was authorized today by the reoeipt of a charter and permission to sell stock, which will be dis- nrwed of to members at the rate of one share far each acre of broccoli : represented in the organization The very elements essential to hair health and abundant growth are supplied by Hair Tonics For oilv scslp Marincllo Oilv Tonic. For dry scalp Marinello Dry Tonic, For cleansing scalp Follicle Lotion. Irene Scott 125 N. Hieh Phone 1690 THEY STEP WITH PEP: OH BOY! 12 REED'S JOYLAND REVUE MUSICAL COMEDY Singing Dancing Stepping GIRLS Adults 35c Children 10c Bligh Today Tomorrow 3D The organization Is In the nature of a co-operative exchange and baa as its purpose the creating of a cash market at Roseburg for the Umpqua valley broccoli crop. Many growers are dissatisfied with the present method of ship ment, which has. caused tbem to stand heavy losses In the past, and are desirous that a local market be established. They have corre spondence from buyers willing to buy the crop here for cash, and this plaa probably will be followed in disposing of the 122 crop. At the present time growers repre senting 240 acres have signed up with the exchange. The present estimate on the coming crop Is 200 cars. Deputies Fight Gun Battle With Bandits; One Dead Council Bluffs, Iowa, Oct. 27. Sheriffs deputies on guard In a store here, about 6 o'clock this morning, engaged In a gun battle with a gang of robbers who broke Into the place. One robber, not fully Identified, but belivZT7 a well known police character killed. ' Sheriff W. A. Gronp... identified the man killed tn . battle here early today as Diauminiw, mm, me dead m, figured In the Omaha court riots two years ago and was ltt. aiciea lor arson in mat connection nil wa. never prosecuted. AnntHitr man nmmA 1. - . ,, 0iMlej was eapturea. JOURNAL. WANT ADS PAT JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT " We've At The Electric Sign "SHOES" Reached Our GoaL-The Best Values In Town suits and overcoats $25 to $55 There's no compromise in the making of gar ments produced at thin store. Neither time, ef fort, or expense Is spared to produce the best gar ments In town at the price. Simply we go the limit to give the men and young men the greatest values In years. We know we're succeeding, judging from the response. Scotch Woolen Mills 426 STATE STREET SALEM, ORE. J he Ubrue jot, UiAed cbeet ! ARCH-TONE SHOE SMART STYLE. PERFECT COMFORT At The Electric Sign "SHOES" "What will I wear these rainy days?" Tweed-O-Wool COATS AND SUITS Are damp-proof will, not wrinkle or . bunch always look new and neat. They are the ideal wet weather garments. They keep you warm and dry and always looking neat. Inexpensive, too. Suits $25.00, $32.50, $35.00 Coats $35.00, $45.00. $50.00 VALITON'S 415 State Street 114 North Liberty Street. FASHIONS IN FURS At Value-Giving Prices The secret of Beautiful Furs lies in the matching of superior skins. That is a task in itself and involves con siderable time and money but it offers vou the finest kind of Furs. Having made our purchases with this in view, we are prepared to offer our customers unusually Attractive Furs at prices considerably below those of a year ago. In many instances the reductions are so great as to Drove a huge surprise. WVre ready with one of the finest stocks we've shown in years. WEST FUR CO. 521 COURT ST. I PHONE 1628 NEW PLAID SKIRTS You just can't afford to pass up these new plaid Skirts at $4.98 Our Prices Always the Lowest They are the new all wool velours in the large and small plaids as well as narrow and wide pleats. Fashion color combinations in blue and brown, tan and brown, black and white Specially Priced $4.98 GALE fir CO. If Price and Quality Counts with you it will pay you to try the Midget. We have been forced to engage extra help, which goes to show that the public appreciate our efforts to sell the very choicest at prices within reason. Judging from the prices asked, some markets don't seem to have heard that the "wrar is over." If what you want is not quoted here, call in nd get our price and see the quality. SPECIAL ROUND STEAK ROASTS Delicious for "Swiss Steaks" 18c lb. FANCY SIKLOIN STEAK 15c lb. COMPOUND No. 5 Pail. 50c LEG OF PORK Center Cuts 22c lb. If you want any Salmon get it now before the season closes. FANCY SALMON, whole fish 9c lb. Prime oung MUTTON CHOPS 8c lb. CHOICE MUTTON STEW 4c lb LEGS OF MUTTON 1 2 1 -2c lb. UMECO 25c lb. Just Arrived FAT ALASKA HERRING MIDGET MARKET Originators of Low Prices 351 State Street NOT IN THE COMBINE I