itfant Ads That Deliver The Goods at u ..Mi TT nr .; ft cWU BlinUra P.nlv in New To " w ler"0B S advance. J J" phone, unle. S not taken 'vej unt V,, uhone er. iBr noms room, heal, ,741K. In 'A garage as g258 POTATOES - -rTT wagon witn 236 B2 IDQUH- Rd9 iSr-""8 r0" ' jib. ro?ir st: s KBBaleu h I'lione i" ' c259 BTc.,.ening room, fur- 235 nion St. V?- Co. - :uTT passenger e- i ' k. Adams .it'-; -SSfrbleepi.i"roum t tri 2E3,rr4! ""SS if Phone l-!" rtSffiBuTp-rtment. one room and , J269 stoaPni.'l' , ,XriiVery JfSPJo driung delivery ,;,r or tru. h258 party jtRXITLBr. . w w g Joul. renting 257 FLR- " W I Need-am. Capital close to- 2 57 rkftglj?": TT-Tk at ggSu for ,be Glove factory, 14 O" Garage, State and Front. -Floor space tor 5nH RENT- rtorage or paint shop. 2-1 257 -rrTlTlhree room fOB Kt..y an..,.tnient modern, furnished ap.irtmei 2011 8Uteflt. ee282" hour. with building, 'e ten K West. S70V4 State SL 251 iTSjCBm'and pocket book con- MBtal.? P O order " Kjn,1fr please leave at C'tP'1 JsuntaL . TfF CW TRADE your house lor Li or cloae in acreage. See us Sy. K' "lor8' State lt. 82 - FOR SliTE-5-year "' Jersey cow fresh last April, rich rrdlk 1 H gallon, per day, gentle, broke to U.honeJ4K21. e259 gMALi ooliiraHlied house for rout. Also one good sleeping room. 441 N. High, phone 1673J full SALE 6 room house on S. Winter reet at a bargain. Price jlSOO, terms. Krueger, Realtor, Ores onbldg. a2 5 8 WE need 109 more women, steady wk. AddIv at omce. ivn.i, Fond Products Co., Front street 25T (0 0. A. C. yearling hens, 68 pul lets and 4 cockerels for sale. John W. Yates, Rt. 4, near fee bleminded. f259 F IALE or trade, 1920 OldsmobiU light ilx, consider light car. In Lee Eyerly, 24 State St. q25 IWANT some good listings of cheap houses. Can assure quick ale. Ben F. West. 370 State tlreet. 2 57-. WE can a complete line of foun tain p. rts and pencils. All pens nd pencils guaranteed. H. M. Sandeison, Capital drug store. 257 BIGH school student wishes a (ilace to work after school and evenings to help pay his w.'' through school. References. Box X Z Capita Journal. h28! JOR SALE -Psed parts for all models Maxwell cars; these parts are Just a good as new at half price. Ciingrich Motor Co., 371 Court St. phone 635; q TOR SALE Donkey engine in good repair, cheap for cash, or fll trade for house and pay cash difference. Thomason. 331 V4 .Jtoejstreet; c25 BEDS, chairs, gas range, refrlger ttsr, rugs, tables and all kinds ,f furniture, must be eold at sacrifice. Inquire 913 N. Summer -It. C258 TOR SALE or trade, for good milk e two fine heifers, two year, freshens soon; one yearling. Adl dr Unify Williams, Gen. Del. JBalem, Or. e258 AITOMORILE reporting nt reduc ed rates, work guaranteed. Our ences are lia;tit. ye give you the twnefit. Day and night service. ai'chrtdt & Kerr, 19th and - "a'e. q259 late N BUNGALOW $ rooms , with Dot eh kitchen, full cement i asfn.ent. garage and paved street. ' rrke $3500. u. n.h i n -n. 2th. R Oreonbldg. Mohney, 09 2S7 rot SALE "oose with two seres of garden, ? west end of Oram street, for M,em property. Frank Novak, ner, Lebanon. Or box 47. 257 -Weii ;irnv a . 0R SALB- ei J HI w hous.-. barn, or ZJ' imnTients and stock -ith or without. Seven miles east Salem. I). Kleen, phone 41 FH fft- M59 FlPUfr... . ew . rrRN'T1N-1 ton ew .se to put on at $2 to! ag ar.,1 all other farm work t livint nrio. TV. r,C.i, """P. 253 Ch'wn.1... o. .. ... !jwL A"r,1RILEBARGAIN Jt 4 cylinder 5 ,, etsdeha.,. c passenger trfe Mri.. tna ""a- elre- Still, i1 "tarter, spotlight. a Y ,r.'.' ptc This ear Is ' 1 roTn.l,!- . .. oly nit IT" " tne price is Adams 36!. q2S8 W XT , -,-,1 w, f" re have 41 , T r(M1 - room e-itir -,- OA We, fr:" .0n "aved road, t "fy m- A mr,a r. fm . - uome and i nt. s. ... - - a c -v -w-i rV"v tr,ore t " - " wt "r" rou. lis " ,M court St. b2S8 NEW TODAY TO RBNT t room modern furn ished bouse close In. Also four room unfurnished apartment down town. Socolofsky, Realtors, 841 Stat. 37' WILL, TAKE NORTH SALEM lota near Advent church as part pay on Improved Salem Heights acreage. Socolufuky, Realtors, 341 State, W GOOD 8 room bungalow, very thin, modern, on paved street, close In. A first class buy for the money. See Ben V. West, 870 State St. 0 257 A SNAP 26 acres, food 5 room house and barn, all In cultiva tion, on pared road 5 miles from Salem, for only $50uU; (1500 down, balance terms. This must be soldyln 10 days. See Ben J". West!70 1 V4 State St. 257 SOLDIERS LOAN If jou have $1500 cash to put with $3000 soldiers Joan, you can get 10 acres bearing logans south of Salem and 14 mile off Pacific highway. R. A. Mohney, 209 Oregon bldg. 257 1920 FORD roadster with a $35 delivery bed on back, large steer ing wheel, foot accelerator, shock absorbers, spot light, runs and looks like new. Call 880 ask for Turner, 185 S. Commercial St. q259 SPECIAL PRICE $1250 will buy 4 room cottage, good condition, plastered, electric lights, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, barn near pavement and car line. Al most like finding It. Terms. $500 down. 8. R. Pearson, 210 and 211 U. S. bonk. b!df. a 6 ROOM. 1 story plastered house on Center street, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3 bed rooms, bath, toilet, porch, gas. electric lights, fruit, etc. Paved street, cement walks. Price $3400 Chsh to handle $700 balance $45 and Interest per month. See L. A. Hayford, Realtor, 305 State street. a EXTRA SPECIAL 5 acres and dandy 5 room bungalow 3-4 mile from car line, on good road, all under cultivation and. good soil, variety fruit, good barn and poultry house. The Improve ments are worth the money. This place will look good to you. It 1h one of the best we have offered this year for the price, $2200, terms $1500 or less down. S. R. Pearson. 210-211 U S. bank bldg. FOR rheumatism. Tame back, sore throat, soreness of the chest, use Old Scotch Liniment, for sale by Perry's Drug store, Salem, South Commercial street. A strong rec ommendation: "I never could find any remedy to do much good until I got to using Old Scotch Liniment. I won't be without it. it has cured me of a lam,- back, also relieved me of rheuma tism wonderfully, I have lived in the vicinity of Sllverton and Salem the most of my life; I will answer all questions." Thom as sackett. Silverton, Or. 2S7 For Sale Houses FOR SALE 9 room house, easy a260 terms. Phone 2087W; FOR SALE 6 room plasterea house, full basemnt. s.a in. sum street. BUY NOW 8 room house ana bath, 10 blocks from where we are located. Price with furniture only $2299. For real bargains see Krueger, Realtor, Oregon bldg. " - a257 FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, built In features, nice large bath, fireplace, all kinds of flowers and shrubbery. Price $21. terms. D. E. Hart. 208 Orsgon bldg For Sale Farms A SMALL PAYMENT will handle, ; 25 acres all under cultivation, good 5 room house, good barn, close to Salem, on paved road. Price $4800. Laflar & Laflar, 406 Oregon bldg. . b258' FOR SALE 20 acres of fine fruit soil all under cultivation, gooa drainage. Price $2500, $400 down, balance easy terms, t per cent interest. W. H. Orabenhorst & Co., 175 State street. 257. FOR SALE At a bargain, b acres cleared, good bungalow, out buildings .orchard, 15 minutes walk to ear line, fine roads. Call 1331 Rural Ave. FARM FOR TRADE FARM FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT Beautiful 10 acre tract 5 miles out, good buildings, $50, close to Pacific highway. Mages, cor ner State and Commercial over Buslck's. n THE best Income producing ranch in the valley, 230 acres miles from Salem, 30 acres of prunes. 140 acres seeded to fall grain, 8 room modern house, eleetrlc pow er, good oat buildings, fully equipped with stock, tools and machinery. Very easy terms. Laf lar & Laflar. 40S Oregon bldg. MM GET A HOME III acres good, deep soil, on Salem-Dallas high way; part clearerd. some timber, plenty of buildings for chickens, other buildings. $3500, terms. Also 9 acres good soil, all culti vated, good bungalow. Iota of out buildings. 3 miles east, good lo cation; Immediate possession. Brown, over Busick's store. State and Commercial phone 559. b FOR SALE 10 acres, stx acres under plow, balance timber and stumps; 1 horse, 1 cow, 12 pigs, about 170 sacks potatoes, H acre strawberries. ft It) chickens, five low. wood shed, win- j room 1 iinkr:. aers wooa an in; mir ..m chicken house and full farm tools. Price $3500. half cash, bal- ance aood terms; half mile south owner. ' " 0258 For Sale Miscellaneous APPLES delivered. Phone 4F2. cISl SAlrT, JT?? ' GOOD cabbatre for kraut 2 Vie. 404 9. 16th. C2S7 POIt SALE Buck range, kitchen cabinet and other articles, phone .,.. T -o ,28-7J - FOR SALE At a bargain, two 3- mantel gas office globe light at Capital Journal office FOR SALE tins C Melody nhone far 1 1 7 5 ft Phone 1671R or call at 70S Belmont street. ciS POD , T .r , V. . E..n tractor, gang plow, tandem disc. nearly new. pone 7F8. A. E. Coray. tare- QZ5 kit - n ,. m a V. aver sell mi ew eaiana ra- r" excellent breeders. Prtc- Phone 8U, 2199 For Sale Miscellaneous HIGH mountain grown mlturn red cedar posts, poles. T. B. Westerberg, box 21, Detroit, Or. C265 FOR SALE A few thousand Wil son strawberry plan's, trimmed and tied, $2.50 per m.; sacked $2 per m. Wm. A. Bond, Rt. 6. liox S. 263 FOR SALE Cedar fence and ber ry posts, delivered your place, 16 cents each. Writs for pries on telephone and hop posts; can make Immediate delivery. Key Lbr. Co.. Molalla. Or. c268 For Sale Livestock PLfoY sale. Phone 44F14. e257 FOR SALE Fresh cow; pigs. M. H. Lytle, Rt. 9. c.5 7 REGISTERED Berkshire boar. Call 3F3, C. C. Russell. GOOD team and harness for sale; weight about 1660 lbs; also one good milk cow. Independence and Salem road, E. M. Young, e261 FOR SALE Or trade, 6 H -year old mare, weight 1000 pounds, for double harness or wagon, or heifer. Phone 76F3 after 7 p. m. 6260 For Sal Automobiles FOR SALE Automobile, iiby Grand Chevrolet, late model, A-l condition; also tires, bargain. By owner. Phone 88. q 257 1920 OLDSMOBILE coupe, looks and runs like new, four brand new cord tires, one spare, spot light, snubbers, automatic wind shield wiper, mirror, etc., The price is too low to mention. Phone 380 ask for Turner, 185 S. Com'l St. q260 For Sale Wood OAK, ash growth. old fir and Phone 981M. second ee259 60 CORDS 2nd growth fir $6 cord. W. A. Shelton, Rt. 3, box 146A. ee270 WOOD for sale, oak $7.50, fir $6. Phone 1758, Armstrong: Transfer ee259 FOR SALE Best grade mill wood, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. or 16 inch, prompt delivery. Phone 1542, Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church St. ee WOOD FOR SALE 16 Inch old pitchy fir tor sale, and 4 foot second growth Phone 1727. ee265 WOOD WOOD Special off the car, maple $7.60, oak $8 and 16 inch old fir $8 per cord, Balem Fuel Yards, Theo Zienian, Chas. Sons, props ee FOR SALE Oak, old and second growth fir sawed or 4 ft lengths Phone 1252R or 1756. ee262 FOR RENT ROOMS to rent, 787 Cross street. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping J273 rooms. 833 Ferry. FOR RENT Land in N. Salem to let on shares. Inquire of R. P. Boise. Breyman block. J157 NICELY furnished rooms, furn ace heat; freshly done over. Phone 20R. J257 I HAVE a three and a four rom, unfurnished apartment for rent. Phone 540 J257 FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms, good clean beds. 673 N. Commer cial street, close In. J27 FOR RENT Two strictly modern sleeping rooms, gentlemen pre ferred. 250 S. Cottage St. phone 1396R. J2.7 Lost and Found LOST Bumper; finder leave at Capital Journal, reward. Kitt FOUND Motorcycle. Phone 57r 11 7:30 p. m. i"t Wanted Help WANTED HELP Wanted young ladv dish washer, no bunaay work. 128 S. Liberty St. g257 Wanted Miscellaneous wiKTRh Anples. orchard run Phone 1128J. i258 WOOD SAWING Country and Phone 1608-W. 276ee city. CITY and country wood sawing. Phone ?046. Fisher Bros. ee' PRIVATE maternity Phone 19B9J hospital. m C11Y and country wood sawing. ee258 Phone 11F11 WANTED Any kind of work, mid die aged man. Box T Journal. b257 WANTED To buy the cheapest house and lot in Salem, must be a bargain and not over $1000. Thomason. 331H State St. 1 WANTED To lease a large farm suitable for grain ana siock rais ing; wilt pay cash rent. Thoma son. 321 Vs State 6t. WANTED Horse for kep; also about 60 10. snoais 10. n. n. ria l V. mi e norm oi oruun a corner, Rt. 2. 1257 FULLER BRUSHES for dernon- strations. i; Linmes. phone 1937J c268 WANTED Used household goods. tools, men s suits ino sa cash price paid. Liberty Ex change. 211 N. Com. Phone 841 m WANTED To eorrespona anu nmn nV With laOY. oeiwreii iui ages of 30 and 42. Will marry If s 8Uited. Write P O box 237, Sa lem. Or.. m257 LANOS hot blast fuel saving rang es $48 up. Let us explain why we cut yoor fuel bill H. Peo nies Furniture store. 2il Nortn CommerctaetJ. phone7 MISCELLANEOUS ARMSTRONG Transfer Co. phone mi. m272 v.f, 1,,, jgfi rood sav N. 4th. 277 KAYS, lathing, shingling and j ,C. C. mnf reniur nt. pnone : 1261 't4jOMININO and painting done by the day or -j TAKE contract for basements. 'sidewalks and building house. Phone 521W. m"l CLIDDENS Linoleum varn-th for Gr., linoleum and congo- " i, D. Burn.. 179 North, Com merclal FASHIONABLE coats, suits and Mrs. C. Jepsen. die linking party gowua. 157 Oak . fk. tnXi Phone FOR GOOD BUYS In farm and city property. Wm. Powell. $ost real estate. Ml N. Com mercial. Phone 666; BEAUTIFUL wall tint and ftet wall paint In regular color a4 paou-l shadea Max O. Buren. 17 N. Commercial t-JCTMBrNG. repairing nd coll M work a mcut tl-itwi A L- IStJJ 1 mI72l foot of The Capital MISCELLANEOUS FOR SERVICE Prise wincing Nubian buck. Call 3tF or ad draw R. H. Welter. Rt. i, boi St. mz3 SEE J. W. Manley for collar dig ging, grading, plowing, heavy team work and fertilizing. Cher ry City b-tras, phone 1 . m 263 WANTED Old mattresses to make over. Phone ID, Capital City Bed ding Co. . JAES C. DBLL 6te N. 20th. Phone 1518-R, Interior Decora tor. Ivory porcelain enameling and expert pa per hanging, wall painting and tinting. Estimates furnished. 173 Li.iiicTitlClAN Secure, my fig ures on wiring by contrct or by the hoii, at pre-war prices. II. W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m" "REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE Klamath coun ty improved land In Tule Lake alley, best farming and alfalfa section, 4 miles NW of Malin . crsc to good school, fur small farm or dairy ranch in the vi cinity of Salem, north or north west. Write owner, O. E. Hunt, Merrll. Or. b26t; FOR SALE 10 acres, 9 acres un der cultivation, balance Umber. This Is fine prune, cherry, wal nut and berry soil. Price $1250. $200 down, balance $10 per month, interest 6 per cent. W H. Orabenhorst & Co., 275 Stat' street. 57' FOR EXCHANGE for Salem resi dence Up to $3500, 5 acres tw blocks east of S. Commercial Si car line, 4 acres in fruit, 5 room bungalow, hot and cold water, bath, toilet, electric lights, barn, good chicken yards. Price $6500. Write Rt. 3, box 90, Salem ; or phone 99F2. ag 5 S WE have for exchange one of tin finest suburban honaes near Sa lent. 1 mile out on paved road; the house is new and stricti modern, good garage and largo chicken house; land is mostly in fruit; the price is right and will take a good home In Salem. Thomason, 331 Vj State St. b I WANT MORE SALEM HOUSES Some dandy farm md orchard trades ClIAS. W. NIEMEYER "Just Real Estate" 57 varieties 215-216 Masonic Temple, Phones 1000, 1014. Salem. n SAWYER & EMMETT 341 State St. 5 acres all In cultivation, good room house and bam, close to car line. Price $2100, terms. Dandy 1 acre traet on paved road, close to car line. 4 room house, personal property, must be sold this week. Price $1400. 5 room house and garage, $1200 terms. $1650 buys a good 6 room plas tered house, all kinds of fruit. large lot, close in. Make your own terms. SAWYER & EMMETT 341 State St. 257 FARMS, HOMES AND BLSiNiSSS OPPORTUNITIES 20 acres of first class land, two acres umber, 3 acres strawberries, good tamily orchard, balance in cultivation. Modurn plaiakered house with bath and toilet. Large barn, cbicken house w,uter to buildings and good wire fences. A genuine bargain, only $5000, Va cash. .0 acres close in, 2 acres logans, 1 acre strawberries, young tamuy orchard, 18 acres under plow. Good 6 room house, barn, chicken house, garage and root house. Team, cow. i uuj, i,. . i , met, ,.-, feed and wood are included at $8aeo, some terms. You can't beat this buy. j acres 2 miles out. i acres m , uil and cultivation, balance pas lure. 4 room bouse, barn, garage nd chicken house. $3aOo, $12oo ,will handle It. HOUSES 8 rooms close in, furnished. In come $76 monthly. $3250, some in vestment. 10 rooms on improved street, close In, partly furnished. Income $105 monthly. $5000, u. cash, (let your pencil to work on this one. 7 room bungalow, basement, fur nace, complete. Nice lot with fruit $4000, $1200 cash. 5 rooms close in, $2500, V4 cash. BUSINESS CHANCES Pool, cigars, lunch, confection ery and soft drink parior doing a good business. $2(00. Grocery store in small country town. Good place for man and wife About $4000 required. - i. the- bust' ess proposition In Salem doing big business, fine lo cation, with slock and fixtures. Will stand close Investigation. $?" "i If you are for sale, let us sell you PETERSEN & ROBINSON Realtors 229 Oregon bldg. 169 uoou BUYS 190 acres located S miles from Salem, 50 acres under cultivation, balance timber and pasture; build ings, spring, rock road. Price ItautM, 20 acres located 7 H miles east of Salem on main Sllverton . jail, all cultivated. 4 room plastered cottage, good barn, wood house, paved road. Price $5250, ft Cash, balance terms. li'ln bearing fruit, $ i. 1V4 acres logana 10 acres aces prunes. rood buildings. Price $5000 10 seres, 6 acres leaana, 1 acre strawberries, rock road. 1 mile from saved highway, 4 miles out. Price 12650. 210 acres, houee, barn and or chard. 20 acres cultivated, some fine saw timber. Price $3500, terms H acre lots close to 8. Coram' r street car lias aad paved road. sightly location. good drainage. good berry soil, i-rice tee, iz.i aown. balance $10 per month. 5 room cottage 8 block south. Price -$2450. terms. room house at 1320 S. Com mercial street. Price $2860, terms s mm bauUo located at .793 g Hlgn street. Price $4000. terms, If y6 -. , poking to buy, trade or H. ee w. H. ORABENHORST A CO. Realtor. 275 room modern except raaat, fun basement, three large lota, South Salem, a bargain at $3.50 or will cx change far maan Farm ear Salewi. room noose South Salem $1400 easy terms. $ room plMtered modem except beat, I15M. $10 cash lit per month lite rent. New roam oera bona, last ready f you, fin rtaa np-te- ofT state street. a If If o want an in st a -mla see as at JOWPH llyTI 29 Gray Bldg. S0$t Kxrt tmmm t $45. some terms .e-id Journal, Salem, Oregort REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Nice five acre tract, with good buildings and plenty of fruit for family, on paved road olose to Salem- Price $4390, terms. Fins five acre tract, good build ings, fruit and berries, close to school on good road, and close to town. Price $430e, cash, bal ance terms. For bargains see H. L. MARSTER9 811 and 12 Gray bldg, phone 907. FOR SALE Garage, with equipment. A real buy. Close in modern home of eight rooms, .for $4500. 7 room house with large lot. close in, for $2100 on easy terms. 4 room cottage, close In, on monthly payments with small cash from 4V acres to 36 acres, two miles north on Pacific highway. TO EXCHANGE 15 acres all in cultivation, for a cheap house close in. 10 acre fruit farm, good build ings, and pressure water system, for 7 to 10 room house. Wo lend money and write fire insurance. LISTON & DARBY Independent Agency 484 Court street. !159 BEST BUYS 18 acres choice land In old Claggett estate; $5500 and terms lor immediate sale. See me at once 10 acres with 3 Vs In rearing lo gans, 6 room house, barn and coops; paved road, ft mile town; only $2750, terms. 5 Vt acres all In red raspberries, small buildings; $275.0. 10 acres first claa s land, close to car line and just outside Salem lim its; a good investment; $3200, easy terms. 30 acres best valley loam, 2 sets buildings, horses, cows, hogs, chick ens, and all implements go; price $11,500. This is located on Gar den road. 40 acres improved, 30 miles from Portland, $7000. Trade for any thing here. We have $1000 to loan at 8 per cent, real estate security. YOUR LOAN WILL BUY . 5 to 40 acre tracts Just outside Salem limits, at $175 per acre and up. Also unimproved tracts farther out at $50 per acre. 17 acres with buildings and 10 acres bearing fruit at $5500. Ex-service men see these before you buy. SOCOLOFSKY, Realtors 341 State 5.. , a m - SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal reudera. (-Revised dally.) Grain: Average valley wheat (bulk) 77c. Hay: Cheat hay $10.0011.00; oat hay lll.t-9 11.00; clover hay $9.00 10 04). Wholesale ynces II eat: Hogs $9. 7B 10; dressed hogs 13c; top steers 55 3-4c; cows 24c; bulls 3c; lambs S 5 c; veals 14 Vic Butter and eggs: Eggs 45; light tens 14015c; heavy hens 190 20c; old roosters 8e; broil ers over two pounds 22c. Butterfat: Butterfat, 47e; creamery butter 484c; country butter 3537c; milk $2.25 cwt. Vegetables: Oregon onions $3 00 cut; beets $2 cwt: carrots $1.50 cwt; Oregon cabbage Hie, lb: green peppers 9c lb: ib; cranberries 14c lb; grapefruit $9 per case; cauliflower 31.75 per doz. Retail Prtcf Butter and eggs: Eggs 50c; creamery butter 54c; country but ter 42645c. Fruits: Oranges $7. 508.00; lemon $8; bananas 9c; California grape fruit 16.50; Maluga grapes 10c lb.: Tokay grapes 11c irreen peas 12c; potatoes $1.75; cucumbers 25c per doz; green beans 5c; wax beans 5c; sweet Hitafoes $4.50 cwt; tomatoes 7Ze crate. irtland. Or.. Oct. 27. Cattle steady: receipts 123; choice ower: receipts 2521; choice teers $5.759. 25; medium to rood $5.25 6 5. 75; (air to medium .4.7505.25; common to fair 33.75 94.75; choice feeders 54 50 it ..00; fair to good $3.75 t 4 50 , 00; fair to good $3.754.50; thole to good heifers $4 50 5.25; medium to good $4,000 1.50; fair to medium $3.50sj4. 00: imimon cows $2.75.0: can- ers $1.6002.75; hulls $7,000 M.00; choice dairy calves $8,500 1.00; prime light $8.000 8.50; nedtam light 6.00 8.00; heavy $5.0006.00. Hogs lower; receipts 498; I prim light $10,000 1 0.25 ; i ! heavy 250 to soft ooth 9.50; 300 pounds and up $7.75(g 8.75; rough I I fat pig $10.00010.25; feeder $10. 0e 10.50; stags $4.00 tj 7.25. Sheep steady; receipts 344; east of mountain lamb 7 00; best val!3y $6.0096.50; culls $3 00O4.00; feeders $1,504 3 00; light yearling $4 .504,5.00: light wether $1.50; h?ary $.?.5 1, 3 50; wa $1 .00 4f 3 (.. Butter steady; extra cube 43 0 43 V; cartons 48; prints 47c. Butterfat. No. 1 (horning cream 41Me fob Portland, un dergrade 44 4? 45c. Egg: No fresh egg t Variable. Veiling artee cana count 4245c; huvinc price 45 6 47c; selling price candled 4tT4e; selected candled In carton 57O$0e, Poaltry: Hens light 16c: heavy 256 2c; springs KX7c; heavy; 24lc; old -water I12e; ducks 20O2; twxeys 4$$0c. Wheat: Hard white 51.01: raft! white $1.1; wbRa dab 91-01 ; t hard winter $1 01 : northern spring, $1 91 ; red Walla, Me. Mll'.run, $2122; oaU, $240 I2S.M; cora No. S yellow, $25.00: hay. timothy, valley,! " r.ooU.M; alfalfa $15 000 new grain nOxed $14,000 lover $11012: rtraw If. . fHOTOCUAFHT DE LUXE studio. Better photos. . . ' . commercial CHIROPODIST A J. FOSTER, chiropodist, corns painless, all root trou bles treated. 332 State St. Ztt ART PHOTOGRAPHS TINTED Lea eons in on. Water colors. China painting. 21$ g. Cottage. Phone 1620M. e OPTICIANS CLASHES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bar- ueite, optometrist. Bow Optical Co.. 335 State St. MKJt CHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor juma xirg-n ana ferry. A. ESTES, fine tailoring, 384 st.-te street Ft'RNlTURE HOSPITALS" s-UKiNiTUKJS repaired or made to wruer. neunisning and uphol stering a specialty. Phone 1742,' Brown and Groves, 1201 S. Com mercial street. PIANOS CHERRINQTON Piano House, Bush and Lane pianos 416 Court street. JEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 State, Salem. HEMSTTrCH L (1 BALEM ELITE hemstitching chainstltching, pleating, buttons. 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 379. MRS. F. B. MULL hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. HAT BLOCKING MEN S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed. 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. NURSERY STOCK FRTJITLAND NURSERY Have good variety nursery stock. Of fice 540 State Salem, Or. Phone 1737 or 1140M. JALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May tie repaid like rent. Life. Fire. Health, Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Or. MOTORCYCLES aflfflap MiMh1 HARRY W. SCOTT 'The Cyci Man" 147 S.Com. Phone 68 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles, "M Court 8t. C1TX SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 167, night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum mins, Mgr. Local Realtors To Be Active At Convention Salem delegates to the state realtors convention in Eugene will no doubt take an active part In the meeting to be held there Sat urday. L. G. Hayford, president of Mar ion County Realtors' association, Is on the program with Mrs. Ora F. Mclntyre, secretary, for a dlB cussion of the exclusive and multi ple listjng system of property which was adopted during the summer by the local board and which has attracted state-wide at tention among realtors and those Interested In property movements. welcome by mayor of Eugene; ad This system is said to be one of dress of welcome by Melvln Han- the most important movements for the protection of the public, the rapid sale of property and the ad vancement of the profession which has yet been advanced In that line of work. 3 DAYS STARTING TOMORROW NIGHT Friday Night "WAY DOWN EAST" OWN DULTS 50c Small Cost TRANSFER iRK(iON TAXI and transfer, Lib erty and Ferry street. Phone 77. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. nutrias a ranting GO. Phone HI, over Patten book store. WBOOLWBBE MAMON-POUC County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. smith saoreuu-y - treasurer, 309 Salem Bank of Commerce. JX'NK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of all kind. Capital Junk company, phone t, SIS Cen ter street. GARAGES CHERRY CITY garage, 170 8. 13 Oeneral repairing. AUTOMOBILE storage at $3 per month. South Commercial Ga- rage. 480 a Conunon Origin; Comjuorclal St. q .238 N. High I Phone 203. Batte r 1 c s recharged and" repaired. Oegge Burreil. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra diator and fendr specialists. 198 S. 12th St SOUTH Commercial garage, gen eral repairing. All work guaran teed. For sudden service phone 27S, residence phone 102DK. 430 S. Commercial. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding. 488 Ferry street. Phone 4. WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electrio shop, 263 N. Com'l, phone 418. R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter ana generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. phone 203. AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE. 404 Ferry St. Salem, Or. Phone 1177. COL W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer. Farm sales conducted every where. We save you money on advertising. City phone 734 or phono Turner central. OSTEOFATH- DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 506 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 834. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 5L REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair Shop, 14$ Court St. Lawd mowers ground. G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop, 143 8. Liberty St STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 6 years experience; , Depot na tional and American fence, sixes 26 to 58 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc, logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, f.6 Court street. Phone 124. The system briefly give th realtor an exclusive rlgu. .... the property during a certain period, after which It Is turned in to the board and any member is given the right to sell the proper ty, 60 per cent of the 5 per cent commission charged, going to the realtor making the sale, 30 per cent to the realtor taking the list ing and 10 per cent going to the central office for Its maintenance and advertising fund. Other members of the local as sociation to attend the meeting are George H. Orabenhorst, J. O. Mills, A. C. Bohrnstedt, John H. Scott, D. D. Socolofsky and C. V. Johnson, deputy state real estate commissioner. The program for the day fol lows: 9 a. m. Registration. 10 a. in. Call to order at the chamber of commerce; address of sen, president of the Eugene Real ty Board; response, by Coe A. Me Kenna, vice-president Northwest Realty association; appointment of committees. 11 a. m. Conference taxation THE HYLAND-BERG STOCK CO. PRESENTING HIGH CLASS PLAYS AND VAUDEVILLE Saturday Matinee-Vaudeville Night "WHICH ONE SHALL I MARRY" 4 act Comedy Drama ORCHESTRA BAND AT GRAND "Where the Big Shows Play' Pace Nln L N. Pay and Herbert Gordon, leaders. 12 m. Luncheon, committee meetings. 1:38 p. m. Conference, "Multi ple Listings"; A R. Ritter and L. C. Hayford, leaders. : p. m. "Office Systems," oenrference; JB. G. Beckwltn and J.. Logic Richardson, Jeaders. 3:15 p. m. Conference, "Board Organisation"; Frank McCrillts, leader. 4 p. m. Report of committees, election to membership and new business. 4:80 p. m. Automobile rides. :30 p. m. Banquet at Cham ber of Commerce: banquet pro gram: Governor Ben W. Olcott; Mayor George L. Baker; A. G Barber, real estate commissioner! Frank Livesey, president of the Northwest Realty association; Co A. MeKenna, vice-president oi Oregon division; F. E. Taylor, past president national association; John Gratke, 1925 fair. Revision of Rates In Coast Washington, Oct, 27 Revisions of class freight rates between north Pacific coast points, sought by railroads In requests made last May, were granted today by the Interstate commerce commission. The class rates In the territory between Vancouver, B. C, and Portland, Or., and west of the Cas cade mountains the commission found, would be increased by the revision in about 50 per cent of the cases, would be unchanged In 34 per cent and decreased in 15 per cent. The commission held, how. ere, that the attempt of the rail, roads to cancel existing carload commodity rates In the territory was not justified and ordered the proposed revision correcte l tq ex elude that section. Valuations At Scio Increase Scio, Or., Oct 27. According to the estimates of John Sticha, city recorder, there Is about $77,000 more invested In focal property than in the year of 1920. The budget for the coming year call for $7192; $5496 of which will go to pay interest, on bonds Issued to get money for construction of the power plant at Jordan. The city council has taken ac tion on the request of the Jeffer son city couneil to extend a line from Scio to Jefferson to supply that city with light and power. JOURNAL, WANT ADS PAY A. A. CLOTHING COMPANY 247 N. Com! Street AARON ASTILL Proprietor Overcoats "Toppy Coats" for Men and Young Men $15 AND $22.50 Raincoats "Raynster" W e ather - Proof Coats Men's and Young Men's models $12.50 20 PEOPLE Sunday The Big Success By Rex Beach 'THE BARRIER NOON CHILDREN 25c J e7