Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 25, 1921, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Former Emperor Tries
to End Life by Shoot
ing Following Cap
ture Yesterday
Budapest, Oct. 25 Former Em
peror Cbarl' , whose attempt to
r-e8tafHh himself upon the
iknr throne met with dlHmal
failure yesterday, attempted to
commit suicide by shooting, fol
lowing his arrest near Komorn.
Former Empress Zita saw him
preparing to shoot himself and
prevented him from carrying out
his Intention, the former emperor
and empress are prisoners In the
Esterhazy castle at Tata Tovaros,
and Thomas Beaumont Hohler,
British high commissioner In Hun
gary, Is hurry there, with the rep
resentatives of other nations, to
Insure the safety of the prisoners.
Orders sent to the reelllou
troops by Admiral Horthy, the
Ends All
Just as Good for Calluses. Money
Back if it Fails
Thirty seconds after you touch
the corn with this Itiiuld corn re
mover the Jabbing, stabbing palu
cf It stops, for all time.
Hungarian regent, spelled the
doom of Charles' attempt to re
gain at least a part of bis former
empire. The regent reminded the
soldiers of tbelr oath of allegiance
to mm and demanded their uncon
ditional obedience, adding that
the success of their undertaking
would mean the ruin of the coun
try. The firm stand of Admiral
Horthy bad its effect, and the
royalist forces scattered. Latest
advices from the section of coun
try around Komorn indicated the
government troops continued the
pursuit of the royalists and that
the Karlist premier, M. Rakovsky
and Count Andrassy, were among
the supporters of the former mon
arch, captured by the loval trooos.
The Hungarian government will
probably await action by the al
lied powers regarding Charles'
future place of residence. It Is
known that Switzerland will not
again give him refuge and it is
possible that he will be removed to
some place where he will be vir
tually a prisoner of the allied
The followers of the former em
peror are reported to have lost
half their number In attemDtlne
to retreat from Ri-uk t th.
Eovaros. Peasant cut off their re
treat toward the south.
Capture of Oustav Qratz, former
minister of foreign affairs, wlm
was involved in the monarchist,
and out of congress did not con
ceal their disapproval of the de
partment's action. Wayne B.
Wheeler, general counsel for the
Anti-Saloon league, described It as
"less defensible than at any other
While the new rules, covering
the use of wine and spirituous Hq-
PoTTnissrinn Vftr TTftA nf uors as medicines, as well as beer.
IlX a limit 01 i It sjiuub, u
eauivalent of a case, on the
amount of 6eer that may be pre
pressure to effect enactment ot .e TUHIS Turtle; "fB ZTJuW
anti-beer bill, dry advocates in, Anl,,,ninfo TTnVilir.Lrttn the world conference of
VvvUHUUVW w it' o
A southbound automobile which me r--
, , jrtOT, hv u w 'that opens November 14,
Liquors for Medicinal
Purposes Decried by
Washington, Oct. 25. Beer as a
medicine enjoys a full legal status
today, through the unexpected ac
tion of the treasury department in
promulgating regulations permit
ting its use for that purpose. Is
sued in accordance with an optn-
scribed to the same person at one
time, no arbitrary limit is placed
on the number of prescriptions one
person may obtain within a given
Except that the amount for a
single prescription is limited too
two quarts, the wine regulations
are the same, while spirituous
FTazier, 250 South 16th street,
turned turtle on the Pacific high
way about six miles from Salem
yesterday, according to Mr. Fraz
ier's report to the police. Nobody
was hurt.
Mr. Frazler's car was heading
north on the highway when the
accident occurred. The other ma
chine was damaged considerably,
be said.
ing to an announcement made to
day by Bishop Theodore S. Hen
derson, head of the church in
Capital Journal Bargain Day
price $5.00 per year by carrier.
m I jn . .
1 1 I -1 V I,1 1 1. K l, ...KB
Plan to Reunite
Methodists Made
Detroit, Mich., Oct. 25. defi
nite plan for re-uniting the Meth-
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
ion submitted by former Attorney liquors are limited 10 one pun
General Palmer last March, hold- within any len-uaj ic...
in the medicinal use of bfier to
be legal under
laws, and after
the prohibition
being withheld
Demand to Be Small.
l.ouis. Mo., Oct. 25.-
since then, in anticipation ot early the new regiauuua
action by congress on the pending limit on the number of prescrlp--
anti-beer measure, announcement tions for Deer a uu'-iu-
of the beer regulations came as a would not cause a large demand,
to prohibition was the consensus ui
mra reDresemaiivc si.
Reaction Predicted.
Predicting an immediate reac
Louis brewers last night. They
expressed doubt that the new rul-
! v . . ........ ,irM,iYi r,t
isitlon to the treasury's announce-! ing wouia v .7,72.
merit in the direction of increased brewing in large quantities.
SimeU A. A. B. C.
t. Is too i
old or too deeply rooted to roslat
nv-t. immediately It dries
tnd shrivels, the edges loosen ,
from the true flesh and soon you
can peel It right off with your
fingers us painlessly ar you trim
your nails.
Don't coddle corn pests. Don't
nurse and pamper them. Don't
cut and trim them. RRMOVK
hm with "QETS-IT." Costa a
trifle at any drug store. Mfd. by
B. Lawrence Co. Chicago.
Sold In Salem by J. C. Perry, D
3. Fry, Centra! Pharmacy, (ailv)
Lyceum Attractions
Victorian Artists, October 28th .
Gregory Mason, November 9th
Will Irwin, December 13th
Lieurances' Symphony Orchestra, Feb. 21
Dr. S. Parkes Cadman, March 20th
Season Adult Tickets $2.50 Students $2.00
Single Admission $1.00
Seats reserved at the Armory, October 27-28.
mm i mam
For one week beginning Monday. Just
listen to this Choose from our entire
stock of Ladies' Coats, Suits and
Dresses, also Children's Coats, at 20
per cent Off.
Uin you imagine it right now when
you are in the mood of buying. Beau
tiful fur colared coats of Velours, Bo
livian, Plushes, etc. Fine warm Coats
in the season's most desirable colorings.-
Original prices are marked in
plain figures.
No misrepresentations are permitted
in our ads. in fact our modesty pre
vents us from telling you half of their
ffooa qualities.
Ladies Coats, regular prices $12.75 to $49.50
Ladies' Suits, regular prices $19.75 $50.00
Ladies Dresses, regular prices $ g.75 to $25.00
Children's Coats, regular prices $ 6.75 to $15.00
Our Prices Always the Lowest
Commercial and Court Sreets
Foot suffering is needless!
Shop With the Thrifty at Busick's
You can tell the
difference in
the making
when you buy
M. J. B. Coffee
from us; its
Direct from
the factory.
Costs less in
the 5 pound tin
The satisfac
tion of serving
M. J. B. Coffee
is completed
by the ex
pressed ap
proval of the
entire family.
Goes further,
Let the Dr. Schott
Foot Specialist
demonstrate to you
that you can gain
complete foot com
fort immediately
A foot expert
Nov. 1
Our Direct From Factory Purchasing
of only a few thousand pounds at a time is your guarantee of absolutely Fresh Cof
fee. It has been proven that the best Coffee, when stored for any length of time
loses its real coffee flavor for which
He is a member of the staff of Dr. Wm.
M. Scholl, the recognized authority on ail
foot troubles, and is here for the benefit of
our patrons and others. All who come to
iiirn will have their cases carefully studied
and Will hu arKr.'cJ U. '
r ' .on nun nj lli I .'I
immediate relief and complete
foot comfort.
Examination and advicy free
We want everyone with bother
some feet to take full advantage
of this opportunity. Come in any
time while Dr. Scholl's Foot
Expert is here; heknowsjustwhat
w to be done and will tell you how
nave easy, comfortable feet
coming to our store
Nov. 7
No matter whether the trouble is corns
callouses, bunions, weak arches, fiat foot
cramping toes, "rheumatic" foot and leg
lir?k ar?k'eS r somhi"g else, Dr.
Scholl s Foot Expert can demonstrate to you
"ii ruur own toot tne proper cor
rective appliance to give relief
and ultimate correction.
Improve foot appearance
Dr. Scholl's Appliances actually
improve the grace and beauty of
the feet. No oddly shaped shoes.
VI ear the kind you like in per
u .comfort Don't wait until
the last minute and maybe lose
your chance to get foot comfort.
Don't forget the dates-come in sure
KWJilfctx A NATIfiM-lvinF
To Itrrnrthrn it-,
vch mni to prmnt Iht
Jcrminz of iuxionj, Dr.
SckolTs Foot-Esttr Us
rr tsptc'udly Jisigned.
Utkt, sptinzj, comtforutlt
n ih'i i m i J :
Rupert Hughes
is one of the very few
Pictures that gets aa
ovation and leaves you
with something to think
about. s
7 and 9 p. m.
Last Time
2, 7, 9 p. m.
. nip