Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, October 12, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    t'age Two
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Wednesday, October 12, ijy
'American Delegates to
Arms Conference
Meet Today to Out
line Program
(Continued from Page One.)
apon It a constructive program re
Mined to b dons by the delegates
Some bint of President Hard
ing's hope for the armament con
ference were given as the dele
gates were assemblying by publi
cation of a letter the president had
written In reply to a prayer that
he work for "universal disarma
ment." Absolute disarmament,
Mr. Harding wrote, was "beyond
hope of realisation" and perhaps
not very desirable, but "a reason
able limitation" of armament was
a practical proposition with some
hope of accomplishment.
' Similar sentiments have been
expressed generally by military
and naval authorities. It li un
derstood that the first considera
tion of those familiar with the In
ternational situation baa been
rather a "reasonable limitation"
of future armament construction
than a scaling fjjwn of present
strength. The latter, It la pointed
Hit, could well be considered aft
er a building program for the fu-
u re had been agreed upon.
Hardine Hopeful.
Secretary Hughes and Senator
Lodge both have had repeated con
ferences with Mr. Harding con
cerning the conference and the
other two delegates, Kllhu Root
and Senator Underwood, called at
the While House, and were uc-
qualnted with !. president's I
vlewa neroru accepting places on
the delegation.
The letter In which President
Harding outlined bis hope for
"reasonable limitation" was mndo
public at the White House as ex
pressing the executive's attitude
toward tbe views of all those who
bava written him u work for com
. plete disarmament. The letter was
addressed to Miss Klla l. Freed,
llrooklyn, New York, and was us
"My Hear Miss Freed: Vour
letters, among others that come to
nit, suggest a widespread misap
prehension as to the aline of the
conference on limitation of arma
ments, In my letter of Uctobor
I I said to you:
Must Be Reasonable.
" 'I think I ought to correct
your Impression about the expecta
tion of universal disarmament. It
la very erroneous even to suggest
that we contemplate going so far
as that. If we can get a reason-
, able limitation we shall think Hint
great things huve been accom
"You replied that my letter
seemed lo bring a message of hope
Ussneaa to those seeking universal
disarmament and asked me to ex
plain reasonable limitation.
"By reasonable limitation,
i mr-.r.
(WM imtrM t.p 4tM-m, A .,OrStv.
UrWh way -to kill i to
(T) The chi
everv camps
? f? votes
If I tk slat ion and taxation weft baaed on.
Ars worse haa.tatts.
common, strive, Xhe public wou!4 ato-op dead,
and dead Toiks
) Women ratntmbtr the aftos of cer rvomcn
venar T.nan xncir own,.
(Sj loo maay word and "too titUa work Is
aZ "wfta-fc os all.
Jury Holds Church
Stole Affections;
Court Can 9t See It
I harte to say it t
bffc gpod men,
ain't popular
Dallas, Oct. 11. Declaring that
the finding was contrary to law
land that there had been so evi
dence submitted by the plaintiff
, to support it, or to ahow that
there existed conspiracy or con
certed design on the part of the
'defendants, Judge Harry K. Belt
set aside the verdict brought in
by the circuit court Jury for $2,
600 In favor of the plaintiff in the
case of Wilbur Hughes vs Frank
Holman et al.
In his complaint Hughes charg
ed that Holman and other mem
bers of the Apostolic Faith church
had alienated his wife's affections
by Influencing her to attend their
mission in Dallas with consequent
neglect to her family duties, and
by Instructing her to disregard
his attentions and refrain from
any intimacy with him because he
was not a member of their faith.
He also alleged that his wife re
fused medical treatment for can
cer upon advice of members of the
Apostolic Faith.
After two days of trial the case
was submitted to the jury late
Saturday night when the court
over ruled a motion of non-suit
made by the defendants on the
ground That the evidence offered
was sufflcfent to Justify sending
the case to the jury.
Application of
Foreign Phone
Company Probed
The application of ths Vada-Callfornia-Oregon
Te'.ophono and
Telegraph company with head
quarters at Susanville, Cl., for a
certificate of convenience and ne
cessity in order that they may In
stall telephone service at Lake
view, Ore., in competition with,
the Lakeview-Pine Creek K'.ectrl:
company, will be the subject of
an investigation by It. II. Cory,
public service commissioner Ht a
hearing in Lakevlew on October
21. On the same eta he will in
veatigate thea pplicaiion of the
Lakeview-Plne Creek company fcr
an increase in phone ratvs.
On October 17 Coray will con
duct hearings on two snide cross
ing applications at Bend ;ird on
October 19 he win nold a hearing
at Burns relative to eleccric si r-
vice given by the Burns Electric
company, the inatiequacr of which
has been made the ju'jjiict of a
complaint by the Burns Commer
cial club.
Telephone service at The Dalits
will be investigated by Commis
sioner Corey In a hearing OJiober
15 and on October 24 he will hold
a hearing at Klamath 'alls rela
tive to the maintenance of an ag
ency by the Southern Pacific rail
road at Modoc Point.
Commissioner Fred (I. Ilucbtel
is scheduled for a hearing at
Portland on N'evember 2 on the ap
plication of the Nehalem Boom
company for a logging franchise
oh the Willamette slough.
Violators of
Traffic Laws
Fined $6216
Fines aggregating $6,216.58
were assessed against traffic law
violators during the month of
sunt ember, according to reports
submitted to Secretary of State
Koier by courts throughout tne
state as required by an act of
Sixteen of Oregon's thirty-six
i counties either had no traffic law
violations during the month or
failed to make their reports and
one other county Union re
ported only one violation which
resulted in ther evocation of the
driver's license.
A total of 954 traffic law vio
lations were reported for the
month, Multnomah county head
ing the list with 546 violations
and fines Imposed aggregating
$2242. Columbia county is second
on the list with 139 violations and
SI 503 In fines.
Of the arrests for traffic law
violations 89 are directly trace
able to the activities of the state
traffic squad with fines resulting
therefrom aggregating $1,768.70.
A summary of the activities of
the state squad shows that during
the month 80 cars were found
without license plates, 115 others
had only one license plate, 11 dri
vers had no operator's license, 9
hH nn chauffeur's license, five
am, under 16 years of age
were found operating cars in vio
lation of the state law, 50 dri
vers were taken up for speeding,
17 cars bore void foreign licensee,
five cases were reported in which
dealers' license plates were being
improperly used. 14 cars were
found without license plates which
had been transferred from other
cars, one car was discovered with
a 1920 plate, 17S cars were op
erating with improper lighting,
17 had no lights at all, 97 had no
tail lights, two drivers refused to
dim their lights, 11 trafifc acci
dents were noted, 485 drivers
were warned for minor infractions
of the law and 89 others were ar
rested, 75 cases were adjusted, 227i
trucks were discovered without
mirrors, two cars were parked on
the highway contrary to traffic
regulations, two cases of reckless
driving were noted, 36 trucks
were weighed and found to be ov
erloaded and 3 01 weighed and
found not to be overloaded.
Oregon - Alaska
Packing Company
Is Incorporated
The Oregon-Alasks Packing
company witn neui oufirt.ers in
Portland filed articles of Incor
poration with the state corpora
tion commission here Tuesday
The company is capitalized at
$50,000 with the fo(lowin77r,3
porators: A. H. Range, rt. j y J
iiubiuu uu uiureace Vincent
Annllc&tlon of n... .-
ns,lr cimiiu ,..,, 1
. .... . wiuuny qj
Dalles for reinstatement M
Comfort YouTsBl
and Fragrant Talcd
1 1
Ford Owners
Mason 30x31-2
Full Factory Guaranty
Pacific Tire & Supply!
154 S. Commercial St.
Also Portland, Oregon CitJ
- rjuKeiie aiiu vvaua walla
Capital Journal Bargain Day
Price $3.00 per year by mail.
Capital Journal Bargain Day
Price $5.00 per year by carrier.
Auto tops to order.
Curtains repaired.
Cushions rebuilt.
Top dressing
Floor carpets
Running board linoleum
Cars painted
All kinds special work
Y. M. C, ABIdg.
mean something practicable that
there la a chance to accomplish,
rather than un ideal that there
would he no chance to raallM. It
' is necessary to deal with actuali
ties; to do the beat possible. Uni
versal disarmament would he be
yond hope of realization: even lis
dastrablltly at this time might
wall be questioned. Thousands of
yaars of history, recording the
wan and controversies of man
kind suggest that human nature
would require revolutionary re
organization lo make universal d is
armament possible. A considera
tion of the present slate of the
world, must. I think, euforce the
conclusion that this Is not a hope
ful time to undertake that kind of
"On tbe other hand, a world
with tbe horrors of recent experi
ences seared into its mind, and
staggering under the load of debt
and armaments, has generously
justified our hope for a favorable
attitude toward the practical ef
fort, the sincere beginning that
we are attempting. The fine spirit
In which leading nations have re
ceived tbe Invitation to meet and
consider these things, Is altogether
encouraging. To undertake the
impossible and fall might leave
our last state worse than our first.
The attitude of the nations war
rants confidence that we will not
fall, but rather that substantial
results will be accomplished, cal
culated to lessen the armament
burden, and to reduce the danger
of armed conflict. I feel that In
Buch an effort we are entitled to
the support of all people who
would be glad as I can assure
you I would be to see still more
ui ciiiivpllshed If possible.
"Most sincerely yours,
Realty Firm Buys
Marion County State
Fair Grain Display
The complete display of grains
and grasses which was exhibited
during the state fair in the Mar
lon county booth Is at present be
ing shown In the oflfce of L. A.
Hay ford & Co., located on State
street, tbe firm having bought it
after the fair closed.
1j. G. Hayford, junior member
of the firm and president of Mar
lon county realtors' association,
stated that any one was at liberty
to bring prospective settlers Into
)tVv the display, atnd believed
that It might be profitable to
place similar exhibits In the rail
ruad stations and In the lobbies
of the principal hotels.
The display was originally got
ten up by W. A. Taylor and cost
close to $1000.
Felix FTaviano Arnex, from Ar
gentina, Is registered In pharmacy
at Oregon Agricultural college.
Since April, 1920, when the
first staleh Ighway contract was
let, Klamath county has spent
$171,389 for road work.
Clyde Burkhart of Lebanon Is
tne prune king of Linn county.
He bas Just completed a dryer
with a drying capacity of 800
bushels a day.
It is Free
To you this week
This 10-Day Tube of Pepsodent.
Present the coupon to any dealer
named below.
Make thig delightful test. Watch
the quick effects see the change
in a week. Then you will realize
what this new way means to you
and yours.
Cash and Carry
167 S. HIGH ST.
Carries full line of Staple and!
Fancy Groceries.
Headquarters for Fall and I
Winter apples.
Cracked corn direct fronl
Sioux City, Iowa, $2.25 pal
a T -n a w ntirtmr nm
a. j. iJAiiUvvii'", manager
Capital Journal Bsrgln Dav
Price $3.00 per year by mall.
A Surprise Tonight
If you will try this way to prettier teeth
Each use of Pepsodent multiplies the sali
vary flow. That is Nature's great tooth-protecting
agent It multiplies the starch digest
ant in the saliva. That is there to digest
starch deposits which may otherwise form
It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva.
That is Nature's neutralizer for the acids
which cause decay.
Five important effects come from every
application. And modern authorities deem
all of them essential.
Thousands Have Discovered
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
area Harmle Substitute
Quick Heat
Dr. Edwards
stitute for cat s
laxative, and tl
aim st instant i
00med tabK-tj
Edwards' drte
hver andtxiwtl
IV pic,;. ,!
: Tablets the sub
are a mild but sure
Wiaj on the liver it
i Thesrhlikvlivi-.
the result of Or
ttion not to treat
tablets d the eood
that cal.Mnel does, but have no bad aft, t
eUects. Thrv ,',.!, 't inmn On taatfchV
ttroog liquids or calomel. They tal i '
hold ,.( the trouble and truicklv correct
it. Why run- the liver at tl nowise n
the ux-ih? Calomel aamettmn nlavi
w. So do siruns
to tski- rnl:ivl
IV. Edwards' Olive 1 aliltU taki
Headaches, "dunim" and tht l
fcettn; come from cmstipation arid I
djwdrred liver. Take Dr. Edwards
Otivr 1 .ititru hen you feel "logy" anc
"heavy " Thry "etar" douded hrair
M4"k-rktm''UKpiriu. 15cand3Uc
"Big 3"
Ail Kinds of Second
Hand Furniture,
Machinery and Tools,
Bargain House
We bay aoa aU tvarrtaia
HM 9M SIS Cuter St
S,io 1 Vww l
Installed In en day
ms any fuel with a
Ealtiv saving of VS ta
and la fuarantaad to
at avary rassta In yaw
nouaa camfertably ia
ing system you buy
will do more than heat
nil your home comfortably in
cold weather. Don't forget
that half the dayi you need
heat are chilly days mild
This is another reason why you
should install a Muellar ' 'Big
3" Con vector.
The Convactor will heat all
your home comfortably in any
weather without trouble
without fuel waste. It is
more quickly and easily reg
ulated to temperature change
than any other type of heat
ing system.
From chilly nights in Spring
or Fall to the biting cold of
Winter the Convactor is al
ways ready to make you com
fortable on shortest notice,
and with least fuel. Why
watte money and be uncom
fortable with a heating sys
tem that is hard to regulate?
This test . will surprise and delight you.
The results are so quick, so pleasing, so con
spicuous. Millions have alreadysmade it The glis
tening teeth seen everywhere now show some
benefits it brings.
Go get this free robe from any dealer
named. Use it and watch the effects. It will
open up to you and yours a new era in teeth
Why prettier teeth?
This method brings whiter, prettier teeth
because it fights the film. Your teeth are
now covered with a viscous coat. Feel it
with your tongue. It clings to teeth, enters
crevices and stays.
Old brushing methods do not remove it
all. Enough remains to make the teeth both
dingy and unsafe.
That is why teeth look cloudy. The film
coats absorb stains. Film also causes most
tooth troubles. And, under old methods, all
those troubles have been constantly increas
ing. How film ruin teeth
Film dims the teeth's luster. It also forms
the basis of tartar. It holds food substance
which ferments and forms acid. It holds the
acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay.
Millions of germs breed in it They, with
tartar, are the chief cause of pyorrhea. Many
other serious troubles, local and internal, are
now traced to them.
Countless people find that teeth brushed
daily still discolor and decay. The main rea
son lies in that film.
Now we daily fight it
Dental science, after long research, has
found ways to fight that film. Able authori
ties have proved their efficiency. Now lead
ing dentists everywhere advise their daily
use. '
These methods are combined in a modern
dentifrice called Pepsodent Millions now
employ it, largely by dental advice. The
use is fast spreading the world over amonz
those who know.
tThit is the t00th Paste we ask you to try.
Watch its effects on the film. See how your
teeth improve. Then let your own good
sense decide between old methods and the
Three other essentials
Modern science also requires three other
effects from a tooth paste. The old methods
did not bnng them. Pepsodent brings them
Not for women only
The most conspicuous effect is glistening
teeth. Countless women employ it largely
on that account Few things add so much
to beauty.
But men also want white teeth. Men who
smoke find that teeth discolor quickly due
to stains in the film.
Pepsodent means more than this, however
It means cleaner, safer teeth. Children need
it even more than others. Their teeth arc
easily attacked, and very few escape. Den
tists advise that Pepsodent be used every
day from the time the first tooth appears.
To all it means a new conception of clean
well-protected teeth. n'
Leave Salem 0. . Depot
7:10 A. M.
11:10 A. M.
6:10 P. M.
Leave Dallas
8: 30 A. M.
1:00 P. M.
6:S0 P. M.
Daily and Sunday except car
at 7:10 A. M. does not rus u
Bound Trip $1.00
iiammaii Auto Stage
Thro. Stare nnllv
leave Salem 10:J0 am, conmcnl
earn oouna train Mill City; 4:20 pn I
wave mil city 7 pm; 4 p
Leave O. !. deDOt galem
Leave at 11:30 and leave Staytml
at 1 p. m.
Wyside a'ops at Oooch. Lyot
Mehama, Stayton, Subllmilj,
Auuiavi.le, Turner, Slate a
pital, Cottace farm.
Joa, U. Uaminan, Sales,
Phone 304
Cars of
Yick So Tong
Chinese .Medicine aud Teg Ct,
Has medicine which will
cure any known diseoM
Open Sundays from 10 a. m,
until 8 p. m.
163 South Hitch aitreet
Salem, Oregon. Phoa HI
" to MM tM
jnai aaais. Can ai fMo,
aWW aa avwM ( ym aft
a mm
355 ChemekeU
W, Or.
77ie New-Day Dentifrice
Endorsed by authorities, advised by leading dentists every
where, and supplied by all druggists in tbe large tubes.
Receive a 10-day test free
Simply present the coupon to
Capital Drug Store
State and Liberty Streets
Perry's Drug Store
Present the coupon for a 10-Day Tube
Note how clean the teeth feel after using
hZ 22 aenCe of,.the viscaus See
u? whlten as the nlm-coats disaooear
Watch the other good effects. PPr'
This test wUl prove a delightful revelation.
To you and yours it may bring life-long ben":
fits. Every day you wait may mean new
ft ?hig week."1 Ut CUPOn n"'
115 South Commercial Street
Your Name.
wdi the tab wiflbV'sew by tnaa Chica
Oaljr oat take te a tmaOr.
- .... mmUl Joani1- Sa'1'" Oregon
Leaves UM
Salem Sivs
O. E. Depot News H
7:00 a. m. 3:19 a :
11:00 a. m. 1:110 p.
:0 p. m. I:H I
Leav Salem O. E. depot J:")
. m. ll:0tj a. m. 5:90 n. m.
Leave Monrhouth Hrtel l:H
in. l!ntl n m. 4:15 n. m.
Leave Independence Hc! -n
ik. m. 1:15 p. m. 4:30 p. nv
Bpecial trlpa by appointment.
Seven paevenger ear tor klr
1. W. PAKKKn. Prop.
Rea phone 615. Business pdosl '
Portland & Salem
Staere Line
Every Hour on Ine Hour it
Both Ends
Leaves 10th and Aldei t
Seward Hotel every ho.
Leaves Salem Bligh HoW
First Statre 7 a. m.
Last StaTe7p.
Boys and Girls!
We have arranged to tak "J;
entire output of a manufactaiarj
a high grade line of Sporting fWj
our prices are roca dou"
.t Ay . h(1 ,i r.lfil.
Foot Balls Rugby reguUtioa M
with guaranteed hand maia U
aocoer Bails aoa mm-i- -j
with guaranteed hand maae
Ider. 12 each. .
m.m. . n 1 CL TaSA taWl
ZZ AKrQu savings "
I ;i . in a.rh Kl
I Will IT Lai 1 1 twi aj a, w