Friday, October 7 1921 Want Ads That Deliver The Goods at Small rjgreW JZKtnm)M .. -state I - Ki v ....rtiona. 6 cenui 4,11c r per muuiu. Est: one. yr J ,.d 2i cent cents; a"0'"". only in New To" First i8er"a casb In advance. 'r'f.ken over phone, unless nd no' taken 0 tnly account. advertiser pi.nn errore. . -rS-SSKT Seven room 240 fur T" Vi 1(0 Trade L - - iTtur'raaned rooms for tV:!3& Market St.: -241 fes"cotton wool nap ana Cm tfe Store, M sSZ-Frtnt sleeping rood., fOM KbI' ... 1510 State, phone furnace heat. J242 Jirr7j7TE 408 'over Ore BSSS anything "'4!7neaT8Tx They're FILMS in at 0derson, Capital done. B. " 210 omsfaLso one sleeping room. V94 S. Cottage- 1 : a crrtu,-th oak. ee245 phone T7F. v.ira irood milk nult v Extra guou wOuHt fresh. Phone 84F13 41 -1000 haircuts, also B 320 State: shaves. i.- ,11244' rl cmnli Store. .oTTPerTectlon oil cook stove 'ruTtry feed and bone grinder berg aiPles 75c box and UP l'bone 1- rr7rErr7riUrna"ndler car at sacrlSce tor " STth:. price for 4 days only. CiJ .di , Sri; - r w:i n.ted. BOO 9ZZa. nf ash at M per cord gee Pearcy Bros. 210 Oregor gJ4l bldg. Foil sMJOilh hand powe "osorete mixer, drawing boar, ana trussels. 665 N. Winter St. mfiTuRLLAS. See our new line a a lower price, plain or colors it cotton or silk 90c to ?;. 9 ion, SfiniDle store. iJuTiCE I will build small house to suit purejra J200 cash and $15 Per month Ti,..mnn. 331 V, State St. a241 .winVipRtcr reneating or double barreled, hammorless shot gun. State price ana sn.-r j. i. i-nv l?i .Tonrnal. -4U .n 4 ncainr ipp iellv. etc., to clean up, 3 cents per lb. bring ..1,,.. Khvaq -'Mas vineyarue, miles north in Polk county.c242 NICKLY furnished room close to university. 5 minutes wain iu town, board if desired. Call 833 Mill St. J2J1 ALMOST new auto player piano, 88 roll wax finish, will sell at $200 less than cost. 8JJ Mill at. ' c242 FOR SALE Or trade for lighter car, Overland 85-4 or will con sider as, first payment on house. 83 3 Mill. q 242 FOR SALE 3 room cottage, ga rage, 1 block to street car $1350 4 room house, 1 block street car $1675. Compton Real Estate, 322 State street. 240 TWO furnished or unfurnished, light housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, electric lights, bath, electric washer, $15 mo. Call 833 Mill St. .. 1242 FOR SALE Bungalow close in, 2 blocks to capitol building, pav ed street, 1 block street car, Im mediate possession. Compton Real Estate. 322 State SL 2 4 0 FOR SALE By owner, 4 room bungalow, modern except base ment, on street car line, one block from pavement. Price $2200. Phone 554M evenings. a242 FARM tractor for sale, priced right and has been run verv little. No. 1 condition: simply haven't any farm to run it on. Magee. corne- STMean"a Com mercial over Buslck's. c241 JOO ACRE farm, sotyJnJJlnerty district, new 9 looijf jEstered house, fair h;irn suJIrjR water Piped In house; mflcflPkir cul tivation. Its a shame to price this at only $75 aa&fu. R. A. Muhney, 209 OregfotrC- 240 COZY 4 room cottage recently built on N. Summer street, bath, toilet, electric lights, city water, woodshed and garage, Immediate possession. Snap at only J1108, o00 down, 25 a month. This will go qulek. R. A. Mohney, 209 J2fgonJ,ldg: 240" FOR EXCHANGE Klamath coun t Improved land In Tule Lake ley, best farming and alfalfa section, 4 miles mv of Malln. Jiose to good school, for Bmall arn or dairy ranch in the vi rf'!y Salem, north or north "e owner, O. E. Hunt. -IISTI": Or. b266 Jeff Wouldn't Do That iif-v up A&AiMsr ,r KIGHTl Kf letir. ec.r. 1 n letter """" wtKS OWGR DUG 6oTT7 LilMt A Job ANb ter a Piece of cHrNNGe SLeep in aeuvery car. rtiont 938.VI. h241 FOR RENT Oarage snaca to rent. 219 State street. 240 GET your shingling dune while the sun enines. t'ur a guarantee i Job call 368 business hours. 240 FOR 84LE Horses, harness and wn. muies ana cows. Inquire t u-, a. uiugny at. 24 FOR SALE Good young, fresh jersey cow, tuberculin tested ZOO 5 Ferry Bt, e241 WANTED Phonograph, Sonora or Brunswick, Tor cash. Phone 937 between S and 6 p. m. 240 ROOM and board for 2 persons in good home, modern convenience reasonable. Phone 1870M. 240 WANTED To buy a bird dog, one broken preferred. Phone 443R or address Bird D Juurnal. 1 FOR SALE By owner, Chalmers tj-30, 1HZ0 model, good mechan ical condition, price right. 1605 S.JRgh: . Q245 FOR SALE 2 cows, one fresh, 1 fresh In three days; one Jersey una 1 liuernsey. Call 2085J eve . nings. e241 FOR SALE 4 houses by owner. Prices from $1 300 to $3600. Call at 1010 N. Com'l, oil station. c251 WANTED 5 or 6 room house from owner, can make $250 pay meat down, balance like rent Box E C Journal. 1241" TRADE Store, stock, equipment. tine location in a small town, for a residence in Salem. H. E Brown, realtor. State and Com mercial over Buslck store. n FOR SALE 1 Jersey cow, 2 pigs registered; immediate sale. Bul gln ranch 6 miles south of Sa lem or phone 107FU. e241 WANTED Small truck for haul ing household goods from Ore gon City to Salem; party ex perienced truck driver. Phone 1 363M. 1241 For Sale Houses THIS cozy 5 room, furnished house is yours for $1750. 1796 Mission St. a241 FOR SALE 1 A ground 7 R house fruit and out buildings. Inquire 2406 Oak St., Salem. a242 FOR SALE By owner, 7 room modern bungalow. Phone 896W a242 FOR SALE Neat cottage in Dal las cheap for quick sale. Phone 100F3, W. H. Sneed, box 122, Rt 6, Salerm a241 BUY NOW 6 room house on N. 5th street. Price only $1900, terms. Krueger, 209 Oregon building. 240 FOR ' SALE 4 room house, two fine lots, 3 blocks to car line, city water, sewer; $1300, $300 cash, balance $20 per month. Phone 559, evenings 2024.1. a241 FOR SALE First class modern bungalow with 7 rooms, full basement, furnace and garage. Fine location on paved street. See owrer, save commission, 265 N. 21st street. a246 7 ROOM HOUSE and large lot with fine variety of fruit and nuts, on paved street close in and near school. Modern except furnace. A buy at $3000, terms. Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bids. a240 GOOD 4 room bungalow east Sa lem, $1400, terms. Good bunga low on paved street, good plumb ing. basement, $1700, terms. 6 good lots, east, close to school, for $600, terms. Brown, realtor, over Busick's, State and Com mercial. a YOU don't have to be a sport; you don't have to back your Judg ment, we will back it for you. We will sell you an 8 room house for $1500 and put $75 In the bank as a guarantee that we will resell it again within five years and make you at least 8 per cent on the investment. We believe In Salem. Magee, corner State and Commercial over Bu sick's. a $4700 BUYS this 6 room plastor- .ed house, located on unemeKe 'ta street, lot 50x150 with cement walks. First floor. living room, dining room, kitchen, bed room, toilet; second floor, 2 bed rooms bath and toilet; electric lights, rooms tinted, good garage; for terms see L. A. Hayford, real tor. 305 State St. a $400 DOWN will buy new, modern 5 room bungalow; can you Deal that? Good location on paved street and cr line, well con structed house nicely arranged, good lot, large shade trees. Let us show you thts"today for $2950 terms like rent. Immediate pos session. We have new bungalows from $2450 up on easy terms, in different parts of the city. S. R. iPwson;408tLS. bank bldg. For Sale Farms 80 ACRE farm close to highway. south, best fruit land, some fruit; very reasonable. Owner, T Jour nal. b240 SUBURBAN SNAP- 10 acres al! In 8 year old cherries, located V, mile from Pacific highway and 5 4 from business district (north.) Good 6 room house and fair barn. Price $3500, terms on ni Worth Jnoo, but must be old. O. K. DeWitt, Pearcy Bros. S 0 Oreeon hide. b240 to His Worst Enemy aeuvery ear. Phone a a km h7.11 I - H DVJKMIMO ur-wv. wou wAMT r TUlCLUe DOLLARS r, W H.Pe- kllP M ANO OVJ tfVr rcMtD 1 . ' " A De WORK. ? J H rrWHT A WCEX'S T uROP DCAo TfcMtGHT faf "r. T U. L nrjo, ij cultivated. uood hiu,. ......... ouiidjiigs, $3000; will take some thing In Salem as part. Magee, corner State and Commercial over Busick's. h 0r.ri.1t x LAND 10 acres all in cultivation, best of soil, 7 miles out on good road. $3000, $1000 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent. Petersen-Robinson, realtors, 229 Oregon bldg. b241 BUY NOW 45 acre ranch, eight miles north of Salem, with buildings, near R R station; land all under cultivation. Price $9000. terms. Krueger, 209 Ore- gonbiindin g. 2 4 0 GOOD BUY 5 acres, buildings, good soil, water system, well drained; one mils to S. Com mercial street car, $t2'0. H. E. Brown, over Busick's store, State and Commeretal. n CHOICE FARM 127 acres, 95 in cultivation with new 4 room house, large new, modern barn, 35 tons hay, 300 bushels oats, 50 bushels wheat, rat proof granar eriea, large silo, 12 acres big timber, good water, gas engine, all implements and stock for $17,000, good terms. If you want a real farm, let me show you this one. Petersen-Robinson, realtors, 229 Oregon bldg. b241 FOR SALE A 5 acre home con sisting of a 5 room bungalow, bath and toilet, electric lights, own water system, hot and cold water, pump house, garage, barn and good chicken houses and pens; located on S. Commercial street and car line also highway, out of city limits. 4 acres in fruit and berries. A good location, a beautiful home. Price $6500. Rt. 3, box 90, Salem, phone 99F2. b240 For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Large Paisley shawl. Inquire 1168 Leslie St. c240 FOR SALE Potatoes $2 per sack, delivered in Salem. Phone 2091.1. c244 FOR SALE Baldwin apples, bring your boxes. Rt. 1, box 2, phone 116F11. c244 FOR SALE Buggy, single harness. scales; four heifers and young pigs. Phone 1786W4. c241 FOR SALE Good feather pillows. Brussels rug 9x12, chiffonier, dresser. 1365 N. 4th. c240 FOR SALE Bed, mattress, springs nearly new, $16.50. 1480 N. 5th street. c240 FOR SALE 20-6 double disc Van Brunt tractor drill, used one sea son. H, Pohle & Son. c240 LINOLEUM, Congoleum, 12-9 and 6 feet wide. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. m FOR SALE Vetch, clover seed, clover hay, oats and vetch hay. A.E. Kuenze, Rt. 7. c243 FOR SALE Oliver horse-drawn sulky plow, good as new, at a great discount. Phone 1995 ask forWagar. c241 FOR SALE Solid oak dining rugs, linoleum and room set other furniture. Phone 1489J, 1078 Chemeketa SL 0242 HIGH mountain grown western red cedar posts, poles. F. E. Westerberg, box 26, Detroit, Or. C265 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE Ex celsior Just overhauled, in per fect mechanical condition. Bar gain. Call J948W. q240 WINTER apples, Baldwin and SpitzenDerg, $1.20 dox. diiiis your boxes, corner Center and Park, 1st house E. of asylum. c240 ITALIAN prune trees, large vigor ous, well grown tTees, grade b to S feet. W. G. Miller. 1417 N. Lib erty, phone 314W evenings. u242 PEACHES, canning peaches, Sal- ways, ana Concord ana lMiugai grapes at J. W. LaFollette s farm 7 miles north of Salem on river road near Clearlake school Phone 71B'21. c241 OR SALE Oat and vetch hay clover mixed $13 ton; straw, car rots $1 sack, 2 horse drill, light farm wagon, surry, farm imple ments. Commission Sales room, 254 S. Liberty. c240 MUST sell Fordson tractor, gooa as new, with 2-bottom plow, set of extension rims, electric lights etc., worth nearly $1000 at to day's price. My price for entire outfit $500. Phone 380 or write W. Turner, 185 S. Commercial St.. Salem. Or. q243 FOR SALE 4 doz. White Leghorn hens, team or DiacK norses, wa gon and harness, weight 1450 lbs., 1 Vanbrunt single disc drill, 2 plows, harrow and many oth er things; come and see for yourself what I have. Leo Doerfler. Rt. 7, Salem, Or., end of pavement on Market St. c242 "For Sali; Livestock REGISTERED Berkshire boar, e' Call 3F3, C. C. Russell. FOR SALE Horse for orchard work, heavy team, wagon, drill, harrow and plows. Phone 1786 W4. e241 FOR SALE One of three mares. weight 1150 to 1250. price $60 and $75; also registered Poland China sow; -will take feew pigs or shoats as part pay. Phone 17F31. e240 ..q ,.,it-v4 1 ,,w" - . luv ' .! ' wtcr. 1 j 1 1 uutu i"v I ' " ' " I I TD ft MUCH ftF 1 f The Capital v" . FOR SALE A good wo weight 2600; also harness and wagon, have no use for them, will sell cheap. Price $135. Write Rt. , box 90, or phone 99F2. e240 For Sale Automobiles DODGE, 1922 model for sale. This car Is brand new, run less than 600 miles, can be bought at a sacrifice. Oldsmobile Sales Co., 185 S. Com'l St. phone 380. q240 LATE MODEL ELGIN SIX SEDAN in perfect shape, looks and runs like new. Save money on . this, the price is only $1000, easy terms. LATE MODEL ELGIN SIX touring, A-l mechanical condi tion, good tires, only $795. Phone Adasns 362 or 1001 apt. 7. q240 FULLY equipped Ford eedan, wire wheels, 6 oversize tires, shock absorbers, spot light, also everything that is useful on a Ford sedan. This car has been run 4 months,' will be sold at a great discount, can be seen at 1112 Mill St. Thursday nicht this week, and Monday night of next week. q241 For Sale Wood FOR sawing wood call 1959J. ee256 FOR SALE Of k, old and second growth fir sawed in -4 ft lengths. Phone 1501R or 1756. ee262 FOR SALE See us for your 16 inch old fir wood. Phone 924R. , e240 WOOD FOR SALE 16 inch old I pitchy fir for sale, and' 4 foot jsecond growth. Phone 1727. ee266 FOR .SALE Best grade mill wood, second growth and old fir, 4 ft. ,or 16 inch, prompt delivery. Phone 1542. Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church St. ee' WOOD WOOD Special off the car, maple $7.50, oak $8 and 16 Inch old fir $S per cord, Salem Fuel Y'ards, Theo Zieman, Chas. Soos, props. ee FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment. 705 N. High. 1240 ROOMS to rent, 787 Cross street. r 4 ROOM apartment, also single rooms at The Miller. 1240 FOR RENT Clean sleeping rooms private family, reasonable. Call evenings 497 N. High J24I FOR RENT Furnished apt. of 3 rooms and bath; adults onlyn 1296 Marion St. J240 FOR RENT Sleeping room suit able for one or two persons, fire place. 905 N. Church. J240 FOR RENT 2 furnished house keeping rooms, couple without children. 1595 N. 5th St. J 242 FOR RENT Warehouse at 842, Front, 60x160 cement floor. In quire at 590 N. Capitol. J248 FOR RENT Modern 7 room bungalow, on paved street and car line, furnish d. Nice modern bungalow for sale, on car line, nice lot, $500 cash and balance -like rent. Good 6 room house, nice lot, for $1600. $600 cash, balance easy terms. For bargains, see H. L. MARSTERS Rooms 211-12 Gray bldg. Phone 907. Wanted flflp ilv" ANTED Middle aged house keep er, good wages, good home. u. J. ,. c ! I ... I. - ' 111' r I V. DUO niRii. . - WANTED Girl for .house work. Call after 6:30 evenings 1957W. g240 WOMAN wanted for general house work, must be good cook. Apply forenoons at 975 Chemeketa St. g241 Wanted Miscellaneous CITY and country wood sawing. Phone 1608W. ee248 CITY and country wood sawing. Phone 11F11. ee242 CITY and country wood sawing. Phone 2046, Fisher Bros. ee WANTED To look at high grade, slightly used piano with view to buying. Phone 21. 1240 A. J. FOSTER, chiropodist, corns removed painless, all foot trou bles treated. 322 State St. 265 WANTED Position as typist or clerical work. Phone 1005M. h241 WANTED To rent 5 or 6 room house by couple with no chil dren. Phone 809. 1240 WANTED To buy 5 acres, at least one cleared, small house. Box B G care Journal. 1242 I HAVE a new grain drill which has never been used, will take plow as part payment. Phone 199 5 cal I for Wagar. c241 WANT To rent 5 or 6 room house preferably with garage, would lease. Box 101 care Journal. J240 WANTRD Gentleman, SO, wishes to correspond with middle aged lady, view matrimony, confiden tial'. Lock box 183, Salem. 1240 LIVE partner wanted In a good money making business. See Mr. Sarff. 512 U. S. bank bldg,- Sa lem. g242 1 Journal, Salem, Oregon WANTED Piano td use In return "7 - w " " rurn for storage; no children. Phone 10!) a It after six. i240 WANTED To rent a house, four to six rooms. Phon 1006-J. 245 WANTED Carpenter work, wages reasonable; reference furnished. Phone 1741R, 1876 S. Commer clal St. b.241 MAN and wife want to take care of place while owner is absent for the winter. Reference furn ished. Phone 1741R. 1241 LIVE business men wanted for exclusive territory to handle the Duplex Supertires. All motorists will want them. Ste Mr. Sarff, 612 U. S. bank bldg. g24 WANTED Used household goods, tools, men s suits and shoes, best cash price paid. Liberty Ex change, 241 N. Com. Phone 8 41 m MISCELLANEOUS TRADE New trallor for cow. 494 S. Winter. No. 1 e241 GOOD wool overcoat to trade for wood. 1345 Marion St. c240 DRESSMAKING by the day. Phone 645J, Mrs. Ricd. m WHEELER'S wood aaw. 1904J. Phone ee249 BISSELLS carpet sweepers. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l. c PRIVATE maternity Phone 1959J hospital. BOARD and room, private family. Price reasonable. 710 Gross St. , 3240 ARMY lockers and steamer trunks Oust received, prices lower than usual. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial. m FOR SERVICE Prize winning Nubian buck. Call 3 2F4 or ad dress R. H. Wolter, Rt. 6, box 63. m263 SEE J. W. Manley for cellar dig ging, grading, plowing, heavy team work and fertilizing. Cher- ry City barns, phone 199. m263 OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle. Used as carpet mats, for pack ing, etc. Capital .Toiimni nfftpe. W'A. 1 El ---ula mattresses to man over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed ding Co. WILL trade good 4x5 plate and film pack camera for shotgun. What have you? Phone 1141.1. c240 ELECTRICIAN Secure my fig ures on wiring by contrct or by the hour, at pre-war prices. H. W. Hatch, phone 1744W. m NOTICE We have opened up a dressmaking shop at 219 State St where I will be plesed to serve all of my old customers as well as new ones. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Mrs. Cora Houck Scott, Mrs. Carrie Chase, phone 937. m240 BRAKE DOWN yout- gas bill by breaking UP your gas with a MASTER CARBURETOR. W. E. . BURNS, DAN BURNS (not Brothers the Same Man) Ferry and High ALADDIN Ready Cut houses, SO percent saved in cost of con struction. Chas. F. Smith, fac tory representative, 620 North west bank bldg., Portland, Or. REAL ESTATE TRADE 60 acre dairy for prune orchard; don't care much for buildings; call or see Socolofsky, realtor, 341 State St. TRADE FOR MERCHANDISE Stock, 173 acres, wit h27 acres prunes, 14 acres logans, 7 acres peaches; full set buildings, drier; price $175 per acre. Federal loan of $10,000 running at 5 per cent for 32 years. See Socolofsky, 341 State St. MODERN BUNGALOW for 5 0-acre farm up to $8500. House has 7 rooms, east frct. lot 133x130, fruit, garage, g .vel street, one block to carline, two blocks Ju nior high school; $4500; no mort gage. Owner wants to start nur sery, and will pay cash differ ence. Socolofsky, 341 State St. TWO GOOD TRADES A little poultry ranch and a good cherry, prune, loganberry tract, both with good improve ments a mile from car line. Own ers will take in each case a town property in part pay. Both arc desirable properties. WM. FLEMING 341 State street. 5 Room house, large lot, 75x180 feet, some fruit, price for quick sale $1500, some terms. This Is close to school and on car line. 7 room modern except heat, full basement, large lot, south Salem. Price only $2100 very easy terms, $300 down and $15 per month will handle several good properties St a very low price. See us for what you want JOSEPH BARBER & SON 200 Gray bldg. GOOD BUYS 80 acres of logged off land at $10 per acre, or trade for city 1 roperty 6 room house, a bargain at $1. 400, with $150 down, balance $15 ier month. Some good city property to trado for farm land. 5 room plastered house, mod ern, close In, at $1550. House for rent. TIIO.MASON 331H State street. vujkn Belt farm for sale. Box 88. CORN belt farm for sale. Box 88 Jefferson. Or. b242 PLUMBINO. repairing and coil work a specialty. reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St Phone 15 17 J m246 TRADE 110 acre farm H miles north of Salem for acreage or city property. Is all good soil, 90. acres cleared, family orchard, electric lights and water in build buildings; price including trac tor, stock, feed and implements, $17,500. Federal loan of $7000 running at 5 Vi per cent. This is a real farm and merits your in spection. Socolofsky, 341 State street. SOME REAL TRADES 15 acre, well Improved fruit farm. Trado $4500 equity for house In Salem, or Canada land. 80 acre farm, 65 under plow. Price $16,010. Trade for smaller place or a business proposition. 55 acre fruit farm. A snap for $8500. Close to R R. Has 10 acres good timber and fine creek. Trade $4500 equity for small tract near Salem. Modern 5 room bungalow, $3, 000. Would take auto as part pay ment. Two choice lots In Salem worth $1000. Owner wants a used Ford for them. But how's this ? ? 97 acre hill farm near Salem. Price $10,000. Owner will take a $3000 house as first payment, balance In five years. No Incumbrance. FOR TRADES SEE ME I CAN MATCH YOU Tho original "Just Real Estate" CHAS. W. NIEMEYER 215-216 Masonic Temple Phones 1000. 1014. n GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES 10 acres all in bearing prunes and logans, house, garage, four miles south near paved road, to exchange for city property. Price $5000. 60 acre farm 11 plow land, good buildings; will take house in Sa lem up to $5000 and $2000 In cash as first payment and give time on balance. Price $10,500. 21 acres all in bearing prunes and logans, 5 room house, barn, prune dryer, electric lights, locat ed close to Liberty store. Price. $11,000. H acre tracts, close to car line and paved road, south. Price $400 per tract, $2o down, balance easy terms. REAL BUYS IN HOUSES 10 room house located at 1107 S. Commercial St. corner lot 75x 150. Price $3500 cash. 7 room house located at 1064 Oak street, large lot, barn on al ley. Price $2700 cash. 9 room modern house with hot water heating system, at 1216 State street. Price $7000, terms. 5 room modern bungalow at 200 S. 23rd street. Price $3800 terms. 5 room bungalow partly furn ished, at 1136 S. 16th street. Price $2200, terms. 4 room bungalow, modern plumbing and lights on S. 21st 8t. $1500, $500 clow", easy terms on balunce. 3 room bungalow, modern plumbing and lights, paved street, located at 1735 Fairmount street. Price $2100. terms. If vou are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. GHABENHORST & CO. Realtors 275 State St.lLS. bank bldg. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MKNT tn the matter of the estate of Eliza A. Helm, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the estate of Eliza A. Helm, deceased, has filed his final account as such administrator with the clerk of the county court of the state of Oregon for Marion county, and the said court has fixed Monday the 17th day of October. 1921, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon, as the time and the county court room In the court house In Sa- lem, Marlon county, Oregon, s" the place for hearing any and all objections 'to the said account and fjr settlement thereof. Dated this 16th day of Septem ber, 1921. R. W. HELM, Administrator nf the estate of Eliza A. Helm, deceased. SALEM MARKETS Combed from reports of Salem dealers fur the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Re vised dslur.) Grain: Average valley wheat (bulk) 80c. Hay: Cheat hay $ 1 0.00 1 1.00: oat hay $11. 00 12.00; clover hay $9.00 it 10.00. Wholesale Prices Meat: Hogs $lu.50; dressed hogs 16c; top steers COS l-4c; cows 24V4c; bulls 3c; spring lambs 55V4c; sheep, yearling Butter and eggs: Eggs 40c; light tens HOUc; heavy hens 1920c; old roosters 8c; broil ers over two pounds 22c Butterfat: Butterfat 47c; cream ery butter 4849c: country but- (Copyright 3(10 by International Mark rewt1red In the IT. 1 r m f". m. J. ALBERT KENNEDY, teacher of ana piano. Mrs. Edna U. Kennedy, piano. 525 N. Capitol, phone 1877R. FINANCIAL MARION-POLK. County Farm Loan association baa money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith secretary-treasurer. 303 Salem Knlr ..r " PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. Phone 1512, over Patten book store. HOl'BjfclUOLD GOODS" WHY srer.i. nnn WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware Store. 271 N. Commercial street. Phone 734. ART PHOTOGRAPHS" TINTED Les sons in Oil, Water colors, China painting. 212 S. Cottage. Phone 1620M. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- utriie, optometrist, uow Optical Co., 326 State St.. MERCHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor. soutn. nigh and Ferry. jvi. A. HJ3TES. fine tailoring. 384 State street. TRANSFER OREGON TAXI and transfer, Lib. city ana i erry street l'hone 77. MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel uenvery. Transfer trunks any part of city 5Qc. Messenger serv lce. 179 S. High. Phone 230. PIANOS CHERRINGTON Piano House. tjusn ana lvane pianos 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL. Dlanos. nhonn. graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 State, Salem. HEMSTITCHING BALEM ELITE hemstitching chalnstltching, pleating, buttons. 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 879. MRS. F. E. MULL, hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. HAT BLOCKING METS t?d , W?men.'8. ,nats e?; vated, blocked and trimmed 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. NURSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY Have good variety nursery stock. Of fice 540 State Salem, Or. Phone 1737 or 1140M. PALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life. Fire. Health. Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto in surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Or. JUNK WANTED- Rags and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 398, 21S Cen ter street. "2 ter 3537c; milk $2.25 cwt. Vegetables: Oregon onions $3.00 cut; beets $2 cwt; carrots $1.50 cwt; Oregon cabbage 1c lb; green peppers 9c lb; green peas 12c; potatoes ti.ia; cucumbers 25c per dox; green beans 5c; wax beans 5c; egg plant 9c lb; sweet potatoes 4gc; cauliflower $2 crate; tomatoes 75c crate. Fruits: Oranges 7.007.60; lemons $S; bananas 9c; California grapefruit $6.50;cantaloupe $1.75 j per crate; watermelon lc per lb. I Elberta peaches $1.40; Maluga grapes 10c lb.: Tokay grapes He buvlng prlcti 3ge40c; selling -lb; huckleberries 14c. lb. -..,, randie,i 44ffli4fin: selected Retail Prices- Butter and eggs: Eggs 48 60c; creamery butter 53c; country but- ter 4245c. Portland. Or., Oct. 4. Cattle steady; receipts 175; choice steers $6.506.75; medium to e.K,d 15 00i!i5.50: fair to medium 4.505.00; common to fair $3.75 6.50; choice feeders $4.25 4.75; fair to good $3.253.75; cbolco cows and heifers $4.35 4.50; medium to good $3.75 $4.25; fair to medium $3.00 $.76; common cowl $2.253.00; canners $1.251.75; bulls $2.25 3.25; choice dairy calves $10.00 10.75; prime light $9.75 10.25; medium light $6.75 9.75; heavy I - n 6.75. Hogs lower; receipts 85; prime light $50rl0.00; smooth heavy 250 to 300 pounds $8.00 9.00; 300 pounds and up $7.00 Feature Service, Ino.) !,., ff;i Pace Nlr Cost PHOTOGRAPHY IE LUXE studio. Better photon. 147 N. Commercial. MOTORCYCLES HAKRT W. SCOTS' "The CyeM Man" 147 aCom. Phone 68 LLOYD E. RAMSDEN, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles 337 Court Bt. GARAGES CHERRY CITY garage. 170 S. 12. General repairing. AUTOMOBILE storage at $3 per month. South Commercial Ga rage, 430 3. Commercial SL q cwiiigiFtn . 238 N. High (Phone 203. Batte rll recharged and repaired. Degge Burrell. SALEM Auto Rudiator shop, ra diator and fender specialists. 198 S. 12th St. SOUTH1 Commercial garage, gen eral repairing. All work guaran teed. For sudden service phone 278, residence phone 1029R. 430 8. Commercial. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding. 488 Ferry street. Phone 4D2. WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electric shop, 263 N. Com'l, phone 413. R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries, starter and generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO electrician, expert troubla shooting. 238 N. High St. phone 203. AUCTIONEER G. SATTERLEE. 404 Ferry St. Salem, Or. Phone 1177. COL. W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer. Farm sales conducted every where. We save you money on' advertising. City phone 7 or phone Turner central. OSTEOPATHY DR9. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 506 U. S. bank building. Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshal! residence phone 334. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY- Of- flce, corner Commercial and i Trade Sts. Bills payable month! In advance. Phone 57. REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair Shop, 347 Court St. Lawn mowers ground. G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing sh o p. 143 S. Liberty Bt. STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 50 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sizes 26 to 58 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooks. Salem' Fence and Stove Works, 250 Court street. Phone 124 CITY SCAVENGER BALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of ail kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed. Day phone 17. night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum mins. Mgr. , ' - 7.00; rough heavy $5.007.00; fat pigs $9.D0(g) 10.00; feeders. $9.50f 10.00; stags $4.006.00. Sheep steady; receipts 483; east of m unts'n iambs $6,000 0.60; best valley $5.50 6.00; culls $1.50 3; feeders $1.50$;, light yearlings 54.605.00; heavy 4.00; heavy $2.002.50; ewes $1.003.00. Butter steady; extra cubes 43 44; cartons 48c; prints 47c. Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream 47 51c fob Portland; undergrade 44 45c. Fees: No fresh ee&rs available. ReUU.e nrice ,. noun, 42(a44c: ; candled in cartons, 46 60c. I Poultry: Heus light 14);1 heavy, 2426c; springs, 26 Z7c; heavy, Z4d36c; 01a roosiem. 1012c; ducks, Z5c. Wheat: tiara wnue t.v; sun- white $1.05; white ciud i.oo. 1 hard winter l.u ; northern spring $10fi; red Walla $1.02. Mtlirun, zirazz; oats, ni $25.00; corn No. S yellow, $26.75 27.50; bay, timothy, valley, I $15.0015.50; falfalfa $14.50 15.00; new grain, mixed $13.00 13.50: clover $10.00 11.00; straw $8.00. Taft Re-Elected By Unitarian Detroit, Mich.. Oct. 7. William Howard Taft, chief Justice of the; United States supreme court, to- , day was re-elected president of the Unitarian general conference at the organization's roi --- session. He was elected without opposition, for a third co.i&eoine term. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY In September, 1921 The Capital Journal carried 3523 Want Ads A Not including real estate and classified directory, totalling 18,125 lines. This is double the num ber of want ads carried by any other paper and shows that the Capital Journal is the recognized Want Ad. medium of the Willamette Valley.