Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 29, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    flsrsday, September 29, 1921
Civil Strife
Out In
jmbers of Factional
ffarlare still amouia-
erBut Country irad
aaily Settling Down
Rome. Sept. 29. The great
jflirie fire of civil strife which
Lept over Italy for the last
lo yt.i i s has not died out.
It is smouldering, and wicked
julinR red flames dart up unex
prtedly every now and again
jjni inn asnea. a suiemn cove
Uiii cf peace anad good will was
itereil upon by the Fisclstl and
(je locialists over a month ago,
pier the acspiceg or the new
renin', Signor Bonomi, himself
former socialist. But the most
drbulont members of the Fascist!
i k pltra-Mationalist party, as well
the i r opponent, the Commun
is refused to lay down their
0t, which led to the resignation
,1 thf founder and leader of the
flirlsti, Signor Mussolini, mem-
hr cf parliament and editor of
soldiers who had won the war on
the Woody Hid. of Caporetto and
The ex-premier, who now owns
an important morning newspaper
II Paese, is about to launch an
ambitious evening paper, a Mon
do. How a simple university pro
fessor could afford this would be
a mystery were it not for the gen
erally accepted fact that he
amassed some hundred millions of
lire during the war.
Taken as a whole, the situation
In Italy has greatly Improved, and
there Is everv Indication
gradual and permanent settling
down to work .peace and prosperity.
Lloyd George
Replies To Irish
Note Thursday
London, Sept. 28. Prime Min
ister Lloyd George's reply to
Eamonn De Valera will not be Is
sued today, and there is some
doubt whether it will be available
tomorrow, it was announced of
ficially at No. 10 Downing street,
the official residence of Mr. Lloyd
George this morning.
No hitch has developed, it was
said, but the prime minister has
decided there is no reason why he
the Influential newspaper Popolo j should not wait another day be
fore making the communication
public in order to give all the
members of his cabinet and op
portunity to pass on the draft of
the reply.
Forecasts declared the note
would make it clear that the con
ference had been called to dis
cuss Irish self-government within
the empire, but that nothing con
tained in the message would make
Impossible Its acceptance by the
Sinn Fein, or demand explicit
concurrence with the British
standpoint as a condition to the
con ference.
Actress for Whose
The Capital Journal. Salem, Oregon
m m -
Death "Patty" MoOIIShllie
ii uuuiue is nem
Saved the Country .
There is no doublt that the na
tionalist reaction, led by Musso
lini, saved Italy in 1919 and 1920
rben Italy was at death-grips
with the Bolshevist wolf, repre
ssed hy the extremist socialist
'art?, which was amply financed
ty Lenin. It was a question of
touch and-go then, and the policy
(I violence against violence, "an
eve lor an eye," adopted by the
Fucbti, was generally believed by
disinterested foreign observers to
be well justified. But having at
tained in great measure their ob
ject of saving the country from
Woody revolution and ruin, the
Fascist!, It was thought .should
j Hire Biowea aown ann adopted a
less belligerent attitude.
Nitti Supports Arditi
mleald, the extremists got out
I of hind, and the Arditi del Popo
lo, oi Storm Troops of the People,
tame Into being as the protectors
and fhampions of the "downtrod
den liberties of the people"
' against the tyranny of the Fasl
t elltl. These new Arditi are re
cruited chiefly among ex-convicts,
deserters and criminals. It Is
highly significant that the com
mander of the Rome division, one
Oraario Barnecoll, a tlcket-of-leave
man, who has been sentenc
ed some thirty times for theft, at
tempted murder and desertion,
was arrested yesterday for failure
to report to the police.
It Is an open secret that the
Arditi have the full support of the
M-premier, Nittl. and that they
have unlimited funds at their dis
posal. They are practically Nlt
tl's Red Guard, organized for the
purpose nf keeping the Fascist! at
and facilitating Nitti's return
to power.
Nitti a Favorite
Nlttl, of course, enjoys gTeat fa
vor rlth a large body of pardoned
serteds, for It was he who grant
general amnesty to them, giv
ing them equal rights with the
Letter Identifies
Body Of Suicide
Newman, Cal Sept. 29. The
body of a man believed to be Geo.
B. Stewart according to papers
found on it, was found hanging
by the neck from a tree near a
San Joaauin river bridge, east of
here today by George B. Gran, af0 under the hammer
t ''sMntwHsH
Miss Virginia Rappe, motion
picture actress, who died follow
ing a "party" in Roscoe Arbuckle's
suite in a San Francisco hotel.
The famous comedian has been ar
rested on a formal complaint of
Tokio, Sept. 29 Isolated far out
In the Pacific Ocean, between Jap
an proper and the Bonla Mand
group, raising nothing but sweet
potatoes and rice, the inhabitants
of Hachijojima are doing their
best to make Japan's first attempt
at prohibition a failure.
Mr. Doko Ota. headman of a lit
tle village on an island that is
about twenty-one miles long and
seven miles wide accompanied by
a delegation of his fellow villagers
was in Tokio recently to petition
the government here to remove
the ban on the manufacture of
sake, Japan's native drink.
Because the natives of the island
of Hachijopima lived almost exclu
sively on sweet potatoes and sake
the tax on liquor did notopply to
his hands. It was then that the
Yamada, however, saw his chance!
to obtain a monoply and a fortune
and get the entire manufacture of
alcoholic drinks in the island in
ghis hands. It was then that the
government in Tokio spoke. The
old tax was not put back, but in
stead there came an executive ord
er entirely forbidding the sale and
manufacture of intoxicating liq
uors. Since then, as Mr. Ota says in
his appeal to Tokio, most of the
islanders have squandered their
scanty incomes on drink and they
are faced with economic ruin. The
have pawned or mortgaged their
ancestral estates to obtain im
ported sake, or "moonshine" sho
chu, which is a strong spirit brew
ed of sweet potatoes. Their mor
als have deteriorated, he says, and
they are even scoffing at the
ancient tradition that Hachtjpjima
Is the home of sireij folV they
claim. It such U the case why do
uoi me sirens come TO their aid,
now that they -are In dire need?
Page Fivo
Spirits Sacrificed
But Only Licensed
Persons Can Buv
Kansas City, Sept. 29. Choice 8ex:
lots of such famous brigbtenersic0Unt of Btomacn trouble. Even
as "Four Roses," "Jonney Wal-1, dl,VT agre6' """f.
. ' al Adler-i-ka I can eat anything."
ker, Old Taylor" and "Old i Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH upper
Crow" are soon to be auctioned In 'and lower bowel, removing foul
this city. Over 150 barrels 0f'matter wh'ch poisoned stomach.
other choice wines and lipuors will i ECELLENT for 888 on tbe Btom"
, . . , . ach. Guards againstX sppendi-
Girl's Statement
Will Help Salem
Many women will profit by the
following statement of one of their
'I was afraid to eat on ac-
Movie Mad
Public Pays
For Photos
Los Angeles. Sent ii tk .
of economy experts, which has
been busy in all of the great mo
tion picture studios here, has now
fallen on "movie" fans scattered
throughout the world.
The experts hv (viru .,
that a saving of from $S50,000 to
a cool million dollars can be ef
fected for the studios and popular
players if the fans are made to
Pay tor photographs of the stars.
It was learned that ,.,.. .
to charge for photographs and do
nate the money, over the actual
cost of making the nlctnro i
some needy cause had been very
auccessiuny tried out by Mary
Pickford and a Hollywood photo
grapher. '
Many other film celebrities
have indorsed the plan and are
now co-operating.
Miss Pickford has been turning
over the money received from the
sale of her photographs to a Good
Cheer fund for needy children
while other stars are swelling the
coffers of a fund for aged mother
from the sale of their pictures It
Is predicted bv the m ii n
of the leading studios that it is on
ly a matter of time until all of
the stars will enter into the new
charitable picture distribution
So next ti me Vrttt can A .
-" ouu iui a free
Photograph of your favorite pic-
. oiar aon i De surprised if In
return you receive a card which
reads about as follows:
"Your letter asking for one of
my photographs haa just been
handed to the committee selling
the pictures for the benefit of the
Aged Mothers' fund. There are
numberless mothers who have sac
rificed all their lives for their
children and who find, as the end
draws near, they have been too
liberal with others at their own
For some time a careful check
ing of the requests for photo
graphs made from all parts of the
world to stars and studios has
shown in most instances the per
sons making the requests were atr
tempting tu uiane collections mat
would include all the leading play?f
ers. Some of the persons writing,
have their appeals down to such s
businesslike basts their letters ar
printed, the name of the nlavcr or
studio being merely written In.
Do you know what constitutes
a strong constitution?
TO have sound, healthy nerves, completely under control, digestive
organs that are capable of absorbing a hearty meal, means you
have a strong constitution I Your general attitude is one of optimism
and energy.
But an irritable disposition, frequent attacks of indigestion, and a
languid depression, indicate your system is not in correct working order.
Probably you are not eating the proper food Probably the nutri
tious elements are not being supplied to your system in the proper way.
Grape-Nuts is the wholesome, delicious cereal that promotes normal
digestion, absorption and elimination, whereby nourishment is accom
plished without auto-intoxication. A mixture of energy-giving wheat
and malted barley comprise the chief elements of Grape-Nuts. A dish
at breakfast or lunch is an excellent, wholesome rule to follow.
You can order Grape-Nuts at any and every hotel, restaurant, and
lunch room; on dining cars, on lake boats and steamers; in every good
grocery, large and small, in every city, town or village in North America.
Grape -Nuts the Body Builder
"There's a Reason"
Iritis. Tt hrine-s out nnfsnnnus
In fact every bit of high voltage matter you never thought was in
stuff seized since prohibition will your system. J. C. Perry, drug-
A letter found in the dead man's
pocket, addressed to his sister,
Mrs. H. L. Wilson, Grants Pass
Oregon, dated September 24 said
he intended suicide and judging
from the decomposed body, ended
his life on that date.
Two Finns Incorporate.
The Diamond Sheep company of
Portland, capitalized at 25,000
filed articles of incorporation with
the state corporation department
here Wednesday. The incorporators
are J. J. Rooke, F. M. DeNeffe and
E. Doehrlng. Articles were also
filed by the Tepco Manufacturing
company of Portland, capitalized
at $5000. The incorporators are
Victor Goetz, R. Teeple and Frank
A rattlesnake six feet long, said
to be the largest ever seen In East
ern Oregon, was killed recently by
J. C. Kimball near Prairie City.
But there's the joker onlv
properly licensed druggists and
manufacturers with the proper
permits will be able to bid on any
of the liquors. The "angry mob"
will only be able to stand around
and moisten dry lips with a still
dryer tongue.
gist, 115 South Commercial St.
Bares His Soles
to Secure Drink
Lawrence, Sept. 29 The star
witness for the commonwealth in
district court went about in his
stocking feet, an unusual occur
rance in the annals of the local
court. Michael Kane, the stocking
footed man, had been deprived of
his shoes and other effects while
he slept on the bank of the Spicket
River. One of his companions said
that the shoeless man had volun
teered to give his shoes for pawn
ing purposes so that he and two
companions might have another
drink. At the end of the case
which was continued, the court
ordered Kane's shoes listed "Ex
hibit A" returned to his feet.
SISbW m-Ja at
But hose that will give you equal value for the money
you invest in it. Hosiery that will keep its shape and
its texture that will hold its exquisite lustre and yet
give evidence of good wearing qualities.
Onyx and Phoenix Silk Hosiery
bear behind them the guarantee of satisfaction exten
ded by their nation-wide reputation for highest quality. ,
You will find these brands of silk hosiery quoted at the
new market prices at
Fair Demonstration
New Pavillion, Oregon State Fair
, , .,
$245 for Yours!
YES, Sir; only $24.85
for a brand-new
first-quality Prest - O -Lite
Battery, full of zip
and zing, and born to
Hot long. Prest-O-Ute's
second reduction in Jess
I battery is
And the
Here's a dandy bat
tery for Fords, certain
models of Overlands,
Chevrolets, Buicks, and
27 other cars and trucks.
Come get yours. It
means $13.60 saving over
Prest-O-Lite's 1920 price
Drive around.
rnimiMif iiHii-Miiiir --
"all cast isqn y11 I 'tgM, HilsW
Run under the "Pay as you go" plan
Pull up whr
you th 'f
LUtt m crrrrrl
,itt fm trttj
418 Court Street. Salem Oreecw
START Right with JbvbU QJii&i
' BllllllllllllllllllllllliiBlllllllllllllllllllllllllV'LVfB '
y5r War 0 SZUJ
Pipeless Furnace
your home. Ask the factory
representative in our state fair
booth to explain its features.
$5 Brings One to Your Home
Your Old Stove in Part Payment