Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 28, 1921, Image 1

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Average for 1920, 5250.
Population ol Salem, 1900, 4258;
1910, 14,094; 1920, 17,679.
Marlon' County, 1920, 47,177;
Polk County, 14,181.
Member of Audit Bureau of Circu
lation. Associated Press Full
leased Wire.
The Weather
OREGON: Tonight and Thurs
day fair. Moderate northwesterly
LOCAL: Rainfall, trace; mail
mum 75. minimum 40; river -.8
-Third Year No. 232
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, September 28, 1921
Price Three Cents
In Act With
Trousers Off
Photographs Identify
Man Who Stayed at
Wife Appeals
Bandit Gardner To
Go Back To Prison
Hotel As
San Francisco, Sept. 28. Mrs.
Dolly Gardner, wife of Roy Gard
ner, mail bandit, who escaped
from McNeil island federal prison
September 5, published a letter In
not be a hunted man and lead an
honorable life.
"Show President Harding and
every one you are the man 1 have
always said you were. Most any
Tacoma, Wash., Sept. 28. Po
jjce, postal officials, and special
gents of railroads were piecing
together bits of information today
to an effort to pick up the trail of
,maii believed to r,e Roy Gardner,
who escaped from McNeil Island
penitentiary Labor day afternoon.
No trace of the man has been
found since he disappeared from a
garage near Chehalis. He robbed
the garage of gasoline and oil, and
the number of his car was taken.
The number is the same as an
mnhilo stolen from George
Peoples, of Raymond, last Friday
Chief of folice W. G. Shumway
of Raymond, was more certain
than ever today that Gardner was
In Raymond to Friday of last
week, that he took the automobile
and that he committed the garage
robbery at Chehalis.
At the same time that the stran
ger vanished fro mRaymond the
proprietor of the lodging house
where he stopped disappeared.
Chief Shumway denied today that
a warrant has been issued for tne .
proprietor's arrest but he said he
had learned he was seen in San
Francisco yesterday. He is not j
charged with any offense but the
prosecuting attorney of Pacific
tounty is considering what action
6honUl be taken.
"I believe it was this man who
carried the letter from Gardner to
the Ran Francisco Bulletin." said
Chief Shumway today. "1 nas
been learned that he was an old
friend of Gardner, and he often
told about knowing Gardner well."
Ohiem Shumway said an exam
ination of the room where the sus
pect stayed revealed medical prep
arations such as would be used in
treating a wound, as well as mate
rials for binding up a wound.
"A dozen people here have posi
tively Identified the man as Gard
ner after hslng shown his pie
tore." the f fflcer said. "He posed
ai an old railroad man and a per
ianal friend of the hotel proprie
tor. He talked with other roome- s
ky the hour, and by his very
frankness threw them off the
Thief Shumway wn. snot told of
the suspicions uutll the man had
disappeared. He then Investigat
ed the r ise, notified Portland. Tn-
eoma and San Francisco federal
officials, and kept his own counsel
h the hope t!ie riaa could he
headed off.
Chehalis. where the fiipf-rt and
the stole riantunK.b'le were last,
een. h only four miles from Cen
tralis, wbe-e Gardner wn rcctp
tnrM hot 3;, after Ms nV
fro mpuards on a rj!n at Oas'Ie
The automobile ai driven from
Hiymon d?o Chehalis Friday nlsht
ttd south there, as the
garage tYit was robbed Is on the
Pacific highway at Jackson's Prat
He. The car at that time was
leaded rojth toward Portland. To
reach Portia! It would have
fanned tbrouzb. CaKllc Rock and a
Wintry fjnillar to Gardner.
oepieuiuei u, puuusiieu a lener iu always sum juu wcio. inirav
the San Francisco Bulletin today one can be taken back but it takes
addressed "Roy Gardner, some-J a Roy Gardner and a thorough-
where," and asking him to return I bred to go back of his own accorQ
to the prison. The letter follow-' and take his cnances wun me rwu
Dr. Brumfield's Fake
Lapse of Memory Un-
covered No More
Mania Stuff Goes
ed receipt of a letter by the Bul
letin from Gardner detailing his
escape and enclosing a plea to
President Harding for clemency.
Mrs. Gardner's letter said:
"Pear Roy: in your letter to
President Harding you said you
had ended your criminal career.
To show you really mean this go
back to McNeil Island. You can-
"Tbe law renders your friends
powerless to help you under pre
sent circumstances.
"Roy, do this one thing for my
sake and little Jean's. I want to
do the best thing for you. That
is why I ask this of you.
"Think this over but do not let
others think for you.
"Lovingly Dolly."
Ku Klux Klan
Making No Progress
Here Says Governor
Roseburg, Or., Sept. 28. Unless
Dr. R. M. Brumfield, alleged slay
er of Dennis Russell asks for his
wife, she will not be permitted to
visit the jail, Sheriff Stunner an
nounced today.
"From now on there is going to
be no more ot this 'Mamie' stuff,"
said the sheriff after Mrs. Brum
field had visited her husband and
was greeted as "Mamie."
"If Brumfield wants to see his
wife, we'll allow her to enter but
he has to call for his wife and Dot
for a sister who bas been dead for
15 years." the sheriff added.
Sheriff Starmer reported he had
sprung a conversational trap on
the prisoner, whom he suspects of
feigning lapse of memory to aid in
his defense. After Dr. Brumfield
bad told his wife, addressing her
as "Mamie," that the sherlll nad
Sioux City, Iowa, Sept. 28.
Burglars often catch their
victims with their trousers
off, but a Sioux City burglar
bad the tables turned on him
by being caught with his
trousers off and clad only in
a union suit and a pair of
silk hose, late last night. The
man, who gave his name as
Nick Costellant, was caught
while robbing a men's fur
nishing store by the proprie
tor, John Kevill, and H. E.
Cody, a newspaperman.
When discovered he was don
ning a new outfit, and had
$500 worth of the best
clothes in the store packed in
two suitcases.
Officials Estimate Attendance Today at 35,000
People; Crowds Throng Every Nook and
Corner of Grounds; Band Concerts Are
Big Feature
Salem, determined that her day at the fair should be a
memorable one, today moved en masse to the state fair
trrOUllHfl which nrivirrlmir to o-ffioiol aah'motaa ool.l o l.a
Washington, nept. 28.-Imn.e- - t T "T "
diately after the senate took up'w"':"w"ci ala u,la onemoon juiumea wun no less man
. . l. : 1 1 i. . - - ( vr ,, A: (MlO nersjnrn
me ui uui, ocuatvi -"'""ji , r .
nnhltean Orearon. offered an
Mc Nary Asks
For Repeal Of
Traffic Taxes
Triad 1 uranfka. , I -..1. ,.!,, J rt Aliw4. At.
iuvmi " tt 1 1 1 1. 1 iui uiliuim. til ut i iv t i uvv in. rAi riirni. is i r"i-
amendment, proposing repeal of plays dean ghows and an abundance of special features are
the freight, passenger and express ...... ,-,,, mn . . ,, , vo(. s,v
transportation taxes on next jan- "...v.. -- j
- a ii i .. i i 1 1 ,t
,..., 1 Th tax on oil bV DlPC-,. 11
ua urmilri l retained. 1 lie i
1. The tax on oil by
would be retained
amendment went over.
The senate agrgeed to a com
mittee change to the house bill
designed to speed up settlement of
back taxes. The time limit for the
final assessment of Income, excess aanrf war nroflts tax paid
this year or hereafter was fixed at
InatAQfl OT inTCS. U
TTnvlinrr AntirnVfiS of .v.. ,. hill. In the case of such
mmF.mZ'. il : to iq!.i the time
Plan For Night Ses-i T.un.t was
n i. x A ! ..
SlOnS W AX live .made rive year.
Soon for Conference
The Ku Klux Klan Is making no no subsidiary, secret, Invisible
headway it. Oregon in-the opinion . corprttt -o assist m in )n, Olrott who bas so ad- forcement of Its laws or to protect, u , newspaper re-
the liberties of its people. (porter as his attorney, the sheriff
"In Oregon, the great mass of reproved the prisoner, saying:
the public not only has a distinct: "What do you mean by tell your
hand in making the laws but feels, wife that 1 lied to you?"
and shows deep respect for them The sheriff reported Dr. Brum
after they are made. eld began to stammer: "Well,
"flur citizens ask aid from no you am lie to me.
I vised the New York World In re
' ply to a query as to the governor's
attitude toward this secret organ
ization .
"Because of the wholesome con
Hitina In flreeon. with little dis
content and a satisfied people the
l.UIIlt lit ' - i
Ku Klux Klan, although endeav- organization that must
work in "Well what did you want to tell
nrlnor to invade me smic, uuik anu dw-'"
onng iu iuva c .i,.tinn has no "But you did lie to me. I shall
made Utile or no progress a . nver believe you again and T toId
informed it Is now toioing . f u. p ace v. Brumfield replied
like the Arab and as suenuy uies. . reagon was that for
. .. .. .. rnnr's tv. world in ts telegram to But nai reason was mat ior
stealing away, luc o ... ito1 telline your wife?" Starmer de-
telegram to th". World reads. , the governor sialea ia. - ,;d ' ,
The Klan h.s been taken light- poll reveals only - on. execu, manned again,
ly here and because of the fact Governor Hardwlrt of George -
that it has made practically no as giving the o"' n taci sigter , wa8 talkIng l0, not my
impression on our people or our approval. One other has eded,
institutions the executive office the issue ,and a large nnmbei - have, the sheriff,
of this stale has deemed action or expressed unqualified di PP'oval Sweeney...
n-wirniar comment Unneces- of the Invisible orders aims and
sary. I feel our government needs methods.
Sidelights On The Fair
- I a ii .....tirw liAiiiioci Vlr(
HoT Xl? f tr'acny "aTIt was
Sorrtding 'the state fair ; Uiose who brought launches
their brothers who had scorned to
carry a lunch basket.
.. u i.. iiki v in
come this time, ua :
! gaged in getting the Iinisn.nt,
touches on a new woui
,,,111 at St. Johns. Mr. Fell is an, b0me ' . .
EtSS - te..egis.a-!yea, ,Cut fingers, mashe toes
. i- iccq from Umatilla ana ano oiner unuu. j -
ture in 1889 trom uw pn,lrd to by novices, but,
Morrow cou ies nu ; tQ gecret
out ot poi.' " ' - , .i.M a fjrst aid station
Some Inconvenience to persons
Examination For.
Postmaster Here
Set For October 25
Washington, D. C Sept.
28. A n n o u n cement was
made today of a civil service
examination to be held on
October 25 to select postmas
ter for Salem, Oregon.
The office pays a salary of
$3700. The Salem office
has been vacant since July
Washington, Sept. 28. Presi
dent Harding was understood to
have given his approval today to
plans of senate republican leaders
to expedite ratification ol tne
peace treaties with Germany. Aus
tria and Hungary. The program
contemplates night sessions begin
ning tonight and continuing until
opponents are agreeable to fixing
a definite date for voting.
Elihu Root, one of the American
delegates, has advised he would
arrive here about October 1, pre
pared to proceed with work of the
conference. Upon receipt of this
information it was said by other
American representatives that
they would likely hold the first
meting of the American delega
tion next week.
The American delegates, who.
besides Mr. Root, are Secretary
HnehM and Senator Lodge of
Massachusetts and Senator Under
wood of Alabama, have not had
any preliminary conferences.
Rinnhliran leaders at the cacl
tnl wer of the opinion that con
gressional action on the adminis
tration bill for refunding the al
lied debts would be one of the
questions to be considered.
WaS. Tthe f rst scouring mill at placed in the room
men of the first headquarters.
Records show that "pproxl-,
nrUelV 1.500 season tickets to the
Mr have been sold this year, ac-
o ding to J. E- McClintock, cash
ler. That is another record scored
! wording to Mr. Mc
tins m'.-w- . ,.,
Cllntock. who added that but
1,100 were bought lasi ..
will be
next to the
big crowds at
Carl Wanderer
To Hang Friday
Springfield, 111.. Sept. 28.
,'.. but there were no 1925
I ve seen sonic u& 1 " i spriufinciu, . - -
the grounds, but today s oeais Cari Wanderer, convicted slayer oi
anything in the past," was a com- hlg wife ner unborn babe and a
ment heard on all sides at ths ,.fagged gtranger." will go to the
grounds today. gallows Friday, according to an-
nouncement from the governor's
Wanderer lost his last fight for
commutation of sentence to life
imprisonment or anotner reprieve
n Fair Knard ipn the division of par,)on8 and
JU lOlI 'paroles recommended to Governor
2 Thirty. Small that Wanderers peuuou.
- - be nenieu.
rhoseu from all parts of,
Deckabach Put
Night Sessions
To Speed Treaties
Washington, Sept. 28 With a
tUw to expediting action on the
peace treaties with Germany, Aus
.ri . and Hunranr and on tax re
vision legislation, republican lead-,
ers planned today to put through
program calling not only for
,. of Mi;- Rpnate. but
niBiiv - - i
for the beginning of the day sea-:
slons an hour earlier than usual.:
The tax bill would be considered
during the day and the treaties at.
New York.
There is a desire to dispose ofj
.,,..n,. hrfnre the beginning of'
ih conference on the
Speedy Return
Of Prosperity
Seems In Sight
voru Sent. 28. The
speedy return of prosperity with
of work for all was predict
ed today by two notable figures in
1 1 iml mercantile circles,
Charles E. Bedford, president of
the Vacuum Oil company, and
John Wanamaker. merciiani.
"Business revival week." said
Mr Wanamaker. "I think will be
expanded Into a business revival of
years and years. I have more faith
in America today and more expec
tation for the future than at any
time In my sixty years as a mer
chant. "Instead of curtailing our ad
vertlsing we are enlarging it. In
stead of standing pat on our stores
as they have been we are refitting,
r...rrnilnr. rebuilding and lm-
,ovin .hem. To do thia we nave
given employment iu " -
of mechanics and omers ny "
In Mr. Bedford's view conditions I... r red to normal by
spring, barring unforseen develop
ments. J
"The business of this company,
he said, "has been increasing right
along for some time, and we have
been employing more men stead
ily. I know also that such big
employers a the Westlnghouse and
General Electric companies have
been approximately in the aame
Defense Opens
Arguments To
Free Arbuckle
Thursday Portland Day.
. j ...rnrtslnelV
ing the number of cars. ,
Police Moffitt said this - P(irlll.nd. r.. Sept
about five nours i
erecting machines erff! .... .ere namtd today as the
Chirf o.JU!awlly gala the author- dents report onto , ,on.
H, to he on the that about 2.4UU cars y el
tne uiuiuo
Wei -ere not nntiried to be on the
lookout for Gardner until Monday.
Urine ,im three days start If It
ere renlly he In the car.
The fumll yof the hotel proprie
r in Raymond has also disap
ered and It Is the theory of
M Shumway that If the propri
etor ent to San Francisco, he
haveled b ytrain. arriving there
Vnday 0r Monday.
the grounds during
Lost dogs,
tickets, lost
. . - itt w oe largtij
1 ne twiuw""" ... m
in charge of policy and details of
. .1 jiitration. according i
lost cheek hooks. Julius Meier, although
cblldren-tneae -.--- - liallT SUCceded laUr
a smaller managing
committee inciuuni -
re me s' y rosbow. Rosennrg. r .
hi. morning. A 'P"I" 've barb. Salem, and C. E.
. . it
many more -T by by
been returned to d The
: inp e . .
tk nolice Sl"" - . . ...
number of
Edward Henrv Enrigbt
Ticteti by a jury at Vale of
order In the first degree, with
'been turneo.
iras the
hadquartrs by ford.
a.- i.-. , ,. ADt. 28. The
inning em 11 ri- w
,.. ....i,. ,i..r..,,w. In the orellmiDary hearing
the ron Terence uu m - , ,. h
" . a ,t ,t,re of rtncoe Arburkle charged wltb
V 1 , ."j I ihAMiiMir of Mlsr Virginia R.PP
nacis must De acieti upon - . .,
itely. headers plan to loae no time announced that was Pf
ly under way.
British Plan
tn flive wont
to Unemployed
ioor, SeDt. 28. .arlous pro-
Msals for relieving the unemplor-
ment situation in
l.T a committee of
were ' . . .
the British cabinet yesterday. AiV""
to revive home and eiapn.w.
j k. th extension of cr4iU Jones
inn.', w;
Seven Salem Boys
Pledged by Frats
af TT nf Orp.ffon
uv WF wp 3 Din. wiuue iiiwM,
Sren Salem studeotA ar among witsM, and tbla more on tha part
or mn: rtuwiu.;
...... nifinm rometlian uni
- - i,id Svlvaln J Iiarua
eoart resumed late today.
The prosecution completed lt
preaen.ation of evidence yesterday
.ii haul having called Mrs Bam-
blna Maude Delmont. complaining
9 a. m. Parade ot prise
winning livestock in live
stock coliseum.
9:30 Pig, sheep and calf
showing contest by members
of boys' and girls' Industrial
clubs tn livestock coliseum,
awards being made on points
of excellence In showing ani
mals for exhibition.
10 a. m. Canning demon
stration by canning clubs In
Industrial department of ed
ucational building.
10 a. m. Arrival of Ros
arlans of Portland.
10:30 a. m. Informal
welcome by Salem Cherrlans.
11 to 12 m. Informal
talk on art and Beckwlth
collection of loan pictures In
art department, by Mrs.
Alice Welster, superintend
ent. Afternoon.
1 p. m. Canning demon
stration by canning etmbt in
industrial department of edu
cational building.
1:30 p. m. Racing pro
gram. 2 p. m. Concert by II. N.
Stoudenmeyer'a band.
2:30 p. m. Balloon as
cension, with one-armed per
former featured In 2000-foot
airplane drop In front of
i p. m. Equestrian stunts
by Miss Doris McCIeave of
Victoria, B. C . In front of
3 30 p. m. Daredevil air
plane stunts in front of
grandstand by De Villiers.
"The Flying Cowboy."
4 p. m. Auto polo In front
of grandstand.
6 p. m. Viewing of Mid
way attraction.
7:30 p. m. Horse races.
K 00 p. m. Horse show in
stadium, featuring the Corin
thian and jumping events.
Lea termed the " greatest 18 hours in the fair's history.
i ne mosi saepi.c ooservers nave
admitted that today Salem Day
la unprecedented for crowds.
Since 8 o'clock, this morning all
street cars leading to the grounds
have been packed, all streets lead
ing fairward have been lined with
visitors and thousands of automo
biles have made their way through
the gates. Gate checkers who kept
tab on the number of cars which
entered the grounds stated that.
up until noon, approximately
2,400 machines had arrived.
Thousands of those In attend
ance today brought with them
their lunches which were eaten at
any convenient spot, but the eat
ing houses on the grounds were
Inadequate, regardless, and all
restaurants on the grounds had In
front of them long lines of hungry
folk awaiting their turn to eat
what might be handed out to
Considering the size of the
crowd and Its cosmopolitan na
ture, to 20 police, officers patroU
(Continued n Page Four.)
Awards Made
On Vegetable
Exhibits At Fair
Awards for the corn, potato and
vegetable garden exhibits which
were displayed In the old pavilion
at the state fair grounds were an
nounced this afternoon. Marion
county exhibitors failed to place
and Multnomah, Polk and Mal
heur entries featured most prom
inently. The awards were as follows:
Corn: Dyre Roberts, Malheur,
first; Wilbur Roberts,
second: Elmer Parker.
etn.ra; wesiey nooeris,
.fourth; Merle Grove,
Potatoes: Alfred Wilson, Polk,
I first; William Elliott, Multnomah,
; second : Albert Davis. Multnomah.
. third;
Laskey, Mult-
W. Ray
. nomah, fifth.
Vegetable gardening: Carl
Levera, Multnomah, first; Oeorge
Wilson. Polk, second: Alfred Wil
son, Polk, third; Wood row Wilson.
Polk, fourth; and Nick Spada,
I Multnomah, fifth.
Say Mrs. Mahoney
Seen Alive Since
Alleged Murder
was one Of the matters 0
by the cjpnamlttee during the
Prime Minister Uoyd-0
nlans to consult a number of ld
.-a ir.rfnfttr- at
ers in tomittn.. -'7
rrank W. Swanton, man-
e " - 0reBon Humane soci- ers in commit
. . It aeer of the Oregon n Ii a ai Friday and
T bZ7s of ety. TLIZZTW h- Ib. ,h. of unW i
... . a i rn l 'T--- . tn i if a
rrrnnimAfiriQiinn m 1 1 1 f rcr am a i 1 i
for the killing of John person. - .onjethiog
Brady was wholly unexpec.ea or
Frank E. Domlnguei of Im An
geles, cblaf of the Arbuckle de
tense staff, who protested that the
woman be put on the stand.
Judge Latarus told the prosecu
tion that it waa not neeery to
Vlrdes:'bav Mrs. Delmont testify but
I warned that they were risking the
chance of having the complain!
The Rev Martin ForeafceUan of dismissed Later be denied a roo
Santa Cm. Cel.. has been t.on of the defense to quash the
. - . l . - f'nitv4n - v. .... a Avainut the screen com-
poiniea 07 ioe ftuwnwi t. , v-
l"...tio to the nastorate of the ediaa and then court adjourned
rnltarian chnrcla at Salem. i until late this afternoon
those pledged to men s fraterni
ties at the University of Oregon,
according to word received this
afternoon. The list was an
nounced last night as Is as fol-
Phl Gamma Delta. Paul
Frank Chapman. Evan
Karra Sigma, J. Randall.
Wliliam Ashby and B.
Sigma Chl, George w line.
Seattle, Wash . Sept. 28 The
defense In the trial ot Janes E
Mahoney. charged with the alleged
murder of bis wife, will seek to
prove by witnesses that Mrs. Ma
honey waa alive after April 1.
the day the slate alleges aba was
-lam. L B. Sehwellenbaeh. of Ma-
honev's counsel, announced In out
lining the defense case today.
Wlima would also he called to
prove that the body found In the
mv.terv trunk here August
waa not the body of Mrs Mahoney.
Attorney Sehwellenbaeh stated.
Opening of the defense's case
came after Judge J. T. Ronald had
overruled defense counsel's objec
tion to testimony by captain or
Detect It a T sonant as to remarks
Mahoney was alleged to have made
for the flndina- of the trunk. Ten
nant was allowed to take the
atand and testified that Mahoney
baa said:
"I suppose that the worst yon
can do Is to take me to WaMe
Walla f the state penitentiary) and
hang me."
Judge Ronald then announced
reversal of his decision of yester
day in admitting as an exhibit a
letter alleged to have been writ
ten to Mahoney by a young woman -in
St Paul. Minn., and Intended
by tbe state to show that Mahoney
bad been meeting the other wom
an while he was tn St. Paul after
tbe alleged slaying of his wife.
The court explained that although
tbe state declared the letter wan
Intended for Mahoney. It hat been
addressed to another man and had
never been seen by the defendant.
The proaecutlo then rented.
rre. May