Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 22, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Tage Two 1
Sera jevo Incident Was
Revealed To Wilhelm
In Dramatic Fashion
Thornton Will
Fill Vacancy On
Dallas Council
Jules Cambon in His Memories Reveals for
First Time How Fatal Message Was Tossed) JaTTi
Aboard Ex Kaiser's Yacht in a Cigarette;
r j vumuvu m
ular Marion Monday ernlnr
Dallas, Or., Sept. 22. A. W.
Thornton was "unimninij. sleeted
on the city
the removal of
By Jules Cambon, ,V0rs. suddenly a ltttle attach
Last Ambassador of France at the p-ared mai.jBK straight for the
Kaiser's Court. ! yacht at fnll speed; ihe signaled
Paris Sept. 22.- Oae day i -tnat sne wantea 10 say soaincuius
called en Secretary of State- (for jto th imperial craft
Vnretan Affairs) TOtt Klderlea-
The Kaiser
tried to wave her off with, art tm-
gesture. The launca,
r. u . MTIM, all Vita funltft IW) i
i T ' , h,eatY Ignorisg thl, steamed nearer,
had a certain urge for hooesty sew)rted her
sometime. 'L 'the racing yacht when Ad
what brutal frankness, among a 1 . hestSe ttte
the Germans with whom I ha or-;- - ' parUemlne that
""' ! d8",T eV"n.ra S. n.d wmtin1 to deliver. He
another with whom, generally, , , thp
, , . i , held a nleca of paaer nign in trae
-s fdav1 Li.iTo rs. top - tttt
t IJ Itloualv in his cigarette case and
WhaT kind of a dev.. was lt f upon the
' ,t drove yeu(Germ.ny)into ttte, JV7Tn .ook tt
affair? Why did yo kij '' picked it up and took tt
. i kteleirram. unfolded it, grew pale,
-"ed a wt. Inflamed the nation
PiliMUng paint (aroused siiBraelon
n'ffllTiR: point! aroused suspicion
in England and even sowed the
a of hostility there and the
wilt of tt all? Even here fBer
l) public opinion Is raging
igainat you. Germany considers
taelf humiliated and is convinced
bat it has sustained a diplomatic
.averse. Why did you Bend that
wars-hip to Agadlr?"
He reflected for a, few moments
than seM:
"I shall answer your questions
Quite frankly. Last Spring our
I'row-n Prince was in England, fox
hunting. You know how the
Kngilah arehow they interpret
the duties of hospitality, how they
aptlvate and charm a guest. The
vhole visit of the Crown Prince
vas one big feast. Politicians,
iilnlstere, society people, the most
lesant women particularly the
itter vied for the honor to be
utroduced to htm and to be in
ited to his receptions.
Short-Sighted Hopes
All the speeches he heard fair
v oozed with sympathy with and
iivllury for Germany. All these
rluutes, fears and eulogies llter-
lly turned his head. He took
verythlntr on its face value and
turned to Berlin with the con
lcilon that no other prince or
lovsrelgn war as popular In Eng
Jan ds he hlmsolf, that the major
'ty of Britons loved Germany dear
, that Bnglsnd was ever ready
:;- help her, and that France could
i ever hope, in the event of a con
liet with Germany, to be asslst-
d by England.
"All thta he told the Kaiser,
' eavily underlining every detail,
"f course. Well, there you are
it the very bottom of the Agadlr
It has never been accurately
'old how the Kaiser learned of
he assassination of Archduke
'rsncls Ferdinand at Sarajevo, It
vas told to me a few days after --vard
hy one who waa preset! at
(hat memorable scene.
The Kaiser was on hla yacht,
vhich he had entered In the Kiel
regatta. He was, aa usual, busy
-vetted I he gave orders and per
sonally directed the boat marteou-
let It drop, and merely said:
"Now I must begin all
Then he gave orders to turn
and abandoned the regatta."
Say mjvrV TfvvAr Was
In Bandits' Hands
Mexico City, Mexico, Sept. 21
Assertions are made here that
Henry Clark, who was supposed to
have been captured by bandits and
held for ransom In Chihuahua, has
been playing a little comedy Tor
some purpose and that he was
never In the hands of the bandits.
No effort Is made to explain
why Clark should have attempted
a deception beyond a hint that he
might have thought of collecting
a ravsom for bimselt.
Clark is said to be a British sub
ject and not an American. He is
employed by the Internationa!
Land and Livestock company
which owns large tracts In North
ern Mexico.
The assertion that Clark told
of imaginary bandits Is similar to
the charge made against former
Consul W. O. JenklnB. of Pueblo,
after he had figured In a sensa
tional $100,00(1 ransom case.
Decision to Improve Birch where
auutta on the railroad" proneity
and charge the improvement to
me rauroad company in accordan
ce with the provisions of the city
lu"w was made, and City Ea muies was instructed to
prepare plans and an estimate on
cue job lor six-Inch concrete pav
lug. To railroad company 1 ex
viea 10 reiuse t w tor ta
improvement a-nd tt Is expected
that toe mattes will
carried into the courts.
The ctty engineer reported that
contractors having thw contracts
for paving and graveling streets
In the ctty will jomplete- all ef
their work vubin the next two
Payment of S868 to Mr. Lee,
on of the contractors doing street
Improvement work In the city, for
8S percent of the estimated work
The Capital Journal. -Satan. Oreeo
done by bin between September
1 and IS, was ordered. The tire
and water committee was Instruct-'
ad te purchase gas masks for the
fire department.
Stayton To Be
Host To Hi-Y
Clubs Sept. 30
Stayton will entertain the an
nual eealereaee of Marlon county
Ht-Y clubs on September 80 and
October i and 2. according to an
nouncement by John H. Rudd, executive-
eeorststty of tb Marlon
county Y. M. C. A. The presidents
of Uto four clnbs to this county
will center with Rudd Fridar
night on the program ior m
cosfersnce. Already arrangements
bava been mads lor the appsar-
a sv Touat of Portland,
state boys' work secretary and W.
P. Walter, cits boys' work secre
tary at Eugene. Other prominent
Y secretaries will also address the
conference, It Is statea.
. huv clubs- aren ow active in
is as honorable and useful as thati 3Uem, Stayton, Siteif on ana
Hang Men Says
Vocation Most
Honorable One
Budapest. Sept. 22. The hang
man at Hungary has rlaea to in
digent defense of his;, catting and
denounced those who east slars up
On tt. He waa prompted by sneer
ing references made to the Hun-
i garlan National assembly, friends
of f -rnser Emperor Charles and
the sntl-Hapsbargs are always
quarreling there and. la. seme
cases have shouted at oas ano
ther "the hangman ts your
Michael Ball, th official hang
man, has reseated each stars.
"My vocation," hs writes, to the
president of the National assembly
will be discussed. Wives of com
mitteamen have also been urged
to attend the conference this
Thursday, September
Most Polite of Bandits Operate.
Chicago, Sept. ti. They hare
found the 'most poltte" bandits, in.
the world.
Three armed men who held up
Edwin Burns taking hts $300
ring and $50 In cash, left him
with this salutation:
"Sorry to have bothered you;
thank you very much."
Phone 511 for Sale Bates
Salem, Oregon
of Judges, lawyers, ministers or
kings. Why should th old super
stition hold In modern times that
the hangman's profession ts dis
graceful, abominable and loath
some? My friends are all perfect
geatlement and any member of
Parliament can consider tt only
flattery when he Is called
Woodburn with aa aggregate
membershrp of mere than 100 ac
cording to Rudd who is planning
to extend the scope of the Y
work in Marion county.
Members of the county commit
tee wtl meet at the Y building Rimdav afternoon in their
ray I regular quarterly conference when
nlana for the- wr I" this county
0 Too
; Over 46 gouadi lota of
fitmleruoim ft la rapu't-d
by Andrew R. QttMT. a
u.lad kfouln T.I,,,:.. ..i
avecttona. 1 u
Pound daiiv. AnalKai
rieauaae cotaea from Mn,.
p. L. Caaclo, who loat ovw
47 pouada. tUt avaxaga wn
inree pounda week. Mary
ril.:b plaaitng taporca The,
h iadow uai re of Die
'.ie how far peoris
ipxt it dturhjg. CJat ajioa Ktmtn
Icroraa gi- ,
aruS tooar raurt raduch-s .our w.lli- to.
' w " roc itaa rrrnuaa Co lLtnaDt
Co.. NP-M StaHan X. Maar Ycuk. N. Y.
KOREIN tabulo are dispensed n thl.
cttf by ft trnr rlfrf-' , r-.
J. C. Perry's and D. J. Frv's nhar-
.w-fro ifc r srrrjnw s ihvie . j
Dairy Farm Is
Capitalisation at $80,000 the
Golden West Da fry farm at Tilla
mook tiled articles of Incorpora
tion with the ststc corporation
department here Wednesday. The
Incorporators are Charles Kunse,
Oeorge Watt and J. J. Hupp.
The Oregon-Rreckenrtdge Oil
company with headq-uarters In
Portland also filed articles Wed
nesday. The company la capitaliz
ed at $-260,000, with the following
incorporators: Ira Mahon, J. Bl
Keith and J. W. Byrd.
Resolutions of dissolution were
filed by the Pacific Oil company
N bar N Land and Livestock com
pany and the Wm. Fliedner Es
tate, Incorporated, all of Portland
w iyasl pi II ii i ii ii'ii ' i i I 1 1 i iiT I I I ii ill a I lai IX. H 1.11 LlJi j 1J vi II 'lit! L.lli l I i j' I , ijai i ialai ai .
Our role In the war-torn thea- I
res of the world seems predestined 5
to be-the bank-roll. Columbus (8. 1
C. ) Record.
"In the Nick of Time"
Bl '
affiraH a-mwMajfec iKBMKfSfBKk. Sm&mttB&3&&
LuisWuw-aiirk Ootkaa
The Biggest News on the Screen
ONLY $24.85 for a
genuine, quality,
power - packed, long -lived
for Fords, Chevro
lets, Over lands, certain
models of Buick. and 27
other cars and trucks.
$13.60 less than the 1920
orice, less than the 1917
price, and the second
drastic cut in a year.
Hop ia your car and
get around hers as fast
as the law will let you.
You'll want one of thesa
quality Prest - O - Lite
Batteries, at the amaz
ing price of $24.85..
C'mon around today,
418 Court Street Salem, Oregon
School social events will soon be in full swing. Let us show
you the largest asaortrnent of stylish young men's suits you
will have ever seen.
The Mark of QUALITY. Langham-High
Clothes for the Younger Men.
You cannot help but like these I.angham Highs. They are
specially designed for you, young men, and we want you to
be sure and see them.
Salem Woolen Mills Store
C. P. BISHOP, Proprietor
The, Hosne of Oregon Made Virgin Wool Products
ZZL vr-T,rT start might with Jheu-O-Jfr! j
Money-Back Shot-Shells
You can get your money back for The Black Sheila
if, for any reason at all, you don't like them. Just
bring back the unused part of the box, and we will
refund to you, without question, the price of the
whole box.
The Black Shells have reached so high a state of
perfection in waterproofing, in speed, in power, and
in uniformity that we can make this unlimited
Smokeless and Black Powdecve
Try The Black Shells, if you don't know them. You can
get your pet load for every kind of shooting, in smokeless or
black powders.
We nukt exactly thi
lame guarantee with
There it no 11 Lcaj
Rifle cartridge ae ac
curate it dimsctifrori,
SO to 250 yard, it U.S.
22 N. R. A. Lout Rifle
Lcimolr, Cartridge!. Thi
ii SO more yardi of le
csrscjr than hie hitherto
bees poieibli with 22
rim-Si ammmitioi.
Solid bullet for target
work. Ho! low-point
bullet for email gum.
Coat no more. Ait for
circular C-9J.
Salem Albany Corvallis Eugene
Here Is Autumn Lingerie
Of Exceptional Loveliness
You will want to choose a
whole outfit for your fall
attire from these beautiful
garments, well made, ex
cellently materialed and
richly designed.
Kaj'ser Italian Silk Vests
Kayser Italian Silk Bloom-
$4.25 to $6.95
Kayser Italian Silk Union
Here you will find an excellent selection of the highest
grade silk and muslin under-garments and all very rea
sonably priced.
415 State Street 114 North liberty Street
22. 1921
ft aasafleal