Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 21, 1921, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Wednesday, September 21, 1921
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Society and Club News
Page Three
Edited by
Adelaide V. take
Telephone 82
poems Are
At Meeting
Poetical contributions predom-
. . . i. at tho moArinff
wisi, y c"""
the Modern Writers' section of
to Salem Arts League last night
t the new residence ot Mrs. Molly
' k at 1545 Highland avenue.
Oertrude Robinson Ross read two
. her poems, one of which, "Pier
' , a Light o' Love," she has
recently 81(I to a new m&Szine,
"Teiliog Tales." Mrs. Edwin
Sherwood contributed a group of
wer poems, Mrs. F. S. Bartson read
original poems and Mrs. R. Mon-
, ... .i . i- i K , 1 'J . a (I Q nun
!"' . . .
Miss Carol uiooie reau a siory
..rlften Dy Mrs. w. r. rargo.
"Empty Spaces
which appeared
What's New
The Market
Eggs fairlv i
terday until a price of 39 cents
" oiierea Dy merchants to farm
ers. The rise is due m
here, but such a great increase
seems to be unwarranted.
the merchants driving the price
Benefit To
Be Affair
Of Friday
13 and 14, an ddelegates from on Mill street. The evening was
this city will be Mrs. Elizabeth spent In music and conversation,
Macey, Mrs. E. M. Law Mrs W after wblch refreshments were
VV. Rosebraugh and Mrs. Laura 1 l"!' I06 resent "r
Bayes. Following the business of l!? A' Campb.e11' Mr' and
- : - rieu uo nRnn Mr ami Mra
Amos Barker, Mr. and n. Her
bert Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Palmer, Mr .and Mrs. Edmund
May, Mrs. J. L. Munson. Mrs. Geo.
Mentzer, Mrs. Gilbert White, Mrs.
J. M. Burton, Mrs. Verna Roberts,
Mrs." Fred Swanson, Mrs. D. G.
Drager; Miss Rose Kauffman,
Miss Lucille Burton, Miss Lillian
Lyman, and Miss Margaret Munson.
the afternoon, a social time was
enjoyed. Those on the committee
tti , - iur euiBnainmeni were Mrs. am
using club talent entirely th .
. aucm iuttcoy, mrs. earner Arm-
c:, ', Ub WU1 present a musi- strong and Mrs. E. M. Law. The
cal and literary entertainment ...
, ueii meeting oi me society win
Friday evening at the Leslie Meth- be held Tuesdav, October 4.
' v-uurcn, me proceeds to go
toward the . '. .
mi ..n hh i , -. - man mna juss inompson
up so high are In danger of makh ch that society is developing. Honored at Luncheon
Ing the farmer is -. !Thl U the second benefit ZJf, ."?red ., , Lunhe0n
, "ucu ifivnn i. ,u, . . jmiss Anne rnompson, wnose .
the demand is less. Holding eggs a card Z i ' I tlrSt be'DS wedding will be a social event of gives Affair
ior an increase may brine little ' nt the ti T women next Wednesday, was honored yes
henit .i . 6 miie.ui me club in mid summer , ,
. . leruay at an iniormai lunc.neuii
Among those who will anDear iv. h m,. !, t nu,(. a
suit from the increase in price"" I Bella "".t eVening is Miss Lena few ot Miss Thompson's closest reception for Mr. and Mrs. Earl j
Eggs held for tel days bv JhJ .1 a eraduate of Ore- friends were bidden and covers iL- WooI, whose werlrtlr, was an
, , . . ' ule son Agricultural . - .-i , event nt ,.,.., ... .
uaur.HrH K ij - . . o , uuu a, were nrrnnfen inr iwp vp I I rfH i - wcv. , ,, umir iirc
For Bridal Couple
Mrs. Vita Mallory Beatty enter-
iaine non Monday evening with a
turned from Newport where they
spent the entire summer. Miss
Randall will enter Willamette
University for her second college
year. She attended University of
Oregon last year.
Mrs. Patterson
Makes Trip to Portland
Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson made
the trip to Portland today in the
interest of the Americanization
display in the state fair.
Girl Reserves Plan
Work for the Season
Plans for the season were made
by Sihalo Coma Girl Reserves at
a business meeting held yesterday
present were Rosalie Burne, Varyl bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. B
Kruetz, Orma Mclntyre, Marcla
Fuestman, Faye Wolz, Mildred
Pugh. Pauline Welch, Mildred Gil
bert and Miss Eva L. Scott, leader.
Will Return
To Home in Idaho
Mrs. H. F. Allen, of Twin Falls,
Idaho, has spent the past several
days in Salem at the W. G. Allen
residence in Salem. She left last
night tor her home.
Will Make
Home in Salem
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wentworth
Morse, whose wedding was a re
cent event in this city, will make
afternoon at the Y .W. C. A. Those their home in Salem with the
L. Steeves. They had formerly
planned to go to Kansas City,
where Mr. Morse had a position
with the Burgner-Bowman Lum
ber company.
Renrn tn Enewiri
To Enter University
Mr. and Mrs. Don Braorora ten
(Continued on Page Six.)
Ladies Keep Your Skin
Clear, Sweet, Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Talcum
producers cannot he m ',:: i . . . r.cuuurai college,, and a were arranged for twelve. Three ievent of
and there Is bound to be some dls Ti Tarter T j e Miss 8mail tables were set and all ad- , Informal in nature and about
satisfaction expressed by the car ,'hh, , iTni T . summer at ornments were done In lavender, I twenty-five friends of the couple
" . me con- me University of Wiahtnoi . were nreoen. u...i. j
umer mere is little room for .where she took i .7 . .e C'r M -tafnm " .T.. enler'
,,v. fhr s an neraiu. ana Mrs. cumer t,i .. .. """"D" ui wasnmeton. i ihi Kriio.eief t
I C. Nelson read an essay dealing speculation in eues tar llJZ 'I! 8hf Lok volce and har- The afternoon was spent in con- I talnment appropriate to the occa
-ith the trend of present day lit- i that they are a nerishahi. ( I .. ' . ' lnomas. a Srad- rersation.
Bra. Fargo, wno has already
that they are a perishable nrntinet
The bottom price oi eees toflav i
offered by shippers and Is 34 cents.
- uj Diiippers ana is o4 cents.
Ui , number of her stories pub- The lowest retail price is 42 cents
mLk has rprentlv had one ar.- n... i . . .
maw, --- - viaugcB nave increased to 70
j Ktr thp Wn1Ifl.Tins mifinnA: j .. ..
uate of 0. A. C, a student of
sion passed the evening. Refresh-
mems were served.
W;H Entr
Willamette University
ftnicfo" ITZI n, Vir"n in" Esstern Star
structor of Salem, will give two tt rc i. tw n
violin selections. Leo Miller a HaS TlTt Meetan
ptdeby the Hollands magazine. cents a dozen, the whnW,ie f, f 1916; and sololst ln s,nr nnenert .manicloualv I- and:'" w-1 daueh-
Ie t meeting of the society have risen ff $5.75 and $6.25 'sing baHtone sn C'Ub' last night with'a delightful mus- "'".
will e neiu .... to 17 anJilKO. Bananas have Mrs ( T r f , ical program when a number of. UrL:.
urri half cent nn the the n a r. ...., ... . yoiine artists, under lie direction) Mile
f T . w r -""'y. win give a . n, ,hn n R)r nAaP,rt Hn
fer C,a r "fb" ad trios The Chapter rooms.'
4, at the home of Mrs. E. C. Rich-
two nresent last night were
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clifford, Mrs.
J, W. Harbison, Mrs. Edwin Sher
wood, Mrs. J. C. Nelson, Mrs. F.
Barton, Mrs. uenruue nooin-
um Ross. Mrs w. r: rargo, Mrs.
jna L. Dailey, Mrs. R. Monroe ; higher.
Gilbert, Miss Carol Dibble, Miss
Renska Swart and Mrs. Molly
half cent, on the
also gone
Onions are still going up, the
wholesale price having reached $3
while the retail is now five cents
a pound. If' the demand from
other parts of the country keep up,
the price will undoubtedlv eo
have re-
"Portland Rose"
Is Salem Visitor
Miss Genevieve Gilbert, of Port
land, is a Salem visitor, doln? ad
vance work for the Whltnev Bovs'
chorus, which is to appear at the, the door
Other affairs are being planned
Leave Today
For Pendleton
r and Mrs. Elliott Colony
... - - Li. I us, wu.ui. is lu appeal a. 1111
till leave today Dy auiomoDiie Btate ,ai. Miss Gilbert Is known
(or Pendleton, where they will a9 tne "Portland Rose," and will
attend the Kouna-up. i ney win make a tour Qf the United States,
Hop ior a aay in rorua.iu. iuej beainnine this fall, advertising
. L. no far oa 4knt ' ... . .. a.
hi oe at. .......uiiicu aa io iuui w i , ,Pr mnfs tne woria s lair 10
tity by Mrs. u. r.. uaies, wno win be held ln portland in 1925.
visit flere will .UI OC- J
eral days.
s Dancing
' wmilUUie n-ora otih nnr.Q.1 w4h trav Dntiimn ...
""' J L'i:i. 11.11 m nmm w
thejcuienau rnone LI Si
piano selections. Miss. vivin " "
Hare-mve , Z riowers, making a setting ior
Hargrove, one of the story tellers w,nn
lnnr.r r. . y,W" 1,11 1 Numbers given were: Song. Ballet- Technique, Classical, Inter
long and short storv lust . . . . .. .rJ pretive anri Riimnm r
teiia tii . bunion loung; ino, vioun, ceiio
1,h!ld:!n:..MrB; a"d piano. Miss Viola Ash, Avery! CVWAK C
the i k .7. uwmiwr oi Hicks and Dr. John R. Sites, vocal cu a ViaoSCS
the club, will contribute whitno-
FollOWtne the entertainment
refreshments will be served in the
basement of the church
Admission will be charged at
Home Alter
Trip South
Mr. and Mrs. Bolton Hamble
have returned lo tsaiem ionowing
.1 ..... 4M U a. rra
Will Btturn
From HuiitiJie Tnp
Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger
and Dr. and Mrs. Charles fcvans
ire especieu noine sou., nun. a
untlng trip in tne mountains.
m-L Club
Eolds Election
Election of officers for Tri-L
Club, orcanization ot young dusi-
Desa women, was neiu last iub...
netting at the Y. W. U. A. xnose
tlosen for the ensuing year are
Pruident. Miss I.ella Amsier; vice
praeident, Miss Velma Robinson;
secretary, Miss Krtna isewoerry.
ffeuurer. Miss Manorie uiane.
Mrs. Alice M. Dodd made an inter
esting talk on customs oi airier-
nt lorelE neountrles, especially
Jspan and Egypt, illustrating wltn
Interesting curios ana costumes
lathered bv hersellf while travel
og. Plans were made by the club :
a taffv n.ill on the date of Its !
Hit meeting. Tnesnav. October 4.
"hose nresent were Mrs. Alice M. I
Dodd. Mrs. Ftla Rradford. Miss
Ira L. Srntt Mla V.nna Mewher-
Miss Marjorie Blake, Miss Ha
Wllllams, Miss Gertrude Tuck-
Miss Elsie Beckner, Miss
Gladys S.i
hitTt. MlsS Volma Rnhinann MiBS
WlHe Ilurkp Miss nnrrl Wplrh. i
Will Entertain Prince
On Visit to India
x or
for the winter, which It Is thought
will be popular among the people
of the city. The committee in
charge of Friday's entertainment
Includes the followl tip" Tro
Mark McCallister. Mm Palnh
Kellog, Mr. and Mrs. P. W Wal
ton and Harry Pearcy.
soio, rteuoen rox, vocal soio, Har-1 Opening party, Sept. 24th, 2:30
ley Howell, piano solo by Miss ! p. m.
Mildred Jaeger, whose work was! Registration for all classes, Sept.
especially notable; vocal solo, LAJih' 2 4 m-
m i . n i j a.j , t . ' Beginners Class, 6 to 15 years, Sat-
Miss Gertrude Aldrlch. Accom- urdays, 10 a. m.
panists were Mrs. Marie Flint, and I Little children under six years,
Mrs. Bestow. Special thanks werel Saturdays, 1:30 p. m.
voted Dunn and Moore for the use! Adiya.nco1d clas3 Ballet Technique,
. . , , Saturdays, 2:30 p. m.
of a Kurtzman erand niano J a. j .,' - Z.KL"'
Hostesses for the affair were
Mrs. Leroy Hewlett, Mrs. C. C.
Miller, Mrs. Amos Vass, Mrs. T. J.
Kurtz and Mrs. Robert Simpson.
Mrs. Hoven
Beported Dl
Friends of Mrs. Adolph Hoven,
formerly Miss Anna Ireland, who
underwent an operation Monrfnv
will be Interested to know that
W. C. T. U.
Hold Election
Election Of officers wan lielrl
yesterday by the local chanter nf she was rennrterl routine, uii
W. C. T. IT. Those chosen for the this mnrnlne-
year's work are: President. Mrs.
E. M. Law; secretary, Mrs. J. J. Couple Surprised
Nunn re-elected; treasurer, Mrs. j With Farewell Party
J. J. KraDDS. Mm Powers arnk Itf v arA fvc x r rnkAii
" mi , auu WllD. ) IV. Uili M ir-1 i ,
concerning the orphan farm home ;who will leave soon for Long
fnr ... V I .. V. ,l. . .
nwiuu ino organization, .as a , Heach, California, to make their
state unit is working. The state home, were surprised late last
W. C. T. U. convention will be week by -a few of their friends at
13 and 14, and delegates from the home of Mrs. J. L. Munson,
Saturdays, 3:30 p. m.
Adult Classes
Toung -Ladles' class, Ballet Class
ical and Interpretive, Monday,
:Oct. ,10th, 7 p. m.
Physical Culture class for mem
bers of Women's clubs, Tuesday,
Ladies' class, Physical Culture and
Ballet Technique, Tuesday, Oct.
11, 10:45 a. m.
Opening club dance. Oct. 4th, les-
Kur. a y. ..... uniiciiig p. ....
Private lessons by appointment
Mrs. Ralph L. White
Pupil of the celebrated Master
Stepheno Mascagno, New York;
and Masters Martlen and Roach,
Chicago, III. Member of the Ore
gon Association Masters of Dancing
SLIP into one of our special made-to-order OVER
COATS Note the ease and comfort, the distinctive
appearance and the graceful drape.
Not only does it reflect style but there is real genuine
service. They are coats for all weathers. The COAT
for the cool, sunshiny day, and also for the rainy day
because they are shower proofed a range of prices to
suit any purse
$25 to $50
Every desirable fabric ; every wanted style ; and we fit
all men. '
Scotch Woolen Mills
126 State Street
Salem, Oregon
Although the news P
. in Inula,
tell of serious - .
here has been no cancellation o
.h. trin which the Prince of
Wales is to make to the Hindu
peninsula. When he arrived this
beautiful matron, the Countess of
Cromer, will be his chief hostess
Her husband will be chief of the
Prince's personal staff.
in n;o4:i.: rtii.. l T"r,,,,,,ol fliifllitv
At Salem's Greatest
Women's Apparel Store
Welcome Visitosr To Oregon State Fair
Beginning Monday, September 26 and continuing for
one week Salem will be crowded with throngs of vis
itors, who will come here from the state of Oregon, Wash
ington and adjoining territory to attend this great
Oregonian annual event the Portland Cloak and Suit
Company take this opportunity ofextending an invita
tion to all to visit Salem's greatest women's apparel store,
where they will find hundreds of new models, including
every worthy design, in young Ladies' and Women's
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Sweaters, Millinery
and Furs direct from the foremost coat and suit makers
and millinery artists. By coming to this store for your
Fall and Winter Suit, Coat, Waist, Dress or Hat, you
have the advantage of choosing from the largest and most
exclusive stock in Salem Moreover, a comparison of
garments and prices will convince you that ours are in
variably correct You'll find here in our' large and care
fully selected stock, styles for all types and figures, in
cluding little women and those who wear the larger sizes,
including Stout Figures.
Beginning Saturday, October 1, this store will open at 9 a. m. and
close at 6 p. m. each day, including Saturdays.
(Old White Corner)
Salem's Greatest Women's Apparel Store
ttt a rr rhe most stupendous price upheaval of sea-
YV 11 - aensibie merchandise ever staged previously
by any merchant.
The People's Cash Store at Salem's
Greatest Department Store, on Com
mercial street.
,yyrJJgj" Friday morning, September 23, at 9 a. m.,
History has never approached this colossal undertaking in vast
ness of stocks nor in the greatness of value giving.
Will Appear Tomorrow
In the mean
time shop
with the
State Street
114 North Libert: