jtursday, September 8, 1921 WarrtjJThaDeiiver The Goods at Small Cost ISinEbRATES word each Insertion , Rw insertions. 6 cents ...i LDiec - -M F 1 i t 8 cents; one monw.. Liu "",. ar. oer month, U fc mum fcw5 J'r'ads. -sh in advance rw" token over puwM'i w o0tJ ha monthly account. calf. e217 rrT,B jersey "' 2024J. phone irrrrTTTnd farm. See T. fof uutermanftr80i'"'--'-- " d for house- Arrn hot . i, .,..1 AQiV H iTpriua". -- r lady wante iBior : saaw. 215 work- ynone; 1 family cow. e217 17U4 D.I1-VL- T.Tn. T .n lT front room, rOK tv. 352 N. 12th " J220 rr; irut e.luAK railroad OB SA p ' Til. Phone ticnei iu C220 4TTam.ili oair of platform hVANi&T,. ,,.,1 Address A. J. ST'it L box 21, Salem. is: l-STTIf-fish register, state srl ce in letter. is capital pal ?ER blooms, , al. co,or. . .u. roc p aifi p.uh. rt- ,-,4 cuium"' - 1H3W. 5 "A rOBD car lur - - - 215' Commtrciaic.1 (TflrTlFUL piano, just like new Hi wle at a sacrifice Price and easy trmali..Lourt aI- J1 ITACBB Prune tract ----- Sbeei 209 Oregon bldg. 215' ISTTVH linlllB room girl. !om- warn" , oo't M. Com Home - -' -- mercial B21C KFoODfor sale, get your lb men !. Phone 924R. ee220 old (ir iroui u rrTrph To lease iarm on shares orchard and small fruits, snarrs. v V I Tnnr- ahnut 30 acroe. rAN'TED 4 to 6 men to aig tn . kn,a- rto not apply unless lllng ,o work. Phone HF lifnrsell dandy 4 passenger Au- hiirn IWiV 11""" ' K' v" lilht car in trade. Call Mr. Ross nhone SCO- 21i! fcfmNO beans and tomatoes want ed for nnnio caiimnB, V corn on cob for chickens. Phone SfF31. 216 BOB BALE Kord delivery, ;18 27 State, phone 937. q216 ioVTED Blackberry picKers at (2 Mr 100- Aiinress vv. n. - hm, Cervals, No. 2, phoneFll liF.OO.M plastered house wun two lots. $1500. auo aown, uniu.nc Hli rent. R. A. Mohney. 209 Oregon bldg. 1 5 Iji REAL buy. 6 R. bungalow moo- era in every way. Price $47o0. W II Orabenhoist & Co., 275 State ftreet. lit ACRE tract with old house ana tarn, some truit; not iur iron or line. $1900. Take Ford as (nt payment. Mohney, 209 Ore gon Mdg. 2 1 5 ItaKRING and painting roofs, we atop your leaks, we make new ahingles of your old ones; let us figure on your lob. H. Bailey, 1111 Oak. m220 IFOR SALK Old house and two good lots, on paved street, lor t$M, $500 down, balance terms. Ben F. West. 370 H State street 215 llUn to three hundred bushels ap ples, about 200 bushels silver prunes. 10 to 15 bushels green gases. W. H. Harris, Rt. 4, box 112A. c218 IFi.'R SALK 6 room cottage at 1108 5th street, lot 50x130. Will price this at $1900 for quick sale. Krueger. 209 Oregon bldg. a217 ICOOD used pianos, Cable. Stein- t. Schroedvr, Stodart, urin nell Bros, player, Boerner, Wind ier. Call 450 Court street, phone lit. 21o IVaN'TEU Board and room in good part of town not too far from W. of O. Will pay what Is light. Mr. C. L. Carey, Halsey, Or. 1217 IECCEPTIONAL opportunity for party who can buy new truck. Steady year round work and contract. See Mr. Ross, S41 N. Commercial street. q217 JALS Desirable building "a S. Church and Lefelle, 12x105, very cheap. See owner. A 8. Mulligan, 1660 Kalrmount ". phone 716W. a222 TOR SALE Holt tractor 30 h. p. la Rood working order. Or will "de (or Ford car. See Coates on Falrvlew ve., or White, Rt. 5. . 11A. c217 PR REN'T -Lease or sale, seven foorn house, cement basement, "Se lot, 1078 Chemeketa street. Inquire V. c. T. U. hall. Tom Jj?'.. J1S V ACRE tract H7lth 5 r-nnrv, mntralow, barn, chicken house; mm ctty limits: $2500. $160 n. balance like rent. Mohney k" Dree-on qui Mutt figured he could use Ir.. . la. v"'"- B,. "-we tricks Tt. sips. m I'M " iVfWrti- FOR SALE Used windows arid uuoia. iiun, Winter. c217 OH BALE 7 room house located at lu4 Oak street, large lot, pav ed street, barn. Price $2700 cash. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a216 NEW BUNGALOW 4 rooms, tw3 lots, price $1550, $150 down, balance, easy terms. Located in Kingwood park. W. H. Graben- norat Co., 275 State St. a216 SOME slightly used phonographs at special low prices for quick sale. All standard makes of quality and easy terms. The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court street. 215 NEW BUNGALOW 5 rooms mod ern, located close in, fireplace, basement, close to car, paved street, fine location. Price 15, 500. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co., 275 State street. a216 SNAP 8 room house with mod ern conveniences, except base ment, large corner lot, streets paved, located near Lincoln school. Price $3400. W. H. Gra benhorst & Co., 275 State St. a316 RELIABLE couple, no children, wish nicely furnished apart ment or small house In good neighborhood; would be perma nent tenants; references furn ished. Address Box Apartment Journal. 1217 EX-SEPVICE MEN Opportunity knocks at your doors. Your state loan will buy a fine tract of truit and berry land. Seller will loan back $1000 for first devel opments. Also some bearing fruit tracts can be purchased on above plan. Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg. rJ'218 FOR SALE 5 room modern house except fireplace and base ment, 18th street. $2500, $1200 cash, balance terms. 5 rooms south Salem. $2000, $1000 cash, balance terms. 7 rooms, modern, good home, 3 lots, south Sulem. $4500, terms. BEN F. WEST Q7dii stflte street. 215 cvnrnniti TldME Good R room v,, Mniso to car line. 2 miles inum tnwn: electric lights i,r tenement, large screened ripen well with motor .,. fnw harn and chicken house'; 3-4 acre land all for $2700, terms on part. The house ic wnrih the money. j ir i-oWtft Pearcv Bros., 210 Oregon bldg. . ?218 $4700 BUYS this 6 room plastered house and lot, 50x150, on Che mekata street. First floor, living room, dining room, dutcn ki- en, 1 bed room, lonei a"" nr,rl floor. 2 bed rooms bath' and toilet; electric lights, street paved and cement walk.. rage Terms. See State street 1. A -lilVlUIA. u" ROOM modern house, i . $500 down. 5 room nouse, fine . . i S'4!l O. 01, paveu t , ., down 6 room modern. 2 lots, Q or50. 1900 down. r""' bungalow. $3250 i.t . j , tht rent. 8 room bungalow on Capitol ,,,wu- , . nnn nne ot tne ura. terms! We have the houses see bldg. TrpTr-ir. -T have withdrawn my QHnn with tne J. mos Roofing Co. of Portland, as their local representative, and with the exception of completing work now under ronwu". as fast as material arrives. In .t. ..,.... x uriti continue my i..i'c nf contractor and k.i.. :,intmtr and general rf- llzine the better lines 'of built in effects. C D Adams, 4di Maraet ai. 215 1C74W. oa Anwwa Choice land, 6 miles out on good roaa. o room wonrl shed. barn, chicken house. house and garage. 3 acres logans, 1 acre strawberries. 1 acre mixed fruit, 3 acres clover 2 acres corn. 1 acre potatoes, 1 .. irate 1 acre souash. 1 team. i rv,tllr cnw. 1 hot;, 50 chickens and all farm implement. Price rf0 A irenuine good ljuy. Ar thur E. Petersen, 229 Oreiron bldg, JL2JI- SPECIAL OFFER K taken at once owner leivlng city, 7 room house at $2300, $600 down balance like rent. Modern, plas tered, concrete ba.'-emer In cluding wood, paved street, ce ment walk, in fine condition and you can move right in. Well lo cated, clof-e In. no car fare to par. near high or rrade M"M A home or an investment. W Cct vnu less than rent and will nell for more money. Se th to rt y en' hat tt. R R. Pear son 408 T S. hn hldr. phon" 014' rvrlrsn 2H43R. FOOT HILL FARM FOR SALE 2 miles east of Pratum. 128 acres, 95 in cultivation, IS in good timber, some family fruit, some good pasture, new house, new barn $6x76. modern with concrete granary and silo; good water system. 36 tons of hay In barn, corn for silage. S horses. 5 milk cows, heifer and calf. 10 pigs, all farm machinery. Will give immediate possession. This Is a first class general farm. Prio $17,000, some terms. I am on the msln road. C W. Wilks, owner, box 54, Pratum, ur. b17 sixteen berries very nicely. . . SIR StTNV GAVJ Me i.eTTGfc oP imTRoOuctiow Th A BIG wall STRr NAM AT THAT OUGHT TT, L JOB AT lAVr " c NEW TODAY GIRLS wanted. The Spa. FOR SALE Modern fi rnnnr, hnn a.. Be lot, iruu, near Washing ton school. 1246 Marion. a216 For Sale Houses HOUSE for sale for $3750, locat- a. commercial. a216 ai a. room bungalow at genuine bargain. Price $2100. D. E. Hart. -vo urggon DlQg. ft buys modern new bunga low. F. S. Lamport, owner. Phone 2022. NEW modern 5 room bungalow for sale, immediate possession. Inquire 1171 N. 18th St. a215 FOR SALE A 4 room plastered bungalow cottage, with a sum rnei kitchen, well of fins water, east front on graveled street, terms. Phone 1865J. a217 A 5 ROOM bungalo wwith laundry and deeping porch, large roomy rooms, fine location south Sa lem, convenient to school, church and car line, all In one to three blocks. Open for a few days only Owner F care Journal. 7 ROOM house, $3000, half cash. A good clean house, shaded with nut trees and vines, fine lawn; street being paved, 1 block from car and 5 from school; base ment, lot 41x130. A real home. Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg. a215 SPECIAL 6 room house, bath, toilet, lights, fireplace, built In buffet and bookcase, dutch kitchen, breakfast room, gas in house, some buy at $2700, some terms. Win. W. Powell, Just deal estate, 341 N. Com'l phone 666. a217 7 ROOM modern house at $1700, $500 down, balance like rent, large lot, basement, built In kitchen, some fruit, house newly painted, all In good shape. S. R. Pearson, U. S. bank bldg. a WORTH THE MONEY 4 room plastered house, city water, cor ner lot good soil, good view of city, 3 blocks of car, for $1000, half cah. Brown, over Buslck's store, State and Commercial, a GOOD BUYS 5 rooms modern, large lot, close In on Cottage street; fine buy at $2600, some terms. 5 rooms, 2 large lots, fruit and berries. Let us show you this at $2100, oh terms to suit you. We have a bargain in a nice lot on paved street. Thom ason, 331 Ms State St. a FOR SALE By owner, 7 room modern bungalow. Phone 896W a215 GET A HOME room house, needs repairing, two good lots, close to store, church, school, has barn and out buildings, for $1150, terms. H. E. Brown, over Busick's store. State and Com mercial. a For Sale Farms FOR SALE Good 18u acre farm, well located, to settle estate. See M. T. or A. J. Miller, Turner, Or. b219 $4000 SOME terms, 4 acres, four room house, family orchard, pav ed street, car line. 2229 Fair grounds road. a217 A GOOD BUY 12.81 acres, rigni at a small town, all tillable, 1 acres logans. fair buildings, wa ter piped in; running water, rock road, phone, 25 tons of hay, team, wagon, for $2600. Brown, over Busick's store, State and Commercial. 30 ACRES, good 7 room house, barn, family orchard, 12 acres cultivated; hay,, grain, farming tools, etock, most of the furni ture ah go for $3000. Magee, corner State and Commercial over Busick's. n For Sale Miscellaneous FOR SALE Baled hay. O. Hilflk er. Rt. 7. box 96. c2U liXTRA choice Waxen apples $1 a box Winstanley farm, Rt. 8, box 44. c2U FOR SALE German roller ca naries $8, also large mating cage 2108 N. Broadway; e216 FOR SALE One double 12-guage gun. one 30-30 Winchester rme. Kingwood garage, West Salem. C215 CEDAR posts. Mr. Hop and Berry Growers and Farmers, lor your requirements in cedar get in touch with High Mountain Grown Western Red Cedar Pro ducts, post, stub, poles. F. B. Winterberg, box 26, Detroit. Or. m227 For Sale Livestock HOG SALE All week. Ella Fin- e21S ney, Waconda. FOR SALE 3 fresh cows with calves. Inquire first nortn mm corner on pen road. e216 For Sale Automobiles FORD for sale cheap. Marion Auto Co. FOR SALE 1918 Chalmers, In good condition, looks like new; will sacrifice for cash. Phone 42$. q216 REBUILT USED CARS We can now offer some very attractive prices on our used cars, most of these cars have been rebuilt in our own shop. Marion Automo bile Cphone2. q2 1 WE have a few 2nd hand cars that have been carefully gone over and sell them with the same guarantee as new. Phone 43. Rmesteele garage. q216 , 1MRW Tftll V I . '. '-as- I a i.h-e -a. .1- Te . I Vff!?0 " - VsFI The Capital. 7. . : : tt. a For Sale Automobiles OVERLAND MODEL 90 TOUR ING Has 5 practically new Urea, is in fine mechanical con dition. A small payment down drives it home. Phone Adams 362. q215 LATE MODEL FRANKLIN TOUR ING Has been repainted, new cord tires, spot light, bumper front and rear, etc. This car has had the very best of care and has been driven on the pavement most of the time. We are in position to offer very attractive terms on this. Phone Adams 362 for demonstration. q215 SAVE MONET on bearings, Burd piston rings, motor parts, gears ana pinions, brake linings. W. E. Burns Dan Burns (Not Brothers, the Same Man) Ferry and High. q For Sale Wood WOOD for sale. Phone 27F3. ee16 PHONE 1666M for wood. e215 76 CORDS big fir wood. 44F5. Phone ee218 LIMB wood, 4 foot. Phone 79F11. ee217 TOR wcod, phone 1501R or 1166. ee226 WOOD for sale. 1756. Call 1501R or ee228 WOOD for sale, 2d growth $6, big fir $7, for two weeks only. Phone 1678W. ee215 WOOD FOR SALE -16 Inch pitchy old fir and 4foot second growth Call 540 State St. Phone 1727. ee223 GET your winter supply of wood or coal from the Salem Fuel yards. Special prices off the car. Phone 529. Theo. O. Zieman, Chas. Soos. props. ee FOR SALE Large 4 ft. mill wood, sawed even length 12 Inc hor 16 inch. Seasoned mill wood First class 16 Inch old fir 2nd growth fir, sawed 16 inch. F:ed E. Wells, 36 S. Church. phone 1542. ee FOR RENT TWO 2-room apartments for rent close In. 256 Division. J21 6 FOR RENT -House keeping rooms at the Cottel. 1759. J215 FURNISHED room for rent. Phong 64M.4 787 Crose St. J16 GARAGE for rent. 1040 Leslie. J215 FOR RENT ment. 690 567J. - Furnished Union street. apart Phone J215 FOR RENT Nearly furnished sleeping rooms and garage, close in. 2 63 8. High St. jjjj FOR RENT 3 room modern, fur nished apartment, 1040 Leslie. 1215 FOR cash rent, farm 231 acres, 7 miles north of Salem on Capitol highway. Mrs. S. A. Hackett, Sa lem, Rt. 1. 3216 FOR CASH RENT Farm, 175 aores, 7 miles south of Salem. F. S. Lamport, care U. S. Na tional bank, b FOR RENT 3 unfurnished house keeping rooms, 2 blocks from state house. 411 N. Summer St. Phone 630. J215 LARQE newly furnished sleeping rooms and garaga, lights, phone, bath, private family, 1 block south of O E depot, 263 S. High. J215 Wanted Help WANTED Female stenographer clerk; give age, experience and references in first letter, also salary expected. Box J D Journ al g215 HOP pickers wanted, picking to be gin Immediately. Bell hop yard near Llvosley station, register at 411 Oregon bldg., Salem, Or. g Lost and Found LOST Strayed or stolen, Aire dale dog, reward for informa tion. Phone 1788W4. k215 LOST Wrist watch between Sil verton picnic grounds and Sa lem. Finder telephone 906 or 1581W, reward. kllS Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Small roll Box 13 care Journal. top desk. 1216 WANTED Washing and Ironing. Phone 1959J. h215 CITY and country wood sawing. Phone 2046, Fisher Bros. ee WANTED Several good must be heavy milkers. 26F5. cows. Phone 1216 WANTED To rent a small place near town, cash or shares. Box 47,Rt18J 1219 WANTED To lease a home by the year, will keep place In repairs. Call or address 1610 State street. 1220 WANTED 10 to 14-room room ing house In Salem. Write Mrs. Herman Weum, Audubon, Minn. ' 1216 WANTED Plowing for tractor, also tractor to trade for good car, also wanted power baler. Call 1730 evenings. 1199 N. 16th street. 1216 WANTED Vetch seed, phone 26F34, call morning or evening. 1215 WANTED General team work. Inquire 1118 Fairground road or phone 1561W 1219 WANTED Position by experienc ed woman bookkeeper, general offict wok. First class referenc es. Box K C, Journal. h215. .olucr,0M FRorluN6 M ALL THe SAM TO You, WtM s,RSitN-y- HrV-e ' m SIR, 1 THirVj K I'll riH I i - si, h ut 1 Twer . e 1 bbbbjv 1 . . a: Jonntal, Salem, Oregon : - FOR RENT CARPENTER wants work, wages reasonable, reference furnish ed. Phone 1741R, 1876 S. Com mercial St. hJ15 WANTED Second hand alio, must be cheRp. Writ Oatnhone Day low Farm, Rt. 2, Tur turner. Or. 1215 WANTED Used household goods, tools, men's suits and. shoes, best cash price paid. Liberty Ex change, 141 N. Com. Phon 841 ro WANTED By first class auto me chanic and electrician, steady position In Salem. A-l referen ces. Address Mechanic car Jour nal. . h2I5 MISCELLANEOUS WOOD sawing, phono21Fll. eel 17 2004,1 will saw your wood. a$31 1959J will saw your wood. ee231 CHIMNEY sweep, furnacen rlean ni223 ed. Phone 11. PRIVATE maternity Phone 1969J hospital, m LADY will keep 5 year old girl. mJll Box B Journal. DRESSMAKING by the day. Phone 663. m230 FOR shingling and repair work. pnone 1899M. 1215 PRIVATE maternity hospital. m219 Phone 1959J. WILL give a university girl room ana board in exchange for house work. Box 6 care Journal. k216 SALEM Pacific City round trip Phone 1766 evenings. m215 $2.50. AUTO PAINTING Jobs that please, Jobs that last. 220 S. Liberty, phone 901, q230 I'LL do your excavating cheaper than any' one else; also want no, m1 hauling. Ludtke, 34$ D street. 1216 GIVE me your wjrk or we both lose; excavating and general team work. Fertiliser furnish ed. R. C. Gamble, phone 7S6W. m219 OLD newspapers. 10c the bundle. Used as carpet muts, for pack Ing, etc. Capital Journal office. WANTED Old mattresses to mrke over. Phone 19, Capital City Bed d.ng Co. I PLUMBING, repairing and coil work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union st. Phone 1517 J. mill ALADDIN Ready Cut houses, SO percent saved in cost of con struction. Chas. F. Smith, fac tory representative, 620 North west bank bldg., Portland. Or. SAVE yourself an accident. Pro tect yourself from sun glare, head light glare, or rain on the wind shield, $4.75 buys one Of those snappy little metal vizors from Wroten & Booth, 1697-1710 Chemeketa St. Phones 143 1W, 2098W, q213 FOR SALE 12 head of young farm horses, I span 4 and 5 years old, very blocky, wt. 2750, horse and mare; 1 span 8 and 6 years old, blocky, dapple gray tna.-es, wt. 2850; 1 span bay mares, well matched, wt. 2850, 5 and 6 years old; 1 span black geLuuiK", aim o, lull oroiners, well matched, wt. 2800; 1 5-year old brown gelding, wt. 1500; 1 gray msre 4 years old, wt. 1600; 1 sorrel mare 6 years old, wt. 1560; 1 general purpose horse, 6 years old. wt. 1200, broke to all harness and saddle. Having sold my farm at Albany I must soli these horses. Al are well broke and sound. Call 554 Ferry street. e210 REAL ESTATE WOULD you accept a gift of sev eral thousand dollars? That Is what you will get at the price at which this place is offered, as owner must sell, 43 acres of land all In cultiva tion and only 7 miles from Sa lem on good road, good red hill soil, 10 acres in bearing prunes, 3 acres in strawberries, 4 acres In logans, 1 Vi acres In young cherries, 6 room modern house, fireplace, concrete basement, Dutch kitchen, bath, toilet, elec tric lights, own their lighting plant, barn, machine shed, 1 chicken houses, hog house, smoke house, etc., horses, cows, chickens, hogs, and all farm implements Included at the price of $14,500. Only $2800 required an first payment. Will accept some trade. L. A. HAYFORD 105 State street. 216 Iroom strictly modern home In Portland to exchange for Salem home, l'rice $6000. 4Vi acres well Improved, 8 room furnished house, all necessary out buildings; stock und implements. Price $6500, will take Sulem prop erty up to $7500 and pay cash dif ference. New 6 room modern bungalow first class Job In every way and up to date, fine location. Price $4600 6 room modern, plastered house, $1500, easy terms. Rooming house at a bargain, close to state house and univer sity. List your property with us. we are doing business on the old in dependent plan. We do not ask or recommend exclusive listings be ciuse we believe In the Golden Rule. JOSEPH BARBER v SON 200 Gray bldg. n Wanted Miscellaneous TRADE FOR WESTERN ORE- JON 400 acre stock and grain farm, south of The Dalles. ' in Wasco county, has two sets of buildings, family fruit, part cul tivated, soma good timber, SM tunes to railroad, for $36 per acre. For particulars, H. E. Brown, over Busick's Stat and commercial. b SOME GOOD BUYS Fine new bungalow with all kinds of built ins, nice lot closo In, near car line, for $3000, $500 cash balance like rent. 7 room house, modern, good lot on car line, for $2000, V, cash. 6 room house on car line, two lota, some furniture, for $2000, ',t cash, balance terms. Fine modern 7 room bungalow for $3500. Large lot on good grav el street. This is a fine home and worth the money. W e are still doing business at the old stand, and do not ask ex clusive listings, aa wa consider them unfair to the property own ers, and our motto is Do unto oth ers aa you would like to have them do unto you. If this meets your approval, list your property with us, all we ask is a fair trial. If you want, sell, buy or trade see PERRINE & MARSTERS 211 and 212 Gray bldg. FARMS FOR SALE 240 acres. 130 in cultivation. 18 in prunes, $ in mixed orchard, 2 seta of modern buildings, modern oarn ana cnicken house. 6 milk cows, 1 team, chickens and all farm implements. Will consider smaller farm anywhere. This is just across the river in Polk coun ty. 128 acres. 40 in cultivation. 40 in (rood timber, balance In pasture ana timber. Has some old shacks. Goodj spring water on property. "or quick sale, $75 per acre. It's a genuine bargain. i.'K acres. 90 in cultivation. 1 acre fruit, 1$ acres timber, bal ance In pasture. S room house, modern barn 36x76. A first class general farm. You can get a good deal on the stock and Implements. On fine road. $125 per acre. &ee me ror farms or homes. ARTHUR E. PETERSEN 229 Oregon bldg. nil 5" BEST BUYS HOUSES 6 room modern cottage, good condition, closo In, shade; only $2400 cash. 7 room modern bungalow, built In conveniences, paved street, lot 75x160; cheap at $4250, terms. 5 rooms modern, basement, good lot, paved street, good location, $2650. 0 rooms strictly modern, fire place, furnace, stationary tube, ga rage, good lot, gravel street; an exceptional buy; $4600, Uj cash. 8 room fine bungalow, furnace, 2 baths, upstairs rents for $50; east front, paved street, fine loca tion: $5000. FARMS 5 acres, 2 bearing prunes, 1 pasture, family orchard, 6 room house, barn, coops, chickens, horse, hog. Implements, household goods. Price $1700, $1000 cash, balance 8 per cent for 3 years. lnins, s Vj straw- berries shack house, olnsa to as u, cash 20 acres, 18 bearing prunes, 2 4 logans, H strawberries, 6 room house, drier, warehouse, garage; will consider residence and crop payments on balance. Price $600 per acre. 100 acres, 80 cultivated, 10 lo gans. 4 mixed orchard. 20 pasture of which 15 Is bnnverdam, on Pa cific highway, fins for subdivis ion, two sets of Improvements $200 per acre, 4 cash. SOCOLOFSKY $41 State street n GET A HOME Good 4 room plastered house and corner lot, $1000, terms. 8 room plastered house on paved street, car line, west front, $1200, and assume paving, 7 room plastered bungalow $17 60, terms. 8 room, bath, toilet and garage, $1850 on $350 down. 7 room hoese ana acre of ground $2000, terms. 6 room, lights, bath, hot and cold water, oorner lot, paved street. Lnot far out, close to car, $2 300, terms. 6 room plastered, close in, base men t . wide paved street, bath, toi let, lights, $2600, terms. BROWN Over Busick's store, State and Com mercial, n GOOD BUYS 200 acre farm 6 miles from Sa lem, 100 acres cultivated, balance timber and pasture, old buildings, will consider good home In Salem as part payment. Price $20,000. Well Improved 4 acre home In Wooxlburn to trade for modern home In Salem. Price $6500. I room house and large eaat front lot. bearing fruit, barn. Price $2600, terms. 6 room house and three lota lo cated Just outside of city limits close to car line. Price $2600. I room bungalow touted at 170 Richmond are., basement, fire place, bath, toilet, lights. Price ($ Vi acre lots close to S. Commer cial street car line and main pav ed highway. Price $400 per tract, $15 down, balance $10 per month. Interest $ per Oent It . ... I,.liln I,, hnv tri.l. or sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST CO. 275 State street. n (Copyright 1(20 by International Trade Mark registered In the U. ft . . FINANCIAL MARION-POLK County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith secretary-treasurer, 30$ Salem Bank of Commerce. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. Phone 1512, over Patton book store. HOI'MEHOLD GOODS WHY SELL FOR LKS8T WE will pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid before you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware Store. 2T1 N, Commercial street. Phone 734. CITY SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Garbage ana reruse or all kinds removed by the month at reasonable rates Cesspools cleaned and dead ani mals removed, nay phone 167, night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum- mine, Mgr. OPTICIANS G LASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- aeiie, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 316 State St. MERCHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor. Mouth nigh an d Ferry, M. A. ESTES. fine tailoring 38 4 State street. TRANSFER OREGON TAXI and transfer, Lib- erty ana Ferry street. Phone 77. MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel delivery. Transfer trunks any part of city 50c. Messenger serv Ice. 179 S. High. Phone 230. JINK WANTED Rags and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 398, 215 Cen ter street. PIANOS CHERRINGTON Piano House. Hush and Lane planoa 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 431 State, Salem. R. W. BALLANTYNE. tuner, nlav- ers a specialty. Phone 362, Cher rlngton Piano house. e OiFANtNO AND DYING SALEM Cleaners and Dyera Suits cleaned $1.80 Suits pressed BOo 1315 S. Com'!, phone 1868. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE hemstitching. chulnstltchlng, pleating, buttons. 329 Oregon bldg. Phone 879 MRS. F. E MULL. hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. HAT Bl KICKING MEN'S and women's hats reno vated, blocked and trimmed. 49$ Court. C. B. Ellsworth. MOTORCYCLES HARK Y W. BOOff "The Cycta Man" 147 S.Com. Phone 68 RAMSDEN McMorran, Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles. 387 Court St. GARAGES CHERRY CITY garage. 170 S. 1$. General repairing. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE-MENT aunt? Notice is hereby given, that the malting of said Improvement now council of the town of Stuyton. (ia in the office of said record Murion county, Oregon, deems it er. All bids must be accompanied necessary and expedient ana nere- by declares its purpose and Inten tion to Improve that portion of Third street from the south line of Water street to the south line of Washington street; also that portion of Water street from the west line of Third street to the east line of First street; also that portion of Ida street from the west line of Third street (o the east line of Fl'-st street, all In said town snd state, at the expense -r the abuttiug and adjacent property by bringing said portion 01 sulrj streets to the established grade. ci.nstrucUiig uemeut concrete curbs wherever tne sotue does not now Don(j fQ- the making of such im exlal and paving said portion of prVement Is executed. The coun said streets wltA a hard surface I c,j r,.rVes the right to reject any pavement ine tuna sua cnaiacter of which shall be one of three kinds, namely; Asphalltc concrete, Warrenlte bitultthlc or concrete, which together with the width and thickness shall be determined by the council after receiving the bide fur the making thereof, said Improvement to be made in ac cordance with the plans and spec ifications for said lmproventent adopted by the council on the 1st day of September. 1921, which are now on file In the office of the re corder of said town, and which for ,-r. .'. , pprtalntv and Arini-flitunra ,i t..r m mora ei. ii.i Avmr-lr.. Hon thereof, are hereby referred to and made a part hereof. Noilce Is further given, that the recorder of said town will receive ),Ma for (Km nmklnff of M.iiit Im provement up to seven o'clock p. m. of the 17th day of September, 1121. Bids will be received on any Feature Service. Ibo-I Patent Cffle. AUTOMOBILE storage at $3 per month. South Commercial Qa rage, 430 S. Commercial St, q . 238 N. High IPhons 203. Batte r 1 e' recharged and repaired. Degge Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra- dlator and tender specialist. 188 3. 12th St. SOUTH Commercial garage, gen eral repairing. All work guaran teed. For sudden service phone 278, residence phone 102VR. 430 S. Commtrctal. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding. 187 S. Liberty St. Phone 304. WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electrlo shop, 2(3 N. Com'l, phone 411. R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries, starter and generator work. 171 , 8. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. phone tos. m PHOTOGRAPHY DE LUXE studio. Better photos. 147 N. Commercial. Nl'RSERY STOCK FRUITLAND NURSERY Special: prices on Italian prune trees. Get my prices on nursery stock before buying. Office 640 State street. Phone 1737 or 1140M. ' SALEM Nursery company, fruit and ornamental trees, small fruit roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg; J; AUCTIONEER a. SATTERLEK, 404 Ferry St. Salem. Or, Phone 1177. COL. W. F. WRIGHT. Turner auc-. tloneer. Turner, Or. FARM LOANS BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent. Life. Fire, Health, Accident, In demnity, Liability and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Or, OSTEOPATHY DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, 606 U. S. bank building, Phone 869. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall residence phone 834. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 57. REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair Shop, 147 Court St. Lawn mowers ground. a. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop, 141 8, Liberty St. J STOVES rebuilt and repaired, 6 years experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sises 16 to 68 Inches high. Paints, oil and varntshea, etc., logan berry and hop hooka. Salem. Fence and Stove Works. 180 Court street. Phone 124. CHINA PAINTING LF.SSONB In oil and water colors, also China painting. Mrs. Bul lock, 212 S. Cottage, phone 182M one or all of the different kinds, oharacter or types of puvement proposed and as set forth In said pi, ins and specifications for the iby a certified check on some sponsible bank equal to ten per cent of the amount or the bid, pay able to the Mayor of the Town ot , Stay ton, Oregon. When the council rrml have determined the kind or I character of Improvement to be ; made. .r.d the lowest responsible bid submitted thererore, the re corder will return .to the respect ive bidders whose bids have been rejected the checks submitted with hid and will retain the check i.C(.ornpanylng the successful bid ,,.,.11 (ueh time as a remonstrance ; , ti9ii ufnclent to defeat aid Im- Brovemnt or the contract and 1 Hn(j aj m(jB. Hv order of the council. Dated this !t day of Septem ber, 1121. J. B. GRIER, Recorder of the town of Stav ton, Oregon 114 Realty Transfers Compiled by Salon Abftraot Co., Sank of Commerce Bldg. Omha G. Palmer to Iva I 'lot 9, block 17, Geo. H. Jones add. i Salem, $10. I Henry If. Ooode to Oustave A. Oetrln, lot 11 A. F. Waller add. Salem. $10. C. W Wheeler to Mllo R I C. W w nceier to mho rt. t ooi. lots 1 and 2. block 18. Englewood jadrt Salem. $10. Uiirr liel.ler to waiter yy. Fuller, lot 1 A. F. Waller add. Sa ilem. $800. Clarlr.da May Hicks et al. heirs of Timothy M. Illrks. deceaeed. to Lsura B. Pettenger, lot 1, Hicks add. Woodburn, $8. I John Muster to Anna Wenger, 10 scree In J. M RIsrkerby el. see. .7-1 W. . George Frohmader to J. K. - ti-o..lr 1.11 adfed 1st N. W. Col well cl. 81-7-8 W. $10. Arthur Petersen to K. A Ie. aeree In elate see. T-l-t W, $10. Charlie !ngl to Mary F. Mitch ell Alva C. Mitchell. Ira C. Mitch ell I 1$ acres In Wm. McKlnney et $-io- w. $4o. rrenrv TVal et si to Andrew PVal. l.e aeree la M. Short CL and A. Wood rl. $0-7-1 E. lit. Military Guard Asked for Trains Atlanta. Oft, 8eft. Military protection for employee and prop erty of Ike Atlanta. Birmingham eV Atlantic railway will be asked of Oovemor Hardwleh aa a result of numerous raaee of dynamiting of the road's frelehl tralnn. It wag etatod today by Colonel B. L. Bngg. receiver tor the rood, fol lowing the wreck of a freight oa the watsklrta of Atlanta last night In which the engineer was killed and eeveral negro train asea Injured