Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 05, 1921, Image 1

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A,erage for 1920, 62S0
,0pulation of Sal.m 1900. m.
1910 14,094; 1920, 17,679
jUrion County 1920. 47.177J
Polk county, 14,11
Member of Audit Bureau of Clreu-
latllon. Associated Pw Ful
Leased Wlr
-Third Year No. 212
C apit aisfeJou r nal
The Weather
OREGON : Tonight and Tuesday
fair and warmer; moderate north
easterly winds.
LOCAL: No rainfall; northerly
winds; cloudy; marimum 75 mini
mum 41; river -1.8 feet and stationary.
Salem, Oregon, Monday, September 5, 1921
Price Three Cents fgJSttf? S
Sinn Feiner Says Ulster
Must Be Brought To Time,
Use Of borce Is Intimated
Middleweight Gnam-
pion isui. xww
gcore Knockout
Jersey City. N. J.. Sept 5.
The New Jersey boxine com
mission announced from the
rine that Promoter Tex Rick
ud had been ordered to hold
Wilson's end of the purse
pending a hearing.
Ringside, Jersey City, N. J.,
ISept. vvnue bu-ucudiuu
pnrailted under the New Jersey
laws, the majority of newspaper
men at the ring side were of the
I opinion that Bryan Downey oi
Cleveland, outpointed Johnny
ed a left to the chin. Downey
bout here today.
The story by rounds follows:
Round one Downey rushed
from his corner and landed the
tint blow, a left to the chin. Wil-
lon boxed cautiously. Downey
linded a left to the body and a
tight to the jaw, rocking Wilson.
Downey missed a vicious right
nppercut, but landed a rigm u
the jaw. They clinched at the bell
Round two They clinched and
Wilson landed two light lefts on
Downey's jay. Downey missed a
right for the head. They exchang-
) lefts to the chin. There was
imt firhtlner on the part of eith
er man, both working for an
Round 3--Downey landed a
straight right to the body and a
left to the jaw. He rushed Wilson
to the ropes with hard lefts and
rights to the body. Downey land
e la left to the chin. Downey
Kissed right nppercut. Wilson
landed a left to the chin at the
Round 4 Wilton took the of
fensive and sent a hard left to
his opponent's chin. Downey misB
fi i left and Wilson caught him
with a right In the stomach. Dow
ey crossed with two rights to
the jaw. They were fighting hard
In a clinch at the hell.
Round 5 Downey sent a
straight right to the nose. Dow
ney landed a right to the Jaw and
took a left hook in return. Wil
son crossed Downey to the ropes
with body blows. Downey sent a
bard right t0 the stomach at the
Belfast. Sent. 5. The sneerh
at Armagh yesterday of Michael
Collins, Sinn Fein minister of fi
nance and commander in chief of
the Irish republican army, has
beeu eclipsed in interest in Bel
fast by the remarkable declara
he declared. Belfast would be a
deserted city in three months. 1
The Sinn Feiners, O'Duffy said,
were told it was not right to use
force against the people of the
north and that was so. They did
not like to use force against them
tion at the same meeting of Owen I they did not want to give medi
O'Duffy, chief Sinn Fein liaison cine to other people that they
officer for Ulster. would not like to have them-
O'Duffy said the Sinn Fein selves,
would have to put the screw on I O'Duffy declared the people of
Ulster. The Sinn Fein would have j Belfast and northeast Ireland,
to tighten that screw, he declar-very soon would get opportunity
ed nnrt If necessary, would have of deciding whether they were
to use lead against the Ulsterltes. .for Ireland or for the British em
O'Duffy said he did not make that
statement as a threat, but as he
had said before those people must
The speech of O'Duffy is alto-
,v.-.,i,..,. .... f fitna with the lll'T-
llttu naiu uciui c iuubc jjeuyie mum prui.-i u u l "
not be allowed to stand in the way jlarations regarding Ulster made
of the march of a nation. j by Eamonn DeValera, the repub-
Belfast, O'Duffy continued, was jlican leader and the Sinn Fein
partly bankrupt and If people in j publicity department. These de7
Relfast continued to allv them-i larations have been indicating
selves with the enemies of Ireland I their policy toward Ulster was
it might be necessary for a time I ,f faed the ,ngt,tut,on
to cut off Belfast absolutely fromL, without nhvslcal
VS. St UUJ v. -
the rest of Ireland. If so cut off, force.
Clean Up
Riot Area
Illinois Mine
Strikers Hold
Man Prisoner
Harrisburg. 111., Sept. 5. Strik
ing miners at the Roslclare mine
of the Hillside Flour Spar corn-
Charleston, W. Va., Sept. 6. .n mtieR from Harrisburg,
I.nhor dav found the federal troops : c.,v,i,v nlirht caDtured J. C.
sent into West Virginia's troubled 1 Swanson, mine superintendent,
area on Spruce Fork ridge near ' and his wife and three children
- ,, according to word received here to
the Boone-Logan county line, pa- holding them prison-
llUlilU LUC UlOHlLl ftuu o
out such armed men as they encountered.
A large number pf men surren
dered yesterday and all who car
ried arms were forced to give
them up. They then were sent out
of the region and to their homes.
In this the federal authorities
had the assistance of United Mine
Workers leaders.
The volunteer forces sworn in
as deputy sheriffs and deputy
state police last week, have oeen
relieved of further service and
have returned to their homes.
Latest reports from the area
now policed by federal troops
were that everything was quiet.
n-inoitler fieneral H. H. Band-
holtz. it was learned, was so well
satisfied with the situation that
he had under consideration a rec
ommendation that the Camp Dix
troops be returned if the situa
tion did not change today.
...!.. instructea iu
ers back In the hills.
Last night the mine guaras
drove all strikers and their fam
ilies from llosiclaire and they too
are camping in the hills.
All wires leading into Rosiclalre
have been cut by the strikers and
reports reaching here are meagre.
Justice Mount
Dead: Funeral
To Bo Wednesday
nivmnii Wflsh.. Sent. 5. Fu-
W'J ! ' '
neral services for Justice Wallace
Mount, 62, member of the state
supreme court for the last 21
years, who died here yesterday,
will he held from the Temple of
Justice Wednesday morning at 11
o'clock, it was announced today.
The body will lie in state at the
temple from 9:30 o'clock.
Rev. H. S. Templeton, pastor of
iw..i,,-tnH:n church at Bel-
Of League
Second Annual Session
Opened at Geneva by
President Koo; Amer
icans Present
Denver. Colo.. Sent. 5. Dr. Wil
mer A. Hadley, charged with the
murder of his wife, Mrs. Sue Tins
lev-Hadlev in Richmond, Va., to
day denied he had confessed the
killing, although George A. Full
er sunerintendent of a nationally
known detective agency, reiterated
his statement of last nlgnt mat
the uhvstclan had made a confes
sion admitting the crime anu giv
im" details of it.
llr Hadlev is on his way back
to Richmond, Va., to stand trial
He v annrehended in Farming
ton, New Mexico, last week after
a twn-venr Rearch
"I have waived extradition and
will nrobably leave Denver to
nis-ht " Raid Dr. Hadley at the
cnnntv 1atl today.
to answer any questions which in
volve the charges against n o, I
have not employed legal counsel
and I have not confessed to any
"i pin uav I went back to my
father's place in December, 19lf,
after being discharged iroin -nc
medical corps of the army and
took up the practice of medicine.
The first intimation I had of my
wife being dead was when a de
tective approached me and said:
for Dr. Wilmer Had
ley, who is wanted In Virginia for
the murder of his wife..
" 'I am Dr. Hadley,' I replied,
'and am willing to answer any
questions the law may deem necs-
narv ' "
He admitted he bad lived under
another name until the day of his
'Yes, I tried in every way to
conceal my Identity," said Hadley.
Tt was a good thing too, for the
way the people are acting about
the matter leads me to believe tnai
I might have gone west, if they
had found me."
Labor Day
To Jobless
Secretary Davis Tells
Labor Today Should
Mark Organized Aid
For Unemployed
Detroit. Mich., Sept. 5. Dedica
tion of Labor day, 1921, to the re
lief of the nation's unemployed
was proposed by Secretary of La
bor Davis today in an address to
the workers of Detroit.
"In the past, Labor day has been
a holiday in honor of the man who
tolls," declared Secretary Davis.
"This year it Is a day that millions
of our people would rather cele
brate, not by taking a holiday, but
by going back to work at a Jod.
Wife Using Heavy Hammer,
Beats Andrew Wurtzbarger
To Death While He Sleeps
Death Toll
Of Famine
Runs High
Samara, Russia, Sept. 5. Hun-
!ger and death go virtually unno-
Mate, Jailed, Shows No Remorse and Says She
Slept Well Last Night; Crime Grew Out of
Quarrels; Grand Jury To Be Asked for First
Degree Charge and Death Penalty Is Sought
Mrs. Alma Wurtzbarger 37, who beat her husband, Andrew
Wurtzbarger, 42, a laborer at the Chemawa Indian school, to
death with a hammer as he lay asleep in their home on the
Chemawa campus about 2 o'clock Sunday morning, is today
a prisoner in the Salem city jail.
fv, tart tVint shf nrlmita the killinc: and is almost
irer and death trn virtually unno- T "7T . : - ,. , .
The dedication of the day to the," . Uie 8t;eets and alley8 of certain to go to trial on the charge oiiim ae u..,
relief of the unemployed, esti- Uefugees from famine i with the state asking, tnat sne pay ine ueaui ..,
mated by the labor secretary to, m ' Refugees rom am no zbarger sit8 composedly in her cell, and evidences no
number "nearly six million " districts near this city, estimated Xtsoever in the court ordeal she must face, or its
should carry with it, he said, afr0m thirty to fifty thousand, are interest wnaisoever in ine wui i, w.
. . ,v. no-i nt all . . . . nnnsiihln rrniSMuenees.
concerted eiiun uu iu. -ibuddled togetner in oeserteu , i ------ au.y.;ft n Ti
buildings, unused factories, Ut- Meanwhile uuinct Attorney ? " ; '
tered tents and m wagons massed Bower and deputies from the latter s office are busy weaving
Iha .r. ah,,t th tr,B Woh nf av dence around Mrs. Wurtzbarger. Throughout
in,n h thev emoloveH or
employers. As measures of partial
relief the secretary proposed tne
j f nnhll wnvkn the
j,..iv..,ti f wrti in mills "so railroad stations and the
that all may have Jobs for at least along the Volga river,
part of the week." and the shaking Hunger, typhus, cholera and
off of fear and the taking on of exhaustion are carrying off hun
faith and courage. dreds of these miserable fugitives,
"Above all we need to shake off ;young children falling victims
fear and take on faith and cour- readily to the famine and its at-
thev worked incessantly running down
klUHUUT L4 J 1 1 1 - .
clues which might have a bearing on the murder
No .formal charge has yet been
placed against the woman, but
the state is expected to ask th
grand jury for an Indictment of
first degree murder, and the trial
l Ii U innc ki ii ioiiu h.... ..v.... . , i . . . . v w
. . . , . . i. . T ...1 ,. ... ,r .. 1 ...I nnrl
n era ." Mr IIHVlH Hnnt'l Leu. 1 Ul ntv. IH I 1 u Bi.UUiSin. i,vui OB. . B 1M -
lley at tbel q COurage we are ncg-'ragged refugees are constantly jry for the death penalty it con
1 uiud, .. 1 imar. . ..Urt ,.fna nnfflrta tnWnrd the ..;,f.,n la
lOCllug any uuuiuci ui BL " " " ' . La I i j ins t' ' 11 ' " w " " nvnutt
. . . . . . 1.1 .1... - ... . v. ., n I ,. , i. .1 ir ,1 n H - ' A,,,lr,,n f'arwnTl will
taKings mai wouiu rivij a "itsniv cemeiery wucio uiijo,h,i 1.1101.1 iti vwi w.-
shove to the great Btalled engine en crosses mark hundreds of uew p)ace the case before the grand
graves wnicn nave oeeii u omuo jury wnen ue cn "
ih flight before the advancing Bntember 14. and the trial is x-
rected a message to the employers famne began. From fifty to one pected to come early In tna circuit
of the nation, declaring: hundred starving cnuoren are court session opening aepieuiuoi
"Don't Bet your wages by the -athcred tin daily from the streetB,
hungry crowd at the gate of your turned over to the central ref-
mlll. That is only a temporary ' e hy parenlg who cannot feed
wage. During the war the pendu-.h ' vanv of these little suffer-
- -v Patrols were ! , iuo iicnuj....
I search everv inch of ground for imgham, will conduct the cere
Round 6-Downey caught W 11-I . . b ' ied weapons. It was monles and the body will be re
Eon in his corner and hurt him
with hard rights and lefts to the
itomach. Wilson cut Downey's
toll eye with a right swing. Wll
lon's blows were landing oftener.
Thty fought hard at close quarter..
Round 7 Downey forced tbel
Hinting and had the better of an I
nchanee at close nuarters. Dow-1
sT sent a straight right to the
tomach. Wilson caught Downey
with a left hook. They fought
Round S Downey landed two
rights to the body and one to the
Jw. Wilson hooked Downey with
Ms left. They repeats ,
' Both ni'ssed miny Lows an I
were hooted by the crowd.
Round 9 Downey missed a
wing to the head and nearly fell.
Wilson landed lefts and rights to
tic bdy. Downey was landing
sody blows oftener. He rocked
Wilson wiih a right to the Jaw at
He bell.
Round 10 Downey landed hard
nhu and lefts to the body. Dow
se? m;sml a right to the head
i took several rights to the
ody. Downey missed and they
went into a clinch at the bell.
Rour.d 11 Downey rushed
Wilson to the ropes and sent two
lrd rights to the Jaw. Wilson
"St a left hunk in th etnmach
Sd thev pi.hmrorf Ita-wtv hlatrl ;
stated at army headquarters that moved to South Tacoma for cre
ail arms were not surrendered by mation.
the armed bands but what became , The list of pallbearers Inclues
of them was not officially known, prominent business men of Olyrn
rnvTrnor Morgan has issued a pia. who were old friends of the
, IZZ tha " there would be judge and honorary pall bearers
statement that tnere ,, j surviving su-
itZ Tthor who were preme court judges and four of his
responsible for last week's d s- former assocuues
turbance. which he termed In-; FllpPin. county agricul
Burrectlon against the state. All , T J PP 'Coumbia countJr
the f?r.fe . . resisting has resigned his post to continue
would oe . . education
the county nuonu- r university.
at the Wisconsin
the guilty.
luru swung over to the side of theerg have typi,u fever, hut
employes. Now it nas swung uhlk hoBpltala are without beds
tn vour side. Play fair now and
you will do more to stabilize your
business and bring good feeling
than anything else you can do.
Keep In mind the fact that those
men who are swarming around
Relief News Doubted
Samara's only newspaper, a sin
gle sheet of brown paper, has weie(
Rnont. Restful Nifirht
In her coll In the woman's d-n.-irtment
of the city Jail this af-
the .,. Mrs. Wurtibarger saw
and newspaper men but had little to
I She was asked how she rested
last night.
l slent fairly well," she aus-
lng heated words with her hus
band a few minutes before when
she had risen to prepare some
medicine tor the relief of asthma,
with which she was suffering.
She declared he awoke at that
time, too, and when he asked her
what she was doing and she an
swered, he Is said to have replied:
"I hope you choke to death."
Hammer Is Obtained.
She went downstairs then, sha
said, where she saw the hammer.
She decided to use it on her mate,
according to the police version of
(Continued on Page Eight )
printed an announcement that the
. , . , i- mini , ut ,' n U
- i American icuci oumu..,...v.. .
the same human beings as yourself . . reached Moscow and
They have the same aspirations 00Q of Amerlcan
for their families that you have en ,o RumU, The
for yours. Regulate matters now d an(1 hlingry popuia.
for the future and play the part of" ve, ,, loalh , believe
The murder charge which, with
out question, looms before Mrs.
wuruuarger, na m " 'imkl
torforail with her aDDetlte. Last ,
night her dinner consisted of a
veal steak, creamed tomatoes, a
if nla and a run of tea.
Four Women
Hikers Rcgi ter
At Camp Grounds
Four women hikers, dressed in
and carrying their packs
on their backs, registered at th
camp grounds from New York
city and Washington. D. C, last
nleht. They were: Miss B. Els-
r slentcu wisdom. . . .. ... . j ...i.h n.. . . . ... ......
- . . ... . Ihat alii Will roilir. ami w.iu -ruu nornini Mm: uiti vmh", - . ...
To labor, the secretary ne.u out - tolcUm the thousands of waffle , plece of pie and drank man. Mis. F. pin at.
the assurance that "In spite of the lllan BW1 " '. ,hroeh this WB"le' a p'," ' ' Karbe. all of New York city and
occasional 'hard boiled' empioyer. 'STZSXStJm ' Plowed Clauere of Washington.
no true American ousmesa roan ' , . . ' . , ,,i leifnf, i.. i. " T" . n i f a i j ri D
Airs. ivuiikueii "" I
Alleged Slayer Of
Wife Declares He
Never Conf essea
. . Un nrnl'ln Ct
Judse Leaves To
Try Brumfield
ludge George G. Bingham of de
partment No. 2 of the Marion
county circuit court, left this
morning at 11 o'clock for Rose
burg to preside at the trial of Dr.
Brumfield. charged with first de
gree murder In connection with
the death of Dennis Russell.
Judge Bingham was appointed
last week by the supreme court to
hear the case on a motion filed by
Brumfield's attorneys charging
prejudice to Judge Hamilton of
.i rr.nntv. who will arrive
I"1 .
here to sit in the place of Judge
How long Judge Bingham will
be absent from his duties here he
was unable to say.
entertains a serious thought of " ay
crushing the workmen's organize- IM ';fo0(, S. be ae.ured.
tlon " "Let the open shop mean Plce wnere man
wnat It says-open P,o all," he add- Vladimir BokaoU - eh. im .n
ed. "Any employer know, that of the Samara Provincial .ov let
crushing the unions can not be told the Associated Press la.t week
Idone. II the first place, he know, that &00 carload, o ? '-.
that It would not be safe In any had aireany arriv-u
... . s. . . .ii. PYTltMlftl 11
t would not be sate in any nuu .nou in. n"i
We want no Russia In this 'and that enough wa. expected w 9he wa, a,ked.
. I i.i. k. naiainu of Samara ... ... .,.
country, nor norues oi iorih' . .
lied, leaderless men, reduced province to sow approximately i.
guch a state of starvation that 000,000 acres oi wne.i
charity mu.t go to their ld." next harvest. Samara
Opposition to the principle of plant, an area oi imm
w . ... . ' . .... .vi- .,.r ilia area sown
the living wage also was expressed
by Mr. Davis.
"I am against the living wage,"
he said, "it Is not enough. We
need to hear something of the sav
ing wage. It la not enough for a
man merely to exist, to meet the
nit nf llvlne. whatever it la. to
t eloie quarters. Downey missed I
ngnt to the head and was hook-
itarply by Wilson t the jaw.
Wy eichanged tt blows and
oun 12Downey was trying?
ssti Vjt his blow, did not seem
Trt Wilson. He eent a hard
JE s the .tomach. They fell
s ciinch and exchanged lefta
rigi:: at tie bell.
Geneva. Sept. 6 The second as-
rr0ghenr B V. K. Wellington
Koo of China, president of he
council of the league gree ed the
new members and
more rapid progress would be
more lv .arlier adjustment
made and an earner a
taken than last year. " - " " '
the league of nations -
David Jayne mnd
Frank A. VanderliP.
' capitalist, were in the galleries
with fifteen other Americans
. Questions of great Internationa
i importance were on the agenda of
' the assembly when it opened.
South American questions, tt
Ivolrtng.he vexed controversy over
the future status of the provinces
of the T.cha and Africa at present
under Cileon Jurisdiction and the
revision of the treaty of 1914 be
tween Bolivia and Chile, might. It
appeared, be added to the program
of the assembly before it. final ad-
10 TT Welington Koo of China,
as present of the .rmb.y . open-
ed the meeting -
.,irpss of welcome.
Selection of a president
Tice-preeidents was ursv
Hungary was the only new ap
plicant for member.hip but it wa.
iid the aembly might be called
upon to pass upon the admission
of Germany and it was id there
were several member nations who
would support her claim, for ad-ministration.
and the crop was almost a fail
ure because of the drought.
Children Killed
Although transportation Is dtf
m uirauiUkv said ths en-
CURl l ' v " -'- UCUU, Ji. .j'
pay the rent, but food and cloth-Ulre peasant population of .,500,-
. . -1.1. II A man ii I- IJ l. . I . . t , I M I 1 1 t UDOn
ing 1 HI II IB 11IUIIJ. " , U U U WOUIU W w-i- -
the American workmen, needs, 1 I outside food by November. Already
...... i hoi riamanria nmflhlnil . hah naautiii are without
more than that. He wants to save
nd he should be able to do It."
2 Portland Boys
Jailed Here for
Entering Building
Harvey Ackley, 16, and Gus
Schenk, 16. who say their homes
are In Portland, were arrested by
Police Officer Birtcbet this morn
ing sfter they were reported tc
have broken into the Willamette
Valley Transfer company's wars
house at the corner of Front and
Trade streets.
This afternoon the boys were
.nwi nemiinz an Investigation
snmt nf the roods which they were
accused of taking from the ware
house was on tbelr person., oftl
White Ditched
By Riessback:
Charge Faced
bread, this number Including .
000 children who have been plac
ed In soviet homes.
renditions at Samayenkena,
village 30 mile, from Samara and
remote from railway or river com
munication., are typical of he
misery exl.tlng throughout t
province of Samara. The peasan s
there are eating bread from mel
on rind., sunflower seed snd grass
A charge of disorderly conduct j weo. u .
... ?- ,... ,nv.rli... week, saying hs could not
win f'"- . ,arve Oier motn-
Rlesbeck of this city, who Sat- bear to see It starve. (. e
. . i . - - 1 - .re threatening to kin meir
nraay nig in trucu u-p with six
roan Elmer Whit, while Whit, children. On woman
ZZ marching blm In th. dlree- children said to th.
tlon of th. police station, cniei prn.
Mcffltt said today
a disinclination to speak of the; q , ." ,. 0f the way
newpaper men put ..e.tlon. to when T MJ ff
ad you ever kill- "n, 2
Ing him at any pr.v.ou. v..u. - ... . .
. .. . .... ham (utl-9 lin-
Dlsgu.t was evidenced in he nrou,.. -';""
shruir which accompanied ner in mej " . , . i.
erse reply "Certainly not." sh. P.cnlck.r. wer. plen ful tod.y.
icrse rcpiy. though there were quite a num-
"lu' - - -- hr f tourist, registered.
plant, an area oi - - Despite Mrs. m u. iu. - . :,,. Krnnrht In by on.
extent but thl. year .he .rea SOW l.utement tnt .he had not spent S'- formeu
... . i a nnn nnn acres. . . t ih of the tourists esierny.
a Sleepless nisin, iua . .
las, few hour, showed plainly In th. center of lntrt at .
her thin, almost expressionless ground, this ,Mjf"
face Mo.t of the time she .pend. ago th. Intere.t rr0UntIM '
a in? . t the cement floor of th. nanny n't;rom,;(,hl(1CuhanMely00i
re,, in wb,b only h.r 5
SlUSt th. county touruts.
and committed the rrlm. follow- j ' .
A brief battle royal of a mild
natur. terminated satisfactorily
for Officers Miller llayden and W.
W. Birtcbet yesterday afternoon
at th. gftl.T. ball ground, and
Karnt Mass Jr , W. C Moor, and
nr . U... .11 nt HrMOn CitV.
You know It takes children so ; found themseUes at the Haletn po
. ,1 .., w.rrlhle to !. .tottlnn a few minute later
nffirer Whit., it wa. said, had long to oie. i - r, tixn -an
STJ." NoDch.r.e hn.- placed RU-bk under arrest fol- watch them shr.v. uV , .
fe'-ed M-lnat them thl. after- V of mouldy green , ,h. were permitted to ...v. be.d-
DOn' E , rgl when
That Dallas xn will haw. fre. nrth on High street H ..WB0 u. 1 0ff ic.r Hayd-s. red to arre.t
..livery cf malls is almo etl. .the story goes, paused MWM whl. - Wn so w. c Mas. who. th. officer I.I".
a the portortle. deprtm.t ta t oespectorste. and ; ther. has t any re 1, was drunk and dUordei ly
calling forapplicant. for th. josl-'wl.h a Quick torn, soulrmed out M" . took of
tlon of carrier. jof hi. grasp.
Brawl With Police
At Ball Park Ends
In Arrest Of Three
ih. mher two men riuhed to tb
arrested man', asalstanc. and dur
ing the mele., Hayd.n waa stnick.
At this point Officer Blrtchet In
terceded and arrested both of Masa'
Earneat Mass Jr.. and Moor
war. charged with resisting and
interfering with an officer making
an arraat. and W. C. Masa was)
charged with being drunk and dis
orderly. Th.y w.r. required to put
up 150 ball each.
All thre. m.n are cited to ap
pear before Judr. Karl Rac. la
th. police court Tuesday afternoon
at S o'clock.