Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 03, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    L, September 3, 1921
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Page Five
tctets and Club News
Of Interest To Women
Edited by
Adelaide V. Lake
Telephone 82
Ee Elect
t parties
Miss Levy Hostess
Of Tuesday Evening
MIsb Elizabeth Levy was host
ess last Tuesday evening at a de
lightful dinner party honoring
Miss Hazel Anderson and Gustav
Anderson, who will soon leave for
Chicago to begin their senior year
at Northwestern university. Mr.
Anderson will erot Ms mnatvr'a
. erouo of aIIalIB : dfieree. Thev are former wni.m.
l 01 a o- - -- - "
,k for Miss Bertha ette university students and the
nrrOW Will UecUUio(win:6c wiuio, iiuia.ll U11U gOJQ,
i"- worn nlm-ni'tii krnnhl I-
WaS""' -''J UUt 111
floral table center which
Year Book
Of Women's
Club Is Out
i ol Em"
night by Miss
,nd M'ss
1 . it the tneauo -
be guests came
a where the
hnwered witn gum-
Muse .
while blue birds add
" , orrtR and
tore the sau.x
I ere served.
'Lent were Miss Bertha
Pres . ,rtwlck. Miss
Mary wr-
Miss Ada
The twenty first annual an
nouncement of the Salem Woman's
club, of Salem, Oregon, is off the
the Press ready for the UBe of
was members who will eather
Mrs. A. T. King
Is Wednesday Hostess
Mrs. A. T. King entertained
the Lady Maccabees at her home,
463 South Capital street, on Wed
nesday evening. Golden glow and
French marigolds were used for
decorations. The evening was
spent in playing games, after
which light refreshments were
served. Those present were Mrs.
Bertha Drew Gilman, o Hepp
ner, Oregon: Mrs. Norma Terwil-
the liger, Mrs. U. S. Dotson, Mrs. Car
for loline Bushnell, Mrs. Melvina
Taiira tt"BO
artistically shaded by candles of their first meeting next Satur- ' slPer. Mrs. H. DuBols, Mrs. 01m
the same hue. Covers were laid day afternoon at 2-30 in the Com- 8tead- Mrs- Macy . Brooks, of
for eight. After the dinner, music I mercial club auditorium At that ' Port,and; Mi8S Hazel 0lrnsteal-
'oge time a business meeting will be Mlss Minnie feterson, Mrs. win
was enjoyed, followed by a
party at the Oregon.
Is Married
T ces R
In Germany g
and Miss Tere-
saiem music lovers will re
member with pleasure Madam
who ap
peared in Salem in concert April book are as follows:
Cora A .
w H. r-asi-, iviargaret maizenauer
Hazel n-co.v..,
held and the report of delegates Purdy- Mrs- GeorBe
to the State Federation of Wo
man's clubs will be heard.
Officers of the club for the
year 1921-1922 are: President,
Mrs. William Everett A&derson;
vice president, Mrs. C. C. Clark;
recording secretary. Miss Fran-
ichards; financial secretary,
Frank Bowersox; treasurer,
Mrs. Frank G. Myers; auditor,
Mrs. George Pearce.
Meetings as planned for the
year and announced in the year
Miller, Mrs.
Floyd Smith, Mrs. Kirshner, Miss
Veta Lenon, Miss Gladys Lenon,
Mrs. K. Bertha Smart, Miss Dor
othy Smart, Mrs. Theo. Turner,
Miss Esther Mason, Mrs. Agnes
Cohenberg, Mrs. Ida McDaniel,
Miss Opal McDaniel. Miss Blair
Rosenberger, Miss Evans, Mrs.
Walter Eberhard, Mrs. A. T. King
Couple Will
Be Married
i urns again a
Miss neii"
.,! at a dinner
enteric .
s were used.ln the ta-
0 , .... ..v.To was
lions ana me
1 i. nea WHS
,ieht. ine hub""-
,erving ny "f"
bose Present were m.
, Miss Agnes ,
,r' William
jgbam, Mrb- "
Cf North uenu,
Mnrth Bend; mhu
Howard Fowle and Miss
. f -
nellaneous snowe.
Clark, given as a sur-
t tha
tbe young t
ftate's oftice, was Bi-
L evening at the home
.rents, Mr. ana Mrs. n.
Tko wadding of Miss
15, and they will be interested in lu' DUSIness meeting; October 8,
hearing of her marriage on June President's day, luncheon at the
18 at tVlsbad, Germany. The ac- arion; NoveniDer 12, guest day;
count with a picture of the cou- uel;er lu' exninu oi dooks;
Die appeared In a recent issue 0t:January 14 educational commit-
Muslcal America itee; January 25, scholarship loan
The account says:
ifund day;
Wedding Of
Big Affair
Miss Mary Savage and Albert
Ramseyer will be united In mar
riage tomorrow afternoon at two
o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Henry W. Savage,
on Garden road. Only the Imme
diate families and a few friends
will be present. The bride will
wear a gown of white organdy
and her bouquet will be a corsage
of Cecil Brunner roses and small
lilies. She will be attended by her
sister. Miss Maud E. Savage, whose
gown will be of pink organdy.
She will carry an arm bouquet.
The groom will be attended by his
brother, Benjamin J. Ramseyer,
of Macleay. The Bervice will be
read by Rev. W. T. Milliken.
Following the service, a wed
ding luncheon will be served to
the thirty guests. Assisting In
serving will be Miss Maud Savage
and Miss Nancy Savage.
Miss Savage has been employ
ed until recently in the office of
the city recorder. She attended
Salem high school and is a grad
uate of the Capital Business col-
Paul lege. Mr. Ramseyer is employed
Misq Muriel Steeves and
. . ,,-ltv. Iha Mowntl Mrvtnr ftnlpR nor-
February 11, art de-, Wentworth Morse were tn Portlftn, Untu re.
"The marriage took place after luleul' a,cn ll- clvlcs com- on Wednesday at niga noun ... cently he was empioyed ln Saiem
a romantic series of events which mie; April 8, music depart- Lhe home of tne bride's parents, wlth tbe Gingrich Motor corn
began on board the steamer onment; May i3- annual meeting, Mrg Q L steeves. The 'pany.
which Mme. Matzenauer was hast- j reports of committees, reports of R I Th C0UDle wlu be at home in a
ening to reach her mother, who "-". eiecimu ui omram. - -
was at the point of death. The standing committees of Blaln E. Kirkpatrlck in the pres-
"Mr. Glotzbach was a paBBen-the c,ub' aa announced in the ence of relatives and friends. In
ger on the same vessel, and gave year book- are: BoartI 01 trustees the parlor an altar was arrang
all the aid ln his power to the ot the building fund, Mrs. W. E. t banUed with fern and palms
Metropolitan star in her efforts -. n..66.
their grandmother, Mrs. Pauline
Josse, during the time their par
ents were ln the south.
Plan Trip
To Neskowin.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Fullerton
plan to motor to Neskowin for the
week end. They will be accompan
ied by Mrs. Ada Petram and sons,
Donald and Merl, and Mrs. Charles
Burtnett. They will return to Sa
lem Monday night.
Miss Findley
At Seabeck Conference.
Miss Genevieve Findley Is at
tending the Y. W. C. A. conference
for university and college women
at Seabeck, Washington, She was
Joined by a number of other stu
dents of Willamette unlverstty as
she passed through Portland.
Mrs. Fanner
Home From Portland.
Mis. C. E. Farmer returned on
Thursday night from Portland
where she wis the guest of Mrs.
Louis W. Josse.
Mrs. Roberts
ExTKKited Today.
Mrs. John j. Roberts and her
daughter, Mildred, who have been
absent ln Oxford, Nova Scotia, for
the past seven weeks, are expected
to arrive in Salem today. Mrs.
Roberts was called east by the Ill
ness of her mother and remained
for some time following her death.
Mrs. Roberts will be accompanied
west by Miss Margaret Slade, her
Return Home
After Visit Here.
Miss Nellie Angus, ot Sherwood,
who has been a guest at the home
ot Mr. and Mrs. Roy fit. Mills, will
leave today for home.
Beauty Contented'
Tou ire lwy conffdcat
that your beau tr b fewa
developed to the kujhnt
of 1k rowlbilillee ttiu
using Counuxf a Orieatal
Seen I
5c.forTrUUSIm I jefJH
Why Go East to Study Music?
David Campbell, Director
Offers Complete Courses ln Piano, Violin, Violoncello, Voice,
Theory of Music and Dramatic Art. Dunning System for Begin
ners a specialty.
Competent Faculty Excellent Location Complete Equipment
Fall Term Opens Sept. 12
For particulars, address Registrar, 654 Everett Street.
Portland, Oregon
short time at their home at 725
East Stark Btreet, Portland.
to reach her home. Despite every
exertion, they arrived too
The marriage was quietly
emnized subsequently.
"Mme. Matzenauer and her hus
band are still in Europe. They
-1.1 ;.i Kir toll art
Mrs. F. A. Elliott; calendar, Mrs. parked on euner , v
William E. Kirk, Mrs. Blaln E. 'vases of gladiolas. And Jardln-
gol Kirkpatrlck, Miss Ruth Johns: 'nleres of the same flowers, corn-
legislative, Mrs. Lawrence T. Har- t,ined with lilies, were usea anout
ns, Mrs. h,ouis Lacnmund, Mrs. the rooms.
The bridal party descended the
stairs and approached the altar
Of tomorrow morning
. ii.. i...; ln'. nar-
ome 01 ine ui 1" o "
the couple will leave
ly (or a wedding trip.
return to Salem ana
home in Salem where
to has an interest in
lark has lived ln Salem
ttn years, coming from
She was graduated
leu high school anu
a time in the state 11-
iA later in the office of
Will Motor
to Portland Snndav
Miss Gertrude Hartman and Ot
to Hartman will motor to Portland
today and " Miss Hartman will
spend the week there.
J. C. Perry, Mrs. Florence Irwin;
,.. i tt, visiiinK, mrs. nusseii uauin, Mrs.
take a brief vacation at the sing-!F- B- Southwick, Mrs. S. C. Dyer, t0 Mendelssohn's wedding march.
. . . , . ... .i.... :Mm. William Rtaieer: institu- i,. hv Txiren Basler, of Dal-
' . , ,ni ho er a nome in itye Deiore sne maris r- -; - :, ' ------- w j
i b.11 Carlson will be n Mrs. P E Fu lerton Mrs. Ias.
a. u. riiiingnasi, mis. rieien The groom aiienuiu uj
Howard, Mrs. W. F. Fargo. 'best man, Dr. Laban Steeves,
Civics, Mrs. Richard Cart-'waited at the altar for his bride,
wright, Mrs. John Albert, Mrs. The procession was led by the
L. H. McMahan, Mrs. Arthur bridesmaids, MIbs Charlotte Croi
Moore; press, Mrs. W. C. Dibble, san and Miss Ethel Rupert, fol
Mrs. Mary Putnam, Mrs. J. C. lowed by Miss Helen Hunt, maid
Nelson; public health, Mrs. Gro- 0f honor. The bride followed on antners Home
ver C. Bellinger, Mrs. Morton the arm of her father, who gave prom guttle Trip
Peck, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, her ln marriage. The bride waB , Rev. and Mrs. W. O. Kanmer
Mrs. Floyd Utter; music, Miss lovely In a gown of ivory Char- returned the first of the week from
Dorothy Pearce, Mrs. Arthur J. meuse, adorned with pearl and Seattle, where they visited their
Rahn, Miss Lena Belle Tartar, crystal trimmings and her veil son, Professor Clofford Kantner,
Ada Miller, Mrs. Harry was of tulle. She carried a b..u.- anu m.r v
I Buhar-ta- ad- kn,,at nf (Intieiia TUBCO ouu . uvil. 1UJ nc.o o.i.i...Ku.
John Harbison, BWeet peas. The mam oi
Mrs. C. C. Clark, Mrs. Frank wore pink organdy ana ue- -anaara
Mr. A V Marcus: schol- nnet was of Columbia roses. Miss
at the home of the bride's parents ,',. Mrs. N. C. Kafoury, Croisan's dress was of orchid or-
opening of the Metropolitan season."
Miss Busch
Is Bride Of
Mr. Croisan
Salem Folks
Picnic at Turner
The following group of Balera
people motored to Turner the flret
of the week for a picnic: Captain
and Mrs. Harry Brumbaugh, Mrs.
Lillian Hartshort, Mrs. F. P. Talk
Ington, Miss Ethel Rupert, Miss
Gertrude Hartman, Miss Cora
Talklngton, Otto Hartman, E. ' J.
Sellars, Major Charles GJedsted
and Fred Brock.
Miss Esther Marie Busch yes-
toy of state. Afterward terday afternoon at four o'clock gtyles Mnj JohQ
to California, where she became the bride of George ill- ucation Mrs. j
iam Croisan wnen ine sei vice
I read by the Rev. George L. Lovell
.r.,i. r-io-ht at the home oi tne Druie b paieuio
Ipil feature of the enter- in the presence of relatives and a Elma eUe; Ml8S' Elizabeth gandy and Miss Rupert's of green ,Date Announced
m - ; J TV n Kpulfl u I . e. ,i. .n..lnH IriutPtH 'Paw TViaa Hot-la
. i. utnni v. row ( l ( ISP II e us. x uc u' '" u v' " , , in r oi,t '-ov onrl Cdiiicu rui xiicu aiii ii,
a muni wtuuiiife mi ' u- JVicvJieay, wro. r. j. iu. ui6u ok- m i, l.
i ne social cuinuuucc iui i." ui in.i.
home by their grandson, Carvel
Thomae, who will spend the win
ter with them.
. R
II. mr- 1
- v. , .. - i.Unllna on1 har
Ti.aa was Ol uiue Liii-ui""
was was of duvtyn of the same color.
She was attended by Miss Meien
In. S. 0. Burkhart
:iss Edith Wei born
Mary Phillips wns
laid and Miss Marian Mc- King.
a best man. I Mrs. Croisan is me .
ride was showered with Mr. ana Mrs. wuu
t the cIobo of the eve- lem. Mr. Croisan is ine m
kmrat's won. served. (and Mrs. George H. Croisan. Both
j i nr CaTom hie-h
i . . . . . 1 1 ora trT'A ii iia i if ui i,i. 13
uo r n.,ro school an
, a o-T-1.iiltnr- I
seconn year ai t,-
. ..1. r..iann la mem- MlSS BuSCh
ai college, am. v .uicivi. . - , t ci,owe,
her of Delta Delta Delta sorority Honored at bflower
and Mr. Croisan Is affiliated with
u-anno stirma fraternity. He
. M 11. 1
Sentember meeting includes: Mrs. Miss Marguerite l,ook, u.
iiin MMarv Mrs. Charles H. land, sang "Because
nhartonn Mm. it. O. Shipley, inervice was read
Mrs Thomas B. Kay, Mrs. F. W. mony was used,
Snencer and Mrs. G. G. Brown. 1 Following the ceremony
xf,. ltim: Hawkins is the chair- dinz luncheon
i.ii i"j ... . . . ii .hiou ware ar
of all social committees tor for this six sman -
ranged in aaauion iu i"
before the
The ring cere-
a wed-
served, and
Constance Kantner,
irgia Broyles. Mrs. Flor-
Mlss Lillian Olson, Miss
klllips, .Miss Maud Sav-
S. 0. Burkhart, Miss
'Morn, .Miss Violet Wei
..CB the year.
d have compieiea mi i , tnhle in
.Unnratlnnn Wer6
f vellow In
iracuvc ui'
Miss Helen King was hostess tall sticks, communis
nn Thursday evening ior hum ers oi mo -
. , -, ino- affect. t-aims
wnen nuc buuiioui- r mi uinie,
September 21 has been an
nounced as the date of the con
cert of Theo Karle, tenor, and
Enrique Ros, pianist, who will
appear at the Grand theatre.
Mrs. Brown
Visits in Portland
Mrs. Clifford W. Brown Is vls-
the dining room. Here ltlng in Portland at the home ot
acnpciallv at- , ner son, Armin l.. onco.
employed in Salem by the Stand-
Esther Busch
1 . . i a c.icariQ were also
Wei- makB ed a kitchen shower ok,i.S wown ;-
Alice Kezar, Miss u" company . -- the g woman who was mar- used, assisi.. b ...
Oehler. Mrs. Dora Au- their home at Mariu.. rIeQ yesterday afternoon. Many MisU Marguerue v.uu.
Irene Bradford, Mrs. I Present for the weas.aj w. gJfu were prMent. Parounaglan, mis.
mutt. Miss Silvia Mars- Mr. and Mrs. uuu eQ t0 the honored guest. Dinner Findley ana m.s "
Dorothv Rten.loff Mis Mrs. George rt. d . late hour. The ta- i Assisting ai.uui m.- -
, , . ... nkaaiAtia i'rni " - ,
belle Croisan, miss u.. M. decorated with pink and
lma Busch, Mies ten- . .. . iaa morn rr.H
Miss Ruth Busch. Miss " """7nr - m Unmeler, Miss Grace Young
Are Guests at
Love Residence
Charles C. Love and H. A. Love,
of Brookwlth, Pennsylvania, are
guests at the H. T. Love residence
ln Salem.
Pf, Miss Marjorle Bau-
Mlss Isa
a with nlnk and ine the entire occasion were Mrs.
n k ILflaa 7n. " "u T T Hunt Mrs.
11.. , bowi liac p n a nUBUU, iiiidb " . . . irtnD nrnro eiTO". 1 a, .1 . i. . .
untu HUCUCI , lYUOB , - -fc Aftua WIlllC Mice mi . -
I. vi nijji Rimch. Miss sum wwi ... ... .v. fn,vlnir cnests: P. K. L'nmeier,
F UHUIIIIKS, MISB ni.,lonher lalU 1U1 "" " 7
off.Mrs. M. Matthews, Florence Buscn ' Miss Esther Busch, Mrs. Daryl F. and Mrs. M. r'""';"Mr and
ta Mcfauley, Miss Ma- Busch, James Proctor, Miss Ethel McGilchrlst. Following " ""Vje to
MJ. Miss Teresa Fowle Busch. Miss Helen King and Miss McGlchrl.t- Miss Mrs. Morse left for Seasid. M
Ruth Busch. Miss AnnabeUe Go - spend . i wee-. .
den. Miss Lucille jones. miss - rltv
Mrs. Mark Skiff lred Gul. Mlss Amanda Schwaub- September 15 for Kan"
Returns from Newport Mlgs Marparet Goodln. Missouri, where they will make
Mrs. Mark Skiff is expected to bauer home Mr Morge was grad
return today from Newport, where B ' He,en uated from Willamette unlvers ty
she has been visiting this week. Proctor anc im q( nn nd re.
Qhe will he accompanied by her Mlss King was "Sistea y MkOOl diploma
Bister, Um Jennie Calvert, who Mary Bayne ana
t,aa .U.i thn entire summer at Proctor.
the beach.
ayne. Mrs. Hiram lna Mae rrouul-
E. Bergman, Miss
stenson and Miss Jessie
" Middle West
ora Koon has return-
month's trip in the
P. While away she vis-
Pke Okaboji, in Iowa
"i'es at Fort Dodee.
Ma, Nebraska, ahd St.
return trip she stop-
Uuise and other Ca
She will return
to her position in the
k 0. L. Scott.
Ralph Wilson
Will Arrive Today
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson re
celved at telegram from their son,!
Ralph Wilson, yesterday saying
he will arrive in Portland tonight,
from Anapolls, Maryland, where j
he Is attending the United States j
naval training academy. His va-!
cation will extend through the
month of September. Hie father
motored down to Portland today (
to meet him.
I WiUoTa Lake
What's New
The Market
from Salem high school. She is
well known and popular in the
Morse Is an ex-serv.ic
city. Mr.
'man having served as sergeant In 8alem today
it. .unit. Inf::ntrv. Tinin uiv.n-
tv,a ?.";r,th
Ion. He served overseas and was , Farmer,
in the St. Mlhlel and Argonne for- . QOTiolli
est drives. He is connecieo wnu
Wedding Solemnized
At Parsonage Today
Mlss Zada Gladys Ringo
uo- t. Woodward were
rled this morning at 10 o'clock at
. i . .. .. Ui.rol.e X.
. 1. k . i . . nt tne rf. a"'"" -
iiuc """v. . ... . . vprv ,v. Ttnrirner-BowmaTi
! Aldrich. rne weaums - " ,
i.t tffair and only immediate company, of Kansas City.
SS L witnessed the impressive; Those present were Dr. and Mrs
;relatlves witnessed I P Mrs. Carl
ring ceremony, tu- - Mrs. Lshan
A car of Elberta pea ties ar-; Qe COUDle left tor a ureB """" Z' ,.. rh,r.
neacnes. ' .
Will Stop
on Return Home
Mr. and Mrs. George Haack, of
Portland, who have been touring
in California for the past six
weeks, are expected to arrive ln
They will stop at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Their children, Cleo and
stayed in Salem with
-a. iirover Be linger rivea ioua uu . ,-ln to tne i)"'". . ! . . v -i r.,r.,.-i
hMr.. John Evans left distribution Tuesday. Tbe whole- ' a .raTeiing suit of blue and lotte Croisan mis. wmw
PUb. lake in eastern sale price is $1.10 a box and they , . . matcn. she Is the dangh- Mlss Helen .
IW rone about two ought to retail no higher than . . Carrie I. Ringo ana Hunt. Kev ano ;
IM.35. This will be the cheapest ben empioyed unn. n., n.r-p-
thev can be bought ana
housewife should seiie this op
iDortunlty to do some canning.
Wil- Home grown Muirs will also
the wtth the Oregon Growers' assoc.- ton. Russell Rarey ( Tacoma:
Mr. and
and t
"Sr motored to Sll-
T on a business
Harbison. Mrs
Anderson and Mlss offered at the same price. . the cny
Country butter has been scarce a-,, jr.
for two weeks, some of the mar-!wl ma,e their home
kets not handling any for that High street.
length of time. Tbe price paia
fnr er.ntifi- hntter of first Class
itjuaiuy u a ana i nu,
Ballon nf Paaa ' 1 a A n ntl
arrived in Salem! A urarritv of noultry Is expect-
1 TisltBR ,t the ed to be experienced next week.
IBL and with Mlss and the Quality is falling to keep
. ' ... . . 1' .
Mr. Woodward Is the son or feor snd - ;
Mr M K. vooui fu, rii i ii
contractor and builder m,
Mrs. Edna Josse. Mr. ana
rpon their return to Mrs. Fred Legg. ana
and Mrs Woodward Kenneth Legre. Mlss Esther Pa-
' m m : .i ,. r.-.-
lzss rounactan. m .
gian. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Littler.
Robert Littler. Mrs. E. E. I'p-
Home Prom Msriruertte Cook, of Portland:
Vr inaompson and dan- Mlss Grsc Toun. of Portland:
,7.r Fare Louise, and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Loren Basler. Mr.
ghter. raye , pert Mrs. M. C.
Kathryn Row. " " " v,
: two weeks
spent at Nye Beach. rB'.f. Ml" Bruee Putnam, Mlss
L. ' fisher nf Cil.m , j . a
... " ine reason aaaianeu iw
L inJ: re nr ln during hop picking time people
rn nits itt ! a i k iu ; . . , .,
8h wa, accom- offered last week. ! U- Harry Rows and Mrs starry Oenertere
- .... r j Hi i, HnTiiT aiiuim,
wr in aurlng
""ion wni spend take little care of
t.i. I. that Slmrjson and oaugnm..
.ft Thursday lor
p.eKing unte k- ;.i . . k or . Thttntdav nlrht from
their chickens. ; woere i7 r-n ... ....
Beach) v Alta Clare Lots returned
a Tlslt In
Portland with relatlres.
Clears the Porea
Of Lmpuritiea
Dally utc
of the Soap
with oc
casional touches of
the Oict
ment at
c leanaet
X keepait-fre
from ptm
pies and
Cuticura Talcum ia ideal for
powdering and perfuming.
1 I J tr
A Peppy, Snappy, Thoroughly Enjoyable Picture for the
Whole Family
King, Queen and Joker
The Mishaps of a Barber w ho tried to be King.
Throbbing with Thrills of Earth, Sky and Water
NOTE Fox News Shows Sinking of
The Canadian Exporter at WiUapa Bay,
I two.