Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 26, 1921, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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    MPJ a DC 1Q91
August wo.
-: T.,h laaertlon
uv 8 cents; one m -j
tWL .ear. Pr mom,
:Toimum per ao. - To-
S not
ai. " -
has mum-"J
. r- rTchlldren at
re v Winter. m205
r"T 5 i m 1 1 i
l'i-2--- -ECTTshed rooms.
. at? I
1501R or
Sou or "
tv l " -
finished. Phone
1804J after 6
TTFrTrola for $100.
ffonleM, 1 mission type
V 0 CrossJLc208
tSSS-r.:rTnnm lady, or
li lloa,r, for $10 a month.
I ,ear om B'nal 204
ph.mle Boone.
fumed oak, g as
J?S--r rrTf tha best In
ff tor sae. - N lgth.
Fjalem. u " 204
Lr9C5elal3r box houses.
BWfL.,, 179 N. Com'l.
llax 0. Buiei.. m206
Wallboara, ' "
STt.. shrink. Max O.
wide, wi" "ul
Ruren, 11
79 N. Com'l.
33 cents per
RTMI.AL, e 179 North
bolt. JW m206
, C!"l ulf nrlce.
LOU oll f oor , BenT 179
Unly ,r,ew' m206
K. com i
Jx-Wcll furnished, large
Stairs room, lis
-: -7T. vno-ulniv.
m SALE o oom
S2100, terms, v.
201 Oregon "Idlfc.
sTrjvnrlt. hauling lor
. .vnirxy "Phone
trucks, woou i
1 151 If. W. L-
STiST keys Aug. -!4. on
Od1 . i, .,,,, ,.ft Trf.flve at
court street. iv - .
jomoffi.?j '
nBSALE Brooa sow.
logf md little pigs.
Ella Finney. Rt. 2. Ger-
vaiB, Of-. : ,
' nnm nunititluw a
nst office. Price
blocKa from 1
S. D. E. Hart, 208 Oregon
ANTED A patient,
S, da, Box
3 CapUalJournaL
SnTT-FOir SALE Second
mirth fir 16-Inch 7 per corn.
Snr feet $7 ,16-lnch oak $
delivered. PhoneJeaaO?
jfjJJfiTrAr contract cutting
mrd wood, any '" - z
cvnerlenced wood-
with drag saw. Box 4 Jour
lUROE, newly nirnisneu
Ins room ami "-tr-, . ,
. .. ,er,i Phone, lights,
U private family. S63 S. High
JBS SALE-Or trade dandy roru
tit IHO body, gooa tirco
fenders, engine In good condi
tion. $250. See owner at 28
High street days.
WILLIAMS hop yard at Eola w
commence picking Bept. o.
luul out campers 1st, 2nd, Srd
to be ready when called on. 6h
N. Com'l St. phone 136380?
COUNTRY store, doing good nusi-
ness, good clean stocK, cnvi
rent, long leas. Invoice aoom
$4000. Arthur E. Petersen, "
Oregon bldg .c20'
WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnisnea
housekeepint; rooms by coupie
without children. Must have
bath, lights and water. Box 2
Capital Journal. J04
SALE 5 room bungalow
$5659; 5 room bungalow 55UO:
I room bunenlow $4700; 5 room
bungalow $3ri00, all modern.
Cmrpton Real Estate. 322 State
street 204
Iron SALE 40 acres all In culti
vation, good buildings, young
bearing orchard, one mile from
town. Price $5000, will take
some trade. D. E. Hart. 208 Ore-
ljjjibjdg b
I AGENT Make $75 weekly selling
guaranteed hosiery. We guar
antee $36 weekly full time. 75c
n hour spare time. Experience
onneoesaarv. Perfectwear Hosiery
I JJarby, Pa. 204
11 KOOM modern plastered houuto
with basement, paved street, ce
ment walk; no car fare; only
tew blocks fritm luistness sep-
J'an or high school, everything
swoa shape. Best -buy on the
"et at K500. $700 down, bal-
"ee like rent.
J room modern house for $1500
0 down,
room m. lern house for I1T00
! nom new bungalow 12250.
'room (ne bungalow, one of
- "est. tine location, $5000.
rms s. R. Pearson, 408 U. 8.
Hutt and Jff
ant Ads That Deliver The Goods at
EXPERIENCED office man, book
keeper can operate typewriter,
desires position with reliable con
cern. Married and can furnish
good references. Box C W R
Capital Journal. h205
APARTMENT for rent. Plume
403R J20C
FOR SALE-Or part trade, 49 acres
of extra good orchard or farm
nearly all cleared, good fences,
new buildings, silo; 1ft acres
strawberries, 3 acres orchard,
good well, 6 miles east, ft mile
south on pen road. $10,500; will
take part in trade. Salem, Rt. $
box 36D, phone 109F2. b209
PLAYER piano, including bench
and 15 rolls $425. Convenient
terms if desired. This Is a stand
ard make known the world over.
Ban Domingo mahogany case,
bfeauaful tone and easy, respon
sive action. Piano, and player
action in good condition. Cost
new i860. See this at 460 Court
street, or phone 941. 204
ROOM modern, living room,
dining room, bed room and
kitchen on ground floor, 3 bed
rooms on second floor, full ce
ment basement, laundry, pipe
less furnace, fireplace, all nice
ly furnished, also garage. Good
location on Improved street.
$8000, ft easfi. For a few days
only. Arthur E. Petersen, 229
Oregon bldg. a20 5
43 ACRE-SACRIFICE All la cul
tivation, 10 acres prunes, bear
Ing; ft acre apples, 3 acres
strawberries, ft acre cherries, 30
filbert trees and 4 acres 1-year
logans. A modern 7 room farm
house, good barn and chicken
house, good equipment. $13,000,
$2000 eash. If you want a bar
gain, see this. Must be sold In
t days. Arthur E. Petersen. 29
Oregon bldgJ b205
For Sale nouses
ON account of death, for sale, a
7 room modern houBe at 265 N.
21st street, by owner. a214
6 ROOM plastered house on paved
street for $1225. Magee, over
Busick's, cor. State and Com
mercial. a'
$1800 BUYS a 5 room bungalow
with large bath room. If you
want a bargain let us show you
this. Krueger, 209 Oregon bldg.
FOR SALE 5 room house, mod
ern except heat; on pavement
and carline, near school - and
store. Price right. 1145 Capital
Journal. a20li
SPECIAL $2700 buys a home of
6 rooms, bath, toilet, lights,
breakfast room, fireplace, dutch
kitchen, built In buffet and book
case, corner lot, some terms. Wm.
W. Powell, 341 N. Com'l St.
phone 666. a204"
FOR SALE 7 room modern house
full basement, heat; complete
ly furniahed. Good location, on
improved street. This Is a genu
ine good buy. See me at once.
Arthur E. Petersen, 229 Oregon
bldg. a
10. ROOM apartment house close
in, partly furnished. Income $90
per month, a good investment.
$5000, ft cash. Arthur E. Peter
sen ,229 Oregon bldg. a204
$600 BUYS a 4 room house. $1200
buys a 5 room house. $18o0 buys
a room house with bath, toi
let, electris lights, on paved
street, good location. Wm. W.
Powell, Just real estate, 341 N.
Com'l St. phone 666. a207
FOR SALE By owner 7 room
' . . , ni on X1
modern oungaiow. jrxiunc
6 KOOM cottage, plastered, mod
ern except basement, has garage,
fruit, store house, all in good
condition. A bargain for f.1500,
terms $500 down. S. R. Pearson,
408 U. 8. bank bldgJ ,
FOR SALE A 4 room plastered
bungalow cottage, with a sum
mer kitchen, well of fine water,
east front on graveled atreet,
' terms. Phone 1865J. a206
plastered house, city water, coi
ner lot, good soil, good view of
city, 3 blocks of car, for $1000,
half cah. Brown, over Bualck s
store, State and Commercial, a
FURNITURE, 6 room house, two
lots, chickens, pigeons, fine gar
den, flowers; a real home. $1,
875, some cash, balance $15
month. 1412 Lee St., Salem. 201
rOR wood, phone 1501R or 175.
GET A HOME 6 room house,
needs repairing, two good lots,
close to store, church, nohool,
has barn and out buildings, for
$1150. terms. H. E. Brown, over
Busick's store. State and Com-
mttrftfl.1. a
CLOSE In. 6 room modern house,
except furnace. M0 N. Winter.
BARGAIN Close in on D street,
paved, west of Commercial St..
9 room plastered house with
full basement, etc., gas, electric
lights, lot 60x375, fruit, berries,
shrubbery. First floor, living
room, dining room, kitchen, 1
bed room, toilet and reception
hall: econd floor, 4 bed rooms,
toilet, bath. Price $5750. cash
$2009, Interest 6 percent. See L.
A Havford. 306 State St. a
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE One acre bearing
cherries, on Falrvlew avenue,
near car line. A bargain. Inquire
gn R street. b206
I6 in MPAM tou JH II 'HORse -V imfJHI WUmm Door ANb M twr I
i vf-i ---- ri:MW - r- Bsimi iuibji . -12 - naLJ 1 mimii ill r mm -r -mmmmprt
wsmsjmw&mzr. ,-cm.. vs&a es. jm. w
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE 20 acres river bot
tom lana, loo per acre; will
consider ear as part payment
and give terms. Phone 93F13.
4ft ACRES in Woodburn, 8 room
modern plastered house, barn,
poultry house and fruit, close to
city school. This Is a bargain at
$6500, easy terms, or will take
Salem property. Joseph Barber
& Son. 200 Gray bldg. b
fine fruit, berry and filbert land
well located north of Salem on
good road. Use your state loan
as first payment. Owners will
advance $1000 for buildings.
Pearcy Bros., 210 Oregon bldg.
10 ACRES with a modern farm
house furnished, good barn and
chicken house, barn full of hay,
winter wood, 2 acres timber, 3
acres strawberries, good family
orchard, balance in cultivation.
Water piped to buildings. All
goes for $3500. Arthur E. Peter
sen, 229 Oregon bldg. b204
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE 6 year old mare, wt.
1300, sound. Phone 107F12. e209
FOR SALE Or trade for
young horse. 1183 D St.
REED baby buggy for sale, first
class condition. Phone 2073J.
BARTLETT pears for canning.
Moore, Winstanley Est., 4F3.
FOR SALL1 Extra choice Tancred
cockerels. R. Woolery, 344 South
25th. Phone 798W. f205
FOR SALE SOOO feet of lumber
suitable for out buildings, cheap.
1390 Waller St. phone 556M.
GARDEN hose, spade, heater and
some furniture. 630 N. Winter
street o204
FOR SALE R. I. RED pullets,
Just starting to lay, have fifteen
to spare. T. S. Watts, Liberty
garage, phone 21(L f205
FOR SALE Fordson tractor, com
plete, double disc and gang
plow, all nearly new, $800, terms
A. E. Cevay, Salem, telephone
7F3. Q.206
CEDAR posts. Mr. Hop and Berry
Growers and Farmers, for your
requirements in cedar get in
touch with High Mountain
Grown Western Red Cedar Pro
ducts, posts, stub, poles. F. E.
Winterberg, box 26, Detroit, Or.
For Sale Livestock
FOR SALE Dodge delivery oar,
very reasonable. Call 554 Ferry
street. a
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Reasonable, 1920
Ford sedan, can be seen eve
nt n gsat64NhurchSt2M
FORDSON tractor for sale, no use
for it. Magee. over Uusick s. cor.
State and Commercial. q
FOR SALE Or trade, five pas
senger Overland, good mechan
ical condition, tlrea almost new
Phone 78F4. Q204
STAGE car for sale, nine passen
irer. a bargain for one who
wishes to get into stage business
CaU Turner 185 S. Com'l St.
380. a36
FOR SALE 1 Ford roadster with
delivery body $226; 1 Ford tour
ing '17 model $225; 1 Ford '19
model with starter block, $350;
other good buys. Huffman Motor
Sales Co. QJ04
tion, new top, engine in fine
shape. Had excellent care. Own
er going east. 432 Marlon St.
SAVE MONEY on bearings, Burd
piston rings, motor patts. gears
and pinions, brake linings.
W. E. Burns Dan Burn
(Not Brothers, the Same Man)
Ferry and High. Q
VAPORIZERS for Ford cars. Will
produce 20 percent more power.
South Commercial Garage, 430
S. Commercial St. q211
DEALERS in wood, also wood
sawing, get our prices before
buying elsewhere. Oak, old fir
and 2nd growth. Fisher Bros..
phone 2046.
AUTOMOBILE storage at $3 per
month. South Commercial Ga
rage, 430 8. Commercial St. q
185 8. Com. St. Phone 380. q206'
For SaleWood
WOOD sawing, phone 2F11. ee212
GRUB oak wood for sale. Phone
2P4 ee207
WOOD for sale. 2d grouth $6. big
fir $7, for two weeks only. Phone
1678W. 2H
SLABWOOD for sale cheap at Ore
gon Wood Products mill. West
Salem. Or. 5?!05
WOOD FOR SALE 16 inch pitchy
old fir and 4foot second growth
Call 540 State St. Phone 1727.
109 CORDS of 16 inch or 4 foot
wood for sale In timber, or de
livered on Sllverton road. In
milre at 540 State St. ee204
The Capital
GET your winter supply of wood
or coal flam the Salem uoi
yards. Special prices off the car.
Pl-cne 629, Thoo. O. Zleman.
Chas. Soos, props. 1
Large 4 ft. mill wood, aaWM
even length II lob or If Inch.
Seasoned mill wood
Flret class 16 inch old fir
2nd growth fir, aawed It inch.
Fred E. Weill. 306 S. Church,
phone 1541.
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
Cottle Apts, phone 1759. jZQf
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
257 N. Church. J204
FOR RENT House keeping rOoma
The Cottage Apts. 160 Court St.
Phone 7 39. J20
FURNISHED room, hot and cold
water. 218 N. Liberty St. over
Brewer's drug store. J204
FOR RENT A desirable 3 room
Mfnrnished apartment. Phone
1BJ. 320
Wanted Help
WANTED Experienced woman
for notion department. Perma
nent position. Miller Mercantile
Co. g204
HOP pickers wanted for early
fuggles on Brown s Island, gooa
hops and good picking, will last
about 12 days. Will start 2th.
Phone 982M. J. A. Krebs. g206
Wanted Miscellaneous
I WANT to rent a garage to house
5 passenger car. Box 188 capi
tal Journal. ' 1204
$6000 WANTED for 6 years. First
class security. Arthur E. Peter
sen, 229 Oregon bldg. n204
EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants
work driving gravel truck -or
stage. Box E C E Capital Journ
al. h204
WANTED Used household goods.
tools, men s suits and shoes, Desi
cash price paid. Liberty Ex
change, 241 N. Com. Phone 841
FOR shingling and repair work.
phone 1899M. izi"
MRS. E. M. ASHLEY dressmaker,
1345 Broadway, phone 14J6J.
PRIVATE maternity
Phone 1969J.
WILL give responsible party use
of a piano in return ror place
to store household goods. Box
B M Capital Journal. m204
DECLINE in paint. Shingle stain
60 cents a gallon and up. Max
O. Buren, 178 N. Commercial.
BEFORE you build ee Fair Oaks
Heights, Salem s most beautiful
bu.iuing sue. Call 61F21 eve
nings for informatio. and ap
pointments. a208
HAULING Have two-ton truck
and will do your hauling by Job,
day or contract, reasonable. J.
J. Herfurth, Gen. Del., Salem,
Or. m205
GIVE me your work or we both
lose; excavating and general
team work. Fertiliser furnish
ed. R. C. Gamble, phone 7 38W.
HEMSTITCHING and Plcoting at
tachment, works on all aewing
machines. Price $2, personal
checks 10c extra. Lights Mall
Order House. Box 127. Birm
Ingham. Ala. m 205
WE "have taken agency for the
National 8urety Co., the largest
surety company In the woria
We issue a bond for every need
Phone us when next in need of
a bond. Standley & Foley, liusn
bank bldg. Phone 347. m204
PLUMBING, repairing and coil
work a specialty, reasonable
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Union at. Phone 1617J.
ALADDIN Ready Cut houses, 80
percent saved In cost or con
struction. Chae. F. Smith, lao
tory representative, 620 North
west bank bldg., Portland, Or.
PLUMB'NG, Repairing and coil
work a specialty, reasonable
charge. A. U Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St Phone 1617J.
OLD newepapere, 10c the bundle
Used as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capital Journal otfioe.
WANTED OH mattresses to make
over, phone- 19, Capital City ua
dlng Co. I
SAVE yourself an accident. Pro
tact vourself from sun 'glare
hud ilht ilare. or rain on the
wind shield, $4.76 buys on of
those snappy little metal vlxore
from Wroten Boom, ioyi-n
fhemelteiH St. Phonee 1411W,
2098W. 1'
A DANDY 8. Commercial street
lot. paving paid, $850, term
Fleming Realty Co., 841 State
GON 400 acre stock and grain
farm, south of The Dalle. In
Wasco county, ha two seta of
buildings, family fruit, part cul
tivated, some good limber, i
mile to railroad, for 185 per
acre. For particulars, H. E.
Brown, over Busick's State and
Commercial. b
, Salem, Oregon
WE have a fine small acreage with
bungalow close to car, at $400
and will take a small town house
for equity. Fleming Realty Co..
841 State St. b
LOT FOR SALE Close In, would
consider Ford as part payment,
or would exchange for property
further out. Address L D H care
Journal. al76
CHANGES see Thomason. We
have houses In all parts of the
city from $800 up on any terms
to suit you. A good list of large
farms or small tracts at bar
gain price. Thomason, 831ft
State street n
8 room modern bungalow, fire
place and furnace, paved street
and alley. Price $6600, term.
Located at 660 N. Winter street.
Large 8 room house, modern
plumbing, electric lights, cor
ner lot, both street paved, lo
cated tn south Salem. Price $3,
400. House is in good condition.
6 room bungalow, modern in
every way except fireplace, pav
ed street, good location, close to
oar. Price $8300.
New 4 room bungalow with 2
lots. Price $1560, $150 down
balance monthly payments.
T room modern house, located
on paved road on west side.
Price $3000, terms. W. H. Gra
benhorst & Co., 275 State St.
phone 615. 205
10 room modern house, 2 flats,
efose ins, large lot; $7600.
5 room bungalow, new, with
furniture; only $2600, $600 down,
installments. "
7 rooms modern, good condi
tion, large lot, on State street;
$5500, $1100 cash.
7 rooms modern, at school, lot
100x125, east front, shade and
fruit; $4000, half cash.
6 room house with bath, corner,
east front: only $1400. $300 "down.
5 rooms, modern, fine lot, one
block carline; $2500.
S4 acres cultivated, rock road.
'good building site, 7 miles Salem;
must sell; $33(io, ibuu aown.
60 acres red Soil, 18 acres prunes
sprinfi water; $8500, $200 down.
5 acres choice land, all cultivat
ed, bulldlnwi, pavement, good lo
cation; $4200.
15 acres logans and prunes, 6 4
miles Salem, rock road, buildings,
T500. Trade for grain or dairy
110 acres, cultivated and lm
nroved. well located; trade for
grain ranch In eastern Oregon.
J41 State. n
Bargains in houses
6 room modern house, 2 nice
lots, house partly furnished, range,
Mtove. linoleum, beds, table, chairs
etc., on carune. t-rice tvvv. iiau
cash,, balance terms.
Nice 4 room buvigalow with
basement, good lot, hen house,
garden near school. Price $1600,
4 room cottage, close in, car
line, good Ideation. $1800. $300
cash, balance $16 per month.
Nice large, modern 7 room bun
galow In east Salem, fine base
ment and furnace, large lot and
fruit, garage, near carline, fine
horn $4500, term.
Llt with ii for result.
Gray bldg. n'
10 acres all equipped for chlok-
ens, and on a main paved highway
lose to Salem, fine soil, running
water, small house and barn, some
timber for $3500. easy terms.
L'117 acres that will make you
some money If you want to work,
U is on main road near station,
most all good soil ;bulldlnga, wa
ter system; can be bought for $40
per acre, school close, part culti
vated. I have properties at all prices.
JanrtH from $6.50 per acre up and
houses In the city as low as $200
down, balance monthly.
Over Busick's store, State and
Commercial. n
6.86 acre tract of gooi soli, good
drainage. 5 room bungalow, well.
hrge chicken house 100 leet long,
close in; will consider automobile,
gbod building lot in Salem or Port
land, up to $1400 as part payment.
Price $3850.
Improved 6 acre tract, located
on good road ft mile from Pacific
highway, good 5 room plastered
bungalow, barn, 8ft acres bearing
loganberries, 2 acres punes; will
trad for modern bungalow In Sa
lem. Price $5000.
6 room house, 8 block south,
bath, toilet, lights, basement, sta
tionary tubs, east front. Price $2.
459, $550 down, balance terms.
We hav nome fin building lots
on Commercial and Lincoln streets
paved streets, lots 50 by 150 feet.
Price $900 and up, terms.
We have some very fine ft acre
lots located south of Salem close
to ear line and Pacific highway,
tightly location. Price $400 per ft
air $25 down, balance $10 per
north. Interest ( per cent.
820 sere farm, 97 acres sum
mer fallow, about fifteen thousand
cords of fin standing fir and a
lot of oak timber, located 1 1-4
miles from paved highway; will
consider part trade. Price $65 per
If you are looking to buy, trade
or sell, see
176 State street-
W. H. CHASE. nalntinr. nanar
hanging, calsominlng, etc. Head
quarters Salem Hardware Co.
Phone 172. HO
Loan association ha money to
loan at six. percent. W. D. Smith
secretary-treasurer, 808 Salem
nank or Commerce,
A SATISFIED customer returns.
Rowland Printing Co. Phone
1612, over Patton book store.
WE will Pay you mors canh for
your household gooas. Get our
Furniture and Hardware Store,
2(1 N. Commercial street. Phone
and refuse o( all kinds removed
by tbo month at reasonable rates.
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mal removed. Day phcjfie 167.
night phone 1698R. R. 0. Cum
mln. Mgr. m
GLASSES Cited by Dr. L. R. Bur
dens, optometrist. Bow Optical
Co., 326 Slate St.
FRANK PALM Merchant tailor.
in a. tiigh street.
M. A. ESTE6. fine tailoring. 884
State street.
OREGON TAXI and transfer. Lib
erty nd Ferry street. Phone 77.
MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel
delivery. Transfer trunks any
part of city 60c. Messenger aerv
lce. lfa High. Phone 0.
WANTED Rag and secondhand
good ot all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phor.e 398, 215 Cen
ter street.
Hush and Lane
piano. 411
Court street.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono
graphs, sewing machines, sheet
muslo and piano studies, Re
pairing phonographs and sew
ing machines. 482 State, Saiem.
R. W. BALLANTYNB, tuner, play
ers a specialty. Phone 352,
her- j
rington piano house.
BDWARD WELP experienced pi
ano tuner. Leave orders Will's
Muslo store).
SALEM Cleaners and Dyer
Suit cleaned $1.50
Suits pressed 50.
1216 8. Com'l. Phone 1868.
BALEM ELITE, hemstitching,
chainstitching, pleaUng, buttona
329 Oregon bldg. pnone 879.
MRS. F. E.
tag and dresomrfkii
king, over Mil
ler's store. Phone 117.
MEN'S and women's hatswrenovat
ed, blocked and trimmed. 46
Court. C. B. Ellsworth. .
"The Cyca Man"
147 S.Com. Phone 68
Compiled from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal reader. (Re
vised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 86c.
Hay: Cheat a.y VZt.00O2l.00
oat hay $21.00024.00; clover
Wholesale Prices
Meat: Hogs $12.60: dressed
hogs 15c; top steers 505 S-4c;
cows 2Sj4fti:; bulls 3c; spring
lambs 6'oi6ftc; sheep, yearling
2ft 3c; veal fancy dressed 14ft
Butter and eggd: Eggs 28c;
light hens 16c, heavy hens 22c;
eld roosters 7c; broilers over two
pounds 22c;
Buttcrfat: Butterfat 45c; cream
ery butter 47 0 48c; country but
ter 30c; milk $1.86 per owt.;
Vegetables: Oregon onions
$1.50 cwt; beets $2 cwt; carrots
2.00 per cwt; Oregon cabbage
4c lb; green pepperi 12c lb;green
peas 12c; new potatoes lftc lb;
cucumbers 26c per dos; green
beanBSc; wax beans 5e; The Dal
le tomatoes 76c per box; egg
plant 15c lb.
Fruits: Oranges $$.75.25;
lemons $7.00: bananas 9c; dates
grapefruit $4.50; cantaloupe $2.00
per crate; watermelon lftc per lb.
California Elberta peaches $1.50;
(Copyright 1920 by International
trade Mark Mistered In the U. a
KAMSDEN & McMorran. Indian
motorcycles and Davton bicycle.
387 Court t
: Wiiigfa :
, 238 N. High
Phone 203
Batter I e a
recharged and repaired. Deggs
Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra
diator and fender specialist.
a. iitnt Bt
SOUTH Commercial gat age, gen
eral repairing. All work guaran
teed. For sudden service phone
278, residence phone 102V R. 430
S. Commercial.
UNION Auto repair shop,' aiely
leue welding. 187 & Libert;' St.
Phone 104.
WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electr.o
shep. 283 N. Com'l. Phone 41s.
R. D. BARTON. Exide batteries,
starter and generator work. 171
8. Commercial.
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 238 N. High S' Phone
CHERRY CITY garage, 170 S. 11
General repairing.
DE LUXE studio. Better photos.
147 N. Commercial.
Italian prunes, walnut and fil
bert trees. Agents wanted. Of
fice 640 State St. phone 1727,
flAlam. Om. a
SALEM Nursery company, (ruit
and ornamental trees, small fruit,
roses. Phone 1789, 428 Oregon
bldg. 1
CORNS and callouses scientific
ally removed. Appliance from
individual impressions. Chas. B.
Tatio, Masonic bldg. Phone 442.
G. S.TTERLKE, 404 Ferry St..
Salem. Ore., Phone 1177.
' j ... T . m
COL. W. F. WRIGHT. Turner aue-
tloneer, Turner. Or. n
be repaid Ilk rent
line, rire. ileal ui. Acciaent. in -
demntty, LlbnliCy and Auto In
surance written,
401 Masonic Temple, Balem, Ore.
Osteopathic physicians and sun
feons, 606 U. 8. Bank Building,
'hone lit. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence pnone H 34
"Water company
fice, corner Commercial and
TraJo Hta. Bills psythis mental
in advanoe. Thorn IT.
STEWART'S Repair shop. 147
Court Bl. Lawn mower ground.
G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
shop, 141 a liberty at
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 69
year, experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, sixes
It to II Inches high. Paint,
oil and varnish, etc.. logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 110
Court street. Phone 114.
Malaga grapee $3.
Retail Prices
Poultry yand eggs: Eggs 33c;
creamery butter 5$c; country
Malaga grapes $8.
Portland, Or., Aug. 26. Cattle
nominal: reoelpts 28; choice
steers $6.00 (8 ft. 00; medium to
good $5.60 6.00; fair to medium
$5.0006.50; common to fair $4.00
O5.00; choice feeders $4.7605.16
fair to good $4.86 04.76; choice
cows and heifers $6.0006.75; me
dium to good $4.2606.00 fair to
medium $.1 23 o 4.25 ; common
cows $2.50nji8.60; canners $1.50
O2.00; bulls $2.(003.60; choice
dairy calves $lu.6011.00; prims
light $10.00010.50; medium light
$7.0010.00; heavy $6.5007.00.
Hogs lower; receipts none;
prime light $10.00010.00;
smooth heavy 250 to 100 pounds
$8.509.50; 800 pounds and up nour. Shorts continued to cover In
$7.5008.50; rough heavy $5.00 the oils, motors, equipments
7.75; fat pigs $10010.71. sugars, tobacco, steels and shlo-
3hep steady; receipt, none, m tno(e ,Mueif g)klD
east of mountain lambs $6.50 three points. Sears Roebuck North
7 25; beat valley $.00.76; American, Nation." Bn.m.
fair to good $5.0006.00; cull. and Khdioiu p m!d. corr
$1.5003.00 ; feeders $1.6001.00; .ponding gains. Among the r. lis
light y.arllngB $8.0001.60; heavy Qrwt Northenii st Psul common
$2.60 08.00; Ught w.thar $2.50 and preferred, Missouri S
iVooo ,8ooe,M: ,wen :
' nr.; tr. cube. 40c; inT' nTr
carton. 4 7c, prints 46c. "du ' m? '
Rntterfa. No. 1 ehnrnln. ' t0 1 8" for prof,U
cream 40O47 fob Portland;
undergrade 37 39c.
Eggs: Belling price case count
Feature Bervlc. Inc.)
Patent Of floe.
Page Nine
Paving Of Road
Being Sought
A petition asking for donations
to partly pay for the construction
of a 16-foot pavement on the Port
land highway for four blocks be
tween the Fairgrounds store and
the Valley Packing company plant
was placed in circulation in the
city yesterday by Joseph Batun
gartner and others interested in
the paving of the short stretch of
road at the north entrance to the
It is estimated that the proposed
piece of construction would cost In.
the neighborhood of $4200, which,
property owners claim, is worth
more than the value of the prop
erty In some instances. It Is
thought that if about $2000 Is,
subscribed in tho city property
owners will be willing to stand tho,
remainder of tho coats.
Oone donat'on of $200 has been
made and another promised, ac
cording to Mr. Baumgartner, who,
thinks that all automobile and
accessory dealers of the city should
be willing to subscribe to the prop
osition. Realty Transfers
Compiled by Salem Abstract
Co., flaak of Commerce Bldg.
P. A. Llvesley to W. L. Smith.'
land in Woodburn, $10.
W. S. Vassall to M. Dlffenbach,
part block 40, Salem, $10.
T i , i ...i . ,.
I V"
,6' loc J;h '"'7"? w.irii
E. A. Rhoten to V. H. MacKen-
lot tl blook 8 K. A. Khotona
division of blocks 8 9 and 10,
(Nob Hill annex, Salem. $550.
, H-, to J. S. Murray.
llt 10- bloclt Burlington add. Sa
.""", !'
E. M. Crolsan to H. Maltla. lot
16, Rlvervlew subdivision, Marlon
county, and 8 acres in J. McGee cl.
8-4 W, $1700.
2930; buying price 28c; selling
price candled 84 0 35c; selected
candled In cartons 360 38o.
Poultry: Hens light 17 018a;
lbs 2327c; old roosters 10O12c;
lbs 24026c; old roosters 10012c;
ducks young 20022c; old ISO
Wheat: Hard white 11.12: soft
white $1.11; white club $1.10;
hard winter $1.09; northern
spring $1.10; red Walla $1.07.
Mlllrun $26025; oats $28.00;
025.00; corn No. 8 yellow $28.00
028. SO; hay, timothy, valley
$15.oOOt60; alfalfa $14,600
151.00; new grain, mixed, $18.00
013.60; clover $10 0011.00J
straw $8.00.
New York Stocki.
New York, Aug. 2$. Market
leaders rose 1 to nearly 5 points
In the early dealings on-the stock
exchange today, causing a hasty
retreat of the shorts. Cruclbl.
Steel was the most conspicuous
feature, Jumping three points on
a single sale and soon extending
its rise to 44 points. Oils also
were strong, Mexican Petroleum,
General Asphalt, Houston and
Pierce gaining 1ft to 2ft points.
Atlantic Oulf, American Interna
tional Studebaker, General Elec
tric, Baldwin. Kelly Springfield,
Cuba Cane Sugar preferred and
Sumatra Tobacco gained 1 to 1
points. Northern Pacific featured
the rails st an advance of two
points. Various other steel, mo
tors, equipments and specialties
trailed along at more moderate
There were almost no excan.
tlons to the further rise of r.ho first
specialties, notably United Btata
Rubber, gave the market a mod
erate setback before noon. Call
money opened and renewed Into
next week at 6 per cnt
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Aug. 26. Wheat fluc
tuated rapidly In the opening
trade on the board of trade today.
The start was unchanged to ft
higher with September $1.20 ft,
December $1.214 to $1.12 and
May 11 25 ft. A reartlon of ft to
i cent followed. Professionals
bought on this break and at the
end of the first hour prices were
quarter to half above the open 1 n g.
The board of equalisation mta
on the second Monday In Septem
ber of each year for the purpose
of examining snd eqaulhring the
ament roll of Marlon county,
All persons desiring to protest
ny ammamrnt on said roll must
do o according te the following
provision of the law:
Petition or application for
the reduction of a particular -Msmont
shall be mad In writing,
verifted hy oath of the applicant
or hi atterney and be filed with
the hoard daring the first week It
Is. by law, required to be Is sss
Inn. and any petition or apprjea
t' net so mad, verified, aad
flld shall net he eenaldered or
acted stn by the heard."