Page Ten The Capital Jonnufc Salem, Oregon Oud Fellows Have Big Time Picnic Tomorrow Two hundred Oddfellows and their families are expected to at tend the annual picnic of the local order to be held tomorrow at the Weeks' farm on the north river road, 15 minutes drive from Salem. The committee in charge is com posed of U J. Simeral, J. B. Madl Bon and James Chenoweth, and has arraaged a schedule of sport ing events which everyone pres ent, is invited to enter, providing they have the qualifications. a swimming race between the Aquatic experts of both men and women is expected to be the head line event. There will also be a fat man's race and one between the fat women, followed by a "free for all." An African dodger iB ex pected to attract a great deal of attention also. J. E. Madison and Ray White have been selected as captains of selected ball teams from members of the organization and the game -will be played sometime during the lay. Every Oddfellow, whether he is a member of the Salem lodge or not is invited to attend. Arrange ment will be made to take every body in automobiles belonging to the members, the machines leaving from the hall at the corner of High and Court streets at 10 o'clock. Russian Agent Held In Big Defalcation Citizens March Into Mingo County in Labor War Charleston, W. Va., Aug. 20. A bqgy of men said to number be tween 300 and 400 assembled to day at Marmet, east of here, for the purpose of marching into Mingo county where an Industrial controversy has prevailed for more than a year and which isd now under martial law, according to reports reaching Charleston this afternoon. A fund of $1,000,000 deposited in the National City Bank, New York, by the Russian Soviet gov ernment has virtually vanished. Jacques Roberto Clbrario, sent to the United States to make pur chases by the Soviet government, was arrested In New York recent ly, charged' with misappropriating a large part of the money. Scarce ly $100,000 of the original fund remains In the bank. Clbrario came to New York in 1919 to buy motion picture projectors and films for the Soviet Committee of Public Education in Moscow. Prior to entering the employ of the Russian government he was a $45-a-week clerk. It is alleged that since coming to New York he has been living at the rate of $76,000 a year and maintained a magnificent bachelor apartment in an exclusive section of the city. Cause of Row Between Lou And Geraldine Is Mystery (By International Newt Service.) New York, Aug. 20. After ream of publicity, following Mrs. Geraldine Farrar-Tellegen's ejec tion of her husband's clothes from their abode and denial of home privileges to Lou Tellegen, actor, a cloud of silence has settled over the family troubles of the famous and temperamental operatic star, and no one professes to know what Is at the bottom of the squabble. There are Indications that neith er Tellegen nor Geraldine is over much pleased with the way things are going, as regards publicity. In that respect they are not alone, for James A. Stlllman, multi-millionaire ex-banker, who is reported to have had some disagreement with his wife, also found newspaper no toriety rather displeasing, if not to say, distasteful. Anyhow, Geraldine has found It is one thing to lock one's husband nut nf I lip hminp even wlmn hp hftn been paying his portion of the bills At one o Clock sharp, 14U4 bouth and quite another to have it all I Church Street, written up by the papers. I Am going East and will sell all Neither Lou nor Geldine will'my furniture to the highest bid gratify the ardent longing of someider: millions of readers to tell Just One upright piano, one nearly what their fracas is all about. nh.n,rgnl, ,wn v1 rlllr. In the matter as to tell. Mr. Telle gen that she would arrange the incidental music for the produc tion. "Mr. Tellegen feels very hurt at the statement that he had not paid his share of home expenses or con tributed anything toward the sup port of the house." Snake Bite Victim Can't Get Remedy New York, Aug. 20. James Mc Ardle, a keeper In the Bronx Zoo, was reported recovering today from the effects of a bite by a copper head snake. McArdle asked for a drink of whisky which he declared was the best remedy for snake bite, but the doctors at a hospital where he was taken told him there was no whisky in the institution. They She even went so fari gave him a serum instead. Makes Love to Dozen "Mr. Tellegen has asked me to make a statement to the newspa pers. "Mr. Tellegen in May signed the contract to appear as the star in 'Don Juan.' We believed that there was no other man on the atage able to play the part that of making love to twelve women at once. It Is silly to Bay that Miss Farrar ojected to this his mak ing love to so many women on the stage. "As a matter of fact, Miss Far rar read the play, and Mr. Tellegen told us that she wanted to buy a share In it "Polka-Dot " Explained For Northcliff's Benefit Chicago, Aug. 20. Boy, page Lord Northcllffe. That titled wager of word bat tles with kings wants to know what a "polka dot" is, and Chica- always eager to piec low aowu uu go give give him the it. The eminent British publisher, it will be recalled, was described by an eastern scribe recently as wearing a "red Bilk polka dot tie," which called forth this comment from his lordship: "Polka-dot? What do you mean by polka-dot? Never heard of such a thing. The dot I understand but why the polka?" Auction Sale Thursday, Aug. 25 The Douglas County Taxpayers' league is making an effort to abol ish the county educational board as well as to eilltnnate the three school supervisors. It iB claimed It will save anually $3000 to the taxpayers. The Stillmans were not so reti cent. Geraldine Is now up In the Ad irondacks. Not a word is being said by either the operatic singer or her 11 O -. I ,.1. LI V, A ,,wi w i lean husband about divorce. Busil Lawrence, business mana ger for the play, "Don Juan," in which Tellegen Is to star, denied that jealousy on the part of Ger aldine, because Lou was returning to the live-act role and embracing stage-sweethearts again, was the cause of the family squabble. "Mr. Tellegen has been busy all summer rehearsing bis part in 'Don Juan,' which Is a heavy one," said Lawrence. "His part in the play is a very heavy one, you know he makes ardent love to twelve women. Auction Sale Tuesday, August 23, 1 :30 p. m. 2320 Mill Street One new Lang Range One New Home D. H. Sewing Machine One 2-inch post Ivory Bedstead One Steel Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress One large Library Table Four leather seated Oak Diners Two odd chairs One oak Rocker Two K. Tables Folding Bed and Mattress A lot of good Linoleum Home canned Fruit and Fruit Jars K. Utensils, Dishes, Garden Tools Fifty feet Garden Hose and many other articles. MRS. L. GALBREATH, Owner F. N. WOODRY, The Auctioneer. "Woodry Conducts Auctions Everywhere" two 8x10 rugs, one dining room table and chairs, one walnut study table; seven rocking chairs, one oak writing desk, one heater, one range stove, one three-hole burner oil stove and oven, four bedsteads and mattresses, two dressers, one sanitary couch, one lounge, one Singer sewing machine, one zinc top table, one 50 gallon oil tank, four stands of bees, all tools and cooking utensils, and other arti cles too numerous to mention. Ev erything goes.' Be on time, 1404 South Church, Salem, Ore. Terms, cash. REV. WILLIAM NICKOLL. Owner. Q. SATTERLEE. Auctioneer, 404 Ferry St. Oleson Auto Exchange WE BUY, SELL, EXCHANGE AND SELL ON COMMISSION Good Used Cars Cut to Rock-Bottom Prices FOR GOOD USED CARS SEE US Buick, Six New Tires 120 Chevrolet 1920 Bell ' 1920 Oakland, good rubber 1920 Auburn Several good used Fords Indians, Harleys, and Henderson Motorcycles Oleson Auto Exchange Reading of this disturbed state of the titled mind a Chicago re porter unearthed this explanation for him: "Polka dot. In 1835 Neruda, a Bohemian dancing instructor, was travelling in Poland and observed a peasant girl dancing a new step. He learned it and brought It back to Paris. The feminine of 'Polak' is 'Poloka' and he shortened it, calling the dance the polka dance. The dance spread to America and the fact that James Polk was the new president then added to the popularity of the step. Merchants, quick to trade on the coincidence of the name, immediately named the new fabric which came out that season the "polka dot,' be- Saturday, Augaa a lty How's that, a, lm, Fruitland W Eatei,a . les Sdem, resment of FrultlaBd , uemy at ner hom. the age of 50 years aVl 7 r M as the result of h., . .. She Is survive k- ?"ur(- Mr. and Mrs. A. Balch orotners, Vern Balch of s,T William Rai,h J ?,.0! S;ilea J lie hrif V lo I n -t BU .uca, undertaker,. " MexicotT i Pico and last night were raeln fi. . v a dlsnatch irm. t. . wia b-. face a sori,,, "... B,u W wishing the ,irrDie0 h Phone 666 341 North Commercial St. I Public Auction 960 North Cottage Street WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1:00 P. M. Furniture, Player Piano, Etc. 1 Stark Player Upright Piano, electric Floor Lamp with Bilk shade, walnut case with bench and 25 rolls ; 1 Quar ter Oak Library Table ; 2 Leather Seated Oak Rockers ; 1 Leather Seated Oak Arm Chair; 2 Plain Rockers; 2 Sea Grass Arm Chairs; 2 Reed Rockers; 1 Office Chair; 1 Sewing Rocker; 2 Good Lounges; 1 Combination Writing Desk and Book Case in oak ; 8-day Mantle Clock ; 1 Hot Point Electric Vacuum Cleaner with all attachments, new; 1 Oliver No. 5 Typewriter; 1 Drop Head Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine; 1 Chest of Drawers; 1 Youth Chair; 1 Sewing Rocker; one 6-hole Estate Banner Range, a good one ; one 2-burner Gas Plate ; 1 Gs.s Water Heater; 1 Breakfast Table; 1 Screen Cupboard; 1 large Heater; 3 Kitchen Chairs; 1 Coal Oil Heater; 1 patented Ironing Board; 1 Carpet Sweeper; 1 Cloth Bar-Rack; 1 Dictionary and Rack ; 1 White Enamel Medicine Chest ; 2 Vernus Martin Bungalow Beds, complete; 1 large Oak Dresser; 1 Antique Bedroom Suit; 1 Adjustable Dress Form; 1 Sewing Table; 2 double-barrel Shotguns; 1 Student's Table; 1 Book Rack; 29 Vol. Encyclopedia of Britannica; 1 Electric Reading Lamp; 1 Westinghouse Electric Healer, new ; 1 Foot Stool ; 1 Gasoline Stove and Lighting System, complete; 1 Pitcher Pump; 1 Sanitary Couch; 1 good Axminster Rug 9x12; 1 Velvet Brussels ,Rug 13x14; 1 Tapestry Rug 9x10; 1 all-wool Ingrain Rug 7x9 ; 28 yards Body Brussels Carpet ; 2 Ax. Mats ; 3 Vel vet Mats; 4 Matting Rugs; Magazine Racks; Stand Ta bles; Roll Seated Oak Rocker; Bed Pan; Book Rack; Electric Wiring and Fixtures, Drops, Shades, Etc. ; Dishes; Kitchen Utensils; Glassware; Crockery; Fruit Jars; Silverware; Aluminum ware; Snow Ball Wash Machine; Wringer; Copper Boiler; Wash Tubs; Axes; Shovels; Rakes; Hoes; Garden Hose; Good Bicycle; Step Ladders; Carpenters' Tools; Hand Cultivator; Ice Cream Freezer; Shoe Cobbler; Lattice Fence; Lawn Mower; Iron Vise; Bench and Vise; 8 Pruning Shears; Pictured, Books; Plants; Keg Vinegar; Riding Bridle, and space will not permit to name the rest. Come and see for yourself. TERMS CASH Rev. S. S. Mumey F. N. Woodry Owner, 960 N. Cottage The Auctioneer Phone 2067J Phone 510-511 "Lilt Tonr Sale Wit h Woodry (or Retulta" DOUBLE PREMIUM COUONS will be given in the Furnishings, Dry Goods and Shoe Departments Attend this harvest of money saving opportunities SS - MS H H H : Hi Men's Fall Hats We are sure that trW will rilpflsp vrm 'All the new styles and colors. Come in to day and let us show them to you. Salpm WaaIai. Milk Ct C. P. BISHOP, Prop. Our Bargain Basement Is a Harvest of Opportunities Another Big Shipment of FINE HOUSE DRESSES Extra special values Former prices to $2.00 98c Ladies' 75c Summer UNION SUITS Go on sale at 49c A complete close out of all light weight and summer garments, irrespective of thair worth high amHow neck garments. Ladies' 29c COTTON STOCKINGS Harvest Sale price 15c In an assortment of colors, including all sixes. 65c Ladies' Mercerized LISLE STOCKINGS Harvest Sale price pair 39c In all colors, all sizes, an exceptionally fine value. Children's 29c RIBBED STOCKINGS At this lowly price pair 15c "Ever Ready" Waterproof HOP PICKERS' APRONS On sale at each 69c Guaranteed waterproof, regular value. The New Styles in SILK PLUSH COATS The smartness and youthful appearance and the quality combined, have won great favor by their first appear ance In Eastern style centers Cape collars and collars and cuffs of contrasting fur and plush, wiih rich, long wearing silk linings, priced Incomparably low $13.95 . New Fall Styles in FINE PLUSH COATEES All silk lining, very attrac tive with pretty shawl col lars and new- novel belts. Big value, special price .... $2.98 $5.00 Silk Georgette OVERBLOUSES A big lot of best values ever offered, all pret ty coiors; nana-emoroidered ; all sizes. Sale price $2.98 21 1 the DEVIL F '"3WT Ml From his Ihwus mtm All the worm u. playground, hum.. I ,1 ill I I tie iwiia iv , feMzffife m breaks the faith, art wounds the hearts VijSi V men, women, firw--... f husbands and sweei- M Yet he wins you C ill EiSit hiS 6aaVilh' bnST 4m IPS: words, and lures J l Z A The Sensation fe&Sv ofTwo tmlfetf Continents GRAND &t$U Sunday and Monday only No Raise in Prices Other Attractions Qon't Miss The Big Show xxexi inursaay rigni Where the Big Shews Play a . ......