Circulation average tar J0- "W -P"u!ftk,B of Sal.m ISO ? 1918. 14.994; JM. ". .Urioa County 1M. 414771 n-ib enunty. 14.H1 Audit Bureau of Clreu- Associated Pre Full teased Wire ournal OR15QON TonHrnt and Satur day fiilr and warmer, moderate westerly winds. IX)CAL: No rainfall. Max. SI, biIb. 49. River 1.2 feet, aUtlon- ary , SSSW-W.. 198 n i -r i n 1 1 pill JJUll Salem, Oregon, Friday, Angmt 19, 1921 Price Three Cnts JSt'fY SSni CONCESSIONS TO IRISH DECLARED FINAL Cloudburst Wipes Out Adobe City 800 -comities liose ilfts at Hatch, N. M Mud Houses n.tnh e 111 X ivw. El Paso Texas, Aug. 19. Flood "TJ.-h wined out vlrtuaUyL rs,u, ,, i the town ofir W M yesterday, rendering two hundred failles r6. and destroying thou dollars worth of proper r Ul were several feet deep in t7, V L today according to mes ewed3 the E Paso Her- m cloudbursts throughout Saturn early yesterday and WedneX nlEht caused rivers d eeks to rise high and rush 1 torrents were sent through Storm lands and through Batch. e.((.r frrnn ExnOSUre. -""".nrt children of the town are suffering from exposure fline to H. F. Fieldhess o! Hatch, who telephoned the condi tions to the El Paso Herald to j. He asked that physicians be lent to take care of them imme diately. 1 Fieldneas said over the tele hone he was standing in a foot of water In a telephone booth in one of the five building yet standing In the town. "Over 200 people have been ren dered homeless by the flood, and they are suffering," he said. "We must have food and bed ding from the outside for our peo ple were able to save but little of ujthlng when they had to flee. Houses Crumble Rapidly. "The houses were almost all adobe and they crumbled rapidly rtra the water came down from tkitootlillls and flooded the town. The nter has receded only a few Inches." Hundreds of persons in the up per Kl Paso valley, who were fore warned, drove their stock from the lowlands Into the foothills. There was a continuous all night procession of men, women ana children moving from the talfey into the tills, carrying pro visions and household furniture. Many slept on the hillsides and along the high road ways without any bedding. Clean Fair Promised By Police Games of Chance Put Under Ban by Chief Moltitt; Twenty Men Weeded for Jobs. Mummy Hand Pharaoh's Daughter Left to Institute Peoria, 111., Aug. 19. The "right mummy hand of Pharoah's daughter who res- ciitd Moses from the waters of the Nile" was left to Brad- ley Polytechnic institute, ac- cording to the will of the late Mrs. Annie E. Pether- bridge, filed this afternoon for probate. Postmistress Held For Murder Crater Lake Trip Postponed Poatponement 0f the proposed tour of Crater Lake and the Joae- Phlne caves by seventy five resi- denta of the Willamette valley towns, among whom were several Salem people, has been made nec essary, according to a letter re ld this morning by T. E. Mc Croikey, secretary of the Com mercial club, from 8. B. Vincent, wager of the Oregon Tourist d Information bureau, Port land. Mr. Vincent's letter states: "I as advised by "the Oregon bureau Bines, that due to rush of kwlness and to unexpected de velopments in the Oregon bureau J mines that It will be impossi ble for us to have the services of se of the geologists of that bu feau in connection with the pro Posed visit to the Josephine caves Md Crater Lake. "I have, therefore, after con "Itlng with Mr. Parkes, of the Oregon bureau of mines, deter ged to call off the excursion d have notified th various or snliations interested to the ef-tott." All forms of. gambling includ- 'doll and knife racks, eandv boards and other games of chance are to be barred from the Oregon state fair grounds during the fair tnis year. Chief of Police Moffltt announced this morning. For the first time in history the policing of the fair grounds will oe aone by the Salem police force because of the extension of the city limits last year to include tuo fair grounds, and the city police officials are perfecting their plans accordingly. ' To Add Twenty Men. Twenty extra officers are to be added to the local force during fa'ir week for the task of patroling the grounds alone and at least .two special officers will be added to the regular city force, Chief Mof fltt announced. Separate headquarters will l)te maintained at the fair grounds, with Sergeant Davis in charge, and arrangements have been made with the fair board for two offices In the administration building. These headquarters will be equip ped witn telephone connection with all of the buildings on the grounds and with regular city po lice headquarters by direct wire. Men to Be in Uniform The work of patroling the fair grounds will be divided into two shifts of 12 hours each, the long shift being from 12 o'clock noon until midnight. The shift between midnight and noon will be split In to two watches of six hours each The night patrol, from midnight t 6 a. tn. will consist of eight me. All but six of the 20 extra me on fair grounds duty will be i. uniform. "The same police restriction, will apply to the fair grounds a: are regularly enforced In the city,' Chief Moffltt said. "This is out initial attempt at policing the grounds and we are going to makt a complete success of it If such a thing is possible. The games ol chance, use of liquor and other complaints that have been made against fair week practices on the grounds in previous years will not be tolerated." To Enlaree Citv Force To handle the additional traf fic and large crowds down town during fair week, two motorcycle men working out of regular head quarters will be added and an automobile will be on duty at all hours at headquarters to speed up service on emergency calls, Chief Moffitt announced. Chief Moffitt, who will exer cise general supervision over both stations, said that he is now ready to receive applications for the ex tra jobs on the force during fair week. Salem men will be given preference In appointing men. Pupils On Decrease In High Grades Figures compiled In the office of the county school superintend ent of the attendance In the dif ferent schools throughout the county show a marked decrease in attendance after the pupils have passed the eighth grade. The total attendance this year in the eighth grades was 913 of which 463 were boys, and from the first to the ninth grades the attendance of male pupils is much larger than that ot the girls. In the ninth grade the situa tion Is reversed, there being 346 boys registered against 360 girls. By the time twelfth grade is reached the attendance of girls is almost double that of the boys and shows a decrease of almost 75 per cent from the attendance In the eighth grade. The number In the twelfth Is 92 boys and 151 elrls. The average daily attendance in the schools was 8359, and the number of pupils completing the eighth grade this year was 317 bovs and 256 girls. No report is available as to how many complet ed the high scnooi course. In the teaching staff of r,nnty there are 64 males, 126 females. W . '. JftT ' A- J Miss Lena Clarke, Postmistress of West Palm Beach, Fla., is being held at that city charged with the alleged slaying of Fred W. Mllto more, of Chicago. Miltlmore was found in his hotel room at Orlan do, Florida, drugged, which, it la alleged, later caused his death. Miss Clarke is also charged with stealing $32,000 In cash from the malls. Miss Clarke is said to have killed Miltlmore, according to the police, because he refused to sign a statement admitting responsibil ity for shortages In the accounts In the postofflce. Search is also being conducted for a West Palm Beach banker. Miss Naomi Miltl more, daughter ot the victim, la said to have given the police much information tending to clear up the mystery. MtyjNaou Mil if morv . the and California Man Is Dead J. M. Manion of San Francisco, who had been in the city barely a couple of days, died suddenly last night about nine o'clock at the Baker apartments from the result of heart trouble. The man was somewhere between the age of 50 and 60 years. He had open ed a bank account In the city and indicated that he expected to re main here for some time. Little Is known con?ernlng the at Automobile'!4'" nd "n'c aT I I rum r . ... uiuai.i . whom the stranger asked to be 'notified In case of any accident. , .has not as yet been received. The at- , , li , .I..--- rxt Riedon and uouy IP 111 - m Panther Springs Rate Increase Critics Unfair Says Engineer Critics of the recent telephone rate Increases have been unfair in that they have used only such facts as would bolster up their case, according to Leonard A. An drus, Portland consulting engi neer. Andrus. on the witness stand in the rate rehearing this morning, explained that he had become in terested in the stories circulated about the excessive profits earned by the American Telephone & Telegraph company because he Ib ft stockholder In that companjr. In order to satisfy himself as to the f these reports, he stated, he had voluntarily made an analysis of the balance sheets and o.rninira utatements or tne oen and American systems, which find lnes he had incorporated In an exhibit presented at the hearing today. Thto annlvsle. he declared, "proves that the American com pany is not earning excessive prof it. nd that the reserves and sur plus are not unduly large in rela tion to the Investment as gauged by those of other concerns who are ione in their respective lines." ., "In demanding a return to the old rates, local subscribers are asking the American company stockholders to extend charity to the people of Oregon to tne extent of the ann Thieves Using Auto Truck Rob Home; Leave Range Everything But Stove and Dining Table Stolen From House of Mrs. Wm. Patrick During Night; Family on Vacation. Cut Taxes On Cereal Beverages House Committee Makes 4 Cents Tax Good Roads Bill Pass es Wood Bill Washington, Aug. 19 Elimi nation of taxes on proprietary medicines was agreed upon today by the house ways and means com mittee, which approved more than sixty changes in the republican tax hill. Subsequently the majority mem bers ot the committee voted to re duce the tax on cereal beverages from the proposed six cents a gal- inn tn four cents, anu to onus fire and marine Insurance com n.ntes under the 12 Vi Pr cent corporation income tax on same basis as lite insurance com panies. TtnaA Dill Passes. The federal aid roads bill, ap propriating $75,000,000 for con struction, one-third ot wnicn would be immediately available was oassed today by th senate. By a vote of 28 to 22 the senate adopted an amendment to the fed eral aid road bill, reducing from $100,000,000 to $75,000,000 the amount available for construction In the next year. WnoH Bill Defeated. The administration bill design ed to permit Major General Leon ard Wood to become governor gen eral of the Philippines, without re 'f..rr.hf,upt offered, be said. aim, vv ' house military Premier Declares Peace Offers Are Most Liberal Yet Premier Declares Rejection of Terms by Irish Leaders Will Place Responsibility for Re newal of Bloodshed Upon Them. T.mdrn AuiT. 19 The British srovernment in its Irish peace offer had conceded everything it was possible to con cede, Premier Lloyd-George declared to the house of com mons today in his expected statement on the Irish peace negotiations. . It embodied the largest measure of freedom ever offered Ireland, he said, and he hoped the Irish leaders would not reject it "and take the responsibility of renewing a conflict which would be robbed ol all glory ana an S'""uc " overshadowing horror. Provision had been made, he said, for the summoning of parlia ment on 48 hours' notice if nego tiations broke down and the pros pect of .peace became hopeless. He hoped, however, that reason would prevail and the government's de sire for an ending of the long mis understanding between England and Ireland would be realised. The prime minister's words were paralleled in the bouse ot lords by Lord Curson, the foreign secre tary, as to the government's offer having alrady gone to the limit. All that could be given without compromising the safety of the realm, the sovereignty ot the crown and the dignity of the em- bv the without a record vote, commit teemen were said to have held It would be a dangerous precedent to establish. Practically all committee mem bers were reported to have favor on tahiine the measure which I want to make it clear, ' ton ttnued the prime minister, "that the government did not pu' forth haggling terms, but put forward everything they could posMbly concede to purchase peace and the good will of the Irish people. In Ireland itself, so far as 1 can see. the doubt is not so much M to the Under the cover of darkness sometime Wednesday or Thursday night, thieves operating with a motor truck entered the home of Mrs. William Patrick, a half mile north ot 8akta in Polk county, on the Wallace road, ransacked the place and removed everything In the house with the exception of the kitchen range and dining room table, according to Chief of Police Verden M. Moffltt of Salem, who was called by Polk county officials to assist in the case this morning. Just what the value of the arti cles taken by the thieves will amount to the officers are unable to estimate, as Mrs. Patrick and her daughter, Rose Bodayle, are at Newport, where they went several days ago to spend their vacation. During the absence of Mrs. Pat rick and Miss Bodayle a friend, Byran Gibson, employed by the Postal Telegraph company in Sa lem, has been going to the Patrick place each day to see that every thing was all right. This morning reported the theft to Sheriff John Orr at Dallas, who sent Deputy Sheriff Imlah to Investigate. Investigation revealed the tracks of the truck where It had been drawn up beside the fence in front of the house. The fence had been broken down, Indicating that the thieves had carried the furni ture and other articles out of the house and across the yard. When Mrs. Patrick left she had the electric power turned off, and the burned matches with which the floors are strewn Indicate by what light the thieves worked. Everything of value In the house was taken, Including furniture, diehes, silverware, clothing and other articles. Most of the stolen articles were new (he officers believe, as Mrs. Patrick but recently moved into the house from her former borne in Dallas. Neighbors neither saw the truck or the thieves and have been un able to throw any light on the he found the place ransacked audi case. Frank A. Turner Passes Away At Residence Todays . . i- n., dm Mil lll'ne uouut " noi su " makes It certain W,I, term8 but a, to whether th gov not come to vuie m No criticism of General Wood was expresseu at tne coihihiii.!i Besslon It was said, members agree ing that he would make an excel lent governor and should accept President Harding's offer. The opinion was reported to be equal ly general, however, that it wouM be a dangerous precedent to per mit army officers, without resign ing their commissions, to accept civilian posts. General Wood, it was argued, should retire from the army if he wished to accept the Island post. Bay State Mob Tries To Lynch Negro Prisoners ernment really means them. Basil Is Final. "That is a question of working out the terms of elucidation and elaboration and not a changing ot the terms. The outline cannot be altered nor the basis changed. "In view of the fact that the houBe Is about to separata pnd the fact that very disquieting stater-rats have been made, and even of a few disquieting factn, we are bound as a government to take ihought of all possible contlngftti cies, however, unpleasant they may be. were proceeding satiafaetority. It the negotiations broke down and the position became hopeless, he added, the speaker was empower ed, after consultation with the government, to summon parlia ment on 48 hours' notice. The executive, said tho prime minister, would feel authorised t take any necessary urgency meas ures, but would not, thereforo, de lay the summoning of parliament. Sinn Fein Await Action of Premier Dublin, Aug. lS.Sinn Fein leaders today cantered their atten tion on London, awaiting Mae ex pected statement of the Irish ne gotiations by Premier Lloyd- George in the house ot commons and the government's reply in the house of lords to the recent Invi tation by the Marquis of Salisbury for an official expression on thta subject. Meanwhile tba rank and file of the deputies were engaged In committee work on Irish inter nal affairs. The Call had put off discussion of the reply to the British prime minister's peace offer until Monday. Frank A. Turner, for the past ported volumes 50 to 98 of the 30 years a resident of Salem and Oregon report. Oregon state supreme court re- Mr. Turner was prominent In porter since August, 1908, pass- lodpe circles in the city, having ed away at his home at 835 North 'con neetions with both the Wood- n the onera- Capitol street, shortly after noon men ana me masons tlon of the telephones state," Andrus contends. In Aug. 18. While . Bandon. Or. vturnins from Roenp river Sat-1 night in an automobile. Slid Mike Ijnl.clrk wi- The eked by a large panther man vre coasting down the onrtain between Brush creek 4 Hilh'inrds rreeb whan the y1' lumped out of the dark- striking the hood. Failing et a raothold. the animal Pd asain. landing in front of i and as the automobile j Jd. jammed the front wheels j n instant, almost turning It rnjd. The driver speeded I and jnt away. Five large sal- re strapped to the ear Js furnoped the panther them. Son, undertakers. Cargo Of Booze Seized In Frazier Vancouver, B. C. Aug. IV Whiskey valued at several thou sand dollars was seized at the .,,h nt the Fraaer river, near Growers Sell Three Carloads New Prune Crop Sale of three carloads of prunes at the opening prices announced by the association yesterday was made this morning by the Oregon Growers' Co-operative association. ; Buyers are active and are ias.nB all sixes at the figures q- Several large buyers are ... thin today, at the age of 76 years, at- me aeceaseu u, ter an Illness of several weens. son, e. . ""' -Previous t0 taking up the work daughter Miss Joy Turner of Sa wlth the supreme court Mr. Tur- lem. and a sister, Mrs. Alice Mi ner was associated with C. M.W of California. His wife died Inman of this city In a law firm In tble city a couple of years ago. here He was educated at Wlllam-1 The body is In charge of the ette unlverslty'where he attended Rtedon undertaking parlors. Fun tbe law schaol. While connected eral arrangements have not as with the supreme court he re-'yet been made. and ! here, when provincial police offl- a nartv of men who AurrA two truck loads of Neuner Refuses to Comment on Local Brumfield Clues Salem, refused to comment on his presence In the city or on the Bru-nfleld case, from the angle of focal developments or otherwise. Acting on Information from Chief of Police Moffltt that a wo man having crrespondence with a Roeburg man, supposedly Dr. I Brumfield, had spent some lime in peta KaSITlUSSen IS Barnstable, Mass., Aug. 19. A mob of nearly 200 men and women carrying ropes early today stormed the local jail, threatening to lynch three Cape Verde Island negro prisoners charged with highway robbery and criminal assault on n young white woman at Buzzard's Bay. At 2:30 this morning 25 auto mobiles whose occupants included women, as well as men, drove up to the local jail. They demanded the three negroes, John Dies, Ben jamin Gomez and Joseph Andrews. rom Sheriff Irving U Kosentnai. There were shouts of "let s get h." b the mob aDuroached but when the Jail defenders fired fn the air the crowd halted. Chief Warden James Boland warned the mob back, shouting that at the first attempt to attack the tail they would "be shot down like rats." The warning had Its effect, but the rrnwd remained outside the tall nearly an hour and a half be fore dispersing. Dies and Gomex were held In $15,000 ball each yesterday and Andrews was to be arraigned to day. All three have been Identi fied by Miss Oerlrude Butler and William Eldredge as ths men who held them up and criminally as saulted Miss Butler at Buzzard s aerlv in the week. A crowd yesterday attempted tojvate old get John Dies from the Wareham j new ones. lockup, but dispersed when the po lice fired over their heads. Fannie Lee Hurt When Motorcycle And Car Collide Fannie Lee was stunned and bruised and Omar Coffel, a West ern Y'nion messenger was shaken me nrsi is tne possiuii'ty ot up wnen tj,e motorcycle upon ar. agreement, in which -a) the whlch they were riding collided details will have to be thresh id wHh a(J automob11e driven by C. out, which will take time. There ,., rotlte 7. Salem, at the la always apt to be an atmosphere' . rhurch -nd chemeketa of suspicion surrounding relations brtween two countries n name tlon of bad faith If there Is a mis understanding on the slightest particular. "It would thus be the duly of the executive to place a bill em bodying the details and principles before the parliament for Imme diate action, because delay Is dis astrous once an agreeineul was reached. If Term Rejected I wlBh lt"was not necessary to streets about six o'clock last eve ning. Bradley was driving east on Chemeketa and Coffel south on Church street when the accident occurred. Broken handle bars and a mashed front wheel on the mo torcycle and a bent running board on the car were the extent of the damages to the machines. Miss Lee was riding on the gas oline tank of the motorcycle when the accident took place, according to the police report made by Ser geant Ellis, and It was at first but we ate bound to take notice of certain thing, which have been said. This contingency is that "eacone.. hospital, hu returned , ,.,.te,l to ner nomu tun. muiuius. "Were that misfortune to fall to the relations between those two Islands, whose history hai ban bo full of such unfortunate Incidents, we would be faced with a graver situation In regard to Irelmid than that with which we have ever t.een confronted. "Whatever these terms i .ay ac complish and may have done thoro Is one thing they have achieved They have defined the Issues more clearly than ever before, and re jection would be an unmistakable challenge to the authority of the Husband and Wife of Dead Man and Woman Arrested Waco, Texas, Aug. 19. Mrf, Bessie Keyes, and W. T. Aven are under arrest at McKlnney, Texas, charged with the murder of the woman's husband. Leslie Keyee. Aven'a wife died mysteriously prior to the killing of Keyee. whose mangled body was found on a railroad track near here the v : .. .Kl "..i,Jnlght of August 6 after a freight crowu anu me uu.ij ui mm "i" 1 1 - and no party in the state that could over without possibly pass notice. "I am using no language of menace. That would be Indeed folly. Where there are so many existing difficulties, to use threat ening language would be to aggre- difficulties and create train had passed. The authorities announced today the bodies of Mrs. Aven and Keyes would be exbumtd for examination. 61 Billion of Cigarettes in '20 1J Clgar- Aside from declaring thai Salem Just previous to the Russell market tor several hundred tons famished him by Chief inrurder. for which Brumfield h .m.ll Ti runes of the lzi crop. .rril Mr Neuner stonoed of small prunes Opening price have been quoted of Police Moffitt might assist him a a lAnlre ' W " rst l wm ' ' orHnm If Confined to Asylum Ptter Rausmauseafl, Washington. Aug. ettes numbering T.859.00.eoQ To Summon Parliament. re manuiar.ureu . "If there Is rejection, and final States last year, tne ren.u. rejection beyond hope of negotia-jreau's annual tobacco report to tlon, steps will undoubtedly have sued today shows. Of thst nnrnber to be taken which tha exerullve U.834, 000,000 were exported, ought not and wont wish to lake ieTing about 4, 000, 000, 000 fae wlthout fiiet consulting P-WUsv-i.- .d clcarettas for consump- these buyers but It looks aa , locating the "woman" w though orders would be given tol hell ed may throw some light 7 ioff In Salem last night on hi. way tlm resident of this city, and Mat 4 giving It full oPW"." 0B,tid 8tite,. w to Hamburg from Portland, where) 8rtive of Denmark wa. il!"? -'..i.lLnuf act-red numbered 8,72,- War V ori of Prlneville has ed chief of staff for Oregon for the Span- .1 . ...tar. mntiaic . - some moepenueui v. . on the Urumfieia rauraer case, Uw ti ft fe 1 rum - baying Pnw ' r- hu,l.houid the Information material independent growers and 1 are tnir r-tJs . ..It at a elignuj . . , was to .,itlon's price ney 01 uoasiu mmm -- i I K . rA nstt nf tfKlav 1 n Honor to be loaded on a scow. It) -rowers and are th wa. reported here toi.y. Officials - , .Ughtly here eblieve the whiskey was t, , -- have been exported to me tou -J BMk, , gftfjfc States. h met Rrumfleld when he ai re-, inunc today by CO turned from Canada. land the examining p This morning Neuner and Chief Moffltt were In conference twice, but no Information concerning either session was given out. all Dr. Byrd. The notice Ol insanny iw ed that the patient though that some one was pursuing him to do him bodily injury. approval of any steps we in is in ma propose to do." The premier explained that the motion to adjourn wa for tbc bouse to meet October 18 for for mal prorogation If the negotiations 784.000 and tobacco manufacture Including chewing and smoking and snuff, totalled 41 J.ISI OM lounds.