Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 17, 1921, Image 1

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averag tor 1M0, Mir
.7aUtkm of S.l. If. !
isio. lT-7
M.rlo County 190. 47,177
Folk couaty, 14,11
Member of Audit Buru of Clrco-
Utllom. Associated Prs IHH
Us Wir
Tlie Weather
un.ibuvn: i .!. uu murs
y probably shawm, with thun
der storms la also mountains if
eaat portion, fresh aojitberly winds
LOCAL: No rainfall. Max. 15,
Bin. II. River 12 fast, rlalng.
rtThird Year No. 196
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, August 17, 1921
Prte. lrM Ceate , ? ,3g3
Emergency Board
To Consider Plea
Of Bonus Board
DeValera Announces'
c-irain's Proposal of
Britain's Proposal of
Dominion Status Not
Dublin, Aug. 17, Eamonn De
Valera, Irish republican leader,
declared today that the Dail
Eireann would not accept the
terms offered by the British gov
ernment, extending to Ireland an
offer of dominion status.
Mr. DeValera made this declara
tion at the second session of the
Bail Eireann, held in the Mansion
House, to take up the question of
the negotiations with Premier
Lloyd-George with regard to a
possible Irish settlement.
Answer Held Final.
"Prom the reports this morning
In tbe British and foreign press,''
laid Mr. DeValera, "thero : terns to
be doubt as to what our attitude is
towards the British proposals.
There seems to be doubt as to
whether what I have said or
whether our letter means accept
ance or rejection.
"There ought to be no doubt In
anybody's mind. We cannot and
will not, on behalf of this nation,
accept these terms.
"u is saiu we are onereu tne
itatus of dominion home rule for
Inland the status of the British
tamilons. Ireland is offered no
such thing. The statement thai
Ireland was offered a dominion
status contained two falsehoods.
H'lmli Ireland? There is no Ire
land on the terms but two broken
pieces of Ireland.
"What was offered was not
eren dominion status. It was ad
mitted the. dominions had the
right to Becedo and could get out if
they desired. We are told we must
stay in whether we like it or not.
Secession Not Issue.
"We are not claiming the right
to lecede. There cannot be a
luei'.on of secession, but there
has never been union.
"Northern Ireland has regarded
Itself frnm Its own viewpoint, and
In entering negotiations they need
not give up that point of view. I
would be willing to suggest to the
Irish people that they give up a
food deal In order to have Irelund
ble to look into the future with
out anticipating distracting inter
Mi problems.
"All the time these negotiations
ke meant an attempt to get In
to touch with the people of the
lorth and tell them we have no
fCinitv anri ...i, - "
1 nHinQ soli iiitofl
'or them which we would never
tolnk of making for Britain. We
m be ready to give them every
Weguard any reasonable person
Kwld say they were entitled to
"d we are ready to leave the
question of the north to external
"nitration, or leave the whole
wstton to external arbitration.
England "Unreasonable."
planus claim is unreason
able. The claims of the minority
111 Ireland are unreasonable. But
T unreasonable claims we
would be ready to consider, and I
one would be ready to go a
g waT give way to them.
Wrticularly t0 lhelr senUmenti if
could get them to come with
nd consider the interests of
A call for a meeting of the state
emergency board in Salem on
Tuesday, August 23, to consider
authorization of additional funds
for the world war veterans' state
aid commission was Issued by
Secretary of State Kozer Tuesday
afternoon. Additional funds for
the state department to Cover ex
tra duties imposed on that depart
ment due to the administration of
the bonus law will also be sought
at this session.
The amount of the appropria
tion $30,000 included in the
bonus bill is grossly Insufficient
for the proper and reasonable ad
ministration of the law, the call
No Intimation is given In the
call as to the amount of the de
ficiency authorization to be sought
by the bonus commission. It is
probable, however, that
amount will approximate the orig
inal appropriation of $30,000.
All Nations
Must Cut
Says Lodge
Senator Lodge De
clares That There
Must Be General Re
duction of All Arms
English Hop Buyers
Send $250,000 On
Contracts; 100 Bales
of New Crop Sold
Women Unqualified
To Sit On Councils;
Can 't Listen Enough
Washington, Aug. 17. Senator Two hundred and fifty tnous-
T J U.....I..1..M, ttnmAri - .t JnlU.a lha fitat U ll V ft Tl (' PA AT
ny the president as one m me picsing money to on mu j
American delegates to the disarm- English hop buyers on their con-
ament conference, declared In the tracts with Willamette valley
senate today that he would exert
his best efforts for a reduction of
armament, but that "there must
be a general reduction" by all
Senator Lodge expressed his
views after Senator Harrison,
Washington, Aug. 17. Repre
sentative Alice Robertson of Okla
homa, the only woman member of
congress, took particular pains
when she called at the White
House today to make It plain that
her visit was not to urge appoint
ment of a woman on the American
delegation to the disarmament
"Show me a woman In the Uni
ted States who Is qualified," said
Miss Robertson, "and I might urge
her appointment."
She added that in order to qual
ify a woman not only would have
to be an international lawyer,
growers, was receiveo in oaiem
yesterday, Indicating that there
is i no inclination on the part of
English buyers to sidestep the
contracts which they hold.
These advances were those due
on contracts calling for the first
democrat, Mississippi, had offer- j payments of picking money on
ed an amendment to the $200,000 ;August 15. Approximately $1.
approprlatlon item for expenses 250,000 in picking money advanc
of tire conference, which would ig flue to Willamette valley
direct the American delegates to mwm on their contracts with
demand open sessions.
"I will not change my views,"
versed In diplomatic nractlce. fa- Senator Lodge declared, Dut mere
miliar with foreign languages and muBt be general disarmament a buying of New Yom aeaters
conditions and have an assured so-1 general reduction. I shall Jo ev- the strength of predictions
English buyers by September 1.
100 Bales Sell at 30
Stimulated by the speculative
Claims He Remembers Nothing Between Sun
day Before Russell Murder and Day of Ar
rest In Canada In Interview With District
Attorney; Recollects Having Wife and Sons
Portland, Ore., Aug. 17. Dennis Russell, laborer, at Rose
burg, Ore., was slain while Dr. R. M. Brumfield, Roseburg
dentist, now held in connection with the crime, was suffering
from aphasia, according to a statement made by the prisoner
to District Attorney George Neuner of Roseburg today, and
repeated by the attorney to a group of newspaper representa
tives at the county jail. Dr, Brumfield claims, said Mr.
Neuner, that he has only had occasional flashes of memory
since Sunday, July 10, three days before his car was found
of only promised to recommend the
cial standing and a wide Interna-!erything In my power to fulfill short cropB In Europe, nu .payment or a . ""B,u , . ..
tional acquaintance, but also1 those views In the office to whlcn market Is firm at 3D cents lor mo next. legisiaiurn . '
would need the faculty of "listen
ing a great deal and saying little.'
Folks Plan
Big Time
The twelfth anuuaj picnic for
natives of Wisconsin will be held
tomorrow at the state fair grounds
beginning at noon when a basket
lunch will be served and extend
ing into the afternoon. A program
of singing, piano numbers, read-
Of Drivers
the Dresident has done me the hon- i2i crop and all dealers are of-
. , , , 1 1 1 - . 1 . . . at Ona It u ti -
or to name me. rvooony win muui terms; mat uruic hcc.j.
harder than I for reduction but',lrcd bales were purchased at mat
I shall Insist upon general dls- figure yesterday by Durbln & Cor
armament. noyer from Jtraeph Thlel. of Sa-
"One great reason for reduction )em.
is that it means great economy. 1 1 Twenty five percent of the 1921
hope also that it promises peace. 'CTp in the valley is yetjinsold, It
Reduction of armament means the is estimated. The Orpgon crop
greatest possible reduction In ex-'win run between 50,000 and 60.-
penditures and money saving for 000 bales,
the people." 1920 Orwrons Bout
Senator Harrison asserted that Eighty one bales of 1920 hops
Continuing Its policy of educa-;In namlng Senator Lodge, the J were purchased yesterday by T.
tlon field deputies In the state president had selected one who had A. Llvesley & Co. from the Hock
traffic law enforcement squad done more to postpone disarms- i gamer stock at Harrlshurp for
warned 876 automobile drivers of ! ment than any other person be-.J2H cents, and options are being
minor violations of the traffic cause of Senator Lodge's "fight Reported freely taken at 25 cents
law during the month of July, ac- for the reservations which killed n 1920 Oregon. which there
cording to a summarization of the the league of nations." ;re approximately 3000 bales still
activities of the squad Just pre- Senator Borah should have been lunsold.
ings and impromptu speeches has pared by T. A. Raffety, chief in- piacea upon ne " " '' ' cents and
executive snector of the squad. During me .. ."- -. , . , .
rat whip made as tne "man wno nas acme must rne rnnniiu
to ervst.ilHze putilic sentiment for , 25 cents ror ii comr-co,
Railroad Agent
Asks Portion of
Brumfield Reward
Claim for a share of the re
ward offered for the capture of
Dr. Brumfield. Roseburg dentist,
was filed with Governor Olcott
this morning by George C. Wi
nter, Southern Pacific clerk at
Roseburg, In behalf of himself
and H. A. Tlbbtta, agent for the
railroad at Roseburg.
Wimer's claim -fl based on the
fact that he and Tlbblts gave to
Sheriff Starmer of Douglas coun
ty information regarding the pack-
.Tormanwh.tney" at SeaUie and wrecked and burned, with the maimed body of Dennis Rua-
through which Brumfield was sen ueneatn.
Brumfield was questioned by the
district attorney within view but
out of hearing of the newspaper
representatives. He showed slight
traces of nervousness.
Turning to the reporters, Mr.
Neuner said: "Brumfield says
that with the exception of occa
sional flashes of memory while he
was In Portland, Seattle and Van
couver, his mind has been an ab
solute blank from Sunday, July 10,
until he awakened on the train
between Calgary and Spokane on
Tuesday morning last and found
himself shackled to Deputy Sheriff
Percy Webb.
Remembers Being: 111.
traced and captured.
Replying to the claim Govern
or Olcott points out that he has
been prepared by the executive spector of
committee of the club, Mrs. Cora same period 52
n.j... vrfco m 1,-in Rcnnetr.. W. i,.. nf the state Bnuad re
L Cummings and A. C. Bohrn- suiting In fines aggregating j disarmament,
atedt. $6G9.50. A total of $1273 was re- I
F. R. Brown, a real estate man mitted to the secretary 01 staie a
and a native or wis- office during tne munm "-
cense plates as a result of the worK
of Portland
consin, will be one of the principal
speakers. E. P. Morton, a Wood
burn attorney, Is also slated for a
talk. A quartette of boys will give
several selections and other num
bers on the program are: Piano
solo, Miss Alene Ritchie; vocal se
lections. Miss Beulah Presnall
and Mrs. Cora Hendry; readings, out per
of the squad.
The summary shows that dur
Ing the month the deputies pick
ed up 162 cars operating without
license plates, 170 cars with only
liopnae nlate. 77 chauffeurs
. m .rivers with i
mils, 8 dealers using '
Confesses To
Nine Murders
Detroit, Mich., Aug. 17. Ad
vices from New York that Barto
low Fontano, a former Detroit bar-
Mrs. A. G. Foor; violin nnmners,
Miss Joy Turner. Others will also
Visitors are expected rrom rori-
" ,. ,,, nn nrivate cars, , day in nine ruuruers nere cieareu
.I.u,r "7, foreign tags. 31 up the
SO caia wins " -
10 cars
thfl highway, 14
16 years of age,
mystery which had pre
viously surrounded five of the
crimes and led authorities to be
lieve further light would be shed
. .v r . . (., ,1, rum nn
land, Oregon City and Dallas. 1 ne reckless driving. " " ,,,,. on the killing of seventy local
! program will be given inside of der 16 years 01 age, . . j Italians In the past four years,
the pavilion whether it rains or without mirrors, six verioa rontano, it was said, Is not
not. Officers will be elected for trucks, seven cars
'the ensuing year. An announce- plates improper! ,
has been made mat 26S cars wun
with license
adjusted and
improper ngni.
1 ..
all automobiles should be parked 0ne stolen car was "e"" '
,n the camp pounds and In no the state squad dur ngjbmonth.
case should oe orntu mtu " - n. , tQ tDe
officers of the Wlscon- ' "7 hTc throughout
I. In BTB W. L.
sin club are W
; president: A. C.
; president; Miss
Pmm!n(ra . t . .. , n fnr thp month
Bohrnstedt, vice jwsed aggregating .
, K t hooila the list with
Mane urnueiw noman cuuuu - --
i.,,Kia pnuntv is second
157 violations snd fines aggregat
ing $1519.60.
known to the authorities here, al
though they believe he may Be a
"Fontana" who formerly was here.
Local crimes which Fontano de
tailed to the New York police
ranged over a period ranging from
the latter part of 1917 to May,
this year. All of tbe victims were
shot to death, and In each in
stance, the slayer escaped.
own r, -1 .
M themselves with foreigners."
J r- DeNalera and the Irish na
m did r.ot stand between and
"world and was not shutting up
bween the two Islands.
e have no enmity to Eng--a
he declared. "At least, if
"-Question were settled 1 believe
would be none. The only n
to that rule which the Irish
J bate to the marrow of their
ubi?nab'f " End.
of the Dail Eireann was
this afternoon to an t
date. Private session.
held , the meantlme be.
"BlB5 tomorrow.
iJt" XTBreUU of
. stopped In Sacramento dur
5L,, r "c?T,t trip throqgh Cal-
J"" historical interest, among
JT"r Salter Fort, the first
J settlement y whll men
WNforsl, d renUr of tne
rh days of l4.
Says Is Misfit
615 violation. snd ,3565 In -Notice Qf APPeal IS
Filed In Suit of
13 Years Standing
Elk Trains Off
For Marshf ield
San Francisco, Aug. 17. Wil
liam Hightower, charged with
tne muraer ui nc. . , a
, . i .imisne! n,.i. nrf Ore.. Aug. 17 spec
colma priest was iu v 1 1 -- .
tnd.v in his cell at the San Mateo la, trains bearing Elks to he con
county jail, at Redwood City. j Tentlon at Marshfieia
"I am a misfit in the general to move toward the
scheme of things, ' ne-saia 10 " country
newspaper Interviewer. "I Hud; originating
with two ci
ill bcpin
Coos Bay
at McMinnville,
ihlK evening, one
crop nominal 13 and 14 cents.
Guard Rifle
Team Selected
' Selections of riflemen of the
Oregon national guard to attend
tbe national rifle matches to be
held at Camp Perry, Ohio, were
made yesterday by the office of the
adjutant general.
The men selected will leave
their home stations in time to ar
rive at Camp Perry by August 37.
The officials and members of the
team contained In the order sent
out by the guard officials are.
Team captain, Major Fred M.
West, Portland.
clde to whom the reward Is due.
'Team coach, Captain Eugene C.
Lfbby, Infantry, Portland.
Shooting members, Captain
Clarence Collins, C. A. C, Albany:
First Lieutenant Adolpheus A.
Sohwarz, 6th Infantry, Portland;
Second Lieutenant Laurence Jen
sen, 6th infantry, Eugene: First
Borgeant Leonard McOhev, 6th
Co., C. A. C, Albany; Staff Ser
geant Victor R. St rat ton, 1st Bn.
Ha. Co. Co., 6th Infantry, Eugene;
With over 12 years elapsing b-igcnceant Glen E. Terrell, 1st Bn.
tween the time that the first com- Hq c0., gth Infantry, Eugene;
plaint was filed, a notice of appeal gorgeant Gilbert A. Ptckard, sep-
from the decision of Judge Bing-Urate Co. F, Infantry, Portland;
ham In the circuit court. In 191, crrporal Orville Cart, bowltxer
was filed this afternoon In the company, Portland; Private First
case of Clara Anderson an' class Msnley W. Bevens, Co. L,
George Clanfleld against George' rtri infantry, Dallas: Private First
Palmer, administrator of tko class James Q Adams, 1st Co., C.
estate of John Slough and Henry! a C. Ashland; Bugler Andrew J.
Palmer bis bondsman, charging McCallen, 1st Co., C. A. C, Asb-l
tbe former with fraud. llafd; Private First Class Arthur
The smended complaint state g. Robinson, service company,
that Palmer while acting admin-jptrtland.
Deer Season
Will Open On
August 20th
What Is expected by sportsmen
to be the biggest deer season for
years will start on the west side
of the Cascade mountains next
Saturday. Many campers and
mountaineers have reported that
animals and tracks have been seen
In such numbers as to Justify the
expectation for a big year, and
local sportsmen are unanimous in
their opinions that such will be
the case.
The season, which began last
year September 1, has been ad
vanced this year a few days and
will start August 20, remaining
open until October 20, for all ter
ritory west of the mountains. In
the second district east of the Cas
cades the dates will run from Sep
tember 1 to October 31.
Much of the hunting will be
done In southern Oregon, where
sportsmen expect to find the deer
most numerous, but reports indi
cate that good shooting will be
found In the SUetz and Tillamook
districts and on the upper Santiam
and Abequa rivers. A number of
parties have already left the city
for southern Oregon and elsewhere
ready to be right among tbe moun
tains when the season opens.
Babe Ruth Hits
45th Home Run
since yesterday has freely admit
ted his identity, still claims he
cannot remember what has trans
pired since the Sunday previous to
the alleged crime. District Attor
ney Oeorge Neuner of Roseburg,
the man to whom Brumfield has
promised to "tell all" met the offi
cers and their prisoner here.
Dr. Brumfield slept soundly last
night In a sleeping car berth and
awoke refreshed. He ate a hearty
breakfast, this being his first meal
In five days.
Savs Mind a Blank.
"My mind is an absolute blank,"
he asserted, speaking; very slowly.
"I do not remember a thing from
the Sunday I had dinner with,
Russell until I was found in Can
ada." After apparently recalling with
difficulty that he has a wife, Dr.
Brumfield asked Sheriff Starmer If
his wife could visit him In Rose
burg Jail. When the sheriff an
swered affirmatively, Brumfield
added: "And my boys, too! I have
three boys, fine chaps, just Ilk
As the train approached Port
land the prisoner was alert, calling
the officers' attention to the Co
lumbia valley scenery. But when
ever reference was made to the
crime with which he Is connected
he would become silent.
Chicago, Aug. 17. Babe Ruth
made his forty-fifth home run of perlence(i
tne season, witn cue umu uu
base, In tbe sixth Inning of to
day's game with Chicago. Wlen
ecke was pitching for Chicago.
"Sunday, July 10," continued
the attorney, you will remember
was the first time he met Russell
and, he says, was the only time. He
probably had seen Russell several
times before but had not actually
met him.
"Brumfield recalled that on
that particular Sunday on which
he visited with his nephew, his
boy spilled a lot of buckshot 011
the ground and ha (Brumfield)
had trouble picking It up. About
chat time he became ill and with
tbe exception he mentioned, he
says he can recall nothing. He
has hazy recollection of some trou
ble at the International boundary
In Blaine."
Asked why he would not permit
Brumfield to be photographed or
Interviewed, Mr. Neuner said It
would be a violation of the physi
cian's orders. If Brumfield needs
medical attention, he will surely
get It, said the district attorney.
Held Incommunicado.
Meanwhile Brumfield Is being
held Incommunicado In Multno
mah county jail.
According to Neuner, Dr. Brum
field was not questioned concern
ing the actual crime, but was per
mitted to talk at random on vari
ous subjects.
The history of his early life was
recounted by the prisoner, and
while telling of his college days,
Dr. Brumfield explained that be M death, snd left an estate on
had at the time suffered from a'hls death of $100,000. His sister,
mental lapse something similar to' Cordelia B. Davis, recently do-
that which he aays he has Just ex-, nated approximately $12,000 for
Tombstone for
Louis Turner
To Cost $3000
Requesting that the adminis
trator be allowed to spend $3000
for the erection of a monument
in commemoration of Louis H.
Turner, an order was filed in the
probate court this morning and
signed by Judge W. M. Hushey,
Mr. Turner was a resident ot
Turner, Or., for some time before
New York, Aug. 17. George
Kelly of the Giants made his
twentieth home run of tbe sea
son, with tbe bases full, In tbe
first inning ot today's game with
Admits His Identity.
Dr. Brumfield arrived from Cal
gary, Alberta, early today in cus
the building of memorial
school at Aumsvllle.
Tbe order states that all claims
against the estate havto been paid
tnat 1 simsay uo uuc u 1-"- "..-' ,h. valley. !.,., of ih. t.t. m Bi,.h
s,rr -'S,-.! -i-troyed S Guardsmen'S
. .ki In this - at Albanv. nu ... , UJ '
T7' 1 - l(ir from Roseburg and one from .mount
"We find that Father Patrick Medford at Eugene,
eslln came to his death either Dy; Marshfieia
blows on the head, which irac- Tn ro"" .ZL-
tured his skull, or by two gun-, for MarsBiie a
The decree ot Jade Bingham
him to the
of $4,600. and that be
ill get Into; further failed to make and dls-
tomorrow. tributlon 01 tne remaining prop-
t..- Portland fiwcis will leav erty of the deceased to ta plato-
tomorrow n"", tins wno were unn siung
m or u, - I . mamm -orM. hand . Mrs. Way.
shot wounds, euuer out . ... ,,fc ,,-
... th" !.nH drill team, and will pick up
was sumcieui iu
. the Salem lodg
Bullet Fired at
Fleeing Man Hits
Woman; May Die
Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. IT. A
shot from a policeman t pistol. In
tended to frighten a fitting ped
estrian, hit Mrs. Auu it Hi si, aged
j J5, a she was standing at the
window of her second storv apart-
in another car,
was In favor of the defendants.
The University of Oregon stu-
A tuition fee of $0 will here-; ea route. '
fter be charged jcni" h ta it free auto dot eaoprmtive store has deciar-
Utes outside of Oregon in add -1 Hood Ee -W-Md
'tie. to the fees now ,g,,B?X. with d.U - than $,. worth of bnwine.
students, following a Joint action Hood Hirer , I tTimv:tA th. gtmt dr-
of committee, of the boards of re- to the roads as point. 1- Khoo( TMr
genu of the two state lnstitotions. est.
Don fVionlra A rnud ment
X c J vawiw
Armory drill pay checks for F
company of Salem, Oregon nation
al guard, and amount to $14 84 C
arrived at the office of the adju
tant general this morning and will
be distrlbnted a quickly as pos
sible. The amount Includes the pay of
If ssn and three officers, but
dee not Include the pay received
by tbe men during the annual en
ampmert. The checks are sen
very da months from tbe war 0
at lt2h street ml Orand
avenue, at three a. m. this morn
ing. The bullet bit Mrs. Hast just
above the waist Una and hospital
surgeons say she pro',stly will
tody of Sheriff S. M. Starmer and and that the station In life occu-
Deputy Sheriff Percy Webb. The pled by the deceased justifies the
prisoner was taken to the Mult no-: expenditure of the money for
mah county Jail. Brumfield. who, 'suitable monument.
Plans For Railroad
Funding Approved
By Committee
Washington, Aug. 17. Favor-Iterferlng with aid for financing
able report on the administration 'sj agricultural exports. The lit of
railroad funding bill was ordered the corporation would be extended
today by the senate interstate com
merce committee by a vote of 7 to
The bill would authorize the
war finance corporation to use not
to exceed $500,000,000 to pur
chase railroad securities from the
railroad administration and pre
scribe Interest rates upon securi
ties her after accepted from the
A section to permit reoper.lng
of settled accounts with the rail
Wolves snd cougar are caus
ing severe lows to stock men
grating tock in the Cmpqua for
est ranges. In the vicinity of Snow- fof fond, of uritlas
bird rsnger station recectly
wolves raided band of sheep and of ,hoM d out ,n com-viit-j
11 Kfr. rtriren off bv imltto and a provision added to
to July 1, 1922, under another
committee proviso.
Senator LaFollette, republican
Wisconsin, voted with Senator
Stanley, democrat. Kentucky,
against reporting the bill whll
Senator Pomerene, democrat, Ohio,
voted for It.
It developed during considera
tion of the bill that tbe war fi
nance corporation is now attempt
ing to form a syndicate to pur
chase government holdings of rail
road securities snd relieve the gov
ernment of further railroad fund-
1 prevent railroad funding from la-hag operation.