Paw Four The Capital Journal, Satan, Oregon . - The Capital Journal Saiem, Oregon An Independent Newspaper Every evenine except Sunday Telephone ill; news H2. Qeorgo Putnam, Editor and i'tibnaher BUBSCiUPTlON HATES By currier, 65 cent a month By mail. In Marion and Polk counties, to cents a month. Elsewhere 7 a yean Entered as second class mail matter atSalem, Oregon. Member ASSCMATKO lef-ESS The Associated Press is ex clusively enti'.led to the use for publication of all news dls pafches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this pa per and also local news pub lished herein. The 1925 Exposition Portland has secured the passage of a congressional reso lution inviting the nations of the world to participate in the proposed Portland 1925 exposition. A similar resolution, in viting the participation of the various states was passed by the last legislature. Passing of resolutions is the easiest part of the exposition business. The real work lies ahead, and calls for the ex-l table." 'That settles It. I cannot come Many Local Company Handles Loganberries Two million pounds of logan berries were handled this seimon by the Salem King's Food Products company, junt ten times the amount of fruit used by trie com pany last year. Throughout the season the price paid for the ber ries ran between 3 and 4 cents, while last year with the price of berries at 1 3 cents the local company put up only enough to fill contracts on hands at Hie limo. During the busiest seuson this year 40 carloads were sent to the dehydration plant at Tbe Dalles due to the inability of the local plant to handle the tonnage. Last year the establishment at The Dal les handled no loganberries what soever. would, take occasion to say tbat because of tbe innuendo contain ed in tbose paragraphs w h jeh It printed yesterday you had become frightened and insisted upon run ning away." "What do you mean, Roland Early? I have seen no gossip in any yellow sheet about me." "That is what I came to talk to you about, but this visit of my wife changed the entire course of penditure of millions of dollars for a transient show that is .aid last evening that it wnnder. oupposeu to attract people irom all parts, enrich note!- ed, now that my wife was well keepers and bring about a substantial increase in population! nouKh to be out, if she would and reatv valuta rhrnno-li t, vorlmn r.M.U,aA I make a third at our luncheon The question now arises, what is Portland going to do 1 A ' i It I j" i i m i ' a. t . auuui n : ao iar an me exposition idea nas accompnsned is; to my er your office again. By to bring about a first-class scrap over the selection of a site; thls time Mis Belcher win have to be sold to the exposition originators at inflated prices. ' spreaa 311 . , " or scandal aDout Indeed the principal preliminary object seems to be to boom Z? & iTlnJZ icauy vaiuauuns ana unioaa unsaieaDie property. some way to show that paper to There was no call, as far as the public is aware of, from I everv one. the people of Portland for an exposition. There certainly was! "b' 1 am tlred of u aU; tire.i none from the rest of the state. The exposition is apparently! tn our office',0 u red TiiZ being forced by a small coterie who have axes to grind.) you and i know that anything Hot-air will not build expositions- It takes money and lots' that people i do not know might of it, and hard cash is hard to raise in hard times. j ay behlnd mr would be pre- Experience of Chicago, San Francisco, St. Louis and other 'r'L p'n.p.rlck cities which have lost millions in staging world fairs, have'aii the men and women i come In made them all shy of expositions. All are quite willing to let contact with dally. Portland do it. The other coast cities will profit as much "There is not one, not even from tourist traffic without the risk of loss and expense, j ?"r 'l?T0Dl wiho((hash,,ot tv. .utJ. -.. u la- had more or less otiosity about jl iic- au.tiliuii was LiiuuiiL lu uflvc i tin ild wuioc nu anfj your Interest in' me But ! X 97. MM (Civilization has never been success because it has always interfered with fwman naxwe. i The ability to talk ( and the ability tpsay something rarely r; . occur in ths Same man 5 (S)IPeople would have a better opinion of democracy and peace if they ddn't 9l CO so rouCr s Tabloid Sermons UI ijuy jreopie py Parson Abiel Haile ".Tndirp nnf arrnnllnp' to a nn,-, r.., i ment." St. John 7-24. "Snteou, A crlcimia arTrtT iu inrfvlna I.., - . d j "Pfcai unci's. The v.... the hill's .Imiii innnvnl ths flaUlllj; u.,nCCO greauy when h. ... " (he oeoDle acainst hasty ludsrmeiif htr ' uaioni i ...ji, .-i, ... nt anv r.., ur ffwmuu mj unu win irii you QUICklv th-it . . "... " ""US Or rn,.. a great truin. in our every aav life wa i ,, . -m from Hi warrant i. v'un nails in , me, we f lxmM v ! dirk n? the colossal hlumlftr nt t',.r,.i i ,. ., "n c u5 tonciuBia outer appearance. We should die- nnrior ik w " ",,r ouriace irnl tVi fine c . I.'ri. ii' nn.rno n. tf,r.n,u,..ln m i . v -. - vuuflio, x uere is no ture, of couree, lor man or woman being untids (nc with sniloil linon nni) 44,.ir tjfx " ncar, n,ar, ro. ., " infiiimiilatinn rf a n otiA fnp ovnn .. A - . . lUC hm . .. .- - " " worth 1.1 finished, nut on the other hand, we have uni . T .v.. .v. v... , '... . """ agaiug, , HI. llltlt .UC BUUV.111.1, W'SI.UI.CU OlirifP Well r. taken at face value. It is safe bet that Mm ...... . 18 - ... . hftiu 13 nwn.j iKht. while fancy attire oft proclaims M, i . " - - uui i.j IQiit IB k nothinE-down-and-a-little-a-welf'' lniiit,. ' states government bond loses much in scenic hiurish. A -. being perfectly innocent of wrong doing, I have not up to this time paid any attention to them. Now, however, I cannot appear uncon scious." "But you must not give people any chance to tain, Alix. Pull yourself together and come down tomorrow as if nothing were amiss tr necessary, I will make a busi- Huntley Slated For Federal Job It Is reported from Washington that Senators McNary and Stan fluid have agreed upon (Uadye O. Huntley for collector of Internal revenue, Clarence Hotchklss as United Btates marshal and Asa Thompson for the farm loan board. Examinations for postal vacan cies at Albany, Astoria, llaknr Clty and several other cities will be held September 6, and on Bep tember 10 for Bund on, Carlton, Clatskanle, Condon, Creswell, Dayton, Drain, (laston, Greshaiu, Halfway, lone, Jefferson, Molalla, North Powder, Nyssn, Rainier, Hclo, etayton, Wallowa, Weatport, Wln i iar and Yoncafla. lost its- drawing power. It is true that the Portland exposition of 1905 was a suc cess, in that stockholders did not have to pay additional as sesumunts, but it constitutes the single exception among ex positions. It was a comparatively small affair and its exhibits had already been assembled for other expositions and did not have to be gathered, but were .shipped intact at minimum cost. It will be an entirely different story for 1925. It might have been wiser to have secured promises of the ness excuse to take me out of financial support necessary to make the exposition a success. town- J bave had for a long time lief ore inviting the nations of the world, most of which, bat-J 1ni'1hPtrtainft jC a.ccfero,n Waahing tling with starvation and ravaged by war, are in no condition' iheare' for quUCe0e8PotraewJfmekeei U participate, but that is not the way of boomers. Commit have been putting it off on your tne citv to tne exposition nationally iirst, as an excuse tor a; .uui. i wamea to De near coercive effort to dig the money afterwards, Is the program. Congressional approval could have been had for the asking at any time. JTt doesn't seem to hurt a fellow's conscience very much i-f he forgets a liiile in kevpinh track of his income. In jjf The world is not rr fgWss frb- run by men. who ALICIA HAMMERSLEY A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry By ID AH McGLONE GIBSON The Noted Writer Roland Early's Collapse w0'3 remember that 1 might never When I told Holand Early that have known the joy of this work you, but now I shall accent order to be away from you. "By the time I return you will not feel the same about seeing me around perhaps. Anyway, the longer you nut off leaving tlml office, the more you will do to stop the talk that is beginning to spread over the town." "Will you please go, Mr. Early I cannot decide anything now Tomorrow On the Bridle Path (S) Tbe firsxTo uloat over a woman who talis and is found out is, tbe woman who has done tbe sama ifchintz but has not. l- icrvirv. t,aujjiL, HEZ HECK SAVS Tbe first step inacquirioh. 'n"ny 13 w wrtc , mcarbp 6i fall?' after what bad occurred I could no longer be In his office, he sat limp and shrivelled in bis chair, speechless. It rather sickened me. I felt, as though no man should allow any one to see the nakedness of' had it not been for you "I shall go on with what I am doing, possibly not in any maga zine office, but I shall keep up with my stories and articles for which I have already had Inquiries from other publications and you will perhaps forgive me if I say his soul In the way that Koland that even this experience of the Crane at Reval After Journey Through Russia Higa, Aug. 11. Charles R. Crane, former United States min ister to China, arrived here laBt I 3 v. r a wild-rnt Rlnrk "certificate " Tho ,.!-.;., . 1 - i"" on ico or onr ...v v-o D4i.UCi u:o "investrntnt", " i iffany'. , "w mamona meri-h... a garisn oaiiynoo man at tne aoor. The safe ni'o i. , 1 , 3 . - . . . . "I UIIIU tne appearance 01 wuuiever animate or lnaniimaue is nr an an e.1. to vour va 1 1 . c nu i v or rrp.i,, i,, -... . n 1,. 1 u Know 1. . mail ui ". id II JUU peiKlKl 1,1 JU(leinfc. . . , . . . . ..... o vi a ances oniy, aon t wnine 01 nam luck If you nav f r,.. , , rpTin t n ruin nnn nut nn itr nnnenrnnn n.nui.. .., . -rpv.u,u. unun nm ,0 . .. .a " .0 mure Ilia skin-iipeTi in man. woman nr pnmmmlilu a. :' j insurgents here last night. T. E. Patterson, auditor of the Woodmen sovereign camp, said to- 'day he was confident that the In surgents, who are opposed to W. A. Frazer of Omaha, as sovereign 1 commander of the order, would not meet with any success in their proposed move and that their right to use the name "Order of 'Perfected Woodcraft" would be contested. rurraer prei main a, u IS said. Will fnn Where there's circnla. ! tion there's life Use Journal Want Ads TOMORROW SATURDAY ing away the remainder of his stock of small merchandise. Before their train had left the Far Eastern republic, it was at tached to a hospital train carrying soldiers who had been wounded in fighting against the forces com manded by General Haron Michael Ungern-Sternberg, leader of anti- bolshevik troops there. The wounded men declared that the anti-bolshevik had been badly beaten. The Seri Indians are consider- Plan Secession From Woodmen Omaha, Neb., Aug. 11. A char- ; ter for an organization of insur- , gents of the Woodmen of the 1 World, to be known as the "Order of Perfected Woodcraft," with headquarters in Sedalia, Mo., will be applied for in Missouri soon, according to a statement made by Flax Puller Is Inventor's Hope A flax pulling machine In the fields of Oregon next summer Is tbe hope of Johu A. Ilartlsz, farm er and flax grower of Turner, who has been working on a flax pulling machine for some time and Is about to porfect his device. Asso ciated with Mr. Bartiss ls -H. 0. Tenney, manager of the Multno mah Iron Works of Portland, who has taken hulf interest In the ma Cblne for which a patent has al ready been applied. No mechanical way of gathering flax other than by rutting has ver been used, the cutting process red 11 dug the value of tbe product one-third or one-half. Early showed his to me. Perhaps moment will prohably help me to night from Iteval, after compIetlnglpd ... mn. nHmm Mi j T U.vJ.. "l"'-,;'"c"L u"'uc underlying a 7000-mile Journey from Peking.1 Vnrtn -,v,.auUB uk.usuu, a neuana ai- Oregon Convict Faces Deportation Portland. Or., Aug. 11. Ernest Tirpltx, Inmate of the Oregon state penitentiary, naturalized Cana dian of German birth, and who. It Is rumored. U a relative of the Well known German admiral bf that name, awaits deportation at the expiration of his sentence, ac cording to a statement yesterday by R. V. Uonham, imiuiKialion commissioner in charge. Tlrpltx. aager to leave tbe prison as quick ly as possible, has written to Bon ham In an effort to have his con finement shortened. His closing paragraph reads: "It Is with profound aaservatlon and integrity that I thank you la advance for any assistance you might offer." Utaui. said Bonham. la especially rich.) "In the way of extracting me from this horrible dilemma. In which I am at pres ent Inextricably situated." II was because I was not in love; comprehend the with him that I could not help, springs of emotions in men and criticizing adversely the way he women as I never have before." fell upon his knees and Implored) Koland Early rose to his feet me to stay where he could see me and looked down at me sorrow daily, fully." No one would dream, Alix, Many times slnco that morning when looking at you, tbat you It has been told to me In no un- were a cold woman. You seem certain ways that the great tra- all softness, all passion, all under gedy of humanity Is that notwith-j standing, but always your mind standing Its big sympathetic heart overshadows your heart. I non ready and willing to give and re-j estly believe tbat you never even Mir, such are the limitations of 1 loved your husband." the human mind that each mem- "That is what your wife told bcr of tiro human family must me," I answered coldly. "I thjjik live and love and die alone. I I did love him very much, but my This morning, however, I had love was too Idealistic. As you no svmnathv wllh Mr. Earty. 1 told me good women do. I en which took him across Siberia and soviet Russia. Mr. Crane, who was accompanied by four Ameri cans and a Chinese cook, told the story of his trip to a crowd ot American reoprters waiting at the station to greet him. The party left the Chinese capital on June Hi and from tbat time until August 6, when it left Petrograd for Re val, It traveled under a special per mit from Nikolai Lenine, Russian bolshevik premier. The Ameri cans had an opportunity fully to observe the comedy and tragedy of the every day life of the Russian people and were given a greater was annoyed to think that he al-, dowed him with idealistic instead! cnanc 10 inspect condtiions than of human characteristics, and ueen anJr Americana when mv faith and trust were1 since he outbreak of the Russian shattered I determined that no man should ever make me unhap py again. At tbat time I thought torney, in addressing a group of lowed his temperament to gain such an ascendency over his com mon sense that he made not only himself, but me, ridiculous. "If you will stay with the magazine. Alix," he pleaded, "I1 my experience were unique, but will promise not even to speak now 1 have come to believe that to you." they are the common lo. of wo- "That would help matters a' men. lot," I returned Impatiently. "If I were your wife, Mr. Early "From now on you and 1 will be' I Bhould have told you to go at (watched every moment we are the first intimation that your fet In the office." I ters were chafing you." "But I do not want to think, "1 think you would, mv dear, Alix, that I have made It Impos- I think you would and yet you slble for you to go on with your tell me that you will not stay In work. You hare been so sueceae- the same office with me that ful that nothing must stop you you cannot do so for the sake of now. I will never forgive myself your own peace of mind even tor having put an obstacle In your when you know that you are con way.V demning me to the tortures of the "You have not Impeded my damned when you leave me." career, Mr. Early," I answered,1 "The cases are different, I am "for with tbe encouragement and not your wife, therefore you can publicity that you have given me! not expect me to sacrifice my feel In your magazine I certainly Ings for yours." would not be worth more ronsl- "Hut, Alix, you will not leave deration If I could not now stand ' Immediately. You know tbe alone. If by chance I can make1 gossip would be Intolerable to no other connections, I shall al-l both of us. That yellow sheet revolution in 1 91 7. During the journey, Mr. Crane spent about 100,000.000 soviet rubles, or about $3000 besides giv- Women Made Young 3right eyes, a clear skin and a body ull of youth and health may be . ours if you will keep your system in order by regularly taking GOLD MEDAL Th world's standard remedy for Udne. tveSj bladder and uric acid troubles, th namlee of lite and looks. In na sine. IS96. All druggists, three sin. look 1st Ik. m C.U MU1 a TO ko, Perfection Tires A Quality Tire at Wholesale Cost This is possible as we are a factory branch No middle man's profit to pay. SPECIAL SALE ON TUBES soSi mbSkid Fabric n :::::::: IfS gx4 16-2o 8,000 Mile AbsolutGuarantee-" 6.0M Mile 1 7 KM ., , t - ouxavj 29.75 32x4 3125 33x4 32.00 34x4 Cord Tires 10,000 mile guaranteed $39.17 32x4 .. 40.30 33x4 . 41x33 34X4 44.17 32x4U ttx4H S4x4V, Z ox4Vfc f , IB? " 13.50 24.75 26.00 4538 46.55 47.77 54.95 83x6 57.87 35x5 69.22 37x5 Tubes. .$3.50 . 3.60 - 3.80 - 4.40 . 4.52 - 4.63 4.67 Norma Talmadge IN "Ghosts of Yesterday" Seldom has there been seen on stage or screen, a drama so compelling, with such genuine heart interest com bined with thrills and suspense as "Ghosts of Yester day." COMEDY FOX NEWS II ham OHEMONl -. 5.45 ... 5.65 5.88 Perfection Tires Co. TIRE unrisF Bringing Up Fathae By George McManus. Y. M C A. BUILDrNfi LADD & BUSH BANKERS ESTABLISHED 18S8 General Banking Business Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Ftot" State Obtains Postponement In Second Trial Tbe second trial or O. G. Quack abusn of Salem, charged wllh selling gas at nhort measure pc Imiy it, was poetponcd to Mon day uiorninc at 10 o'clock on the Motion of District Attorney John CarnoB, due to the absence ot Ver Mewcomb. wltnean for the utaii wh- ia at present supposed t ( on ike toast. At a "returns trial ia the rovr. Justice Unruh, July IS, tbe j in reed, bat the caae was trait br utbt up by tbe state. COEL TO TAJk; LIKE THAT ABOOT Alx -A CLF MAKE najs- HE""kTME: FiriEvr tFTOMEN OF" A EVER tEErs- CJ I NO OCXS' -T ARiOE WITH fvF" - Itr ucr (-Mtrt it. 1 1 .3 i V ABOUND HERE AiC4N - I UU 1 41 VE HIM TO THE OCX,- J J J - Trid. mar Reg. V. a EJL oh: SHUT UP SHE KJSOVV HER OWN MIND- LET HE. TOO TOUNC - LET HER WATT A EEVV XEARb E HT ORTi OF IAIN COF-AE'b ALONC, TILL i rv . v , t mr jtmr . 1 ' 'IV X VHX WMT? I DIDN'T. ' 9 Cepyncht, 1U. by UVTtJZL