al at Page The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon American Legion Selects Statue For Centralia Salem Churckks Corby, pastor. meeting at7 p. m. I Thursday at 8 p Prayer meeting m. jaMHWitt.JWIIMIIIIlli Wll MIWIH IIIM. IIIIIHUIUWI .WIMI WW I in I'll Will ffi .ill HhhHt HlllJlMIWH HIS 111 I HI tmm in ! Society (Continued from Page Five.) ter discontinuing its meetings for a month, will resume activities again this week when members will gather at the home of Mrs. Ray Stiffler, of Hollywood. Miss Snort Visits in Portland ' Miss Eva L. Scott made the trip to Portland this afternoon. She will spend the week there visit ing with friends and will return to Salem about Thursday. White Shrine and Families Have Picnic Members of the White Shrine and their families met last night at the J. A. Bishop residence on South Commercial street at a pic nic for which Miss Hazel t Bishop was hostess. Groups came with well filled baskets and the time was spent picnic fashion. Mrs. Hedine is Hostess for Mother Mrs. A. E. Hedine. of Holly wood, entertained on Wednesday afternoon honoring her mother Mrs. E. Hedine, of Salem. Refresh ments were served. Those present were Mrs. E. Hedine, Mrs. I, Wag ers, Mrs. Kron, Mrs. W. F. Mua son and Mrs. A. E. Hedine. HIOHl.A NTi FRTRNTM Rer- ivlces held in the Highland school REFORMED CHURCH Corner building. Bible school at 10 a. m. of Capitol and Marion streets, ciif ton Ross, superintendent. Sunday school 10:00 ac in.; serv-orning worship and preaching ice (German) 11 a. m. No even- at n. c. E. meeting at 7 and ing service. M. Denny, pastor. preaching at 8 p. m. Prayer meet ling on Thursday at 8 p. m. We INTERNATIONAL BIBLE are nlannine' a mmmiiiiitv irpt- RTiinRTMTR a annrr atiov . i ... . . - Lusruiei un r riuay evening to ue ' 1 .. C J ru.. K..11H ... ... - , -en ctcij ouuudj iu uvruy """ neiu at me Highland school build i n er Prttir snH UiEi avaata tnr i . . ..... ... , ., ias. ine ooject is ror netter ac hi Die siuay; nours irom iu:uu to qnaintance and a hour An 12:00 a, m. Snntfay, Aug. 7 at interesting program is being ar 2:30 p. m. C. W. Field of Port- ranerf fnr lho Tho land will deliver a free public pe of the neighborhood are iD, lMM)Fd in ihia hall ..Ki,.,t "IH. ... " ; " , . ' , jvited. 1. G. and Ida J. Lee, pas tressed Human! tys only hope, non showing through Adams' dis- obedience we have the conditions CHURCH 0F G0DnH North Jl t luiV Ufa TiHuir olan nVimifncr 11 V I ... . , . . . 'iChurch street. J. J. Gillespie God s word the second Adam, ouri . . , - Lord Jesus redeemed the race ..., . ,, . ' ' and It wi.l SOOn t.w. fiwt or Su"able classes for all grades of their behalf. Hear thi lecture, jholars, with competent teachers (Preaching service, 11 a. m., sub mpioTi en-m.r.j!- Ti-rna-r1 ject "Evangclicism." Young Peo- CHURCH 44(1 Rk.m.t.t, f ret. 1 ple's meetinS. 6:45, and preaching Af 11 , n.M- ... ...Kf. service following at 7:30. Teach- "Spirit". Sunday school at 9:45 aj"s,mee'lnff Wednesday evening, m. Wednesday evening, testimon-j ?:30 a,'d prayer meetinS '" tal meeHnir Mah, nvinrk-! ln at 8 p. m. Come and hear FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On Church street be tween Chemeketa and Center. Sab bath school meets at 9:45 a. m. C. A. Kells, superintendent. Preachfng at 11 a. m. by Dr. Hick man, president of lKmball School of Theology. Subject, "What Is the Almighty?" the choir will sing "How Firm a Foundation." Dr. Hickman will preach at the union the gospel. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH ERNEST M AIQUESNEY 5 u L CTO ML. AmcricuH, Ga., Aug. 0. The American Legion has found I he bit of sculpture which Its national memorial committee declares ac coinplixhea Uh highest aim. With in a xhort time thin wr.iis Georgia artist will be standing ut Centralia, Wash,, which w;m the Rcone of bloody ArmlBtlce day fighting between heroes of the world war and I. W. W. A large replica of the original will be liluced In a prominent public pl ict at Centralia. Smaller statiies of the work of art are being widely distributed. The sculptor Is E. M. Vlqueaney of Americus, who produced the model after two years' work. The figure Is that of a helmeted Infantryman in heavy eiiulumcnt and with a rifle with b-iyonet fix ed In his hand. In the other hand he holds aloft a hand grnnude lie Is ripping through wire mlangle tnents. From his neck lianas his gas mask ready for use The strain and excitement of from arr.-su t Two Honored At Birthday Dinner airs, waiter Fisher honored C. A. H. Fisher and Dr. B. Fisher at a birthday dinner at her home in Hollywood. A color scheme of pink and white was used. Those present were C. A. H. Fisher, Dr. K. Fisher, Mrs. C. A. H. Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Ward, Mr and Mrs Walter Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher. Mrs. Terwilliwr Is Elected Secretary irs. u. Terwllliger, of Sa lem was chosen secret rv nt ih. Marlon County Veterans' assoc' tlon meeting held on Thursday at Silverton. Tulip Farm to Increase Acreage Coming Season Starting five years ago as an ex periment, tulip raising ax an In dustry has grown to large propor tions in Snlem. The only other . ,. . . . " mr imukkowiii tulin farm of the Franklin whoro tv.., in . j .- .. - w win ducdu iuui or rive & Dibble farm '- the entire United days. States, has a record of producing , 2,500.000 MttM a year, while the Hockaway is Rale.., farm next season will pro- Vacation Haven duce twice that many. Mr ,, h vr r. . The bulbs prod-.ced on the farm .? f'.mll, te nZZ . . .... na lamny are Buendine: a vara- h.Ne beeurno.,ncedby'hoBeet.'tlon Hjmirn , P eJ" pert In flower culture as superior nopkHwmv Th ,:!, , , ,lt to imported Holland bulbs, and are j This m-"l P subject by f.,Mng. to bloom 15 to l"'"' morn,n I 20 days ahead of tlio Reading room 209 Masonic Tem pie, open every day except holi- uays unu ounaays rrom ii:4ij to 5 p. m. All are cordiallv invited tast b'ate and EighteenthKts. to our services and to our reading Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. room. I Preaching service (English) at 10:30 a. m. Young people's meet CENTER STREET lTKTHO-'in at 2:30 P- m. Mission topic. DIST EPISCOPAL Center street. 1 "Bee'nning at Jesrusalem." Evcry- corner North 13th street. G. S. body is welcome. There will be Sabbath school n0 evening service. George Koeh- Ger- ler- pastor. Preaching service 11 Roeder, minister 10 a. m. Both EngliBh and man classes. a. m. There will be no evening service. Take Sojourn At Coast Resort Dr. and Mrs. R. E. f.efl Ktelnor and Mr. and Mrs. M I. i, leu tills morntne for N,nu, mm mii-n mr avna. nuw.iitT m r the advance are shown vividly in culiar fact is that tbexe '...llw nnl 10 IKewport the drawn face and open mouth. Fish Planted In Lakes and Santiam River Albany, Or., Aug. 6 Four laUes in Jefferson uark and near Marion lake have beon slocked with trout- by the Santiam Fish & Game as sociation with the assistance of the United Statos forest service, C. C. Hall, supervisor of the San tlHin forest, has reported Mr. Hull report that 20 cans of flastem brook trout weru placet, in these lakes. In sdditlon. the North Santiam ""r " "7" win, la eatetl at ll.dHngliani. Washington, cans of rainbow trout, Mr. Hall hi, h . tn conjuuetien Mr. and Mrs. John Kron, Miss What's New On The Market u-nmlaifii! " J,. " F- the ordinary bulb has not, and are , , r Dav,e" and G- Taylor therefore worth culture on thlsac-i 1 motor to Newport today for count alone. the week end. The fact that they can be forced ! Into early blonn.lng is of reat iie portance to the hot house man and florists. The bulbs are purchase! by these dealers and are potted, then forced to bloom, thus n'ect Ing the retail demand at a higher price berore others are brought on the market. Tli3 owners of the Salem fnrin i!. in tt nlarti I i. i,.: ,t '..tin.1 nea season, cutting down some nW at ny time durllS '"e varieties and devoting acreage to caM1n- The general price is 2 V4 the. bi ami most beautiful in col-lpent a pound, a .Iron r . ... " J - - v V V VIIC 1 1 1 or and qualttv. ovr !, t So adaptable has Oro CrMm been found to bulb culture. ( " , "r the flve-yenr experiment of Frank- , , ' ,.th" ve'se lit. a tiiM.i. .w... .u. . .about 12 pounds. of the hulb farm !o-l. S took a 8"Bnt 'urease sell iur i',, cents a no.inrt ti. nard as leader. It will be largely topic, "The Sacredness of Music and Sane." Mid-week service nn Thursday evening, at 8 o'clock. JASON LEE MEMORIAL CHURCH Corner Wlnte' and Jefferson streets, Thomas Acheson pastor. K ,ar services will be held at this church on August 7, to which the public is most cordially luvueu. Devotional meeting for Christian workers, and others who can attend at 9:15 a. m. Sunday scnooi convenes at 9:45 a. m. with Watermelons are selling lower cents a weighing reports. The trout were furnish ed by the state to the Santiam Fish A Gam association and were distributed by the forest service du'lng the last two weeks from Detroit. The fish were packed In to the mountains. come and work with the owners. WoodWi Man Pcsses Away aa a farmer Winslow Freed In Justice Court Dallas. Or, Aug. .--The rase of F. Winslow was tri-,l out In Jus tlco court yesterday. He was ar rested by Deputy Sheriff T. H. Hooker a few days ago for driving a truck wit boat a mirror attached near the driver's seat. After hr. Ing the evidence given by eight or tQ witnesses the case was placeu In thehands of the Jury. The Jury reported that they were unable to agree as three stood for acquittal and three for conviction, but rec ommended that the Judge decide " " the matter; Justice of the Peace B&Ck Bear Foillld u.u vuu uoriuen mat ine plalnllit was nut nitltv Ti,, -i heart the charge axainat Winslow Sheep Than CoVOte for ualag profane Uugwn which Or . Aug 6 -Thwe , , had also been preferred against new danger faciag our fried ,h! him hy Judge Lewi, and Hecrv .heep 8 Heinle of WM 8ale.n The e.w, f l s bear Or. rather teve. al as heart without a Jury anj uo- i...r. ' wanes tomatoes are priced at two pounds for a quarter. Cucumbers have taken a decided tumble over a few weeks ago and are now bringing fire cents apiece A peculiar situation exists in the egg market. Shi liners In-.-.. ...... still maintaining their price of 28 reins, while the market in Port land Is only offering JS cants and The funeral of John D WiU , M",s wel1 "PlUed. Hetallera for the past 18 years a resident 1 ""C 8 111 'feriliK 2S centa, with WoooTiurn. who died last Tuesday! ? kwe8t ,,ld at at the age of SO years, was held T,,e hhfll"l bid on chickens Thursday at the Methodist church woe" wa3 21 cen' 'or "red" aVlAt an it '...-.., b& Lm. ""oouui-u. ue was a meiiilier . wnue ji cents was of the G. A. R. and known at Wood burn ana real ejiiat,. man maue a specialty of raising Lg. Reside his widow three children 'horns, or because they wish to get survive him W. J. Wilson of them because they are not Mrs. Kate Iwindnn of Win fVnirn deniable for m irk .. i a ,...) VJ. r.,.. . . . III jonnson or Jaek '. o.anf-ie still have trouble sonvllle He also leaves rur In keeping the market supplied graadrhlldren and two sisters, jwlth good slaed broilers. , Mrs Untie O Laughlia of Wash- The sea trout on the market Is Ington. Iowa, and Mrs. Elvn rra-j'n fine condition. Some hold that ven of Ies Moines. Iowa. It is much more taatey than Chl- iiook saimon ana is decidedly more reasonable at 10 cents a TW T-v j , tuna. To hold the Julceneaa of More Dangerous to i the nsh u should be spm and ,nf. FIRST METHODIST EPISCO PAL CHURCH Corner State and Church streets. Blaine E. Kirk- CASTLE CHAPEL UNITED Patrick, minister. Sunday school BRETHREN 17th and Nebras-j9:45 o'clock. Alpheus J. Gillette, ka streets. Sunday school 10 a. superintendent. Classes for every m. Preaching 11:60. We would body, and Jst . as interesting in be glad to see you at all the summer as in winter. Come out services. today and study with us. Class meeting at 9:15 a. m. Morning CENTRAL CONGREGATIONAL worship, 11 o'clock. The sermon -Corner South I9th and Ferry will be by the pastor on the sub- streets. H. C. Stover, minister. Ject, "The Simplicity of the Gos- The church school meets aat 10 pel." There will be no eveninir a. m.; Mrs. B. E. Edwards super- service in this church, butwe will intendent. Morning service at co-operate in the union afternoon 11 a. m. Christian Endeavor at service in Wilson Park at 4:30 7:15 p. m. Evening services at 8 o'clock, at which Dr. E. C. Hick p. m. Morning arid evening ser-man will preach.The intermediate mons by the pastor. Epworth League is fall of institute enthusiasm, and the meeting to FIRST BAPTIST Marlon and; night promises to be of unusual Liberty streets. Sunday school at interest. Merwin Stolzheise, the 9:45 a. m.; Ed Schunke, superin- president will lead at 7 nVi,.i- 4. tendent. Preaching services 11:00 the same hour, the senior league a. m. and 800 p. m.: Dr. Myron will meet, with Miss Grace Bra! W. Havnes of McMinnville will' on ,.i .t - - j vjl uiuaiu, will! me preacn Doth morning and evening. is. Y. P. u. meetings 6:50 d. in. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8:00 o'clock. CHURCH OK JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS Sun day school at 10:30 a. in. Meeting at 11:30 at the armory. You. are welcome. FIRST UNITED BRETHREN Yew Park Bible school at 10:00 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. ni.. Junior Christian Eudeavor In the parson age at 11 a. in. Senior Christian r.uucavui in I p. m., pioauuillg al Superintendent Hne-eman It, 8 i). m.. mid week orayer meeting chum n... ri. - - - 1 obid are ail on on weunesuay evening at othe Job and we are Pla t o'clock. Good singing, come and come young and old alike to our enjoy the services with us. C. W. , hool. Combined service of ii.ninr ano adult churches at 11 a. m. Subject, Side Lights on the Last hupper. Junior and senior church choirs will furnish the music. The faacrament of the Lord's Supper win also be observed. In the ev ening the Epworth Leaeiie nr, cnurcn will combine for a rally service rrom 7 till 8:30 p.m. Sub ject, I he Invincible Man, or. Can the Young Man of Today Make tiooo I if the evening is warm this service will be held on the church lawn. We nffer VOII a nrft Place to spend your Sunday even ing. fatrangers and visitors wel come. Tuosday evening from 8 p m. the business meetings of the church will be held. All officer. ot cnurch needed. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7 and S p. m. UNITED E V A N G E 1. 1 r A r iCHL'KCH 480 North Cottage St.. j Rev. S. S. Mumey. pastor. 10 a. m. Sunday school, H. C. Farnham, superintendent. 11 a. m.', and 8 p. m.. preaching services. A .-rr dial welcome awaits you. K event,,. - B servicg h l"S on Thursday Farm Noises Aid To Men Shell-Shocked Winnipeg, Man., Aug. 6. The symphony of droning mowers, cul tivators and threshers is a specific j treatment for shock. Of thousands I of war veterans who turned to ag ' rieiilture at the conclusion of hos tilities virtually all have recovered from the effects ot shell-shock. A recent survey, on the other hand, does not indicate that this is true "f the returned soldiers who set tled in the cities. llealdeH regaining health at a far more rapid pace titan their city brothers, the farmer soldiers gen erally have exDertenref) mm? nrn. Donated pros; er.ty. For their crop last year they received approxl" mately $14,00fl.00. The return this year, on the face of prelimin frj t i t ' )ir i"i ins lace ot pretimln- e on, red for Leghorns. Eor the rea-j ury estimates, shtuld be 25 percent .... son that to nmnv fir.,..,.- i. .... .. greater Many of the 25.000 soldiers who have taken farms under the Soi- . lie's' re-establishment art LESLIE METHODIST EPISCO PAL Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. 9: 45 a. m.. Snndav . h,...i i- . Rhoten. superintendent. 11 a m 1 - -- rmmum worsnip, with sermon hv .T ' - f. - 1 1 i iiui ii iv in gcxxl health when tjiey turn- the pastor. Theme. "In the Regur- ed farmers. Today dier-farmer is in r sound flnasres. age sol lth and ed lengthwise when fried. Instead of across on motion a nonsuit was granted and the case dismissed Truck, Car. Crash: Damage Is Slight Slight damage to a fender on aa lUtomobtle owned by A. I. Rich irts af Turner resulted yesterday rvealstc ha a truck dilven by '. V. McGee el Portland collided lib the Ricbsrta aaacbtoe. Mr. Mo ee bed essays,; to 'ask e tree to a eerb est Camti. lal sine setveew State and Court! (aearriasai oecurrew. Stanley G Jewett, head el predatory animal divleiusi of the United Slates htoloalral surv.v declares black beers are becoming far more destructive to mutton on the hool than coyotes, which mm. corning to the best coyote author uies. is going tone. One sheep Biea resected SS4 heed of .heep killed durin ine last year- romnlainta hr. resulted in Jewett and sans at hi. deputies leaving this week for the s of ftrula atrecltlea with rlsw to I tloaa. $20 Fine Paid by Motorcyclist For Driving Too Fast Charced with driving his motor cycle In exeeas of ths speed limit. Salon Man Dead In East Word has been received here concerning the death at Herher: Hosier, saw of Q.M. Hosier of route 1. Salem, who u accident ally killed In Muskegee- Oklaho ma. at the ace of T fHn. He was well known tn Salem and In dependence, where he was a mem ber of the Knights of T. C. Waters, sa employe of the lodge. It Is thought that Hosier. Petal Telegraoh ramnsnv nlMl iikn u i.. 4-t- ed iwilty before Police Judge Barf (aeeldeo tally while following his iu" Huernuon tit nald rection. with What Body Io They Oome?" Special music will include an anthem. "Lead Me Kternal Light." (Petrie) by the choir, and a quartet. "No Shad ows Yonder." IGauli .m- k Misses Sherwood and Aldrirh a,.,'i Messrs. Mclntire and Rogers. No evening service. FIRST CHRISTIAN Corner High snd Center. Bible school. : 45 a. m. Dr. H. C. Epley. super intendent. Fine orchestra. Ser mon. 11 a. m. by Harold Hull. No treat bs; service. This congrega tion point tn the 4:30 service at tb - nark. A cordial Invit.n. i. to an to attend these J. J. Brass, psstor. Pvthlai.!" services. floe of tie Waters was arrested yesterday morning ny Miller Hayden. cycle satruloiaa. has vote.! to the it eat at The cHy of Sberidaa I It. see to fwad the '-liiUdin of the city. accidentally while following his SOUTH SALEM FRIENDS 'iwde CHURCH Corner of South im His body has bees seat to Salem j aiercisl aad Wasblngtoa streets, aad services here will he conduct- Bible school at It a. m. Preach- o ey the Americas LdJKtan. Ar- tag services at 11 a. m. aad S raagwmenU are Is ehanie of Webb m. Mr. Coek. of the Free Metb- a trough, undertakers. edist church will sseak la BSaratac. Is the rrentag Mrs. JOURNAL Whirr ADS PAY ate eUsgssay Preaaail w tail of HwL w aeew sua ru her trie ta the Holy Las wvhoju. i u mi rag cartas aad costumes, c Monday Will Be A BANNER DA CAUSED BY MANY HAPPY and SURPRISING Tt$i A LUCKY PURCHASE SALE We announce the arrivals of many sensational and lucky salers and Retail Buyers convention that was held in u2 -r t rtr j . nn d uiy ZO to OU. The Wonderful Lucky Purchases Are Now on Display High Grade Dress Voiles An excentional large lot of fine quality, dark colors, silk stripe dress Voiles, in many novel and colorful patterns; form er value to $1.25, now on sale 39c YARD Special Lot Fine Bathing Suits In cotton and mercer ized knit materials, for Ladies' .and.. Men; ..the new long skirts, and side laced leg for the Ladies'. itrimmer in rnlnrs- vol. Sues to $2, on sale 98c Ladies' Fall Spd Sweaters Tlin ",c ones are jg i ana priced below th real value: the mum,. styles are here for selection, the color tects are very pb ana desirable, J5.C ues, on sale S3.49 47 Inch Heavy Oil Cloth, 45c Value, on sale THE Out- SHOP WHERE THE CROWDS BUY All articles advertised previously for Monday selling may be 1 fir Inn Inm n,i,. i. 1 in . ? y picw quotea. see yesterday's papers for the : low nmoc nfforin JUST RECEIVE A Number of Bargains in oui Exchange Departmenl We have for your inspection in our exchange department, eve thing for the home. Listed below are a few. of the many bargains. $-30.00 Combination t Book Case $35.00 $9.00 Kockers now . . C 4 PJfl $4.50 Eockers now . . . $ 2 2 $7.00 Rockers now-. . . $ Q ka $8.00 Rockers now . . . g 4 QQ $4 .Oak Stand Tables 9 OH mm J J $25.00 Chiffonier $40.00 Brass Beds $20.00 Iron Beds 10.00 20.00 12.00 $7.00 Iron Beds 3 pjq 10.00 $16.00 Iron Beds $4.50 Iron Beds 3 00 $22 Oak Librarv Tables $6.00 Stands 3$ $5.00 Stands 2.5 $35.00 Divans $15.00 Rockers $100.00 Ranges $4.00 Tables $15. Kitchen Cabinets $25.00 Wood Heater . $40.00 Gas Ranges . . $30.00 Gas Ranges.... $2.00 Chairs C. S. Hamilto 340 COURT STREET HOUSE