Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 06, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Saturday, August 6, 1921
Edited by
Adelaide V. Lake
Telephone 8i
Of Interest To Women
At Affair
. Brock entertained
,,f jut.
of ve
Mrs. H.
Tri-L Girls
Picnic at Spong's
Members of Tri-L, business
girls' organization, enjoyed a pic
nic on Monday at Spong's landing.
Those who went were Miss Elsie
Beckner, Miss Gertrude Tucker,
Miss Myrtle Frame, Miss Gladys
Sargent, Miss Marjorie Blake, Miss
Edna Newberry, Miss Agnace Sea
man, Miss Amy Feidler, Mies Es
ther Natterlund, Miss Helen Berg,
Miss Marian Zinser, MiBs Bessie
Jones, Miss Henrietta Croats, Mlsa
Two Girls
Will Wed
In August
Honoring two young women who
are to be brides of August, Mrs. B.
E. Carrier entertained on Satur
day evening a week ago
r ot .cmii6 a wee.i ag(
Onoie Gillon, of Eva L. Scott, U. G. Shipley, R. N. dinner party at her home.
KOb .c ,, !. WnrA Wacno fi, ,..,!.. I ..ft.. j a . ..
A Miss Ks' . , tj,,n Ivors Henrv Vnrd. Wavne Ouavla
" ,i of Portland, , and Mark Wilbur.
Z. manner sang j 1 1
Mrs. ,,. i i i I f II I vi I
. . ......linff
a inici . .
L. urveO u "
h me of Pink
romi w . . .. j 1
., 11RGU.
and noil?""-
. n.iirnrnia pop-
j, were
the first
On Monday
Announcement of
ment of Miss Marie
the engage-Breitenstein
.,.,, Miss uorum
Vil- to Benjamin V. Forbes, Jr., wa3
. vit.nrri n ' "
live bunarea - -
TU v . . . t. fc-1 rli I -1 11 1, 1 o" Ku Ii.iP
. UrtotPSS w " "
MB " , . . . hir ... .
refresniuc" parents, Mr. ana Mrs. r . urenen-
stein, when Mrs. Breitenstein was
hostess for an evening affair. The
Mrs evening was spent in a pleasant
social way anu at an opportune
time, corsage bouauets were dis
tributed among the guests and to
these were tied small cards bear
ing the engagement announcement
; which came as a surprise to the
jjiss Rossie
nU.-r I. 11.
14 i-C IIUIIC1 u '
,. rkhnrne. ot roi u0uu.
ii Moore, Mrs. vv.
Mrs. Lester Davis, Mrs.
Vibbert, Mrs. J- ,,.,nH. ,he ,,.. crmi,.
.. irlll im Sirs. WW-, - - . .
who i nisc nrti f pn wrpi n w I s si in-
...... Mrs Paul 11. nausci i - . ' ,
n oitoo Miss ueriruuB -
, R. Sites, Miss attended Salem hlgh BCh00i
Mrs. H. Haid, Mrs H. .
. N H. Jones, Mrs. .
. f n peiievs. "'
nuon Mrs. KODert -r
un Robert Simpson, '
E. Stricklin, Mrs. Julia ru.uCD,
L M. Wilkerson, Mrs i me omic yuu.v. UU1.,D
with a
A mlnr
scheme 0f, red and white was used
throughout the rooms and places
were set for thirteen. The .even
ing was spent in conversation and
music. Those present were the
two honor guests, Miss Lyra Miles
and Miss Evelyn Belong,, and
Miss Margaret Hodge, Miss Laura
Heist, Miss Esther Wheeler, Miss
Mary Findley, Miss Genevieve
Findley, Miss Frances Sailor, Miss
Phyllis Sailor, Miss Eva Miles,
Mrs. Ross Miles, Miss Nell Hollen
beck and Mrs. Carrier.
The wedding of Miss Evelyn De
Long is to be an event of Weones
day, August 10. She will become
the bridje of Loren Basler, of
Bremerton. Washington. Miss De
Long is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. F. C. DeLong, of this city and
is well known here. She vas
graduated from the school of music
at Willamette university in the
year 1920. Mr. Basler is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Basler, of
Bremerton, Washington, and re
ceived his degree from Willamette
university this year.
Miss Lyra Miles, who is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. C.
Miles, of Salem, will become the
wife of Professor Robert L. Dann,
of Guilford College, North Caro
lina, on Wednesday August 17, at
the home of her p'afents. Miss
Miles for the past two years has
been professor of educational psy-
Portland People
Visit Relatives Here
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wiseman,
of Portland, accompanied by their
daughter, Mrs. A. C. Warner and
children, Kenneth and Pauline, of
Seattle, and Victor Hazell, of
Portland, are visitors in Salem at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. H.
Van Winkle. Mr. and Mrs. Wise
man recently presented Lausanne
hall infirmary at Willamette uni
versity with three rooms as a me
morial to a daughter who has
passed on.
Party Is
Given for
Mrs. Martin
Entertaining as a compliment to
Mrs. Alta Martin, of Los Angeles,
who la visiting in Salem with her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Alt
man, Miss Clara Albert was hos
tess on Wednesday for an after
noon. Conversation passed the
nleasant afternoon. Decorations
were done in nasturtiums. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess.
Those present were Mrs. Alta
Martin, Miss Louise Humphrey,
Mrs. Otto Wilson, Miss Gertrude
Eakin, Miss Lucile Chase, Mrs.
Beulah Hewitt, of Seattle, Mrs.
Angie McCulloch, Mrs. George
A surprise party for Frank E. , , . ,t ,,. . .
. ,. ... . , ,7 rie Schwab, Miss Nellie Schwab,
Shafer on the occasion of his birth- .
. , , I Mrs. Ruth Brant, Mrs. Bess Ba-
day was given on Thursday even- Z ,. , , . .
' . " , " tield, Mrs. James Albert, Miss Edna
ing, when a group of friends came , . . ... ,,. .,
'Pinrrlv nun MlM . ara Alhprt.
ing'js diversion and refreshments.
she will join her mother, Mrs.
Joseph Albert. She will spend a
hweek there.
Mr. Shafer
Is Honored
On Birthday
lire . m. vumci"i - - ...
nT. .Inn Un mad iworCDCIB (llirinf IhP
i i- i.i -i rvi ii- p.! u ii. iic Tf a. -j j t i uvuu " " o - - ,
(llara Ranne I, Mrs. war auu won iac ul -
oiara nauu , . Th. hurt She Is well known in Sa
red G. Brock.
marriage ot Miss Joanna
m ........ .... Rvrl will
j be an event of next week
t return of Miss Wismer
eeasl where she has been
an extended vacation,
u Wlsmer and Mr. Byrd
toyed at the institution
ieeO;e-Ilnueu. mi. ujm
n of Dr. W. H. Byrd, and
tfvpri r:..-l A . Ii . 1 I
iieiHfiiain. in .ut iaj .
Jinn nt1l Ha an ovpnt rf thp Aftrlv Hem. receiving her high school edu-
taIl cation here and later taking post
Decorations on Monday evening graduate work at Willamette unl-
were done in hydrangeas and music .versity. Professor Dann is a grad-
and conversation passed the ev- uate rrom i-acmc coiiege ai
They found that Mr. Shafer had
gone to Portland, but he returned
at a late hour and upon opening
the dining room door, found there
his self-invited guests. The ev
ening was spent in- playing five
hundred for which Mrs. J. A. Ber
nardi and 0. P. Hoff received high
Mr. Shafer was presented with
a ring, bearing the Masonic em
blem. The day was also the birth
day anniversary of Mrs. A. H.
Moore and she was ?lso presented
with a token.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank E. Shafer, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. BernardI, Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. George
Dunsford, Mr. and Mrs. A. H.
Moore, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Hoff,
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Kriesel,
Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cory, Miss Min
nie Moeller.
Return From
Vacation at Coast.
Mrs. T. G. Bligh and Mrs.
Frank Bligh and children return
ed this week from a vacation at
Vncation at
Beach Comes to End
Mr. and Mrs. Theo Congo and
baby have returned from two
weeks' outing at Astoria, Seaside
and Cannon Beach. They were ac
companied by Miss Lucile Estes.
Newport Lures
Mr. and Mrs. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Barr
and children are leaving this week
end for Newport and will spend
the rest of this month there. They
will occupy their summer cottage
"Barr Harbor."
Motorists Are
Home from Journey
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Spauld
ing, Mrs. Nora Gard Miller, of
Corvallis, Mrs. C. K. Spaulding
and Miss Ha Spaulding returned
yesterday from their motor trip
south. They went by Medford,
reaching Crater Lake, and return
ed through Bend and The Dalles.
Miss Schreiber
Delights Audiences
Miss Elizabeth Schreiber, who
is making her first professional
appearances this week in Salem
Take Trin Bv theatres, is aengnting ner auoi-
Motor To Victoria? cices with her beautiful and grace-
Mr. and Mrs. David Eyre and dancing. She gives Spanish,
nhiirirpn will lonvo lomnrrow for Egyptian and interpretive num-
ri.trtria msbtnir iha trin hv bers and is equally delightful in
ening. Refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Those present were Miss Marie
Breitenstein, Mrs. Herbert L.
Stiff, Mrs. E. C. Quinn, Mrs. Rob
ert Duncan, Mrsr Derrol Proctor,
Mrs. Eberle, Miss Edna Howd, Miss
Grace Holt, Miss Irene Curtiss,
Miss Olga Gray, Miss Ethel Fra
.ir Miss Vivian Hargrove, Miss
Velma Powell. Miss Helen
berg, receiving his degree in the
same class as Miss Miles, 1917.
Following their marriage the cou
ple will make their home in North
Take Week End Trip
To Silver Creek Falls.
The following party of Salem
npnnlB motorefl to Silver Creek
Rose, ' falls yesterday and are spending
j .j,
Tntj Roland and daugh-
i! south. at Alsea
Miss Marie Marshall. Miss Alice me wees eni v. - ''"-
Forbes Miss Isla McCain, of Cor- H. H. Olinger, Mr. and Mrs Hom
valUs, Miss Glyda Kistner, of On-er Smith Mr and Mrs. George
tario, California, Miss Clara Brei- Brown, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. An
' . t .,' rtprnnn Mr. and Mrs. r. w. uur
stein, Miss Helen Breitenstein, and
Mrs. F. Breitenstein.
Sear Shaw
Mule Burghart, of Salem,
rp nn s iiiiuiv I., iwitii! npr
Khn rajlrio nan r Whw
Mr. and Mrs. w. i. nw""
and son, J. W. Needham, ot raco
mm, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Needham
and son and Mr. and Mrs. J. V.
Bencer will leave today for a va
cation of two weeks to be spent in
the Alsea country.
bin and
Mr. and Mrs. W.
I Schnider and family are
guests at the J. C.
ltd Mrs. George Will are
Miss Miller Will
Return from Rockaway
Mi-s Ada Miller, who naB been
the guest of Mrs. F. H. Berger, at
Tinckaway. plans to return to Sa
lem early next week.
Mrs. W. E. Anderson
Entertains with Child's Party.
Mrs. W. E. Anderson gave a
lawn party on Saturday after
noon for the children in her
neighborhood. Numerous games
were enjoyed ana reiresuiuemn
were served for eight children:
Dorothy Masters, Dorothy Kleep
plng, Martha Kleckenham, Dor
othy Ross, Marion Ross, Helen
Wcidmer, Charles West and Paul
Savage. On Monday afternoon
Mrs.' Anderson will take the same
group to see Jackie Coogan in
"Peck's Bad Boy" at the Liberty
all. Miss Schreiber Is the niece of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hofer and is
spending this summer as their
house, guest. She will leave soon
for T.ns Aneeles where she has her
JUU11ID1D WW I vJ - -
future at the home of Mrs. Fred! first professional bookings in lead
stewart. Announcement of the ing theatres. Miss Schreiber nas
War Mothers To
Have Silver Tea.
A silver tea for the Salem War
Mothers will be held in the near
exact date will be made later.
Will Visit
Duaughter in Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thatcher
will leave this evening for Astoria
where they will visit their daugh
ter. Mrs. Jack Barrett. Mr
Drive to
Tillamook Beaches.
m .. i xt f ... itonrv T.f and
little daughter, accompanied by remain for two or three weeks.
Adrian Loomis are driving today j
to the Tillamook beaches where ,m Albert Joins
they will spend a vacation oi a
appeared at numerous social
functions during her Salem viBlt
and those who have seen her are
unanimous in their praise and
their prediction of a successful ca
reer for the young woman. Miss
Schreiber formerly lived in Sa
lem and it is an interesting fea
Eastern Girl
Visits in Salem.
Miss Elizabeth Morrison, of
East Lancing, Michigan, arrived
in Salem yesterday and Is a house
guest at the home ot Mr. and Mrs.
n n Milca. Miss Morrison is a
tu Miles. Her father
lilt I V. L ...
nrnfPflsnr in the Michigan Agri
colleee at East Lancing
and Miss Morrison is an assistant
in the school. She came to be
present at the wedding of her
cousin, Miss Lyra Miles.
State Officers
Visit in Salem.
Following the meeting of the
Marion County Veteran's associa
tion in Sllverton, guests in Salem
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.
E. Terwilliger were Mrs. Margaret
E. Becker, department president,
of Portland, and Mrs. Clella M.
Gable, department secretary, of
Will Spend Week
Ulutatcs , ror.t Points
Blain Kirkuatrick. rastor . im H
' . ivirf. .i.i .i -
oi .iieiuuuisi iiurcn, nas , .. tr
rom tpworlli League In
t Jefferson and
He will fin his pulpit
Nicholson and
will leave today ior a
week's vacation to be spent at j
toria and Seaside.
ta Three
iwin Kocks
iM Urs. William Cherring-
135 Cherrine-tnn ami Mills
nnfion are leaving this
lOr Twin Pr,..L-, n-V,o,.a
-r-.... u iui ti-ni-ciia a-
In. Spears
Saneil (Jatlin entertained
itternoon with four
nuge in nonor ot the
Of her ii.-i- -..r M-c
Spear?. Hi?h arnrp was
rt. Harry Hawkins. Re-
Indian Missionary
Visits With Salem Friends
Dr Gertrude Mlnthorn, a mis
sionary to India, is the house guest
at the home of Mr. and Mrs B C.
Mile. She is a medical mission
ary and is in this country on her
furlough. She has been spending
u. - r with her sister, Mrs.
W G. Strench, of Ketchikan,
Alaska, and will soon go to New
port for a short vacation before
returning to India.
Alaskan Vessel
To Sail Tuesday.
The steamer on which tne
group of six Salem young women,
who left here Friday, were to sail
for Alaska does not leave Seattle
..n t... This was the
message sent home by one of the , amlly left on Wednesday for
nr-h,,, i,ori lain their plans ; xr,rt where thev are spending
P UU(I 1 .1 . j " - 1 c: T, i' w . . L ..i
...i oro nsine- their:. hoo Thev made the uip
time making a British Columbia
Mrs. Corby Leaves
For Summer at Mt. Hood.
Mrs. Grant Corby left today for
Mount Hood where she will be
the house guest for the remainer
of the summer at the home of Mrs.
W. T. Wyatt.
Sheldons Spend
vacation at . , j
vir. and Mrs. L. Sheldon and
Motor To
Rainier Pork.
Mr and Mrs. A. F
. t. ; 1 Port,
ion Thursday ior wm -!
where they will stay until August
by automobile.
Miss Carson To
Visit in San Francisco.
r'oir.tirino Carson plans to
.TJ I.I.". V
Marcus left lcave Monday night for San Fran
cisco where she will pe -
,h with ives and friends.
A week end guest at her home Is
Miss Eleanor McClaine, oi &uvei
Hr. Arthur Benson left
1 'or the coast. They will
1 Slem the first of next
hundred rnVmhers of
luiircn ana tneir
J'"?ht" nlm nr .vi.
other Tillamook beacnes wunc
they will make a vacation sojourn
of indefinite length.
Plan European Trip i
u u'.nrpi have sent fori
Mrs. iv. d. .
passport for a European trip ar.o.
expect to leave within a
to be gone a four monins u. -foreign
Pastor's Family
Returns from Vacation
Rev. and Hire. a' " :a i"'" . , ,
daughter. Maxine, have return negs and piea8ure trip to Portland,
from a week's visit at Pacific City ,
and up the Columbia n's""-'; Salem People
Rev. Wells will fill the puip.v
the Naurene church on Sunday.
Take Sojourn At
TiiinmooK ttesor-...,
Mr. and Mrs. rum . "" ' ( cnlidren Are ounuuci
and children Margaret and Paul, Gucstg 0f Relatives Here
Jr. leave today for itocsway
Spends Day
In..P.?rtlf; nvnon spent one
dav this week on a combined bust
khIh f'lon and uoroon riaatn
of Portland, are summer guests at
the home of their grandmother,
Mrs. Pauline Josse and thf ir aunt
Mrs. C. E. .Farmer, while their
Barents are making a trip in Call-
' fornia.
Thatcher will return to Salem ture that she is making her first
Sunday, but Mrs. Thatcher will j professional appearance in her
home town and among old rrlenas.
Hollywood Club
Will Meet This week
The Hollywood social club, af
(Continued on Page Six 1
Mother at Newport
Miss Mary Jane Albert will
leave tomorrow for Newport where
of Our Entire Stock
of Fancy Silk Skirts
Of the different fine silk weaves in a large variety of
colors and patterns. You can find nowhere lovelier silk
sports skirts than these!
We are also closing out line of skirts in candy stripe
styles at $4.98; and a wonderful assortment of white
silk sports skirts priced at $7.48.
A store whose motto is a proved success 1
Journal Want Ads Pay
BKJL m ii minimi .im Jt
f tmsrj n - ii,,-., i , uum
supper was I
O'ClOflt anil '
" . lire ic-
Will Leave
For Yachatt. Tiev
Mr and Mrs. Homer Tarpiey
. ... TT-.i-h iu leave
and Miss -Mice "en.- -
on Sunday morning for YachaU ,ew days ,t Mmrod
Will Motor
Mfands.C.E. Thatcher plan
to start today on a motor trip
to Roseburg. They will go with
ti.l Josse. of Portland, who is
. j i t r. Smith. Jr.. , -,th to return with his
anu IT anu ' bw'ub - . .
nian to leave tomorrow on a motor wlfe who has been visiting there.
Motor to .Bojehnw. -.
Mr. ana rs.
trin to Roseburg
turn by way of
river, where tney
Thev will re-
the McKenxle
will spend a
The entire party
Salem in about
will return
C 4 -v..
1 . 1 1 1. 1 r u
ttt mn-t'r t .
1 m , .. .
kT "r tkt remm,r
Wftw . - "ftft
Miss Coon To
SJwill leave
MUM uft- . . eh.
risit. She
Snend Vacation
?pent At Pacific tity. v. - - c. Pul
Mr. and Mr.. John Sunaay - -
Mr. and Mrs, Row are win m - ,
a week and vacation at Uttl take the stealer I
City and will return f Salem on f0 Vcoover B. C and
east or , .
Mif Visit &lem.Frieiids.
is Mr. and Mrs. v
Salem toaay
im tl here at tne
,F. O .Deebch residence.
them and they land, arrived in
mmir b-v Mr Dow. are week and gt
t Salem w a rwfch.rh
at Fort Dodge, umau., ;
and Spokan.
'Beauty Contented h.
It has always been the philosophy of this institution that one
cannot play every instrument in the band. That is why we have
preached exclusively the gospel of Victor Quality. We are
lot now changing our philisophy, but proving it. Our devotion is tc a
not a name. That principle is Quality. For many years its only "y"0"
Victrola. Today it is also Sonora. That is the reason for .our recent P"11"6.
the entire stock of the Myrtle Knowland Music Store i which gives i us exclusive
Snnnra atrpnrv in Salem The Victrola still stands for Quality there nas Deer, nu
change.agButyitT hffodc isolation is challenged. A f
master and supremacy has company. We need not desce "d to "P"118
children look equally good to their mother so ours look equally good to us. it is a
case of doubled, not divided devotion. We neither hke the Victrola less nor e
Sonora more. We simply must recognize and respond to the ever-increasing ut
mand for the superb Sonora.
y tHF.? 1 a Wmmr Wi
W. W. Moores Music House
Note our new location
415 Court St. Kitty comer from MiUers
tdr' f