Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 06, 1921, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Pa?e Four
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
An Independent Newspaper
Every evening except Son day
Telephone 81; mwi 88-
Qeorge Putnam,
Editor and Publisher
By carrier, 6b cent a month
By mall, in Marion and Polk
counties, 60 cent a month.
Elsewhere 1 7 a year.
Entered as second class mall
mattnr at Balem, Oregon.
The Associated Press la ex
clusively enU'.led to the use for
publication of all news dis
patches credited to It or not
otherwise credited In this pa
per and also local news pub
lished herein.
Office Cat
(Copyright 1921 by Edgar
Allan Muss.)
A Praver.
Powder and perfume and poodles
and puint.
And s,tyles that would flssyinarle
any saint;
Music that Jazzes and an-liles and
Lord! take uh back to the old fash
ioned days.
The dentist had Juat moved into
a place previously occupied by a
baker, when a friend cal.ed.
"Pardon me a moment," said the
dentist, "while I dig off tbone let
ters of 'Bakeshop' from the front
"Why not merely dig off tl8 'B'
and let, It go at that?" suggested
the friend.
A teacher In the public school
asked a little girl to pars the.
word "kiss" which she did as fol
lows; This word Is a noun, but Is
usually used as a conjunction. It.
Is seldom declined, and more coin
n.on that proper. It Is not verv
singular, In that it is iisu.i. v used
In the plural. It agree with m
The following was sent U4 by a
kindly eontrlb who neglected to
Inclose his nam:"
Ig Have you seen May7"
Nutt May who?
Ig Mayonnaise.
Nutz No; the was drosulnj
nd wouldn't lettuce.
Courts and Common Sense
The Corvallis Gazette-Times, whose veneration for courts
id exceeded only by its idolatry of corporations, takes ex-
ception to the assertion of the The Capital Journal that the
decision of Illinois courts holding that there is no divine
right of kings statute to shield a governor from answering
for crimes, was "remarkable for its common sense" and
declares :
We don't think there is anything remarkable about It. All
court decisions that finally become the accepted law of the land
are founded on common sense.
Court decisions are based upon precedent and pressure of
public opinion and common sense is not considered as any
part of judicial training or practice. When an occasional
judge, like Henry McGinn, replaces precedent with com
mon sense, in order that justice may obtain, he is regarded;
with legal horror. Common sense is so rare in courts that itsj
exercise is news news consisting in the presentation of thej
unusual. -
What some bewigged jurist held some musty centuries
ago is of more moment in most any American court than!
wuuuvu-Bciiae ; cumiicung opinion oi 4U anierent courts
in as many states is more important : in fact the lawyer
that can dig-out the most citations of previous decisions to
favor his stand, wins his case and the lawyer who bases his
appeal upon common sense is predestined to failure.
Courts were primarily devised to protect vested rights and
feudal privileges. Administration of justice rested with the
king and the first duty of the court was to shield the divine
right of kings and their appointees, including the courts.
Though the evolution of democracy has gradually altered the
character of courts to conform, they have never entirely lost
the old view-point as reflected in the prestige of precedent
and in the super-importance of technicality and quibble.
When a court holds that the divine right doctrine does not
apply to the executive head of the state, who must be held
accountable for sins as other citizens are, it is a commensense
decision although doubtless highly displeasing to the
Gazette-Times, which probably views it with consternation
and dismay as an attack upon vested rights and the sancity
of authority.
If you really want a happy
thought for the day you might le-
f le t upon the report that thv
will be a coal famine this winter
In. Chicago, a magistrate recent
ly sentenced five young girls t'
attend church regularly for per
iod of one year. He seemed o
think that this was a form of pun
ishment. Chicago people are very
Seroh U. Tom.
Most of her deceased friends an 1
fraternal brethren were deud or
moved away. Texas Pythian
News Nugget.
I have been wondering how her
deceased friends moved away.
In order that the home garden
may be a success the first thing it
muM produce Is persplrutlon.
Three Square
Feet Per Man
On Manhattan
New York, Aug. 6 - Investiga
ting committees recently found
that the number of workers who
dully flock into the financial dis
trict of lower Manhattan exceed
1,500.000. If they were assem
bled In an open field of equal
urea there would hardly be room
(or any of the sleepy clerks to
tretrh their arms and yawn.
.There Is less than one square
mile in the tip of the island be
low Chambers street, or only a
little more than three square feet
of ground space for each person
working In the district. But sky
scrspers have so multiplied the
accommodation nature furnished
the first settlers that Instead of
having less elbow room thun an
Imprisoned criminal, everybody
can chew gutn without distracting
the sensitive ears of the occupant
of the adjacent desk.
Although 1,600.000 persons
work each day In this small
space, the number who live In the
ren total less than 18,000. Sub
ways, elevated trains, ferries,
automobiles and street cars rush
tne others In and out cery morn
Then and Now
Mark Sullivan, political writer, has discovered that "The
naming of America's representatives in the coming inter
national disarmament conference at Washington is wholly
President Harding's prerogative, and that the senate does
not have the privilege of 'advice and consent'."
So was the naming of America's representatives at the
Paris peace conference the exclusive prerogative of the
president yet because the president did not consult the
senate on the appointments, the senate killed the peace
treaty while denouncing the executive as a usurper and
tyrant and the republican press of the country echoed the
charges. i
It is to be hoped that President Harding escapes more
fortunately than his predecessor and that when disarma
ment treaties are prepared that the senate will not kill them
merely because the senate was not consulted in the appoint
ment or proceedure. In this instance the small minds of the
senate should not seek to make history repeat itself.
Wt - S' ...5.
f& c.
iaT ' t?
IV -- i ( -arA.
?)Cij,he race to get married andj
to et divorced iooks line.
a aeaa neat.
()Rf the breweries
ever reopen, there
wi be plenty ot
experienced hands
to run mem.
Bad teeth keep some people irom
ftettnft married, and other people, from
5etti"5 Jb5' I:
(2) Some men seem io be in business '
more. to injure their competitors
than io benefit themselves.
GNAVl. . 4ll ...L r
f i 'is ijf n-fw can icu wuav jui i
u. ot tpllnw ft man IS
sv -jn i t. . l i ii i
out wnewer ne
ot a fellow a man is
by findinU out whether
makGS viT& Qj
or just kets it. 'C
Success comes from hiring folks who.
can do your work better than you
can do la yoursen.
t3: ,A .
IMolbin much would
happen in this world
if 5omebody didn't
raise neu now
snd then'
Tabloid Sermons
For Busy People by
Parson Abiel Haile
Lot ub not love In word, neither In tongue; but In deed and In
truth." 1 John 3-18.
l.lp sorvlce has caused more shipwrecks than any other sort of
mishap. Ardent tongue wagging devotion Is the little playmate of
Up sorvlce ond they are marvels In their way. In his text we use to
day, John clearly defined treason, by Inference. The law contem
plates treason as the most abased of crime. Murder Is a bailable
offence; treason is not. The reason is that u murder may be done In
the heat of passion, with great provocation either real or fancied.
Hut treason never i. doue on the spur of a moment. Before one can
commit treason to Ood, state or brethern, one first must have assumed
the obligation of loyalty. Thus when treason is done, a trust Is be
trayed. A- love for wlfo, or sweetheart Is propriety, employer, state,
country of Ood Is a serious affair. Protestations of abiding affection
are not novel but It Is a dangerous habit to acquire. It arouses the
suspicions of the mentally alert when an associate in lifu punctuates
time with declarations of love, ...d songs of adulation. Hut the really
sincere husband, betrother, employee, soldier of slate or church, or
boy or girl, prove .a wholesome and righteous devotion by deeds
establishing loyalty, and an honesty of attachment. To the boy or
girl starting In life's battle, no greater axiom exists than John's
I Inferential admonition to sincerity. From cover to cover, the Word
teema with adjurations to all to be stouthearted and true, and In no
text Is It more forcibly put than in John's clear differential between
the Up service of the faithless heart that fancies it will be considered
loyal because of endless chatter of love, and that abiding dependable.
and be thought it would be all
right if he did not go until next
week. It seems she knew she was
going to have the operation, but
decided not to tell him -about it
until he got home. As soon as
she received his letter saying he
was here, his father wired him to
come as soon as possible. Larry
says to tell you goodbye."
Bart had not given me a chance
to say a word before he hung up.
I tried to get him again, think
ing perhaps that we had been cut
off by mistake, but found that he
had gone.
I was selfish enough to feel a
little relieved when I knew that
I did not have the entertainment
of the boys upon my hands. I
was very sorry for Lurry and 1
was glad that Bart was going
home with him, but just at this
moment my own affairs pressed
heavily on my mind. Hurriedly.
I rang for my coffee and Hannah,
coming in, said: "I saw that you
were asleep. Mrs. Hammers!', and
did not even dare to shut your
window blinds, for I knew It was
very late when your caller left.
In fact, I heard you when you
opened your windows this morn
ing." "Has anyone called for me.
"Yes, about twenty minutes ago
there was a call from your office
asking if you would be down to
day. I told them that you were
still resting for you had been un
able to sleep until very late, and
that as soon as you awakened 1
would ask you to call them."
"All right, Hannah. Call up
the office and say that I will be
down in three quarters of an
As I went through the door of
the bathroom I heand my tele
phone bell ringing again and
"Were you not at the hotel
last evening dancing and ogling
the men of that Elk's conven
tion?" he asked a little uncer
tainly. "I decline to answer and I also
decline your right to ask me."
"Great Heavens, Alix, have
you gone mad? So woman could
have done what you did last even
ing without making herself the
target of gossiping tongues all
over the city and I will not have
the name of the woman I love
tossed about In the manner in
.which yours will be today."
"I have no reason for thinking
that anyone will toss your wife's
name about in the manner which
you intimate mine is being passed
from lip to lip." I figured that
arrow would reach the target.
"Who is talking about my
"I thought you were; you men
tioned the woman you loved, did I
you not?"
"This is no time to be sarcas
tic, Alix," he said, grasping my
arm roughly. "You know I love
Hot Weather
To Cut Down
Hop Estimates
Continuation of hot weather in
this part of the country will force
a reduction in the original hop
crop estimate of 00,000 bales for
this year, according to advices
now being sent by commisd:on
houses to British buyers.
Upland yards are already show
ing some drought, and the crop
in the hills will undoubtedly wit
ness a deal of shedding before
picking, and will largely be gained
from the tops. Around Harrisl:urK.
in the bottom lands, where the
"earlles" will be mostly bjufffsted,
the crop is looking exceptionally
good, experts whoh ave been in the
field say.
The price to pickers has been
definitely set locally and in other
centers as 50j;ents a box, and com
mon labor in the yard to $.i a day.
Word from Independence states
that these are the pricen agreed
upon by growers there at a recent
Hop men affirm that this year's
yield will be the cleanest ever pro
duced in Oregon and should be
exceptionally good in quality if
clean picking is adhered to.
1 he list of reductions embraces
all styles of household furniture
and will be made effectire a? soon
as the rates can be published.
Reduced Rates
Upon Furniture
San Francisco, Aug. 6. Acjor
ing to announcement by C. W.
Luce, freight traffic manager of
the Southern Pacific company, the
interstate commerce commission
has given carriers permission to
publish reduced rates on furniture
from eastern points to Pacific
coast points based on the value at
the furniture. Mr. Luce states thiB
will result in reductions in rates
that will range as high as 4.5 ncr
cent on some articles.
Luce states that the decision of
the interstate commerce coi.iniis-
slon is of the greatest importance
to Pacific coast merchants and
jobbers' as it will open new mar
kets In this territory for medium
grade furniture and be helpful to
me consumer by assisting the
downward trend In the price of
Planning Power
Plant in Linn
W. It. Benham of Portland lias
filed with State Engineer Cupper
an application for permission to
appropriate 300 second feet of
water from Clear lake. Fish lake.
Lava lake, Lost lake and McKen
zie river for the development of
22,500 horsepower in Linu coun
ty. Other applications covering wat
er rights have been filed as fol
lows: By Knight Pearcy of Saiem, cov
ering the appropriation of two
second feet from Little creek for
irrigation and power development
in Columbia county.
By the city of Dayton, by Frank
Holmes, attorney for the enlarge
ment of the city reservoir and the
appropriation of water from Miller
and Bishop springs for municipal
supply for the city of Dayton, in
Yamhill county.
body and cm..
er with,, .'
Coticura Ointment Is
Soothing After Shaving
After (having with Cuticura Soap,
the Cuticura way, gently rub tender
spot! on face with Cuticura Oint
ment Then wash all off with Cuti
cura Soap and hot water. Rinse
with tepid water.
uvbEwfaTrMfcTKtn. MMp "Outran ld
nuKlM, Dart. neOUu 4t M " SoW cmtt
wbtr, Boapae. Ointments ftndCOc. Taleomfbe.
all the wnv ruggedly enduring truth manifesting and proving Itself
hy deed without end. It- honest in deed and give the tongue an Presently Hannah came and called
occasional rest. It Is hard to listen to orations and have the task
neglected during the oral efforts. "Not In word but In deed."
Ladies Hair-Cut
Oi a; . ...
swrunE immediately we
will give tickets for $5 which
are good for $6 worth of
Why Make A Will
Our booklet "Why Make A Will," gives
much reliable and interesting information
relative to descent and distribution of prop
erty in Oregon.
We prepared it for free distribution and
will be pleased to have the public call or
write for a copy.
We do not draw wills, that is, the pre
rogative of your attorney, but we are glad
to consult with those interested in making
a will, or creating any kind of Trust.
Capital National Bank
Trust Officer.
. lor Conset
Speculation was ,
uncalled for
Jacked temput
these days wW,1
vestments return
With the very t I
.EST " "5
Securities offered M.
recommended by Us Z
carefully selected
primary view of afffl
ing safety of principZ
customers. Our lisK
always available to th
seeking investments Z
the highest characu.
Clark. Kendall & l
Room 309-310
U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg
Home Builders
Take Notice
Wc r"j n r inn .
... oan j.uu raoneyonyoe
Plumbingr Supplies; it will w
you to come ana sea u .u
nriPBR WO !l LL'.IO. . '- .... .3
v a BUJiyiJ
Tents, all size
' irij 10m.
IB m "
M I f 2 M I
We buy and sell everything.
www m,Av v mvci a
Hamraan Auto Stage
Three Stages Dally
Leave Salem 10:30 am; 4:20 a
jueave man City 7 pm; i pa
Leave O. E. depot Balem
- - .. . iwic IJMJWI
at 1 p. m., Turner, (juw
pual, Cottace tarm.
Phone 304
it i
n I I III fl 111
and see
we will cut your
keep it cut
A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry
The Noted Writer
Mrs. Early's Husband Calls
Heatltwily I toaseil and turned.
until when at last mjr eyelids were
to uh in
.martin, ft ot HWlSVSVSS 1
mv nmM were drwn bo taut .,., T ' "
through the door: "Mr. Early
wishes to know if he may call (or
you and take you down to the
"Tlease tell Mr. Early that that
Is not necessary; that I will be
; down very soon."
Hannah went back and quick
ly returned, saying: "Mr. Early
I says that he hopes you will stay
here until he calls. He is very
I anxious to see you upon some
I particular business which will be
the night's lun hours' Impossible for him to transact at
fre gone
I went back to my bed. think
Free of Charge
Manicuring 50c.
(Special dept. for gentlemen)
125 N. High Street
Inn end evening. Soma of the
commuters live 100 miles away.
A Flag
or Aoron
or Scissors
or a Pony
The Capital Journal
13ut You Buv
A Newspaper
- wuing up with a
that It seemed to me that they confused feeling that someone
were about to pull apart. 1 saw a sa ringing the telephone. "I
coming through is caning - me go
j rly. ' 1 aaJd to myaeif as I onen-
i soft grey light
my windows.
his office
Thoroughly exasperated, I was
at the point of telling Roland
Early that I had always supposed
that the only place a man trans
acted his business was In bis of
fice. when I remembered thai
such an answer would not do &'
all and again sent a message by
. Jea mT eyes and found that the Hannah saying that I would see r0ji, -, . . .
with the blessed notion that',,,,, w. mrin, . .",.,h' m. r. ,, . .Regardless of how badly in ur-
-o u auu me cioca I j . . , t
day was breaking and I would not on the mantel announced ten rain-1 Before that time. ! had ureised 90 radiator may be let Us in-:
really have to sleep at all. I start u' 'een. I had been asleep ln m severe tailor spect it before ordering a new:
ed up and opened .11 the window : ' - - one-for our SKILLED. EVJ
iiir rrr ipr nr.. ii.. iitai i ,i rr-it-i uiiii n i u utr tAiur A w
,tenel to Hart's yolee Unto my living room. 'j jO&KVlv-fc, SAnTS TIME and
"Alii, I have had news for you
mother haa
and threw up all the shades.
Over the tops of the lowest build -
1 mmm thai ftnft fnv liaht
w-'" i ik.. ,.ifc Ki.i.h ..t '-arry's mother haa iust Koklng
1 . ' ' ' n .Mr ' ' " v.hou r w I - - ' . Wl.
i.. iin that she muM luhmit - ... r
. . . ... , ,' . "ibicwi make no mistake
. LJL.7,... "J,,, " !""I'a,,3' he U. -I cannot understand. Alix. stocked
" " . " . TV. . . ""a'ng isr home in five minuto . what pons eased von tn make th.v
Perfection Tires
A Quality Tire at Wholesale Cost
This is possible as we are a factory branch No middle
man's profit to pay.
,Sn!Zo Skid, Fabric
$15.50 .... s2 $11-
8,000 Mile
31x4 .
34x4 ""
AKoAli,t i
-.u guarantee 6.000 Mile
oXa ioon
QOoi p.ov
- 33x4 ...
Crd Tloens ,l0000 "mile guaranteed
ii 32x4
45.38 .
33x4 .
32x4 U
-. 33x41,
... 34x4' .
... 35x41.,
... 33x5 "
... 37x5 .
Perfection Tires Co.
I could not tell whether he was: MONEY
very grave or very an-
but at his first words I roulti
Portland & Salem
Stage Line
dvery iiuur on uic uviu
Both Ends
Leases 10th and Alder it
Seward Hotel every hour
Leaves Salem Bligh Hotel
First Stage 7 a. m.
last stage i p.
We Pay-
c i c ner ooz. iur lsp
- w-
Care of
XT: f Wnnf
Chinese Medicine and Tm Ct, j
Has medicine which TOI
cure any known dlso
Open Sundays from It a sv
until t p. m.
it b.,iih Hiirh itreet
Salem. Orcsou. PhoM W
11 :00 a. m.
6:0 p.
If the core is hopeless we are
with proven, high
,.. i S...I.I..I. It "uuitm..
. ... He Is now packing frantically exhibition of yourself In the hotel
the aun appeared and the whole - to call you up. I "en'n J"ni " Moderate charges,
world was warm and bright. I am going with him. dear for he w . V
atretched ou, n,y hand, and too, ,s nearly bed. h.. NBTOV TIPHC
long breath for quite a. mother wanted him to come home, Mr rrw m.. li 1 ' "-
u.-.u u. U...1.111 ncre with me. ' Himmerslv i allow no man on
ae nim mi nartim l.r .,, ... . k . . :.. .
.r..i i,i...L ik.i . . . . ' ' "
1 1 'vuirnMnuD nr going nome right away ner.
a long
suddenly all my troubles and sn-
noyancee slipped aside Then but she
Will yu explain yourself?
grade cores for replacements.!
355 Chemeketa St.
General Banking Business
0ffice Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
tr .- . 11 Vt'RTOM STAGS'
Sslem v
r v. n.not UI
,.m - 1:11
vv n. iu. . -
1 :! "
in a
. . & . . . . i i j cTaGJh
. . r.nAM m.
s. m. li:u a. m. . i- .. .
. u , I. II "
Lave aonroouiu
M m I:1S a
T InnanrndfllC riff
a. m. 1:11 p. . :s9 wt
epecini trips cj
Seven passencer ear f'
J. W. PARk'K. "T I
He, phone 1S. BustJT-
including real
; The tJP"
Journal during VSVit'
totailing I5.f-?3 ln I
Double the wrrb wj
ether paper.
War-t As faj