Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 18, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Monday, Jufr8 1921
-rr;:i7iC t f i
Lbr insertion g-g
cents, tare e month, 20
. week, c3" ' month, 12
eiiwi ",,m oer ad,
ents; " "".in only in wew r
rirv ;4o : ..-
ttd not onthlv account.
. InL'An uvci - . VT.
r v.n errors.
--rrrrrTmliekeeper and
CPBKi""' oosiUon wittt
gjnall family-
1193 n. . -?2
t..r in bale.
V Tround, delivered $14. ti.
rrr-Trienced stjen
nllhrTrrnats. 2 milk
ing. jis ne" i
- . ;"7 a 1 t-k'A ts
and vetch
Iv.lp.l. HI. o,
also Clin'. ------
" . nrr n ii nun. k iu' h ;
rooms, 355 Bellevue, pnone
- r-s 7.'.. iohod Kintrle
! t narnpntpr
work or farm w -
L'k billbopk with
Ye In bills in same, "ewara it
turned to CapiburnaWTO
" V . enr.nin? rooms.
ft' ii Ufa
Baker Apts
WILL pay A lu
S3 for rheumatism. Bo D
v ... 1M, II M
er; a big oais.... -----
TI i " .nira In
"condition. Call 1196 Court
street, , Sii !
ROOM house, i .
Price ItOO t'i in -B.
Pearson, 40 U. S. bank bldg.
H . ii'L i i.itn pharrc ni
farm for salary, oi
(arm on shares. Phone 2F&j72
rooming house, wuuiu uuy ioi
iture G. B. Mudd, Gen. Deliv
1171 ery. ilh
for a 9 year old nuy, to worn
for board. Phone 2 62. Country
preferred. t!
brand, full size Dea springs, win
trade for chickens or anything
of value. Box H Journal. 1 70
jn .-i jj ,J tv..v ..
.. . . . i. .,...
Hinas, aiso iaue muno w
same 570 N. Liberty, Mrs.
Snyder. 172
R0011 modern house, same as
new. corner lot. iruit, on car
R. Pearson, 408 U. S. bank bldg.
,-iik sa . 1 ,r: new ruru
touring, run 25 miles, license
and extra tire. Will discount
price if Ford. Bonesteele Motor
Co. al71!'
vuisij un lair prounu rouu
Thursday, purse containing some
money. Owner can have same by
paying for this ad. Phone 981
man or lady for s ilos work, sal
ary $90 month and commission.
Apply Mr. Humbert, Bligh ho
tel, room 6?. 170
on pavea street near car line,
lot 66x133. This is a well kept
place and a good buy. See W. G.
Krueger, 209 Oregon bldg. al72
This little car is in first class
ihape, has 5 very good tires.
1175 will handle, h.nlance very
easy terms. Phone Adams 362.
I KT mnf.,i..
,! 11 work and dress shlKs di
rect to wearer, r.lir values. Ex
clusive patterns. Free samples.
Madison Mills, 503 Broadviv,
New York. - 170
rift.. . -
..", o ,inp iracr. in me
Ewald Fruit farm add., good 5
room house, near rat- line and
enool. Price $4500, terms. W.
0. Krueger, 209 Oregon bldg.
1 Xtrr 1 '
..vum nouse, first class condi-
uon. n.wment. 5 large lots
tarn, variety fruit, paved street.
B location Bargain at $2M
J500 down. S It. Pearson. 40
. 8. banlt V,M -
4. 1 a V an river uot-
" ....a. iaeal for filberts, ber
& at gg1 rmlntT. Half
3L t,.Lnier- Boat service.
mm on federal loan term of 10
g . Bohrnstedt
e"lc temple.
C ' - roum nouse
ine. terms.
room plastered
".50 buys
V room nouse
tret .a- S- ComTnerotal
ta .h'X8ne f thebehome,
T location. Wm. W. Pnw.
ju real estate. 341 im r-
phone 666.'
aiswitriess can e seen,
aimt got a
liO . AU$l
N0 Me ;a, ...
"M"v rvC
Ads That Deliver The Goods at Small Cost
NEW TODAY t lFi ci. u oi- i.n, I r.... i si t
PIGS for sale. Phone 38Fll.el72
LOST Coat, initials G B.
at Journal, reward.
LOGANBERRY pickers wanted.
week or 10 days, good picking.
Phone 100F3. gl72
FOR SALE Chalmers roadsterT
$100 takes It. Call after 6 p. m.
460 N. Wtnter St. 903 XL 1 7 0
FOR RENT Large modern room?
breakfast and six o'oiouk dinner
if desired. Mrs. Young, phone
1627W. j!71
WANTED Any kind of work, ex
cept washing, 40c per hour. Mrs.
Woodworth, 201 N. 25th St.
phone 1777J. hl7
FOR SALE" John Deere binder, 7
foot cut, in good order. Will
sell cheap. Geo. L. Rose, Inde
pendence. Or. cl72
FOR RENT Three room apart
ment, lights, gas, hot and cold
water. 486 N. Liberty, phone
1040W. J172
Repainted and runs fine, easy
terms can be arranged on this.
The price will surprise you.
Phone Adams 362. 170
WANTED Caretaker, man and
wife wanted to take care wf
public office and live on premis
es. For particulars address P O
box 344, city. 170
160 GALLONS of whiskey for sale
properly advertised would per
haps be thoroughly investigat
ed. Have 160 acres of land w
can sell you for $8 per acre. Ma
gee, room 29 corner State and
Commercial over Busick's. n
WANT To rent a good 8 to 10
room house; am willing to pay
a fair rent. Should have a good
heating plant and good plumb
ing. See W. H. Grabenhorst &
Co., phone 515 or call at 275
State street. 1172"
SNAP 10 acres with good build
ings for $1500. Nearly all clear
ed, good barn, house and hog
bouse. Fruit land near Dallas.
Will take Ford, tractor, team or
cows or other farm equipment
in trade. Pearcy Bros., 210 Ore
gon bldg. 170
9 ACRES 3-4 mile from Salem,
good 5 room house, barn, poul
try house, variety fruit, good
soil, hay in barn, cow, chickens.
Bargain at $3500, y, cash, or
will take in house up to $2009
S. R. Pearson, 408 U. S. bank
bldg. b
Have one of the best 4 cylinder
cars on the market, 5 wire wheels
cord tires. This car has been
driven only 1200 miles and has
had the best of care. Cost $17411,
our price $800. Terms can bu,,
arranged. Phone Adams 362.
SPECIAL 163 acres. 115 in cul
tivation, balance timber and
pasture, well fenced: good 7
room house, two good barns. 10
acres apples, 9 cherries, blaot
soil; 6 horses, 9 head cattle, 16
hogs. 40 goats. A complete out
fit of farm Implements and crop
nil go with place. Price $125 per
acre, terms. Wm. W. Powell
Just real estate, 341 N. Commer
clal St. phone 666. bl75
For Sale Houses
SIX room modern house, except
furnace, close in, splendid fruit
and garden. 630 N. Winter St.
FOR SALE 8 room plastered
house and a 5 room plastered
house, 2 blocks of state house,
all for $1700 cash. By owner
224 Court St. al73
3 ROOM ceiled house, lot 50x130,
paved streets, lots of fruit, good
well. $850, $200 down, balance
monthly. Brown, over Busick's
State and Commercial. a
FOR SALE Good 8 room plaster
ed house, acre land, large
barn, fine garden, close to car,
graveled street. Price $2000. For
terms make us an offer. Phone
2024J. al72
SEE THIS 9 room house in fine
condition, living room, dining
room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms
down stairs, 4 up; bath, toilet,
sewing room, closets in all bed
rooms, front and back porches,
basement, on paved street, ce
ment walks. Price $3800, terms.
See L, A. Hayford, 105 State St.
ROOMING or apartment house, 12
rooms, good location. $5500.
Poultry and dairy farm, fully
stocked and equipped, crop, good
buildings, 3 miles good town;
will take Salem or Portland
property In exchange. Be quick
if you want this.
$300 down buys a good 8 room
modern plastered house, rest
like rent
Always bargain day at our office
200 Gray bldg. n
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE Or trade. 165 acres I
miles west of McMinnvllle, 20
acres cleared, fine timber cruis
ed at 2,000,000 feet; water
grade. Mrs. L. Townsend, Ger
vals. Or., Rt. 2. phone tFi. b 1 s I
LAND located in Marlon county
for $6.50 per acre and up. city
and country property for ex
change, city property for sale.
Mage., room 29, corner State
and Commeriial. over Busick's.
but not heard.
S v mvtT, You Afce cHARGeb l ( UVtf-J HAv ou A vers, x riAue
TH' will BC feeD-X ivwiTH 7.TR1KIM& XH& AW OJiTMSS O AM EY - MTNeS I 9
LGTT6R tW, IW rAV LIR? PLAINTtFP1. 6UH.Ty Of . To PftOU TK fes HcRe i (
For Sale Farms
TRADE 37 acres bottom land 1H
miles to town, y, in crop, run
ning water. Umber, buildings
old, will take house In Salem.
Brown, over Busick's, State and
Commercial. h
a AutijMs part cultivated, some
bearing orchard, buildings, on
river road south. Price $4200.
Take house in city for part.
Brown, over Busick's, State and
Commercial. b
TRADE 80 acres 5 miles out,
nearly all in crop, fine soil; will
take good city property as first
payment and give long time on
abiance. O. K. De Witt, Pearcy
Bros. 210 Oregoa bldg. ml 70
24 ACRES TO TRADE All in cul
tivation, fine family orchard,
berries and garden, balance in
hay and grain. 1 cow, small
team, chickens and all imple
ments. Price $4500. Old age
reason for quitting the farm. 1
want a small house in North
Salem, close to Seventh Day Ad
ventist church. See my agent,
Arthur E. Petersen, 229 Oregon
building. bl72
FOR SALE By owner, 46 acres
on the Santiam river bottom, 25
acres cultivated, balance stumps
and some ash and maple timber.
Fine fishing stream through
place. 4 acres logan and straw
berries, grapes and mixed fruit,
6 acres potatoes, balance hay,
corn and kale. Large house and
dairy barn, silo and other build
ings. Located 114 miles south
of Marion, mile from highway
on good road. Price $150 per
acre. If desired I will sell cheap
7 dairy cows, 3 heifers, 4 horses,
30 goats, 2 brood sows, cream
separator and farm implements;
$4000 will handle this deal. If
you see this farm you will be
convinced there is no better farm
for productiveness. Write or
come see. B. F. Ensley, Marion,
Or., box 41. bl90
For Sale Miscellaneous
ONE 8-foot Deering binder for
sale, in good condition. Phone
1848M. cl71
FOR SALE Second hand electric
washer. Phone 1742. cl70
PROPERTY for sale or trade by
owner. Phone 1959. al70
FOR SALE A practically new pi
ano, 876 N. Liberty. cl70
FOR SALE 1-ton truck $250, call
after 5, 1824 N.' 4th St. ql70
FOR SALE Steamer and large
trunk. Phone 1476W or call 176
N. 25h. cl70
LIGHTNING hay baler for sale
or trade for hay. Phone 9F32.
FOR SALE Clover hay $8; also
oat and vetch $10, In field.
Phone 110F21. cl72
FOR SALE A-l oat and vetch
hay in shock or baled. 2 V4 miles
easi on Garden road. Phone
1883J Rt. 6. E. Bartruff. cl72
FOR SALE Reed baby carriage,
old ivory finish, good condition.
Phone 2054J. cl70
FOR SALE Corner lot 50x130,
nicely located. Price $250. D. E.
Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. a
FOR SALE Gas range, excel
. lent condition. Phone 1485J.
FOR SALE First class oat and
vetch hay, 2 miles east of asy
lum, Rt. 6, box 128, D. A. Terry.
HEATERS? bedsteads, springs, etc.
630 N. Winter St. cl80
OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle.
Used as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capxral Journal office.
FOR SAJE Sterotyping mats,
10c per bundle, used as a ught
and stout weather proofing card
board. Capital Journal office.
FOR SALE 16-horse Advance
engine ard 30x50 Aultman &
Taylor separator, in good condi
tion. Write or phone L. Grice or
Jas. Best, Salem, Oi cl73
SPECIAL Sharpies upright cream
separator $18, the place to buy
bicycles, motorcycles, w-atches.
guns and musical Instruments,
new mattresses at cost. Lock
hart Bros., 402 N. Commercial
street. cl72
FOR SALE Pacific auto filling
station on Pacific highway at
Gervais four corners, sells gas,
oil. accessories, soft drinks and
smokes; will sell on account of
other business; will take part
down and balance on terms; ev
erything new. A good chance for
some one to get a start in busi-
- ness. $500 down will handle
this. Call W. B. Nutting, Ger
vals. Or. c!74
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALE Bug. Randolph's
Auto Paint shop, 156 S. 12th.
WOULD YOU LIKE a brand new
large car. that haa never been
run at II at a greatly reduced
price? If so call 1995. q!70
DEALERS in wooA, also wood
sawing, get our prices before
buying elsewhere. Oak, old fir
and 2nd growth. Fisher Bros.,
phone 2046. ?e
'18 STUDEBAKER 6. 7 passenger,
all In first class shape, paint Is
like new; will sell or trade, what
have vou? Call W. B. Nutting.
Gervais. Or 1171
FORD bug. cheap. 1919 model.
new fenders. $2T N. Liberty.
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon '
For Sale Automobiles
several small tracts of land that
I can sell you with small amount
down and soldier bonus act will
take care of balance. Arthur E.
Petersen, 229 Oregon bldg,
HAVE YOU aeen the new GMC
W. E. Burns Dan Burns
(Not Brothers, the Same Man)
Ferry at' High.
For Sale Wood
PHONE 1565M for wood.
WOOD for sale, old fir and second
growth. Phone 981M. ee!70
GOOD wood reasonably priced,
satisfaction guaranteed. Phone
53F41 evenings, Victor Schnei
der, Turner, Or. eel80
WOOD for aale, phone 254, or af
ter office hours call 622. Call
and get my prices before you
purchase. ee!86
GET your winter supply of wood
or coal from the Salem Fuel
yards. Special prices off the car.
Phcne 529, Then. O. Zieman,
Chas. Soos. props. ee
second growth big fir $7 per
cord, order now while we are
hauling, special price on big
lots before we bank it in our
yards. Phone 305, evenings
586J. ee
Large 4 ft. mill wood, sawed
even length 12 ich or 16 inch.
Special price on 5 cord lots
Seasoned mill wood
First class 16 inch old fir
2nd growth fir, sawed 16 inch.
Fred E. Wells. 305 S. Church.
phone 1542. ee
160 S. 15th.
Furnished rooms,
FOR RENT 3 room furnished
apartment. Enquire evenings
860 Marion street. 1180
FOR RENT Two apartments.
phone i853J between 6 and 7 p.
m. 1170
FURNISHED room and board,
phone 1003 J, 771 N. Cottage St.
FOR RENT 4 room apartment,
close in, call 465-477 Center St.
or phone 1040R. j171
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
also rooms suitable for two, with
board. 157 S. Winter 1171
NEWLY furnished rooms for rent,
all modern accommodations,
close in. 428 N. Church St. J172
DESIRABLE apartments at
Lost and Found
LOST Wednesday evening sheep
skin coat, between Wallace
ranch and 17th street on Cen
ter. Phone 1583W. kl70
LOST Pair of tortoise rimmed
glasses in large leather case,
probably at band concert. Find
er please leave at Gray Belle.
L Reward. kl72
LARGE lots let out for work. 212 3
Broadway. m!75
EXCHANGE Auto and cash for 5
or 6 room bungalow on paved
street. F. L. Wood, 341 State
street. nl71
$25 REWARD for information
leading to the arrest and con
viction of the party who stole
numerous articles of clothing
from Mrs. M. E. McKinny's
tent on my camp ground Thurs
day a, m. B. Cunningham. K170
FOR SALE Through the death
of a relative have acquired 15,
000,000 feet of finest old growth
yellow fir and 20,000 capacity
mill. Accept as part payment
farm near Salem or Medford.
Address Gluden Bros. Lbr. Co., by
M. L. Gulden, Cloverdale, Or.
ROOFS repaired, reshingled and
tarred. C. C. Kays, phone 34F3.
FOR plumbing and repairing call
1617W, reasonable. ml72
MANICURING, shampooing, fa
cial and scalp treatments. Violet
Ray, at Oregon Bath house,
Phone 540. ml73
Oregon Bath house, phone 540
or 1028R. ml7I
PHONE 1959J will get you car
penters to do your work and
Dainting. ml73
PLUMBING, Repairing and coll
work a specialty, reasonable
charges. A. L Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St- Phone 1517J.
FURNITURE Hospital, call 1742
for your repairing, refinishing,
uphosterlng, all work first class.
Furniture made to order. Brown
It Campbell. m!8
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Cheap horse, 11 or 12
hundred. RHP 1244 Jefferson
Or. 1179
HANDY man with mason, brick
and carpenter tools, wants steady
Job. Box H Journal. n!71
WANTED Table boarders, $53 S.
12th St. Special Sunday dinners
from 1 to 2:30. Phone 1126,
Mrs. Geo. W. Smith. 1171
WANTED Boarders and roomers.
495 N. Com'l St. 1170
'WANTED SningungT carpenter
work or painting. Phone 2064J.
f Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Girl or elderly lady to
do house work, 2, possibly 3,
. days a week. Call at 1112 Mill
street. g!75
WANTED 1 Loganberry pickers,
good camp ground. Phone 100F
3. g!7
WANTED Lady for dining room
help at the Oregon state tuber
culosis hospital. Address Rt. 6,
box 28, Salem. gl70
WANTED By responsible middle
I aged lady, position as house
' keeper, small family. 411 North
Front street. hl70
WANTED 4 room modern cot
tage near street car, must be
priced right; will pay cash; no
agents. Write 1306 N. Church St.
, U70
WANTED Small black Mazzard
cherries, will pay good price.
Furnish sample before picking,
H. Pohle & Son. 1172
EXCHANGE Half interest in a
close in corner lot, streets paved,
for late Ford touring car wortb
$500. Brown, over Busick's,
State and Commercial. a
WANTED 100 hop baskets, must
be In good condition. Writs Dur
bin & Cornoyer, Salem. I
buying Black Republicans,
Bings and Lamberts. Drager
Fruit Co. m
EXPERT engineer wants Job
during threshing. Rt. 3, F. G.
Sculley, Salem, Or. hltj
WANTED Loganberry pickers,
large patch, good camp ground.
Hunt Bros. g
OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle
Used as cat pet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capital Journal office.
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over. phone 19, Capital City Bed
ding Co.
5 rooms modern, good location
close in. $2500, terms.
7 rooms good location on car
line. $1600.
' Good home on State street, large
lot, nice garage. This place will
rent for $40 per ...-onth; you can
buy on terms to suit you.
10 acres at a bargain, 2 miles
from Salem on good road; nice 7
room house, about 3 acres in fruit.
Price $3500. The house alone is
worffi $2500.
Wt have buys in houses and
Tnrnis that can't be beat. Let us
ishow you what we have.
$1400 contract pay in $15 per
month to trade for city property.
331 State street, .
210 acre stock ranch, old house
and barn, about two million feet
of timber. Price $3500.
60 acres of good bottom land, 5
room house, barn, 4V4 acres bear
ing logans, 8 acres set to logans
1921, 7 acres potatoes, 12 acres
oatspwill take good house or small
acreage up to $5500. Price $10,
500. 46 acres of good soil located on
main road leading out of Salem.
Price $80 per acre, terms.
Improved 2 acres close to car
line, house and barn. Price $3200.
- Good 6 room cottage and large
lot. Price $3500.
Good 6 room house and large lot,
fruit. Price $2500.
If you are looking to buy, trade,
or sell, see
275 State street. n
Mountain home, 30 acres. One
plastered 4 room house, bath and
running water, some fruit, 8 acres
cultivated, some good timber and
pasture, 2 good streams. $3500 or
will take good house in Salem.
5 acres with fine little cottage,
good family orchard, all in hay
and potatoes, fine place for chick
ens and berries. Running water in
house and barn. $1800, $800 cash,
balance at 6 per cent.
20 acres all In cultivation and
crops, close in, choice land. $5000
$1000 cash, balance 10 years 6 per
229 Oregon bldg. n!70
105 acres 8 miles from Salem.
mile to R. R- station; 60 acres'
in cultivation, balance timber and
pasture; 7 room house, barn 36x42
some other buildings. Price $12$
per acre, terms to suit. Will con
sider trade.
7 acres near the city limits, 4
acres prunes 8 years old (crop
this year), 1 acres loganberries,
all kinds of berries and fruit for
family ase; fine 6 room bongalow
with hardwood floors, water sys
tem, bath, toilet, full concrete base
ment, furnace, fruit room In base
ment, built in china closet, buffet,
pantry, wood lift, also built in bed
in Hving room; good small barn,
poultry house, garage and other
outbuildings. This is one of the fin
est suburban homes around Sa
lem. We are authorized to sell it
for $8500, terms.
841 Sta e Ftreet nl80
Loan association has money to
loan at six. percent. W. D. Smith
secretary-treasurer, 80$ Salem
Bank of Commerce.
A SATISFIED customer returns.
Rowland Printing Co. Phone
1G12, over Patton book store.
WE will Pay you mors cash for
your household goods. Get our
bid before you sell. People's
Furniture and Hardware Store,
271 N. Commercial street. Phono
and refuse of all kinds removed
by tho month at reasonable rates.
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day pboiie 167.
night phone 1698R. R. f. Cum
niir.s. Mgr. 01
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur-
dette, optometrist. Bow Optical
Co., 825 State St.
SALEM. Jefferson, Albany and
Corvallls stage, leaving 1:30 p.
m. dally. Bligb hotel.
FRANK PALM Merchant tailor.
z4 N. ipninercial St.
M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring, 384
Btate street.
OREGON TAXI and transfer. Lib
erty and Ferry street. Phone 77.
MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel
delivery. Transfer trunks any
part cjf" city BOe. Messenger serv
lce. 1T9 . High, Phone 23.0.
WANTED Rags and secondhand
goods cf all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 398, 215 Cen
ter street.
CHERR1NGTON Piano House,
Bush and Lane pianos. 415
Court street.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono
graphs, sewing: machines, sheet
music and piano studies. Re
pairing phonographs and sew
ing machines. 432 State, Saiem.
R. W. BALLANTYNE, tuner, play- I
erg a specialty, l'hone 352, Uher
rlngton Piano house.
EDWARD WELP experienced pi
ano tuner. Leave order Will's
Music store.
SALEM Cleaners and Dyers
Suits cleaned $1.50
Suits pressed 50a.
1215 S. Com'l. Phone 1868
SALEM ELITE, hemstitching,
chainstitching, pleating, buttons.
S2 Oregon bldg. Phone 379.
MRS. F B. MULL, hemstitch
ing and dressmcrking, over Mil
ler's store. Phone 117.
MEN'S and women's hats renovat
ed, blocked and trimmed. 49$
Court, C. B. Ellsworth.
Cycle Man"
S.Com. Phone 68
CHERRY CITY garage. 170 S. 12
General repairing.
PUBLIC stenographer, 408 Mason
ic bldg.
Compiled from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capita! Journal readers. (Re
vised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) 4c.
Hay: Cheat huf 823.00 23.00
oat bay $22.00024.00; nlorw
Wholesale Price
Vegetables: Oregon onion. 75c
031.00 cwt; California onicni
bay $20028.
Meat: Hogs $8.55; dressed
hogs llft.12c; top steers 506c
cows 305c; bulls 4c; spring
lambs 6c; sheep yearling e
sheared; wool on 5c; veal fancy
dressed 12 011c.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 26c;
light hens 14c; heavy hens 20c;
old roosters 7c; broilers over two
pounds 20c.
Butterfat: Butterfat 34c; cream
ery butter 41042c; country but
ter 30c, milk $1.60 per cwt.
Vegetables: Oregon onions 75c
0$1 cwt; bests $2 cwt; carrots
$1.25 per cwt; Oregon cabbags
2e lb; green peppers 25c;
rhubarb 6c; green peas 12c; new
potatoes 3c lb; Bermuda wax on
ions $1.17 aerate; cucumbers 50o
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered in the U. a
RAMSDEN & McMorran, Indian
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles.
867 Court tt.
. 838 N. High
1 Phone 203
Batter! s a
recharged and repaired. Degge
Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra
diator and fender specialists.
19$ S. 12tht St.
SOUTH Commercial garage, gen
eral repairing, vulcanising and
retreading. Exclusive agency for
Sound tires. All work guaran
teed. For audden service phone
278, residence phone 1029R. 430
S. Commercial.
UNION Auto lepalr shop, acety
lene welding. 187 S. Liberty St
Phone $94.
WAYNE QUAYLB Auto electrio
shep. 268 N. Com'l. Phont 413.
R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries,
starter and generator work. 171
8. Commercial.
AUTO fflectriUan. expert trouble
shooting. 238 N. High St. Phone
DE LUXE studio. Better pkwtos.
147 N. Commercial.
RENICKELING, polishing, grind
ing and repairing of all kinds.
420 S. Commercial St. 186
PORCH BOXES Bedding plants
for sale. Smith's, 301 N. Com
mercial. NURSERY BTOt'K
Italian prunes, walnut and fil
bert trees. Agents wanted. Of
fice 640 State St. phone 1727,
Salem, Of.
SALEM Nursery company, fruit
and ornamenfil trees, small fruit,
roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon
CORNS and callouses scientific
ally removed. Appliances from
individual Impression. Chas E.
Tatro, Masonic bldg. Phone 442.
G. Sy-TTERLEE, 404 Ferry St.,
Balem, Ore.. Phone 1177. '
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auc
tioneer. Turner, Or. , m
be repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health, Accident, In
demnity, LlballQr and Auto In
surance written,
401 Masonic Temple, Salem, Ore.
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 606 U. S. Bank Building.
Phone 859. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone (34.
fice, comer Commercial and
Trade Sta. Bills payable monthly
In advance. Phone 67.
STEWART'S Repair shop, 3 47
Court St. Lawn mowers ground.
O. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
shop, 143 a Liberty St.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
', experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, sizes
26 to 68 Inches high. Paints,
oil and varnishes, etc.. logan
berry and hop hooka. Salem
Fence and Stove Worka, 260
Court atreet. Phone 114.
'per dos.
Fruits: Oranges 13.75 5.00;
lemons $11.50; bananas llc;dates
pound (bulk) 10c; drome
dary dates $7.09 cote; black
figs 10c; white rigs 12V4c; Cali
fornia grapefruit 6.50; Florida
grapefruit $10.00; Arizona grape
fruit $6.60; cantaloupe $3.50 per
crate; apricots $1.25 per crate;
watermelon 2 Vic per lb.
Be tail Prices.
Poultry and eggs: Eggs 35c;
creamery butter 43046c. country
butter 38c.
Portland, Or., July 18. Cattle
lower; receipts 2472; choice
steers $6.7507.25; medium to
good $5.5006.50; fair to medium
$4.7505.50;- common to fair
$3.5004.75; choice feeders $5.00
choice cows and heifers $5,500
6.00; medium to good $4,500
$5.25; fair to medium $3,500
4.60; common cows $2.7503.50;
canners $1.7502.75; bulls $3.00
04.25; cboice dairy calves $10.50
011.00; prime light $11,000
11.50; medium light $1,000
10.00; heavy $5.5007.
Hogs higher; receipts 269;
prims light fl4.OO014.2S:
smooth heavy 2S0 to 300 pounds
$12013.00; 300 pounds and up
$11012.00; rough heavy $7.00
Feature Service, la )
Patent Offloa.
Page Seres
County Court
Slegmund, Lawrence, grad
lng road, etc.
Lambrelcht, Jake, load
ing oak
Lambrscht, John, loading
Wagner, Giles, loading
rocks ..
Etzel, J. W. loading rock
Slegmund, E G placing
rock 12.50
Basl, Frank placing rock
Etzel, J W hauling rock
Tltze, Julius dragging ....
Wagner, Led loading rock
Freres, P C patrolman ...
Road District No. 33Vs
Champ & Son, 8 R powder .80
Lee, Raliegh pick & shovel 16.00
Rlchada, A A hauling rock
etc 18.40
Beringer, G E plowing and
Bcropping 86.00
Montgomery, Rogers grad
ing, plowing, etc 56.00
Beringer, Wm. Patrolman 32.00
Road District No. 34
Hall, A L digging out
corduroy 19.20
McCurroy, J P nails 6.5S
Myers, Albert, plawing 80.00
Myers, A Y tearing out
Myers, Gilbert holding
Rada, John worked on ga
tes hill -
Myers, Lewis worked on
gates hill, etc
Pettyjohn, D cleaning
gravel bar
Rada, Selal, grading etc
1.0 J.
12.80 I
16.00 A
6.00 I
89.00 r.
Slscho, Raf running grad
er -. 82.60
Smith, Claude, taking out
corduroy 18.00
Straw, Fred plowing 30.00
Wies, W J worked on slide 3.20
Slscho, Ed ipatrolman 44.80
Road District No. 35
Gates Mill Co, lumber .. 4.60
Horner, A B spikes 1.00
Spencer, O A spreading
gravel 82.00
Bortoz, Mildegard loading
gravel 82.00
Dibble, Ronald, gravel .... 14.40
Bradley, Nelson gravel ... 28.80
Bock, Herman, hauling
Smith, Raymond, hauling
gravel 24.00
Decker, Albert helping out
of pit 4.0
Moore, H attending gates
at sand pit 2. 00
Miller, Conrad patrolman 78.20
District No, 38
Mills Company, pipe ....
Road District No. 36
Farmer Hdw. Co Ray L
grease .
Miles Company, pipe
Harris, John II grading ....
19.50 I
Grlnton, W A on slip and
grading 60.00
Hampton, Warner holding
Irwin, W L holding slip....
Burrls, Winston cleaning
Trick, T D patrolman ....
Road District No. 40
Hammond Lumber Co. nails
and fuse way, etc 2.25
Work. C H cleaning right
of 87.20
Brown, Willis E hauling
gravel, etc 13S.00
Kanoff, W H hauling gravel
etc 114.00
Taylor, A J shovelling grav
el and rock 41.80
Pulllam, Then shoveling
rock, etc " 68.20
Hawkins, Eugene, gen rep
cleaning etc 8.20
Richards, E J patrolman
Road District No. 41
Oregon Gravel Co. gravel
Welty, George hauling
Sloe urn. L spreading
Welty, Q patrolman
Road District No. 42
Matten, Geo C filling holes
Road District No. 44
Milsa company sewer pipe
Oregon Gravel Co. Crushda
rock -
98 00
Cummlngs, Frank M
shovels 16.00
Rugglee, Sherman S shov. 7.20
Redman, Roy ditching .... 1.60
Seotthoefer, Joseph black-
sniithlng fixing grades 8.00
Hecklnger, I A patrolman 29.00
Wll.00; fat pigs $13.00014.00;
feeders $11.00012.00; stags $5
feeders $10.00 010.50; stags $5
Sheep lower; receipts 12,928;
east of mountain lambs $7,00 0
7.50; best valley $6.0008.76;
fair to good $5.5006.00; culls
$4.0005.00; feeders $2.5004.00;
light yearlings $4.OO05.OO;heavy
$2.5004.00; light wethers $4.00
4.25; heavy $2.50 03.00; ewe
Butter steady; extra cube 34c
cartons 41c; prints 40c
Butterfat, No. . 1 churning
cream 34 0 40c fob Portland;
undergrade 32c.
Eggs: Selling price case count
80088c; buying pries 28030c;
selling price candled 32 034c; se
lects candled in cartons 86c
Poultry: Hens light 15016c;
heavy 22024c; broilers over 1
lbs. 23025c; old roosters 8010c;
18 0 28c; bo demand for duck
r gees.
Wheat Hard whit 8121:
oft whit $1 19; white riot); hard winter $1 16; north
era spring 81. 14; red Walla $1.14
Barley $24: corn No. 3 yellow
$29.60; millros 290$Oc
Mlllr-aa $31033 tea. Hay, Mas-
nllit mmmtmtm rWoma lllalf-
valley 825; alfalfa 816016.80-
srraia. mixed 820. clorar 211.
i '