Friday, July 5 192, The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Marines Landed In Tarn pico Says Socialist Note Chicago. July 15. A claim that American marines hare been land mI at Tamnico. Mexico, from tte warships now stationed tfcere. h made in a telegram iated July 9 addressed by the Federation of niiv I'nioos of Mexico to so cialist national headquarter lere The telegram transmits resolu tions adopted at the federation meeting In Mexico City. "' . which the American socialists are asked to Join the Mexican workers in resisting any more that would lead to war between the two coun tries. The resolutions protest "against the attitude shown by the government of the t'ni'.d Stale In sending men of war to the port of Tampleo, thereby vio- lating the sovereignty of t?.e Mex ican republic," and added: "'We also protest agai'.'' this act of force which estab'it he a sinister precedent in the history of international relation on this continent as the American war ships hare disembarked American marines In Tarapico with ut fcav Ing solicited the necessary s'nul eenre of the Mexican foreign of fice." The telegram Is signed by Ei uardo Venegas. president of the Confederation of Railroad Socle ties of the Mexican Republic. among officials of the Postal com pany, the Pacific Telephone A Telegraph company, the state highway commission and the pub lic service commission. The Pacific Telephone Tele graph company already has a pole line on the highway and. the high way commission declared, a second line of poles would tend greatly to detract from the scenic beauty of the highway. Representatives of the Pacific Telephone company stated that, prior to the time that their lice was constructed, their company hal invited the Postal company to Join with it in the building of a line to accommodate the wires of both companies, and that the Pos tal company had refused. In con sequence, the Pacific Telepho.i officials said, their company erect ed the line to meet only its own demands. Lost Battalion Hero Is Buried With Honors New Tork. July 15 Frill mili tary honors marked the funeral to day of Private John J. Monsor., hero q the Lost Battalion, whojtng paid 2 and 2Vi cent! a pound States employment bureau. Th.i has been due the last two weeks to the harvest of bay and bjtvtes and other farm work which brought a temporary demand for laborers, he says. Farm and orchard workers are drawing $2 a day and board or 13 . without board. .his u a'so the confmon wage tor unskilled work ers in lumber mills and for high way construction at the p'esen; time. Raspberry pickers ure be- Summer School Pastors Leave For Home Today Pastors who attended the Wil lamette school for city and rural aaators have been leavi'.s Sa ... during the day. and by toi ight all the outside men will ye go?. The city vssa'on ended lajt night a bile the rjral pastors continued until no u today. Although no dflrte plans have been announced -is yet. It Is the a-eneral understanding that a school will be held here next sum mer. It has been rumored, how ever, that the board of homo Mis sion? and church extent! of tta-i Bfolaodlst church, under whose auspices a series of similar schools have been given over the country during the summers of the past three years, may discontinue this particular activity. In which cas-, of course, the school would not be held. Manr members of the faculty have expressed their satisfaction over the work of the local school. "There are no motubacks hare." Is the way one eastern man said It. Arocrdlng to Dr. William Mitch ell, pastor from Philadelphia, the men here were all lire-wires, and the work here was much more sat isfactory than in the middle west, where the men were generally much more conservative. Wares Are Cnt. YoungMown. Ohio, Julv 1J The Brier Hill Steel company, an independent steel company nor mally employing about ten thou- nd men. has announced a re duction In wages which will britr common labor from 3 cents to 30 cents an hour. died in Bellevue hospital after be ing taken ill while on leave of ab sence from his post in the regular army. Monson died last Friday, and It was three days before his body was identified. As soon as it be came known that he was the man who on September 18, 118. car ried the message through the Ger man lines that reunited the Lest ' Battalion of civic for work while 1 14 rents Is the wages of loganberry BtehSSs La Grande May Have Cannery La Grande, Or., July 19. At a in the Argonne. scores recent meeting of the farm bureau organitations planred executive committee the chairmen that fitting honors might be paid 'from the various sectional bureau- him. Today a column five blocks long marched behind the catew.n that carried the body to the Church of the Ascension where a high requiem mass was said, and thence to Cypress Hills cemetery. here military services were held. Movements have been started to erect a memorial. In the county were instructed to make an Investigation regarding the available fruit and regetable for canning purposes. The com munities which were especial!- asked to make reports include Cove. Union. Elgin and Imbler. The purpose of this investiga tion is to determine the available tonnage a cannery would be able to draw from here. An eastern concern has made inquiries re garding the posisohl'y of securing 'sufficien: tonnage ti. esLailisa a cannery here. Demand for Labor Equal to Supply In Lane County Eusene. Or., July 15. For thei first time in month, the labor sup g ,,, - c&s of ply and demand Is about equal. ,10 00. when nig rtmU states Frank Amitage. manager rv. ? .,.. , " . tuonna. i-ine county, was detro - of the local office of the T nfed . h. . , ' TIRES NEW REDUCED PRICES STANDARD MAKES 6,000 Mile Guarantee. Tubes. 28x3 Xon-Skid $ 9 90 30x3 Non-Skid 9.65 30x31 1 Non-Skid 12.95 1 32x3, Non-Skid. - 2.20 31x4 Xon-Skid - 18.50 2-aO 32x4 Non-Skid! 19.75 2.60 33x4 Non-Skid 22.35 2..0 34x4 Non-Skid 22.95 2.0 36x4 Non-Skid 3o.OO 3.o0 33x4 U Non-Skid - 27.50 3.o0 34x41- Non-Skid 27.d0 3.60 35x4i Non-Skid 29.50 3 CORDS 8,000 and 10,000 Mile Guarantee- 30x31-. Non-Skid - ?19-60 . 32x31 T, Non-Skid 28.00 32x4 " Non-Skid - 35.00 33x4 Non-Skid 35.00 34x4 Non-Skid 38.00 32x41 1 Non-Skid 4190 33x41" Non-Skid - 36.50 34x4 1 Non-Skid , 37.75 35x4' 2 Xon-Skid 45.2o If you anticipate needing a tire soon, take advantage of this special sale. MALCOM TIRE CO. Commercial and Court St. Salem, Oregon Designer For Elks Building Is Retained Construction on the proposed $150,000 Elks building al State nd Cottage streets will begin next spring, it was definitely an nounced yesterday in connection with the retention of Cuyler Van Patten as architect and designer of the structure. The special building committee of the local lodge has been busy for the past year In connection with the mat ter. Members of the committee and Cuyler Van Patten will visit la the near future various buildings! of the northwest of a design that would be adaptable to the needs of the local hall. The proposed build ing will be devoted exclusively to Elks quarters, club rooms and lodge rooms. Members of the building com mittee are Chairman, Charles R Archer ! I)r. H. H. Olinger, W. D Evans. E. W. Haiurd. Frank Wrightman. T It Kay and homer Smith. Exalted Huler Roy Byrd Is a member ex -officio Second line of Poles Along Highway Fought A vigorous protest against the Postal Telegraph company's plan to install a duplicate pole line on the Columbia river highway be ta sen Goble and Astoria was en tered by the state highway com mission, through its attorney, at the Informal conference held here Vaudeville 2 BIG ACTS 2 SATURDAY SUNDAY NO RAISE IN PRICES GRAND Rostein & Greenbaum Standard Merchandise, Reliable Merchandise R & Or Corsets This well known brand of Corsets, at the new low priceg Black Cat Hosiery Ladies' Silk Hosiery, not fibre at ...$1.25 and $1.00 pair Outsize Silk Hosiery, ribbed tops at $1.45 paif Silk Lisle Hose, Black Cat Brand at 50c pair Misses' Silk Lisle Hose, fine ribbed at 50c pair Minerva Yarns Beautiful shades. Best yarn made. New low prices, Althena Brand Ladies' Knit Underwear Union Suits, the new styles, 65c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Extra large sizes Union Suits at $1.25 Fine Long Cloth, 12 yard pieces at ..'. 19c a yard Renfrew Devonshire Cloth at 34c a yard $1.00 yard Curtain Etamine at 50c a yard 75c Curtain Marquisette at - 35c a yard Thousand of People Have Attended During The Opening Day of the Greatest Mid-Summer Season Clean Sweep Clearance Sale IT HAS PROVEN TO BE ONE OF THE BIGGEST AFFAIRS EVER HELD1 ;Sv-"---"--- HERE ARE SOME NEW ONES! . unra, imn-wt have MISJUDGED THE HUMAN NATURE. 0 11.98 Ldi"' 4c Quality STOCCUGS' BJekaBd White, fine eaure. 1 at mi hoar 7e Hir SVGAS. c Lh. I-mut 5 Lb. SILK PONGEE BLOITSF.S Fins and Heart Wears for Ob Hear Oarr ILM 9 A. M. to 10 A M. Men's Rockford SOX Hearv quality, all uses, on tale at this hoar 3c Pair 15 Bars of LUNA SOAP 50c Ladies' $1 25 SILK STOCKINGS lk Week or brows, on sale at that hoar 40c Pair 0e 10A.M. to 11 A M 18-iuch CRASH TOVTEURG Firm aad hearv weave, on tale at this hoar 6c Yard COCOA 10c Lb 11A.M. to 12 P. M. Oie Lot Of TOtLE. BATISTE AKD 0RGABBIES Lirht and dark color, value . 5c totsJ. m sole at this hour 4 Tirds for 97e DIAMOID W COFFEE 40c Valoe ,Lb 89c 12 P. M. H 1 P M Heavr PLAID GIHGHAMS 25c qaolitr on sale at this hoar 9c Yard Larre Size DEL MOKTE KETCHUP 22c 1 P. M. .a4. I .l0a .o , P. M '4-' If. tt ura i 3 P. X. to ; P. M. " " " I- ( BEACH CLOTH In a bi assortment of colors, reirnlar 60c quality, on sole at this hoar 19e Yard 3 I B rarest Touurs First Lowest Prices Always Is the Intention and Practice at This Stan ENGLISH BBEAKFAST TEA 20c Lb. Men's CANVAS GLOVES ?avy ,elt. retmlar pur ciase 15c noir. on sale t this hour THE mm IMI Sanr 0 Shop Where the Crowds But Moke It a Habit and It Will Be a Bulk SEEDED RAISINS 18c Lb. 35.00 SILK SHIRT With any parehase of suit of clothes at the sale - ' Men's DRESS SUSPENDERS Verv fine quality, elastic reeulor 50c value, en sale it this hour 29c OTTER CLAMS Toll Cons 3 for 48c Men s 75c Pure Silk Thresl DRESS SOX Ob sole at this boar 39e Pair "tiBe to $14.00 or orer Sanar Oae. FREE"