Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 09, 1921, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Paee Four
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Salem, Oregon
An Independent Newspaper
Every evening except Sunday
Telephone 81; news 1-
George Putnam,
Editor and Publisher
By carrier, 65 cent a month
By mail, in Marion and Folk
counties, SO centi a month.
Eflscwhere V a year
Entered as second claw mail
natter at nim. Oregon.
The Auoclated Press is ex
clusively enO'.led to the u tor
publication of all news dis
patches credited to It or not
otherwise credited In this pa
per and also local news pub
lished herein.
(Copyright 1821 by Edgar
Allan Moss. )
Midsummer Dreams
; love the green clad summer with
it. dew-shot, misty morn,
When the glancing sunbeams
dkimw on the green blades
of song birds steal upon the
lanquld air,
n,.. frairrance oi
A Chance for Civic Pride
Salem has responded generously to one drive after another
for funds, most of which sent money out of the country.
Salem has given for the relief of the children of eastern
and central Europe, for the perpetually famished Armenians,
for the starving Chinese, for the French war orphans and the
suffering Irish.
Out of her bounty, Salem has given liberally to provide for
the boy scouts, the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A., for the university
and for hospital and other worthy and deserving causes. In
looking after all these interests, Salem has neglected, how
ever, to look after her own civic interests and future by ade
quately financing her own Commercial Club, which performs
a useful and necessary function for the welfare of the city.
The directors of the Commercial Club contemplate no drive
for money or members. They are simply planning a canvass
to ascertain whether citizens will sustain the activities of the
Club financially and place it on a basis where its membership
dues will pay its overhead expenses.
The Commercial Club has less than one-fifth of the
membership it should have to keep it a live, virile club. It
has about half as many members as it had five years ago
when the city was not as large or as prosperous as today.
Every resident of the city should have civic pride and
patriotism sufficient to be willing to do his share in com
munity upbuilding by generous support of the only organ
ization devoted to this object.
"X am afraid it will cost more
than I possibly can pay."
''Well, all we can do is to find
out," said the judge comfortably.
Stepping to the room phone, Judge
Turner called up the office and
asked that the man In charge
come up to us.
He came, all deference, which
became positive servility as he
evidently recognized Judge Tur- game fs in prospect for Salem fans
ner from newspaper pictures tie
Woodburn Nine
And Locals to
Meet Tomorrow
An honest-to-goodness baseball
seems to greet
one every-
mlml takes rc-
o( its
I ever love the moonday with Its
glowing, sultry heat,
When the birds have ceased their
singing and have sought the
shade's retreat
When the world at large ta tran-
quill and all Nature peaceful
,wi ibe lone some
the castle
The summer time brings memories
of my boyhood days long
pant, .
Those dreams that never seem to
come with winter s chilling
blast ,'
Te woods and fields- the swhn-
ming hole- -though boyhood
Joys depart,
Return in dreams and always find
a warn, spot in my heart.
Age is about the only thing wo-
" to conceal these
men ii""1"
The 12th Revolution
The Vladivostok Daily News of June 7 contains details
of a coup d'etat, the "White" forces having seized the reins
of power from the Reds and overthrown the communist
regime of the Far Eastern Republic. The revolution was
accomplished without much bloodshed, the White troops hav
ing entered the city quietly without arms and arrested all
officials of the Red regime, who apparently still control at
Chita, the capital of their republic, though there are indica
tions of approaching collapse.
This is the twelfth political upheaval Vladivostok has
"endured" in the past four years, and the News says, con
cerning them:
Practically every change has brought another new party with
fresh political Ideas into the city and each one has been welcomed as
the saviours of the nation from the retiring tyrants. Under each
new ruler some glorious hopes of a paradise on earth and free country
for everybody has been looked forward to by the Inhabitants. Each
new Government appointed Its fresh ministers, councillors, controllers
and brought with It the whole paraphanalla of fortune seekers and
governmental profiteers, but every one has in Its turn been over
thrown and vanished, the only effect being that the town has been
impoverished by so and so many thousands of tons more of goods and
stocks which had been accumulated here.
The Red or bolshevik government, which has just been
overthrown, held power for 16 months, the longest period of
any. Although democratic principles were proclaimed and
a liberal government promised, in which the whole nation
was to share and the peasants to dominate, the regime proved
the most tyrannical of all the dozen that had held sway. It
had established a complete set of laws, installed its officials
in all centers, secured a certain amount of law and order,
and Vladivostok was settling down to life under communistic
rule, "when bang goes the whole bubble at the appearance of
a crowd of disarmed military men."
The revolution is declared the most farcical on record, all
the White forces having been disarmed and without weapons,
showing that Bolshevik officialdom was without courage or
resource. Militia sent to intercept the White forces, appro-
About all the writer knows
about a Ford is a lot of naughty
A Little Texas Wind
Texas Utility News.
A customer called up last week
saying his 'J1' fuaa Uad I priated the weapons and decamped into the country. Those
blown out'.'sa'd h"knew the wind in authority are declared to have acted in a cowardly and
hud been blowing rather hard out skulking mannty, the revolutionists making a "clean sweep
there, hut "didn't know it coum
do anything HUe that."
Speaking of discipline In the
navy, have you noticed a better
Instance than when Mrs. Sims
told the Admiral he had talked
We'll say, If Mrs. 81ms were on
li minrterderk more, the Ad
miral would foul his anchor line
The price of Fltvs Is down
Pulestlne papers please copy.
r. P. A. In N. Y. Tribune "t on
nlng Tower."
noes this mean a reduction In
the high cost of fllvvlng?
Hytnesneal mymn of June:
"Plest Be the Tie That Binds."
She has NOT a little calf,
Please take this tip from me,
I saw her get upon a car
I saw up to her shoe tops.
Jackson. Wyoming, having re
elected Its petticoat government
conmsed entirely of women.
might consider changing its name
to Josephine or something
of the whole mighty fabric of Communistic authority within
one hour"
The behavior of the populace in welcoming the militarists
whose former regime proved a failure, is also a puzzle. The
old Russian imperial standard however, flies again above
Vladivostok, though those who seized control are homeless
and destitute, and quarreling among themselves as to pro
ceedure, Ataman Sernemoff, chief of the Cossack forces,
seems to be the commanding figure among the Whites, and
he seems the legitimate successor of Kolchak.
had seen.
Before the Judge could Intro
duce me or said anything whatever
he called Judge Turner by name
and turning to me, said: "I hope
you like the apartment, Mrs. Tur
ner." I felt myself blushing, but the
judge quickly fixed matters. "Mrs.
Hammersly Is an old friend of
mine who has just motored to this
city. She wishes an apartment
near the park, for she has a young
baby. A friend of mine, Mr.
Yates, had told me about this ap-j
artment, which I believe he recent;
ly vacated and so I offeretl to
bring her here."
"I hope you are pleased with
it, Mrs. Hammersly," said the
"Yes, I am very much pleased
with it, but I am afraid that it is
more expensive than I can afford.'
"It is one hundred and twenty
five dollars a month."
I made some mental computa
tions. I had wanted to get an
apartment for about a hundred
dollars, but I thought that proxi
mity to the park, and its fine ar
rangement for my needs, might
make it worth my while to econo
mlze on something else, if neces
"Someone has said," I remarked
to the judge, "that one may pay
a fourth of his income in rent
and still be economical. Do you
think that is true?"
"Not always," he answered.
"These calculations must always
be adjusted to the different cir
cumstance of those who are doing
the calculating."
"Well," I confined, "one hund-
dred and twenty-five dollars a
month is just about a fourth of
my income." Without -more ado,
I returned to the man and said,
"I will take it."
"Make out the lease and Mrs.
Hammersly will call for It in the
morning, or better still, send It
to her hotel."
1 took out my check book.
"Never mind writing a check
until you get your lease. I think
my name will be sufficient gua
rantee of Mrs. Hammersly's good
faith in this matter."
"Quite satisfactory," said the
man and for a moment I wondered
If I saw a little smirk upon bis
face as be did so or was it my
foolish Imagination.
Once more I went over th
apartment, this time looking at
It In terms of proprietorship.
Without thinking, I said: "I
will put Hal's little bed here, for
you Bee that right through the
doorway, Hannah will sleep and
she can see him without even
turning her head. These windows
will bring In the morning sun.
Oh, it will be perfectly splendid
Tomorrow the Salem Senators are
to meet the Woodburn club at Ox
ford park.
With good weather apparently
in the offing and two nines evenly
matched. Munaser Hayes today ex
pressed himself as confident that
a big crowd wilt be out tomorrow
The Salem lineup is to be as
follows: Edwards, c; Keene, p;
Bishop, lb; McKenna, 2b; Miller,
ss; Coleman, 3b; Holmes, Knud
sen, Keinhart and Hayes, fielders;
Davis, umpire.
The anouncement that ' Speck'
Keene is to work on the mound
will he received with considerable
enthusiasm by followers of the
I Senators.
New Minister
To Be Installed
Monday Night
Silverton Man
Raises Alfalfa
Silverton, Or., July 9. Otto
Patenger, who has proven beyond
a doubt that alfalfa can be raised
successfully in this valley, cut his
second crop Wednesday. Mr. Pat
enger made the land sown to this
seed produce a crop of this hay
which would do credit to any part
of the state or country. Many told
Mr. Patenger that alfalfa would
not grow in the valley but he could
not believe the statement and has
proven conclusively that it will
grow profusely here if properly
cared for. '
Crossing- Authorized.
Permission to construct a cross
ing at grade at the intersection of
the Corvallis-Mountain View road
with the tracks of the Southern
Pacific company, is granted to the
county court of Benton county In
an order issued by the public serv
ice commission Friday.
Old Resident
Of Hollywood
Passes Away
Laurentine Hausen Christenaen,
wife of Anton Christensen, passed
away this morning about 2:30 at
her home in Hollywood after a
long period of illness. She has
lived with her family at the pres
ent home since 1915, when she
came here from Minnesota.
She was born in Denmark in
1848, wh.ere she married Mr.
Christensen in 1875. They cam
to America 43 years ago. Besides
her husband she is survived by
four daughters, Mrs. Charles H.
Vick, Emma, Hanna and Freda
particularly as this door opens Christensen, of Salem; five sons,
Haus and l.'barlie of Salem, Chris
of California and Koss and Law
rence of Minnesota.
Funeral services will be held
from the Webb & Clough chapel at
2 o'clock Monday afternoon. In
terment willtake place in the City
View cemetery.
Renresentative pastors from the
principal pastorates of tne suul
will be present at the installation
services to be held in the First
Presbyterian church Monday night
to install Rev. Ward Willis Long
recently arrived in Salem to tak
charge of the church here.
Dr. H. L. Bowman, of the t irsi
Presbyterian church of Portland,
will deliver the installation ad
dress; Dr. Wallace H. Lee, presi
dent of Albany Cbifege, will pre
side at the service and ask the
constitutional questions. Ur
Walter Henry Nugent, of the Cen
tral Presbyterian church of Port
land, will deliver the charge to
the new pastor; Dr. . Williim MOii
Case, of the Central Presbyterian
church of Eugene, will deliver the
I etiarge to tne people, no
Ir. W. Ochor of Woodburn will of
fer the installation prayer.
Rev. Blaine Kirkpatrick of tlu
First Methodist church of tins city
will have part in the opening prayer.
As a part of the service Louise
Evangeline Long, daughter Ol tht
new pastor, will be baptized.
The morning following the in
stallation services the group of
ministers will attend the synod or
Oregon, which is to meet at Cor
ials which appeared welcomed,
with one exception, the Irish truce
with greatest cordiality.
The London Times declared
that, once active hostilities ceased
in Ireland there was every reason
to believe the whole atmosphere of
that country would change.
Warning was given by the Daily
Herald, organ of labor, that a
truce was not a peace, and that It
would be folly to rejoice prema
turely. The Morning Post, a conserva
tive organ, complained of the "hu-
miliation rebels hv7T
IUI11M.J '
., .1 1
on England"
term, at thejpoln;
rf m i
Glass a.
Easier and Better. veaT
and see '
Phone 1255 ja, u'
and Rim Parts for all c
Free Expert Advice
toxins iui tui cars m sift
150 South High Street
Valuable Jewels
Taken from Rural
Home Near Salem
A jewel box containing a goW
watch chain-, and two small dia
monds, and a smaller box contain
ing two opals and ten small dia
monds, several gold and silver
coins, a man's ring, a gold lockei
and chain were stolen yesterday
evening from the home of Miss'
Frances Foley, route 9, according
to a report she made to the poliri
THE condition of your
eyes may decide your
future. Better look after
them if they are giving
you any trouble at all. If
your children's eyes are not
perfect it will interfere with
their schooling. Let us ex
amine the eyes of any mem
ber of your family whose
vision is not perfect. It may
save a lot of trouble later
We Pay-.
'QppULZ X VntiM? 27c per doz. for
occa! uiuce pncn
Office Tyler's Drru? St.
157 South Commercial Street
When your car needs help
Great Western Gara
at your service.
147 N.
Tabloid Sermons
For Busy People by
Parson Abiel Haile
A woman who marries a man
younger than she will soon age
Sure Wav Get A Vacation
Cuss the Hobs
The trouble with some laundries
Is that, Instead of cleaning the
collars they only sharpen thera.
We have observed that the girl
who has a couple of good lookla'
brothers usually has a large flook
tt girl friends.
If there were only three woman
to the world, they would all have
"It Is better to dwell la the corner of the housetop, thau with a
brawling woman In a wide house." Prov. 21-9.
Solomon's word concerning women may be taken as authoritative.
His household was large and he had plenty of chance to study the
ways ot women. He praised the level-headed ones, but evidently
knew some in his menage whose descendants survive the brawlers.
And these brawling women are By no means confined to the humbler
walks of life. They are everywhere, and many a poor man slaves
out his soul and standH abuse. .Sometimes the abuse is his own fault. !
When he transgresses he must expect a rebuke from his spouse. But j
the law considers one punishment ample tor one offense. There are:
many women who are peevleh and irritable from a cause worthy of
consideration. But there are hosts of women and niany consider
themselves good women, virtuous and all that - who are plain
brawlers. They get Into the habit of fault-finding and bickering
and nagging the soul out of a man. Usually, the man hasn't spunk
enough to apply the simple remedy of removing himself from her
(ongue-range. Women are equal before the law in responsibilities . simply detect the thing that you
and suffrage privileges. They have no superior legal rights and are love in no,her.
I looked at me juuge m sur
prise, for although I hsd never
acknowledge It to myself, I knew
this to be true.
Into my own room.' All through
tnv rhapsodies, that blessed man
acquiesced In my enthuslssm
Over and over I told him where
I was going to put each piece of
furniture. Over and over I con
Bulled with him about the proper
drnperlee for the windows and
over and over T told him how hap
py T was going to be.
"Why." I snld. "working here
will be just piny." And then I
could feel my face fall Into lines
of surprise and consternation.
"Win" I reiterated, "do you
know we haven't worked at all
and I have no more material for
the story that I am to write about
vou than I did when I started
i am strain, my dear, we are
holding out on Rol. Never mind
I am going to send you up a lot
or printed matter, some or my
admiring relative! have kept scrap
books galore ahout me, which
they have presented to me from
time to time
"I wish I could stay here this
very night. 1 said Irrelevantly.
' Mow long do you think It will
take to get my household goods
"Iong enough, my dear lady.
for your enthusiasm to evaporate.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because you are a very rest
less little person If you will allow
me to say so. In one mood you
A Flag
or Anron
or Scissors
or a Pony
The Capital Journal
But You Buy
A Newspaper
entitled to no especial consideration because of their sex. provided
they are In health and vigor. Many a man has lived out a drab Ufa;
with a ringo. For those who disbelieve in divorce, there Is another
avenue of escape in a legal separation, ll a man is tied to a brawl-, -yp ur,., the leavening power
ing woman--and if a woman ll yoked to a brawling man and lhe'0f a great love to settle you. Mrs.
h-awler persists In brawling without reason, leave them for a sea- Hammersly."
so. Keep your record above reproach, but show them that no law! "Do you think I have not had
of ilod or man compels a man or a woman to live with a mate who It. Judge Turner?"
will not hand In hand traverse life's path In peace and In the making ,n nwer he said Irrelevantly
of a real home. If the briefer separation falls to turn the offender to, rae Ut yOU b'ck '? tth,
... ... ..... . . hotel." l.ooklng at my watch. I
rational action, make me separauon permanent, u me larts warrant. . , . , . ,..
j Uul do MM be a martyr; life Is too short. Be sure of your ground,! ui-vilv
I - 1 4 - . iulr tha fltfl km, I Q ..... . . , . I
uwoei. ii j "Why didn t you ten me mat
I " i ft was so late'" I said. "1 am
I" ' "l ..... . m
:sur mat l nave Kept you ire-m
something important."
I "1 have nothing more Impor
tant on my hands than your hap
piness. But the shadows are fall-1
i ing and I really have a dinner en
' ftfpment."
As we went out and closed the
door, something seemed to tighten
about mv heart as though that
door had closed all the oy of the
afternoon within When 1 went
to the desk for mv key the clerk
handed me a telegram.
Hastily1 I tore it open and read
"Come home! l ittle Hal has
been kidnaped. Think we are on
track of kidnapers - Father."
Woman Who Passed
Street Car Didn't
Show Her License
Officer White arrested Miss
Jeauette Joues last eening. She
is cited to appear in police court
this afternoon.
MM .lones, according to the
policeman, passed an east-bound
car on Slate street, while it was
receiving and discharging passen
gers. She was unable to display a
driver's license, it was said, and
wasn't sure that she possessed
Irish Troops to
Keep Truce
(Continued from Page One.)
in their normal civil duties.
"The curfew restriction shall be
"The despatch of reinforcements
shall be suspended.
"Police functions in Dublin
shall be carried on by the metro
politan police.
The direction are effective
from noon Monday."
Belfast, July 9. The new de
velopment in Irish politics was
coldly received in Belfast. "Truck
ling to the murder gang," the Bel
fast News-Letter captions its edi
torial on the truce, saying there
are complications in the Downing
street truce announcement which
are disquieting "to all loyal sub
jects of the king and repulsive tc.
all honorable men."
The Northern Whig in its com
meirt says:
"Whatever the government may
promise or protest, we doubt if
they will be able entirely to re
move the fear that their first des
cent into the valley of humiliation
will not only fail to bring peace
io iieiand but may ultimately he
the means of causing many faith
ful British subjects to pass
through the valley of the shadow
of death."
Comment Reserved.
London, July 9. The result of
the Dublin conference was an
nounced so late last evening that
several of this morning's newspa
pers did not comment on the se
sion. The news everywhere was
displayed as being of great import-
... uuncin, anu lne few ejitor.
fYTi TTT 1 4 a M
ine world's Greatest Playground and
Museum of Natural Wonders
VI., . I ft . , . .
-.asu.nuoui noteis ana commodious camps; 300 miles of Im
proved highways; all In the midst of matchless scenery. It.
ot. are marvelous establishments. Its camps are pretty littlil
tent villages, models of cleanliness, sanitation, order, comfort!
and simple, Informal living. An ideal place for vacation pleJ
ures. Send for our beautifully Illustrated booklet telling
about its wonders In word and picture.
Operated DAILY during the season between
Portland & West Yellowstone
by the
uuvuis otuuroay, jnne is, Leaving Portland 5:00 P.
Let our representatives explain the '
various tours which ennhie
to see the Yellowstone so comfort
ably and at minimum cost; also quote
fares, prepare your Itinerary and
make your reservations.
n. traveiia Passenger
agent, with headquarters at 701
Wells Fargo Building. Portland will
be glad to call personally on anyone
wishing to visit Yellowstone, and ar
range all details. Drop him a card
or address
WM. McMURRAY, General Passen
ger Agent. Portland, Oregon.
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. ra.
A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry
The Noted Writer
"PAINT - te
UP" .. i'-il Save the Surf. IBssgmnii v' H
AWHMMiHB V f a- L HH! W Jcs2hS ? rSSBSB
sssMSae? jm. mssmmmf.
A Telegram froaa Home room to be used as living and
I found the apartment Ideally, dining rooms for myself. A bed
room, falr-eised as rooms go In
cities, and dressing room- and
kitchen with maids room and
completed the
suited to my wants. It Included
la somewhat Isolated suite of
j rooms and bath that would do for
Hal and his nurse. There, bath attached
i darling little library and' apartment.
Protect Your Investment
Good "Paint and Varnkh will save the surfar- H
nrniwrh- ,.!, ,l Tl . TT . . e SUnace H
..- ,.r..,x.. lllr; V()U .snnuia 0 lust n i.,r''l
, . " Ml V 1 UJ
an t . ""Tf1 ,n Having t applied
All of the firms luted below grantee their work
because they use only the highest grade materials and
employ only skilled mechanics.
Your investigations are invited.
Robt. HuteUna. Phoae lttlj
Keith. Phone S4.
44J Ferry Street.
J. R. Kennedy, rhone 2002R.
it' Court Street.
Darls gtrausbaugh.
Phore t:4J. Mt . ii...
3. Porter. Phone 4SS
... 455 Court Street
J. A. Lyons. Phnna ICC
Chemeketa. H
"'N AT
s noose your EnwloynU
in the -WANT ADS
Joi rnal want ads pat