Page Tea The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Lloyd-George To Accept DeValera's Invitation For Formal Conference Sinn Fein Leader Instructs Followers To Cease All Attacks Upon Civilians and Dis AlltO Park Big ' continue Military Maneuvers; Peace Is A X,.. OQ Here Last Night Nearly Accomplished English Believe Tendon. July Premier Lloyd George will, it was authoritatively Mated today accept Eamcaa De Vetera', proposal of yesterday and Met (he republican leader to dis- casn the basis tor a formal confer see. Toe meting will probably occur seat week. The Irish office stated this aft- that Eamonn De Valera Inst rut i tons to hit sup porter to cease all at tack J a poo civilian and discontinue military maneuver of all kinds. The instruction from Mr. De Valera. the Irish office said, also were te prohibit the use of arms, to abstrain from Interference with mnalie or private property, and to discontinue aad prefect action likely to cause disturbance of the peace which might necessitate mil itary interference Trace Effective Monday. The instructions, it was added I were effect ire from noon on lion 4a ..a air of tte greatest optimism j this moraine pe traded the pre mier's official residence and the! Irish office, where the belief was treaty voiced that (here waa every' reason to hope the bloodshed in Ireland was n earing an end. It is understood the details of the forthcoming conference will! undoubtedly be discussed over the! west -end at Chequerscourt, where i Mr. Uoyd George Is entertaining the premiers of the dominions. Earl Mldletoa. sooth Irish j new nut leader, reached London' this morning from Dublin and was almost Immediately received lot audience by King George. It Is wndestood he reported to the king details of yesterday's momentous' conference at which the truce was' airranged. Irish Favor Settlement. The whole country this morn tag waa teething with talk over peace in Ireland, which was the one absorbing topic of converts mm Sari Hidleton said that he and km roll (agues had achieved their object at the conference yesterday aad that further progress towari ponce was a question to be dis etaaaed by Mr. Uoyd George and Nr. De Valera "Sentiment in Ireland." he said. "la overwhelming in favor of a settlement aad there is fervent at a solution that will be pernia- Xr Lloyd George left for t'heq eerscourt today in company with General Jan Christian Smuti, and ether dominion premiers who are mas county is circulating peti te London to attend the Imperial Hons for the repeal ot the $1,700.-oaafe-v 000 road bond Issue The petitions London Per Hopeful. evempt from repeal bonds for the ,Jst swemuJ p'otwMe that dorinr new Oregon City bridee. welt-c"l r-a- ..rv-its miiM t he maii - !'ev-- .'OtT.S !. VV WT ADS PAT (he British prime minister and Mr De Valera. The London Times today pa- With a total of 18 cars stop preswad the belief that "(he end of ping In the Salem aalo camp this secular trouble, ruinons to Ire- grounds Thursday night the pre land and humiliating to (his coun- Tious record of 75 campers la a try. la within measurable dis- oa vu .haltered by a big mar Unee." The Chronicle, remark- giD xmong the tourists were par tag upon the extraordinary fact-u- from Caldwell. New Jersev; that Sir ee..'.-y. military ; Redoing. p.nn.. aad Tiajuana. cooio acder in Ms .si vv able to jexc0 lr. e lurcrgh (he n eei- cf Dub lin yesterday in full i liform acd unattended, but without molesta tion said "Here is peace, not simply in prospect, but In foretaste." It axpreaaed belief that further fighting ia Ireland would be im possible, adding "It sems as though the last chapter of bloodshed and misery is at length closed." Patrols Withdrawn. Military patrols were with drawn from the streets of Dublin last evening, says a Central News dispatch from that city. Many of the police auxiliaries were walk ing the streets leisurely, fraternti ing with civilians and discussing the prospects of peace in Ireland . j The truce between the Sinn Peiij aad the crown forces may. there-1 for. be said to be already begun. although the time tor commencing it ofifically has been set for Mon day noon. It is understood the armistice will be signed by Sir Nevll Mac Heady and Michael Collins, com mander of the Irish republican army. The only thing remaining is the fixing of the date, which Mr Lloyd George will name in his re ply to Mr DeValera's letter. The government is subordinat-j ing all other problems of state toj (he question of Irish peace and is. beading every effort towards prep arations for the meeting. The camp ground is function ing as an advertising medium ef considerable importance, accord- lag to Superintendent T. G. Al bert, who distributes an armload of literature from the commerekfl club and elsewhere every few daps. Many prospective bay era come late the camp from time to time, and are glad to get the iaiorma ttoa that is available at the camp grounds office. About half of the campers who come Into the park are berry aad cherry pickers, according to Mr. Albert's estimate. Between 2 sad 30 advertisements for picSers ap pear daily on the camp ground bulletin board, and those who are looking for work locate them selves with the free phone at the grounds. Some complain, how ever, that it is impossible to make very much this season. Among those who are piekiag fruit are Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mil ler of Tiajuana. Mexico, who have been up the valley before to pick fruit. Last year, according to Mr. Miller, they drove from Tiajuana to British Columbia, back lo Mex ico, and up to Oakland, with only one puncture on the whole trip. The roads between here and the southern border, he says, are idea! except for the detours From the Siskiyous south there is a perfect stretch of highway ail the way. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT A Grave Theft. Birmingham. Ala.. July t. However pitiful a tale of woe may be advanced and regardless of Ike ureency of acljon. T A. Ridoui undertaker, is not going to takt anybody's check for a coffin especially when some change hi forthcoming. J W James baby had died, the banks were closed, and a Coffin was needed by the next express. Ridout obligingly took bia check for TI and gave him change from a ISO coffin. The coffin was unclaimed, and Ridout is out tH. Exi6e BATTERIES Long Lasting Power You are entitled to a battery that is not only powerful when new, but that keeps its power through a long life of service. This means so much to you in econ omy and convenience that it is worth some attention on your part. Call and let us show you why Exide construc tion gives you mort power, longer life, and more care-free service. We repair all makes of batteries with a care that aims to live up to the name Exide. R. D. BARTON 171 SOUTH COMMERCIAL STREET PHONE 1107 SALEM, OREGON Local Man Has Visible Vendor For Gas Station The Henningseu Brothers, lo cated with the Oleson garage, are preparing to install a aew gaso line pump which has reven been invented by Nobel Henningsen. aad the patent of which Is now pending in the government patent office. The pump Is a visible gaso line vendor with a glass guage down the side, enabling (be pur chaser to see the amount of gas which he receives. Mr. Henningsen. who has been traveling for about a year up to last December, selling gasoline station pumps, got the idea of just what the public and the station men wanted through aetnal con tact with the stiuation and set about to obtain a patent on the idea which he had worked out. The pump which will be installed ready for use in a few days is pro vided with a cylinder holding sev en gallons, any excess above that amount running back into the main (ank through an open pipe at the .even-gallon mark. In the release to the auto tank a mov able pipe open at the top drains off all the gasilen above the mark at which it is fixed. Mr. Henningsen is confident of securing a patent on his invention, according to advice from his attor ney. His home is at Livesley. waere he has lived for about 1! years, j Gvfl Service Examinations Are August 6 Examine' on for all mzil ear : and fostal eier.J '"4 J c . ted for the purpv e of estat li-i ng an eligilie PsSWdf troo selections .no' J wade :o fill vacancies as they may occur, will be held here on August t. The salary paid for such P0"1" tions Is $1400 a year. Both men and women. If citizens of the Uni ted States, and between the ages of 18 and 45 aare permitted to take the examination, with the ex ception of married women unl? .h.v are the wives oi - en Soldiers, sailors and marires fcolding honorable discharges are given preference, as are their wives. The examination? Include t su on spelling penmanship, copying, letter writing and arithmetic. Application bUnks cam be cb- (iined from Pau. W. Miller, local secretary of the board of examin ed, cr by applyia? to thi serre eleventh V. i ;naii service d.svfct. J03 Pssttata e Sml'lit., - at. v. Washington. Consolidation Does Not Alter Districts' Status School districts united In a high school district retain all the rights and privileges as before the eon- Satorday, July jt 152, suiiusiwu .wruing to an oeiaw prepared ky Attorney General Vn Winkle, who holds that u triet boundary board has the nt authority to alter or change thi boundaries of the component di trieta as it baa to alter or cW, boundaries of district not latbT ed In the union high school ikl triet. The opinion also holds that it is not necessary for the notice , an election for the formation ot a union high school district to dot. nate all of the districts Proaasj n np uniiefl in in H'Ci- , . a w lOM. as the notice ia given in each ot the districts affected. Of the 48 states constitoUu the United States, forty have adopted the Mothers' pension Ii in sortie form. "Hold Tracks" for Grain Designated Tracks numbers 23 and 24 in lie new Albina yards have been zz-ied by the public service ramission as "hold tracks'' for -ain shipments over the Oregon Vashington Railroad & Naviga tes company according to a letter Idressed by Fred M. Williams, hairman of the commission to J. W Church, chief inspector of the vmmission's grain inspection de triment in Portland. These two tracks, the letter tates, are each about a mile In ength and convenient to . the Muring mills as well as to the locks, both municipal and private, at that the inspection and sam pling of grain should be expedited to all parties. Aprons Modern housewives demand the all enveloping and still very attractive apron as the garment worn during the housekeeping hours. Some of these aprons completely cover one others are dainty affairs that you can slip over your afternoon dress for any needed occasion. The materials are ginghams and percales. Our Prices 98c to $1.48 House Dresses So splendidly made and of such excellent ginghams and percales are these house dresses now on display at Shipley's that you will find It more economy to buy them ready made than to make your own. Our Prices $1.98 to $4.98 Join the ranks of the "Pay As You Go" people all success results Three Days Only Starting Tomorrow n SCHEDULE Tomorrow 1 : 1 5, 6, :4a, 9:15 P. M. The Pomona grange of Olaeki- I 1 ' TWIT ffl T imnfll B "jllj Deception romance oir jlovcs Behind a Throne What About It? Halley's commet did not strike the Earth in 1911 as predicted by a few wiseheads. nor has any other commet done us any harm, but followed its orbit. Farmers have been hit hard by imafpnkry hard times and the av erapo small business men have been hit still harder in proportion to capital invested, but cheer up. Better times are in sight, let's forget the past and keep on sawing wood. We are still at the old stand doing business. Salem Tire and Vulcanizing Co. a. 154 SO. COMMERCIAL ST. Auction Sale TUESDAY, JULY 12th-at 1:30 P. M. . 1924 North Water St.. Corner of Academy Street, west of Front, about J blocks south of Ward K Richard son Store -1 solid oak Library table I solid oak stand table. 1 Fir Library table 1 Brown velour couch and rover. 1 Edison Graffophone with hom and 50 records 1 solid oak rockers l Leather seated rocker 1 Fir rocker. l solid oak. square, extension table Fir dining chain -4 can seated kitchen chairs. 1 Axmlnster Rug xl conventional design 1 Body Brussels Rng xlx good -1 Ingrain Rug. xlj taa aa hlne. I Baby crib and silk floss mattress. I Baby highchalr. 1 Baby highchalr Ivory flnlah - 1 aolie oak draae oval plat mirror 1 solid oak wash staad marble ton I oak bd J spring -1 It la .Ilk floas rn.ttreaa.-l ivory dreaaer large nUlaf mirror -I Ivory Iron bed .ad spring -1 - boi, Unrel n( tor co.1 or wood -1 Good heater block and pipe t Khetrt 1 mlaute washer and wringer almost n.w t dreaa forna. V. Oak pedistal -J Wert tub. aad wash hoard -1 six gUo crock. : three gal. crocks. 1 Perfection oil banter 1 pr- feetloa I burner oil stova-1 Lawn mower Garden cnltiv,- te. 1 ft garden hoe Hoe. rake aad sheweU. 1 ,Uirta ef hom canaed fruit and plcklea. 1 Baby basket aad stanrl Terms Cast, everything to be sold without reserve as the owner has sold his home asd Is going to motor to Missouri Geo. Steinka Owner Phase 1007J. F. N. Woodry The Auctioneer Sjttf TaBaansaki The real life-story of beautiful Anne Bolem- The cirt tw i who sacrificed love for the throne of Henrv VIII irfJH , w the,"bes of royalty, her heart was She won the kis of a king, and a mighty P?re w Vh or,d 8 band. A tale that regal crown, and the world wM kSl T" f d WOIMn Filmed on a tarnasander. f!Lrcun.d of PmP and splendor never t, , approached in anovner screen production reatunn, S With a 0-1 KSTjiiuigs rjver isuiit AXD JOHNNY H1NES In TORCHY'S BIG LEAD" Torch . s Aha-ays Gewd OREGON Also Prixma Scenic Fox News Ice Water Washed Air