Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 28, 1921, Image 1

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Average (or 1920, (250
population of Salem 1900. 425:
1910, 14,094; 1920, 17,679
Marion County 1920, 47.177J
Polk county, 14,181
Member of Audit Bureau of Cireu-
latiion. Associated Press Full
Leased Wire
iUrdYear-No. 154 , - --VHm
jsflMfc. Issssl ' msmmmmmmaB gmmPmmm7 mmTrr- Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, June 28, 1921
The Weather
OREOO?.': Tonight and Wednes
day fair, moderate westerly
LOCAL: No rainfall; westerly
winds; part cloudy; maximum
77, minimum 48, set 52; river 1
PrW Thru Pants OK TmAOiJ Aim HEWS
Split Is Threatened In Republican Ranks
r T ivy . I i m
Congress Doing Nothing Is
Complaint of New Members
Who Organize For Action
Mrs. Kaber Unconcerned and
Disinterested At Opening Of
1 rial b or Murder of Husband
Washington, June 28. Repre
lentative Ansorge of New York is
sued a statement today that the
iew republican members of the
house, were dissastified with the
progress made by congress at the
present special session and disclos
ing that he and ten others had
joined In a call for a conference
tomorrow night of approximately
one hundred new republican mem
bers to discuss the stiuation.
"We are not meeting in any
spirit of revolt," said Mr. Ansorge,
adding that the new members
wanted "to cut some of the red
tape and substitute action for de
lay." Mr. Ansorge said none of tho
objects for which congress was
tilled Into special session had
been accomplished.
No Prospect of Action.
"Nor Is there defnite promise as
to when they will be," he added.
"There are upwards of a hun
IContinued on Page Ten.)
T'was Not So Much What Mary Wore
That Prefaced This Disaster:
But Rather What She Failed To Wear
That Outraged This Staid Pastor
New York, June 28 Scant summer styles, as exhibited
in these parts, have inspired the Rev. Dr. John Roach
Straton, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, to pen a
"poem" which was going through its second edition in
the public prints today.
Writes Dr. Straton:
"Mary had a little skirt,
The latest style, do doubt;
But every time she got inside
She was more than half way out."
In a prose foreword, delivered from his pulpit Sunday
night, Dr. Straton declared he did not advocate a return
to the old street sweeping style.
$82,500 Contract Is Let
For Construction of New
Salem Hospital at Once
At an estimated cost of $82,500
the (irst unit of the new Salem
hospital will be commenced al
once. The agreement to build wat
signed yesterday by the building
committee of the hospital associa
tion with Clarence Van Patton &
Son, who have been employed a;
architects and builders. An ordei
for id tons of steel to be used-in
the construction was sent out this
The first unit will take care of
prospective building of two addi
tional wings, and the expense ol
ration Is three-fourths of the to
tal cost of the entire building.
,. Ud to Peoule.
ine amount subscribed and the
mount on hand totalling $71,000
not sufficient to bear the initial
Pense. Additional subscriptions
are expected to be offer -
7 me time they are needed.
n Is up to the ueonle of th
jT to stand behind this proposi
Md aee it through," stated H.
" Meyers, who is in charge of the
M and building management
institution of this kind can
""' with success until we have
"'backing of each individual in
commimif -
n Purpose Defined.
purpose of tho hA.nit.i i-
'wtb. In article 2 of its papers
""corporation which state
"The enterprise, business, pur
suit and occupation in which this
corporation proposes to engage is
the care of the sick, the relief of
the needy and suffering and par
ticularly to establish and maintain
a public and private hospital to
be conducted independent of sec
tarianism, and to be open to per
sons of whatever sect or creed and
nlso for the purpose of benevolence
and charity."
Profits to Be Used.
"The hospital organization
working for this new building was
organized for the people of Salem
for their own benefit" stated C. A.
Espee Seeks
Early Action
An early hearing on the
rates proposed by the Southern
Pacific company for
Cleveland, Ohio, June 28. Mrs.
Eva Catherine Kaber, charged
with having plotted the assassina
tion of her husband, Dantel P.
Kaber of Lakewood, Ohio, was for
mally placed on trial this morn
ing. She is under indictment for
first degree murder which carries
the death penalty.
Mrs. Kaber appeared uncon
cerned as she entered the orowded
court room and seemed disinter
ested in the trial. 1
The corridors of the court house
were filled and the crowd in front
of the building had increased to
more than a thousand persons be
fore Mrs. Kaber appeared.
Women Jurors Protested
Attorneys for the defendant
vigorously protested against the
prospective of women being placed
on the jury-and immediately sub
mited a motion to annul a special
pane! of 42 talesmen because five
women were . included. Judge
Bernon promptly overruled the
motion on the ground that the
state constitution did not bar Wo
men jurors.
Doubt was expressed whether a
jury would be selected before ihe
end of the week.
When the trial opened attorneys
for Mrs. Kaber were prepared to
ask for a continuance. Failing in
this, it was indicated, a plea of
temporary insanity would be en
tered, which the state announced
would be vigorously opposed.
Stabbed 24 Times.
Admits Stabbing Kaber
6 - - -
BSNlt I jfj j(fiL mmsmmmmmlfisMfll
H9hPHb Vl mmY tit jw jBK BSK
US'- v
Salvatore Cala (center), photographed Immediately after his arrest
In Buffalo, New York, charged with the murder of Daniel Kaber.
Mrs. Kaber is the first of six; wealthy Cleveland publisher, who was killed almost two years ago
persons irfider indictment for the In connectlon wlth the death ot Kaber, tne late pubnsher raother.
in-law, the wife and stepdaughter are under arrest. According to
District Attorney Moore, Cala admits stabbing Kaber twenty-four
Kaber murder to be tried. The
others are Mrs. Brickel, her moth-
er; Marian McArdle, Mrs. Kaber's
daughter, and three former ser
vants. Kaber, an invalid, was stabbed
24 times at his Lakewood home,
July 18, 1919. At the coroner's
inquest Mrs. Kaber was practical
ly accused ot the crime, but for
want of evidence was dismissed.
Through efforts of Moses Kaber,
father of the dead man', the quest
for a solution was continued.
Four weeks ago Mrs. Brickel
street i broke down and issued a state-
railway lines in Salem, Eugene
and West Linn, was requested of
the public service commission
this morning by a delegation
railroad company, In-
ment implicating Mrs. Kaber. The
arrest of the latter and Miss Mc
Ardle in New York followed.
Bargain Day Rush
& Awaited By 67
Local Institutions
Park, a member of the board of
"Tho iT,ctiti,tirn n-ni from the
be operated without profit and the eluding Ben C. Dey, general agent
amounts accruing therefrom are to 'for the railroad; J. A. Ormandj,
be used for the betterment of the assistant general passenger agent
establishment." snd T. E. Billingsly, super.ntend-
Onranized 24 Years. ' lne Salem 8treet ra"war
The Salem hospital was organ- system.
Ized in 1896 with assets less than' Members of the commission
$1000. At the present time I following the visit of the delega
It has in liberty bonds and prop-, Hon declared that a hearing with
erty $35,000. The unit to be built in the next mon:h was an impos
wlll accommodate 75 people, andsibility because of the congested
:ts erection includes the heating! condition of the docket,
plant and operating room. In asking for the early hear-
Members of the building com-tng the representatives of the
nltt ir William MeCilchrist . I r.llrnad nointed out that an ap-
Thomas B. Kay. Russell Catlin. Dr. pucation for increased fares had , liquor.
been men wim m- , lne
severs' months ago but that no
action had ever been taken by the
Lee Stelner and H. W. Meyers.
Negro Given
10 Days For
Ten days in the county jail was
the sentence imposed yesterday by
Judge Percy Kelly, of the circuit
court, on Jesse Padden, colored,
who was convicted by a jury on
the charge of unlawfully selling
Evidence was furnished
state by "Red" Pendregast
and A. B. Gates, Anti-Saloon
league "stool pigeons
Oregon City
Bridge Bids
Are Openied
Portland, Or., June 28. The
state highway commission was in
session here today to open bids for
$1,500,000 road Bonds, and bids
for construction of a bridge across
the Willamette river at Oregon
City and for about 17 miles of road
A steel and concrete bridge for
the Pacific highway at Oregon
City is planned.
Among the bridges advertised
are a series of small ones on the
Mt. Hood loop road in Clackamas
county Other bridges will be built
in Malheur, Crook, Union and
Tilamook counties. Road bids call
for work In Curry, Lane, Yamhill,
Coos. Deschutes, Josephine, Jack
son, Lincoln, Tillamook and Uma
tilla counties.
Padden Insisted that,
!" Salem btjrcs. which
,ot be found unrrenare.t
'usn oi bus nes. bU
Tear . ...
- -u n.e arrival
Win Dayihi r..r t tw.
" Friday. JnW I ti.i..
have been uv for
IipI., B re P"oing
"CtlrjR the linn f
'n their window dls-j
to rnn mm. - J
Its,. . '
1 1
commission on this petition. Fol
lowing the enactment of the new he gol gome )jqu0r for the two
law permitting the filing of tar-
men, it was done merely as a faTor
iffs without a formal hearing aB(j SVOre that be received not a
the company proceeaea iu ""Mcenl or proiu. ji wa m;r mutu
tariffs to become effective July 1 persuading on the part of the two
! Increasing the cash fares on Its , mm that he got them the boose
'street railway lines from five he said.
eight cents witn propor-
'.pnts to
assured todav that they will be ,:.,. increases in the rates for
more than welcome at the Salem tommutation tickets.
. . .u il Thl. tariff was suspended
stores, wnetner or --- MmmlMion Ust week
to buy. The "gei-together splfll r jj . ,h cmmlMon
is to be emphasised this year (lme o jjguing the order !
"Window shopping can ne done decl,rnf that a hearing would be
k MarvKnir it l nointed out. h.ld in the meantime at which:
MulhaJJ Resi
Thomas Mulhall, deputy U. S.
marshal from whom Roy Oard
a't hough n,,r maII bandit, escaped at Cas
tle Rock. Wash., resigned bis po
sition today to become an investi
gator for the National Fire Un
derwriters arson board. He has
held his position for eight years.
The resignation has nothing to
do with Oaardner's escape, accord
lag to U. S. Marshall Holohan.
to remember the company
would be given an
are being looked after by the Bu laflrtMJ conference this
nes. Mens Wt." 7 a repr-en..iv. of the
Present staff, mo- fi" reminaen mnv intimated that they bad
'Witunons h.v. I "All bargains offered must or , - SUUicieat to
rBribeiy Is
Charged to
Dty Agent
-- augment their sales lD.!.TOn" " J yield a reasonable return oo
- first dav nf th. ' no1 " r-- . , slreet ranwa,
Bargain Dav, K... "'ure Bream w "
hunrtri. . oeople are to be given every c. absolutely
TV, inTestment
line, but declared ion
aMKkt was
oi an; - - ,h- if.M
necessary In oroer iu
.h.M nay operating cosu.
and for i 7'... '
af .i . . . . -Three ttimrs a, . .
L Tl III Will ,n' "TT. . . v. .w-irf ml B., ween ISO and 290 tourism
in the immediate " """r r." " revered daily at the Sal-
for k;r S (Co-tinued o. Page Three .
wlr a.,o a
Wasbington, June J8. William
P. Egan, formerry a clerk In the
legal department of the prohibi
tion bureau, was arrested today oa
a charge of bribery. Officials de
clined to discus the case, but indi
cated they had evidence against
other former employes of the unit.
Egan was a Treated by agents ot
the intelligence division of the la
ternal revenue bureau, who are
understood to have been workiag
on the case for a month or two.
gfaa's arrest was caused by dis
covery of fraudulent permits to
sued by him.
Wheat, Sugar
Prices Show
Further Loss
New York, June 28. Two IfJcal
sugar refiners today cut their Hut
quotations ten points to 5.20 a
pound for fine granulated.
San Francisco, June 2$. A cut
of ten cejits a hundredweight for
refined cane sugar was announced
by the refineries today bringing
Ihe price to $5.70. Refined beet
sugar went to the jobbers for $5.50
a hundredweight.
Chicago, June 28. Severe
breaks In the price of wheat took
place today, some sales showing a
loss of as much as cents a bush
el compared with yesterday's fin
ish. Free selling on the party of
the country holders was largely
responsible. July delivery fell to
I !' end closed greatly unsettled
all the way from lt to 122.
Slayers of Sheriff
Sustained Today
Assignments of Error Claimed by Condemned
Men Are Overruled; Defendants Have 20
Days to Petition for RehearingJJut Action
by Governor Held Hope to Escape Noose
John L. Rathie and Elvie D. Kirby alias James Owens
must hang for their part in the murder of Sheriff Til Taylor,
of Umatilla county on July 25, 1920. The supreme court in
an opinion written by Justice McBride this morning affirmed
the decree of Judge Gilbert W. Phelps of the Umatilla
county circuit court fixing the death penalty Upon conviction
of the two men for complicity in the Pendleton murder. liie and Klrby, who are now I 11 1
Kill Bout
Is Denied
Motion To Enjoin
Rickard From Stag
ing Big Battle Is
Thrown Out
Jersey City. N. .(., June 28.
Vice Chant ellor Stevenson today'
denied a motion by th Intern.i-
'ional Reform bureau for
in the state prison here under
stay of execution from the sen
tence to hang December 3, laBt.
They have twenty days In which
to perfect a petition for a rehear
ing. Failing to aecure a rehear
ing the mandate ot the circuit
court will be forwarded to the
Umatilla county circuit court
which must recall the two men
for the purpose ot fixing a new
date for their execution.
Error Claims Overruled.
Only Inlerlerence" by the gov
ernor, It is held here, can now
nave ltathie and Kirby from the
fate Nell Hart, who was hanged
here November 6, 1S20, for bis
part In the aame crime, lrviu be
Itoy Sloop and Floyd L, Henderson'
are now serving life sentences for
complicity in the Pendleton jail
break and the Taylor murder.
The appeal' of Ualbie and Klrby
was based on twenty two aaalgn
meuts ot error all of which are
overruled by the supreme court,
"We have considered every
hi ( r-
polnt suggested by appellants' j der ordering Promoter Tex Rjt
counsel.'' declares JuKtlce McBride ar(l to gnow calu,e wny ne ghould
in Humming up ihh opinion, iuih not , rcg.raneu frora
consideration, it is needless to say.'.i.. (;.rMI)r1ar-Damusev
fight in
Iihh been given under a Hense of
lbs great responsibility devolving I
upon us in a case where human'
life may rest upon the result. The I
defendants, In our judgment, had
a fair trial and the record here!
Hhowg that tber were ulilv and
i,v-ii. ,if.,i,i hv ,u,.i ""x n up. Mr. Stevenson ex
have contested every phase of the P"d he was leavlt g trwn
case with skill snd energy. Tbatand could not hear the r?umiiit.
the law and the tacts were against In denying the order, Mr. Str
thn lb no fault of counsel, court enson said there appeared to he
or Jury but of- their own lawless!""" cause for equitable Interven
acls. Painful as the fact is. we Hon.
this city.
Mr. Stevenson, however, gave
the representatives of the buria l
permission to apply to another
vice chancellor for such an rtl -r
and the clei-gymen departed to
Mr. Stevenson
must acquiesce in the Judgment
that the law has Imposed."
Brown Not Partv.
JUHllce Ueorge M. Brown, who, bankrupt if the order was Issued
as attorney general astisted In the and the bout banned.
John Milton, who appeared for
Rickard, told the vice chancellor
that his rlient probably would be
prosecution of Hathle and Klrby,
did not participate In the bearing
or consideration of the case before
the supreme court.
Other opinions were handed
down by the court as follows:
Prompt Action Demanded
Mr. Stevenson ruled that If the
petition was to be renewed be
fore another Judge In chancery. It
must be done today.
In announcing he had too much
W. 8 Reea, appellant, vs. Valley other work to do before leading
View Drainage district; appeal 'on bis vacate to le nprvgl shrdlur
from Malheur county; action to oa his vacation to give proper1
enjoin defendants from levying or ! consideration to the application,
collecting taxes or selling bondx he told counsel for the reformers
against district. Opinion by Jus- tht he did not fee bow a court
lice Harris; Judge Dalton Biggs of ch.ncery could grant an In
affirmed. Junction to prevent any damage
' PPllt. vs. T. ,n th, mora , , cammanltr nr
B Davidson, appeaj from Lane hn ,, M 1.1
mission on real eatate sales Opln
inn by Justice Johns; Judge Q. T.
8kipwortb affirmed.
City ot Portland vs. Paul C
Vates. appellant;
Mullnomah county
Paper Plant Wrecked,
Dublin. June 28. Military
forces last night raided the oMce
of New Ireland, the newspaper of
Arthur Griffith, founder of the
Sinn Peln. who Is In Mount Joy
prison. There was no one :n the
building when the soldiers arrived
and umasbed the front door with . county; action for recovery of com ,B aaT4BCe of , crme
xieuge nammer. rne offices were
thoroughly wrecked.
Clers-vmen Join Reqnest.
Jersey City, N. J., June It
Robert Watson, aa official of Die
appeal from International Reform bureau, ae
actlon to re-1 com pa a led by five Jersey dty
move sign. Opinion by Justice, clergymen, sppeared today la
Bean; Judge Robert Tucker re- chancery court before vlce-chaa
cellor Stevenson in an, effort 10
Logan and Hsher C. Lo- block the Dempeey-Carpenlier
of permitting manufacture, sale and transportation of bever- of I0,an Brothers v. r b cms ! Through counsel the delegate
age. containing not more than five percent alcohol and wine' appellant, appeal from crook sought an order directing Pn .mo
op to 14 percent alcohol. county; action to neforre perform ter Tex Rickard to show causa
lanreoi contract upioinn ny jus- wny an injunction restraining the
I ties Johns. Judge T. J. Duffy af I bout should not be Issue!. A de-
firmed rislon Is expected this afternoe.
Waahington. June 28 Senator rouasarrL democrat, Ixuis-
tana, today formally introduced in the senate an amendment red.
iii w natirtnal nmhiKilinn at u,K,'jl ,.,, 1.1 - - - - . A. M
w rvtwiv,vu " iiivii nvuiu imvc LUC II 1 (TV I
Washington, June 28. Lincoln Johnson, republican na
tional commander of George, a negro, was nominated today ,
1 n : i 4 ii i - a i , m m .
ay rrraiuem narunig io rje recoroer OI aeeas lor ine district. ! Iiegolla va. Anderson
Of Columbia. Petition of LeRoy E Kealey for,
Petitions for rehearing denied
No one was la court represent-
nr Rickard.
Usanvhll, U. .P n. m.
" vxmm,iT mmn
admission lo Oregon bar denied, .conferring with tbe heads mt the)
Omaha, Neb., June 28. When Nora Cobb, 16 years old, Mot ton to modify record in 'fire and police departments and
applied for a divorce ni district court today, Judge eslie aaidiF"1her e Bayer denied. Rickard concerning protaetton of
fc rurrst he "would e-iv-P hr a tiwreo" artdino- that "hp 1 01 niM v.. ab rang . mow wno turner oat t. the bout.
ET "777 . . " , r. w " , , , and Ah Iule. motion to dismiss
gnouia nave a panging arong wun it. mrs. tooo tow j ftB( aflnB judgment, al
judge she was married when 15 yean old. j lowed.
ftpaln Is said to here
guarter of a million
iy a
autDohile camp groamds.
D-y visitora
from Poor Richard s aJmaaae.