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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
1921 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon Page Fh News Notes of Salem and Vicinity Briefly Told Bring-in? TTn Fathsv By George McManus. Coming Events w . , -, jhnmawa uni- Copyright 1S20 by H. C. Ftaher. Trads mark Res. U. & Pat. Offlca, 5-10 unui--- YOU CANNOT- voo are: mot C,oirs, out or THtt) HOUEL TONHT- o TO THE DOOR the: eEii HOW DO YOU OO-MR JliVJ'b l CALLE.DT0 5EE YOU IN REGARD!) TO HAVE ME HAT AN' COAT O YOU'LL have to nfcmeni ween BY OLL-: IT3 A I"""' , Raccalaureace PRETTTT OOD HAT fudelso Chemawa, 8 3 SOME DECOR ATI N; AM' COAT- too wrsT oorsE. 1 " p' m' 7-Presentation of That tM mg PHpmawa, 8 pm :'"e7--Dramatic depart- m-nt Willameue u.. . m , Tulius Caesar, .presents Julias June exercises ana pi- a. naiion . ..ntion of diplomas ay KU " n.,n Olcott p. m. 'VET- Healtors lunch ; rf hotel. yt June 6, THE" rSSLORoT U I I An7F bYOLL.:,T,A U TEUU Vou ARE PTTY OOD HAT , 2? G"6 (f fF 1921 by Intl Feature Service, Inc. ' r-1 j mux Km d phi sr ui as- fair n,ne 15- ota June picnic, state k jociation grounds. !,. Court House Notes Circuit Court Answer Wed in the case of iSHdams, administratrix of My T. f Charles Edward Ad- e r,,.,m Electric railroad. Affidavit and order for publi A" . , riivnrce suit of toe Bei Hi Ooirergaard, E of W of lot 1, block 63, Salem, $10. Robert Grant Ashby to J. itiull Ilia nonlies Hied m Sam Loreiiz Hirry M. Cannon uman; George nw- Probate Court Petition filed estate of John W. .v. c.?e nf Verona n..riM W. Yelenic wi" v and minted administrator f p of Isaac Waggoner. Order tiled in the matter of the Ktate of Alice E. Caldwell. Iffamaee ueens, I,eon Hansen. 2S. Salem ,,; Brewer, 25, Salem. William Martin, 22, )el and Kathryn Ilene Dunham IB, Salem. peter Classen, the suits of Lafayette Yates; vs Edward B. W. Patterson C. Hieiierx. ii the matter of Yelenic and yelenic vs th of Alfred Bates of the and Sa- ' ( L. Adams, the local contract or and roofing expert, has pur- R. CllHSPfi fiwrn I.',-.,,) rpu ..uux l'ltu A11UU1JEHJU a Ashby, lots 3, 4, 6, 7, block 27, five acre loganberry and prune Yew Park annex, Sajem, $50. , tract located on the Pacific high Henry Zorn to W. R. McKay, 'way in the Hayesville section. 9.26 acres J. B. Goodell cl 91-4-2 Mr. Adams plans to build an at W, $926. .tractive home on the property. O. Elizabeth Ganiard to J. N. K. DeWitt, of the Pearcy broth Ganiard, 13 acres In S. Ruggles ers agency, who handled the deal, :cl, sec. 24-6-3 W. $1. reports that there is a decided Sheriff O. D. Bower to Marie 'tendency on the part of business Bielser, pt John Baker cl 42-7-3 men to develop homes on small W, $1464.55. fruit tracts located close enough i i to town to permit living on the I . R. J. Valiton, a Montana mer- tract and at the same time hand chant, who recently purchased the ling their city business. He states P. E. Fullerton ladies ready to that many ex-service men expect wear shop, has arrived in Salem to acquire properties of thib sort with his family and intends mak- jn case the bonus bill passes. ing this his home. Mr. Valiton . has had many years experience in j canvas, we have yard canvas his line and has spent several ! and can make up any thing made seasons in eastern markets buy- of canvas, from laundry bags to ing ladies ready to wear. The tents. 404 Court St. Phone 1955. Secretary of State Kozer and Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner, superin tendent of the state hospital, re turned Saturday from a two weeks' tour of middle western states visiting state industrial schools for boys. The tour was made with a view to obtaining ideas to be incorporated in" the new Oregon institution for boys for which the last legislature ap propriated $280,000. Boys' schools in Colorado, Kansas, Illinois, In diana, Ohio and California were included in ihe tour. Realty Transfers Compiled by Salem Abstract Co, Bank of Commerce Bldg. Permission to institute tariff inv-nlvint n rpitnettnn nn , , , . auditorium freight shipments in car load lots !,..... ...... !,..., I . . , 1 WlllrAtukM f VCIWCCII t VJ1 IUIMU UI1U I111COUUIU was granted to the United Rail daj'S company Saturday by the public service commission. active management of the Ful lerton store has been taken over by Mr. Valiton and from now on it jjk'l be known as "Valiton a." ExWsive improvements will be made on the interior of the store in the very near future &s Mr. Valiton wishes to offer his trade the height of comfort and service. J. Patterson iu jicii.. i., Umport, all lot 2 and E 4 as. int 1 Carden City add, $1. Jean E. Johnson to Agnes E. Ashley, lots 1, 2, 7, 8, block 6 Depot add Salem, $10. Alois Imper to J. U Quinn, lot i nnn llnltister's add. ' BUyton, $300. F. C. Grlerson to P. 0. OK- bnith, (agreement) lots 3 and 4 Hock 3, Hollister's add, Stayton, lie. P, C. Galbraiih to James L. S. Roesell, lots 3 and 4, block 3, Hollister's add, Stayton, $10. T. C. Wood to A. W. Smither, lot 2, block 3, Richmond add, Salem, $10. Hans Tuffli to W. H. Parker, lot t, block 1, McCoy add, Salem, 1350. W. W. Walker to A. L. Seam tter, westerly 100 ft. lot 7, Walk ers add, Salem, $10. H. P. Dennis to M. Adeline- Rfy Stewart, pt. lots 5 and 6, block University add, Salem, $10. Mary J. Johnson to George J. big, lots 1, 2. 11 and 12, block I lots 3. 4. 5 and 6. block 10, Conpton'a add, Ralem, $1. Aursain Deranleau to Edwin hrrer, pt lot 2, 3, 6, 7, and all loll 4 and 5, Pringle F F, $2175. Bernt Overgaard to .leanette B. Beber, pt lot 21, Waldo hills F rNo. 3, J 10. Portland Trust Co. to H. A. hyer, 411 acres in els 37, 74, I i-2 W and sec. 31-3-2 W, $10 Co. W. Gibbens to Henry U Bats, 9.35 acres in Engle cl 6B H N. Johnson cl 69-5-1 W, i .Hat Shop. "cn v... oiuiier to vapimi PjMl bank of Salem, 62 -ores Mrg w p Mcr30Ugal and chli- W Wa'ler dren came in from Saa Francisco p 1 ' ' ' . last night. Mr. McDougal lives in m. rugaie to a. M. Patricn, :,. , . lot 4 and 3, block 7, Geo. H. es add, $900. Jerry McCarthv Ir, T I. Pnok 1 141 Mr. and Mrs. George Burrows and James Hill of Eugene were in town Saturday, motoring from the Lane county town. Mr aiid Mrs. Burrows are visiting rel atives. The dramatic department of Willamette university will give Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in Elizabethan style In full cast Tues day night at 8 o'clock, in Waller hall. Much work has been given to the preparation for this play and considerable interest is ex pecten. This will be the last of series of recitals presented by the department of public speaking. Dr. Carl Gregg Doney, presi- uP'dent of the university, will leave tonight for Eugene. He will stay in the upper valley town over night. The senior class presents "The Man from Home," Wednesday, June 8, at 8:15 p, ,m. high school 136 Kate Brock of Portland return ed home Friday after spending a week with friends here. The manager of the Capital ho tel Saturday morning complained to the police that one of his wo man lodgers had departed with out paying her hotel bill. Officers are in search of her. Great Millinery sale. I am clos ing out everything in summer millinery at less than cost. Come and see the beautiful hats on sale. Curtis Hat Shop. 135 Somebody stole the motometer from his automobile while it was parked in front of a local church, N. D. Swabb, 2497 Hazel avenue, complained to the police Saturday. After spending a day visiting in Salem, Mrs. Frank Gilstrap and her daughter, Marion Gil strap, of Eugene, returned to Eu gene Saturday. John M. Watson, Jr., was in town Saturday with his father of : Turner. Mr. Watson has been at- ; tending the university in Eugene during the past winter. Closing out sale, everything rn ! summer millinery on sale at less than wholesale prices, at Lurus 135 Mrs. Mary Howd of Salem is in Eugene attending a pioneers-meeting. 'iss Alta Martin of Macleay spent the week end with relatives here, R. N. Breedlore stopped Satur day night in Salem from Silver ton. Special meeting Central Labor co .. LwUicut at 8 o'clock. Bus iness of importance, and all dele gates expected to be present. 135 Love, the leyeler, Salem. L. L. Funk of Corvallis was in Salem last night, stopping at the Bligh. Garden sprinklers of all kinds and descriptions at 404 Court St. Phone 1955. 141 J. B. Lister and wife of Hood River were in town this morning. George Evans who escaped from the state prison here may 22 has been captured at Kemraorer, Wyo. according to word received by penitentiary officials this morn ing. Evans, a trusty at the time of his escape, was serving a five year term for larceny in Union county. Is trace has been had of Lee Hollaway, another trusty who escaped with Evans. Rev. Ward Willis Long, recent ly appointed pastor of the Pres byterian church of this city, ?s making arrangements for his fam ily to move here next week and locate at 483 South Commercial street. Mrs. Long 'and the four weeks old child are expected a week from tomorrow. State Engineer Nunn left this morning for a turn around the "loop" going south over the Pa cific highway, north over The Dalles-California highway, into Portland over the Columbia high way and back into Salem the lat ter part of the week over the Pa cific highway. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Dennis left for Seattle this morning. Mr. Den nis returned to Salem Suriday by train and Is motoring back in his Oakland. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ex pect to spend the summer in Seattle. A. J. Mott, secondhand dealer of Dallas, was in Salem on busi ness, leaving for his home this noon. E. R. Carpenter of was in Salem Sunday morning I J. E. Keedy of Tillamflok was in Arlington ; town last night, stopping at the Marion. Frank E. Ross of Corvallis was in Salem this morning. V. L. Harktns of Albany has been in town for a few days. New Election Board System Not To Be Used Due to the additional expense and to the shortness of the ballot at this election, Marion county will not use the second board method of counting ballots dur ing tomorrow's election and which was provided by an act passed by the last legislature, according to information given out by County Clerk U. G. Boyer, this morning-. Four additional ballot boxes would be required for each pre cinct in the county, the expense of the board would be doubled and the storageroom for the boxes would have to be enlarged stated the county clerk. The law making it discriminatory with the county as to whether the system should be used, the matter will be taken up at the December term of the coun ty court. ' Instead of coming on at 10 a. m. as the law provides, the second election board will not come on until 8 p. m. Under the provisions of the new measure the secoud board is provided when the regis tration is over 150, this second board counting the ballots caf.t with the first board. When the reg istration is less than 150, the first board acts as the second board. A letter sent out to the different election boards throughout the county from the clerk's office sta tes that 4000 voters' nauien have been removed from the files thru failure to register, and asks that care be used In swearing In scicli voters. Rabbits Are Taken; Pants, Shirt, Gone Thieves entered his rabbit pen and stole eight rabbits, Delwin Finley, 2375 Myrtle avenue, com plained to the police Saturday Three of the rabbits were old ones and five young ones, he said. C. L. Pollock, of Richfield, Wash told officers someone entered his room in the White house rooming house and stole a pair of trousers and a shirt. P. H. Elting of Orton was ia town this morning, leaving for Dallas about noon. WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors. W. T. Rtsdon Lloyd T. Itigdon W.N.T. Rigdon & Son LeJWIntf Undertaker NOW PLAYING Tom Mix In "Hands Off" Other Attractions LEAH WAY AT THE PIPE ORGAN GRAND Where the Big Shows Play Mrs. H. J. Kerr of Rickreall was in Salem on w siness this morning. C. W. Stephens of Wells spent last night in Salem. Handy rolls of whi'e paper, use ful (or many purposes, 10 cent up. Capl' u Journal offJcg CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart felt thanks to the many friends for their kindness and beautiful floral gifts during the -illness and death of our dear beloved sister. Mrs. May Roberts, W. B. War-Jjer. the country from town. about four ... "'Uoft s end block 13, St. Paul M, P- Baier to Paul M. Bas- lot S. block 17, Depot add, tt. 10. Pi B. Bryant to H. T. Bry- und. V4 interest lots 8, 10 " U. Ireton F F. $10. Alexander Burkhalter to Shurl H Pearsca. part of lots 5 and 6, Simpson add, Salem, $10 E. A. Thompson of this city, who has for the past few months been working with one of the lo cal garages, left for St. Louis to day. Camp beds, hammocks, camp stools and lots of things to make that camp comfortable. 404 Court street, phone 1955. 11 New Silk Importations IggS, Richard Saucier, auto dealer of V of block't v ei .'i i Mills City, arrived in Salem last Jnette B. Fischer t,i, ' night and will be here a couple of days on business. r. . ii. Knoth to I Hose made of the best ruooer obtainable can be had for just a little less at 404 Court St. phone 1955. ill- Mrs. J. S. Myers was in from Falls City Saturday Sunday. town and "1 KILLER" OLD LLOYD L. M. McDaniel of Rickreall spent Saturday and Sunday in Sa IN" ".AIOIG THOSE PEESEHT- Mary and Lillian Marshall of Falli City were In Salem Satur day night. r W. J. Beyerle and H. M. B HoU of McCoy were in town Sun day morning. i Fred Deutel of Aurora town thU morning. was in Big Shipment Pongee This ever popular and absolutely correct fab ric has no superior a3 Representing Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. Special Merchants Lunch 35c OPEN 11 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Nomking Cafe Upstairs at 162 N. COMTiSt. American or Chinese Dishes. Ice Cream and Drinks Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. FREE DANCING Every Saturday Night Elite Orchestra SUMMER FABRIC and t ;v, tmrl Cool to Wear : Launders easy, look dressy. Unexcelled ior summer Frocks, Men Shirts always Dresses, Blouses, and Draperies. Our Summer Shipment completes our stock of Pongee in all its various weights. Every yard from selected yarns. See our window displaj showing 5 weights at these remarkably low prices. 95c, $1.25, $1.39, $1.65, $1.75 ... - - . l. Ua , .nnvrw CTT.K WEEK" with us. Just at the ngnt be PONGEE BU'f ,-r nrmcnts made up and ready. nave juui mi o This will real hot weather, so you can ' ' ' ' trn We Announce Store at The sale of "The Myrtle Knowland Music 415 Court Street, to W. W. MOORE Mr. Moore will completely remodel and refinish the establishment which will be known as Moore s Music House The services of Miss Knowland have been retained to manage the store which will be made one of the most up-to-date music houses between Portland and San Francisco. The Stock Will Consist of Sonora and Victor Phonographs Records, sheet mu.Uc and an extensive stock of musical Merchandise Watch for further announcement.