Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 04, 1921, Page Page Nine, Image 9

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Society, and Clu b News
a he Capital Jonrmal, Salem, Oregon
Saturday, Jane 4, 1921
Edited by
Adelaide V. Lake
Of Interest To Women
ea Is if ete
of the Women's
-..- society of the
hodist church gave a tea
irst ' . ffrnnnn at Lau-
the Willamette uni-
" ramDUS honoring tho mem
Women's Home Mis-
of ":,. nf " Jason Lee
Urv 6uc"w .v.ji.
I t, and of Leslie "'
H and the ladies of the first
urcnanai a8S0Ciated
rcn - Misa Fran.
rith the ors---.
K1C hundred women
!St.ieanernon between
Stationed at i" -" - " .
ttie guests were
.. irtelvu Shields ana
Richards in .T'l
K . m m E. Unmeyer
10 HH Vandervort and Mrs.
B. Littler. ' '
I,,ruoon were led oy
E : agiau. Msr. F. A. Legge pre
througnouL uic
. . nf vearlv re-
1 0 otifcers of the society.
A urogram cousia"s - --
..lotions was given. The
Lbers were the 'UowUlJN
Violin solo, miss .
Ulk about her experiences in
, , nrk. Miss Mary Find-
m l.miise Benson Rob-
Con; talk on her settlement work
, California Miss vesia u...B-,
K Miss Lucile Barton; reading,
lis Minna L. Harding.
Threetables were arrangea iui
The table in tne unru f""1
joratorl in nink roses and a
dor scheme of pink was carried
it in all table appointments.
males were used in slender ta
rn. Mrs. F. A. Legge, presiuem
the Women's Home Missionary
and Mrs. E. E. Upmier,
Evident of the Women's Foreign
ijsionary society, presided at tne
i urn and Mrs. Blaine KirUpat-
in R C. Hickman and Mrs.
lorian Von Eschen assisted in
rwcorations in the chaffing dish
loom were done In blue, and wild
irkspur and maiden hair fern
ere used as a centerpiece, arrang-
in a large crystal basket. Blue
lapers in crystal sticks adorned
the table. Here Mrs. B. L. Sisson,
Irs. Roy Shields and Mrs. Elliott
The table in the reception hall
ras centered with a yellow art
luket (died with yellow roses and
led with a bow of tulle. Yellow
dies shed a subdued light over
table and weretiilleyercrange
table. Mrs. George E. Alden
Mrs. E. E. Gilbert poured at
table and were assisted In
ing by Mrs. P. H. Thompson,
0 V. Pripp nnH MVfl Rnnalri
Hover. Mrs. Glover was chairman
the refreshment committee, and
rs. Walter C. Winslow had
airge of the decorations.
arty Makes
d Ud Hiehwav.
Mr. and rMs. George Griffith
nd a party of relatives made the
rip up the Columbia highway on
mi&y. Those who composed the
ty In addition to Mr. and Mrs.
itith were Mrs. Edith Ander-
Mrs. J. F. Griffith, Miss Gert
ie Anderson, Miss Olive Ander-
nd Mis.- Josephiue Anderson,
of Jetferson, Oregon..
Miss Gertrude Anderson plans
leave Monday for Wichita, Kan-
and Pawnee iCtv. Nebraska.
teres he will spend three months
'ting relatives.
to Portland
Visit Her TutW
Hiss Gertrude Aldrich motored
romand recently with Mrs.
ie Gutches to visit her father
Portland hospital.
Jstlaad Girl
? t DaUas.
B11. Or.. Jun. 1 .a
Qyde Getchpll en
with a luncheon at then
le on Main street in honor of
' Bssle Bradley of Portland.
t .win ana taDles were
y decorated with roses
us inose seated around the
' ere Ur
m f Salem. Mr. and rMs.
J" ncls of Kickreall, Mr.
T Allen. Mr. and Mrs.
m : Daiiu. Mrs Verna Yates
Z i. Upal &f Saturn, and
P'Mch beautiful
v-Vr?111 Dinner
fc, w . Reese and
pwtttTT the honor suesU
i,w: " "reweii dinner
,Z. E Andean at
00 Lincoln street.
rCS" wre Mr.
I i j-t1 A Weber- Mr.
Henry Rosnthal an
i U' Gri- of Port
iltZL 'he time fol-
M ZrT w,'n Mr. Anderson
Ree and Mr.
ahaaV j ',lu a Par-
P "k t0 attend
ercises there.
Bridtre Club
Entertained Wednesday
Dalas, Or., June 4. The Dallas
Bridge club members enjoyed a
delightful party last Wednesday
afternoon when Mrs. V. C. Staats
and Mrs. C. E. Staats presided as
hostesses at the home of Mrs. C
E. Staats on Main street. Roses
and ferns were used in profusion
in decorating the rooms. At 1
o'clock a delicious two-couree lun
cheon was served, after -which
bridge was played, the honors fall
ing to Mrs. W. L. Soehren. Those
present were: Mrs. R. L. Chapman,
Mrs. U. S. Loughary, Mrs. Tracy
Staats, Mrs. J. c. Uglow, Mrs. H
A. Jflslin, Mrs. M. Hayter, Mrs
Wynn Johnson, Mrs. A. B. Robin
son of Independence, Mrs. W L
Soehren and Mrs. H. A. Woods.
Cleo White
Will Marry
The wedding of Miss Cleo White
of McMinnville,, to Claude Ifitz
singer, of Portland, will be an ev
ent of June" 8 and is of interest to
the Salem friends of Miss White.
Miss White, who is the cousin or
Horace Sykes, has won recognllton
in the west as an actress. She is
a graduate of the Egan Dramatic
school, of Los Angeles and for last
summer played a ten weeks' sum
mer engagement with Wallace
Reid in the coast cities. Previous
to this, Miss White was with the
Ellison White Chautauqua for two
seasons as a reader. She appeared
in Salem in the play produced here
by the McMinnville Elks, "It Pays
to Advertise."
Mrs. M. J. Monte, of Los An
geles, and her little daughter, Pau
line arrived in Salem yesterday
and guests at the wedding.
They are at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Horace Sykes and will spend
the summer here. Mrs. Montee is
an aunt of both Mr. Sykes and
Miss White. Jeanette Sykes and
Pauline MoiUee will be flower
girls at the wedding and Jeanette
will dance at the reception following.
Miss Don-is Sikes
Resigns as Society Editor
Miss Don-is Sikes, who has
been society editor 'of the Salem
Statesman since the resignation
of Mrs M.olly Brunk a few weeks
ago, and who has been a mem
ber of the Statesman staff for the
past several months as telegraph
editor and reporter, has resign
ed her position. Miss Sikes will
leuve this afternoon for Eugene
where she has accepted a position
on the reportorial staff ot the
Eugene Daily Guard. Miss Sikes
whose home is in Springfield,
will resume her work at the Uni
versity of Oregon next year
when she will be a senior. Miss
Sikes is a member of Theta Sig
ma Phi, woman's national hon
orary journalism fraternity.
Miss Sikes' successor is Miss
Marguerite Gleeson, of Portland.
Miss Gleeson has been employed
recently on the Corvallis Gazette
Times and was formerly a mem
ber of the staff of the Albany
Democrat. She attended tlit Ore
gon Agricultural college and was
a varsity debater.
Leave Tonight
On Extended Trip
Mrs. N. W. Reese and son,
Jack, will leave Salem tonight for
an extended visit with friends
and relatives, first going to Cor
vallis to visit her mother, Mrs.
H. Jackson, a few days, then go
ing to Portland for a short visit
with Mr. Reese's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. K. Reese, and from
there to La Grande to join her
3 Recitals
Are Given
In Series
Mrs. Walter A. Denton present
ed her pupils in a series of piano
recitals at her studio on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday even
ings of last week. The recitals
were of unusual interest and mer
it. The recital on Tuesday evening
was given by pupils from the in
termediate and advanced grades
assisted by Miss Pauline Know
land, reader. The pupils rendered
their selections with poise and
clear technique and the boys who
appeared in the program were es
pecially enjoyed and appreciated.
They were Donald Allison, Ronald
Craven, Elbert Lachele, Donald
Worden, and John Minto. Mias
Knowland received much praise
for her ability as a reader. She
is a pupil of Mrs. Sara Rrown Rav
age. In addition to those mention
ed, the following appeared in the
lecnai: Unina Kirk, Helene Story,
Ruth Kocks, Greta Rideout, Helen
Breiteustein, Laura Crabb, Pau
line Marnach, Venia Loganbill,
Margaret Breitenstein, Isabella
wewton, Ruth Buckner, Pauline
Knowland, Mildred Rich, Olive
Barnard, Winifred Gamble, Helen
Cammack, Mary McKinnon and
rnscilla Fry.
Miss Mildred Brunk and Miss
Eugenia Savage, two of Mrs. Den
iuu s aavanced students, were pre
sented in recital Wednesday even
ing, assisted by Leonard t'hariwirfc
violin, and Miss Mabel Marcus, vo
cal. Both performers displayed re
markable musical ability and play
ea with fine tone and interpreta
tion, resulting from good techni
que and musical knowledge Miss
Mildred Brunk was perhaps most
elective in her "Kammennoi Os
trow." Miss Eugenia Savage dis
played delicacy of tone in her
lighter numbers and musical feel
ing in "Recollections of Home."
Leonard Chadwick played with
deep feeline the beautiful "Thais"
(Massanet) and Miss Marcus im
pressed the audience with her
beautiful voice.
The younger pupils of Mrs. Den-
ion were presented on Thursday
evenlng, assisted by Leonard
Chadwick, violinist, and Miss Pau
line Knowland. reader. This event
is always looked forward to by
the friends of the children. The
program was unusually interest
ing and enjoyable and progress,
was noted in the work of the
students. Each pupil was a star
performer and they played their
numbers with ease and expression,
showing a knowledge of phrasing
and pedal effects. Among the old
er ones of the class who showed
marked progress were Helen Ash
leman, Beneitta Edwards, Virgin
ia Berger, Margaret Steiner, Nan
cy Thielsen, Dorothy Marsters,
Frances Martin, Mildred Gilbert
and aKthryn Elgin.
Maxine Glover deserves spec
ial mention for her splendid mem
ory work and artistic interpreta
tion. The assisting artists were
greatly appreciated and responded
graciously to encores.
Those heard in the program
were Margaret Cory Dorothy Staf
ford, Beneitta Edwards, Mildred
Gilbert, Virginia Holt, Dalburt
Burton, Arthur Fisher, Grace Eli
zabeth Holman, Lora Leadbetter,
Gretchen Thielsen, Frances Mar
tin, Anne Leadbetter, Virginia Sis
son, Dorothy Marsters, Florence
Power, Eloise White, Helen Wil
liamson, Kathryn Elgin, Virginia
Berger, Helen Ashleman, Margaret
Steiner, Nancy Thielsen, Maxine
Glover, Leonard Chadwick and
Miss Pauline Knowland.
Mrs Sutherland
Honored at Luncheon
Mrs. J. D. Sutherland, of Lof
Angeles .who is spending the
summer in Salem where she fon
merly made her home, was the
honor guest at a luncheon glveo
yesterday by Mrs. William Flem
ing and Mrs. R. B. Fleming. Cecil
Brunner roses were used in dec
oration. Following luncheon the
afternoon was spent in conversa
tion among theee ladies who have
been friends for years. They were
Mrs. Sutheiland, Mrs. George Bur
nett, Mrs. William Brown, Mrs.
S. C. Dyer, Mrs. William Fleming
and Mrs. R. B. Fleming.
Couple To
Marry At
8 Tonight
The wedding of Miss Hallie M.
Hinges and George W. Nelson
will be solemnized tonight at 8
o'clock at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs. Hallie Parrish
Hinges at 507 Center street. The
service will be simple in nature
and only relatives of the couple
and immediate friends will ' be
present. The bride will wear a
gown of navy blue moon glow silk
and a corsage of white sweet peas
and Cecil Brunner roses. The ser
vice will be read by Rev. W. C.
Out of town guests will be Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Cox and Edward
and Henrietta Cox, of Seattle,
Miss Norma Lee Harper, of Port
land, and Frank Rogers, of Port
land. The couple will take their
wedding trip in California, mak-i
ing the journey by motor, ana wilt
be away about two weeks. They
will make their home in Salem. .
Miss Hinges, who is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Hallie Parrish Hinges,
has lived in Salem all of her life
and is a popular member of the
young set here. She attended the
city grade schools and also Sale!n
high school. For the past four
years she has been employed by
the E. R. Parker system in Salem,
Mr. Nelson, whose home was'
formerly in South Bend, is a grad
uate of North Pacific Dental col
lege and attended University of
Washington where he was affil
iated with Sigma Alpha Epsilon
fraternity. During the war he
served overseas with the navy. He
is associated with the Capital
Drug store of Salem.
Has Chosen
New Staff
The twenty first annual con
vention of the Oregon Federation
of Women's clubs which convened
in Pendleton on Tuesday, May 31,
I closed in session yesterday. The
place of meeting for next year
was not decided upon, although
j Invitations were received to meet
at isewport, TiiVmouk, Eugene
and Mfdford.
Officer! of the state federation
were re-elected and installed.
They are: Mrs. Ida Callahan, Cor
vallis, president; Mrs. Collins EI
kins, Prlneville. vice president;
Mrs. William Bell, Roseburg, sec
ond vice president; Mrs. Charles
Hines, Hillsboro, recording sec
retary; Mrs. L. E. Bean, Eugene,
auditor; Mrs. E. T. Wade, Pen
dleton, director; Mrs. George
Cochran, La Grande, director;
Mrs. John Zanvante, Portland,
Delegates to the convention
from the Salem Woman's club
were Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mrs.
C. P. Bishop, Mrs. H. J. Bean,
Mrs. Homer Gouley and Mrs. W.
E. Kirk.
Mrs. Sarah A. Evarlti formerly
Installed. the officers. Mrs Charles
; H. Castner presided during the
I election.
The federation went on record
j as opposing the publication of
, sensational details ni divorce pro
j ceedings.
The soldiers' aid and loan and
I the woman's jury bills were In
dorsed. A crippled children's hos
pital, as a federation aim was sup-
ported. A resolution was Intro
duced by Mrs. Trumbull petition
ling President Harding to initiate
j the call for a conference of na
tions which shall hare for its
I purpose a reduction In armaments
,and, further, that an appeal to
; congress be made to delay any
consideration of appropriations
for navy and army until this ccm-
ference shall have been held
A plea was made by the Oregon
Graduate Nurse association for a
standardization of nurses' train
Wig schools. The Owen-Ada!r mar
riage bill was indorsed and active
support pledged.
An enthusiastic indorsement
was given the resolution of ap
preciation ot Pendleton's hospital
ity. The club's husbands, tor
their co-operation, were not for
gotten. Mre. Harold Benjamin of
Umatilla played violin selections.
Music was a big feature of the
convention. The piano recital of
Mrs. Jane Thatcher was an out
standing event.
Shower Is
Given For
June Bride
A Miscellaneous show for Miss
i Ruth lxiuise Perlich was given
jlast night by Mrs. Ben Perlich at
her home. The wedding of Miss
i Perlich, daughter of Albert Per
lich, of Salem, is to be an vvent
j of the month of June. She wl!i
I marry W B. Cook, of Bryan,
i exas.
The Perlich home was prettily
decorated with La France roses
and before the party disbanded,
refreshments were served by the
hostess. Many pretty gifts were
received by the guest of honor.
Guests were Miss Esther Engel
bart, Miss Milda Amsler, Miss
Delia Amsler, Mrs. Earl Taylor,
Miss Gladys Steele, Miss Maud
savage, Miss Leta Waters, Miss
Laura Marr, Miss Nell Coppoch,
Mrs. Ed Schunke, Miss Ida Thies
ies, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Perlich,
Miss Nina Cook, Miss Nellie
Schwab, Mfss Marie Schwab, Mrs.
L. Olson, Miss Amy Hughes, Mrs.
M. Montgomery and Mrs. John L.
Salem Folk
Motor to Hood I'.tvcr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albert and
daughters Josephine and Mary
Jane accompanied by Mrs. J. C.
Griffith and Willis Moore motored
to Hood River on aSturday and
returned Monday. In Portland
they were joined by Mr. and Mrs.
O. E. Cross.
played with the cast in the Uni
versity of Oreoa senior play in
the Grand theatre.
Miss Berniee Garner is a week
end visitor at the home of Miss
Habel Propp in Oak Lawn district.
See Exhibit
Work at Chemawa.
Mrs. P. J. Kuntz, Mrs. R. L.
Kirk, of The Dalles, and Mrs. R. R.
Jones motored to Chemawa yester
day to see the school work which
is on exhibit there.
Visit Mother
At Philomath
Mrs. Grace Thompson and Mrs.
H. A. Rowe and children left last
night for Philomath where they
will visit with their mother,
Mrs. Lettie Boles. They plan to
motor back tomorrow evening.
Couple Returns
Prom Honeymoon
Mr. and Mrs. Orley Lefflng
well, who were married in Salem
last Saturday, have returned from
a honeymoon to Portland and Se
attle. They will be at home iiere
at Court apartments. Mrs. Lef
fingwell was Miss Vivian Browne.
Mrs- Bean Guest
Of Friends in Pendleton
Mrs. Henry J. Bean, who has
been attending the meeting of
the state Federation of Women's
clubs this week In Pendleton, Is
the guest of friends while there.
She will return early next week.
The State Grange session which
is being held in Eugene this week
is well represented by Salem mem
bers. Among those In attendance
are Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Van Trump,
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Townsend,
Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Shields, Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. Taylor, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Sellwood, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. McDonald. Mrs. Belle Me
Gilcrhist, Mrs. A. E. Jtmmernan,
Mrs. Slaughter, Mrs. Mary Howd,
Mrs. Zella Fletcher. Mrs. J. T. Mc
Donald, Robert McGllchrlst, Sey
mour Jones, C. H. Parker, Miss R.
T. Smith, Miss Dorothy Taylor,
Miss Ethel Fletcher.
A party of five, Mr. and Mrs.
James Davis, a C. Whitten an
wife and Floyd Davis, all ot En
gene, motored through Salem yes
terday, stopping at the Argo last
A. A. Asbahr of Corvallis spent
last night in Salem.
John C. Lamb ot Eugene has
been in town ft couple of days.
M. E. Lamson of Cottage Grove
was in town over night, stopping
at the Marion.
Millennium of Christ
What and Why
Does the world need a new
religion or a clearer vision of
the old?
Mrs. W. F. Gilstrap and daugh
ter or rugeiie were in omeni ihhi
IViIght. Mrs. Gilstrap accom
panied her daughter Marion who
j r. -T T.RRflY
Lecturer for the International
Bible Students Association
Moose Hall
Sunday, June 5,
2:30 P. M.
mi i. ... , nn 'P.vnliitirm hflvft
failed to end war and estab
lish peace, to produce riKiii
eousness and abolish sin. The
l .L Vinmlnm ulline Ol-
JYieSSlttm ivnifsv"'
1 fers a remedy for human ills,
lis it practicable? Is it near?
Seats Free. No Collection
Miss Joy Turner Will
Present Pupils in Monmouth
Miss Joy Turner, of Salem, is
planning a musicale for next
Wednesday evening. June 8, when f
she will present a group of her
Monmouth piano and violin stu
dents in the normal chapel, at
Monmouth. Miss Turner will be
assisted by Mrs. Hallie Parrish I
Hinges and Mrs. Blanche Liston
Niemeyer. Another interesting
feature will be an ensemble of
thirty five violins. A number of
Salem people are planning to
make the trip to Monmouth for
the occasion.
Mrs. H. A. Rowe
I Entertains Guests
I Mrs. Harry A. Rowe entertaln-
! ed the following guests for dinner
on memorial day: Mr. and Mrs.
P. R. Cooper and Mrs. Minerva
Rowe, all of Carlton, and Mrs.
Carrie Chase and three children.
Writers Section
Gives Farewell Party
Memhers nf the Writers sec
tion of the Salem Arts league mel
last night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Nelson as a farewell
compliment to Mrs. F. D. Eason,
who is leaving Salem next week
with her husband to make her
home at Sandy. The section pre
sented Mrs. Eason with an orig
inal painting of a local scene,
done by Monroe Gilbert.
Mrs. Warren Booth
Is Mother of Small Son
Word has reached Salem of the
I birth of a son to Mrs. Warren
Booth, of San Francisco, former
ly Miss Caroline Dick. Mrs. Booth
j is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles L. Dick and formerly
lived in Salem. Her child was
;born on Wednesday.
Artisans to Give
Dance on Wednesday
The Artisans win give a uance
on Wednesday evening at Dream
land rink under the auspices of
the drill team of Capital assem
bly, number 64. The proceeds
will be used to send the girls drill
team to Astoria July 4 to com
pete for the prize to be awarded
for the best work.
Final Meeting of
Art League is Tuesday
The final meeting of the Sa
lem Arts league for the season
will be held on Tuesday evening
in the library. The annual elec
tion of officers will be held. All
members are urged to be present
and others who are not members
bnt are interested are also invited
to attend. Miss Carol Dibble will
read from Dickens. Miss Dibble
hat just returned from her second
yw spent at the Cornish school
of the spoken word at Seattle and
is specializing ia Dickens.
Mrs. Sherman Heckman
Tjitrtoirs Relatives
Mrs. Frank D. Culver, a sister,!
and Mrs. N. Hanson, ner mother,
are visiting in Salem at the home:
of Mrs. Sherman Heckman. An
other guest at the Heckman home
during the past week was Mrs. I
Lena Bohanon, of Seattle, vho
also visited her son. Roy Bohan
on, here in Salem. She was ac-1
companied by her daughter, Ruth j
Salem Has Never Seen Such Tremendous
Crowds In One Store As at Our
P. E. 0. Officers
Viits Friends Here.
Mrs. R. L. Kirk, past state pres
ident of P. E. O. has spent the
past week in Salem visiting at the
home of rMs. R R. Jones. Mrs
Kirk, whose home is at The Dalles,
attended the state convention of
the P. E. O. sisterhood in Wood
burn last week. Last week end.
Mrs. Kirk. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Mil
lard formed a house party at the
Jones cottage at Neskowln.
Stage Co.
Rinninc Jue 6. cars will leave 10th and Alder Street
11 p. m.
9 to 10 MONDAY 10 to 11 MONDAY 11 to 12 MONDAY 11 to 12 MONDAY
Best American Arm & Hammer Best Luna Vermicelli
Sardines Soda Soap An Extra Good Quality
ac 5c 3c 5c
. 2 to 3 MONDAY 3 to 4 MONDAY 4 to 5 MONDAY
12 to 2 Monday large package Best Oregon Best Bulk
Horseshoe, Star, Cliroal Toilet Paper OtaMM Cooking Oil
Chewing Tobacco 4C 1Q one-half gallon
mm M ROLL iQ
74C In EconomyBasement RHTlfD 45C
More and still more Bargains on Monday. Empty shelves and bins are being refilled
With more unloading sale bargains. Come early to get your choice.
Shop With
The Crowds
Shop Where
Crowds Buy