Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 04, 1921, Page Page Eight, Image 8

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    Page Eight
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon.
Society and Club News
Edited by
Adelaide V. Lake
Telephone 82
Of Interest To Worn
Family Has
Reunion In
This City
Lodge Sets
Session For
June 14-16
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Clif-J The thirty second annual ses-
lord Elgin in Salem was the place
of a family reunion on memorial
day when all members of the El
gin family, with one exception
were present. Reunions are often
held by this family and the day
was Bpent in music and conversa
tion. At noon dinner was se red.
The various parties motored to
Salem to be present for the occa
sion. The family which was not
present was Mr. and Mrs. Charles
F. Elgin and two children, of
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Elgin and children
James, Clifford, Jr., and Kath
ryn, of Salem; Mrs. Clyde Laugh
ead and children Russell, Clyde,
Jr., and Helen, of Albany; Mrs.
Harry Chipman, of Portland;
Mrs. J. H. Elgin, of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Craven, of
Oak Grove; W. R. Ellis and Miss matron Chadwlck chapter, num
Mildred Ellis, of Oregon City; ber 37; address of welcome, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elgin and Effle Walker, worthy matron,
Harrison and Robert, of Salem; ! SunnyBide chapter, number 128;
Mr. and Mrs. George Elgin and 1 response by Mrs. Minnie C. Let-
sion of the grand lodge of the
Oregon order of Eastern Star will
be held June 14, 15 and 16 in
Portland, with headquarters at
the Pythian Temple, on West
Park and Yamhill streets. A large
delegation is expected to go irom
Salem, and names will be an
nounced later. On Tuesday, the
first day of the assembly, Mrs.
Paul Hauser, of Salem, will give
a tribute to the flag. Mrs. Hauser
is worthy matron of Chadwlck
chapter, nunber 37, of Salem.
The complete program for the
session follows:
Monday, Jane 13
8:30 p. m. Reception, Pythian
Tuesday, June 14
10 a. m. Opening ceremonies;
flag ceremony; tribute to the flag
by Mrs.. Minnie Hauser, worthy
Simmons College Girl
To Dance at Benefit
For Endowment Fund
Helene, of Salem.
Natives Of
Two States
W. i T" response oy Mrs. Jennie u. Kine-
l CY 1 f i hart, past grand matron and
v v m.x.m. -M- granl representative of grand
Natives of Nebraska and Ohio I chapter of Wyoming; appointment
will hold their annual picnic at ot committees for the session; ad-
tue Salem fair grounds all day on dress or wormy grand matron
son, associate grand matron; wel
come to past grand matrons and
past grand patrons by Leslie S.
Parker, worthy grand patron; re
sponse by Mrs. Nellie McGowan,
past grand matron; welcome to
grand representatives by Frank
J. Miller, associate grand patron;
response by Mrs. Jennie G. Rlne-
Thursday, June 9. A btg affair
is expected on this occasion and
plans are being made to uwm-
tnodate hundreds of natives of
Mrs. Ida Umbach; address of wor
thy grand patron, Leslie S. Par
ker. Report of grand secretary, Miss
these two stateB who wish to take j Nellie McKlnley; report of grand
this opportunity to observe a big treasurer, Mrs. Mary E. John
reunion. A cafeteria dinner will n; report of committee on cre
be served at It o'clock and at 2 dentials; report of distribution
o'clock the program will begin 1 committee; tribute to memory of
and will consist of songs, poems, ! E- E. Kiddle, past worthy grand
readings, stories, speeches andPtrn. by Mrs. Pauline Moore
music. Riley, past grand matron.
The war brought about a dlsor- j 1:30 p. m. Election of grand
Sanitation of the Nebraska sod- j officers.
ety, which before that time was I 7:30 p. m. Ritualistic work ex
Xalrly well organized for social empllfied by the worthy matrons
vents. Last year no picnic watf and worthy patrons of the Port
given. This year the organization lland chapters; floral ceremony by
will be of both Nebraska and officers of Maple chapter, num
Ohlo and it is expected that the ber 95.
record of 400 persons, reached at Wednesday, June 15
the last picnic, will be badly shat- j 9:30 a. m. Business,
tared on Thursday. 11:00 a. m. Memorial service
Officers of the Nebraska-Ohio under direction ot Mrs. Minnie
elub are L. H. Suter, president, C. Letson, associate grand matron.
Miss Jane Soloa, a student of Simmons College, Boston, who will
dance at the garden fete to be held for the benefit of the Simmons En
dowment Fund. Miss Solod is one of the prettiest and most talented
dancers at the famous Boston College and will no doubt aid greatly
in putting the fund "over the top."
$7.65 a sack. Up to this morning
there was no change in the New
York quotations.
Is Given On
An Informal Kensington, accord
ing to their usual custom was the
order of the afternoon for the
Raphiterian club which met on
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Albert A. Siewert. Snap
dragons adorned the dining room
mi this occasion and roses were
used for decoration in the living
At the close of the afternoon
luncheon was served by the hos
tess assisted by Mrs. Elliott Col
Mm h W. Germunder. of
Newport, was an additional guest.
Mrs. Germunder was formerly
Catherine McClelland and is very
well known in Salem circles. The
next meeting will be in the form
of a picnic to be held on the third
Thursday of the month and to be
sponsored by Mrs. F. H. Thomp-
Sacred Heart Academy
Announces ;ts Commencement
The facu.y and graduating
class of Sacred Heart academy
has announced its commencement
exercises for Monday evening,
June 6, at eight fifteen o'clocK at
Sacred Heart academy.
Return from Grange
Convention at iugene
Mrs. H. B. Fletcher and Miss
Ethel Fletcher have returned from
Eugene where they attended the
state grange convention. Mrs.
Fletcher is a state officer of tk
Returns from
School at Hermiston
Miss Beulah Scott, who nas
taught for the past nine months
at Hermiston. in eastern Oregon,
arrived in Salem on Sunday and
is here at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Scott.
What's New
The Market
Thursday, June 16
9:30 a. m. Reports of commlt-
and Mrs. F. L. Oanison, secretary-treasurer.
Committee chalr
u. u lor Lit picnic ure: J. E. Pet
tycrew, arrangements; Mrs. Ed
ward Young, program; Mrs. Col
ony, music and Mrs. Julia Petty
Crew, dinner.
Each person is expected to coSe
-with a well filled basket and Will Entertain
knives, forks, spoons, plates and Quests From Hillsboro.
1:30 p. m. Reports of commit
tees. 8:00 p. m. Installation of grand
cups. Arrangements for the pro
gram have not yet ! n complet
ed, but suinu ut uie luntibeis are
the follow in -. :
Professor .1 notes Lisle, prayer;
patriotic ,: "Aiiicdci; " roll
call by counties of NeHruaka ai i
Ohio; souk, Mrs. ''.iftu- li
reading, Mrs. Ulivu i'ninier; five
minute talk, K. It I; :.l"t v,
'flu H. Suter; fiddle selections, C.
Br, Hill; five minute spee t, J. it.
Uorninj .; reaulug, M Inei t ow
Mi poem. L. II Suter; tipuech,
Sir. Masun, ren.lin .
Saunders; speech, Mr. Newqiyer;
reading, Mr. Stolk; five minute
speei ii. Prof e w I.e.'e; h.niy,
Miss Annie ScUuky. Mrs. Colony,
chairman of the music eommitUe,
is arrunglug for additional selections.
i ; nests at the home of Mr. and
Mri. Samuel McRlnea tomorrow
Wlil be Mr. and Mrs. Fred Welch,
Mr. and Mrs. Bam nentley, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Ball d Mrs.
.n il Mrs. Louis ( hev.tts, all of
M llsboro. Mr. and Mrs. McElnea
I home is In Court apart
inentsi will servo a picnic dinner
tor their guests at noon.
Ellcnsbure Han
Vt ts Bro her Here.
Honorable Austin Mires, of El
letiaburg, Washington, spent two
days here this week visiting at
the home or his brother. W. H.
llyars. He is on his way to Wil
lmr, Oregon, for the homecoming
ut that place.
Club Met Tuesday.
Judge Charles A. Johns and
fflfiss Ruth Johns were host and
hostess to members of the Mery- Monday for the reunion of the
Oo-Round club who gathered at i Elgin family, and Mrs. J. H. 1-1-j
their home on Tuesday for a I Kln came later )n tn, week (mm
octal evening. Seven tables were Albany, where she hid been visit-
Mrs. Elgin
hntertains Guests.
Mrs. h. i. nan and Mrs
J. H. Elgin, of Pol tland, spent the
past week at the home of Mrs.
Clifford KlKtn as ber house guests.
Mrs. Chipman was In Salem on
Cherries appeared on the mar
ket this morning with a wide dif
ference in the retail price. Some
stores were selling as low as 10
cents a pound, while others had
the price up to 20 cents. The
cherries selling for 10 cents, how
ecer, were not as good as those
at the higher price.
Cantaloupe was expectea on
the market today but did not ar
rive. Early next week will see
the first of the season. The price
IB expected to be about 20 cents.
Strawberries went down yes
terday noon to three boxes for 25
cents, but the 10, 15 and two for
a quarter prices are maintained
for the best.
Due to a rise in wholesale price
today which may have caused an
increase to the consumer, eggs
will be higher next week. The
change will amount to about two
cents a dozen.
Oregon fresh peas went oown
to one and one half pounds for 25
cents today. The price yesterday
was one pound for a quarter.
While the wholesale price of
lemons has doubled within the
i last week the Increase in retail
has been from 25 to 40 cents a
! dozen.
Due to a scrap between refin
eries sugar dropped in the larger
centers yesterday. The reduction
had but very slight effect here,
sugar selling today for around
P, E. O. Has
Meeting On
The country home of Mrs. D. X.
i Beechler was the place of the
meeting of members of the P. E.
0. Sisterhood on Thursday after
noon. Members drove out from
Salem for the meeting and about
i eighteen were present. The regu-
lar business session was held.
An account of the state con
tention of P. E. O. held last week
at Woodburn was given by Mrs.
J. B. Littler, who was a delegate
from the Salem chapter. Mrs. Lit
tler also read a paper written by
an ex-state president of P. E. O.
and presented at convention on
tho subject "Exemplification of
the Star." At the close of the af
ternoon, refreshments were serv
ed by Mrs. Beechler. The sister
hood will meet again in two weeks
at the home of Mrs. C. B. Mc
Cul lough.
Is Resident
At Local Y. W. C. A.
Miss Marguerite Gleeson, - Of
Portland, who is succeeding Miss
Dorris Sikes as society editor of
the Salem Statesman, is making
her residence at the local Y. W.
O. A.
Miss Craie
Visits Friend.
Miss Eunane Craig visited In
Portland during the past week at
the home of Miss Marha Depew.
Live Wire Class
Has Camping Trip.
The Live Wire class of the
Leslie Methodist churi.h went for
a camping trip last week end to
Fall City. About eighty members
of the class, which is composed
mostly of Willamette university
students, started on the trip on
Friday and returned to Salem Mon
day night. The trip was conduc
ted by A. C. Bohrnstedt, teacher of
the class.
Charles A. Johns, Jr., of Albany
the home of his father. Judge
Charles A. Johns. ,
Mrs. McElnea Is
Feted At Forest Grove.
Mrs. Samuel McElnea has jut
returned from a week spent at
Hillsboro and Forest Grove. She
was entertained on Thursday even
ing at dinner in Forest Grove at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Walch and on Friday evening Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Srhultz feted her
at dinner and with an evening o(
cards and music.
arranged for the diversion and
roses and snow balls were th
decorations. First prise at cards
fell to Mrs. Russell Catlln and
'Thomas B. Kay. The club will
hold its last meeting of the season
on Monday evening when it will
meet at the home of M, and Mra
William Thlelsen.
Resumes Trainine
at Portland Hospital.
Miss Bertha Propp has ret urn en
to Portland to resume her training
at the Good Samaritan hospital af
ter spending seven weeks in Salem
at the home ot her parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Propp.
Bridge Club Meets
at R. P. Jacobs' Residence.
Members of the Friday Bridge
clob gathered on Wednesday at
the borne of Mrs. R. P. Jacobs.
The afternoon was spent In the
usual diversion for which high.
core fell to Mrs. F. G. Delano. I Hot weather brings its com
Queats were Mrs. William McQil- plexloa problems for moat wo
ehrlst, Jr., and Mrs George Rich- mta rjo Botbe one of them. Let
ee. Tills was the last meeting of . . . , .
7T ... m us show you how to take care of
the club for the season. Plans are
being made for an evening of row complexion. Don't stay In
caxds when the husbands of mem- side. Stay out of doors as much
Afraid of Heat?
will be
Invited as honor
Former Resident
Visits in Satan.
W. D DeKay. of Sutherlta, vis
ited la Salem during the week at
the home of Mr. and Mra. F. 8.
Craig. Mr. DeXay. who formerly
had offices In Salem, Is now lo
cated la Satherltn where be la
uperin tending some road work.
as y9a please. Ws have the facial
creams and lotions wblcb will
keep your complexion perfect.
Don't be afraid of persplrktion.
Such problems are a thing of tb
I'm our O-So-Dry.
fOOD eye
start In life that
Mrs. Irene Scott
1690 124 K. High
tight Is the best
one can have. If your
child's eyes are not per
forming their work as they
should, do net let the little
one enter school until bis
eyes have been fitted with
the glasses that will make
blm fit to cope with the lee
eons he must learn.
Girls Fete
Member of
Their Set
A pretty party among the
younger set was given on Wednes
day afternoon at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. F. D. Thielsen when
Nancy Thielsen entertained a
group of friends in honor of
Gwynneth Edwards, who with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ed
wards, have moved to New West
mnlster, Canada." The affair was
In the nature of a surprise on
Gwynneth and the girls came to
the Thielsen residence following
school on Wednesday.
Games were played and at the
proper hour luncheon was served
by Mrs. Thielsen. Table decora
tions were done in wild roses and
the other table appointments were
in pink. The group of girls pres
ent compose a club which has
been in existence for some time.
Those included in the party were
Gwynneth Edwards, Dorothy
Livesley, Mildred Roberts, Maxine
Meyers, Maxine Glover, Janet
Plimpton, Bertha Babcock and
Nancy Thielsen.
party was held on the lawn and
: following the business meeting a
! social time was enjoyed. W.
Carlton Smith addressed the war
mothers on the subject of the
bonus bill and Mrs. Alice Dodd
told interesting incidents in con-
I nection with the war. The cus
tomary tea will not be held in
! July and In August Mrs. F, S.
Stewart will entertain when she
I will serve tea under the oaks.
Mrs. George Steelhammer and
Miss Merene Dlgerness of Silver-
Leaves Leaves
Salem Silverton
O. E. Depot News stand
7:00 a. m. 8:15 a. m.
11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m.
6:00 p. m. 6:16 p. m.
Leav., Salem O. E. depot- 7:00
a. m. 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m.
Leave Monmouth Hrtel 8:15 a.
m. 1:00 p. m. 6:16 p. m.
Leave Independence Hoil 8:30
a. m. 1:15 p. m. 6:80 p. m.
Special trips by appointment.
Seven passenger car for hire,
3. W. PARKER, Prop.
Res. phone 615. Business phonr, 7
ton were in ei.
turnlng homo i...
nnon l.v ll I
"J nuiu.
For the
Soan.Otnfm,, T.,
When your car n
Great Western I
at your service.
We always pay 2c w ,
more. You sp m. l.
the Portland marketa ad ,J
rect to consumers.
Peoples Cash Ston
none 4QI
Mrs. R. P. Jacobs
Has Week end Guests.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Williams, of
Portland, and R. B. Weber, of
San Francisco, are week end
guests in Salem at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jacobs.
Return After
Visit in Salem.
Mrs. Etta Groves accompanied
by her sister, Miss Jennie Calvert,
left Thursday for Camas, Washing
ton, after visiting here with their
sister, Mrs. Mark Skiff.
Will Spend
Summer in Minneapolis.
Mrs. T. W. Van Doren and her
little daughter left Salem on Wed
nesday for Minneapolis where she
will spend the summer months at
the home of her mother.
Visits With
Cousins in Portland.
Miss Elaine Chapin spent last
week end in Portland when she
visited her cousins, Miss, Vera
Bunn and Miss Cordelia Chapin.
Salem War Mothers
Give Silver Tea Wednesday
Salem War Mothers sponsored
a silver tea on Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. John
A. Carson, their president. This is
one of the series of birthday teas
which this organization has been
giving. Mrs. Prince was Joint
hostess with Mrs. Carson. The
Desirable Hosiery
Essentials of the best hosiery are a rich gleamy lustre,!
foot fitting fashioning and satisfactory wearine auafi.
ties. You find these in the lines that we carry wlua
Phoenix and Onyx Hosiery
These two lines of hosiery we carry complete in both 1
silk and cotton weaves and in a wide variety of colon
We can recommend either of these lines with confidence!
that you will not be disappointed m them.
Children's Sox and Half Hose
In fine mercerized and cotton finish, you can outfit the j
little youngsters in attractive sox and three quarter
hose. Prices are
25c 35c 49c
Quality Merchandise
I'opular Prices
A Phoneymoon of Bridal Fright
ryHE blended per
X fumes of 26 flowers
the fragrance in
Talc Jontecl is an
odor indescribable,
because like nothing
you have ever known
alluring and elusive.
And the powder itself
-smooth and fine,
Copland soothing. Ask
here for Talc Jontecl
Perry Drug Store