Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 04, 1921, Page Page Ten, Image 10

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    The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Past Ten
On the level, ain't Jeff quite right?
Women of
i quarters arc icbv
iNTeBesriNG. Look". Hee
jne 10
A Re TVifi GtOUfiS He-
. ; SkMta&uTkVnM
11 -' lrMriHu.fl rni. .if i
,NHpe: i k pRi" j'MTcbfS- what WMiiw i
He ALWAYS J I -ny . AV H- u ac I A . THAT 0L PAINTING Murrj -A .;, ' ' V r V
M. 1 . . m t f - i - . rj- DiTi k K . 1 1 KA 1 I ft .,,-!. II 111 1MH III I J I f f I . I . i
Have Camp
Equipment to Be Used
by Boys Will Be Left
and Used by Fair Sex
In Mountains
Oregon, June 4. The women
members of the Eugene Y. M. C.
A will have a summer camp at
Lost Creek ranch above McKenzie
Bridge beginning August 1, after
the boys' camp is over, according
to announcement of E. A. Britton,
physical director of the associa
tion. He says that other women
than members of the association
will be invited to participate If
they desire.
The same equipment used by
the boys will be left at the camp
for the women, says Britton, and
It is probable that the same hikes
and about the same program was
outlined for the boys will be car
ried out by the women.
Britton says that by the time
the boys begin their first camp
June 15 the snow around Lost
Lake and other localities for miles
about will have disappeared. He
was up there last Sunday and
found but little snow. Smith Tay
lor and George Moody came over
the summit a short time ago and
I., . ir.i.llv
Teport that me snow (
Copy of Paper
Published In
1886 Is Found
An old copy of The Corvallis
Chronicle of November 5, 1X8G
was announced recently by Mrs.
O. A. Wilson of this city in the
course of a house cleaning. In
the back of an old family por
trait it had remained for years and
was found only when the picture
was removed from its original
Interesting comparisons can be
made with today's price from a
naIr iifivi-rtiKeinent of Kaln-
ton Cox. general merchandise, who
announced a reduction in the par
.ir...inr Issue. Representative
follows: Corvallis
flour, per sack, 80 cents; sugar
19 pounds, 1; Hlce, 18 pounds,
lj coffee (best) Costa Hice, 7
pounds, 1 Soap, per box, 95
An.thnr intnrHKtine item that
appears In the columns is a quo
tation from a current Oregonian:
"There is some danger that the
town of Corvallis, in Benton
county, through a change in the
channel of the Willamette river,
will be left a mile or more Inland.
This danger is not immediate, and
fortunately it is of a kind which
may be averted." It goes on to
urge the people of that section to
endeavor to stop a cut off which
the river often took in the time
of high water.
The copy of the paper will be
forwarded to Corvallis, where the
successors have requested that
It be sent.
Flood Dam age To R u n I n to
Millions Reports State;
Train Traffic Disrupted
Journal's Weekly
Book Review
(Continued from Page 1)
night, come messages this morn
ing telling of terrible havoc
wrought by floods following cloud
mursts yesterday afternoon and
last night.
Pueblo has been cut off from
all communication since before
midnight last night, latest reports
from there being to the effect
that several fires, Btarted by light
ning were raging la various parts
of the city. Old residents say the
flood is the worst ever known in
that section. Early estimates of the
damage in Pueblo alone fixes the
figure at more than four million
dollars. A dispatch to the Denver
and Rio Grande railroad offices
here from its operator at Larkspur
60 miles south of here, gave the
operator s opinion that there had
been "considerable loss of life and
property," at Pueblo.
Damage Runs High.
At Frederick, Colo., threee feet
of water in the main street is re
ported; at Oreely, Fort Collins &nd
U)veland all wires are down and
the towns are without electric pow
er as the result of the flooding of
the power plant at Be
tween Denver and Boulder a laige
area of farm land is inundated
and the damage is estimated at
Houses were swept away at I.ay-
fayette and hundreds of head of
livestock were Irowncd v hen f oal
creek went over its banks. At Mar
shall all night long the resider tss
remained up and prepared to flee,
with bomb signals arranged, In
tear mat tne great dam of the
Farmers Reservoir and Irrigation
company three miles above the
town and which was reported in
weakened condition late yesterday
afternoon, would break. Tiinldad
is cut off from communi'utoln
Trains Proeress Mam.
Only one train has arrive', in
Denver from Pueblo since yester
day afternoon. It nulled ino the
union stationn le:-j at 8 o'clock
last night just as the waters were
beginning to croai into the city's
Yesterday afternoon about three
o'clock a heavr rain began falling
at Swallows fifiee'i miles west of
Pueblo. Vlrtmlly no rain fell In
the city itself bit by 5 o'clock the
report said the water had falitn been washed away.
"My Does of the Northland"
Bv Egerton Ryerson Young.
Are you a lover of dogs and
do you like to read of adventure
it so you will enjoy reading "My
Dogs in the Northland." by Kger
ton R. Young, who as a mission
ary to the rountry Mirrounding
Ike Winnipeg when the city of
Winnipeg was yet a small village
and when the country beyond was
considered "The Froren North.'
has had large and varied exper
fences with the noble animals.
Mr. Young gives us true charac
ter sketches of the various dogs
who have shared his long, and
dangerous Journeys.
There Is "Jack," the huge St.
Bernard, "Cuffy", the beautiful
Newfoundland, "Caesar," the
clever rascal. "Rover." the doctor
and also his Eskimo dogs.
Each and every dog's traits of
Ch-iracter are as different as hu beings and one marvels at the
Intelligence of the creatures.
Th's Is a very entertaining book
hnmorous in places, and bringing
t;T one who reads it to the reall
tatlon that a dog Is not merely
Ju:it a dog but that each and every
or.e hes a sould and with the
propr training and affection can
be made a noble animal Indeed.
This book may be found at the
public library. The review is con
tributed by a library patron.
to about one loot and aldel that
the city in the neighbjiao jd of the
railroad yards was strewn with
debris of wrecked cars and equip
ment. In Denver a heavy rain mixed
with bursts of hall, turned the
streets ointo a roaring torreuf for
time late yesterday afternoon
and all night the rain continued.
Damage In Denver, however, was
Flood Waters Reported Receding
Near Pueblo.
Denver, uoio., June 4. Water
in the union station at Pueblo,
Colo., flooded by waters from the
Arkansas river, was receding this
morning, according to a brief tele
gram received at the offices of the
llenver and Rio Grande railroad
cumpauy utile uum l i ucuiu
agent, who filed the message from
Larkspur, Colo., 60 miles south
of Denver. All wire communica
tion out of Pueblo has been cut
oft since last night.
The message said the water
reached its high mark at Pueblo
at 10 o'clock last night when
there was 9 feet 6 inches in the
union depot. All lights and tele
phone were out of service.
First Train Arrives
The first train to reach Denver
from Pueblo today was Santa Fe
number 64, which arrived here at
8 o'clock this morning. The train
was due at 9:15 p. m. last night
but was tied up at Colorado
Springs. The train left Pueblo at
6:45 p. in. just as the flood waters
were beginning to overflow levees
along the streams. Passengers
described the flood as the worst
they had ever seen there.
At 4 a. m. the message said the
water in the Pueblo depot stood
at 3 feet 6 inches, a drop of six
Parts of Pueblo arc badly piled
up with driftwood and derailed
railroad equipment, according to
the message. The message said
the downtown section of Pueblo
was covered with two feet of mud.
The message from Larkspur
Water Stands In Depot
No wire communication from
'What passenger equipment
there was in the union depot, in
cluding No. 15's, train, was wash
ed downstream. Have no word
from outside of the union station
Pueblo since 8:45 p. m. and do
not know extent of damage in city
of Pueblo. Appears to have been
considerable loss of life and prop
erty. Number 116 is being held
at Laveta and number 16 at Salida
No. 15 at Palmer Lake. No. ;S09
and 13 held at Denver. Figure it
will take several days to clean up
and don't think possible to get
any trains into Pueblo from the
north, east r west today."
Denver, Colo., June 4. Train
service in eastern Colorado ana
other eastern slope regions was
seriously disrupted by the floods.
At 5 o'clock this morning no re
port on train arrivals from the
south had been received. Railroad
officials said they had no infor
mation whatever in regard to the
service being given over lines run
ning from Denver through Colo
rado Spring and Pueblo, if mu
service was being given at all.
Trains from northern points are
delayed and the Billings train in
definitely delayed, it was said.
Trains from the east are running
mainly on schedule.
People Remain Up.
The populace at Marshall re
mained up all night, to be ready
to leave on a few minutes notice
in case the dam of the reservoir
above that city broke. Residents
of Marshall said over the. tele
phone this morning that water
was running through the streets
and that most of the householders
had moved their goods out of the
flooded region.
Rain was still falling over east
ern Colorado at 5 o'clock, in a
steady downpour, reports said.
Argausas river ha.l gone over itsany dlrectlon out ot PuebIo 8ince
UJ uc.ock ,asi J0 p m Unde,stand
G.vij ua.iriue:ii iroin me river 10
the heart of 'he business district
had been flood c 1. People marooned
In office buil.lins were removed!
by means of boats. At 11 o'clock j
the water was rising steadi'y and
men suddenly, the wires went
down and Pueblo was IsulaUd.
Heavr Life Loss Feared.
Meager reports sifting in thru
small railroad station towns be
tween Denver and Pueblo express
the fear that there his teen con
siderable loss of life. Nj confirm
ation is possible Just now. A report
from the D. and R. O. telegraph
operator at larkspur, Colo , to the
Denver offices tnis morning said
the water In Pueblo hed reached
about six feet since
when It was reported tilt re was
nearly ten feet of water In the
union station there. A still later
Buster Davis, 14-months-old son
of John Davis, was drowned in the
Columbia river at Clifton, while
playing near the family home.
p. m. Understand that the
water reached high mark at Pue
blo at 10 p. m. Nine feet six
Inches water In the union station
at that time, reaching up second
step of the landing. All lights,
and telephones out of service and
no word west of Pueblo of condi
tions sice 10 p. m. Water at that
time two feet deep in the depot
at Swallows. No idea how far
west extends but at that time
there was no trouble west of the
Gorge. At 4 a. m. there is three
feet six inches water union station
at Pueblo, water having gone
down about six feet since mid
night. Driftwood Fills Streets
"Pueblo badly filled up with
driftwood, timbers, cars, etc. and
is covered two feet deep with mud.
Think all of B. and B. yards have
Whether Redmond is to have a
new water system to cost not to
exceed $20,000 will be decided at
a special election to be held June
Women Are
In School
Increased Weight Is
Followed by Better
Scholastic Work In
University of Oregon, Eugene,
june 4. The women students of
the University of Oregon have in
creased in weight, in health, and,
as a consequence, in scholarship,
by following out the program of
Dr. Bertha Stuart Dyment, Uni
versity health physician. "Col
lege girls need more food than
their parents, because they are
still growing, and because they
are more active," she says.
"The vitamines and other
growth stimulating properties are
found especially in green veget
ables and milk and eggs, and but
ter," she explains. "Therefore
green vegeiaoies unu uuuci, umnj
and eggs should torni a part oi
the daily dietary; meat once a
day is probably entirely sufficient.
"Breakfast, instead of consist
ing of a piece of toast a cup of
coffee, or a piece of toast eaten
on the - run to an eight oclock,
should be a 'sit down at the table
meal,' with time to eat, and
should be made up" of fruit, a
cooked cereal, toast, mil, butter,
"A thin soup, hot biscuits ana
jelly are not enough for a lunch
eon for a normal or
person. A thick soup, a main dish
of rice and cheese or macaroni,
or, egg souffle, with a vegetable,
or a salad, a real salad, and a
dessert of fruit or custard, or
custard puddings, and a glass of
"Nor is meat and potato and
pie enough for dinner; two other
vegetables or one other and a
good salad should be added; and,
there are more nourishing desserts
than pie.
"Rice and potatoes, nor macar
oni and potatoes, nor macaroni
and rice should not be served at
the same meal."
"Better health, better scholar
ship," she adds, and this she has
proved in hundreds of cases.
167 To Be Graduated
at State University
University of Oregon, Kugene,
June 1. On the twentieth of June
167 students will be graduated
from the University of Oregon.
This is the largest of the 43 gradu
ating classes tvtfned out by the
Of those graduating, 120 will
receive the degree of bachelor of
arts, 24 bachelor of science, four
bachelor of science in education,
13 bachelor of business administra
tion, one bachelor of music and
five bachelor of law.
Tne commencement address will
be given by Edgar B. Piper, editor
of -The Oregonian.
The baccalaureate address will
be given by Virgil Johnson, of the
class of '96, who is now general
secretary of the National Associa
tion of Travelers' Aid Societies
with headquarters in New York.
The habit of driuking an,i .
ing hot foods and liquors is w I
ly responsible for the bad task :
of modern people.
The word "pretzel" is from Hi
German "prezel." R was aerjt(J ,
iroin me L,atin
meaning armlet.
The young people of the Chris
tian Endeavor society at Crabtree
have pledged $100 to assist in em
ploying a minister at that place.
Paris Awarded
Olympic Games
Geneva, June 3. The interna
tional Olympic committee today
awarded the 1924 Olympic games
to Paris. Amsterdam was award
ed the 1928 games.
Local Representative of Ed. V. Price & Co,
Priie Hen Claimed.
Littleton. Colo.. June S. Mrs
Wary N. Klnel. who supervises a
ehfekm fcrm near here, prplests
the claim of Portland. Oregon, and
SaU Lake C'ty. Utah, that they
ccrb have a hen that haa laid the
lanraat egg In captivity The two
western cities boast of egg mean
tirfnc seven Inches and seven and-
one-half Inches In circumference.
Mrs. Klnel produces an eg laid
by a white leghorn weighing four
oonces and measuring eight and
one ci-Lth Inches around.
Tom Mix in "Hands Off"
For Laughing Only
New Pipe Organ
Where the Big Shows Play
-That the shortest verse of
Scripture is "Jesus wept."
-The shortest sentence in
the English language con
taining all the letters of
the alphabet is "Pack my
box with five dozen liquor
-The impossibility of ful
filling this command has
caused untold . weeping
and wailing and gnashing
of teeth, but remember,
-The more thoroughly your
eyes are examined the
more certain you are of
getting satisfactory
Optical Co.
Eyesight Specialists
204-11 Salem Bank of
Commerce Bldg.,
Salem, Oregon.
Oregon's Largest, Most Mod
ern, Best-Equipped Ex
clusive Optical Establishment.
Thousands will go
Back East
this summer because of the
Union Pacific System
Serving the transportation needs of the
Great Pacific Northwest
and giving through service via the popular direct routes to Salt
Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Paul, Minneapolis
and Chicago 0n these two strictly first class trains
"Oregon-Washington Limited" & "Continental Limited"
Tickets on Sale Daily
Until and including August 15th
Return limit 90 days, but not later than October 31st
Chicago $109.30 Memphis ..$114.10 Pueblo $ 79.90
Denver 79.90 Minneapolis 90.10 St. Paul 90."
Kansas City.. 90.10 Omaha 90.10 St. Louis .... 10390
8 War Tax to Be Added
Proportionate reductions to many points East. Stop-overs at
pleasure. Side trips may be arranged for Yellowstone, Zlon
and Rocky Mountain National Parks
For complete details as to routings, train schedules
sleeping car rates and reservations-, and other travel information
desired, address
J. H. O'NeUl, Traveling Passenger Agent,
Wm. McMnrray, General Passenger Agent,
Portland, Oregon
Pity the Blind Man
Some days you'll see him, slowty, hesitatingly, feeling
his way. At other times he has a guide who quickly leads
him where he wants to go.
When you shop without advance knowledge of where
to go to get the best, you are feeling your way.
The advertisements in the newspapers are guides.
They will tell you where to go to get the best quickly.
And they are a guarantee of satisfaction. The con
sistent advertiser pays money to tell you about his goods.
He knows they are good he backs them with his money
because he believes they'll satisfy. Only merchandise
which is consistently good can be consistently advertised.
Read the advertisements and buy the advertised
products. Don't spend your money blindly. Get dollai s
worth for a dollar by buying products that have prow
their worth under the glare of publicity.