Circulation Average for J 920, 5250 population of SaUm 1900, 4258:' 1910, 14,094; 1920, 17,679 Jfarion County 1920, 47,177; Polk county, 14,181 Member of Audit Bureau of Circu lation. Associated Press Full Leased Wire Forty third Year No. 134 I apitajlgi ournal The Weather OREGON: Tonight and Sunday fair, moderate westerly winds. LOCAL: No rainfall; southerly winds; part cloudy; maximum 80, minimum 56, set 60; river 3 leet and rising-. Salem, Oregon, Saturday, June 4, 1921 Price Three Cents WE HUNDRED PERISH Cloudburst Damage In Eastern Colorado Is Estimated at Ten Millions Grand Jury Exonerates Peace Off icers of County Bushey's Charges Coll Flat I an mi Laws Enforced to Ex tent of Ability Re ntal Says; More Deputies Needed Biting charges that county and city officers are "impotent" and "doing nothing" which were voci ferously preferred by county Judge W. M. Bushey in a communica tion recently addressed to the mor ning paper, were rather forcefully knocked Into the proverbial cocked kit this morning when the Marion county grand jury, reporting an I probe Instigated by Judge Geor ge C. Bingham, declared that "the prohibition law is being enforced ij the peace officers in as effi cient a manner as the means tit their command will permit." In his exhaustive treatise on the subject of prohibition and his attack on the peace officers of the county, Judge Bushey declared that the peace officers has "surely pleased the bootleggers and their customers exceedingly wll." The grand Jury, investigating thoroug ly, seemed to have found the facts to be different. Its report says in part: "We examined and inquired in .to conditions with respect to the enforcement nf the prohibition law and from our examinations and inquisition we find that the prohi bition law is being enforced by lie peace officers of the county in as an efficient manner as the means at their disposal will per mit, but owing to the small num ber of officers available for the Purpose, the prohibition law is not being enforced to the degree oi ffectiveness that it should. "We therefore, recommnd that Proper authority Immediately sec Me the services of two additional Wty sheriffs to be deleeated oWy to the enforcement of the Prohibiten law." Flood Damage Summarized By ASSOCIATED PRESS Willamette Tennis Men Win Victory Denver, Colo., June 4. Reports to the Associated Press at Denver indicate the following conditions at outlying towns: At Lafayette Entire town un der two feet of water; many resi dences and business building ruin ed; damage heavy; communication cut off. At longmont Three feet of wafer in Main street; communica tion cut off; breaking of irrigation ditches principal cause. At Berthoud Crops damaged and business section inundated. At Loveland Two reservoirs, the South Side and the Ryan Ryan Gulth, broke this morning. The Hillsboro dam, five miles east also broke, the concrete headgates being washed entirely away. Ten thousand acres of farm land near Johnstown are inundated. Dam age will run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. Colorado and Southern railroad tracks washed away. At MBarshall Big Marshall dam still holding but all residents in the valley have been ordered to seek places of safety. At Superior Colorado and Southern tracks washed out; citi zens fled to safety by means of rowhoats. At Greeley All eastbound trains on Chicago, Burlington and Qnincy railroad detoured on ac count of floods. At Frederick Town under three feet of water. ' At Dacona Railroad bridge washed out. At Boulder Interurban car service to Denver paralyzed. Im possible to run cars for five or six days according to C. W. Richards, general agent for the interunrban system in Denver. At Erie, Colo. Thirty houses washed away. Citizens were given warning of impending rush of water but declined to leave. Brid ges approaching town washed out and railroad tracks in vicinity des troyed. At Estes Park. Three major bridges over Big Thompson river swept away. Automobile high way partially ruined. At Sterling Four drowned and damage running over $1,000,000. Floods receding in the district. At Broomfield Motorists en route from Denver to oBulder caught in flood waters and are camping in machines, over four hundred In number. Food sup plies nearly exhausted and no more can be obtained because of the barrier of water which rushed the streets. At Frederick Two mines flood ed. Camp swept by water. Resi dence fleeing to high ground. At Loveland. George Arndt, 60 years old, escaped from his own home when the flood ap proached. He went to the home of a friend for safety. As he en tered he dropped dead from excite ment. Water soon surrounded the friend's home and Arndt's body could not be taken out. At Denver City ditch rising from heavy rains of last night. Platte river in Globeville, a sub urb, over its banks. Residenas along the bank of the stream were obliged to throw up levees and barricades to prevent flooding of homes. Cherry creek, Denver high but within its banks. Robert Keith, lineman for Denver Gas and Electric Light company killed when he came in contact with live wire in repairing storm damage. Road Contracts Awards for Over $300,000 Are Out Award of highway contracts in Polk county aggregating more than $300,000 was announced by the state highway department here today.. These awards which are based on bids received by the commission at its mealing in Portland May 27 include the com pletion of the Salem-Dallas high way which Involves paving of the road from Brunk's corner to the Dallas city limits and, the grad ing of the last remaining gap in the West Side highway. The awards as announced fol low: West Side highway, Holmes Gap-Rlckreall section, grading. H. J. Hildeburn, Roseburg, $15,- o n 9 t c jnoomouia-LiUcajaiuuiv nt isterdav at Corvallis the Wil PMN university tennis team !ed in waimng away with P biggest end of the honors in j of contest between the and the local men. Moth 's Particularly- snort .r.ii rred in the .ini v.... Monmouth-Lucklamute ran for three nets two !8ectlon' jading. W. I. Trent. Mc f'ni dense contest... until W'il-!MlnnvlIIe' 40'72- Han. . . I - aucceeded in capturing W riory. JWU of the afternoon were: f Willameae defeated j'0.A.C, 6-0. fi-4; Marak Vi, ' A- C- aeftated Money of -3; doubles in Willamette Luckiamute River-Suver section grading. H. J. Hildeburn, Rose burg, $8123.50. Salem-Dallas highway, Brunks corner to Dallas city limits sec tion. V. R. 'Dennis Construction company, McMinnville, on bitum inous pavement, $244,082.50. Section within city limits of Dallas referred to Polk county au thorities for award. Tilden Annexes Hard Court Title St. Cloud, June 4. William T. Tilden of Philadelphia, the world's grass court tennis. champion, won the world's hard court tennis sin gles championship here today, de feating Washer of Belgium in the finals in straight sets 6-3, 6-3, 6-3 6-3, J men were scheduled for a j""Bugene today with rep UuTi of the university, but tnvWt8U wer cancelled, due wness of some of the Ore- Reiner Pays pth Penalty at limerick Barracks Inland. June 4. fkZ. T- ntenced to death 1"" Brtial for improperly at k 7. " having taken I 1 barrack attack upon Dolire at "tented bv a firinr Voting Places In Salem No. 1 United Brethern Churchcorner 17th street and Nebraska Christian Church, Court and Avenue. No. 2 First floor of Bungalow Seventeenth streets. No. 3 Cameron's Paint Shop, 21st street between Chemeketa and Center streets. No. 4 Swedish Tabernacle, corner Mill and 15th streets. No. 5 Richmond School. Salem No. 6 Yew Park School." No. 7 Highland School. No. 8 Jason Lee Church, corner Jefferson and W inter streets. No. 9 Baptist Church, corner D and Cottages streets." No. 10 Garfield School. No. 11 County Court House in Salem. . . .. No 12 Real Pruner Factory, corner Trade and Wl.ter street. No. J 3 E. Sherwood's residence, 787 Cross et No. 14 Kurtz's Fruit Dryer, North Commercial street No. 15 Huns Cannery, on Division street No. 16 City Hall in Salem. HZZ t r Wa-tiagtoa d -aa-UI St. Durdall Indicted By Jury Salem Grocer Charged With Getting Money by False Tretenses; 3 Returns Secret On the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses, in diciinent was brough against C. Burton Durdall, former proprietor Qf the Farmers' Cash grocery store by the March grand jury which re ported to Judge Percy R. Kelly this morning. The indictment states that on February 23, Durdall in order to obtain a loan of $1500 represent ed to the United States National Bank of Salem that he was a uian of wealth and that he owned prop erty In Lincoln county to the amount of $22,000 and that his assets over and above his total liabilities were $23,000. It further states that his property was wjorth only about $6000. Testimony in the case was give by D. W. Eyre, president of the United States National bank. T. W. Chambers, Mrs. Hallie Perrish Hinges and Mrs. C. Burton Dur dall. Following the failure ot his business, some weeks ago Durdall left the city in an automobile with his wife, but as apprehen Busher were also indicted by the ded in southern Oregon ana trough back here for trial, jury on the charge of stealing 320 pounds of Clover seed from Wil liam Mumpers. The cases of E. R. Chaffer and John Newton as also the case of Andrew Mace were dismissed as not being true bills. Four secret indictments were also reported by the jury this morn ing. Chester Goes Free; Murder Charge Fails Paddock Could Run 220 Yards In 20 Seconds New York, June 4. Sprinter Charley Paddock could run 220 yards in twenty seconds if he trained exclusively for the dis tance, in the opinion of Boyd Comstock former trainer of the Uc'versity of Southern California. Comstock who Is here on a busi ness trip, said today that he con sidered Paddock one of the great est sprinters in this country. Budget Will Be Votedon Forms Unimportant Is Belief; Lawyers Say Special Levy To Be On Ballot If the school board of the Sa lem district has complied with the budget law as enacted by the last legislature It may proceed with the election to vote its special tax levy on the date of the annual meeting on June 20 regardless of any "forms" to be issued by- the state superintendent's office which are merely incidental and serve primarily as guides to a correct compliance with the law. This is the gist of the best legal opinion of the city as expressed today incident to viae question which has arisen over the opinion written by Attorney General Van Winkle for J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruc tion, Friday. The attorney general today ref used to discuss the matter further, other than to declare very em phatically that he had not pass ed on the question of "forms" in his opinion to the state superin tendent. This opinion he pointed ouj. merely covered certain ques tions asked of him by the super intendent one of which was as to whether or not the new budged law applied to district of the first class to which he had replied in the affirmative. Superintendent Churbill who yesterday stated that the forms required by the new budget law were now in the hands of the printer today explained that these forms were merely incidentaly if all of the provisions of the law had been complied with otherwise. Receding Waters Reveal Extent of Destruction In Neighborhood of Pueblo Hundreds Caught In Onrushing Wall of Water Unable to Escape Be cause of Short Warning; Property Loss Expected to Exceed Ten Millions; Pueblo Business Houses Flooded to Depth of Six Feet and All Wire Communication With Outside Cut Off Pueblo, Colo., June 4. Estimates at 3:15 o'clock of the dead in the flood here indicated that the number would not exceed five hundred and might be lower. The property loss stiM was set at above $10,000,000. Receding Waters disclosed the fact that many persons believed to have perished had escaped. Pueblo, Colo., June 4. The loss of life from the great flood which came rushing upon the city of Pueblo from the overflowing of the Arkansas and Fount unie rivers last night, at 1 :45 o'clock this afternoon was variously estimated between 1,500 and 3,000 persons. The property loss will exceed $10,000,000 according to estimate made at this hour. At 4 o'clock this morning the Fountaine river had washed out all the bridges, uprooted the tracks, railroad and trolley, had made wire communication out of Pueblo impossible. When the flood began to recede today the great damage was disclosed. Hundreds of families lost everything they had in their escape from the onrushing waters. Identification of the dead is a slow process just now. Water to a depth of six feet flooded practically all of the important business and financial houses of the city. At 1 :30 o clock this afternoon the Hood waters were reced ing fast on Main street. One grain house here reports a loss of $20,000. The Armour Packing company's local plant was practically destroyed. All of the fires that were burning at daylight have been extinguished. The loss of life was due to the fact htat the people did not take warning. Signals were set out at o'clock last night but due to the fact that the waters came up with such suddenness, it was imposssible for hundreds to escape. The flooding of the Fountain river early this morning made the situation worse as it is supposed to have caused a still greater loss of life. Suggestions have come from prominent citizens that the immediate need of Pueblo are tents, fresh water, food, bedding and milk for the Babies. The (joioraao Aurora School Before Board the $23,000 school bond is sue were brought against those Kansas City, Mo., June 4 Deneel Chester was acquitted by a jury here this afternoon of the murder of Miss Florence Barton. 8he jury was out only twenty minutes. m i Judge Latshaw had gone out to lunch and it took a few minutes to locate him, when the verdict was reached. Chester was brought into the court room and entered leaning on a cane. When the verdict had been icou, punier, SUJlling DrOadlV, I Willi.,.,! n- ltv nrA- I. 1- . t . . . auu Bowi nanus JU" aUU Smiled hiS' ;,,.. f irA whn nnnnee ,h thanks. .. . . . . . ... division ui uie kuwi uiBinci when the matter came up before the county school boundary board yesterday in the county court. Tae board failed to render a decision yesterday because of a point ot law, for it was fourd that some of the citizens who had signed the petition for the divis ion of the district had also sign ed the remonstrance. The oplnton Tulsa, Okla, June 4. Thirty of the attorney general in this white men have been arrested i case is, however, that only, the and are being held in the city hall name on the remonstrance is ral- for investigation as vandal sua- id. Sixty one people signed the pects in connection with the petition and 13S the remon- race riots here. Police Chief Gns- stranoe. tar son announced this after-) The question oX the Silvtrtoo noon. Another white man arrest- ' "--ns Valley change ot ed by state guardsmea oa a cam- Boundary was aot allowed, plaint of inciting riot is also be- petitions of districts 76. ing held. n similar oae from dte- tricta and 18 asking that the Fishermen at the mouth of allowed to vote oa the Tents, Food And Water AreNeeded Denver, Colo., June 4. At one o'clock this afternoon a telegraph operator at Mineral, Colo, a sub urb of Pueblo reported to the Western Union offices here that loss of life in the flood at Pueblo had been heavy. He reports bodies being trans ported in wagons through the streets to the morgues. Mineral is one mile fro m the business section of the city. The Western Union has opened an office there to handle its bus iness from the stricken city. The operator said estimates of the dead ranged from several uan dred persons to one thousand. "We need tents, food anu .a ter quick," he told the Western Union officials on the Denver end of the wire. Denver, Colo, June 4. Colonel Patrick H. Hamrock, in command of the Colorado state rangers, re ceived a message from Pueblo this morning urging him to send every man available to Pueblo to iit in the rescue work. The telegram from the com- j southeastern Wyoming bt it had ma ne officers at Pueblo read: ceaseo in omer pans oi me area. Denver. June 4 state rangers, under command of Colonel Pat Hamrock, have taken charge In Pueblo to prevent loot ing and to establish as soon as possible temporary shelters for the hundreds of homeless people. The greatest suffering is reported from the Grove district, in Pueblo, a section inhabited mostly by for eigners and steel mill workers. Wire communication with Pueblo te being re-establishea slowly. Thus far the telegraph and press wire service has been irregular and most of the traffic over the big commercial company lines has consisted of state official business. Denver officials pre dict, however, a service close to normal within 48 hours. Bain Still Falling Rain was still falling this morning in northern Colorado and The train will leave here In a few hours and will proceed as near to Pueblo as possible. Motor trucks then wIU be used to trans port the relief supplies into Pueblo. A force of rangers will go along to prepare the roads for the motor transport. DAMAGE ESTIMATES GROW HOURLY WITH NEW REPORTS Denver, Colo., June 4. From all over that part of Colrado lying east of the Rocky mountains, but with the heaviest damage and probable loss of life reported from Pueblo where several fires still were reported burning late last (Continued on Page 10) Conditions here very bad. Res cue work goiug on. Send every Charges of fraud in the voting mn you can Hundreds in dang er." Thirty Whites Under Arrest For Tulsa Riot Legion Winds Up Campaign reported at 2.92 inches. Tonight winds up the campaign I Denver and Rio Grande train of the American Legion post of j number 3 turned over while Salem conducted for the passage standing still a few miles outside of the soldiers loan measure to be of Pueblo, according to a report to voted on Monday by the voters of the railroad offices here. The ac- Parade For Tonight Is Announced Following the big banquet at the armory scheduled for six o'clock tonight, the M. O. K. K. parade will start at seven accord ing to the plans, featuring a drill nn Pfitirt street hv the rtrill team The precipitation at Pueblo was. tha' AbJM,w.Atel temple ot After what Is characterized as the heaviest June rain in this city In 20 years last night Denver today is going about its business under murky skies. Weather forecasts indicate continued showers for Denver and the eastern slope of Colorado while unsettled condi tions are predicted for the west ern slope. lowed. the state. Sunday speakers on the measure will be heard In each of the 25 churches of the city. Men who do not belong to the organisation have gladly volunteered their ser vices in this cans. An open air mass meeting will be held this evening at the corner of State and Liberty streets at eight o'clock aad will be prat sad ed by a parade aad concert by the Liberty band of 25 pieces. This afteraoon was devoted to general street speaking by me who have studied the measure. cident was caused by the under mining of the roadbed by the flood. The cars went over slowly and passengers are all believed to have escaped, without severe In Jury. Relief Work Rnthed Denver, Colorado, June 4. The state 01 Colorado this afternoon was hurrying preparations to re lieve the stricken populace of north to Court Pueblo. Golonel Patrick J. Ham-'south to. State, Portland which will represent the state temple in Atlanta next aug ust in the national gathering at the Imperial Palace there. With the drill team there comes from Portland the temple's band which is said to be one of the best in the state. The tyros, num bering approximately 5G, will be lined up for the fun before re turning to the armory for busi ness. The parade has been announc ed to proceed as follows: West from the armory to Commercial, east to High, west to Commer- roek, in command of the state rial and back to the armory. A rangers, has chartered a train to street concert will be given by carry teats, water and food to the band before returning for the the suffering city. initiation services. square this