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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1921)
Pag 9 Tire Capita! Journal, Salem, Origan. Cannery In Need Of Funds Albany House Can Not Run Unless Money Is Forthcoming For Stock Albany, June 2. The drive for funds to insure the opening and operation of the Albany cannery this season has been resumed by committees made up of Albany men who are trying to put the coccunity over the top for the quota of $50,00C stock in the Oregon-Washington Canning and Preserving company. The committee met with the Al bany chamber of comiirce at a noon luncheon recently to discuss the matter. Canvassing among Albany business men was in pro gress during the day. In discussing the situation W'ii) L. Finch, who is here as fiscal agent of the canning company, said that about 100 people of this community hold stock in the Puyallup and Sumner Fruit Grow ers Canning company and they are to be given eight per cent stock in the new company in ex change tor the seven per cent stock of the old company. Mr. Finch states that the Al to iy cannery represents an in vestment of $125,000 and that the property will be forced to lie idle this year if growers of the com munity anil Albany men do not subscribe for enough stock to fi nance the operating expense of the cannery here this year.. Soldier of Fortune Returns With Bride jajifflai ' ' MaP .fTM Iff - ti inMffll Mr i 14 BaaaaSaVBaaaaaaafliaBaaaaHj 1 'Joe" Stehlin, Brooklyn, N. Y. soldier of fortune and hero of num erous air battles, is home from the wars with a pretty English bride. Stehlin, who holds a colonel's commission in the Lettish Army, mar ried the new Mrs. Stehlin in Paris recently. She is the daughter of General Ewart, of the British Army and met her warrior husband while serving as a nurse in France. Before the United States entered the war Colonel Stehlin went to j men in search of employment and ne says, who have been ner Demandfor Workers Is Very Slight Berry Picking Is To Absorb Surplus of Labor In Salem, Is Belief of Race There is at present no apparent demand for berry pickers in or near Salem. There is also a small surplus of labor in this city, ac cording to Police Judge Earl Race who conducts a free employment bureau at his offices in the city hall. "I expected a few requests for pickers by this time," Judge Race said this morning, "but so far there hasn't been an application filed with me." Belief that berry picking acti vities will absdrb the 'small sur plus of labor in the city, was ex pressed by Judge Race. The few men whom he has been unable to furnish with work of some kind have been chiefly transients. The strawberry crop h? to be good, growers believe, and the goosberry yield will be fair. In consequence it is believed that scores or men and women will be given employment as pickers. All through the winter Judee Race has been procuring jobs for Tennessee Passes Speed Tests In Trials Off Coast of Main V'y ' jj ' ' Thursd The U. S. S. Tennessee, newest and greatest of our superdread naughts, going at full speed during her trials off Rockland, Maine. The Tennessee, which is electricMlv driven, passed the tests with fly ing colors with an average speed of twenty-one knots an hour. She was recently commissioned at the Brooklyn, N. Y., Navy Yard, where she was built. Jttfarion Items Marion, June S, r.Ir and Mrs. W. M. Davis and sons Harold and Leslie, and Mrs. J. M. Empy ot RiilHm visited last week at the H. Beckmau home. Mrs. Suklls visited in Portland laat week. Mr. U. W. Smith of Seattle visit ed his parents here last week. Hual Lindlev of Philomath is visiting her friend, Marion Barber The G. H. Colgan family spent Monday at Hubbard. As a result of the efforts of the community and the school, Mr. Tboag sent Mr. Walter of Salem a check for $75.45 for the Near East relief fund. Mr. Mote from near Hubbard, who is helpless as a result of a paralitlc stroke, is being carqd for by his brother, C. A. Mote and wife. A letter from Gelrge Slyter, who is working in a Mill at Marsh field states that he is well and working every day. Mrs. M. M. Cave, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Barber, has gone to Alsea where she expects to spend the summer with friends. At a school meeting held last Friday afternoon, Mrs. Beers was elected teacher of the primary grades for next year. She has taught here the past year and has proven -to be a good instructor and a conscientious teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Hoag spent the week end with their parents in Polk county. Mr. Hoag's mother, who injured her ankle five weeks mn. In now ai)ie 10 gei aruunu u little with the aid ot crutches. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Roland and daughter, Claudian, expect tu spend a month traveling as soon as school closes. They will visit the most interesting places in Cali fornia. go into Mexico, then start borne through Arizona. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford of Sa lem were visitors at the Kussell home last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gentry of Al bany spent the weekend here visit ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell of SDrtncfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Russell of Notl, and Albert Mltt ner of Springfield were weekend visitors here. Mr. aud Mrs. Wm. Hall visited Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer at Cor vallis, Monday. Miss Gloria Palmerton of Port land is visiting at the Northcu home. Miss Carrie Bouck of Portland spent the weekend visiting her parents here. The sporting editor has the fol lowing ball games to report: Jef ferson and Marlon school teams, Friday, score 3-7 In favor of Jef ferson: Marion town tear: played three games as follows: Sunday, the Shaw team at Shaw score 2 to 3 In Shaw's favor; Monday, the same team on the home plate, core 3 to 7 in Shaw's favor; fol lowing this game our boys played Liberty, beating them 17 to 6. lira. Glover and children of Dai las are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. l ee Doerfler. Mr. A. M. Schmidt has gone to Portland where he expects to un aargo an operation for hernia. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Co!... ana daughter. Helen, and Mlm Vlr g-lmia Bndriixl, of Portland spent Sratay and Monday at the J. A. Colgan tome. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoven and sons Lenne and Oliver of Salem peat the weekend visiting at the H. Beckman home. Mrs. B. B. Bangs and daughter. Mildred ware over-Sunday guest In Salem. While coming home from school the other evening. Dorothy Gray tell from her bycicle off a bridge France and joined the Lafayette Escadrtlle, winning several decora Hons for valor. When Uncle Sam took a hand In the conflict, Stehlin was commissioned a lieutenant in the U. S. Air Service and distin guished himself in aerial battles over the American front. After the armistice he went to Poland and joined the Polish forces. Following several months of service with the Poles Stehlin was commissioned a colonel In the Lettish Army and given command of the Lettish air squadron. He wears thirteen medals, awarded him by the various governments whom h ehas served in the past six years. intp the water breaking one of her ribs. She is Improving rapidly. Miss Gladys Hansel of Portland spent Sunday wltn her parenU here. Central Howell Central Howell, June 2. How ell Prairie farmers are busy plant ing potatoes at present. Fred Schlfferer sold his forty acre farm to Mr. Edwards, con sideration 311,000. Mr. Schlffer er and family moved back to their former home southwest of Tur ner. Wm. Roth has completed 160 rods of fence; this Is an added im provement to their farm. Mr. Madsen who is engaged in the wood business on the dlm- mons farm, had the misfortune of losing about 200 cords by fire Saturday afternoon. Homer Lelsy Is completing his wood cutting Job this week. He has a record of splitting and pil ing 8 '4 cords in one day. The church at Central Howell held their anniversary services last Sunday, Prof. Alden and Wm. Nlcholl gave able addresses which were very much appreciated. There will be Sunday Bchool and preaching as usual next Sun day; let us remember this churcTi extends a welcome invitation to all In the community; bring the little folks. There is a sand table arrangement to make the leasons plain and interesting for the lib tie folks. Let us not stand back and criticise because thlners are not as we th!r.: they ought to be. but may we confess our faults one to another, and be willing to do our little part toward mankind this a true church. Finding fault hinders us from enjoying many blessings which could otherwise be ours. I am talking from experience. Falls City Notes Miss Osa Brown spent the week end at the O. A. C. at Corvallis as the guest of Miss Lois Beard. Miss Leuallia Ward by Mon mouth spaat the later part of the week with her parents. The stork visited at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. Armon Brown leaving a big baby boy on Me morial day, to be named Gerhart, Alvln. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trupell were visiting relatives in Portland laRt week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weatherill daughters of Near East were visit ing at the Geo Weatherill home, Sunday. Mrs. Lattee Mnssll left Wednes day afternoon for Kansas to visit relatives. Her mother will return with her. Mrs. Byron A. Murray is spend ing Tuesday in Fall City visiting friends. Falls City and Monmouth play ed base ball on the Falls City grounds. The score being 5-18 In favor of Monmouth. Rev. E. J. Harrlngthon and wife of Salem are visiting his mother for a few days. Mrs. Foster and daughter of Portland spent Monday here visit ing Mrs. Foster daughter, Laura Estey. few slstent, have failed to get work Many of the jobs are, haweveri for short periods only. Julius Caesar Will Show Soon On next Tuesday evening the public speaking department of the university will stage "Julius Caesar" in the chapel on the cam pus. They have been working on 1 the proceeding of Payment For Minto Island Not Yet Made . Asking that the court set a def inite time for the payment of $18, 000 awarded him by a jury for Minto island, D. C. Mlnto, defend ant in the suit brought in Febru ary by the Salem Water, Light and Power company, filed a mo tion for such action with the county clerk this morning. Minto also asks that in case the court can not allow the motion the February it for over a month now and n rnurf he rthamtnnpri. The ense Whs good production is expected. This 1 instituted by the power company promises to be the biggest event, to get possession of the island, on resignation from that position, pleading pressure of other duties. Cotton has been one of the Col legian's most faithful staff mem bers during his term of service and it will no doubt be difficult to find a worthy successor for him. He was elected to this posi tion by the alumni association whose duty it will be to fill the vacancy. Cotton is at present preaching at Gresham where he is associated with Rev. Hisey in com munity center work. To Boost County by Big Signs Judge of Umatilla Has Plan To Advertise County Resources To Tourists Fendleton, June. 2 A proposal to advertise Umatilla 'county so that tourists coming through here will have an opportunity to ap preciate some of the outstanding features of the life and interests of the county has been put for ward by Judge I M. Schrannep of the county court. Judge Schrannep's idea, as he has explained it to friends, is to erect at least four monster sign boards on the main traveled high ways near the county line on all four boundaries. One would be placed between Umatilla and Boardman, another on the Oregon Trail between Union and Umatilla counties, a third to the north on the Oregon-Washington line and a fourth on the high way between Pilot and Heppner on the Oregon-Washington highway. . .. V ' 2,1,25 H-gerT 4. . ' OeTfa. i thanituHl Dr W. H. Lvtl. ' ohasjustretert i mat section of th. ?" stockmen will be .,,, """ their stock th.An,bl locJ! through eood shape becauSH grass, Lytle 8tate8 ' lt tao states. JOURNALWAvr BIOS sss JOURNAL WANT AS PAV Jos. Graber Phone 2054R John kik Graber Brw. PLUMBING AND HEATING Telephone 550 Malt in s. UDerty St Salem, On. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY One of the heavy taxpayers of Linn county and the of Ore gon is the Oregon Electric, which paid $22,293.72 taxes in Linn county last year and $114. 7S8 In the state. in the work of the public speak ing department this year. The heavier parts of the play are being taken By the students of the advanced class in dramatic interpretation while other parts are portrayed by the expression students. Some of the characters which will appear in the play are: Portia, Miss Mary E. Hunt; Cal pornia, Miss Mildred Strevey; Lucius, Miss Ruby Rosekranz; Cassius, Fred McGrew; Brulus, Roy Skeen; Mark Anthony, Virgil Anderson; Casca, E. Craven; Ju lius Caesar, Bernard Morse. Many of these as will be seen are well known in dramatics. the claim that under the owner ship of Minto it endangered th& water supply of the city. Minto asked $25,000 for the island, but was granted $18,000 by the court Machines Crash; Each Is Damaged Two automobiles were damaged, one badly and the other in a small way, when they collided yesterday at the corner of Capitol and Cen ter streets. The cars were piloted by W. L. Massey, 1690 Trade street, and C. D. Putnam, 823 N. Commercial street. The machine driven by Mr. Putnam, which is owned by the People's Cash store, was most seriously damaged. Neither of the drivers was hurt. The steamer Texan left Ast6r- la a few days ago for New York and Boston with 644,000 feet of lumber from St. Helens and 525,- 000 feet from Westport. Alumni Editor Resigns Post Rev. Earl B. Cotton, for two years alumni editor of the Col legian, has sent notice of his Home Builders Take Notice We can save you money on your Plumbing Supplies; it will pay you to come and see us about prices. We always have a supply of all kinds. Tents, all sizes, prices very low. CAPITAL Bargain House We buy and sell everything. Phone 398 215 Center St. High Yeilds 7.50 Province 0 f British Columbia 6'a, maturing in 5 years, at 93.84. 8.15 American Power & Light Co. 20 year 8 Secured Gold Bonds at 98.50. One of the above is a splendid Provincial; the other a domestic Indus trial, both good invest ments. W.M McGILCHRIST, Jr. Resident Representative Clark, Dendall & Co. Inc. Room 309-310 U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. fi v3 r vy- -v S J v8 mm Gifts That Last rA wealth of splendid offerings found here in all their exquisite charm. Lustrously beautiful Silver pieces in flatware and hollow-ware. The kind that lasts for years. Beautiful carved engagement and wedding rings and many other dainty articles are ready for your choosing. Graduation Gifts in Large Variety Our stocks of watches, rings, silverware are priced to please you. Careful study of your type and contour of your face is made by our optical department, when your glasses are fitted here. HARTMAN BROS. Jewelers and Opticians Salem, Oregon QUALITY SERVICE PRICE NEW SUMMER Pumps and Oxfords IN GREYS Either French or Cuban Heels White, Plain or Ball Strap Brown, Plain or Ball Straps Blacks of All Sorts, Also Sport Oxfords in all grey, white with black trimming or white with brown trimming, also Black Satin Pumps See them in our Big Windows Priced from $5.95 to $9.50 This Is the Way to Make Every Buy a Bargain Buy advertised goods. Only good goods, fairly priced, can stand the spotlight of publicity. A merchant or manufacturer would not dare to adver tise merchandise that is poor in quality, poor in make or that will not give reasonable wear. The penalty of such tactics is too heavy. No goods and no business concern can thrive under the weight of public condemnation. A merchant places the whole reputation of his business at stake every time he advertises. Naturally enough, he is careful of what he says and when his statement is placed in the newspaper where everyone in town may read so that any untruth in it will be known to all of his employees and most of his friends then you may be sure he is doubly careful. When you buy advertised goods you get a bargain because they must be as advertised. So it pays you to read advertisements. Advertising protects you. Read the advertisements in this paper and get the best of the bargain.