Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, June 02, 1921, Image 1

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Average tor 120, 63S0
Population of Salem 1900, 4258:
1910, 14,094; 1910, 17,679
Marion County 1920, 47.177;
l'olk county, 14,181
Member of Audit Bureau of Circu
lation. Associated Press Full
Leased Wire
The Weather
OREGON: Tonight and Friday
fair, moderate northwesterly
LOCAL: No rainfall; northerly
winds; part cloudy; maximum 7f,
minimum 44, set 52; river 2.8
feet and stationary.
IrtrUdrdY ear No. 132
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, June 2, 1921
Price Three Cents ON nun J Airs
I rice i m cc icnia gxAKM FIVE OBMIi
. ' - BTAHD8 flVIS
rencn garrison in bilesia Is Attacked By Germans
Outlook Dark For Strawberrv Men
rnn i.aiwir in
Many Years With
Market Lacking
Production In District Around Salem Esti
mated at 1,200 Tons With Fruit In Excellent
Condition: Price for Early Berries Below
Normal Flood Season Mark
The strawberry crops of Marion and Polk counties bid fair
to approximate 1200 tons this season. Indications are that
the yield will not only be larger than that of last year, but
that it will be of much better quality. Yet, for various rea
sons the growers have no market for their fruit.
. .. i i f a l j : i. j i It. I- i
The situation, local iruii experts aumnteu tins ai tenjuuii,
Is indeed grave.
Will Coach
Brother of Mentors at
Grower Peddles Fruit
"Money Is tight, and there is
but little inducement for invest
ing at the present time," one au
thority explained this morning in
speaking of the lack of a market.
"Part of last year's crop, bought
at high prices, has also been car
ried over. Many attempts to cre
ate a market have been made, but
with no success as yet."
With the berry season scarcely
S t a t e n itS Way W'th the strawberrles
anfl UregOn OuUUg one grower was this morning en
Here Next Fall
deavoring to dispose of his fruit
by making a house to house can-
Third brother in the family to vass and offering it at seven
tike bis place as coach In the cents a box. Even at that price,
..... . , n-.0 he explained, his sales were few.
Northwest conference of colleges " VT r. t i,i
and universities, Roy Bohler will
from local canneries, he saio, was
There are approximately 875
acres of strawberries in Marion
fnnntv nnH mnrt than 300 acres
in Polk county. Experts believe
that the yield will be a little more
than a ton of berries to the acre.
Climatic conditions permitting,
the strawberries will be unusual-
come to Willamette as director of 6 cents. Practically no purchas
athletics, it was defniitely learned es are being made by the Salem
by wire, according to an an- concerns.
nouncement of President Carl G. UCTie ncsing irone
Doney made after his return from
Portland last night.
George and "Doc" Bohler al
ready famous rival tutors of the
University of Oregon and aWRh
Ington State college are the
brothers with whom the Willam
Btta man ...111 ; ., r l
Roy Bohler, who Kraduated spell would lessen their worth. On
1917. made a rornrrt in the vines they are said to appear
from Washington State College n the in year3' . .
athletics. hPint, nmn!n..i in' What the peak price for
baaeball, football and basketball. vear w111 be- fruit men "? unable
Since he graduated from school he to guess, because they- cannot
as commissioned lieutenant In foresee what developments may
the United States expeditionary come within the next few days,
forces. Recently he has been con- The picking season has scarcely
nected with the coaching staff of started. No calls for men have
the South Dakota Aggies and the been received by the city employ
Broadway high school in Seattle, ment bureau which has furnished
When he learned that a vacancy scores of men in the past.
ouia be open at Willamette he; Gooseberries Fewer
applied for the position, "accom-j That there is little money at
tuned . by recommendations of present available for "extras," and
Wets, former coach of football at that strawberries apparently are
Washington State and at present considered a luxury, was the ex
hi Purdue, and members of the pianation given by one authority
' -t South Dakota and elce- j speaking of the absence of a
ahim' 8peakine hiShlv t his market.
my and success. . The gooseberry crop this year
wore coming to Willamette will be but ab0ut 75 per cent as
fee! I, e.lPeCtS t0 spend thls sum" teree a that of last year, one
am,r ?iVerslty of I1IinolsJ grower estimated this afternoon,
aaer school of athletics. Hel plck, of gooseberries is Just
X.u T ... tne Cnlcag0i beginning. What price they will
lively bring the growers, fruit
men were unaoie iu nay.
Whether any of the canneries
or packing plants will be In the
market for berries is yet uncer
tain. So far they have not com
menced buyfsg.
Tulsa Quiet Today
With Race Feeling
Gone; Probe Begun
Force of Guardsmen Reduced; Whites Caught
Looting Flame Swept Negro Section Arrest
ed; Governor Orders Grand Jury Investiga
tion and Hunt for Leaders Starts
misa, uKia., June z. Adjutant General Barrett, com
manding the state militia forces in Tulsa county under the
martial law proclamation, announced this morning that 250
of the 450 guardsmen here will be sent home this afternoon.
Tulsa, Okla., June 2.-Thirteen white men were arrested by
national guardsmen in the negro quarter today and sent to
the city jail for investigation. It was said all men had in
their possession property which apparently had been taken
from houses which the flames did not reach but from which
the negro occupants fled in fear. Many such houses were
entered, according to guardsmen.
Tulsa, Ogla., June 2. Outward-1 morning. Some wore white hand
kerchiefs around their arms while
others wore white ribbon badges
inscribed "police protection."
ly, Tulsa resumed its normal at
mosphere today except for the
presence, under a martial law pro
clamation, of approximately 500
Oklahoma national guardsmen
sent here, yesterday after many
hours of rioting between negroes
and white men, including a night
of incendiarism In which virtually
the entire negro quarter was des
troyed with a loss of about $1,
500,000. As the situation rapidly quieted
down the estimates of dead dwin
dled. Nine dead white men had
been identified today and fifteen
negroes were accounted for. The
list of known wounded increased,
however, and the total was unof
fical estimated at about 240.
Governor Demands Probe
Basis for estimates that still
ranged as high as forty negroes
dead was the possibility of an un
known number of bodies having
been destroyed when the torch
was applied to the negro section.
Casual search of the quarter failed
to disclose additional bodies or
bones today.
Negroes began to return to
their places of employment this
M. C.
A. training school for
ilor Shot In
Strike Rioting
Is Near Death
Settle Wash., June J.Christ
wetensen. alleged to be- a
las k 'l0r' bo was mounded
sight when alleged marine
2nPathizers attacked three
Pile the crew of tne Ship
rd steamer West Kappa,
M rious condition today
uul expected to recover.
"J to physicians.
W Buckpr fi4 m
- " 1 uiiicer ui
JPPa and Walter Tn
fcajTT" who received
at durlng the fight.
Jsk.T. . out -' danger.
I-Vwiwhuk. 24. and
J a TIT' both
w, Z Mwered a riot call
Four Estates
Total $28,000
Pour estates totalling over 2S,
000 were filed in the probate
court this morniag. They were
the estates of Albert E. Wilson
with real property $475 and per
sonal property of $6846.83; Kate
R. Martin personal property of
$2000; Clara B. Warner real
property of $0300, and personal
$5999.89, and the esUte of Alice
E. Caldwell, $10,000.
Denby Tells
Harding Present At
Naval Academy
Graduation C e r e
monies Today
Washington, June 2. President
Harding left by automobile this
morning to attend the graduation
exercises at the naval academy.
Annapolis, Mr. He was 'accom
panied by Mrs. Harding and Com
mander R. S. Holmes, his naval
Annapolis, Mr., June 2. In
presenting commissions to the gra
duating class of the naval academy
here today. Secretary Denby, him
self an enlisted man in the navy
in the Spanish-American war and
a private, sergeant and command
ing officer in the marine corps in
Governor J. B. A. Robertson,
who came here yesterday from
Oklahoma City to assume per
sonal charge or the efforts to res
tore order, this morning said he
felt assured the trouble was over.
He said he intended to insist on a
rigid jury Investigation of the
Rincleaders Soug-ht
The plight of more than 5000
negroes under joint guard and
protection at the fair grounds was
regarded as serious today. Many
of them lost their entire possession
when fire swept their district. It
is understood an effort is being
made to sift from the negroes at
the fair grounds those who parti
cipated in the initial clash at the
county building Tuesday night,
when white men bent on taking
from the jail, Dick Rowland, 19
year old bootblack, alleged to have
attacked a white girl, met armed
negroes whose intention was to
prevent Rowland from being
As rapidly as a negro at the
fair grounds is sponsored by his
or her employer a "police protec
tion" tag is issued, and the prison
er released. It is hoped in . that
manner to thin the ranks to where
the five negro officers of Tulsa
county can Identify negro partici
pants in the riot.
Business Resumed
Stores were permitted to open
at 8 a. m. after business had been
suspended last night and citizens
kept off the streets.
The military officials began a
check of the unofficial lists of
dead and wounded. Bodies of
eight white men and fifteen ne
groes lay in morgues. Some of
the 35 injured remaining in hos
pitals were not expected to recover
The loss from Tire in the negro
quarter and the damage in adja
cent territory was estimated by
real estate men at about $1,5000,-000.
Beat off
Organized Attack by
Civilians Beaten Off
by Tanks; Poles Aid
French In Fight
Oppeln, June 2 French soldiers
forming the garrison at Beuthen
a city in southeastern Silesia near
the old Polish frontier, have been
attacked by forces organized by
the German Inhabitants. Reports
state the German in the fighting
numbered 3,000. The French
charged with tanks and are satd
to have gained the upper hand
There have been many German
Poles Aid French
The situation at Beuthen is com
plicated by the presence of Polish
insurgent forces around Le city.
The Poles began a fight with Ger
mans in the outskirts of the town
Sunday and when the French were
attacked, the Poles rushel to their
The attack by the German on
the French Is said to have been
well planned. Telegraph and tele
phone wires between the French
headquarters and the barracks
were cut, sentries were driven
back and the headquarters detach
ment was surrounded. Tanks
were rushed to the scene and the
Germans, who were armed with
pistols, attempted to capture the
machines, but were repulsed and
were driven into adjacent build
ings, from the windows of which
hot fire was opened. The tanks
charged on the buildings firing
volleys through the doors and windows.
Mrs. Daugherty
Passes Away
Mrs. Edgar B. Daugherty of
1035 North 21st street died this
morning at the Salem hospital at
the age 24 years. She is survived
by her husband and two small
children, Florence age 5 and
James, age three.
The funeral has been set for
tomorrow at the Terwllliger home
with Rev. J. J. Evans officiating.
Interment will be in the Oddtel
fellows cemetery.
Contract has been let for con
struction of the industrial build
ing at the state school for the
deaf. The cost will be $12,964.
Attorney General
Refuses To Alter
Announced Stand
Request of Oregon Bar Association Turned
Down; McNary Petitions Supreme Court to
Stay Order Reversing Decision and Re
manding Case to Lower Court for Retrial
Washington, June 2. Attorney General Daugherty has re
fused a request of the Oregon Bar association that he recon
sider the government's confession of error in the case of
Henry Albers, wealthy citizen of Portland, convicted of vio
lation of the espionage act. This became known today when
Senator McNary of Oregon, as counsel for the association,
filed in the supreme' court a petition' asking a stay of the
court's order reversing the conviction and remanding the
case. Senator McNary's petition was taken under
Convict Confesses Killing
And Burying Pal Following
Safe Robbery at Centralia
Realty Men
Unanimous For
Listing Plan
Farmers Say
Elk Destroy
Their Crops
Complaints have been recefved
by the state game commission
from the farmers of .the Ablqua
Basin, who claim that the herd
of elk placed there some time ago
is destroying crops and damaging
property. If damages are not re
ceived they threaten to shoot the
The herd was placed there In
February, 1920, by W. A. Taylor,
numbering at the time 16. The
local Elks lodge intends to inves
tigate the claims of the Abiqua
people, in an endeavor to save the
animals If possible. It is well
known that cattle roam more or
less unguarded in the section, and
local sportsmen expect to find
that the damage to fruit trees and
'grain that is reported Is at least
partly due to the stock that is
running loose in that section.
Klamath Falls' occup-'lon tax
ordinance provides a Kcense of
$1000 a month for non-resident
auto dealers, or a daily fee of
$100 for fractional periods of the
By unanimous vote of those
present the exclusive listing pol-
the world war, struck a new note!jcy which has been underconsfd-
in urging that professional at- gration for some time was adopt
ee hv the Marion Countv Realtors'
association at its meeting In the
Marion' hotel this noon. Over half;
the members of the board were
Under this policy any person
you and those unaer your Ku-lgirlBg an exclusive contract to a
mand obey you with a smile." the meEnl)er of lne association will
secretary said. "You must be of- . ,v. en,ire organization work.
ficers. but not snobs Your com- lng on lDe ef his property 'out the county, $42 received di
missions are ill bestowed unlcssl withln tnirty days of the date diplomat. 80 were conditioned and
you are free from a foolish vanity tne contract Tnta policy It fc 47 failed, according to lnforma
of rank. claimed, will give the public bet- tion from the office of the county
"Pride should be yours, a very L rric, by quicker sales of 'school super! nUndent this morn
just and honest pride in your "nl-property and time-saved In pla- tog.
form. That pride may be be u tUd difereBt remlty fin. Those that went down in two
shown so wearing that uniform M pUn J subjects were conditioned, 4nd
that all must honor it and you. I TM01i to the plan was also those that failed In more than
by which realtors can 1 two will ba requires to una tne
work ( ver again.
tributes of the naval officer
combined with respect for the en
listed force.
"You must so conduct yoursel
ves that your superiors in rank
shall respect you, your equals love
342 Receive
Diplomas, 47
Fail in Exams
Out of about 500 pupils in the
eight h grades of the schools tnru
i Wu, than
K0 0De .rn. adopted
with wnai grwi r- ,, take open listings but sot submit
listed man looks upon an offi u- Another
who is , erer, Jnch . rinion to the plan rnak- it po
enlisted man will qulckl, s ite you property owner to list
up. He ,-ite PMet bat
he is too much a man hltueUto
command oy " " -
Ql CiailtMJ. UJAllUCi BiWI SB. IUC
Juryman Is
Expelled for
Fruitland Farmer Is
Ousted by Bingham;
Pleads Guilty and
Is Fined $20
An over Indulgence In Intoxi
cating liquor today cost George
C. Bohleson, a farmer of Fruit-
land, a few hours in jail, a $20
fine and his position as a mem
ber of the Marion county grand
jury. Bohleson was ousted a a
juror by Judge George A. Bing
ham after he had conducted an
examination this morning. Gohle
son was arraigned before Police
Judge Earl Race this afternoon,
pleaded guilty to a charge of
drunkenness, and paid his fine
of $20.
Bohleson was arrested late yes
terday afternoon by Chief of Po
lice Moffitt. He was said at the
time to be highly inebriated and
to be petitioning both the Lord
and the police to save him. Tem
porary harbor was afforded him
when he was taken home by a
neighbor, but Bohleson appeared
at the police statioD early this
Befnge is Sought
"I want to be Saved," he In
sisted. As per request he was res
cued for the time being by Offi
cer Porter who placed him in the
city jail.
When Bohleson failed to ap
pear for duty with the grand Jury
this morning. Judge Bingham or
dered a qrobe. Chief, of Police
Moffitt was called tp the stand.
"From what I observed he Is
on the verge of a nervous break
down," the chief testified. "It
was seemingly brought on by li
quor." Memory Lapsed
"What was his condition when
you feund him," Judge Bitgham
"He had suffered a lapse of
memory and was on tne verge of
a bad case of delirium tremens."
J. B. Morrman was swqrn in as
a substitute for Bohleson.
Both last night and this morn
ing Bohleson was extremely nerv
ous and showed a marked Inabil
ity to articulate.
Engineers Say
Columbia Port
Work t3 Wait
Veterans For .
Loan Feature
Of Bonus Bill
The mass meeting of veterans
held at the Armory last night de
serve a most Interesting phase of'
the Loan and uoBqsnuetlnso TE
the Loan and Bonus question. It
is of interest to the serious mind
ed tax payer. A vote was called
to determine how many desired
the cash bonus. Not a man arose.
Then a vote was taken to deter
mine how many expected and
were planning to take the loan.
Every man present save one rose
to his feet. This lone veteran
declared he did not stand In need
of asslslancy and was not going
to take either option, but stated
he believed in the loan feature
for It will be thought, to stimulate
business throught the state, It will
solve the housing problem in our
cities, it will cany over and save
the young veterans of our state
who are trying to tide through
their first or second year on re
claimed land or on a farm, which
due to falling prices or crop fail
ures in the past twelve months,
has put the returned soldier In a
bad way financially. This assis
tance at this tinio will save many
a young farmer or homesteader,
according to the best Information
obtained at the mass meeting last
night. Reports were received
from members who travel conti
nuously all over Oregon and this
significant fact was strongly em
phasised by the several speakers
who urged their comrades to get
every possible voter to the polls
Tuesday next.
These same traveling men, many
of them employees of the state,
reported the Soldier Aid Measure
as being morally certain of car
rying ail over Oregon, estimates
ranging from 3 to 1 to 4 to 1.
Throughout Oregon the feeling
prevails, according to these men,
that Marlon county is the only
county which would be disposed to
reject this measure.
Walla Walla, Wash., June 2.
Smitten conscience following long
solitary confinement at the state
penitentiary resulted Wednesday
In .Mark McCoy confessing to bur
glarizing a sate at Centralia and
then murdering one of his con
federates and burying the body In
a gulch two miles west of Oalvln,
Lewis county, Washington, accord
ing to Information given out at
the state penitentiary here today.
McCoy, according to penitentiary
custom is subject to six months
"in Siberia" following his return
to the penitentiary. He wag ar
rested at Aberdeen following the
attempted bombing of the Amer
ican Legion building last winter
and was recognised as an escaped
Three Implicated
McCoy's affidavit states that
the dead man was "Whitcy" West
and that with a third man,, whose
name he refuses at this time to
divulge, he and West on the night
of January 22 last burglarised the
office of the Eastern Railways and
Lumber company at Centralia.
They found some Liberty bonds la
the safe and following the crime
walked the railroad track to and
through Galvin. Following the
murder, McCoy says In his state
ment, he and the unnamed man
carried the body back into the
underbrush and they covered It
with six or eight Inches of dirt
and leaf mould. The two revol
vers weer buried with the body.
When they reached this point
they decided to divide the loot
and It was during a quarrel over
the number of bonds taken that
the crime was committed. McCoy
says West reached for his gun
first, and that he tired, shooting
the man over the left eye. But
one shot was tired and West was
Instantly killed.
Warden W. O. Potts said in
making the affidavit public that
the Centralia authorities would bo
advised of tbe contents of McCoy's
statement, and would be asked to
attempt to find tbe body of West.
"If they sould fail," he continued,
"a court order will be obtained
and McCoy will be asked to lead
the authorities to the shallow
grave in the gulch."
want to be
lacking any essential element
The remaining 11 which brings
the total up to t00 bave taken
examination la physiology aad
reorrapby in some other coun
ties snd their grades bave not: bead of Sand Island
Washington, June 2. Army
engineers have reported that Im
provement of tbe Columbia river
between Chinook, Wash., and the
is not advis-
turned in to the office of able at present. Secretary Weeks
(the county superintendent hers, j today Informed congress.
Kellogg Bill Takes
Slam at Proposed
Anti-Alien Law
Washington, June 2. A bill authorizing the president to
maintain through federal courts or otherwise and irrespec
tive of any state law, treaty rights o faliens in the United
States was introduced today by Senator Kellogg, republican,
Minnesota, and referred to the foreign relations committee.
tT would speficically permit use of the armv and naw aa
well as United States marshals to enforce court rulings.
Farmer Relief Bill Passed
Washington, June 2 Another farmers relief measure, the
bill of Senator Curtis, republican, Kansas, to loan up to $50,
000,000 to federal farm loan banks to distribute among
farmers at not more than 5Va per cent interest was passed
today by the senate with assurances of early house approval.
Packer Control Voted
Washington, June 2. The Haugen packer control bill was
pasaed today by the house without a record vote and was sent
to the senate.