Page Nine Origoa. Soctety and Club News Of Interest To Women Edited by Adelaide V. Lake Telephone 82 The Capital Journal, . of C. To Initiate 41 On Sunday ""L.I order Sunday al- lt!ee8 will be ajhninistered by J. p . ,i..nntv. ot La . ,,ils will be PHOT TrorUand. the WIL "Jhpv and some from hB irecun Two hundred fif feTare expected for F nation service'aud at least ;cb.i ud sTiday evea- , . ihp Marion hotel. K2Lm tor initiation are the f Salem: Walter J. Lu fery An'on Schulte , Ed Ewafelder, Thomas Don- Lett Savage, Walter Krager. Ei. att. varies uen.en. Gretinger, m J. (J. IGUei, Aruuiu Frank Etzel, Uden- "First Ladv of The Land" Greets Delegation of United Daughters of 1812 J. B .,., uv J. Hermans; B? van Handel, Joseph E J M. Miller, Vincent T. K Walter Ed Krager, William Ty,y William KerUer, George .1. Sebopf, Benjamin K. Forbes, E. J. Ed Thomas Mclnaney, Rev. flomas Zelinski. Kichard Saucier, teeFreres; from Mt. Angel: Mat thew S. Pagan, Frances Smith, L. E Duffy, Paul Sullivan, W J. Leo told R. J. Mcliarrity and L. K. Terneyaeo. Thotoas Brown, grana kuis", till act as toastmaster tor tnc banquet, and the following prog ram has been arranged: "La Cinquantiue Sacred Heart Academy orch estra. , , A ll Welcome Lavlu " Vocal solo, "Little Mother of Blue" Shierine L.ioyu The Catholic Citizen Rev. J. K. BUCK Orchestra "Apple itiossoms Knighthood Kev. J. H. Black Hanosolo "Andante de Finale' from Lucia Gladys Emery Organization - P. a. K.eaney Vocal solo "One Fleeting Hour" Bernice Feller, voice; Lillian Stangl, cello. Knights of Columbus in Ore gon .. .J. H. Pearce, state deputy. Vocal solo Gladys Dimeler The Cross and Flag , .Kev. J. L. uerouin Vocal solo ... Mrs. Philip Jaskoskl Our Order ...Frank L. Lonergan, supreme director. Boures Violin-Sonate Violin, Mary Schoettle, Cellc, Lillian Stangl, Piano, Gladys Emery. Knights of Columbus Clubs ....P. J. Hanley, district deputy Vocal solo Viola Fiuney College Student as a Knight Rev. Odilo Ortman Orchestra "Fire Files ' flSasuW iSasSLSaiVasBaB aSaBaiBiiBiiiiBH At the recept convention of the United Daughters of 1812 at Washington a number of the delegates called on Mrs. Harding and were entertained by the "First Lady of the Land." When the photographer made his usjial appearance "Laddie Boy," the White House pet, was right on the job. Miss Mable Hayes Is Honored At Shower Dallas. May 28. One of the leading social events of the week as the miscellaneous' shower given Wednesday evening by Miss Bessie Gooch and Mrs. Finley Whitney at the former's home on Court Street in honor of Miss Mable Hayes, bride-elect, who is loon to wed Robert G. Van Orsdel, local druggist. The home was artistically dec orated with small red hearts, red roses and peonies. The evening as devoted to merry-making, M the chief amusement was the dvice to the bride-elect. Each West pieced a block for a quilt, completing a whole quilt during te evening As the evening Progressed, the bride-elect was lu a laoie. upon wnion placed a large red heart which od exposed to view beautiful Prwenu. Miss Hayes -was the "Wpient of many beautiful gifta ilver and handiwork. At a J" hour the hostesses served a 1 uintv 1 .. - - v. Those bidden to enjoy the oc- were: Mrs. J. I. Potter, Bert l)han. Mrs. Fred Koser, M D. Ellis, Mrs. C. H. Morris "n. Henry Campbell, Mrs. Simon ihelm. Mrs. c. O. Tennis, wes Adah Campbell, Florence ! Jolia Nunn. Addie Mar- Oo Bernice Newbill and Rossi e !e Sh reeve. La Grande Woman Is P.O.E.Head Officers elected on Thursday at the state convention of P. K O. held at Woodburn were the fol lowing: President Mrs. Edna C, Browneton, I chapter, La Grande; first vice-president, Mrs. Emma Parts, N chapter, Portland; sec ond vice-president. Mrs. Maude Kent, S chapter, Corvallis; or ganizer, Mrs. Mary K. Logan, O chapter, Albany; recording secre tary. Mrs. Mauel settienner, J chapter, Woodburn; correspond ing secretary, Ethel S. Palmer, L chapter, Newberg; treasurer, Mrs. Bodiue, C chapter, Portland. Dele gates to supreme convention are Mrs. Edna C. Browneton, La Grande, and Mrs. Mary K. Logan, Tualatin. Retiring officers, who presided at the state session were Mrs. Mary K. Logan, Tualatin, presi dent; lUrs. Edna C. Browneton, La Grande, first vice-president; Mrs. Lena Odell, organizer, Portland Mrs. Maude Kent, Corvallis, rec ording secretary; Mrs. Florence B. Blewett, Eugene, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Mabel Settlemeier, Woodburn, treasurer. The election on Thursday was followed by the installation of of ficers. The convention passed a resolution in regard to pro-Ger man propaganda which is circu lating in Portland. A copy of these resolutions is to be furnisneu Portland and Salem papers. Flowers were presented by their home chapters to Mrs. Blewett Eugene; Mrs. Browneton, of Grande; and Mrs. Settlemier, Woodburn. The convention in Woodburn ex tended over three days, beginning on Tuesday and closing Thursday. A full program was provided for each day, comprising morning, ar ternoon and evening sessions. Two official delegates were present from each chapter in Oregon. Six past state presidents of the order were in attendance. On Thursday a irrniin of twelve Salem P. E. O's motored over to Woodburn where they joined the two official dele gates, Miss Laura Grant and Mrs. Florence Littler, and presented a model meeting. Sunday to the farm home of Mr and Mrs. Will McDerby, north of Marion, where they surprised Wil lis McDerby, whose birthday an niversary It was. The birthday dinner was served at noon and twenty four covers were laid at the table. Following dinner the times was spent in talking over old times and in gathering wild flowers. Snaps shots of thej group were taken. Among those pres ent were Tom Harris, Mrs. Elnor Cetchell, Mrs. Blanch Crow, Miss Clara Crow, Miss Laura Crow, Miss Margaret Crow, Miss Susie Crow, Francis Crow, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Emett Tandy, Clarence Tan dy, George Tandy, Misa Josephine Tandy, Mrs. R. M. Shaves and John Shaves, of Turner, Mr. and Mrs. A- S. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Forrest and Russel Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. McDerbe moved here recently from Nebraska and wre followed by their son who saw service over seas. W.R.C. Has Silver Tea For Benefit A silver tea for members ot the Women's Relief Corps was given on Friday afternoon from 2 to 5, at the home of Mrs. F. B. South wick. 'Honor guests on this occa sion kere Mrs. Agnes Dinsmore, Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. Sarah Drager and Mrs. South wlck, all of whom were charter members of the first Woman's, Re liet Corps in Oregon, Sedgwick, number one, which was organized January 8, 1886. There were twen ty charter members of the post, and seven of these are still liv ing. The two charter members not present are Mrs. Margaret Simp son and Mrs. Margaret Stoltz. Mrs. Southwick's home was beau tifully decorated with baskets ot flowers and greenery. Mrs. Ida M. Babcock gave a talk on "Organiz ing a Department." The first de partment was organized in Salem with Mrs. Babcock as first provis ional president. Mrs. Southwick, who was first treasurer of the corps in 1886, gave delightful rem iniscences of early days. Mrs. Liz zie Smith, a member for thirty one years, and a past I). P., ot spoke interestingly of the relief work done then and now. Mrs. Norma Terwllliger, corps presi dent, spoke of the work of the present day "since 1883" when the Woman's Kelief Corps was first organized and incorporated with but a few members. This or ganization now numbers 194,000 and in Oregon alone there are 44 corps and 3,750 members. Sedg wick chapter has in good standing 256 members. In the dining room roses weio used for decorations and Mrs Babcock and Mrs. Dinsmore pour ed, relieved by Mrs. Cordelia. Lta Bare. Aissisting in serving were Mrs. Delia Clearwater, Mr Jen nie Pope, Mrs. Anna Simonds, Mrs. Lillian Fleenor, Mrs. lier- moine Hobbs, Mrs. Marie Thompr son assisted about the rooms. About fifteen dollars was realized which will go to help pay expenses of the veterans at their yearly state encampment. of La of Surprise is Given For William Sherwood. William Sherwood member ot the 1921 class of Willamette uni versity, was pleac-ntly surprised by members of the Lincolnian lit erary society of the university and other friends who took this means on Wednesday evening to bid him good bye. Mr. Sherwood is leaving for Arizona. Guests were Miss Grace Aldrich, Miss Wilma Kayburn. Miss Alice Boack, Miss Gladys Wilson, Miss Gladys Taylor Miss Gwendolyn Hulbert, Mrs. Leslie Bailey, Miss Grace Sher wood. Mrs. Zeda Thoten, Mrs. E. E. Sherwood, Mr. Fleming, Mr. Dent. Mr. Robbins, Mr. Brock, Mr. Bailey, Paul Sherwood, Everett Lisle and the guest of honor, Wil liam Sherwood. Fowle Home to be Scene of Reception. A reception for Eva Emery Dye, an authority on Oregon history, will be, given on Monday evening at the home of W. B. Fowle, 298 Capital street, Mrs. Dye, whose home is at Oregon City, will visit Salem on Monday and Tuesday and will speak to members of the Oregon History classes at Willam ette university at the 7:45 and 10 o'clock periods on Tuesday. The re ception on Monday evening is be ing given by Professor Gatke Dean Frances Richards and mem bers of the Oregon history classes of the university. Decorations for the affair are .being done by Mi Mildred Clarke and Miss Esther Parounagian is in charge of re freshments. Mrs. Dye will be en tertained at Lausanne hall while she is In the city. little Dorothy White U Honored at Birthday Party. Little Miss Dorothy White was the charming honor guest at a bir thday party given yesterday after noon on the occasion of her ninth birthday, by her mother, Mrs. Geo. A. White. Decorations of roses were used in the rooms and the table was all in pink and was cen tered with the prety birthday cake bearing many candles. Games pass ed the afternoon. Mrs. White was assisted by Mrs. O. E. Fletcher, of Portland, and Miss Henrietta White. Children present were Violet Dusenberry, Lolita Robinson, Lor- ta Robinson, Robert Varley, Mar- jorie Marcus, Marjorie Webb. Ca therine Sheldon, Wayne Sheldon, iNancy Thtelsen, Gretchen Thiel- sen, Bertha Babcock, and Gywen eth Edwards. at Corvallis where they are being entertained over Junior week end. Motor to Portland To Attend the Theatre. Mrs. L. C. Farmer and Miss Alta Jones are among those who went to Portland during the past week to see Al Jolson in "Sinbad." Sweet Briar Club Has Meeting. The Sweet Briar club of Wal lace road met last Friday after noon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Utley. Twelve members of the so ciety and two visitors were pres ent. The visitors were Mrs. Verd Allen and Mrs. Pratt of Riverside, California. The afternoon was spent in conversation and needle work. Refreshments were served. The club will meet next on June 14 with Mrs. Charles Chaffee. This occasion will be a covered dish luncheon. Mrs. Miller Hostess For M. E. Mothers Club. Members of the Mothers class of the First Methodist ch'urch met on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Fred L. Miller. Mrs. Peck was assistant hostess. The house was decorated with spring flowers and at the close of the afternoon, refreshments were served. Miss Es ther McCracken contributed to the entertainment by singing "The Gypsy Trail" and "His Lullaby." Former Salem Woman Visits Here. Mrs. Forest Brackert of San Francisco, tormurly Miss Leonore Staley, is visiting in Salem at the home of Miss Alta L. Jones. Mrs. Brackert is well known in Salem and has many friends here, as she made her home here for a number of years before, her marriage, which was an event of about two years ago. Attends Missionary Meeting ki Portland. Mrs. George Alden spent Thurs day and Friday in Portland where she attended the meeting of the conference board of the Horn Mis sionary society of the Mlthodist Church. Mrs. Alden is correspond ing secretary for the board. Plan Week End Trip to Neskowin. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vibbert and Charles Sapptngfleld are plan ning a week end trip to Neskowin. They will probably be a part ot a large party which will make tho trip Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loose and dau ghter Emily, went to Clayton on Thursday to visit Charles Loose, who is ill. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Returns Home After Visit to Mother. Mas Carthew returned to Mare Island on Thursday after a short visit in Salem with his mother, Mrs. Fannie Carthew. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY JOURNAL WANT ADS PAY Beauty Contented1 Tou are (Ivrayi confident that your beauty hatbeen developed to the highest ul lu pouibilittes after using Couraud't Oriental Cream. Si2 Go to Hood River To Stay Over Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills will go to Hood River tomorrow and will spent Sunday and Monday there. They will be accompanied by their two daughters. Are Entertained At 0. A. C. For Week End. Mis Leah Ross and Miss Mollis Viek are spending the week enf. Is Guest for Week End at 0. A. C. Miss- Marie Breltensteln is a guest this week at O. A. C. where she is visiting her sister, Miss Clara Breltensteln, at Ihe Pi Beta Phi house. She will enjoy junior week end festivities while there. JOURNAL' WANT ADS PAY HEALS WAMjpRS 0nDauhter'sBody. Caused Suffering. Kept Awake. V ' mghter became Infected with f some sort ir the form of smaii, watery bliste which spread rapidly over the e ire body. It caused great irritation and suffer ing and the was kept awake often, and her clothing aggravated the eruption. "I had her treated but It did not seem to help her. I decided to try Cuticura Soap and Ointment and there was a marked improvement. When I had uswd two cakes of Soap and one box of Ointment she waa heated." (Signed) Mrs, Ada Menxel, 658 K. Tlrd St., Portland, Oregon. Give Coticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum the care of your skin. MfcrmtrMftll Mdm:' Da, .t, lbi4ta , Ham. war- BaTf utxara Soap ahairea wtltkotrt laaaa. t RE0LD1 XBffVBSli t JhSAi ask your, druggist JL XW' Graduation For and Weddings For the graduate whether boy or girl, we can suggest nothing better . .. -,-r T1 dl IT 1 1 ,, -lr Imonloi-a Vflll than a watch lrom nartman cros., oaieni inuunom u,,..- -r-may thoose from the finest selection of standard makes here. Special prices on many articles of gifts that last, makes buying here an ad vantage now. Diamond Rings Fancy cluster rings, real onynx rings, many beautiful mountings for a nice solitare diamond. Silverware Ask to see the new Hostess pat tern in plate, guaranteed with out time limit and many other patterns. Cut Glass and Silver Sheffield Ware Many nice pieces in engraved glass and other patterns at special prices. See our windows for graduation and wedding gift sugges tions. We are always pleased to make suggestions. HARTMAN BROS. SALEM, OREGON Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted Quality Jewelers and y Opticians Willis McDerby Is Given Birthday Surprise. Four locals of relatives well filled baskets with Mrs. W. H. Lytle T.yPentertaineo members of her bridge club who gathered at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Guests on this occasion were Mrs. Homer Smith, Mrs. Ed Baker, and Mrs. De Beck, of Van couver B. C. The club will mee; again June 7 at the home of Mrs. Henry Meyers. California Folk Here for June Wedding. Mrs C. A. wetz and small daughter, Betty Jane, of Modesto, r-oHfrnia. have arrived in Salem and are visiting here at the home I of Mrs. Betz' mother, Mrs. Wil-1 liam Blake. They came to attend Ike wedding of Miss Lily Blake. . tu. nlace June I. They will r i TOMORROW AND MONDAY CONTINUOUSLY, STARTING 2 P. M. TUESDAY 2:00 7:15 -9:00 P motored last; spend the summer here. fcll-aW VE 11 Solemnised. rt Bertha Bauer, of St. Paul, " " and Leo Bloom, were I J" on Wednesday morning at: 'lock nnptial mass at the Ca-! y trch. Rev. Father J. R eaiciating. The bride was! r?T bT Miss Mary Heenan I groom by his brother. 7" Kooni A very simple service 1 fc; nd only immediate JJr th couple were present. tt. 1 Mrs. Bloom will make ' - ia.ry farm near I 5 tt 0. A c. oZL, ence ElKln ha sone rvalltr .here she i. spending "1 with Miss Erroa L. Ihe Alpha XI Delta -T1T!le f-lin will spend fc"1 in CorrUlU with "r- Grant Elgin. A Time of Plenty THE TIME TO SAVE IS WHEN YOU HAVE This hold good with money as well as with other prop erty. , , j i.: Ar. nnt wnrrv neople with a War times, ana nara uiu -y : : -,oir,n " Kk. those who have maue nu , CJ.. H DailR Btxuum, for the days to come. Our bank is the place to start an account and be prepar ed for times of need. naorvativ-e and at all times keep Our operations are conservative . a m u the interest of our customers in mini Capital National Bank ; SALEM, OKtuun O Bank in Marion covy that has a tnart department ZANE GREY "The Man of the Fore 3 St" An extra good cast with Robert McKIm and Claire Adams. A NOTE This is A storv of the great out-ioors with beautiful scenes and a clean love element Mountain Lion, a Big B:uk Bear and a Dog have excellent parts. . rm r t....l !.,., o a a ihe Picture that will be shown in some of the largest Theatres in tne i ounvry, .ane v,rcy WURLITZER CONCERTS 2.457:30 P, M. Tomorrow By Mr. McDonald 1 "Believe Me If All those Endearing Young Charms" 2 "March Militaire" Groms 9 "Hv TVip Waters of MInnetonka" Lieurance " - SENNET'S "SWEET HEART DAYS" 4 Anvil Cborus Verdi SCENIC "NO HOPE FOR THE DRYS" Tomorrow and Monday 2 ;00 i :00 5 :30 7 :30 and 9:00 P. M. OREGON OUR MUSIC Makes Good Pictures Better KXaVL WANT ADS FAY "AVT ADS PAY