cVSSnriED RATES lW-. "7iTliK.rloo &SCfrU;per month, II una ' ad. z con. S2E only New To rn 1 .J. cash m C'U Tvei- phone, ui T.. monthly account. r. J133 128 W. ..- Ci-iierrv ave east 138 ti)W bouse Pint 3 "'.; m Cont'X Max cl33 1 BureniJ. ,,,. i7 per ,h fir !". r -t j I Pfr. c.-' -. ,... !,,. known fB I" , V Buren. Uf.R Luality- " D, ' 'cl33- 11 covering K and bath Max 17 L 1 1.1" Kt for Bur'j-- TjSbv Alice liKEU-A cor- 21gt phoe Mil". l z - !J. IAS '"after business 231 128 tours - ihone - - fnr sale I office hours 622 !2. 128 hi) or for yard jffEO-Man Church urch gl30 fcJ irr!ea!,'!, 1238. 5 tt .. ..iinrt, JSJU - nC i (II .'v - old, weight 2600. el 30 Phone JJ!1 til RENT 2 modern turnisn- rooms. ioJ1 jl30 houscKci""" - .. i street rr-T. six m iles out, ' Hi ' "7 ..." h.n.lle. 2274 2274 mMM V'" " r)130 "1 ...... 7. .. uM p uteDernn i"' fi a DOU and. Sena orueia , Ekarles Jaquenod Kt. 8. ciau tires almost fORD idsn thi is a car t that will be 590 Union 128 B;a uuick, on' M pnone 567.1 pocketbook 00 ' "J" ' tale ; " .mm return to .tourna. . :i .nn ria trtiirine car 1 rnou nlMftD, h good oof" " :,,, , i;0 S. Moerw hi SE dresses. 9 per Ii'ritp for cata or. mp COD for II R-nomy Sales Co., BotojissJlii tSiThiriuns in liRht useo cai Ford delivery $1 f0 and some loiV'v luys just as attractive. 128 Cherry Citygarape (ACRES to traili' tor car m iv Inane, roonl 29 corner or Mate Lnd Commercial over Busick s. rrOD want to huv or sell your Ifrai tract, farm or ranchrcaii Persev s La nil unice. mum over Gale & Cn store. JrrENT Furnished S room L.nmpnt. Ivan Gr. Martin, cor- lierUill and Hich. Phone 759. t:iu ivuB'-M R eorwnlnl young rsdy. worth iioo.ono. is anxious h murrv honorat''e. wormy fMitleirn. Mary. 508 .Lanken- lihim bldg., Los Aniteies. L'RK-TEX refining paid 3 montn m ten cents snare mviummi. offer any part thousnnn snares lit market. Wire C. W. Wilson, hvehlta Falls, Tex. 128 OR SALE Rv owner, 6 room modern house, except furnace, with some furniture, fine loca trn. Call after 4 p. m., 630 N. Winter St. . 1M OST Black pocket book Kridiiy rnoon between 1st Nat. bank IHI'MMlW. F. White residence. Reward if left at Capital .lour ml. k130 EH room twins,, north fvilem. IT condition. SI 250, 'half cash Corner int. gravel street. For lippointment, fhone owner, 494, ey-nintu 806J. a!30 H'R patent device enables any- lone to cut h s own hair easy as having. Sample $1. Agents I write for particulars. Sanitary Supply, Akron. Ohio. 128 ANTEr We want property to it worth the money we 'a move It. Call at Persev s Land Office, room 5 over Gale I Co. store. 128 SALKIO acres, all in cul- : ti'-ation, good buildings, locat In pood town with cood nd an extra good buy voo. Terms down, bal i i nerrent. Write P O box iiiAumsville. Or. 128 RY if lonet-: for rjntln frv j": best and most successful Home Maker;" hundreds rich marriage men; strictly con !; most reliablo-. years experience: descriptions free. The Successful Club." Mrs. SJW 556. Oakland. Cal. J listed some city bungalows u nOU.-fs. nr ce.l rio-hl il.n mm pave.i streets as low as ' paring paid; on terms "untry property, sizes to suit. and see me before buying. m are weVno u- c,.-- m Commercial, over Busirks. P Ubu) YoTTeTT" TT8t Mpj rum ' "M-. JArlr . BUT St fit Hi euffty I way in capiuu juiwiuu, owem, vregon ant JVdsJ-Jiat Deliver The Goods at Small Cost -trTSnno new Tnn a v ' z X : . - . . a . z 1 : " NEW TODAY FOR SALE One Belgian colt, 3 years oid.Phone63F22. ei:iu FOR RENT Fu rnlshed a partm ent 2 rooms and kitchenette. C. N. Needham, 658 State street. 128 BABY chicks, week ond, now on sale. Bargain prices. C. N. NOttd ham, 658 Slate. 128 FOR SALE 100 cords of fine second growth wood, close to Ilia hoc school, 8 h miles south ' of Salem. Arthur E. Petersen, 229 Oregon bldg. 128 To handle sales and appoint sub-agenta for latest socket wrench. Splendid propo sition. Liberal commission, Ter ritory now open. Write for par ticulars. Emil Schwarz Co., 217 W. Illinois St., Chicago. 128 NEXT Tuesday gooseberry picking pickers get one third. Purchas ing price 5 cents. Clean berries. WIDOWED gentlewoman would care for small child while mother works. Ideal conditions for health. Box 47 3 care Jour nal. 128 HUNDREDS U. S. government po sitions open. 116-J195 month. Steady work. Experience unnec essary. Common education suf ficient. List position free. Write immediately Franklin Institute, Dept. 366R, Rochester, N. Y. 128 FOR SALE 45 acre ranch with buildings, all undre cultivation, near station, north. Price $200 per acre. This place is worth the money. Seeing is believing. We would be glad to show it to you. W. G. Krueger, Orearon bids, phone 217. 128 WANTED A general manager for store in Portland; must be a good buyer and well acquainted with general farm trade. Flat salary and percent of profits. Ex-country merchant prefer red. Box 75. Rt. 1, Dufur, Or. 129 WANTED Dry goods and ladles ready to wear sales ladles. On ly those with experience need apply. Give experience and if at for wanting to ohanere. WAP care Capital Journal. 128 IMPROVED 10 acres on fine road. 12 blocks of street, car. 5 room house and outbuildings, 3-4 acre bearing logans. K acre just set, acre bearing strawberries. V acre JtiBt set, 1 H acres oats and vetch, 1 acre Oats, 1 acre corn and some other garden. Living creek through place. 13700. terms or part trade. Robinson. 229 Oregon bldg. 128 FOR SALE Or trade by owner, 160 acre ranch furnished with machinery, livestock, furniture, 6 room new modern bungalow finished thruout in veneered panels of it 2 feet wide, 5 fdet high, Delco system electric light plant, young orchard, ber ry patch. 60 acres alder bottom, '21 cultivated; lies on famous Olympic highway. Grays Har bor county, Wash., main road between Seattle and Aberdeen. Would trade for acreage close to city of Salem. Inquire 517 N. Capitol St.. Salem. 1M For Sale Houses COZY 4 room plasLered cottage with closets, water in kitchen, good woodshed, 1 acre of ground On hard surface road, 10 min utes walk from street car. 1. 800 on terms. This is cheaper than you can build and it's new. A. E. Petersen, 229 Oregon bldg. ' , al!8 STRUCK BOTTOM Owner going to California of fers his 6 acres all in crop .nd Inc. 2 acres of berries and small - house and good well at $1250, terms: 1 miles from car line, good road. (A reduction of $550 ) might take a littb? trade. Flem- in 341 State SU n FOR SALE Good 6 room modern house crnly 4 blocks from nusi ness center. A sacrifice if sold soon. Terms. Phone 1644. a 5 ROOMS, bath, garage, 1 V4 blocks to car, $1650; small payment, balance monthly. Magee. room 29. corner State and Commer- cial over Busick's. FOR SALE House and lot on Gaines and 5th streets, easy terms. Phone 503W or call 655 Market. al28 $1000 BUYS a 5 room plastered house, easy terms. $1800 buys 5 room plastered house, bath, toilet, lights. $500 cash, balance like rent $1500 buys a good 6 room house 2 blocks state house. Many good buys in farm and city property. Wm. W Powe , iZL rMi .state. 341 N. Com I. Phone 666 al28' SACRIFICE sale. 6 room house, corner lot on paved street, close i pho iifi io. terms, u. Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. FOR RALE , . Three blocks from supreme court building an ultra modern six room bungalow, fireplaca hot water heat; a beautiful place; must be seen to be? ap preciated; shown only by ap pointment. Priced so that It will move. $6300. Thomason Rowley. 331 Slate St FOR SALE- By owner room bungalow reasonable, on lvz N. Water St Phone 10()Ja1 tttaat was a tap, imagine what an uppercut would be. 0J BtoCrceD i 1THAT ONe FtrlC, VI: FOR SALE 2u acres all in cul- BIG fir (8 per cord. second tivation, fair buildings. stock growth 17. Frank Judd, phone and implements go with place. 108F3 eel2S u,rsCere?50es;atermi4,WM 1' DRY wood. Sproed can fill ordeTsT phone 666 eSlite- 3" Vlll- -7gW- S5lL COK-ALL1S dairy far-WHT a l.T-W !" cept Salem residence or subur Phone 1678W. eel8 ban property for my fine 158 FOK SALE Old pitchy 16-inch acre dairy farm. Write for par- fir and second growth A feet ticulars. John J. Cramer, Har- wood. Phone 1T2T. S?fl risburg. Or. b!37 16 INCH old fir and 4 foot seo- FOR SALE By owner, 52 acres. ond growth. Phone 308. ee!28 30 in diversified orchard, fine FOR SALE condition, choice location; mod- Inaide mill wood reasonable ern house, stock and implement Special price on 5 cord lot near Salem. Phone 53F2. b!28 Seasoned mill wood FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 25 First clasa 16 incn M i'r . acres of fine river bottom land. Fred E- Wells' 305 S- churc; 20 aeres under cultivation, two phone 1542. acres bearing prunes, one acre FOR RENT wh. rasPbertr''?s' some staw FURNISHED sleeping rooms, close berries and other small fruit, , 447 N Liberty i12 new buildings, located two miles - '' ' y' ; from Jefferson on good gravel- FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms ed road. Price J5000; will con- at 343H N. Gom'l, Cottle aPW- Blder residence In Salem or , izZl Portland as part payment. Ad- FOR RENT Two room furntsh- dress S. R. Tandy. Jefferson, Or. ed apartment for house keep- bl29 ing. suitable. for 1 or 2 persons. FOR. SALE 120 acres 7 3-4 miles 365 N. High. J from Salem near paved road, 60 FOR RENT One newly furnish- acres open land, balance fine ed house keeping room, close oak and second growth fir. in. Phone 98F-5. 5111. Price 838 per acre. D. E. Hart, FOR RENT Two furnished 208 Oregon bldg. b rooms downstairs. 1983 State For Sale Miscellaneous ,: ; 51s! FLOWERS for sale. Come quick K,,MS a,,1 apartments at The for choice. 6,17 N. Front St. dl28 M"ler- iiii FOR-SaLe 8 ft. corrugated rol- Fn,RENfTTSir' StJs ler. Phone 90F2. c!28 at 404 Ferr St F. FOR SALE Reed baby carriage. 3- 5 2090 Ferry. c128 Lost and fOUnfl BLUE and gray, beautiful 12-foot LOST Baby's crocheted cap Tues- kitrheh linoleum. Max O. Buren day. 1876J. k!28 179 N. Com'l. ! LOST-j-Wrist watch, reward. Call NEW Everlite light plant worth 1142R. k!28 $685, four year guarantee. Make LOST Brooch between Center St. an offer and name your own anj Oregon theater. Reward. terms. Installed free. Ca( be Leave at Journalj k!29 seen at 341 N. Commercial St. LOST Automobile license pTati ii No. 8528, with tail light at,..i:h- Neverspread Silk Floss mattress- ed. Finder please leave same at es for those who are particu- Journal office, care H. E. lar. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com- Browtne, and. receive reward. mercial. . ml29 HH CAN sell at 25 percent off factory MISCEI.l , A NFOI tS prices, few piore Aladdin Ready Rata 1 7 "Z. rTTvi- Cut houses until June 1. You ORDER your awning from Dill cant beat this price for cost of man. 2011 Maple ave. ml52 construction and quaiity. Call AUTO tops repaired and dressed, and see plans. Also see houses upholstery recovered, work guar we have erected In Salem. Sold anteed. Phone 1126, oall 553 a eleven houses in this territory 12th St. . 131 last week. Chas F. Smith, 409 TO TRADE 5 room modern cot- Oregon bldg. i tage tor Chevrolet roadster or BABY chicks for remainder of Dodge. 689 N. Capitol St. a 128 season, 10c each; also 200 choice DOCTORS should prescribe "Slum hens $1 each. R. Woolery, 344 ber King'' bed springs. Max). S. 25th. Phone 798W. f!30 Buren, 176 N. Com'l. m!29 FOR SALE Fordson tractor, disc PRIVATE maternity hospital. and 16-inch plow, good as new. Phone 1959J. m!48 Box D E Capital Journal. c!28 FOR that leaky radiator try J. C. BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS All kinds Bair, the regular radiator man. Andreasberg rollers (imported) 444 Ferry St. '12s a specialty. E. B. Flake. 690 S. HOUSE and roof painting, lead 17th, phone 1046J. c!35 and oil, right pricer- Phone OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle. 1611M. Wells. 148 Used as carpet mats, for pack- YOU that want carpenter work Ing. etc. Capital Journal oflice. and painting done, call 1959J. , 1143 FOR SALE Sterotyping mats, CONCRETE work, all kinds, base- 10c per bundle. Used as a ught ments a specialty, up to date and stout weather proofing card mixer. Chas. E. Tlfompson. beard. Capital Journal office. phone 1526R. 141 For Sale Livestock FOR SALE Jersey cow. 1105 e!28 Fairmount ave REGISTERED Berkshires for sale large heavy boned kind. Adaress Geo. Ramsden, Macleay, Or. el29 FOR SALE Fresh cow with calt. T'hone 4UF3. eia FOR SALE Jersey cow, good milker; is fot enough to beef; year old colt. 1647 N. Front. ' el29 For Sale Automobiles USED CAR BULLETIN 1919 Dodge touring, cord tir mechanically A-l. 1920 Allen touring, almost new, driven only 1650 mites. 1919 Oldsmobile Placemaker model, like new. cord tires, an exceptional car, 1 to 60 miles in high. 1916 Studebaker 5 passenger, new paint, a real buy. 3 Chevrolets all in good shape. 1 Maxwell 1 ton truck. We Will Trade. . Easy terms. See WOOD 185 S- Com'l St. phone 380. q SUE THIS 1915 Packard truck equipped with hoist and dump body. Truck is in A-l condition. Will take good Ford or Dodge car as part pay ment and give reasonable terms. Price $1500. V. E. LOOSE state St. phone 933. ql2S LEXINGTON car. run 3800 mnes. In first class condition, at great ly reduced price, or will trade tot land near Salem. Radcliff & ii ,rinr 341 State St. L For Sale Wood - . i,i ti- urnod $8.50 cord 16 i.Ni-n ..,,0 Phone 1303W. . pnnT and 16 Inch ood $7.50 1 atan WOOd Fisher Bros., nhone 2046. eel If DRYT6"inch fir limb wood $8. dry 16 inch oak furnace wood 10. Phone t T !.L9 fTrtcI.'.ss selond growth and FIoM fir for sale, $7 and $8. Phone 498W I ?-eH? PHONE 981M for wood and trans- - - TMAT WAS Mice TS - .c,1BAi of PiNcxHt-e VJ HrM LrSST NI6HT . VM . . J.A 1 - phone I MAKE MORE MONEY on your small farms. Use a Beeraan tractor or a Beaian Jr. W. E. Burns-D.m Burns (Not Brothers, the. Same Man) Ferry at High SPROED BOY'S transfer. 1678W 1138 Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Home builders to in vestigate the Homer Pipeless furnace. Wm. Gahlsdorf, phone 67, 135 'N. Liberty St. m!52 WANTED Girl wants employ ment afternoons, stenography preferred. Box ABC Capital Journal SiSS WANTED Woman to care for invalid. 2090 Ferry. g!28 EXPERIENCED mechanic and driver wants work. Phone 368. hl29 MONEY WANTED For building purposes, good security. M Jour- af H29 WANTED Cord wood cutters, white fir. Address Wm. H. Egan & Sons, Gervais, Rt. 2, p hone 3 Fll. g!28 WANTED Location for bees. Hans Rehb, Rt. 6, Salem, box 139. 1148 W ANTED A modern 6 loom house close in, on north side of town. Wm. Fleming, 341 State St. PLUMBTNG, Repairing and coll work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union St. Phone 15 17 J. ml40 WANTED $1100 first mortgage on 20 acres. Howell Prairie, 7 per cent interest; $1400 on im proved suburban home; $8o0 on 5 room house and 2 lots in Sa lem Radcliff & Waring, 841 State St. E BOARD and room in private fam ily, good board. 411 S. 16th St. Phone 1184J. ml2 COL. W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer, farm sales conducted every- where. We save you money on advertlslr.g. Phone Turner cen tral. Turner, Or. m WANTED Old mattrt-sses to make n"t. nhone 1. C'pl'al Cltv Rd SrYf.". fKTH -OU , OF MIH, WIHW'S TMt Ue? r TU0W6rT "too "(ovJ V TAPPCD AGeeeo to cut OUT TH6 ROOdX, - - - i I rft Wanted MiscePaneoas Wr. have some good farm mort- gages to sell. Hawkins A Rob erta, i LD newspapers, toe the bunuie. Used as carpet mats, for pack ing, etc. Capital Journal office. REAL ESTATE BEST BUYS 7 rooms just newly papered, painted and new roof, all in No. 1 repair, large lot, 1 block to car. Price $1360 small payment down. 5 rooms partly modern. 2 large lots, plenty of fruit and berries, good street. $2100, small payment down. 4 rooms, good location, only 1660. rooms with 4 lots and good barn, $800. We have some good buys and trades in small tracts, also large farms. 2 houses for rent. THOMASON & ROWLEY 381 State street. n SPECIAL OFFERINGS IN HEAL ESTATE 6 room modern bungalow, acre ground. $2500, good terms. 6 room modern bungalow, fose In. $3000, $500 cash, rest like rent. " room house for $800, $300 cash. 5 room modern plastered house with basement, garage, close to school and car line. $2250. Fruit tracts, dairy ranches, ful ly equipped, poultry' ranches with full equipments and stock, for sale at a bargain or exchange for city property, rooming house, the best poposition for the money In Sa lem. JOSEPH BARBER 200 Gray bldg, phone 790. n BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES 20 acres prunes and logans, drier, house, garage. 5400 pe acre il&O acres, 150 cultivated, 10 acres bearing prunes, 10 Ui..oer, very best of improvements; will take smaller place as part pay. $100 per acre. 20 acres, 1 bearing prunes, 4M logans. 2 strawberries; best val ley loam, good improvements, stock and equipment. $13,000, half I .11 i. L 1 ... ... 1 L atraic berries, 4 prunes, 6 wheat, 1H pasture. $300 per acre, half cash. 56 acres, 30 cleared and in crop, good Improvements. 1 mile from town, paved road, some stock and equipment. $10,000, half cash. 100 acres. 00 cumvaten, do um ber pasture, fair (improvements, close In. $60 per acre, terms. 7 rbom strictly modern bunga low, south Salem. $6600. 6 room modern house. $1350, $700 cash, balance like rent. 7 room strictly modern bunga low, best location. $6000, easy terms. .6 room strictly modern bunga-, low, paved street. $3500. terms. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street. L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE 306 STATE ST. 9 room 2 story house, plastered, full basement; 1st floor, reception hall, living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen, toilet; 2nd floor, 4 bed rooms, bath, toilet: gas elec tric lights, screens. shades. lot 60x375. Price $5r30. terms. 5 room bungalow, new and plas tered, basement, toilet, bath, elec tric lights, dutch kitchen. Price $2600. terms. 4 room house plastered, toilet, bath, electric lights, water, garage, fruil, lot 100x140. Price $2400, cash $2000; will consider small cr as part pay. For a good home In city or country, see us at 306 State St. n HORE GOOD INVESTMENTS FT.. . . , i .Knit lu acre tract CiOSf 1U, luce 6 room bungalow, good barn, wood to enter into a contract and turn shed and hen house, family or- ish bond to the amount of 50 per chard and berries, best loam soil, nice location. Price $5800, easy terms. , Oood modern 7 room home in east Salem, nice basement, 4 fije lots, fine home; sacrifice price $3700, terms. 3-4 acre tract close In ana n fine large modern bungalow with basement, all kinds ot rrult, sev eral outbuildings, close to paved street and carllne. $5250, terms. See us before buying. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray bldg. PRICE $1500 $300 DOWN 7 room modern house with elec tricity, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, good range, colled and attached; basement, large lot, near school, east Salem. Owner is gq, Ing away and will sacrifice for 11500. Derms $300 down, 815 monthly. This is a bargain. 8. It PEARSON 408 U. S. bank bldg. Phono 914. n WORTH WHILE A good 5 room house, modern except furnace, $2500; in aoutn Salem. 63 acres, equipt, $5000; near a town and railroad. One acre and 3 room house, near car line. $1300. $160 down. A i room plastered house on paved street, not fully modern. $1300. . MILLS & COPLEY 338 4 State street. " IJOVnS'M. WANT ADS PAY I TmTJN'T STRIKE YOY MCrXU TO t SIMPLY -tou DlfcM'T "tcAj've t IrJTO THAT PUNCH i REAL ESTATE A BARGAIN Now is the tim4 to pick up a lot cheap If looking forward to build ing. We have a fine listing, ana some on very easy terms. Come in and see us. FLEMING 341 State street. n' EXCHANGES 23 acres sandy loam, 2-3 culti vated, new bungalow, barn, out buildings, good fences, some ber. nes, good water. Will take house to $2000. Price $4000. 20 acres fine soil near Seotts Mills. Will take house to $1500. Price $3000. 6 acres close to fair grounds; will take house. 8 acres northeast, will take house. 170 acres well improved, will take small acreage or city property for part. Large store building for country. 159 acres for a house. Good Eugene property for Sa lem or acreage. BROWN Over Busick's, state and Commer cial, n GOOD BUYS AND TRADES 10 acre prune orchard; will take house and lot up to $2500 as part payment. Price $5000. 10 acre tract, 3 acres bearing strawberries in first class condi tion, balance oats and vetch hay. Price $2600, terms. 20 acre tract, all in crop, good house, barn, well, paved road. Price $5350, terms. 60 acre farm, 30 acres cultivat ed, buildings, sums fine bottom soil. Price $9000. 160 acre stock ranch located in Lincoln county, buildings; will consider house and lot up to $4, 000. Price $5600. 30 acres of fine land, modern 10 room plastered nouse, good barn, 7 acres set to logans, 2 8-4 acres set to strawberries, located 1 mile east Of Salem city liuitts. Price $15,000. 650 acre grain and stock ranch to trade for Salem city property. Price $40,000. 310 acre grain and clover ranch, all tillable land, good buildings; land all in grain, clover and pas ture. 20 head of cfttte. horses, hogs Will trade for smaller farm. Price 45'.600' 160 acres wheat land located in the Judith Basin, Montana; will trade for Improved farm near Sa lem. A fine view lot located on Fair- mount bill offered for a few days at an attractive price. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST & CO 275 State street. B LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTK-UTOKS Sealed bids will be received by the Oregon State Board of Con trol. Salem. Oregon, at 2 p. m June 14. 1921. fur the complete remodeling of the central heating plant at the Oregon State scnool for the Deaf, at Salem, Oregon. tne work Includes the inslalla tlon of new cuncrete trenches and mains: the complete remodeling Inf the heating system in the main ' building; and minor changes In tin. holler house and dormitory. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office Of Jay tl. Keller 613 Worcester building Portland, Oregon, or at the office of the Oregon State Board of Con trol. Salem. Oregon, upon receipt of a check for $15.00. Said check will be refunded upon return of the Dlans. A certified check for 5 percent of the total amount of the propos al shall be filed by each Diaaer, and the same shall be made pay able to R. B. Goodln, secretary. The check so deposited shall be forfeited to the state of Oregon u .U- ....... I..- T 1 1 . I I . I full ' miuuiu me I cent of the contract price I 'hecks filed by unsuccessful bidders will be returned promptly. The right Is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids, or to waive any informalities In bids. R. B. GOODIN. -Secretary, Oregon State Board of Control. SALEM MARKETS Complied from reports of Salem dealers for the guidance of Capital Journal readers. (Re vised dally.) Grain Average valley whest (bulk) 81. 3. Hay: Cheat .y 2Z.0033.00 oat hay $22.0024.00; '.Iot hay S20O23. Meat: hogs $9.25; dressed hogs 12 He, top Bleerr. 6 hk 8)1 c; cows .; u , hulls 3 5e; spring lambs 6c; sheep yearling 4c sheared; wool on 5c; veal fancy dressed 11 cents. Poultry and eggs: Eggs 15c; light hens 1518c; heavy hen 22c; old roosters 10c; stag 16c. broilers 25c. Bulterfat- Rutterfat 26c; cream ry butter 3081e; country but ter 30c. milk 81. 0 per cwt. (Copyright 1! by International Feature Service. IncO Trade Mark mgurtered In the U. A Patent Office. SAY f f OM THcT lvL, itrt vui I THAT OMi-y, evjePVTHINfa a. GCNTLE inr TeS ' i-f. ESZmJ --r CBtss If? mf AOiw-m m 1 FINANCIAL MARION-POLK County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith secretary-treasurer, 303 Salem Bank of Commerce. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. Phone 1512. over Patton book store. HOCSK1IOLD GOODS WHY SELL FOR LESS? WE will Pay you more caiih for your household goods. tet our bid before you sail. People's Furniture and Hardware Store, 871 N. Commercial street. Phone 784. CITY SCAVENGER iALEM SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed bv tho month at reasonable rates. Cesspools cleaned and drSid ani mals removed. Day phriia 147. night phone 1688R. R. 0- Cum- mine, Mgr. m STORE FIXTURES COMPUTING scaWs. cash register and general store fixtures at 328 Stark St.. Portland, Or., be tween 1st and 2nd streets. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur- dette, optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 325 State. St. STAGK LINKS SALEM, Jefferson, Albany and Corvnllls stage, leaving 1:30 p. m. dally. Bllgh hotel. MljRCHANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor, 291 N. Commercial St. M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring. 884 State street. t N I'RSKRY FRUITLAND Nursery, 161 S. 14th street, Salem, Or. Phone 1140M TKANSFF.R OREGON TAXI and transfer, Lib erty and Ferry street. Phone 77. MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel delivery. Transfer trunks any part of city 50c. Messenger serv ice. 179 S.-Hlgh. Phone 230. CHAS. E. CHANDLER, general transfer, expert furniture mov ing. Office Clark's Tire House. Phone 74; IF Its to be hauled, "l,et Van Do it." Phono 841. Van's Transfer 241 N. Commerclar St. 1 JUNK WANTED Hags and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 88, 215 Cen ter street. PIANOS CHERRINQTON Piano House, Hush srid Lane planoe. 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL, plunoa. phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 State, Salem, Oregon. R. W. BALLANTYNE, tuner, play ers a specially. Phone 352, Cher rlngton Piano house. EDWARD WKLP experienced pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music store. ( LFANING AND DYINO SALEM Cleaners and Dyers Suits cleaned $1 60 Suits pressed 50c. 1215 S. Com'l. Phone 181. IIFMKTITCIIING SALEM ELITE, hemstitching, chainstltchtng, pleating, buttons. 429 Court. Phone 958. MULL and Henderson, hemstitch. Ing and dressmaking, over Mil ' "hone 117. uar ii hlSC MEN'S and women's hats renovat ed, blocked and trimmed. 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. PI Itl.K STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC stenographer, 408 Mason Ic bldg, (. Mt.W.KN SERVICE Garage, general auto re pairing, 808 N. Liberty, phone 1277J. J8M jrvFrW" HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man" 147 s i Phone 68 Wholesale Prices Vegetables: Oregon onion. 75e All. 00 cwt; California onlno $1 75 cwt; beets $2.00 ewt; Los Angeles lettuce 13.75; turn ip 4c; hundredweight; carrot $15 per ewl .California cabbai 5c lb; green pepper 25c; rhubarb Sc; asparagus 13c lb. Imperial valley tomatoes $2.25 box; green pea 15c; straw berries 8 4.00 crate: potatoes ti r,n tv,. new notaLoe. lb Bermuda wax onion. $2.00 crate. Fruit: , - r r rn. lemons $3.tO04.5: banana 11c- Hnlefl noiind (bulk) 25r: sack; parsnips $1.60 cwt; caull flower $1 60 per dozen. Drrmc I pAott, t-'tt eer I TVJ TO owe THAT J A Ar u W MOC W 5 r i ii i CHERRY CITY garage, 170 S. 13 General repairing. RAMSDEN & Mc.Morran. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles. 387 Court St. recharged and repaired. Degge Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra diator and fender specialists. i8 a latht at. SOUTH Commercial garage, gen eral repairing, vulcanising and retreading. Exclusive agency for Sound tires. AH work guaran teed. For sudden service phono 278, residence phone 1029R. 430 S. Commercial. UNION Auto repair shop, acety- lene welding. 187 S. Liberty St WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electric shop. 263 N. Com'l. Phone 418. R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries, starter and generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble snooting. 238 N. High St. Phone 80S. STANDARD Auto Repair shop on Chemeketa St., across from Ar go hotel. m FLORISTS PORCH BOXES Bedding plant for sale. Smith's, 301 N. Com mercial. NURSERY STOCK SALEM Nursery company, Ifruit and ornamental trees, small fruit, roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg. CHIROPODISTS CORNS and callouses scientific ally removed. Appliances from individual impressiotis. Chas. E. Tatro, Masonic bldg. Phone 443. PHOTOGRAPHY DB LUXE studio Better ptwtos. 147 N. Commercial. INSURANCE 314 Oregon bldg. Phone IIS New York Life Ins. Co. E. F. Smith H. C. Pugh SHINING PARLOR THE Rex Shining parlor. Period icals, cigars and cigarettes. All kinds of shoe dying. We clean any kind of white shoes. 383 State St Phone 368. ro AUCTIONEER G. s,. TTERLEE, 404 Ferry St, Salem Ore., 1 hone 1177. FARM LOANS FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment prlvllees. Very prompt service Ask about our 20-yenr loans at 6 percent llawslns A Roberts, 206 Oregon King., wniem, ore. BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent Life, 1 ne Health, Accident In demnlty, Llballcy and Auto In surance. written, A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple, Salem. Ore. OSTFOPATHY DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL. Osteopathic physicians and mir geons, 606 U. S. Bank Building. I'hone 86. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall, residence phone 834. WATER COMPANY SALEM WAT! K COMPANY ON fire, corner Commercial and Trade Sta. Bills payable monthly In advance. Phone 57 HI PAIRING STEWART'S Repair shop, 34T Court St Lawn mowers ground. G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop. 141 S. Liberty Si 4TOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years, experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, sisea 26 to 68 inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc., logan berry and hop hooka Salem Fence and Stove Works, 350 Court street. Phone 134. NICKEL PLATING WILLAMETTE Plating Works, re pairing and rufinlshlng. 420 8. Commercial St. Phone 278. 147 dary dates $7.00 rate; black figs 10c: whit fig 12 He; Cali fornia grapefruit $4.00; Florida grapefruit $8.60- Arlion grape fruit $6.b0: pineapple $4.60 per dozen; apple wlnesap $1.60) 2.20. Retail Price Butter and egg: Egg 20e$ . -n aim i) butler 34tj)3.r-c. country butter 20?. Portland, Or, May 2$. CattI) &c!teady; receipts none; choice , "eer (. i.o, io rhoire i.ZD ; lair to goou $6 00416.75; common to fair w cnuice iwubh VS. 75; choice cows ana neu- - ! $5.606.25; medium to good - .vv.v. syo.uv; common ruwi o.avv 6.50; canner $2.00 i .100 ; bulla $3.50495.60; prime light $9.00 49.50; medliim $6.0009.00; heavy calve $2 0046.00, best feeder 'i.25 ti 61r ' fr to root! ts'766.2a. Hog teady: rec. 261; prima light $8.75 u 9.25; smooth heavy $6.258.25; rough heavy $$.0t 7.25; fat pig $9.0009.25; feeders $8.5008 Sheep steady; receipt ; prime lamb $6.5006.7$; east of mountain lambs 87.OO07.SO; yillevs $S 600 26- -e..-' f?.rt 06.00; feeder $2.606 4.00; culls 82.PO04.OO: eyes iiZ'.; light yearlings $5,00 0 5.60 ;hary $4.5005.00; wether $3.6001 Butter tady; extra cube 2tc; cartons 21e; print 30c. Butterfat. No. 1 churning cream 26 0 27c fob Portland; under grade 23c. Kw: Selling price ease ronnt l02Oe; buying price 16018c; srlliag price candled 22022c; se lects randled In cartons 24c Poultry Hens light 1$0 2Se; heavy 22026c; broiler 25030c;' Wheat: Hard white $1 36:oft whit $1.34; white clah $1.34: hard winter $134. nortbera spring $1 $6; red Walla $1 32. mr