Page Two The Capital Journal, Salem, Ortgon. Thursd Latest News Covering WillametteJalley Point Neighborhood News Notes I Wireless Phones on Automobiles Marion Items Marion, Or , May 19. Mrs. Courtney 01 California, a daugu'.'ir o: Mr am! Atr. Ht .' Loretz, is ery ill in a l.ijtal in Eugene lrom m etfe-ftt of 'i i j cratlon for apiendii itt.i r.ctlitr daughter o' Mr ami Mrs. I.i m :i Mrs. Will Waiaoii. -.ho v.lth lu hujitian-l 'i i miBionnry In IHe In terior of Alanka, bag been alter ing from injuries causcl !y a fail which she Bustalned last winl.r. Miss Winnlfred Beer'., who has been attending high sihoul in Sa lem, has returned bom to itajr A famine entertainment will be given Saturday evening in the V. O. W. hall. The prittewftl v It! he , used to purchase fn-.'l tu send for the-Near East relief. A program consisting of 29 ruin !)i r v lit be rendered, and lee cream ai'd candy will be sold. Admission and IS cents. Come and enjoy yourself and help a worthy cause. Miss Velva Clark, who Has been Tlsltlng relatives here, has return ed to her home in Philomath. The Motion town baseball team recently played an eleven Inning game with the Shaw team. The score was 2 to 1 in favor of Mar ion. The Marion school baseball team was the champion team from the south end of the county, and played Uuena Crest, the north end champions in Salem last Saturday. Buena Crest proved to be their "Waterloo." A well attended and much en joyed party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I.ouia Peterson last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Itaymond Colgan spent the week-end visiting the latter's parents In Snlem. Rev. Qgden Is now the owner of Ford sedan. Carl Hansel, who has been visit ing friends in Amity, returned home Sunday. Rowena Umplelte of McMinn vllle is visiting at the Hansel borne. Sam Palmerton spent the week end in Salem. Viola Kepbart and Mrs. Ogdon left Monday to take care of Mrs. Ogden's daughter-in-law, who lives near Dayton and who is very ill. Miss Arllne Doty of Jefferson was a Sunday guest of Olenna Russell. Mrs. C. W. Russell Is spending few days In Salem visiting friends. Mrs. H. W. I.lbby returned homo last week from Eebanon, where he had been visiting her parents. Mrs. J. M. Slyter aSid Mrs. Brown are visiting relatives In Portland. Mrs. Kred Maack, tier daughter, Lillian, and son, "Fred, motored tu Vancouver last week with friends to attend the gradua tion exercises of Miss Viola Has-k, who graduated hh a nurse from the Providence academy there. Mrs. Eee Karlow, Elsie Webb, Carl Hansel and Rowena i in phletta are the latest visitors at cbool. The many friends of Marie Morteti-Bosh will be pleased to know that she is the proud moth er of a baby girl. Mr. Hoag has received word that bis mother Is Buffering with a sprained ankle In which tbe liga- j merits are badly torn. She is al most helpless and the physician states will be sometime before she can get around as the injury Is worse than a break. Fairfield Briefs Fairfield, Or., May 19. Carl Francis of Portland spent Satur day and Sunday looking after bis farm interests. Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Parker spent Tuesday with relatives In Brooks. The Misses Pierce, who have been teaching school In Wallowa county, are spending their vaca tion with their parents. Mr. Pierce recently purchased the Eovegren farm. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore and family spent Sunday with relatives in Salem. Mrs. D. Barber, who has been quite ill, iB able to be about again. Miss Nellie Marthaler, who has been teaching school near Arling ton, arrived home Saturday. Misa Marthaler purchased a riding horse which is one of the best in that section for the purpose of rid ing to and from school. She also rode from Arlington home, making the trip In four days. Miss Mahle Short and brother, Jesse, who have been visiting -it Mill City, are visiting relatives here. The Mahony school closed last Frjday. Mr. and Mrs. John Imlah, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. 8. F. Parker made a business trip to Portland. Friday. Donald Donald, Or., May 19 Mrs. J. H. Miller, Allen, Vernon and Eliza beth Miller, Mrs. 0. O. Freeman, Walter and William Freeman, Misses Hazel and Letba Cone and Henry Welsshaar attended the piano and elocutionary recital held in the Hubbard city hall Saturday evening. Letha Cone and Vernon Miller took part in the program, which was excellent and showed much talent among the Hubbard youn,g people, and others who took part, as well as the abllty of their teachers, Mrs. Gecr and Mrs Hodge. Dr. Harry Hendershott of Port land, accompanied by his sister Miss Lola, were callers at the J H. Miller home Sunday. Both are former schoolmates of Mr. Miller their former home being the Wil liams farm in this vicinity. We trust that everyone In this vicinity will show the proper com munlty spirit by lending all their efforts and boosting for the Don- ald-Hubbard Chautauqua which is to be held In Hirbbard in June, re member that by helping Hubbard this year, we will be working for our own Interest for next year. The Donald sihool board takee pleasure In announcing that they have secured the same teachers, Miss Scollard and Miss Cone for their respective rooms for the com ing year. The excellent progress made by the pupils of both rooms makes this arrangement most sat isfactory to all. The Hubbard and Donald base ball teams crossed bats on the lo cal diamond Sunday, the game was very Interesting as both teams played well. It ended With a score of 5 to 3 in favor of Hubbard. M. W. Johnson, a former mer chant of Donald, was in town Sat urday greeting old friends. Mr. Johnson is In business in Portland now. J. C. Moore attended the Wil lamette valley blacksmith meeting Sunday at Salem. He reports a very interesting meeting. The next meeting will be held July 10. Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley, dis trict deputy of the W. B. A., spent several days In this vicinity in the interest of the local review. While here she was a guest at the A. E. Feller home. Mrs. Riley was suc cessful, as she secured five candi dates, who were taken to Salem on Wednesday evening and initiated by the Salem Review. A number of the Masons' wives motored to Aurora Saturday even ing where they were entertained by Mesdames Ottoway, Grimm and Krause at the home of the former All report a very pleasant evening spent In playing 500, first , honor being awarded to Mrs. B. S. Quinn. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmiis: ... .... - shown in Physicians, business men or Miss M. Carver, who has spent, fact anyone who owns an enclosed the winter at Pullman, Wash., vis ited at her brother Earl's home for a few days of last week. Miss Carver left the first of this week fnr flpa-irip .whpre her hrnthpr ' Bob, Is making his home. Falls City Notes Falls City, Or., May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vick and daugh ter, Virginia, Miss Tiny Watherill and Jack Craig of Salem were vis itors nt the George Weatherill home. Miss Opal Ward has been 111 for several days with what is thought to be appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. George Homyer and daughters, Mamie and Clara, motored over Sunday visiting friends. automobile can now equip their automobiles with a wireless tele phone! With autos thus equipped physi tlans could be in constant com munication wth their homes for emergency calls, and the business man in touch with his office. The instrument installed in the automobile, shown above, will work successfully up to five miles and use only a small part of the auto battery current. The kwo young men the photograph, in experimenting, found that it was not necessary to have antennae high up in the air, but found that the wires stretched around the top of the car wers successful. Four parallel copper wires run around the top of tha auto on six-Inch posts fastened to the corners. They thfto grounded the set to the auto's engine as is done in airplanes. In their experi ments they were constantly In touch with their home provided they were in the five-mile limit. Highway South of Corvallis To Be Closed Soon Corvallis, May 19. Next week the state highway department Charles I'an ish and family were will close the Corvallls-Monroe viKiiing nis moiner, Mrs. r ranK : "u uecause oi paving opera Randall, Sunday. Three little girls attempted to run away from home Sunday aft ernoon and caused a good deal of excitement here. Mr. Qulncy's two daughters and one of the little Reisner girls were seen along the railroad track at about 3 o'clock, then all trace was lost 1f them. Their parents and friends searched until nearly noon Monday. They were found about two miles from Dallas none tin worse for their experience. The Epworth league celebrated their thirty-second anniversary Sunday. At the evening services a beautiful cake with thirty-two candles was given in their honor t inns. From Corvallis south a dis tance of eight miles on the Moji roe road a concrete project la to begin at an estimated cost of $26,552. Kibler & Bartlett are the contractors. The date for com pletion is October 31, 1921. The remainder of this road through Monroe apd on to Junction City will be paved this year with black, asphaltic concrete pave ment and the work Is now under way. This will make a continu ous stretch of pavement from Corvallis to Goshen, five miles south of Eugene. Also the entire Pacific highway from Gdshen to (Drain, in Douglas county, is un der contract, Districts Plan Union School at Wilsonville Wilsonville, Or., May 19. The meeting held at the Wilsonville school house when school dis tricts Willsonville, Kruse, Cor rall Creek and Hood View were represented, was largely attend ed. The purpose of the meeting is to consolidate these schoDl dis tricts into one, and have the school at Wilsonville. There are 89 pupils in' the entire districts, and by having this consolidation will do away with the extra teachers. A similar meeting will be held at Hood View when Mrs. Buckley, county school supervis or, will preside. Don't start what you can't stop: Be careful with fire in and near the forest. Do you know you can roll 5Q Aogd cigarettes for lOcts from one bag of Normal School Seniors Select Zangwill Play Monmouth, Or., May 19.- The seniors have selected for their class play, Israel Zangwfll's "Merely Mary Ann," to be pre sented on Monday, June 20. Try out for the various parts are be ing held this week. The calendar for commencement festivities includes the following: Saturday, June 18 President's luncheon; junior prom. Sunday, June 19- Baccalaur eate sermon. Monday, June 20 Faculty re ception; class play. Tuesday, June 21 Last chapel: aiumni proeram 71 Wednesdfv m'dK mencement. GENUINE BULL'DURHAH TOBACCO SALEM - SILVERTON STAGE Leaves Leaves Salem Silverton O. E. Depot News stand 7:00 a. m. 8:15 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 5:00 p. m. 6:15 p. m. SALEM-INDEPENDENCE MONMOUTH STAGE Leavi Salem O. E. depot 7:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 6:00 p. m. Leave Monmouth Hctel 8:15 a. m. l:ov p. m. 6: is p. m. Leave Independence Mta 8:30 a. m. 1:15 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Speclnl trips by appointment.' Seven passenger eaf for hire, J. W. PARKER, Prop. Res. phone 615. Business Dhonr 7 Home Builders Take Notice We can save you money on your Plumbing Supplies; it will pay you to come and . see us about prices. We always have a supply of all kinds. Tents, all sizes, prices very low. CAPITAL Bargain House We buy and sell everything. Phone 398 215 Chemeketa St. ADS I Skin TortBredSEea Mothers After CuticuJ Just Recelvfid i cord and tahlt? " . 01 ' ellr- wen i Great Western (J at your service. Phon6 ( High L. M. HUM Cars of Yick So Tong Chinese Medicine and t., , . ..,, mco cure any known diaeu, until 8 p. m. 153 South HighJtre saiem, Oregon. Ph0M , MORE FOR EGGS We always pay 2c per ( more. You see we have mjj the Portland markets anj m rect to consumers. Peoples Cash StorJ Phone 451 Portland & Saleml Stage Line Every Hour on the Hoarl Both Ends Leaves 10th and Alder i Seward Hotel every houj Leaves Salem Bligh Hoi i irst btage 7 a. m. Last Stage 7 p. Normal Host To Edwin Markham Monmouth, Or., May 19. The normal on Tuesday enterta 'ed Edwin Markham, the poet. On Tuesday evening Mr. Markham lectured and read from his own poems to an appreciative audience of students and townspeople in the normal chapel. Mr. Markham-" trip through his native state has been a happy one and Monmouth and the normal were glad to pay him homage. Keep the evergreens ever green -fire destroys them. Give this assistant a chance Tire Mileage at the Lowest Cost in History Henes a highly efficient capable work er who wtH help withouthindering. GrapeNuts is a scientific food which nourishes the .bocly without burdening the stomach. It contains the perfected nutriment of nature's best grains. It is partially p re-digested. h rives energy without taking energy.There s a big difference in the days worn, with a helper like that Many have found it so. Grape -Nuts, served with cream ormilkis a icy tome taste. But that's only the begin ingJti a first aid to body and brainThats the delightful finish. SIZE and TYPE 30x3 30x34 32x34 32x4 34 x 44 35x5 NON-SKID Old Prices New Prices Clincher 317.55 $12.85 Clincher 20.80 15.00 S. S. 26.30 21.00 S. S. 34.95 26.90 S. S. 49.85 38.35 S. S. 61.15 47.05 RED-TOP Old Prices New Prices $21.05 " 27.75 31.60 42.00 $17.00 22.00, 26.00 34.40 RIBBED CORD Old Prices New Prices 332.60 $25.00 39.20 32.90 49.80 41.85 59.10 49.65 73.65 61.90 Plrnt mr tax Qtlur rtiucei in proportion NON-SKID CORD Old Prices New Prices 334.25 4i. rs 52.30 62.05 77.35 $27.50 36.40 46.30 54.90 68.45 GREY TUBES Old Prices New Prices $2.75 3.25 3.60 4.55 6.00 7.25 $2.15 2.55 2.90 3.55 4.75 5.85 by Button Cereal Co .JncBattie Peek, These Prices apply to our Regular and Complete Line For 20 years Fisk Tires have been built to one ideal: "To be the best concern in the world to work fnr anA . u lu worn ior and the squarest concern in existence to do business with." The same good tires and the same interest in your personal experi ence with them will continue to be a part in every Fisk Tire sale. Sold only by dealers A New Low Price on a Known and Honest Product