Saturday, May 14, 1921 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregc3. Salem Churches JASSON LEE MEMORIAL M. E. t of the Omaha araa, wilt deliver CHURCH Corner Winter and an address of especial interest to Jefferson streets, Thomas Acheson, students as well as people in gen pastor Due to the faithful efforts eral. The public is most cordial of our church officers and the ly invited to come and njoy spiritual tone of all our services, these addresses, from men of every department in the organiza- great minds, tion is growing steadily. We most cordially invite the public to wor- EVANGELIST BELL will speak ship witn w. at the following serv-, tomorrow evening at 7:30 in Un ices on Sunday, May 15: A pray-! ion hall, Court street near High, ermeetlug for workers and others His subject will ba "The Third who can coma will convene at 9: 15 'Angel's Message." It is the warn a. m. Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. 'ing from God against the worship with Charles Hageman as superin-1 of the beast of Revelation, and tendeat. Our school is well organ- his image; and connected with it ised. We have classes for all ages. ' is the greatest judgment ever Strangers alwayB welcome. Two pronounced against men. To be services will be held at 11 a. m. j forewarned is to be forearmed. The Rev. C. D. Day will bring aprof. I. c. Colcord of Portland, timely message to the members of will be with us again. Come and Ihe adult church. The pastor and enjoy his service of song, bis staff of workers will meet the NAZARENE Nineteenth and young people of the community for , Marion Btreets, one block of Cen Ihe formal organization of the Jun-er on Nineteenth. Chemeketa car lor church. This meeting will be gunday school at 8:45, W. B. Har held In tbe primary department dy superintendent. Classes for room In the church basement. We ali ageg wltn gO0(j christian teach are especially Interested in young erB wno teach the Bible. Preach people ijetween the ages of eight tng at n an(i at 8o'clock. Su6 and sixteen. The Junior choir will i ject for morning message, "The lead the singing. There will be a Blble standard of Christian Uni tormal reception young peoMty .. BvangellBtlc service in the to the Junior church. Parents who I evening Young people's ulbU re interested in the religious wel- gtudy at 7 p m an(j at 7:30 tw tare of their chidren are invited to prayer meetlngs. Wednesday eve-co-operate with us. Epworth n(ng &t g O.clock thc regular league meets at 7 p. m. These , weeky prayer meetlng. This is meetings are full of interest and the begt of a), Ijarge attePfl3nce spirit. Plan to be present. At 8 ! an(, Qeep ,nteregt ln ,pritual p. m. Dr. Huddleston returned tn ,g be,ng manlfe8ted. You nlssionary from the Philippine is-1 ar( )nyited A We,lg pa8tor lanos, win ..ring u.e mBHaBB Florence Wella, deaconess. me evening, iui win uc u eicm service. Plan to be there. Good music and a good time at all the meetings. FIRST P II Efe U TT E R 1 a rJ CHUHCI Church street, between Chemeketa Center. Sabbath school iicets at 9:45 a. m., Jos. H. Albert, upertntendent. A cordial invitation is extended to all mem bars ot the church and congrega- ST. PAUL'S Chemeketa and Church streets. Services for Whit sunday, which is one of th? five great festivals of the Chjistlan year. 7:30 a. m. low celebration of the holy communion; 9:45 a. m. church school; 11 a ni nigh celebration and sermon, "The Birthday of the Church," pre ceded by a short children's ser- tlon to Join the Bible school. mon ' : "' P- m- Preaching by the pastor, Ward address, "The Pentecostal num. t - i . ,,, Ill'hsinr." Everybody welcome. p. m. Topic for the morning, "The Dynamic of Evangftitsin." Subject tor the evening, "The Discipline of Crisis." Those without a church home and stringers in the city will find a welcome among us at all services. The Intermediate C. E. meets at b p. m. Senior C. E. at 8: SO p. m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. You are urged to renew your In terest In the mid-week service. WEST SALEM METHORIST EPISCOPAL A. Hawthorne, pas hold separate prayer services at tor. Sunday school 10:30 a. in. 9:30 a. m. Bible school at 9:45 Edward B. ABhurst superintend- H. E. Hewitt, superintendent Chas. H. Powell, rector. CHRISTIAN AND MISSION ARY ALLIANCE -Next meeting will be held on Wednesday after noon, May 18, Instead of on ThuiT. day, at 632 South Commercial 'street. Mr. Fee will condu.t Bible study as usual beginning at 2:15 o'clock. A very cordial invitation is extended to all. FIRST BAPTIST William T. Milllken, pastor. Men and women lng on Thursday at t p. m. I. G. and Ida J. Lee, pastors. COURT STREET CHRISTIAN" Corner N. Seventeenth and Court streets. Looks like It was going to be a fine day today. The finest way in the world to make it the finest day is to go to tbe Bible school. Be prompt and tbe first one there. Try it once. Get up early wash your face ln '.old water, move likely and you can get there by 9:45 a. m. You feel better all day, try it. Be one of 250 today. Come hear all about Old folks day. Big family day. Children's day, etc. Big plans for these days. Stay for that big ser- I mon by the pastor, "Christian I Unity Coming." An up to date theme. The Spirit of Christ is ris- ; ing above the pride of denomina tion or sect. Come hear about It. Junior following the Lord's sup per. We will have a baptismal service at the First church, cor- I ner Center and High streets, right after the morning service. The pastor has an appointment at the Chemawa Indian school 2:30 p. ! m. Intermediate C. E. at 5:30 p. m. Young people's society meets 7 p. m. Interesting topic for dis cussion this week. The society is planning a Hard Times social next Friday night. Come but if you have on anything not ln Keep ing with hard times you will be fined. Song service and sermon 8 p. m. "Is It Nothing to You." Don't forget the Thursday train ing school 7 to 9 p. m. Something fine every minute of the time. Come and you will come again. You have a cordial welcome to all these services. Come, let us go ip to the house of God today. R. L. Putnam, pastor. LESLIE METHODIST EPISCO PAL Corner South Commercial und Myers streets. Horace N. Aldrich, pastor. 9:45 a. m. Sunday school, E. A. Rhoten, Supt. Well organized classes for all ages and irades. Primary department un der the supervision of Miss Helen Ingrey. 11 a. m. public worship with sermon by Rev. Oscar Hud-1 dleston, D. D. Dr. Huddleston has recently returned from the Philip pine Islands and is an Intensely Interesting Bpeaker. rpeclal music will include an anthem, "Ye Who Toil in Rowing," Wilson, by the choir: and an offertory duet, "My Robe is Christ," Porter, by Miss Sadie Pratt and Lloyd H. Mcln tlre. 3 p. m. Miss Marguerite Outschow will meet the Junior Euworth league. 6:30 p. m. cabi net of the Erworth league meet ing, Frederic D. Aldrich, presi dent. 7 p. m. chapters I and il at the Epworth league. The pastor will meat chapter No. II. Chapter i No. 1 will observe the anniversary .day of the Epworth league. Re jception of new members. 8 p. m. ; J. Fred McGrew will present "Tha Right of Way," by Gilbert Park er. Special music, anthems by. the choir, "The Lord Reignetb" Meredith, and "Christ . at tne Door," Excell; solo "Lead Me all the Way," Briggs, by Miss Saole Pratt. EV. LUTHERAN East State and Eighteenth streets, Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching service (German) at lu:30 a. m. Evening service (English) at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Pente costal Church." Everybody is cor dially invited to these services. Geo. Koehler, pastor. f REFORMER CHURCH Corner of Capitol and Marlon streets. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching (German) and holy communion 11 a. m. No evening service. M. Denny, pastor. 4, c3 CENTRAL CONGREGATION AL Corner South 19th and Fer ry streets, H. C. Stoverl, minis ter. A merged service at 10 a. m. The church school hour In charge of Mrs. Burton Edwards. A mis sionary story by Hellen Sande, a sermon by the pastor and several musical numbers will be heard in the service. Christian Eadeavor at 7:15 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Evening sermon subject, "Main Lines and Side Tracks." Anthem, "I Love Thy Kingdom" (Marie M. Hine;) duet "Art taou Weary (Charles P. Scott) will be sung by Everett Craven and Mr. ant. Epworth League 7 p. 'Morning worship at 11. Sermon. Ruth Patton leader. Public wor- , "Does the Bible Teach that there ship 9 p. m. with sermon by the j will be a General Resurrection?" pastor. Weekly prayer meeting on Evening worship at 8, sermon, Thursday evening at 8. Everybody i"Sanctlfication by the Blood." Welcome. All departments of. the B. Y. P. U. meet at 6:50. Senior leader, FIRST CONGREGATIONAL pansy Mllliken. Topic, "Soul Liberty and Center street. W. C. Winning, the" end of Endeavor." Kant ner, minister. 10 a. m. Sun- Second division, Myrtle Jensen, day school with classes for all, leader. Topic, "How to Enjoy under competent teachers. W. I.1 One's Work." Intermediate divls Staley, superintendent. 11 a. m. ton, leader. Alma Farmer, 'acpie, "The Man Who was Too Busy.", "A Gospel Church." On Monday 7 p. m. Christian Endeavor, Miss evening the normal class meats Esther Mason, leader. 8 p. m. at 7:30. B. Y. P. U. training class '"esus Christ and the Electrical at 8:15. Each holds for just 4B Agt." This will be 'followed by minutes. Visitors welcomed at all a three reel motion picture. The services. Benefactor." It Is an interesting history and Illustration ot the j FIUST UNITED. BRETHREN. Ufa work of Edison, the celehrat-1 Yew Park Bible school at 10 d inventor. Everybody will o'clock a. m. Classes for all ages; want to see this picture. CHURCH OF GOD -1346 N. competent teachers. The school will close at 10:45, at which time a program will be given ln honor Church street, J. J. Gillespie, pas- of the fathers and mothers, oon tor. Sunday school 10 a. in. Mrs. kIbIIiik of songs, recitations, and Nora Van Lydegraf, superintend- a speech by Mrs. Dora Corby, ant. Good spiritual teachers for Said program has been principal all the classes-, and the Sunday ly arranged by the Junior Chrls tchool Is increasing in nunmeri tlan Endeavor society. Senior C. and Interest. Preaching service E. will meet at 7 p. m., preachfng at 11 a. m. Subject "The Acts of at' I. Subject, "Paul's Nephew." the Apostles." Young peoples Mid-week prayer meeting on Wed maeting (:30 and preaching fol- nesday evening at 7:30 p. m. lowing at 7:30 p. ra. Regular Choir practice on Friday evening. Wednesday evening prayer meet- C. W. Corby, pastor. Ing at 7:45 p. m. Come and join tn the service of God with us, it FIRST CHRISTIAN Center will do you good. and High streets. J. J. Evans. pastor. The orchestra of the Bl FIRST METHODIST EP18CO- ble school, under the leadership PAL Rev. Blslne K. Klrkpat- of Miss Martha Swan, will .five rick, minister, corner Church and concert at the evening churcn State streets. 9:15 old time class hour, occupying the full time in meetlng. 9:45 Sunday school, Al- itead of the sermon. A very fine phaus Gillette, Supt. 11 a. m. program has been arranged and sermon by Bishop Edwin H. music lovers will find a most da Hughes of the Boston srea. 3 p llghtful hour awaiting their pres m. service at Old Peoples' Ujsne, cnca. The pastor will speak at 13th and Parry. 7 p. m. Junicat, the morning hour on "Meeting Inter e and senior leagues, ' the Issue," a discussion ot the Miss Florence Davles leads the challenge the world le making of services. ( p. m. sermon by Btsh- the church and what the church op Charles W. Burns of the ' eXpeets of the world. The churcn Helena area. Thursdsy T:30 . sa. !,chool begins at 9:45 and all ages church night. 7:30 to $:05 an w find congenial classes In the address followed by the devotion-; various departments. The young al period. I people meet at :S0. The Sunday school recently organised by the FIRST M. B. Not often Is the Brotherhood of the church st Sa Methodlst church, snd all others lm Heights community house Interested, accorded tne privilege meet at 3 o cioca of hearing the bishops of our DIMD SLEEP WITH LES ON CHIN Nose and Neck. Face Terribly Disfigured. Cuticura Heals. "I was troubled for several months with small, red pimples, which fes tered snd turned white. They were in blotches wound my chin snd nose, snd slso on my neck. My face was terribly disfigured and I lost many nights' sleep. "I heard" of Cuticurs Soap snd Ointment snd decided to try them. After two or three treatments I noticed the pimples began to go away, and after using two cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) Miss Bonolyn Burt, Box 44, Long Beach, Wh .July 14, 1920. MakeCuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum your every -day toilet prepara tions and watch your skin improve. arapl. luk r,H b. Mall AMr.H "OaHWkUl r.urlM. Dirl I. HdlM ll Kuf " 8W aary wharr Soap 2c OInUncnt St and toe Tajraaa Sm. BBJBrukiiara Soap akavaa withoat aaua- P Beauty Contented "1 You are always confident that your beauty has been developed to the lushest ni Its possibilities after using Cowaud'a Oriental Cream. 1 Stmt 15c hp Trial Size Far. I. HeptiaaiSaa Tark PR0VE IT) You can prove to the en tire satisfaction of your digestive apparatus that our bread is wholesome. Its tastiness will appeal to your palate its full weightness will appeal to your purse. If your food store won't furnish you with it appeal to us- We will. HIGHLAND FRIENDS Bible school at 10 a. m. Clifford Roes, church, except one at the annual ,niranra Hut Sunday. Mar 15, ws will hsve two witn us and , Supt. Our school Is growing in m Wednesday the 18th two more, j tereat snd numbers. Classes for all Bishop Edwin H. Hughes of the j ages under the care of competent Boston area, will occupy the pal- teachers. Morning worship and ait ot First church la the morn- preaching at 11. C. E. meeting tv lag sad Bishop Charles W. Burns 7 and preaching at 8 p. m. subject la the evening Then, on Wed- of evening message. "Ths Para aesday forenooa. the formal la- Me of the Bower," the second In aoguration of Rev. C. Hlch-, a series oa tke Parables of the ava as president of Kimball Kingdom Thta Is a very toport adtool of Theology, will occur ant subject, aa these parables are with Bishop Thomas Nicholson dispensatlonal and teach some nu.n .a. nrlnrinal sneak- thing of what to to take place la or On the evening of the same the world during the church per- la. Bishop Homer C. Stunts, for- tod. Special soags mj w -- Maoop BUI now Quariii. aii-"w a f Music Hath Charms The Orchestra of the school at the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH will give a con cert Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, Miss Martha Swart, director, assisted by Miss Delong, Mr. Basler and Miss Wenger. PROGRAM Orchestra "Morning, Noon and Night" ...Suppe Sextette ".Sextette from Lucia" Donizetti Messrs. Swart Wenger yiss Swart Mr. Cave Messrs. McKinney Zinn Orchestra a Romance Rubinstetin b Minuet - Schubert Vocal Duet "I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say" F. G. Rathbun Miss Trista Wenger and Ira Cave Orchestra "Andate from Surprise Symphony" Corbin DnnJini MVitll Ow Vl Q t TO QOfAm TA n l'm ATI t I The Song of the Mystic" - RyanJ J. J. bvans Orchestra "Melodie" (Elegie) Pirvf, Or era n Solo "Offertory from St. Cecilia" Batis fcvelyn JJeLong Orchestra "Bridal Rose Overture" Vocal Solo "Silent Voice" Mr. Loren Basler Orchestra "Poet and Peasant" Massenet 1, . Lavelleea Caro Roroaf j Suppe Stover. Thursday evening service at 7:30. SCANDINAVIAN 15th and Mill streets. This is a great day in the Scandinavian religious life Let us make It a great day in our church in Salem. Attend the serv ice at 11 o'clock. Itev. Lind will preach. Sunday school at 12 o'clock, Rev. C. D. Hassel, super intendent. UNITARIAN Corner of Cot tage and Chemeketa streets. Serv ices are held in this church ev ery Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, The sermon of the acting naatn. Rev. Frank Fay Eddy, will be upon "New Maps for the Boul." Soloist, Miss Frances Ward The Unitarian church stands tor a religious interpretation which is rationally pholosophic and open minded to all the truths demon strated by science. A cordial In vitation is extended to all who are inclined toward religious lib eralism. Teacher Accepts Cut. Brownsville, Or, May 13. liev. M. S. Woodworth. instructor of eighth gr:i.Io pupils in the South Brownsville school, is the first of the grade teachers to accejt the 10 per cent reduction in waes named iy the school board retent ly and agree to teach here next year for 90 ier month. Wbe'.'ier the other peven instructor Wifl also accept the cut remains to be seen, but It i? understood that sev eral of them will not accept. Stop the man made forest fire. Take Care of Your Eyes and. They Will Take Care of You If you suffer from headaches; if your eyes tire quickly or blur or burn, you need the advice of our skilled optomet rist. You do not obligate yourseii Dy consulting us. SAFEGUARD YOUR EYES This can be accomplished by our method of thoroughness and skill in examining your eyes. If you need glasses you want them; if you don't need glasses we will tell you so. Deal where you are assured of the best ; depend on our judgment and you will have supreme eyeglass service. Hartman Bros. Jewelers and Opticians, Salem, Oregon Dainty Intimates of Feminine Wear Women of discriminating taste know that they can a! ways find the choicest of underthings at really remark able prices at Shipley's. In addition to all the standard lines, you will find here all the newest novelties. Be sure to visit this attractive department. VANITY FAIR WEAR Have you seen the Vanity Fair knickers and vests? We haven't the space to dscribe them. But they come in shades of pale pink, orchid and gold! And their price will astonish you it is so reasonable! PONGEE UNDERLINGS Are another of the new spring innovetions. They are winnine DODularitv bv their Dracticabilitv. TTntn have tried them you will realize their fne points after ' you do, you will demand tnem tor all everyrtay occasions, HOSIERY We carry the well known PHOENIX AND 0NK BRANDS And with them we give our personal guarantee. W e know that you will find the rreatest satisfaction ln them I e are also unusually well tocked in children's school oosicry and in the heaviest grades of women's hose. If you live by the "PAY AS YOU GO" plan your j money at the first of the month goes to the bank. Capital Journal Want Ads Pa r i BBBBBBBBbB 'aaa KSbBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBs! Have Your Eyes Examined Regularly Eyes should be examined regularly once a year. An examination by an optical specialist will disclose any defects, which if corrected in the early stage, will preserve normal vision throughout life. It is our business to do this work. Here personal skill is aided witn precision instruments of the highest order. You may have your lenses mounted in any of the newer frames or mountings. We carry a very complete assortment of all the latest styles. . The Bow Optical Co. Dr. L. R. Burdette, Optometrist 325 State Street Opposite Ladd and Bush Bank