13, 1921 LlrrSuiT insertion I" i, ce:'' ,-th. 1- fear, Pr ' cents. Minimum pei New Xo. & "c f advance rOtf.JSr uhone, unless monthly account. rtis" "Lne errors, VEW iw""' T Ti at 461 JM- S--rdownlayinB hens. BE fter 6:30 p. i118"-" ,.' room. .404 BEi "i nhone U65VV. jlli ii"r PuVnTshed room Lt 212' g. WtaterJiAJiii, L-t.-.-IL W rent nioaeru l" ",.,. 1st. Ca 1555W. ill? June Dr. White Be"- 115 acrntl bldg. Elgin 6 SALfc-"' ' .,, 5jiM. qll Iht ir.iu"r- ;- ; imnll furnished Kin-en - a I""", R. Lee, Gen. Del. 1114 boil.-''. jjlpni. ro cut white k..n Two men W. C. Frank 115 I iin, f" -. ., jr lesman P'k 66 care Cap- gal Journal .. NEEMAM.about baby Season closes soon. " ... onlnM. 115 & SE"" m. 5 51 BEdll . . -w lauiii. .. ni-z 1 touring ears. ttn 1918 mA" . nt at a bar- riD the one LT Pherry City garagp. qll kzTvv.NT 2 room partment 444 S. High. J117 Hid sieepws fcjprtl250 second mortgage R iste model car, no junk i .anted. Address 1 ox 55 Jour 115 nal iVBKRRV tips wanteu at . at the lVlac- GZZ r. VV. Bath. MacleAy Or. J j EroR SALE 1921 l'ora seuun, a-i irill take Ford touring Motor I In on trade. duu.- 115 Co, AN'TED To rent new modern bungalow In good section of 0. wltt option of baying same. 1 Address box 0.1 care .juuw.rti. Ill I SOR SALE Late model Overland or trade tor smaiier i. v-w looks and runs like new Call M N Winter, phone 507K. qll" ml have a (ew used cars, re- hilt and retoppeti, wnicn we are offering less than what we live in the cars, look at them. Hull's Top Shop, Y bldg. WOR SALE 2 room house, city later, wooa snea, stis, KM. Price $6on- Bugs, furni ture and range go in. $100 cash, balance time. Compton Real Estate, 322 State street, phone . Hi. Ull IWiTED A 3 inch wagon, - must be In good condition. State price and make. Address P O boj 62, Salem, Or. t IfOR 8ALE Three room house. pood lot, $6(10. Four room house i lota, $1300. 232 acre farm, bottom land, new bungalow, (lone to town, with some stock, Ms per acre. F. L. Wood. 341 ltate street. nll7 I9 EXCHANGE Eight .room iome in Eugene, modern ex cept basement. Is' close in on pavement. Price J 37 00. Will trade for good home in Salem. &,frht assume some. Phone M1W. m 116 1 ACRE good garden ground and I room house and barn. $23u, faay terms. I room house, not modern but (omfortable. with full lot. Just little cash and small payments. Iome choice lots. P.obinson. 29 Oregon bldg. nll6 RUNES for an income, good land to develop, a combination that il sure tn n'iv 1S ari-a IWit red soil. 6 of 10-year prunes, u cleared, 3-4 mile from Lib erty store, m good road. Ideal (lace for the "city farmer." Imall amount will handle. Call Jw at 1040I. bll7 1 1 ACRES close to car, small house; mii in cultivation. $2250. I acres, south. Vi mile car $1275 'I acres, extra good buy. ""re building to trade for acre- U J room modern, fine location.' Jde for acreage, close !n. Brown. State and Commercial. JJilEiislck's. n f business openine in Salem "r amount invested, well es tablished, doing big business all g time, no dull days; com piled to sell; first time offered, mm about $500 month. In iee about $5000. Do not ans- unless you have cash and PJ busnms Any man with Pod business ability can run P business. Address Oood " care Journal mills other words, Mutt was spoofing Jeff. T6N,4fpi CARpewttCffS PUTTIM& B0iif.i show TowtfiHT PoftTHe KTTAtMMeNT op THe FtT cum MwewGefti awi WtHt Vmj UP WITH A luy I CALLS 'Port -ft. CHATTC' ! 'ant AdsJThat Deliver The Goods at Small Cost NEW TODAY $2900 BUYS a good 6 room house 1 block from supreme court building, best location, some terms. Many good buys in both farm and ity property. Wm. W. Powell, just real estate, 341 N. Com'l. Phone 666. 8,120 WILL, sell or exchange 2000 acres unimproved land in northeast- ' ern Minnesota, two R. R. thru place, land valuable for its min eral, clear title; value $9000 cash, or anything of equal value in Salem or Portland. Wm. W. Powell, just real estate, 341 N. Com'lPhoneeee bU7" PO YOU WANT a good used car? one that will give you lots of service. These prices will move these cars: Buick 4, '18 model, new top, side curtains, and in fine shape. Held at $890, price now $750 Ford, rebuilt. Empire body, re bored, double seal rings; a fine car for looks and Bervice. Cost $1000, price now $tza. Ford bug, a good little .ar, worth $300, price now $250. Will take Victrola or other good talk ing machine for hnlf. Ford body, new top, curtains, mat, cushions, for quick sale $135. Look them over, terms. S. btock um, Y bldg., 311 Commercial street. . 116 For Sale Houses FOR SALE Modern 4 room bun galow, furnished. See owner at 1470 McCoy ave all 6 FOR SALE By owner, 9 room k house, 608 N. Liberty, corner Union. Come see. Will explain niore. all 6 CASH SALE 5 room house, barn, garage, basement, lights, water. Box L care Capital Journal. all9 FOR SALE By owner txdall house with garage, chicken house, wood shed, bearing fruit trees, one block from car line. 1940 W. Nob Hill; this is a bar gain. a!16 FOR SALE By owner, 5 room modern bungalow, concrete basement, furnace, garage, furn ished or unfurnished. Will take car on first payment, balance terms. Phone 506J. all 6 HOUSES new and almost new as well as cheap serviceable ones, mostly on easy terms, win be shown you by calling at our office or by pthone appoint ment. List it with us. S. R. Pearson, 408 U. S. bank nldg. Phone 914. n 5 ROOM house close In, small lot. Price $800, terms. Magee, room 29 corner State and Commercial over Busick's. a A REAL BUY 5 room plastered bungalow, garage, and five east front lots. Price $1350 cash for a few days only. W. H. Graben horst & Co., 275 State St. all5 BARGArN 5 room modern "bun galow with furniture, garage. Price J4200, tet.ns. W. H. Gra benhofet & Co., 275 State St. all5 FOR SALE 6 room plastered house, paved street, cement walks, cement basement, plumb ing and lights. Price $2500, terms. W. H. Grabenhorst& Co. 275 State St. all5 ROOM Bungalow cottage, lights, bath, hot and cold water, pav ed ntreet, fine location, good lot, for $2100. Also 5 room new bungalow close to car, lights, bath, hot and cold water, base ment; beauty for $3250. A fine lot on S. Commercial below vaU ue. Brown, over Busick's, State and Commercial. a FOR SALE A 5 room plastered house and garage. Price $820, $200 cash, balance $10 per month, immediate possession. Wm. W. Powell, just real estate 341 N. Com'l. Phone 666. all6 SPECIAL $1700 buys 6 room house, V4 acre of land, chicken house, some fruit, close to car line. $300 cash, balance $15 per month including interest. m. W. Powell, lust real estat. 141 N. Com'l. Phone 666. all6 REDIMADE houses $200 to $700. Gnrages $5. Built In sections. Chas. Smith. 4fl Oregon bids;. For Sale Farms GOOD 5 acre tract well located close to Salem for $1750, 5 room house, 2 good lots in the best of condition. $1900, good terms. We have' a good listing of farms and fruit tracts to trade for city property. Come and see us. Joseph Barber Real Estate Agency, room 200 Gray bldg. Phone 790. b 26 ACRES for sale or exchange. Must close deal at once, on fine first bottom land, good new buildings, everything first class. 15 acres in fruit, berries and cherry trees, all planted thl spring. Will exchange for Sa lem property, or what have you? Clear to $2500 or $3000, balance long time. Address Rt. 8, box 124A, Salem. M15 CAN use your car as first payment on 20 acres close to Salem. Price $3000. Also have other proper ties we can trade for car, city property or sell on small pay ment down. Magee, room 29, corner State and Com. over Busick's h 7 cm He's JUST Sxva C HATTC eiM&usn, WrUCr THC- V I V . Ft&HC rir. x H , R p,e For SaleFarms SALE or trade, 20 acre improved ranch at Rosedale south of Sa lem, logans, prunes, cherries, apples and strawberries, 6 room house, dryer, warehouse, barn, garage, implements. First class in good shape. Price $11,000, terms. Will take in Salem resi dence up to $5000. S. R. Pear son, 408 U. S. bank bldg. Phone 914. nm ALADDIN Readycut houses, barns. 40 to 70 per cent reduction. Big saving in cost of construction. Money loaned for building pur poses. Chas. Smith. 409 Oregon bldg. a For Sale Miscellaneous ('LOWERS for planting out. Ar thur Plant's greenhouses, 1298 g;Uth. and Wilbur. d!19 l'"OR SALE Choice logan plants $10. James E. Foster, Rt. 4 Sa lem. i dll5 FOR SALE--Or trade homestead relinquishment, 320 acres, good one. Box X Journal. blla nms, EK3S EGGS Buy your .fresh eggs from us, 18c per dcRT, 2 dozen 35c. Farm ers Produce Co.,- 160 S. High St. cll5 160 ACRE homestead relinquish ment for sale, close to school. Price $650. Magee, room 29 cor ner State and Commercial over Busick's. D CORNER lot, good location on paved street close in. Price $650 Magee. room 29, corner State and Commercial over Busick's. FOR seed corn, earliest Dent, call 1678W. Yellow dll7 GROUND sheep manure for gar dens, $1.25 per sack delivered in city- Clifford W. Brown, Phone 115. c120 FOR SALE Diamond grain chop per suitable for 2-honse engine. A, J. Egan, Gervais, Or., Rt. 2. 16 GERANIUMS and all kinds of bedding plants. Price most reas onable, at Graber greenhouses, 1203 D street. .116 FOR SALE 3Jx50 Russell sepa rator, over hauled, repainted, in fine running order. 12-20 Rume ly tractor with 3-bottom John Deere self lift plow, run one season. Address R. Bruck, Ger vais, Or. cll5 PLUMBING ana rcpai.-mg ttu.i.' reasonable. Phone 1617W. ml20 BIRDS, BIRDS, BIRDS All kinds Andreasberg rollers (imported) a specialty. E. B. Flake, 590 S. 17th, phone 1046J. cl35' OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle. Used as carpet mats, for pack ing, etc. Capital Journal office. FOR SALE Sterotyplng mats, 10c per bundle, used as a ught and stout weather proofing card board. Capital Journal office. For Sale Automobiles DODGE roadster for sale, oar giin. PHone 1039W, 104 or 44. See It at Great Western gaiatre. qll6 OLDSMOBILE BALES CO. Special prices and terms .his week only: Indian motorcycle and sidecar, electric equipment and speed ometer. 4 Fords, take your pick. 3 Chevrolets Dodge touring, cord tires, A-l Oldsrnobile Pacemaker, cord tires, new paint, mechanically A-l. Maxwell touring, new paint, A-l Studebaker 6, 5 passenger. $150 buys good 5 passenger car good tires, electric lights; real bargain. We have some good trucks frsn $400 up. Will give good terms. It will pay you to see us before buying. Open evenings until 9 p. m. OLDSMOBIL E SALES CO. 185 S. Com'l St. Phone 380. q FOR SALE 1917 Studebaker. Phone 983. W. W. Moore furni ture store and ask for Mr. Moore. . ! A GOOD 5 passenger auto, cheap for cash, or will take good team and wagon. Apply room 21 over Peoples cash store, phone 430. For Sale Livestock FOR SALE Guernsey cow, fresh about 8 weeks. 1010 S. Turner street. ? 1 6 FOR SALE 25 bead young stock ewes. Call at Cross' "slaughter . house. e115 GOOD Jersey cows for sale. Sa-lem-Newberg road 5 miles south of St. Paul "Address B. C. Du RettGervais, Rt. 3. el 1 ? MUST be sold in 10 days, cows fresh with calves by side; sever al heavy springers; consider trade for dry or beef cattle win ornlain more. Located what Is known ar Jinokney aairv end of bridge. Phone 623R ell5 For Sale Wood FOR wood. 156 5M. eel24 FOR dry. old or second growtn wood any amount, call 354W. eellS GOOD 16-inch old fir. also fall or ders taken for all kinds of wood W H. Williams, phone nw eell Bom povtc. CARP Msr HAW A sewse of Humor: AT THAT" . IMA6HMC A H6HTeftRiw6 Mr" CHATTY KMOVAJrU AS A CHATTY Pof-Tfc' sow t-UL.T V cHATTY Peered The Capital FOR SALE DRY WOOD Phone 98. No. 1 second growth fir wood, sawed to suit; old fir 16-inch $9.50 if ordered from us while we are hauling from timber. Empey Transfer Co., 54 S. Liberty St. Mils DRY wood. Sproed can fill orders. 1678W. , - eel38 FOR old and second growth fir, Phone 783R. W. T. Cribbins. eel It FOR SALE First class inside mill wood reasonable. Special price by car lot. Seasoned inside mill wood. See us before buying your winter supply. Fred E. Wells, 305 S. Church, phone 1542. ee FOR RENT GENERAL housework, ter street. 834 Cen hll7 FOR RENT Furnished 3 room apartment, bath, heat, light and water. 325 S. 14th St. ill 6 FOR RENT One large room turn ished for light housekeeping. 1 y blocks from business district Phone 1118M. jllS FOR RENT Pleasant room in r.iidern home, reasonable. Tel'. 1706W. 631 N. Winter. Tll5 HAVE a 2 room apartment at 717 N. Commercial for rent, un furnished. See Mr. Purdy, Ore- gon bath house. jll5 ROOMS and apartments at Miller. The j!33 Lost and Found FOUND Pair of glasses. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for ad. kll5 MISCELLANEOUS FOR honest, competent carpenter, Phone 1007J. hll8 SPROED BOY'S transfer. 1678W 113 8 1 4 ROOM furnished apartment, adults only. 1132 Center St. jll6 MONEY TO LOAN We have $2. 500 to loan in amounts of $500 and $1000. at 7 per cent on real estate. Radcliff & Waring, S41 State street. '1116 HEMSTITCHING and picoting at tachment, works on all sewing machines. Price $2. Personal checks 10c extra. Light Mail Order House, Box 127, Birming hani, Ala. 1118 WILL take city property as part payment for farm. Address A K care Journal. bll7 STRAWBERRY season is here, or der milk and cream from the Salem Sanitary Milk Co. Our table and whipping cream is de licious. Phone 316. ell6 GROUND sheep manure, the best fertilizer you can get for gar dens and berries, only $22.50 per ton. Delivered in city limits. Clifford W. Brown, phone 115. . - C120 MAKE MORE MONEY on your small farms. Use a Beeman tractor or a Beaman Jr. W. E. Burns-Dan Burns (Not Brothers, the Same Man) Ferry at High. Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED To place my laundry work with home laundress. 549 N. Cottage. 1116 WANTED Experienced Isaleslady Gale St Co. g!15 ROOM and board at private fami ly. 1899 State St. J HOP trainers wanted at the Horst ranch, Independence; about 1 month's work. Phone Independ ence F4003. gH5 WANTED A live energetic lady solicitor, a house to house can-, vasser for flour and cereals in Salem, Or. Address box F, Sil verton, Or. gll5 WANTED Loan of $600 on 10 acres river bottom land, renfs for $100 a year. The Putnam McLaren Co., room 21, 180 N. Com'l St. phone 430. i WANT Late model motorcycle. Have good bug to trade, has al most new tires, top, windshield, fine body. Phone Adams 362. qll WANTED Young woman book keeper, with fair knowledge of stenography and typewriting. Must have experience. Perma nent, desirable position. Address box X Y Z care Capital Jour nal. gil5 WANTED Good residence in Sa lem to apply on exchange for 10 acres of fine soil with good buildings near Salem. Price $5, 500. D. E. Hart, 208 Oregon bldg. gt OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle.' Used as carpet mats, for pack ing, etc. Capital Journal office EXCAVATING and team work, garden plowing, fertilizer furn ished. Phone 736W. mill FOR carpenter work. phone 806M 1122 PRIVATE maternity Phone 1959J. hospital. mll9 PLUMBING, Repairing and coll work a specialty, reasonable charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop foot of Union 8t Phone 1517J. ' v ml40 COL W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer, farm sales conducted every where. We mve yon money on advertisii.g. Phone Turner cen tral. Turner. Or. in -fvj seeeo THS CHATV TRAvCUMfc VWVTH CAfeFf Journal, Salem, Oregon Wanted Miscellaneous WANTED Old mattresses to make over, phone U, Capital City Bed- ding Co. ! WE have some good farm mort gages io selL Hawkins & Rob erts, 205 Oregon Bldg., Salem. REAL ESTATE SAWYER & EMMETT 158 acres dairy ranch in Tlllar ttiook county, 26 head milk cows, all implements; will trade. 17 acres, 7 acres strawberries, 6 acres logans, 4 acres prunes in bearing, good buildings, nicely lo cated; three crops will pay for place, act quick if lnteresteu. I 10 acres, 1 M acres timber, 2 V4 res in loganberries, acre strawberries, 2 acres of potatoes. Borne corn and clover; rolling land miles from car line, nicely ly cated, v. cash. Price $2000. Choice of 2 new 4 room bunga lows, $850, $100 cash, balance like rent. For real bargains call on SAWYER & EMMETT 341 State street. 115 . B 4 U BUY C ME 140 acres, 25 in cultivation, 2 In logans. 2 logging shacks and barn. Good spring and 60 acres of wood timber. This is all good land when cleared. 14 mile from electric station on way to Portland $85, per acre. A genuine bargain. 70 acre dairy, 8 milk cows with all other stock. 35 acres in hay, balance in fine pasture. $8000, V cash. 45 acres 6 miles out. 30 in cultivation, 6 in prunes, 2H in lo gans, 3 In strawberries. Team, cow, chickens and furniture, also some farm implements. $8500. 30 acres with 4 room plartred house, with bath and running wa ter. 8 acres in cultivation, balance In pasture and timber. $3000, $1. 000 cash. 20 acres near Chemnwa, all un der cultivation. Good improve ments. $7500. good terms. 15 acres of the finest mixed or chard and berries on main Pacific highway. New modern bungalow, electricity and furnace, close In. Finest country home in Marlon county. . 5 acres close in. opi" family fruit, house and earn. ARTHUR E. FH'i'KKBr.n 229 Oregon bldg. nll EQUITABLE TRADES Two very desirable Salem resi dences (both close in) can oe wa in a fair, square trade, for a farm and assume difference, or will ex change one house for a gooa tm farther out. See MR. FLKMinu 341 State St. LOOK EM OVER 10 acres, 12 miles from Salem, with modern farm buildings. o acres berries, family orchard, good oak grove, 6 acres in hay, rnniiin- water to uunuings. iraiu, cow and some chickens. $4000, hk cash. 5 acres with 4 room cottage, running water, good family orcn ard, ground all In cultivation. If sold soon, $1500, some furniture goes in deal. Good terms. 50 acres or Drusn ant umuer land, near McCoy, for saie or vlll trade for good house in Salem. See ny list of farms all equip ped and stocked, ready to move on at reasonable price. ARTHUR E. P.TlSKSiIS 229 Oregon bldg n!15 GOOD BUYS 10 acre tract. 5 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres set to logans, fam ily orchard, 5 room bungalow, barn. Will take house and lot as part payment. Price $5500. 65 acre tract or good oerry son, 55 acres cultivated, balance tim ber. Price $5600, $1000 down, bal ance terms. HOUSES Good 5 room cottage located on S. Commercial street. Price $2960 4 cash. Fine view lot on Fairmount hill Price $900, $300 down. If you are looking to buy, trade or sell, see W. H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street. . n HOUSES Seven room house, modern ex cept basement, lot 75x162, good location in south Salem. $4000. Seven rooms, modern except basement, good garage, east Sa lem near State. $3000. Good 5 room cottage, bath, toi let, lights, 2 fine lots, north Sa lem. $2100. Six room house close in, just off State, $2000. We hare a number of fruit tracts from five acres up fully Improved, and farms of all sizes. We have several good trades in city property and farms. Come in and see us. THOMASON & ROWLEY 33H State, Salem. n LOOK ALL OVER TOWN FIRST, then let us show you the best buy in Salem. JUST READ THIS A ten room double house, on State street, lot 50x200, all kinds of fruit. 2 toilets, 2 baths, gas heat er In each bath room, full cement "basement, furnace, plastered, fine electric lixtures. no old run down house, but In fine condition, ar ranged in two apartments of 5 rooms each. Rentable at $25 per month each, the price Is only $4, 000, on terms. THOMASON & ROWLEY 331 Vi tSate St. a wrnNM. wnt ads pay oH. Too MO.r CHATTC v -T TTAVr'J U xneBeAR cat if i ' ir- nDDrcuTTirs) 1 ...- fAbp' I I M .r:P MAkeS Afi REAL ESTATE CHERRIES Cherry tracts stand a good show this year among fruits. I have a 5 acre tract with 3 In bearing cher ries, close to car for $1500. See me at 341 State street FLEMING n WORTH WHILE A 6 room house with basement, garage, one block to car. $3700, $1000 down, balance 6 percent. 7 room house, strictly modern, paved street, steam heat, large ga rage, large lot, plenty of fruit. $8, 500, Vi cash, A 5 room house, plastered, close in, paved street, has basement. $2750, Vi down. A lovely lot $500, $101 street im provement, close in. $200 down. A small farm fully equipped. 6S. acres. $5000, Vs cash. MILLS & COPLEY 331 vi state street. n GOOD BUYS AND EXCHANGES 6 room modern home on nice paved street, 3 fine lots, several fruit trees, garden, garage, near auarline. Snap. $3000, half icash. 4 room cottage half block off south Commercial street, nice lo cation. $1850, easy terms. Several good lots well located, sacrifice price. Several good acreage tracts to exchange for city property. 50 sacks potatoes at 75c per sack. Fine 10 acre tract in bearing loganberries and prunes, 8 ,tles from Salem, good road, buildings and well. Bargain at $6000, terms. PERRINE & MARSTERS 211-12 Gray bldg. n IMPROVED POULTRY AND FRUIT RANCH 36 acres, improved for poultry and fruit raising. Four miles north of Salem near Pacific high way and railway stations. Fully equipped. Electricity, water sys tems, two dwelling's, complete equipment and stuck now on hand Must be sold on acc6u:it of death of former owners, N. C. Jorgensen and wife. See Johan C. Nielsen, Sa lem," Ore., route 9, box 31, on prem Ises or Carey F. Martin, executor, Masonic building, Salem, Oregon. bl20 BEST BUYS AND EXCHANGES Have for sale a $3140 first mortgage on 629 acres In Lincoln county, Colo. Have bought a ranch here, to meet my payments there on 1 will discount the above mort gage so it will draw 10 percent. 20 acres prunes, logans, straw berries, 8 room house, drier, ware house, garage, rock road, close In; 'ill take Salem residence up to $6000. Price $11,600. 160 acres all in wheat, 1-3 goes; will take Salem residence up to $3000. Price $4000. 15 acres, fine new b room bun galow, new barn, hen house, all the very best of soil and all in grain and looking fine, on rock road, 1 v miles from Salem, for a short time $7600. This Is a dandy home. 80 acres in Crook county and 80 acres in Tillamook county; will exchange for ranch 6 to 10 miles from Salem, suitable for dairying, will assume or pay difference. Price on my lands $5000. 7 room modern bungalow, fine lot, lots of fruit. $4700. room and large sleeping porch, absolutely modern, a mod ern type home, east front, pared street, at 98 5 N. Summer street. $7750. 9 rooms absolutely modern, hardwood floors, close in, fine corner lot, garage, one of the nic est homes in Salem. $15,000, easy terms. This place must be sold at once. 6 rooms strictly modern bun galow, garage. $4750. Want a $500 loan at 8 percent. SOCOLOFSKY 341 State street. n L. A. HAYFORD REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE 305 Sta'e St. 6 room (house, plastered, full basement, toilet, bath, electric lights, garage; a good place for the price $3500, terms. 7 room'houae 1 block from Com mercial street, south, and close in on corner lot, toilet, bath, electric lights and gas, garage; this Is a bargain at only $2650, terms. We now have vacant lots, and good, at low prices; ,-- us show you these. 26 acres north of Salem, It In young fruit, good soil, 5 room house, plastered, good barn, ga rage, wells, water piped to build ings. Will sell or trade, terms easy. For a good home in city or country see us at 305 State St. n Game and flsb depend on forest and stream. Both are destroyed by fire. Stop! T :;ok! See that your match or snipe Is out before you drop It. You rob children of education If you ere careless with fire. School fun-! come largely from timber. Yon i an", dodge It. All citizens use forests and share their re turns. Kvery fire hits you. You are careful with fire in the wood. Help teach others. (Copyright 1920 by International Trade Mai K reeitiierea in tne v. s CARP NICKNAMCD HIM I f i-m - ii-i ,, cAtit ICH THArl ? - cat- umm L ? :"Tr.7J J U'7 A J M Tf. r ')- Tfar-think or ., . I, 1 1 1 fin0, FINANCIAL MARION-POLK County Farm Loan association has money to loan at six percent. W. D. Smith secretary -treasurer, $03 Salem Bank of Commerce. PRINTING A SATISFIED customer returns. Rowland Printing Co. Phone 1512, over Pat ton book store. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WHY SELL FOR LESS 7 WE wtil Pay you more cash for your household goods. Get our bid befote you sell. People's Furniture and Hardware Store, 271 N. Commercial street Phone 784. CITY SCAVESGER !; SCAVENGER Garbage and refuse of all kinds removed by tho month at reasonable rates. Cesspools cleaned and d I d ani mals removed. Day ph i e 167, night phone 1698R. R. fi. Cam mins. Mgr. ; m STORK FIXTURES COMPUTING scales, cash register and general store fixtures at 226 Stark St, Portland. Or, be tween Ht and 2nd etreeU. OPTICIANS GLASSES fitted by Dr. L R. Btr dette. optometrist. Bow Optical Co., 325 State St. STAGK LINES SALEM, Jefferson, Albany and Corvallls stage, leaving 1:30 p. m. dally. Bligh hotel. M l'.ltt'HANT TAILOR FRANK PALM Merchant tailor, 294 N. Commercial M. A. ESTES, fine tailoring, 384 State street. NURSFlt V FRUITLAN1) Nursery, 161 S. 14th street, Salem. Or. Phone 1140M TRANSFER OREGON TAXI and transfer, Lib erty and Ferry street. Phone 77. MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel delivery. Transfer trunks any part of city 50c. Messenger serv ice. 179 S. High, Phone 230. CHAS. E. CHANDLER, general transfer, expert furniture mov ing. Office Clark's Tire House. Phone 74. JUNK WANTED Rar' and secondhand goods of all kinds. Capital Junk company, phone 398, 215 Cen ter street. PIANO'S CHERRINGTON Piano House, Bush and Lane pianos, 415 Court street. GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono graphs, sewing machines, sheet music and piano studies. Re pairing phonographs and sew ing machines. 432 State, Salem, Oregon. R. W. BALLANTYNB, tuner, play ers a specialty. Phone 362, Cher rlngton Piano house. EDWARD WELP experienced pi ano tuner. Leave orders Will's Music store. CLEANING AND DYING SALEM Cleaners and Dyers Suits cleaned $1.50 Suits pressed 50c. 1215 S. Com'l. Phone 1868. HEMSTITCHING SALEM ELITE. hemstitching, chainstitching, pleating, buttons. 429 Court Phone 968. MULL and Henderson, hemstitch ing and dressmaking, over Mil ler's store. Phone 117. HAT BLOCKING MEN'S and women's hats renovat ed, blocked and trimmed. 495 Court, C. B. Ellsworth. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHERS PUBLIC stenographer, 408 Mason ic bids. . GARAGES SERVICE Garage, general auto re pairing, 803 N. Liberty, phone 1277J. HARRY W. SCOTT "The Cycle Man" 147 aCom. Phone 68 BBMIWWCTIWII,- CHERRY CITY garage, 170 8. 12 General repairing. RAM8DEN & McMorran. Indian motorcycles and Dayton bicycles. J TAKE NOTICE OF THIS 160 acres 9 miles from Salem, 1 mile from church and schoo, all in cultivation on good road; a splendid 8 room house, cement basement, hot and com wate. ol let and bath, large dutch kitchen, buffet in dining room, fireplace; a fully modern house, large barn with steel stanchions. The outbuild ings are worth $8000, fine land for only $15,000, terms. AND THIS 50 acres 8 miles from Salem, south,. 37 cultivation, 5 acres bear ing prunes, 5 acres logans, 1 acre cherries, V4 acre strawberries, grapes, plums, etc.. 4 room house, barn; would exchange for city house or small tract, only $8000, terms. Thnmason & Rowley $31 '. State St. b Feature Bervice. Inc. t-ateni uiiiw. Page Nina ' e to mf 238 N. High Phone 2 OS Batterl e s recharged and repaired. Degga Burrell. SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra diator and fender specialists. 198 S. 12tht St. SOUTH Commercial garage, gen era! repairing, vulcanizing and retreading. Exclusive agency for Sound tires. All work guaran teed. Far sudden service phone 278, residence phone 1029ft. 430 8. Commercial. UNION Auto repair shop, acety lene welding. 1S7 S. Liberty St. Phone 304. WAYNE QUAYLB Auto electrio shop. 263 N. Com'l. Phone 413. R. D. BARTON Exide batteries, starter and generator work. 171 S. Commercial. AUTO Electrician, expert trouble shooting. 238 N. High St. Phone , 203. STANDARD Auto Repair shop on Cbemeketa St., across from Ar go hotel. m FLORISTS "PORCH BOXES Bedding plants for sale. Smith's, 301 N. Com mercial. NURSERY STOCK SALEM Nursery company, Ifrult and ornamental trees, small fruit, roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon bldg, CHIROPODISTS CORNS and callouses ncientific ally removed. Appliances from Individual Impression's. Chas. K. Tatro, Masonic bldg. Phone 442. PHOTOGRAPHY DE LUXE studio. Better ptwtos. 147 N. Commercial. INSURANCE 214 Oregon bldg. Phone 185 New York Life Ins. Co. E. F. Smith H. C. Pugh SHINING PAKI.OR THE Rex Shining parlor. Period icals, cigars and cigarettes. All kinds of shoe dying. We clean, any kind of white shoes. 383 State St. Phone 356. m AuenoNF.i.R G. 8ATTERLEE, 404 Ferry St.; Salem. Ore., Phone 1177, FARM LOANS FARM LOANS Any amount. Low rates. Full repayment privileges. Very prompt service. Ask. about our 20-year loans at 6 percent. HawXIns Roberts, 205 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Ore. BUILDING LOANS MADE May be repaid like rent Life, Fire, Health, Accident. In demnity, Llbaltny and Auto In surance written. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Terr pie, Salem, Ore. OSTEOPATHY DR8. WHITE AND MARSHALL. Osteopathic physicians and sur geons, (06 U. 8. Bank Building, Phone 859. Dr. White, resi dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall. residence phone 8.14. ATKH COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Of fice, corner Commercial and Trade Bta. Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 67. REPAIRING STEWART'S Repair shop, S47 Court St Lawn mowers ground. G. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing shop, 143 S. Liberty St. STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50 years, experience; Depot Na tional and American fence, size 26 to 58 Inches high. Paints, oil and varnishes, etc. logan berry and hop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 110 Court street. Phone 124. NICKEL PLATING THE Willamette Plating Works Is now Oocated at 420 S. Commer cial street and is open for bus iness, doing first class silver, nickel, copper and brass finish ing on automobile parts, table ware, hardware, plumbing sup plies, electric and gas fixtures, also enamel apraxing, brazing and general repairing. Phone 278. 1111 Local Briefs The Mt. Angel News, publish ed by J. M. Eison, made Us flrat, appearance Wednesday. James and Geo. .Tenson of Mon itor were recent visitors in Sales. Chas. M. Oglesby has bean looking after his property inter ests in Oregon City for a few days. According to the Morning Enter prise Mr. Oglesby expects to move back to Oregon City some time In the future. A. J. Young made a business trip to Oregon City during the fore part of the week. Virgil Post of Itickreall and Miss Lulu Roberts of Dover were married Sunday at tbe home oX the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Roberts, well known Clack amas county people. The groom to well known In Salem and vicinity. Mr, and Mrs. Otis Dyke and children of Gates were recent vis itors in Salem. Rex Butler of Dever transact ed business lu tbe capital otty yesterday. Mrs. Vandeleur oi Aurora has been visiting at the home of Mrs, Geo. White near Salem. News of the death of Mrs. Ja cob Kamm, who passed away at her home In Portland yesterday, has reached Salem. Mrs. Kamm was formerly Miss Florence Don ne! i and had many friends In Sa lem Her funeral will be held to- I morrow at 1 o'clock In Portland. JOURNAL WANT ADA PAT