Page Sevea Mgj - j,oc vrfMMwu journal, saiem, uregon News notes ot Sa em and Vic n tv Briefly Tola Bringing Up Fathac By George McManus. Copyright 1930 Trade mark Ree. by H. C. Fisher. U. a Pat. Offlq jaunty bunu.j "i W L3Z mating, Sa- THERE. l"b OUR rTT , nviock. NEW rHEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOR THAT WELL MR. t L-Learn to swim mmi ji u JICt HERE'S WE MEET i aus: ' TO THE PLEASURE MAiIE WANT Markham OF MEETINC; XOO" ' " -v .,hnol auditor- i-ic. ivj met i -j irture. W- V. Dramatic s o. UM, recit- unirersity, Hlsmetta Fred Mc- by j utha Ferguson r.mmnnity eet- 10 ..Mai r.lub. '..ihpr. i-ooiui"- " alpm Sympno- concert for antra ... honpfit. armory, war eai Hiy IS, 11 LVCHW u ill inn gnrLj nmiii f iinnrn what 'i.H j-,t -IL-- a . .... t-, m m-m-i ,,,M1 ww. y "tin nil I i - 4saififi j w m i is.1 i ii iii rrrrrrn Vr H I I . Omf .c- t IT -r-, , , , " "1 a, 2f III I u 15-Mtnnesota as iJXn1 Picnic state fair I jrounda. ' " Court House Notes Probate Court Order approving first semi-an- ,ul report of the administrator jgil ii lfnutnr -i t Tina I r . i ii ii Int'l Future Service Inc. I I II ft -1 1 1921 av N. day. Hubbs returned hLt'I - I IVXary J,. Ftl kersnn MtmtV A litll,. ;.li nn ,l, .,.. . Tl,., t:,,;i, ..,.1, lni. wl.i..,, woo . it.,. v. un.j nun Bill I1U1UK IUC 1 i UHIlYlfUtl uja; tuivii i, uu from a trio throne-h Pr, tr oi. . . . . : (IP tf&Ltfi ,i , , ' it.iv niio ui a uu&&y uii Ulliuiei vim oliccv iu nc (;iveii uuntiii. ai 111&11 ......... I ...'c fftiintv whofn ho tuns ,n.l,l.. ! i . .... 00 Order appv"'s : . ""'is ni reuuieion to aenver last evening, fell, striking her auditorium is indefinitely post- ....i ,ri nf the estate the interest of the Marion Auto an adrirflSQ tn a milling f w..- v. i i i i j a ! i i . b t ..i KBli-anriutti n.t,w. w vi pai- ucau ttjtinsL ine naru pavumeuL, puiiuu uu uccuuui ui oiuivin?ao ui j Urs Olson. """"" T " ' relru'lle ent-ieacners associations being Her name could not be learned, one of the principals ot cast r. . if no- nr in i n sr ranjr i ii vei une unis. uie ire lo isici ov. ne i ihnm ho ,.-u Order apiJ"""-'"B " , a,i j u h . . V , estate of Man u. ut"t roruana tomorrow to talk to the ; nome over Borne oi me worst Oregon state teachers association I roads in the country. He trav- which will con Vftnfi there Petty larceny thieves not only eled a distance of 67.5 miles and Clerk s annual reports and ISP . . ... ma (MIT ni IT L .....,ihi P 1111 1 H I I 1HL K. Clico KV. G. Shipley s car, in uie numc pr,je Wednesday night. Ent Wce was effected by breaking a window. John averaged 19.3 miles per gallon of gas, driving a Studebaker. Sh was severely briiiBed but not seriously injured. I Lucy M. Crow of Salem has accepted a position as stenogra pher in Eugene for the chamber Get other's prices then see us, we have the goods and guarantee to beat all competition. See H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. 116 budget blanks are being sent out of Commerce and is presently en by the office of the county school gaged in the work.- waiter u. tooze win aaaresa superintendent to the various the students of the "Willamette school boards throughout he Harold L. Cook, scout execu- university this afternoon, talk- county to be returned after the tive, and a patrol of scouts from ing on the soldiers aid amend- annual June meeting of the dif- Salem go to Gervais this evening ment which will be voted upon ferent organizations to that of- to meet with the Gervais boy at a special state election next flee. scouts, month. I , Fred Locklev of the Orerron Blaine McCord, Woodburn at- A bicycle found recently on journal snent Frlrtav in ?oiem on torney.-was in Salem yesterday i Salem ano Eugene win su i"iNortn unurcn street, was yester He Benton county seat for the.jay claimed at the police suuton ne wa3 a speaker before the Ore- eourt bouse, by Austin razier, Nona gon autbor8 conference. Summer street. The wheel, he ! school ; said, was stolen from the hitrh . . .. ' nira ivmrv I. H iitroruin rnnn. ty superintendent of schools, vis ited the Scotts Mills schools this week. Superintendent Ackerman of the state normal school at Mon mouth was in Salem on business last evening, Twelve golf players of .the Eu- pie country club will play with I Ike Salem team here Sunday af ternoon. Corvallis will also play j o 1... Uov in Sa em ana uu. auuuuj, "j , final matcn. W. H. Cockle of Independence Is in Salem on business for the day. Alex Merrifield was in town , hum. tv fw.m. .wo afternoon. He had business at -the,'""" ' '"'"b. The Central Howell . i i.u 1. : tloses next rnuay wuu a ,uiS Unner at noon nu a scnuui en tertainment in tne evening, ine teacher and students are mailing I for a big day and evening entertainment. Mrs. Fred Tredgold of SiTver bn arrived in Salem today. Mrs. Tredgold will be here tomorrow nd they will spend the week end It the home of her brother, N, C. Bnbhs, and family on 21st street. school last Monday. I Dr. Floyd Lewis, former Salem boy, is visiting with his brother in the city for a few days. C. I. Lewis, assistant general manager of the Oregon Growers Cooperative association, and W. T aialoT iiriint tn DrtlhiM tnHav tn ' , i I . dealer, ueilVcr auureeitm ui memucin ui the organization there this afternoon. L. G. Hayford, Salem real estate is attending the realty dealers' convention in Walla Walla, Wash. F. M. Morley and wife of Sll verton were in the city yester day afternoon. James Jones, of the Velie ga rage, was a business visitor In Dallas today. A. W. Morris of the Morris The-funeral of A. Hlrschberg tuheld In Albany at 10:15 this Horning. The body was shipped h llkonv l.v Plirdnn nnrl r.n a 11 rl wumerv. terday. J. T. Hunt and W. A. White wre in Stayton and Aumsville M PfillTltv ri-nl liri.'iruiou VDOtOP. While' his car was parked at 966 South 12tn street yesterday, some of its accessories were stol en, Harry Chedwick, 1223 Ferry street, complained to the polic. Attorney W. H. Holmes of Port last night. ianr transacted business In Sa lem yesterday. George King of saiem Picnic time Is here, include A. M. Bvrd and family of Ger Lumber company in Eugene, was yais vlslteQ in galem the fore part ment later. a business visitor in saiem yes- . th -.--v Died WINELAND At the residence, 1041 south 13th street, Wed nesday, May 11th, George W. Wineland, age 76 years, Grand Army veteran, father of How ard M. of Lincoln, Neb., Fred L. of Belleville, Kans., Mrs. Lena M. Lisle of Salem, Mrs. Grace Carruthers of Alberta, Canada, and Mrs. Florence Pat ton of Blue Springs, Neb. The body is at Rigdon's. Fun eral probably Monday. Announce- H. It. Stiff ' Furniture Co f best quality and lowest prices. 116 will 1 leave this week end for Oregon , City where he will work as pave ment inspector. He is employed by the state highway depart ment. some French pastry we make, in the lunch. The Gray Belle. 115 Mrs. DIna Snyder and daugh ter of Aurora were recent visit ors in Salem. HIRSCHBERG In this city, Thursday, May 12th, A. (Duke) Htrschberg, age 61 years, broth er of H. Hlrschberg ot Inde pendence. The body was forwarded this, Friday, morning by Rigdon & Son to Albany where funeral services will take place at 2 o'clock. Seven Divorce Cases Heard In Court Today Seven divorce default cases were brought before Judge George Bingham of department No. 2 of the circuit court today. In each of the suits the defendants had failed to. appear and there was lit tle testimony given with the ex ception of that ot the plaintiff's substantiated by a few statement from important witnesses. The case ot Sarlth M. Nerling vs. Harold Bert Nerling the decree was granted with a $1000 alimony after the district attorney, John Carson waived examination. The YOTJR GOING TO BE TICKLED WITH JOHNNY HINES IN TORCHY'S NIGHTHOOD AT THE OREGON SUN. MON. TUES judge, however, questioned the plaintiff and her mother finding that little was known about Ner ling before the marriage took place. Testimony given by the plaintiff was to the effect that wlitlo she worked in restaurants her husband loafed and consumed her wages in eating at the place of her employment. Other cases heard were: Thelma Lucht vs. Henry Luclit; T. J. Wood vs Mamie Wood; Jessie M. Strat um va. Harrjr C. Stratton; Mary E. Buckbee vs. Percy Buckbee; Phoebe Anna Payne vs. Henry B. Payne. Special Merchants Lunch 35c OPEN 11 A. M. TO 8 P. M. Nomking Cafe Upstairs at 162H N. COBTLSt. American or Chinese Dishes. Open 11 a. m. to 1 a. m. MUSIC and DANCING Every Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday nights JAZZ OHUilJi'STKA Argentina has twenty-two pub lic holidays during the year, Ger many nineteen, Italy nineteen, Ru mania twenty-four and India twenty-ono. Love, the jeyeler, Salem. Baby chicks. BfiS State 8t. NOW PLAYING TOM MIX In His Greatest Western Thriller "PRAIRIE TRAILS" Also Latest News Laughing Gas GRAND Where the Big Shows .. ,Play His bicycle was either stolen or Walla Wash, taken by mistake last night, R. I Vnnnir. of this city, told Miss Minnie Pettyjohn Is vislt- lne: for a few days at Miss Mabel Sandberg has been Walla visiting friends in Aurora for a few dayB. the Any machines goiner to Albany u mn game sunnay ana naving . . waK takeI. from II 195. 115 McCornack hall, he said. Senator Louis Lachmund, for- Hr Senator C. P. Bishop and hnk Deckebaeh were among Sa Imriiitors in Portland Thursday. Dean Geo. H. Alden of. Willam te university and Miss Margar- Alden spent Thursday in Port- and. Phil Fischer of the Waldo hills was a business visitor in Salem yesterday. Frank Davey left this noon on a business trip to Independence and Monmouth. Sunday school workers will hold a business meeting at the li brary at 8 o'clock this evening. Rev. W. T. Milllken will conduct a short devotional meeting. A. C. Thomas, proprietor of the Stayton meat market, was a vis itor in Salem yesterday. W. P. Walter goes to Woodburn this evening in the interest of the China relief fund. Frank Miller and wife of Au- See H. L. Stiff Furniture Co. A program and dinner is being fren tonight at the community by Woman's Progressive club Salem Heights. Charles MacLeod Maurice, ot Portland, representing the Gen- leral Motors Acceptance corpora tion, of San Francisco, was in Salem today transacting business rnra were in the city on business before buying house furniture yesterday. and you will save money. 116 WEBB & CLOUGH CO. Funeral Directors. W. T. Rigdon Lloyd T. Ittgdon W. T. Rigdon & Son Lending Undertakers &Wl't bake these warm dava. tor Belle French pastry is nice br dessert. lis R K. Page, Salem attorney. " a business visitor In Eugene JWerday, ' R. Linn In nn a trln in Wt his ranch near Bend with ' P"r ot Californrans. Robert Rahi .i, . . - ., (in,, i tauci ui Liic word Mall-Tribune, was a bus- visitor in Salem yesterday. Attorney Rnv SbioM. nt ttto 1 in McMlnnville for a few :" "BCTe he is tryine a cae. 8 Geo. Markay of Everett, -Wash., was in Salem yesterday looking after business matters. A D. Hutchinson of Fern Hill was a business visitor in Salem yesterday. H P. Evans of Portland trans acted business in the city yester day afternoon. Handy rolls of whl'e paper, use 1 for many purposes. 10 cent i. Caoi'Tl Journal office. V. Reed of portland ig i citr on hi ... . . 't Way. of Tillamook business in Salem yes- R. I.V.-.n.. 1. 1 . tods. ' "urn rortiand. Are you from "Missouri" AND HAVE TO BE SHOWN? If such is the case and yon imag ine your whiskers are too tough for the ABTO-STBAP RAZOR yon come in and let's talk it oyer. T ILES MINTER IN Little Clown SMOKK" NEWS THE A0T0-STR0P RAZOR It strops, shaves and cleans with out taking apart. Tive Hundred shaves guaranteed from .. each twelve blade. We will loan you one of these wonderful razors on 30 davs TRIAL. Pay no money just use the razor If ytm can get along without it simply return it to ., A iwstal will bring it to you. I Ray L. Farmer I 8 OXFORDS Unusually Smart In every woman's nature there is "Beauty Instinct" which is reflected in her "Good Taste" as we call it. It is the Woman of "good taste" who will most appreciate the graceful lines of the hoth pretty and practical Oxfords Cuban and Military Heels in Brown, Gray and White. BUSTER BROWN SHOE STORE 125 North Commercial Streets SCIENTIFIC FITTING OF FOOT DEFORMITIES. m "Is Religious Liberty In Danger In Free America?" MEN IMPRISONED FOR WORSHIPING GOD ACCORD ING TO THE DICTATES OF THEIR OWN CONSCIENCE. THE CELEBRATED KING CASE, OBION COUNTY, TEN NESSEE CIRCUIT COURT. This remarkable case in complete trial will be given in dupli cate tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock in the Seventh Day Ad ventist Church, North Fifth street and Gaines Avenue. Citizens of Salem will be given an opportunity to see where Sunday Blue Laws lead to. "Eternal vigilance is th price of Liberty." Let us keep religion out of the civil domain. Let us keep Oregon's statute book clean from Sunday laws. DON'T FAIL TO COME TOMRROW EVENING BRING A FRIEND. ADMITTANCE FREE r THE SEASON OF THE SKIRT Fashion has smiled on the Skirt again. Perhaps it has been the friendly influence of the "Sport Coat" and the handsome Sweaters, but at all events the SKIRT has been newly developed into a garment of greater style, beauty and variety. The models are so different and varied. We have just received a shipment of the new WOOL PLAIDS and STRIPES and a few CREPE-DE-CHINE Skirts, that are wonderful models of newness, charm and practic ability sizes from 25 to 30 we have marked them close for fast selling. It means quick action if you secure one of the Skirts. $12.95 I MILLEFfi