Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, May 04, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    j... Mav t, me uamiaj journal SiIm rw-xm.. rini tithsm
The Capita Journal, Salem, Oregon
. M0 1
tf4fiw'r - r 7 -i
-T " A Bk P ! . Mbv
.-r-z&n RATES
. P DV -
e. 8 . net month, 1
... nue Hll. '
IB, um Vvi fT"
... mlJM lv 111 lCr
I"", ads. " " " unless
City .""Tnver phone, uniea
Tu "monthly account. sa
jrjThaby buggy.
.4 eouq1": .
ti-i-H-rn::ni for rent
121 S.
107 entile. Box lauu ofs
(1S0"U ml09
S BUI,Tres all good. Phone
iras' 'f ql08
yitii-rnr- .,. mdeT
" 107
all lm
Wlnter. 1109
mrt celery
r evenings. dll2
n CAl.H .TlU'-h'."""
',...! ..nil suitable tor wa-
S oil or grain otoraffe. H. W.
fclmjjih.n. 29F3. C109
One of the old money
L a that's all. Marion Auto
pre it
ng just like new. usen very
little, lota of extras. Phone 794
Jays. .
condition, a rest uuy ii
irivers. easy terms. Bonesteeie
Mntnr Co. 107
ANTED 5 room modern oun-
plow on paved street, wumins
distance, no ueaiers. nuuicw
bol AO Uapnai journal. a
acreage near town, good store
building in fine farming com
'nunily. Phone 2024J, bl09
Buttercup, best layers, 1 a
setting. 803 N. Liberty St. W.
FeGnnel. f!09
H .A ., eeil IU II. UIITEU
Yellow Dent, price 6 cents a lb.
Call on week days only. Donker
Bro6., Aumsville, Or. dll2
HAVE a 4 and a 6 room unfurn-
isnea apartment tor rent. ee
Sir Purdy at Oregon oath
hJUK. J109
paved street, cement walk, lot
l192, close in. i'rice $2000,
terras. Krueger, 206 Oregon
bldg. 107
t sai.k: tyi ,'nrH ...n,-
almost new, run about 2000
oilies, lout of extras, Goodyear
tires. This week (550. Phone
'SI days. 107
bungalow on paved street, ft
block to carline. Price $3100,
terms. Many others. Come and
us, no trouble to show them
to you. Krueger, 209 Oregon
Ulg. 1(17
AA'T to trade my 160 acre
ranch for Salem pr,jerty. Ranch
ia 1 mile from railroad, post of
fice and school, level land, abut
acres of alder bottom lad.
w some fine timber. Price
HtOI. Call at 4.", (I (.'linn a, in 7
" aiittuie Duitatng
on 6th street near Church
wt, four blocks from high
ol. For price and terms see
mt. Geo. W. Shand at Salem
H "or" or 545 S. Commer
cial street
SAI.P Rv n 1
J. - vniic, i UUU1
Mern house except furnace,
concrete basement, located
P on pavement. Will take
Wondhand Fortl car as part of
tor part payment, buyer
" assume easV term contract.
SWISS B I. i , ...
u ritvm,, : T
, ' acres, lenced, I
-n, old house, some
H'erdam, 5 acres cleared.
oil, good road close to sta
"J. between Oregon Electric
hi ,r' north of Sa,em w"h
SmUes. About 1800 cords of
J worth the price of place.
Busick's, state and Com-
Fan.. .
mlL..?. hav' 80me of the
ta. . ' - ' oner you in
EL rrv ,1T- ,0me P5""
n1 prune tract-
tri tlme o invest in
Snchf8' we have them
t rgev !"nount in city
- r-uusit
' Ancy. 200 Grav hMp.
ant Mas mat Deliver The Goods at Small Cost
For Sale Rouses
S ROOM house, 1 acre, city water,
1 chicken house. (1350, (200
caah. Becke & Hendricks, 205 U.
S. bank bldg.
FOR SAX.E 5 room modern plas
tered house, 1 lot. Fruit, gar-
. age, woodshed, at a bargain.
325 Oregon bldg. Dr. Schultz.
$850 BUYS a 5 room house, terms.
$1850 buys a nice 6 room plas
tered house, bath, lights, and ga
rage, some terms.
2700 buys 3 room house, garage
and woodshed, terms.
$550 buys a 5 room house and
two lots, $50 down, balance $15
per month. If you want a home
at the right prio see Wm. W.
Powell, just real estate, 341 N.
Com'l, phone 666. al08
Photos, select desirable resi
dence properties from $1275 to
the latest up to date bungalow.
Come in and look them over.
The Fleming Realty Co., 341
State street. a
CLOSE in 7 room house, lights
bath, hot and cold water, (ire
place, for $3000, $1000 down.
Brown, State and Commercial,
over Busick's. Phone 659. a
ALADDIN Readycut houses, barns.
40 to 70 per cent reduction. Big
saving In cost of construction.
Money loaned for building pur
poses. Chas. 8mith. 409 Oregon
REDIMADE house $200 to $700.
Garages $58. Built in sections.
Chas. Smith. 409 Oregon bldg.
For Sale Farms
32 ACRES in fruit, small house
and barn, close in, a genuine
bargain. If sold soon, priced to
sell on good terms. Petersen,
229 Oregon bldg. 1)107
80 ACRES timber tract with good
shack, close in. Cut wood and
make money for yourself. Pay
as you go. Petersen, 229 Ore
gon bldg. b!07
S ACRES close in, 5 room house
and barn, 3 acres logans and
family fruit, good water. It's
for sale, no trades, at a bar
gain, easy terms. Peterson, 229
Oregon bldg. bl07
5 ACRES, 4 room house, good
barn, family fruit, running wa
ter in house, partly furnished.
You can get this for $1500, good
terms. Petersen, 229 Oregon
bldg. b!07
10 ACRE BARGAIN Fine mod
ern country home with oak
grove, fruit, team, cow, chick
ens and some Implements for
$4000. Petersen, 229 Oregon
bldg. 107
FOR SALE S3 acres located 7
miles from Salem on rock road,
60 in cultivation, 20 acres prunes
V4 in bearing, 1 acre strawber
ries, 1 ft acres young logans, 12
acres fine creek bottom, fair
buildings. $1500 cash will han
dle, easy terms on balance or
will take good city property up
to $5000 in trade. Pearcy Bros.
210 Oregon bldg. bl08
bottom land in cultivation, bal
ance in good pasture, good
stream and springs. 8 cows, 1
team, chickens, 4 pigs, some
tools and separator. This is a
coast place, joins town with
good school. Only $8000, V, cash,
balance 4 years, 6 percent. No
trades. Petersen, 229 Oregon
bldg; bl07
TOR SALE 53 acres 4 mile
west of Aumsville, Or., stock
and machinery. Write for terms.
Henry Fennell. bill
8 ROOM house, $850, about one
block to car. Magel, room 29
corner State and Com. over Bu
sick's. Phone 559. a
"8 ACRES, 15 acres seeded to fall
wheat, ft cultivated, piasterefl
house, vexry good barn, on good
road close to two towns. Price
$7500 terms. Magee room 29 cor
ner State and Com. over Bu
sick's. n
CAN use your car as first payment
on 20 acres close to Salem. Price
$3000. Also have other proper
ties we can trade for car, city
property or sell on small pay
ment down. Magee. room 29,
corner State and Com. over
Busick's b
SPECIAL, The best tract, adja
cent to Salem on the market
for sale today. Well Improved,
never before offered for sale. 9
3-4 acres. 1 mile from Salem,
way underpriced, considering
location. No phone information
given on this, come and see us,
$1000 will handle. Thomason &
Rowley. 331ft State, Salem. Or.
FOR SALE Highly improved 40
acres, 7 miles north on paved
highway, new 7 room bungalow,
garage, barn, the very best Of
soil. Price $11,000, part down,
long tine on balance. D. E. Hart
208 Oregon bldg. b
For Sale Miscellaneous
ONE lot with 3 cherry trees for
sale, or trade for Ford car.
Phone 1742 during day, evening
1396 Fir St. nl08
FOR SALE Tent, 10 o. duck.
12x14, nearly new. Call between
5 and 7 p. m. at 1498 N. Cottage
PLUM BING and rapairi ng
reasonable. Phone 1617W.
uncorks some French chatter in a Paris restaurant
I; Nw ,rv got am ifce. V V V- left ,nt beMWeVil Leck,tescrwiij Y
For Sale Miscellaneous
Andreasberg rollers (imported)
a specialty. E. B. Flake, 590 S.
17th, phone 1046J. cl35
FOR SALE Cheat and rlover
hay, young laying hens, chick
en feed, whole wheat, buggies,
wagons and farm implements, 1
saddle or driving horse, one
cheap work horse. Charles Ba
ker, Commission house, 254 S.
Liberty St. C107
FOR SALE 500 S. C. White Leg
horn chicks, one to six weeks
old, 10, 20, 30 cents; will deliv
er to Salem. Choice logan plants
$10. James E. Foster, Rt. 4.
EGGS for hatchjng from fine lay
ing strain Indian runner ducks,
$1 per setting of 13 eggs. Phone
66F1J. t107
BEARINGS for cars, trucks and
GMC trucks, new or rebuilt
W. E. Burns, Dan Burns,
(Not Brothers the Same Man)
l' erry at High, Salem. q
VULCANIZING ard eetreading at
the South Commercial Tire shop
422 S. Commercial. 1108
OLD newspapers. 10c the hunrtle
Used as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc Capital Journal of'tce.
FOR SALE Sterotyping mats,
10c per bundle, trscd as a light
and stout weather proofing card
ooara. capital Journal office.
For Sale Automobiles
fOR SALE Buick four roadster
encap. 1720 Chcnieketa St. ql08
FOR SALE Cheap, new Nash 6
at 237 State street. Salem Nash
Co. Must be sold this week n108
FDD SAT.R M,., ..,. .,j
one year, A-l condition, exten
sion rims, fenders, plow; would
take used Ford car or young
horses, balance terms if desir
ed. Box 77 Capital Journal. q!08
For Sale Livestock
POLAND China pigs for sale, east
D street, phone 80F11. A. A.
Bonney, Rt. 7. el08
FOR SALE One Jersey cow, six
years old. Call at Rt. 6, box
11. ,.inr
FOR SALE 1 team of horses and
cnain Harness. Inquire 316 Ma
sonic bldg. el08'
For Sale Wood
FOR wood-. 1565.M.
WOOD for sale, nice dry second
growth fir. Phone 254 or after
office hours 622. eel06
FOR SALE First class 16-lnct
inside mill wood, reasonable,
special price on car lots; 16-inch
fir. See us before buying your
winter's supply. Fred E. Wells,
305 S. Church. Phone 1642. ee
WOOD Selling out 2nd growth
$8.5. sawed ' $9. HO; old fir $9
and $10. Phone 1678W. eelOT
FOR RENT Furnished apart
ments at the Kenelworth, 152
S. Church. jl08
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping
rooms close in, gentlemen pre
ferred. 447 N. Liberty St. jl08
FOR RENT 6 room jnodern
furnished bungalow. Enquire
1135 S. 16th St. No children. J108
SLEEPING room, bath, furnace
heat, nicely furnished, close in.
For rent. 823 N. Commercial
street. J107
FOR RENT 5 room
house, 312 Water St.
FOR RENT 3 room furnished
apartment, 2363 State St. jl07
FOR RENT Modern well furn.
ished apartment close in, 920
Mill street, phone 8 47J. Jl 0 7
THREE housekeeping rooms,
north Salem near carline. Box
83 care Journal. J107
FOR RENT Housekeeping apart
ment at 343 ft N. Commercial.
Cottle apartments, phone 1759.
FOR RENT 3 room furnished
apartment, private entrance.
44S Union street, phone 580M.
Lost and Found
LOST -Pair glasses at Kafoury's
store. Phone 32F4, reward. kl07
TO TRADE Residence lot for
used piano. Phone 102F3. m!08
TRADE 5 room modern and cash
to $5000 for good farm mort
gage. 1145 Journal. a!08
LOOK -Get our prices and esti
mates before having -painting,
papering and repair work done.
Rogers & Wilson, 845 N. i7th
St. Phone 731. c!08
NOTICE The business known as
The Western Painting and Kal
sominlng Co., operated by J.
Howard and J. L. Meyers, ham
dissolved partnership and will
not be responsible for any debts
contracted after this date. J.
Howard, P. Wlckenberg. mlO
Wanted Help
FURNITURE salesman.
Boren. 179 N. Con1.
Max O.
WANTED 10 men to work In lo
ganberries. Phone 21F2. gl08
Wanted Miscellaneous
OLD newspapers. 10c the bundle.
Used as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capital Journal office
Wanted Miscellaneous
to handle the exclusive sale of
The most attractive automobile
accessory ever placed on the
The only Day and Night Signal.
Seen from front and rear of car
$500 to $1000 required to fi
nance the contract. You handle.
your own money.
Reply Immediately as only one
man in each county can receive
the contract.
Address: Albert C. Burns, Hotel
Marion, Salem,. Or. il2
WANTED Work by experienced
farmer within four miles of Sa
lem. Box 66 Capital Journal. 106
WANTED At once, 2 loads of
good rich dirt for lawn. Call at
646 Market street or phone
1076 J after 6 p. m. or before
8:30 a. m. 1110
WANTED Hop trainers and twin
ers. Call 982M. gl 0 7
WANTED Hop trainers, call 681
or 114F5, - gl07
FOR carpenter work, phone 806M
NEBRASKA farm for sale. Own'
er, box 22, Monroe, Or. bll4
YOUNG men, women, over 17, for
pustal mail service. $120 month.
Examinations May. Experience
unnecessary. For free particu
lars of instruction, write J.
Leonard, (former civil service
examiner) 1087 Equitable bldg.,
Washington, D. C, gl07
EXCAVATING and team work,
garden plowing, fertilizer furn
ished. Phone 736W. mil
BULL for service en Garden road
2 blocks east city limits. E. Gra
ber. ml!3
PRIVATE maternity
Phone 1959J.
PLUMBtNG, Repairing and coll
work a specialty, reasonable
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St. Phono 1517J.
COL. W. F. WRIGHT, auctioneer,
farm sales conducted every
where. We save you money on
advertislr.g. Phone Turner cen
tral, Turner, Or. m
FORDS overhauled $15, general
auto repairing. 80? N. Liberty
street. qlio
WANTED Old mattresses to maK,
over, phone If, Capital City Bed
ding Co. 1
VF have some good farm mort
gages co sell. Hawkins & Rob
erts, 2 "1 Oregon Bldg.. Salem.
5 room modern bungalow, new,
close In. Price $4500.
7 room modern . except heat,
close to car and school. Only $2,-
3 room house, good, large lot,
south Salem. $800, $200 cash, bal
ance like rent.
6 room modern except heat, 2
lots, close to car line and school.
Price $2500.
If you want to build we have the
best lots on the market for the
least money, and best terms, loca
tion the best,
200 Gray bldg. n
4 acres, paved street, modern
house. $4500, terms.
10 acres, 5 bearing prunes, 2ft
logans, house, barn, 7 miles out.
$6000, ft cash.
11 acres, very close in, 2 logans,
ft strawberries, house, barn. $8,
500; will take residence in ex
change for part.
15 acres, on pavement, all cul
tivated, 6ft miles from Salem.
$3500, terms.
35 acres, 8 prunes, 2 mixed or
chard, 3 ft logans, house, barn, on
the highway, at school. $13,000,
$7000 cash.
20 acres, 16 bearing prunes, 2ft
logans, ft strawberries, house,
barn, drier, warehouse, on rock
road, 7 miles out. $11,000, $4000
cash, balance crop payments.
24 acres, 19 bearing prunes, 1
family orchard. 40-stack drier,
small house, rock road. $14,000, ft
25 acres, 10 bearing prunes, 3
logans, 1 Treble berries, 7 room
modern bungalow, good out build
ings, close in, a fine Rome priced
right; $12,500. ft cash; might
take some trade, small creage or
Salem residence.
70 acres, 15 cultivated, tt sec
ond growth fir, 6 room house,
good barn, hop house, etc., ft mile
out. $125 per acre, ft cash.
102 acres. 75 cultivated now In
grain and clover, 1 family orch
ard. 7 room house, good barn and
outbuildings, all well fenced, com
plete set of stock and equipment
goes. 1 ft miles from high school.
$17,000, ft rsh.
320 acres, 290 cultivated. 180
acres clover, 45 wheat 70 oats and
vetch, good modern Improvements,
$150 per acre, ft cash.
341 State street. n
5 acres 4 miles from Salem near
Pacific highway, 1ft acres logans,
2 acres prunes, 1 strawberries, .;'
hearing cherry trees, 6 room
house, well, garage. $3000.
13 V, acres 2 miles from Ladd
Bush bank, ft acre strawberries, 7
acres prunes, 3 acres apples, cher
ries, walnuts, 6 room house; a fine
ly improved place on a good road.
17 acres, 10 acres prunes, Join
ing city limits of West Salem. $5,
600. 32 acres Joining city limits, all
In cultivation, in five and ten acre
tracts, at $160 per acre, as low as
$100 only down payment.
15 acres all in commercial fruit
In, the best section of Rosedale,
targe Income, only $8000, with
$2500 down.
Good lot on Marion close In with
barn and garage on it, for $1150.
Two fine lots and good 5 room
cottage, lights, bath, toilet, $2100.
Seven room house and good ga
rage near State, for $3000.
Beautiful 6 room bungalow, S.
Salem, $4200.
Fine 6 room bungalow, garage,
Seven room house $850.
Bring in your trades.
331 ft State street. n
305 State St.
9 room house and large lot,
south Commercial street, paved,
cement walks, fireplace and some
fruit. Price $2700, terms.
5 room house and good lot, bath,
toilet, electric lights, garage, 4
blocks to street car. Price $2500,
6 room house, hot and cold wa
ter, large lot, barn, fruit. Price
for a few days only at $1500, terms
5 acres 3 miles east of Sntern,
good gravel road, ail in cultiva
tion, dark loam soil, fenced. 1 'A
acres bearing prunes 7 years old 4
room house, small barn, chick
en house, well and pump; horse
and some tools with place at only
$4000, terms.
12 acres 5 miles from Salem.
all in cultivation and is good rich
soil, 4 acres strawberries; this Is
he making of a fine home. Price
$406 per acre.
We now have a fine listing of
large and small tracts, if you are
looking for a good home let us
help you find it.
305 State street. n
3 acres and six room bungalow,
place mostly in fruit, beautiful lo
cation, close in. Price $4800, ft
63 acres 3-4 mile from R R, 30
acres plow land, spring and creek
for water, 7 room house, barn and
other buildings, 2 horses and har
ness, 3 cows, 1 heifer, goats, bug
gy, wagon, mower, rake, plow.
harrow, etc., cream separator, all
go at $79.40 an acre, $3000 neces
sary to handle, balance 6 percent.
A close in lot, on paved street,
$500. street improvement $101,
easy terms.
Do you need a seven room strict
ly modern home, steam heat, built
in features, paved street, garage.
lot 100x250. ft block to car. Price
$8500, ft cash.
331ft State street. n
5 acres nearly all in bearing
fruit, loganberries, strawberries.
cherries and prunes, 6 room house
barn, well. Price (3000.
Well Improved 10 acres close to
carline, good bungalow, bearing
fruit; will consider ;arge house
close in. Price $8500.
13 ft acre tract, all cultivated.
good buildings, 1ft acres bearing
'ogans. stock and machinery goes.
Price $6000.
Well Improved 9 acre home.
strictly modern 8 room home,
bearing fruit; will take modern
home lis part payment. Price
Good 6 room house all on one
floor, large lot. Price $4000.
Large house and three fine lots,
bearing fruit. Price $2750.
If you are looking to buy a
form, small acreage, house or lot,
275 State street, n
A combination berry and poul
try place about 7 acres, close to
car, good cottage, garage, big
poultry accommodations, with
barn also. On immediate sale at
$3800. Everything new practically
and fine water. See
141 Btte street. n
Compiled from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised daily.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk) (1.05.
Hay: Cheat bt,y (2Z.00O23.00
oat hay $22.009 24.00; clovai
bay $2022.
Meat: Hogs $9.75; dressed
MERCHANTS Cooperative Parcel
delivery. Transfer trunks any
part of city 50c. Messenger serv
ice. 179 S. High, Phone 230.
PORCH BOXES Bedding plants
for sale. Smith's, 301 N. Com
OREGON TAXI and transfer. Lib
erty and Ferry street. Phone 7 7.
A SATISFIED customer returns.
Rowland Printing Co. Phone
1512, over Patton book store.
WE will Pay you more cah for
your household goods. Get our
bid before you sail. People's
Furniture and Hardware Store,
271 N, Commercial street Phone
and refuse of all kinds removed
by tho month at reasonable rates.
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167,
night phone 1698R. R. O. Cum
nilns, Mgr. m
COMPUTING scales, cash register
and general store fixtures at
226 Stark St.. Portland, Or- be
tween 1st and 2nd streets.
GLASSES fitted by Dr. L. R. Bur
dette, optometrist, Bow Optical
Co., 325 State St.
SALEM, Jefferson, Albany and
Corvallls stage, leaving 1:30 p.
m. dally. Bligh hotel. .
FRANK PALM Merchant tailor,
294 N. Commercial St.
M. A ESTES. fine tailoring,
State street.
FRUITLAND Nursery, 161 S. 14th
street, Salem, Or. Phone 1140M
CHAS. E. CHANDLER, general
transfer, expert furniture mov
ing. Office Clark's Tire House.
Phone 74.
WANTED Rag, and secondhand
goods of all kinds. Capital Junk
company, phone 398, 215 Cen
ter street.
Bush and Lane pianos. 415
Court street.
GEO. C. WILL, pianos, phono
graphs, sewing machines, sheet
music and pianss studies. Re
pairing phonographs and sew
ing machines. 432 State, Salem,
R. W. BALLANTYNE, tuner, play
ers a specialty. Phone (62, Cher
rlngton Piano house.
EDWARD WELP experienced pi
ano tuner. Leave orders Will's
Music store.
SALEM Cleaners and Dyers
Suits cleaned (1.50
Suits pressed 50c.
1215 S. Com'l. Phone 1868.
SALEM ELITE, hemstitching,
chainstitchlng, pleating, buttons.
429 Court. Phone 958.
MULL and Henderson, hemstitch
ing and dressmaking, over Mll-
'- otore. Phone 117.
MEN'S and women's hats renovat
ed, blocked and trimmed. 495
Court, C. B. Ellsworth.
PUBLIC stenographer, 408 Mason
ic bldg. e
SERVICE Garage, general auto re
pairing, 803 N. Liberty, phone
"The Cycle Man"
147 S.Com. Phone 68
hogs 14r; top steers 6ft7ftc;
cows 4ftc; bulls 4ac; spring
lambs 6ftc; sheep yearling Sc
sheared; wool on 5c; veal fancy
dressed 13c.
Poultry and eggs; eggs 15c;
light hens 22 0 24c; heavy hens
26c; old roosters 10c; stags 16c.
Buttertat: Butterfat 26c; cream
ery butter 32033c; country but
ter 30c.
Wholesale Prices
Vegetables: Oregon onion 75c
$1.00 cwt; California
$1.76 cwt; beets $1.00 cwt;
Los Angeles lettuce $4.76; turn
ips $3 hundredweight; carrots
$1.25 per cwt; California cabbage
$3.50 cwt' green peppers 25c;
rhubarb 12c; asparagus 21c lb;
tomatoes $5.25 box;green peas 15c
strawberries $4 per crate; potatoes
local 76c(S$l.O0 cwt' spinach
$2.26 a box; new potatoes 10c lb
Fruits: Oranges $3.5005.50:
(Copyright 1920 by International
Trade Mark registered In the U. a
, 238 N. High
Phone 203
Batterl e s
recharged and repaired, Degge
Burrell. CHERRY CITY garage, 170 S. 12
General repairing.
RAMSDEN & Mc.Morran, Indian
motorcycles and Dayton bicycles.
S87 Court St
SALEM Auto Radiator shop, ra
diator and fender specialists.
198 S. 12tht St.
SOUTH Commercial garage, gen
eral repairing, vulcanizing and
retreading. Exclusive agency for
Sound tires. AH work guaran
teed. For sudden service phone
278, residence phone 1029R. 410
S. Commercial
STEWART'S Repair shop. 347
court si. Jbawn mowers ground.
UNION Auto repair shop, acety
lene welding. 187 3. Liberty St.
Phone 304.
WAYNE QUAYLE Auto electric
shop. 268 N. Com'l. Phone 411.
R. D. BARTON, Exide batteries,
starter and generator work. 171
S. Commercial.
AUTO Electrician, expert trouble
shooting. 238 N. High St. Phone
STANDARD Auto Repair shop on
Chemeketa St., across from Ar
go hotel. m"
P. C. SMITH, florist, Y. M. C. A.
SALEM Nursery company, Ifrult
and ornamental trees, small fruit
roses. Phone 1763, 428 Oregon
CORNS and callouses jicientifto
a l ly removed. Appliances from
individual Impressions. Chas. E,
Tatro, Masonic bldg. Phone 442.
DE LUXE studio. Better piwtos.
147 N. Commercial.
214 Oregon bldg. Phone 185
New York Life Ins. Co.
E. F. Smith H. C. Pugh
THE Rex Shining parlor. Period
icals, elgars and cigarettes. All
kinds of shoe dying. We clean
any kind of white shoes. 383
State St. Phone 356. m
G. SATTERLEB, 404 Ferry St.,
Salem, Ore- Phone 1177.
FARM LOANS Any amount- Low
rates. Full repayment privileges.
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20-yoar loans at percent.
HawMns & Roberts, 205 Oregon
Bldg., Salem, Ore.
be repaid like rent
Life, Fire, Health, Accident, In
demnity, Liballtjy and Auto In
surance written,
401 Masonic Terr pie, Salem, Ore.
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons, 606 U. S. Bank Building.
Phone 869. Dr. White, resi
dence phone 469; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834. t
fice, corner Commercial and
Trado Sts. Bills pagable monthly
In advance. Phone 67.
O. C. PATTERSON, shoe repairing
shop, 143 S, Liberty St.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years, experience; Depot Na
tional and American feni?o, size
26 to 58 Inches high. Palms,
oil and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salem
Fence and Stove Works, 250
Court street. Phone 124.
lemons $3.5004.60; bananas
11 He; dates, pounds (bulk) 25c.
sack; parsnips $1.60 cwt; cauli
flower $1.60 per dozen; Drome
dary dates $7.00 cai-e; black
figs 10c; white figs 12ftc; Cali
fornia grapefruit $4.00; Florida
grapefruit $8 Rn- Arizona grape
fruit $6.50; pineapples $4.50 per
Retail Prices.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 20c;
creamery butter 34035c: country
butter 30c.
Portland, Or., May 4. Cattle
steady; receipts 12; choice
steers $8.0008.26; medium to
choice $7.2508 00; fair to good
$6.60 07.26; common to fair
$5.50i 6.60; choice cows and
$6.26 & 7.00; medium to good
$5.75 0 6.25; fair to medium $4.25
H 5.25; caoners $2.25 4.26; bulb
$3.500 5.50; choice dairy calves
(ll.OOff 1 1.50; prime light $10.50
Feature Service. Inc.)
Patent Offlee.
11.00; medium (8.."0 it 10.00;
heavy calves )4.009.uO; best
feeders I6.25 0t.75: fair to good
$5.75 t 6.2:,.
Hogs lower; receipts 229; prime
light $8.009.25; smooth heavy
(6. 5008.50; rough heavy $6.00
07.50; fat pigs (9.00O9.50;
feeders $8.50 9.50.
Sheep steady; receipts 784;east
of mountain Iambs $7. 0007.50;
valleys $5.5006.25; ea- ?J.OO
O6.00; feeders (3. 00O5.00; culls
$2.0004.00; eyes J10.1M4 2&;
light yearlings $4.5005.50; heavy
$6.0006.50; wethers $405.
Butter steady: extra cubes 24c;
cartons 31c; prints 30c.
Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream
25c fob Portland; under grades
Eggs: Belling price ease count
18020c; buying price 16018c;
selling price candled 22c; se
lects candled in cartons 24c.
Poultry; Hens light 18 20c;
heavy 23 0 25c; broilers 30035c;
roosters 12c; turkeys 40045c;
geese nominal; ducks nominal.
MUlstuffs: MUlrun (2702s.
Hay: Buylngp rice, timothy $24
026; alfalfa $lt; grain mixed
$22023; clover $16; cheat $220
Wheat: Hard wheat $1.30; soft
wheat $1.30; northern spring;
$1.27; white club $1.27; red
Walla $1.23.
Local Briefs
(Continued from Page Five.)
C. H. Lowe of Dallas was in
town this week and drove home a
new liberty six which he pur
chased from the Ringrose agency
on North Commercial street. He
also sold a car this week to Clif
ford Anderson, a farmer living
east of Salem. "April was a live
ly month here," said Mr. Ring
rose, "we sold nine cars during
the month, and May has starufi
out even more encouragingly."
The parents auxiliary of Ken
ton troop 5, boy scouts, at a meet
ing held Friday evening, April
29, adopted draft of resolutions
and by-laws subject to amend
ments at meeting to be called tor
May 20 at the Leslie M. E. church
parlors. A large attendance is ex
pected on that date to complete
the organization which was form
ed on April 8.
Rev. Blaina Klrkpatrlck left
yesterday for Chicago whore he
goes as a delegate to the National
Epworth League convention. Rev.
Kirkpatrick is president of the
Marion county association.
Officer Victor, of the Salem po
lice department, was unable to
find "the man In the house," who
was reported yesterday from s5
Marion street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Warnks ot
Albany are spending a tew days
In Salem with friends, having ar
rived in the city yesterday.
C. A. Beauchamp and wife ot
Stayton were shopping in Salem
yesterday. Mr. Beauchamp u.
druggist at Stayton.
Henry and Ralph Tate, of Stay
ton were visiting friends in Sa
lem yesterday and looking after
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McCall ar
rived in Salem yesterday from Al
bany and are visiting with friends
Ross Hamilton and wife left
yesterday for Albany to spend a
few days visiting friends.
E. D. Crabtree of Stayton was
a business visitor in Salem yester
day. Roy Witzel of Turner was shop
ping In Salem yesterday after
noon. H. C. Seymour of Corvallls, state
club leader, was In the city on
business yesterday.
Albert Sperling of Independence
was In Salem on business yesterday.
of Sale of Heal Properly on Exe
cution By virtue of an execution Issued
out of the circuit court of the
state of Oregon for the county of
Douglas on the 3rd day of March
l21, in favor of W. E. Phlpps
plaintiff and against J. F. Hutch
ason defendant for the sum of
$150.00. U. S. gold coin, with In
terest at the rate of 8 per cent
per annum, from the Ith day of
November 1914 and the further
sum of $25.00, with Interest at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum, from
the (th day of November 1914 and
the further sum of $10.00,
leas the sum of $100.00 paid
on said Judgment November
16th, 1920, costs, and ac
cruing costs, I have levied upon
and will sell at public auction, on
Saturday the 7th day of May
1921, at 10 o'cloca a. m. at the
court house door in Salem. Ma
rlon county and state of Oregon,
all the right, title and Interest
which the said J. F. Hutchason de
fendant had on or after the 28th
day of June 1920, date property
was levied upon. In or to the fol
lowing described premises, to-wit:
Lot number sixty two (62) In the
Grabenhorst Fruit Farms In Ma
rlon county, state of Oregon, as
shown by the recorded plat of said
fruit farms on file and of record
In the office of the county record
er for said Marion county, stats
of Oregon.
Tsmrta of sale, cash, unless bid
in by plaintiff.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this
6th day of April. 121.
Sheriff of Marlon Courtly Ortgoaa
By A. L Morelock, deputy.