Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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anrfl 23, 1W
The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Page Sere
News Notes of Salem and Vicinity Briefly Told
mil I 1 1 n
s5Business Men s
Apr" !Lw club.
.... iri-o-in a Kea.
Tuesuaj -
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as Birves
Marriaee Licenses
i fr Parker. 25, 1 aco-
owara .
Wash., ana Alice
Salem- . "..
. firth. !5, ssaiem ana
Ahst, ii.
i rnn r.
Mf ami Marion iav.u.,
i n rkfflSOIl,
nd Mabel (JibDens,
Born . ,
... t.. Mr unil Mrs. A. A.
i daughter auiuiuoj,
,. on ... tlm I': ' mb nwo-
aho has een
.... f n-a
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marKiiiR ui
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mMrable expense in genius
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iw u... 4nntrurted nia oiu-
mil iuu
iu ire uu '"-
a I nrii rtxiliP an example
BBTB. " - . Zt . .
the first boy I catch, Moffitt
Mr! Eva SCOll, uik imivu -...
i the Sim-
, ,.nm tum tn four Mon-
i ... Salem KleC-
auemuuu ai
I" ID.. nmt mm . -n
t I ..nklnna .111 I0L
. J. Kowe, manager of the
Stayton Light and Power com
pany, was in town during the day
on his way home from Portland
where he went to get parts for
his new equipment. Mr. Kowe
thought they had the new plant
ready to begin operation this
weak, but it developed that there
investigation of a report that
a team of horses had been left
standing in the rain behind the
P. R. L. and P. offices all day
yesterday, showed that the hors-
jes had been removed in the after
noon. Police Sergeant Davis went
I in person to make the investiga
tion, but was unable to Ini-nta tho
were a few parts missing and the 'owner nf th i,ro
work was delayed. The county
commissioners, he says, have the
paving plant all ready for opera
tion and are anxiously waltiu
for the power plant to be put in
operation. The
ing upon the
company to operate the paving
plant and rock crusher.
After spending last night in
Eugene where they attended a
formal dinner dance given by
Phi Delia Theta fraternity, Paul
county is depend- Staley, 'Bill" Ashby, Prank Chap
Light and Power ; man and Milton Steiner, Salem
high school
men, returned here
F. B. Keelan, of the Keelan Mo- Mns- Eva Scott, the factory ex-
tor company of Silverton, Is in the Pert. will demonstrate the Sim-
city. Mr. Keelan and Tils brother Dlex Ironer from two to four Mon
have been engaged In the garage aay afternoon at the Salem Elec
business in Silverton since the,tric Co ' State and High St. Bring
completion of the Uphoff-Wright- i yur ironing problems and. let
man building more than a year i her 8oIve tnem for you. 98
ago, which they have been oc-1
cupying under a lease. They have ! A '"cycle picked up on the
given up the lease and Mr. Kee-Btreets by Officer Victor last Fri
lan is undecided as to what he!aay uiSht was yesterday claim
will pursue in the future. Too ed h? Edwin Edwards, 1644
much overhead expense for the Chemeketa street.
amount of business transacted in
Need cf Relief
Told By Jones
At Woodburn
Silverton is the main reason
abandoning the business.
Mrs. Eva Scott, the factory ex
pert, will demonstrate the Sim
plex Ironer from two to four Mon
day afternoon at the Salem Elec
tric Co., State and High St. Bring
your Ironing problems and let
her solve them for you. 98
Religious services at Commu
nity hall, South Commercial, end
of carline. Special music, good
song service. The Brotherhood of.
the First Christian church con
, ducts the meeting, everybody in-
vited, 3 p. ni.
H. M. Bradford of Roseburg ar
rived in the rlty Thursday and
went out to his brother's farm
where he expects to live and super
intend the place. The property of
Dr. R. P. Bradford of Roseburg is
located near Salem. Mr. Bradford
shipped a rarload of livestock ami
machinery here which are being
hauled out to the farm.
Miss Eva Sievei and Miss Su
i sie Coomler, who are attending
I school in SaleA are at their re
spective hdrnvf Unt'jNorth Howell
recovering from an attack of the
, and Mr. H. B. Turpln have
: arrived on a motoring trip
. n r. I anil srp rT-
; at the Marion hotel. Mr.
will be remembered by
i people as the well known
. . . . . ; r v, rwii
m wild waa licit; " ' "
lH ia ri,,v.. '
bound (or British Columbia.
John Shepherd returned last
mi iron w nuiii w ' w
been sevoral days looking af-
1,1a l.i..fa Mr Qhpnhprd
uw iuiciwlo. " r-
i property in Woodburn.
i have gecured one of th
much pastry cooks trom tne
win serve aany, starting io
. The Gray Belle. 98
Ihsdames M. D. Henning, S.
I ad Miss Moran of Portland,
a "movie" party at Ger-
H S T1V rtaua r, ,-r, -i n I miMnra1
mam wnere they attended a
Closing out our Federal tires
Millie, an r euei ai iiiea m
prices. Vick Bros. 98
too. Vinton and wife, Winter
" -" nil wilt- aim aiiu
"una "Hi c niiti.-
! u town during the week.
two cars, we have some very
, 1 finw uii iisen cars, tjaii
- .ucui uier i i i neresLpn.
Pb Vcr.llister nt Maclay
- - city transacting busi-
r FrrU of Fern Ridee wax
'Weriotitcanital ritr vosior.
' Kit t
Win aw . "' "cw
- ana cv hnrler rwnrli
99 t .
v nere. Geo. C. Will.
' ettek. su ..... . J
Lee Atcheson of this cRy left
Saturday for Fossil, Or., where he
will have charge of construction
of a nine mile highway contract
held by Blake-Compton. Mr.
Atcheson expects to be absent
from Salem about five months.
Beginning yesterday the Sa
lem Bakery is running a delivery
car to Albany for the convenience
of Albany patrons who are hand
ling Dixie bread.
Mrs. Christian Aim arrived in
the city yesterday afternoon to
spend the night with her sister,
Mrs. May Smith at the Deaconess
Harve Ransom of Shelburn
was in the city on business dur
ing the week. Mr. Ransom is a
merchant at Shelburn.
Artisans dance, armory, Friday
evening, April 29th. Admission
$1.10 per couple. 103
Walter Fuller of Brooks was a
business visitor in Salem yesterday.
Miss Reva Sandifer of McMlnn
ville was a visitor in Salem th
fore part of the week.
First time in Salem,
pastry, fresh daily, made
Gray Belle.
at The
Miss Merl Dimlck. who is at
tending school in Salem, visited
her parents at Hubbard.
Roberta Gray of Albany U vis
iting friends In Salem for a few
Oscar Bentson of Silrerton was
looking after business matters in
Salem yesterday.
Mrs. Mary Reed of Jefferson
visited Salem friends yesterday
Mrs. Shelton of Shelburn was
operated on at a local hospital a
few days ago, and is said to be
recovering nicely.
A. F. Huber, Mrs. Stanton and
Wallace Green of Monmouth were I
business visitors in Salem a few
days ago.
B. H. Jones and Jimmie Price
were in Woodburn yesterday in
the Interest of the China-Near
East relief. They spoke in the
high school there and the studeni-i
were so impressed with the appall
ing situation of our brothers
across the sea that they met by
classes and voted to adopt at least
eight orphans at $60 each, making
a total of $480.
This is a duplication of what
was done the day before by the
students of the Silverton high
school. Jimmie Price was enthus
iastic over the way the boys and
Sirla of the county are getting be
hind this gigantic effort for starv
ing humanity. Mr. Walter said:
'The way business men and men
of the community are getting be
hind this work assures the success.
Once the people realize what a ter
rible thing this famine of 15,000.
000 people actually starving to
death is, we will receive more
money than What is being asked
In order that the citizens of Sa
lem may realize how appallingfthls
situation is, the committee has
Doctor, Arrested By
Anti-Saloon Men, Is
Dismissed By Judge
The case against Dr. H. O.
nicKman, Gervais physician who
was stopped by a pistol-firing anti
saloon league posse which raced
after him in a car in the most ap
proved motion-picture-comedy fa
shion, was dismissed this morning
by Judge G. E. Unruh on motion
of District Attorney John Carson.
Bound for the home of a patient,
ill with dyphtheria, Dr. Hickman
was brought to a halt by the anti
saloon league men who were head
ed by F. W. Snyder, special agent.
Although they had no search war
rant, the officials searched the
doctor's car for liquor, found none.
and then ordered him to appear
before Judge Unruh.
Dr. Hickman was arrested on
the Pacific highway Wednesday
night, prior to the time that Fred
Schindler, well known Gervais
farmer, claims to have been hand
cuffed, jostled and searched by the
anti-saloon league men while his
home was raided without a search
warrant. Thursday afternoon Spe
cial Agent Snyder appeared in the
justice court and signed a com
plaint against Dr. Hickman charg
ing him with speeding. The Ore
gon law provides that a physician
Is exempt from traffic laws while
on an emergency- call.
burg and sent back at the expense
of Marlon county. The Marion
county prosecutor, it is said, then
requested that Friel be allowed to
come on to Salem, and ,that the pa
pers in his case be forwarded for
perusal. This was agreed to.
In justice court at Salem Wed
nesday, Friel was bound over to
the grand jury and so tar nothing
has been done toward his return
to Jackson county.
The All Star orchestra from Sa
lem will go to Stayton this eve
ning to play for a dance to be
given there.
D. H. and Harold Looney of
Jefferson were visitors in Salem
during the week.
George Williams of Seotts Mills
was In town on business yesterday.
J. C. McLeod was In Albany on
business yesterday. .
Jackson Court
Wants Lad Now
In Marion Jail
Bros, store. All people wishing to
make voluntary contributions to
this work can do so at China-Near
East relief headquarters in the
Commercial club.
Medford, Or., April 25. A legal
clash is expected between Marion
and Jackson counties over tne
placed pictures and other things of . custody of Earl Friel. juvenile for-
interest in the window of Kafoury geVf paroied to Rawles Moore, di,i-J
trict attorney, as the result of tne
arrest and removal of Friel last
Saturday by a Marion county dep
uty sheriff. The arrest, according
to Mr. Moore, "amounts to prac-
tii-ally kidnaping." Friel was ar-j
rested last winter with William
Morin for passing bad checks at,
Ashland. Morin is serving a two
year sentence in the state prison
Friel was paroled upon affidavits!
that he was under 18 years of age.
Last Saturday "moining the
deputy from Marion county ar-l
rived at Jacksonville with a war
rant for Friel's arrest, on a charge
of passing of a forged check on a
Salem clothing store last Novem-j
ber. It was explained to the dep
uty by Sheriff Terrill and County
Judge Gardner that Friel was a
ward of District Attorney Moore.
Permlsison was asked ior Friel to
come to Medford to hold a confer
ence. Moore met Friel at the depot.
There, according to the prosecu
tor, the deputy whisked Friel
away on the northbound train.
District Attorney Moore then
quickly telephoned tht Marion
county prosecutor for an explana
tion, saying he thought the depu
ty was over zealous and added
that there would be no controversy
If Friel was headed off at Rose-
Nomking Cafe
Upstairs at
162 N. COM'LSt.
American or Chinese
Open 11 a. m. to
1 a. m.
Every Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday nights
Oragon State Hosttita 1 Cottage
Sealed bids will be received by
the Oregon State Board of Con
trol, Salem, Oregon, at 2 p. m.
May t. 1921, for the construction
of a feed barn to be erected at
the Cottage Farm belonging to the
Oregon State Hospital.
Plans and speclficaUons may be
obtained at the office of R. B.
Ooodln. secretary State Board of
Control, Salem, Oregon.
Contractors will be required to
deposit $15.00 for each aet of plans
as a guarantee that said plans and
specifications received by them
will be returned to the office in
good condition on or before the
dnie set for opening of bids. IToon
return of said drnwlngs the money
wlU be refunded.
A certified check for $58.00
mint accompany each proposal
and be drawn to the order of R
B. Ooodln. Secretary of h Ore
gon State Board of Control. to
guarantee that the bidder will en
ter Into n contract end execute the
required bond. Same shall be for
feited to the s'nte of Oregon If
nward of contract Is made to bid
der and he or thev fall to enter
Into a contract s"d furnish the
required bond within ten days
from the date of award of con
tract. The right Is reserved to accept
or reject any or all bids, or to
waive any informalities In bids.
Secretary. Oregon Slate Board of
The funeral of James Shank,
who died Thursday night, will be
held at Webb & dough's chapel
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Dr. A. 0. Alexander and
of Gladstone were guests of
and Mrs. F. N. Woodry a
days this week.
Students Name
Candidates For
School Offices
At a meeting held yesterday at
the Willamette university officets
for the next year's service in the
student body were nominated as
President, Ben Pickli and Ray
mond Dimirk; vice-president, Lor
lie Blatchford, Vivian Isham; sec
retary, Lucile Tucker, Elsie Gil
bert, Marie Corner, Eva Roberts;
treasurer, Elmer Strevy, Vern Fer
guson; Collegian manager, Harold
Drake, Harold Richards, Clifford
Berry; Collegian editor, Sheldon
Four of the men are members of
Sima Tau fraternity, two of Alpha
Xi Delta and one of Phi Kappa PI.
Two of the women are from Beta
Chi and four from Delta Phi.
Our Buyer for the "Ladies' Ready-to - Wear Section" has just
returned from attending "Buyers Week," in San Francisco. On
the same train were two large express shipments of
Blouses and Jersey Jackets
Selected and purchased by her at prices surprisingly low.
These Blouse are the very last word for
Harry Humphreys, manager of
the motion picture theater in
Stayton, was in town during the
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Crawford
and Mrs. McDonah visited in Al
bany Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mielke of
Stayton and their daughter. Miss
Isabell, were Salem visitors dur
ing the week.
G. S. Lambert of Gervais .was
la town on business. Mr. Lam
bert recently took charge of the
blacksmith shop in Gervais.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Schram are
visiting with friends in Albany
for the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Win
been visiting friends near
few days this week.
Lents hats
Scio a
The Gray Belle for French pas
try, fresh dally. 98
Ben Gehlen of Stayton Is In
Salem this week receiving medic
al treatment.
French pastry made and
sd daily at The Gray Belle,
William Aunen of near Mt. An
gel was a business visitor in Salem
Miss Mildred Williams is visit-
ling f-iends la Sliyton this week.
She has been there several days.
H. D. Miller was a visitor in Mi -Mihnville
during the week.
W. D. Clark was In Astoria on
business several days this week.
Handy rolls of whl'e paper, use
ful for many purposes, 10 eenti
up. Capital Journal office.
Frank Cutsforth of Parkers
ville was a business visitor in Sa
lem during the week.
Miss Laverne Shank has been
visiting relatives in Mt. Pleasant
for a few days.
We wish to thank our friends
for their many acts of kindness
and sympathy during the recent
bereavement of our loving hus
band and father, also for the
beautiful floral offerings. Mrs.
J. N. Robertson, Grace Robert
son, Mrs. J. H. Shafer. s
C. H. Ray of Mt. Pleasant was
a business visitor in Salem during
the week.
Jesse Shepherd made a trip to
Stavtm tho fore part of the week
to visit b's father. E. Shepherd.
SHANNON At his late home
half mile west of the stale train
ing school, April 21st, Geo. W.
Shannon at the age of 75 years.
He is survived by one son,
Clarence, and funeral will be
from the Terwilliger home, Sat
urday at 2:30, Rev. C. H. Powell
officiating and interment will be
in Odd Fellows cemetery. 18
T. Rigdon
Lloyd T. Rigdon
Rigdon & Son
Lending T'ndertakcrs
Funeral Directors.
"Better Be Safe Than Sorry"
Most People Do
Realise that anything worth
doing Is worth doing well.
We believe in this principle
so thoroughly that, we main
tain a complete mechanical
plant to make glasses to fit
your most exacting require
ments. No part of your work is
sent away, which insures
.-.gainst delays. Greater ac
curacy is possible for the
sams reason and the fact
that the optometrist who ex
amines your eyes, directly
supervises the grinding of
the lenses.
A visit to oar establish
ment will convince you be
yond doubt that we are com
pletely equipped to handle
your work to your entire
Eyesight Specialists
204-1 1 Salem Bank of
Commerce Bldg..
Salem, Oregon
Oregon's Largest, Most Mod
ern. Best-Equipped Ex-
elusive Optical Establishment.
Made of excellent quality of fine spun "Georgette Crepe," in the accepted shades,
Flesh White Bisque. Some of these charming blouses are exquisitely trimmed
in lace, and others with dainty touches of fine embroidery. The prices are pleas
ing, attractive,
$5.00 to $15.00
This is a strictly all Wool Jacket, cut in that popular "Pinch Back Tuxedo Style."
We have sold Large quantities of these jackets recently the same quality and style
at $9.95 which was the best we could do at the time. Oar buyer taking ad
vantage of cash discount and taking the maximum quantity, got a very low price,
which we are delighted to pass on to our customers.
New Price $7.50
All Wool Jersey Jacket.
16 years to size 44,
Colors are red, green, navy, brown, black. Sizes complete,
G. R. Payne of Stayton visited
home fo'kf in Salem a few days
Leve. the leweler. Salem
IWn Home'
n-g A
Look at This Snap
1920 Oakland Six. cost mtm
Special set Side Curtains, cost . - JJS
Front and Rear Bumper, cpet - f'YX
Combination Spot Light and Mirror, cost 1w
Tout cost &!8
Special price U450
Ynn save M2-50
Four Cord Tires and Two Extra Tires.
This car is like new and a wonderful buy. Easy terms.
156 Swath Ctmmtrtml Street
I I Every express will bring us "New Thins:' all in Ounlity
A Ail I dd'o I
WgV-E Coed Goods. C7 !:
j -il
. , i IE
Pmf ni Mrs. White of ctay-
tnn are visiting Melds In Salem
faf the week d.
Paramount Special
Chief of the clan and fighting his
own people!
Down in the Capitol halls at Frank
fart he had fought for their good
Now in the mountains their old grim
feud was flaming and he had to
make good!
With Monte Blue and a Great Supporting Cast
pride for
honor ior love! .
Mr mt patties, hearts
Our Latest News Events
Allies Forcing Penalties
Three Daredevil's leap
from same plane 2,500
feet m clouds.
Another one of those Sunsbies that Guarantees Laughs.