Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    , nprii 23(
PaM TWO 1 lie iIUUIIUU, OUIVin, viv.w
AutomoDiie, irucK, i factor anu nisnwoy nvwou
Auto Blue
Laws Are
Conference Series To
Draft Legislative
With "blue lawn" occupying the
attention of the country, radical
motor legislation has crept Into
legislative discussions In some
Quarters One of the most string
ent measure proposed has been
referred to a committee of the
problem. It can be expressed in
one phrase, which the Oakland
Motor Car company has spread
throughout the land through its
great dealer organizations:
" Drive Politely.'
"Observance of the speed laws is
essential In every community. The
infraction of such laws by only a
few motorists may mean Inconven
ience for thousands if laws are
made more stringent for the few
"As stated, there's little chance
a ii ror sucn niue taws to necome nd-
UpeilS Al tional In the Immediate future,
but tbelr aipearanee and agitation
shows mostly plainly what is com
ing unless automobile men and car
owners, by discretion, prove to ev
ery community that such legisla
tion Is not required for public
I safety."
Some of the other blue laws that
have been advanced In various com
imlinittftM wniitil nhtitfah RnnHuv
Tilt.. ..I.. k i . . j w
milium olulu i . aitu, tuiiiuugri ; ,, ,
even tu proponents admit there is
Auto Industry Fast Regaining
Balance; Output For March
To Run 63 Percent Over Feb.
little chance of passage or of even
slight progress, automobile men
and motor car ownere may take
II as an indication of "how the
wind Is blowing."
The unusual Illinois "auto blue
law" was suggested by Represent
ative Crudden of Chicago, who
seeks to limit the speed of all mo
tor vehicles to IS miles an hour by
means of an automatic governor
Botch as now control the postoftlce
Mil trucks of the Windy City.
"No regard Is shown for the In
evitable traffic congestion certain
to occur where all vehicles travel
at the same speed," say V'lck Bros.,
local Oakland Motor Car represent
atives. "Hcture for yourself the
Ight of Michigan avenue, In Chl
eago, with Its thousands and thou
sands of machines all rolling along
t 18 miles an hour, tlig multl
elylnderod cars woud he unable to
pass the humble flivver. A car
driving at the maximum rate, high
on the crown of a boulevard.
Would retard all marhlnen behind
"Of course, we all smile at the
prospect of such a law and Its ef
fects. But the mere fact that
uch a measure can find a sponsor
and even a small number of sup
porters seems to Indicate tin
there Is now forming a sentiment
that may, If permitted encourage
ment, grow into a commanding
"A minute's thnnght will give
uy motorist the solution of this!
ving; prohibit working on cars
on Sunday; require full stops be
fore crossing any street In city r
town limits. In no Instance has!
success attended the presentation
of such laws but, as the local Oak
land dealer explains, "they are
Ktraws that show which way the
wind blows."
"It can't be done," was long said
of at least ono other curbing meas
ure that had affected the liven of
Auto Race to be
Run By Chileans
Santiago, Chile, April 22. The
first roast-to-coast automobile race
In South America will soon be at
tempted between Buenos Aires and
Santiago, according to plans now
being completed by the newspa
pers Bl Mcrcuno of this city and
i.. Nacion of the Argentine capi
tal. A route several hundred miles
south of here Iihh been suggested
slnco the mountain passes directly
east of Santiago, through which
the trans-Andean railway is laid,
are closed to automobile traffic
owing to perpetual snows.
The report of the traffic com
mittee at meeting of directors of
the National Automobile Cham
ber of Commerce, April 5, In
creased activity in motor car
shipments and sales.
The shipping record of fac
tories producing two-thirds of
the total volume Indicate that
complete figures for March will
show an increase of 63 per cent
over February shipments. A
year ago the March shipping was
the heaviest of any single month
on record and exceeded February
by 20 per cent. The shipments
for March this year will be 42
per cent of this record month a
year ago.
Increase Is Harked
In February shipments in
creased 58 per cent over January.
This i :rease In the previous
year was 13 per cent. The lig
ures for March will amount to
16,500 carloads, In addition to
which 10,000 machines were
driven overland from the factories
In February there were 9920 car
load shipments by rail and 7491
machines driven overland.
J. Walter Drake, chairman of
the foreign trade committee of
the National Automobile Chamber
Of Commerce, will speak on the
subject of reciprocity in tariff
matters, at the ninth annual meet
Ing of the Chamber of Commerce
of the United States of Amertca
at Atlantic City, N. J., on April
To Submit Resolution
Mr. Drake will talk on the
following resolution that will be
submitted by the National Auto
mobile Chamber of Commeri.- for
the consideration of the business
Interest that will attend that
gathering: I
"Whereas the export trade of
the United States, amounting in
1920, to more than JS. 000, 000,
Indicates Its direct relation to
domestic prosperity; and,
"Whereas. In the present period
of worldwide reconstruction a
tendency is developing in some
foreign countries to discriminate
against American interest! try
means of inimical tariffs, and
taxation, and regulations; and
j Whereas, our government
should be provided with means to
prevent the continuance and ad
dition abroad of acts prejudicial
to the foreign trade of the United
States; therefore, be It
"Resolved, that a request be
addressed to the appropriate legls
lative bodies of the United States,
urging a provision in the general
tariff for application of addition
al duties on products imported
form countries that directly or
indirectly discriminate against
the trede of the United States in
favor of that of other countries."
Franklin Body
I Plaint Reopens
In order to augment its present
supply of bodies the Franklin
Automobile Company of Syracuse
has reopened its Richmond Ave
nue body plant. This plant,
which occupies seven floors and
has 65,000 square feet of floor
space, has been closed since
December 1. By June 1 produc
tion of bodies will reach three a
day, or at the rate of seventy
five a month. Employment will
be given to 100 men at the body
plant, which occupies two large
building about a mile distant
from the main factory, where
3,000 persons are employed.
Heavy demand for closed cars,
particularly of the sedan type
which Franklin first Introduced
Is responsible for the reopening
of the body plant.
New License
Fees Adopted
For Montana
Helena Mont., April 23. For
the next two years at least, Mon
tana motoilsts will pay 50 per
cent higher licenses for motor ve
hicles than were paid in the last
six years, in compliance with the
law passed by the recent assembly
and approved by Governor Dixon.
In order to avoid extra bookkeep
ing and consequent misunderstand
lng no motor vehlc'-; licenses were
issued during the months of Janu
ary and February.
Under the new law all cars
which formerly were licensed at
$10 will now pay $15 a year, ex
cept the higher powered cars,
which now rekuire a license cost
ing $22.50. Dealers' licenses have;
gone up to $775 a year. The new
rates arc:
Not over 23 horsepower $ 7.50
From 23 to 37 horsepower .. 12.00
Over 37 horsepower 22.50
Electric passenger vehicles.. 15.00
Motor trucks
One ton or leBS 10.00
Over one and not over two.. 22.50
Over two and not over three 37.50
Over three tons 60.00
Steers Auto With Handlebars
A light automobile becoming
poular in Parts Is steered and
controlled with a pair of handle
bars as Is a motorcycle.
Town Indicted for Road Neglect
The town of Reading, Mass., has
been indicted on a charge of crim
inal neglect in failing to maintain
a highway in a proper manner.
The Middlesex County (Mass.)
grand jury brought the indict
ment. Tho town was indicted un
der a statute that provides that a
city or town must keep its high
ways reasonably safe and convin
lent for public travel.
The Joy of
the Explorer
SERIES 21 Big Six
SVn-Passenger. 60-hotasy-power,
126-inch vheIbam
$2150 f.o.b. DUlit
Is yours with a motorcycle. You can reach the
mountains, fields, and streams comfortably, and
with less expense than your week-end carfares.
You can use trails and paths that are impassable
to the ordinary vehicle, and see new sights and
scenes which the average tourist is denied.
Make this summer memorable by trailing all the
attractive roads which lead country ward. It will
prove a delightful and restful vacation " Do it with
a Motorcycle."
Whatever your plans for pleasure or transporta
tion may be remember you can "Do it with
a Motorcycla"
See the new models at:.
Hwry W. Scott
147 S. Com'l Phone 68
Ramsden & McMorran
387 Court St. Phone 1687
and all other authorized motorcycle dealers
Uojiwim ajs bicycle
JN design, performance and quality of
materials, Studebaker cars are first
grade and the prices at which they are
sold, when figured on a basis of price per
pound of car weight, will compare favor
ably with the prices of heavier cars,
which, because of heavy weight, fre
quently sell at much higher prices.
This is a Studebaker Year
Marion Auto Co.
235 S. Com'l Street.
Phone 362.
Six Touring Car $20S5 Special Six Coupe $3045 Light Six Touring Car $17511
Six 2-pass. Roadster 2085 Special Six Sedan 3145 Light Six Landau Rosdster 1SIJ
Six 4-puss. Roadster 2085 Big Six Touring Car.... 2550 Light Six Sedan 2(D
F. O. B. Salem F. O. B. Salem
Well Test
Your Battery
A test every two weeks la
accessary even if you have a
P.'illard Threaded Rubber Bat.
tery. You want to know that
It la fully charged that it is
kble to provide a quick start and
bright light when wanted.
Drive around today. You'll
know our place by the red
Willard sign.
You'll find a full line of Wfl.
lard Batteries here, and Willard
pervice the kind you'd expect
from the builder of a battery
like the Willard. Ask about
! ' A Pubber Insulation.
Deggee & Burr ell
Auto Electricians
238 N. High Street
'"pHE Franklin is a good car to own not
merely some of the time, but all of the
time. It gives a performance above the
average at a cost considerably below the
average and does it the year round.
It is comfortable even on the worst roads
you meet in a day's run.
It is free from cooling treables even in
the dead of winter, on the hottest desert,
or up the longest grades.
It is economical even in the hands of
inexperienced drivers. Arrange for a thor
ough demonstration and see how these
owners' results are possible:
20 miles to the gallon of gasoline
12,500 miles to the set of fires
50 slower yearly depreciation
Marion Automobile Co.
235 S. Commercial Street
Phone 362
Franklin Price Reductions Rang from $400 to $700