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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1921)
Page Six The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. Thursday, April 14, Lonsbery Is Charged With Fraud Marriage Charging that through fraufl 8d force" he obtained her con . marriaRe, idella B. Lot tery filed a complaint for suit to ,nnual a void marriage with Fred erick W. Lonsbery, in the circuit court yesterday. Mrs. Lonfcbery, states in her complaint, that through fraudu lent misrepresentation", her nus Wnd obtained a marriage certl"-j . .h .finntv rlerk a office can- 1 1 , ,ni . on December 27, 1920, and that he continually pursued her wilnj his Inducements until February , 26 1921, when she finally ga4e in, on his presentation of a forged et-j ter from the department of Justice .tattng that it the couple were not married they would be liable to, criminal persecution. She states, that she was so frightened by this) letter that without giving it thor ough Investigation she consented to Immediate marriage. Her reason, she stales, that the marriage Is void Is that she had not been properly aivorcam former husband in Oregon City. The marriage records In tha court bouse, give 8. R. Pearson, Bald to bo the son of Mrs. Uonn bcry as acquainted with both par ties at the time the license was is Hued. They also give her age as 60 years and Lonsbery's 42, and that It was his second marriage and bcr third. Conspiracy Plot Charges Dropped Seattle, Wash., April 18. Charges of conspiracy to smuggle aliens into the United States were dismissed In the case of seven of 12 Japanese on trial In. federal court here on motion of United States District Attorney It. C. Saunders today. Motion of de fense counsel for a directed ver ,11, I tor the five other defendant were denied. The seven whose cases ware dis TiIsh.iI, were stowaways on board U,,. Hleaiii..- Alabama Main, w Inn the vessel arrived here from Japan last October 27. The de fendants whoso trial was con tinued are T. Salt.., for r quar termaster of the Alabama Maru; Salmi, fireman; M . Miliwaia. nnmiM: V. Bhotaro, i au rant employer, and T. Vo- ahida, rancher. And just to keep up the average, Mutt busted another. .rnvrieht 1920 by International Feature Service, Inc.) Td. Mark registered in the U. S. Patent Office. SOWtf TlTTs to 8u6i' seevuM, eH.MUTT? H'S SeroT Ki CA( J u, r I ut. i I o i aks w n - mct Him: CALL HlM 'bugs r i He 'Bug- House f ... ..' A RRA.INY GOY BOYS IN school "e 6Au eoetrBoDY a K ,v.n' ui WrN.e A TRAtfvJD BJ6 we CALLfc O I seel DID TH6 BoYS &t6 vou A fjiCKNAMe- -eUCESC x Ao..-r .T Wr A Wt? Lie! Trl6Y 1AHAT A VLLY I vou iee . HOMe. CfruC-D M NlCKNAfwe. i N ou cLAS t I 4 'CORNS'.' J WA ALWAYS T Sisson Declares Open Shop Drive Natural Reaction Slllp': rc New York, April 14. Ilenlal that Ihc open shop movement was In any scn a "conspiracy of em ployers" was made today by Geo. W. Sisson, president of the Amer ican l'ulp & Paper association, in addressing the convention of that organization. "1 believe," he said, "that the rapid spread and spontaneous support of the open ihop move ment Is but a natural reaction to the extremes of conduit and as sertions, local and national, of closed shop unionists. It is not In any sense a 'conspiracy' of em ployers but flows from an increas ingly insistent and very signifi cent popular demand for the rec ognition and restoration of princi ples as old as our Institutions." Mr. Sisson declared it was "tirn to call a halt on the tendency to government Interference in industry." Rum Runners Risk Death And Deliver Hootch " Over Line Colored Baseball Team and Regima Clash Tomorrow Bolshevik Hold Americans, Says Woman Refugee Constantinople, April 13. Rus sian bolshevlkl are bitter toward Americans and are not permitting them to leave Russia, said Anna Keller of Philadelphia upon arriv ing here yesterday. She came i" this clly on the steamer Kechld Pasha which lauded at Odessa a number of officers and soldiers who had formerly served In South ltusHla under General Wrnngel, iinti-bolshevik leader She declar ed French, Italian and llrlllsli eill avns were allowed to depart from Odessa. Traffic Cop Needed W.'Ht Salem, Ore, April 13. A speed cop stationed on the Marion-Polk county bridge could find business. Last Sunday even lug. by actual count, six cars passed without tail lights. The combined attractions of a. circus and an excellent baseball game are in prospect for those Sa-, late fans who ran manage In rid I liemsrl yes of another grand moth-1 er tomorrow afternoon and attend the battle to be staged between the New York colored giants and Hilly Speas' lleglna learn. The Itnpira will announce the batter ies at 3 o'clock. "We don't expert to win," Speas frankly said this morning, "They will probably be too much for us Hut I'll guarantee that any man who sees I lie game will go home Satisfied thai he's witnessed one uf liie best exhlbt i inns ever seen on a local diamond." I. oral fans are Imping Ibey will get to sec in action the far-fame I itogan, a member of the colored chili, who 'Is said to be one of the greatest players in the world. Ro gan, it Is announced, may perform on the Bfbund during a part of to morrow's session at Oxford park. Antics of 111 o colored players arej said to draw laughs from the! stands continuously. An Albany man arrived in the nry morning. "Came down Just to see those colored boys play," be announced, j "Rather see 'em than a show any time." The entire liegina club will be entertained at the Grand theatre tonight by Manager Art l.aflar. JOURNAL WANT ADS PAT Newport, Vt., April 14. Defy ing death, injury and arrest, aj host of rum runners along the: New England-Canada line are us ing all sorts of cunning tricks to make quick and easy fortunes. , More than $5,000,000 worth of liquor finds Its way from Canada to the United States monthly, the! tlathorltle say. Perhaps the most picturesque, features of the border liquor traf- tic are the "line houses." The bar room built on the international boundary has long been a favorite letting for novelists and scenario I writers. Many of these exist. Bars; are mounted 0 nw heels. Wlii1 Canadian officers raid, the bar Is moved to the United States side of the room. Whan United States 'officers arrive, bar is wheeled in to Canada. Patrons enter door on, United Stales territory, cross the room and buy in Canada. Officials j unless they co-operate and raid simultaneously, are helpless to make arrests. Plan Airplane Patrol. Crossing the line in airplanes ad i n with liquor was the first and most obvious method of nulli fying the prohibition laws which presented itself to bootleggers. .Moreover, 10 .iui i. .....t vmt " t been the most successiui. iw method of rum running la said to have been used continuously since prohibition went into effect, de spite the expense of its operation. To checkmate this form of traffic the Canadian authorities are said to be planning an airplane patrol of the border of Vermont, New terest fights in the Canadian par liament since 1913, when the op position, obstructing the plan of Sir Robert Borden to give financial aid to the British navy, kept the house in continuous session for two weeks. decided to close his shop here and is moving to Independence v.-nere he will resume the vocation. He will occupy the building south of the Independence National Bank on Main street. NOW PLAYING ToPlease One oman" PRODUCTION A jpurumuuiu Hampshire and Maine. Here are some of the other in genious schemes the wily rum runners use: Fast motor boats loaded with liquor leave Canadian shore of Lake Memphramagog, preceded by spe.dy pilot boat innocent of contraband. Pilot boat nears Am erican shore. If federal officers are in evidence, pilot boat flashes warning to ruin runners who are far enough out in lake to make their escape in spite of pursuit. If there is no danger the contraband is landed. Two high-powered automobiles cross the line from Canada into Maine, the first carrying camou flage whisky cases, the second loaded with genuine liquor. Gov ernment officials hold up tjie first machine. Its drivers turn out from the road and the search pro ceeds. While officers are thus en gaged, the real whisky runners in the second auto speed past at 00 miles an hour, and escape. Meighen Plan of Shipbuilding Is Given Approval Ottawa, April 14. Early this morning the house ot commons vol in g under cloture rules sustain ed the Meighen government in its shipbuilding program and granted the administration an interim supply vote for carrying on pub lic exenditures for the first part of the present fiscal year. The vote stood 102 to 79 for the gov ernment. The division in the house brought to a close one of the bit- Sells Shoe Shop Monmouth, Ore., April 14. After several years engaged in the shoe repairing business in Monmouth F. W. Leonard has Hun Obligations To Be Fixed at High Mark, Report Paris, April 14. Germany's ob ligation to the allies will be fixed at between 130 billion and M 000,000 gold marks by the ,i. lied reparation commission sayi 1 tne rjeno ue raris. The db per adds the exact figure will de pend upon the Bolutlon cf certain questions still being considered. In case Germany resists settle ment, the newspaper declares, ;t accepted by the allies that Frau will recall two classes ul recrvi to the colors and proceed tooccupjl the Ruhr basin. "SYNOPSIS Of THE ANNUAL STATBJ MEN'T OF THE National Hardware Dealers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ,f Runtfnfdon, in IhP so.' of rVnn.yi ' iini.i. on th,' 31st ,l.,y of December, 1!CH nade to the insuranee cominl.-slontr ' he slate of Oregon, ftursuant to law: In.oiiir. .ft prm,um the year niermt. ajvldtndj and rents re eeiveii durtix the year nconif from other sources re eeived during the year Total income ,et the year. In expenses . . 'mn rn issli.ns (lurinK ttie 'axes Iteens Ing .lu c.rued Total admitted MMtft,.. UabUtttM .'rosa claims for Iumws 'in Amount of unearned premium on all outstanding rleka..... t Hie for commission and broker affe All other Uebllltlee 7T.M1 3 . 1,5110,0 . .llST.BoS 1 1,1 lS.SDS 8 1.830 7 102,TS3.S III i iiffl , v ill , K fl 1 41ZI V: SENSIBLE SHOES FOR MEN r Men who arc constantly on their feet demand com fortable shoes. ( Jomforl in shoes comes from the shape of the last, the .made of leathers ami the quality of the shoemaking. White House Shoes Come in so many shapes ami sizes that you can gel exact ly the shoes that will niveyour feet solid comfort and also satisfy your eye for style. Newest models in latest leathers. Buster Brown Weekly Scenic Comedy Leah Way at the Orcan GRAND .Wliexe the Bi Shows Play. Shoe Store in n for the .Vet eremtutna received durtnil the year I 4711.31 NATIONAL HARDWARE DEALERS' Ml 11 U 1 IRE 1NM K M I. . C. H. Mll.l.EK. rraaldaet. W. P. LEWIS Stcretary Statutory resident attorney for W. C. tlaRertv. McMlnuville. Oregon. Yew Park's New Sanitary Grocery-Market Groceries, Fresh and Cured Meats. Not Cheap Meats but Good Meats, United States Inspected. Meats Delivered Free with Groceries. Special Bargains Every Saturday. Drop In and Look Round. Shroede & Goehrend 705 South 12th Street CAPITAL JOURNAL WANT ADS SATISFY THE WANTS vl . oao9 t - & 6 W 9 tt I HY7U 9 1 9 i f aJttl THIS WEEK IS : Stephens Salient Six Demonstration Week We will make special demonstrations from our salesrooms every day of this week. jr; "Ride In The Sensational STEPHENS SIX" 20 miles to the gallon of gas. 15,000 miles to set of tires. One quart of oil every 1,000 miles, VICK BROS. Distributors of Stephens Salient Sis U-.aPb