Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 05, 1921, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    inc capital journal, saiem, uregon
Page Seven
m m m 4
Kate per word each Insertion
2 cents', three insertions,. 5 cents;
one week, ts cents; one month, 20
cents; one year, per month, 1-
reats; minimum p.-r ad, 25 cents.
First insertion only in New To
day. City ads, tasn in advance,
and not taken over phone, unless
advertiser has monthly account. No
allowance for phono errors. .
i'OR SALE Light Stuilebaker
automobile. 1792 Broadway. q84
CAU' lor sale "cheap. 1360 North
Front S. i
CRY nriUjUl growth fir cord wood
$8.Phone 23F15. ee:iO
WANTED Woman for general
house work. Call at 2044 Hazel
ave. eS4
CHEAP house keeping rooms. 142
Court. J8T
HOCSEICEKI'lX' 1 " apartments.
341 W. Commercial. j83
UNFURNliS I 1 K 1 J h o u s e k e e p i n g
rooms. Plume ti 2 F2. jS4
FOR dry fit
ind oak wood, call
1 A No. 1 mi
Waller St.
cow for sale. 1760
plants. Phone li
Fll. d83
WANTED Experienced sales wo
men. Miller Mercantile Co. 82'
FOR RENT Apartments, phone
1852J between 6 and 7 p. m.
WILL Bell equity in good plaster
ed house and two lots cheap.
1402 W. 16th St. 82
CAN fill a few more orders in R
I. Red eggs, $1 per setting. Phone
1224. s:
FOS RENT Sma 11 store with liv
ing rooms above. Inquire 1118
N. 21st St. J84
MEN wan'' three blocks from
end of l'tli street ear-line. T. I.
Davidson. 82
FOR SALE Extension rims for
Fordson Iraclor. good as new
Cheap. ! x S.'l Rt. 1, Salem. qS:i
FOR SALE - S-ven beautiful buff
Leghorn bens. Nunc better. O.
F. Hurd, Marion St. fS4
A GOOD lm l.cnvc.-n Capitol and
Summer streets. Price $3 50.
Krueger 2n:' t . nn bid;;, si
FORD 2lt", easy terms anil in
good condition. See it at 21)4 N
Commercial St. q
WANTED1 A man for farm work
prefer man who can go home
nights. Photo- 64F2.
FOR RENT -11 itrh grade piano.
Tallmat!'- piano store, 121 S.
Commercial. S2'
FOR SALE good used pianos
cheap. Tillman's piano store.
121 B. Commercial. 82
FOR RENT Two furnished 2-
room apartments. 444 S. IPtrh
FOR SALE -Dodge touring car.
good condition. See Larson, 141
N. Cpminorcit street. qS4
FOR SALE Hood work team,
harness and wagon, also good
young, fresh cow. lit. S. box
101. 84
FOR SALE Or exchange for city
proper'y. Id acres, good build
ings, or-hird and berries. 700
N.Jfiigh St. 8 2
FOR SALE Horse and buggy;'
Horse is six years old. gentle
and goed driver. J.
UNCALLEU for bats for sale,
some Panamas and several Stet
sons. Tin Hat P.ox. 420 Ferry
St, 82
TO SELL Your house, lots. or
farm, orchard, see Persey's
Land Office, room 5 over Gale
& Co. store. 84
WANTED Experienced young
man for our men's furnishings
departn ! - i ' i i
Co. 82
WOOD for sale. Phone MIM. eeS7
MODERN 7 renin home for sale
by OWMer. close in. terms. Ad
dress li v K care Journal. a84
FOR SALE Highly bred Jersey
COwJ'now fresh, I! years old,
cheap f'r cash or trade for
wood. L. D Waring. Rt. 1, box
50. 11
FOR SALE Or trade. No. 1 B
Empire - - i
and bit .IV. organ and incuba
tor and h o k without bed. E. P.
Mills. Turner, Or.. Rt. 3. e85
WANT Active man, having farm
experic , to cire for fi acres
loganb tr ie' 31, mill's NE
Salem. Write Logans 41 care
Journal gfU
THE Oregon Taxi and Transfer"
Co. have moved their office to
the Club stables, is:, s. Liberty.
Wood and dirt for saie. Phone
FOR SALE -House of i; rooms and
2 lots, barn, good place to keep
a cow and a few chickens. Price
1800. g I t.-rms. Grueger. ;
Oregon v
FOR SALE 4 room house-fruit.
fruit h"Use. chicken house, lot
40 by ti. J125 cash, balance
15 mm thly. Compton Real F.s-
trte, 3. s Sl 82
FURNITURE complete for 5 room
house, good quality, nearly new.
Priced for , quick m1, Would
consldei Ford touring car. 720
S. 22nd s CS4
BABY CHICKS 50 White Leg
horns, 1 da '. s ,r,l A bargain
if taken 1; nin e Also mo Brown
Leghort Rocks Reds and e-eonae.-
Call at 558 State St. 82
77 ACRES river bottom land, some
IB excellent river bottom
soil, do- to Hirrisburg, only
$1500. P nam & McLaren, room
21 over Peoples cn sore. 82
Salem, Si
blocks south on
street, best buv in
13000. verv best of
terma, Putnam McLaren, room
21 18-
N. Commercial. 82
iE Trebla strawberries.
dig th-ju-nti:
ants. per thousand.
better figure on large
if taken soon. Phone
room bungalow partly
ed wpb brpr lots. Price
very easy terms. W. H.
hcrst Co.. 275 --'e
room modern bun-
fine fireplace located on
treet near csr line Prie
$2000 down, balance time
B Grabenhorst Co. 275
treet. ,o
WANTED We are re-
inquiries from buyers
ould he glad to lh Tour
orchard tract and cre-
ame with us for resiiTt
PfS Land Office, room 5
over ' :- Co. store. 84
O iTBfc LE 11 room modern
n good condition, partly
. with three lots Price
sreet. This is a rest bur
7080. easv- terms. W. H.
horst A Co.. 275 St,te
frN-AP .
State s
sod w
g- h
ja a nurmm
Arse That no ewak TU rrl
ff - tVIW B
modern plastered house, good
condition, 1 block to car line,
full basement. Price $$$, laiOU
down. Barber & Pearson, 200
Gray bide. a
$1700 BUYS 5 acres near Sai. ',
In fruit, best soil, watered i-
by spring creek. Very easy
terms. Let us show you. r
ber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg.
10 ROOM house, first class con
dition, modern except base
ment, 3 lots, barn, 1 block to
State street. Good place for
rooming house. Exceptional val
ue for $3800, easy terms. Bar
ber & Pearson, 200 Gray bldg.
20 ACRES, 5 acres of loganber
ries, 2 acres of prunes, some
strawberries, balance In high
state of cultivation; 6 room bun
galow, good barn, garage, and
out buildings, running stream,
close to school, 2 miles of Sa
lem. $8700, terms. Putnam &
McLaren, room 21, Breyman
bldg. 82
CHOICE strawberry plants, Strong
vigorous, well rooted. Best va
rieties. State inspected. City de
livery or postpaid.
Per 100 250
Prog. Everbearing $1.50 $3.75
Trebla, yields most $1.00 $2.25
Magoon, table berry .80 $1.75
Marshall, New Ore. .80 $1.75
Ettersburg No. 80 80 $1.75
E No. 121, Wilson 75 $1.50
Gold Dollar 75 $1.50
Less amount at humrred rate, 250
may be asst. Txigan. tips each 5c,
10 for 40e; Cuthbert red rasp
berrp each 2 He 25 for 60c;
black caps each 5c. 10 for 40c:
currant, gooseberry each 15c, 10
for $1.40. Phone or mail your
order. Quantity prices interest
ing. Ward K. Richardson, 2395
Front. Phone 494.
For Sile Houses
FOR SALE 6 room house on
paved street. Price $1560. $300
cash, balance like rent. Wm. W.
Powell, just real estate. 341 N.
Commercial St. Phone 666. a83
I'OR SALE 6 room bungalow
near S'ate capitol, furnace, fire
place, all built in features. Price
$.".500. Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn,
275 State St. Phone 515. a82
4 ROOM modern bungalow, small
lot, $2000, $700 cash. Will help
you make first payment it you
haven't enough cash. Robinson,
229 Oregon bldg. , .18 3
FOR SALE 5 room cottage, mod
ern conveniences, large lot, bear
ing fruit. Price $2100. Mrs. Win
nle Pettyjohn. 275 State St.
Phone 515. a82
THREE room house, new, 100x120
lot, $800, small payment, bal
ance monthly. Magee, room 29
corner State and Commercial
over Busick's. 0
FOR SALE-6 room cottage with
modern conveniences, macadam
street, good location. Price $2.
850, easy terms. Mrs. Winnie
Pettyjohn, 27 5 State St. Phone
515. a82
FOR SALE 6 room house on
paved street, $300 cash, balance
$20 per month. Wm. W. Powell,
just real estate, 341 N. Com'l
phone 666. a82
FOR SALE Strictly modern six
room bungalow, near high
school, furnace, fireplace, ga
rage, in excellent condition.
Price $6500. Mrs. Winnie Petty
John, 275 State St. Phone 515.
IOOD DEALS-j-We still have a
few very good buys in city prop
erties, and Invite you to come
and see us. It will cost you
nothing, and will not put you
under any obligations. Wm.
Fleming, :I41 State St. n
ALADOIN Readycut houses, barna.
40 to 70 per cent reduction. Big
saving In cost of construction.
Money loaned for building pur
poses. Ohas Smith. 409 Oregoe
R E 1 11 MADE houses $200 to $700.
Garages $59 Built In sections.
Chas. Smith. 409 Oregon bldg.
For Sale Farms
FOR SALE 60 acres. 45 acres
under plow, 6 miles from Sa
lem. Price $175 per acre, good
terms; also 20 acres all under
plow, fiiir buildings, cows, hors
es, chickens and all Implements
go with place for $3500. some
IT!"- ,H,'m',)y,Pre"' 5?f
real estate. 341 N. Commercial
Phone 666. b83
mile from town. 9 in cultiva
tion. 3 acres rich bottom land,
variety of small fruit, good
room house, good barn. 3 chick
en houses, well, 2 springs and
running stream. Well worth $3,
000. Fot a few days can be
bought for $2200. terms on part.
O. K. DeWltt -vith Pearcy Br i.
210 Oregon bldg. b83
FOR SALE A teal hargaii. 50
acres about cleared, crops
in. large house and barn in
first class condilion, 1 mile pav
ed road -and half m'le good
town wi'h standard high school,
all stock and machinery goes
r ",r . .
A vea rs without ntprpst rrin I
$8000. Write P O box l'T.
Aumsville, Or.
38 ACRES river bottom land in
Polk county. mile from
store, school, post office and
station on Red Electric. About
4 acres fine upland where build '
ings are locatea; balance sandy
loam soil of excellent quality.
Aboui 18 acres cultivate!. Fair
8 room house, good barn, . etc
Will include present crops at
$4500. half cash. This Is no
Junk; It is a genuine bargain.
See Kinney A Smith. 469 8tate
FOR SALE 2 acre tract. Just out
of city limits. 1 block from car
line. 5 room house. electric
lights, city water. Price $3150.
Wm. W. Powell, real estate. 141
N. Com'l. phone 66. b82
FOR SALE $1500 buys 5 acres
in Hol'ywood add. $3500 buys a
20 acre farm with buildings,
horses, cows, chickens and all
farm Implements go with place
some terms. $2000 buys 20 acres
I miles south of Salem, $300
cash, balance to suit. Wm. W.
Powell. Just real estate, 341 N.
Com'l. phone 66C. btZ
AT a sacrifice price. 1 acres $
miles from Salem on O. E.. with
good buildings and plenty of
frut: also modern house with
large lot, on paved street close
tm. Call at 818 N. Liberty 8C n
18 ACRES small payment down,
balance terms Magee. room If
corner State and Commercial,
over Busick's.
VERY CHOICE A 52 acre place
all in wheat close la and hard
swrface road. $200 an acre, and
easy terms. Fleming, agent. $41
Slate. D
m mrifc
For Sale Miscellaneous
FOR SALE One bay mare, 1500
lbs. Call 8 4F11. e83
FOR SALE 6 hole range, good
condition. Phone 108F11. c86
FOR SALE Cabbage and lettuce
plants. W. H. H. Dodge, Rt. 7,
box 38. c86
FOR SALE 32 W. L., O. A. C. lop
comb pullets, May hatch. In
quire 185 S. Commercial after
noons. f83
FOR SALE Commission house,
254 S. Liberty. Car load cheat
hay; also clover, alfalfa, white
seed oats, spring wheat, imple
ments and buggies. , c83
FOR SALE CHEAP Furniture of
two room apt.., complete, new
stoves, rugs, dishes, cooking
utensils, dresser, table, bed, etc.
S. P. apartments, call forenoons
and evenings. c84
FOR SALE A bargain, as good
as new, chicken house and feed
ing shed and wire fencing .com
plete, to be moved from place
Call 646 Market after 6:30 p
m. c8 6
ANCONA and White Leghorns for
sale. Gold Dollar strawberry
plants $1 per M; also boy's bi
cycle. Ancona eggs for setting
$ 1 for 15, 2249 N. Liberty. c8 3
BEARINGS for cars, trucks and
CMC trucks, new or rebuilt
W. E. Burns, Dan Burns, not
brothers the same man. Ferry
at High, Salem. J
FOR SALE Gooseberry cuttings
Call 29F4. d8
FERTILIZER Green and well
rot'ed $2.50 a load. Phone
2096W. c85
STRAWBERRY plants, Wilson va
riety, $1 per thousand, you dig
theni; $2 already dug. Phone
26F14. d82
FOR SALE Two enamel and
brass beds, one full size, one
single, good as new at a bar
gain. Also duck eggs for hatch
ing. 2505 S. Commercial. Phone
55F2. c83
fice of a dandy 10 acre rural
home. Modern 7 room house,
large barn and chicken house. 2
acres oak timber, 1 of mixed
fruit, 2 of strawberries and
4 4 of hay. If soid soon will
give in addition a half interest
in a rented crop of 8 acres of
wheat, 7 of hay, 2 of strawber
ries. All for $4000, on ,asy
terms. See Robinson, 229 Oregon
bldg. b83
BOX factory located in heart of
Willamette valley. Plant Is com
plete with machinery nearly
new and with about a car ot
lumber. Can make attractive
terms. U. S. Iron Works. Seat
tle. c82
FOR SALE One disc, like new;
one spring tooth harrow and
plows. Capital Bargain House,
215 Center, phone 398. e
SILVER Laced Camplne pullets
$1 each. Gus Westfall, Amity,
Or. f83
CITY LOTS We havle some of
the most attractive lots in Sa
lem at prices you can afford to
pay. We can build you a house
and sell it to you on easy terms.
We have several first class bus
iness locations for sale. Luflar &
Laflar, agents, 406-7 Oregon
bldg., Salem, Or. a
Bicycle. Phone 1128
FOR SALE Lots in all parts of
the city. See Wm. W. Powell,
Just real estate, 341 N. Com'l,
phone 666. a82
CANVAS baby swings $1.25. Max
o. P.uren. 179 N. Com'l. m
75 CENTS buys a congoleum rug
18x36 inches. Max O. Buren, 179
N. Commercial St. m
HAND luggage, brief cases and
trunks modestly priced. Max O.
Buren, 179 N. Com'l. m
"NEVERSPREAD- a wonderful
mattress. Max O. Buren. 179 N.
Commercial street. c
OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle
Used as carpet mats, for pack
ing, etc. Capital Journal office
'KING COMFORT" the bed sprint:
which doesn't sag in the cen
ter. Max O. Buren. 179 N. Com
merclal. c
FOR SALE Sterotyping mats,
10c per bundle. fsed as a ught
and stout weather proofing card
board. Caultai Journal ,t'f
FOR SALE-Loganberry rip, $29
per 1000. Phone S9F1H. d94
FOR SALE Ancona eggs for set
ting $1.50 for 16, or S7 per 100.
Phone 109F2. O. L Johnston
Rt. $, box 36 D. (9 4
EOGS for hat-hlng from pe of
fine laying slrain White Minor
ca hens. 2505 s Commercial.
Phone 55F2. f8J
For Sale Automobiles
FOR SALEOverland roadsterT
$90, half cash. 2285 N. 4th. q83
LOOK these good buys over, some
terms or trade: Ford $185
Chevrolet $250
Ford sedan, starter $700
Maxwell, new paint, $300
Cherry City garage, 170 S. 12th
St. Q82
RUNNING board linoleum, brown
ana green. Max
Buren. 178
S. Comn Tcial.
For Sale Livestock
REGISTERED Jersey bull for
Jersey bull
service at County poor farm.
FRESH cow with calf for sale. Rt.
8. box 138C. J. Otto.
FOR SALE Three iJwsT
. e83
1 fresh.
1 coming fresh, yearling heifer;
one horse, wagon and set fiar
ness. Rt. 3, box 216. c83
For Sale Wood
WOOD Selling out 2nd growth
$8.50. sawed $9.50; old fir I
and $10. Phone 1678W. eel07
WOOD sawing and wood for sale.
F sher Bros., phone 21F11. ee$3
DRY second growth fir cord wood
$8.50. Phone 23F15. eeT
FOR wood and geocral hiullntr.
phone 1854. ccS3
SPECIAL for 30 days. 700 cords 1
of 2nd growth red fir to be sold I
at $7.50 per cord, delivered to I
your resident, providing if you ;
put your order In this length
of time. Phone 586J or 744R.
CALL itl for wood. dry 2nd
growth Or 4 ft. sawed to suit,
and old fir H Empey Trar.s
fer Co.. 254 8. Liberty St. s82
PHONE 1SS5M tor wood, Satur
day excepted. retl
OLD pitchy 18-iocn fir for sale.
Phone 1727. eatl
FOR SALE Dry 4 foot and 18-4U.
second growth fir, and 18-inch
mill wood Prompt delivery.
Fred E. Wells, 305 8. Church,
phone 15 42. ee
WA qi JO joawod -wnu,
FURNISHED room, gentleman
preferred. Phone B85W. J86
HOUSE for rent on 18th and Fer
ry. inquire within. J84
FOR RENT 5acres, small house,
4Vi miles from Salem, free rent
for 5 years just do some work
on place. Wm. W. Powell, Just
real estate, 341 N. Commercial
St. Phone 666. j83"
Lost and Found
LOST Agate cuff button. Return
to Journal office. Reward. k83
IRONING by hour. Janitor work
or washing dishes after parties.
1096 N. 20th. Pone 617W. 182
WANTED To rent by young cou
ple, 4, 5 or 6 room furnished
house in good locality, must be
reasonable. Will take the best
of care. Write Apt. No. 35, Lu
zerne Apts., Portland, Or. 184
YOUNG men, women, over 17, for
postal mail service. $120 month.
Examinations April. Experience
unnecessary. For free particu
lars of instruction, write J. Leon
ard, (former civil service exam
iner) 1087 Equitable bldg.
Washington. D. C. 184
LATHING done reasonable. 1341
McCoy street. 84
FOR carpenter
and general
work, painting
repairing, call
IF you are going to build or re
pair, see us for prices; estimates
given on any kind of construct
ion. 239 Court St. 18 i
JOY Riders for the children $2
and up. Max O. Buren, 179 N.
OLD newspapers, 10c the bundle.
Used as carpet mats, for park
ing, etc. Capital Journal office
PLUMBING and repairing
reasonable. Phone 287W.
rienty of money to loan you If
you have a good house and need
money, 01 if you want to build.
See us. Laflar & Laflar, 406-7
Oregon bldg. m
CAN make reduced prices on slab
wood .special prices on car load
lots for the next 30 days. Sa
lem Fuel yards, office phone 529.
Res phone 2058. ee91
SEE J. W. Manley tor good black
dirt and horse manure. Phone
199, Cherry City brn 188
EXPERT Painting, paper hang
ing and kalsomlnlng. also hard
wood finishing. Popular prices.
Large or small contract. J. A.
Kallstrom, 343 Vfc N. Com'l St.
Phone 1759. 188
XPERT paper hangers and tim
ers now ready. Max O. Buren. 17
N. Commercial. Phot e 131. if"
Wanted Miscellaneous
WANTED Experienced house
keeper for family of four. Write
G box 468. Albany. Or. g83
CARPENTERS anl helpers want
ed for 60 day job. Apply at
armory. g8 3
WANTED Odd Jobs or garden
ing, prompt service, reasonable
charges. Call at 840 N. 14th St.
Phone 347. hS6
WANTED 2 or 3 room furnish
ed apartment with kitchenette
and bath, or small furnished
house. Call 1124. 183
WANTED To trade team weight
about 2000 lbs., for one weigh
ng from 2600 to 3000 lbs. good
farm horses. J. R. Linn, Marion
hotel. 82
WASH woman wanted.
251 Mis-
sion St.
WANTED Office work with a
dentist or physician. Address X
care Capital Journal. h82
WANTED Good single work
horse. W. A. Liston phone 1321
office hours 1092 between 6:30
and 9 p. m. 182
WANTED Middle aged lady for
light house work, good home,
small wages, permanent if sat
isfactory. Box 333 Journal. g82
WE have some good farm mort
gages to sell. Hawkins & Rob
erts, 205 Oregon Bldg.. Salem.
PLUMBING. Repairing and coll
work u specialty, reason ible
charges. A. L. Godfrey, shop
foot of Union St. Phone 1517 J.
PRIVATE maternity hospital. Call
1959 188
WANTED Old mattresses to make
over, phone 19, Capital City Bed
ding Co. 1
10 acres good soil all cultivat
ed, good road, 4 miles out. Price
$1800, $300 down, balance $200
per year 6 percent interest.
20 acre tract of fine prairie soil
all cultivated, 4 room plastered
house, barn, well, family orchard,
good road. Price $5350, terms.
33 V4 acre fruit farm, 6 room
bungalow, bath, hot and coid wa
ter, good barn, two chicken hous
es, family orchard and berries, 15
acres of Italian prunes, 11 acres
bearing; 5 acres of loganberries,
four acres bearing, two acres tim
ber, some grain, good team anl
all farm implements go. Pti.
20 acres of gool soil. 16 acres
cultivated, 4 acres pasture, three
room house, barn, chicken house,
family orchard. Price $4000,
20 acres of bearing Italian prune
orchard 4 miles from Salem. Price
Mt per acre.
5 acre tract. 4 acres bearing lo
gans, 1 acre strawberries. Price
$3500, H cash. a
5 room bungalow and two fine
lots on paved street. Price $3650,
Good 7 room modern home
close in, paved street and garage.
Price $6850.
Good room cottarfe located in
south Salem, bath, toilet, lights.
Price $3500.
4 room house and 5 lots locat
ed in southeast Salem. Price $1,
004. Easy terms.
1!1. .
i room bungalow. Just listed,
good corner lot, close to the car
line, east, mostly modern. $2500,
on one floor.
rooms all on one floor, dose
to State street, pared street, for
1 have a beautiful modern home
close in, 195 foot front on paved
street, ear line, for $6000.
City houses from 1500 up, easy
payments and terms.
78 1-4 acres, good road, good
oil. fair buildings. mall route,
half cultivated, in crop, fuel tim
ber, for $7500, south of Salem.
Acreage Improved and unim
proved on small payments.
Stat and -arrlsl. ever Bus-
lck's, phone lit. m
1.70 acres all in cultivation, 1
acre of strawberries, peaches and
apples, water piped in house, full
basement, 5 room plastered bun
galow, built in features, on pave
ment and carline, 1 block to school,
all new furniture goes with place,
$4250, good terms.
341 State St.
10 acres 5 miles south of Salem
on gool road near Roselale school.
All In cultivation. 9 acres prunes,
1 acre logans, 18 trees of cner
ry and apple, condition good. As
there are no buildings we can
make a very low price of $4300.
See this and you will like it.
10 acres 3 miles southwest of
Turner, all in cultivation and
fenced. 7 4 acres prunes, 6 years
old in fine condition; 4 room
house, small barn, good well".
Price if sold soon, $3500, terms.
15 acres 6 miles south of Sa
lem on paved and gravel road, all
it prunes, large trees bearing, and
in first class condition. Price $7,
800, and very fasy terms of $1000
down, balance crop payments.
A good house In north Snlem.
6 room house in fine condition
with a good garage, fruit, lot 50x
110. at the low price of $3200
$500 cash.
Member of Marion County Realty
3"5 State s'reet. n
27 acres of land, 3 acres bearing
logans, 125 bearing prune trees, 5
room house with bath. $3750, with
J1U00 cash.
10 acres with 6 room plastered
nouse, good barn, 4 Si acres bear
ing prunes, 2 acres logans. m
miles from city limits. Small cash
payment and balance on easy
60 acres with splendid 6 room
modern house, garage and burn
All in cultivation and fully equip
ped, price and terms on applica
11 acres; 8 room house, large
barn. Situated V mile from car
line and paved streei. Price $8500
5 acres with 5 room house and
fruit dryer. 3 acres choice fruit
6 room modern cottage with
nrepiaee, corner lot and near
school. Can be bought for $300.
with some terms.
A new five room, modern bun
galow, near car and paved street,
for $4800.
We have eastern Oregon and
Idaho ranches to exchange for
Willamette valley land.
W. A. LISTON, Agent
484 Court street. nn83
21 acres south of Salem on rock
road, all In cultivation, all fenced.
10 acres prunes, 1 nere family
orchard, 1 acre strawberries, :4
acres logans. balance in mixed
crops; all farm implements on
place, 4 room house, new barn,
granary, etc. This Is an unusually
first class place for the price, $11,
000,' very easy terms.
305 State St. h
6 acres, all cultivated, 6 room
house, family orchard, good barn
itiiiL-nrn oouse. close in on uor
den road, a splendid home for the
price. $4750 terms on part.
10 acres, 5 in bearing prunes, 1
cherries. 3-4 logins. 6 room
barn, sheds, coops, 5 miles from
court house, $7000. cash.
36 acres, 12 cultivated, 5 tlm balance cut over, all the best
of soil, 100 cords cut wood, stump
puller. 6 room bungalow with
built In features, new barn, shed,
hog house, running water; faces
on two rock roads. 4H miles
from Salem, only $11,600. terms.
5 acres timber. 4 miles tiom
Salem center, $800, 14 cash.
15 acres. 4 logans. 3 years old:
2 garden land, 9 timber, good soil,
1 H miles from Btation. all fenc
ed, only $4500. tt cash.
56 acres. 30 oultl"ated. 26 tim
ber pasture, new 8 room bunga
low, good barn, coops etc., on
paved road, 1 mile from town; a
dandy good buy at $10,000. k cash
balance 8 percent.
64 acres. 37 cleared. S7 timber.
4 room honse, barn, woven wire
fenced. 3 miles from Amity. $6500
V. cash, or will trade on larger
20 acres. 5 In fruit, bouse, barn.
5 garden land, 10 timber, 5 miles
from Salem. $7000, will sell on
easy terms or take $3000 residence
In Salem as first payment.
Have the largest list of good Sn
lem residences for sale now that
I ever had.
Want a loan of $6500 at 7 per
cent on a good well improved ion
sere ranch Want a loan of $7000
at 8 percent on a good well Im
proved 102 acre ranch. See me
about the above loans at once.
341 State St. Phone 970. n
Nice 10 ace tract close in. Snap
$3250. terms.
Nire 16 acre tract near Sale.n,
several acres berries. Bargain, $3,
600. terms.
Fine modern 5 room bungalow,
2 lots on carline. $3500, terms.
7 room plastered house, 4 lots
on carline. $2600, terms.
Good Burbank potatoes 75c per
Karms, acreage, homes, money
to loan.
212 Gray bldg. n .
9 acres of the very best of land
8 acres In high state of cultiva
tion. H acre of good family or
chard and small frun. exception
ally fine berry land, can be Irri
gated; a good 8 room house, one
good barn and one barn that 1
easy to convert into a poultry
house; all fenced, woven wire.
This place is located in a good
town not far from Salem. Owner
will take home In Salem on paved
street up to $3500 and return
mortgage on balance. Price $4500
Room 21, Breyman bldg. n
We have them from 20 acres up
to 1000 at prices from $20 per
sere up. some of these places are
fully equipped and are good buys
At the prices asked.
One of many 9$ acres 16 miles
from Salem on main highway, 40
acres of prunes, 1 years old; 46
acres of grain land. IS acres of
pasture and timber, good house,
barn and out buildings. Price $1S0
per acre.
40)-7 Oregon bldg. Salem, Or. b
Lake Superior is 400 miles long,
160 wide at its greatest breadth
vUh n are of 32.000 square
80 acres of first class timber
near Pacific highway. Will con
sider residence property or acre
age close in.
50 acres in Polk county to trade
In on a good farm from 20 to 50
acres with good improvements,
will pay difference. We want good
grazing land in Lincoln county
near railroad. Must be priced
229 Oregon bldg. n83
10 acres m miles south, close
to Pacific highway, 7 4 acres
prunes, 2 acres loganberries. 1
acres strawberries, all in full bear
ing; 4 room house, small barn.
Income last year nearly $4000.
This is the finest little fruit farm
in the Willamette valley and is
worth at least $1000 more than
we are asking for it, but the own
er wants to go east and is willing
to sacrifice if sold in the next 30
days. The price is $6500, term on
10 acres close to the above and
owned by the same party, all in
cultivation but no buildings, five
acres in loganberries and 1 4 acres
in strawberries. A real sacrifice
at $3000, terms on this also. Will
divide this tract ana sell either
If you want something good and
at less than it is worth let us show
you these tracts.
341 State St. n
CITY will you find such a won
derful display of HOMES FOR
SALE, Every district, every
kind of home. PRICES YOU
CAN PAY. Every home before
being listed with me is first per
PRAISED. If necessary, I'll help
you make your down payment.
This is the famous "McGuire
System." The best for buyer and
$2000 Neat little bungalow home;
two bedrooms; large living
room; bath, kitchen, built
In features; laundry room:
woodshed. Several young
fruit trees; berries; two lots
100x130. Very easy terms to
reliable party.
$2500 Foi:r room bungalow; cozy
place. One bedroom; living
room, dining room, kitchen,
full basement, furnace. Nice
lot, east front. $500 cash.
$1800 Five room bungalow on Ha
zel avenue. $500 cash. $15
$3000 Fine 8 room house: large
lot. barn. Splendid buy.
Walking distance.
$3250 Eight room bungalow. Riv
erside drive. Garage; excel
lent value. $900 cash. $25
$4000 Seven room bungalow. 1780
Center street. Good terms.
$4800 New 7 room bungalow. All
modern conveniences ex
cept furnace. Good terms
$4800 Six room modern bunga
low Fine home. Has two
good lots: garage, burn:
lots of fruit. No basement,
half cash.
For your home, whether in town
or country. I can help you.
Many fine buys In acreage. Some
fine Canada trades.
"Just Real Estate"
215-216 Masonic Temple. Salem,
Or. Phones 1000, 1014. n
dentist, 408 Oregon
COMPUTING scales, cash register
ana general store nxtures at
226 Slark St., Portland, Or., be
tween 1st and 2nd streets.
WE will Pay you more cash for
your household goods. Oet our
Did heroie you sell. People's
t urniiure and Hardware Store
271 N. Commercial street. Phone
anu reruse 01 all Kinds removed
by the month at reasonable rates.
Cesspools cleaned and dead ani
mals removed. Day phone 167
night phone 1680R, R. o. Cum-
niins. Mgr. 1
TION Meet in Foresters' hall.
229 N. Commercial street, every
Wednesday evening. F. G. Brock,
I- inanee. :i40 Court St.
Farm Loans
'ARM LOANS Any amount. Low
rates. Full repayment nrivllems.
Very prompt service. Ask about
our 20-year loans at 6 percent.
Hawkins & Roberts, 205 Oregon
Bldg., Snlem, Ore.
oe repaid like rent.
Life, Fire, Health, Accident. In
demnity, Lihality and Auto In
surance written.
401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Ore
Water Company
fice, corner Commercial snd
Trade Sts. Bills payable monthly
In advance. Phone 57.
a. S.'.TTERLEE. 404 Ferry St.,
Balem. Ore., Phone 1177.
Osteopathic physicians and sur
geons. 606 U. S Bank Building.
Phone 859. Ir. White, resi
dence phone 49; Dr. Marshall,
residence phone 834.
Stove Repairing
4TOVES rebuilt and repaired. 50
years, experience; Depot Na
tional and American fence, sizes
26 to $9 Inches high. Paints.
ol and varnishes, etc., logan
berry and hop hooks. Salern
Fence and Stove Works. Its
Court street. Phone J 24.
Compiled from reports of Salem
dealers for the guidance of
Capital Journal readers. (Re
vised dally.)
Grain: Average valley wheat
(bulk! 85 Vic bushel; average val
Hay: Cheat fcb $22.00923.00
oat hay $22.0024.00; clover
hay ,20022.
teBB x
Meat: Hogs $11.75; dressed
bogs 14 c; top steers 7V4c;
rows 6c; bulls 45c; lambs 6c;
sheep yearling 4c; eweg 14c; veal
fancy dressed 14c.
Poultry and eggs: Eggs 18c;
light hens 17c; heavy hens 22t.;
old roosters 10c; stags 16.
Butterfat: Butterfat 35c;
creamery butter 41 42c; Coun
try butter 33c.
Wholesale Prices
Vegetables: Oregon oulouo 75c
$1.00 cwt; California onions
$1.76 cwt; beets $2.00 cwt; let
tuce Imperial valley $4.50; turn
ips $1.50 cwt; carrots $1.001.50
sack; parsnips $2.00 cwt; cauli
flower $1.25 per dozen; potatoes
$1.25 per cwt; California cabbage
$.375 cut; green peppers 2:c. eel
cry 91.25tfl.7S dozen; spinach
10c pound; rhubarb 12c; aspara
gus 12c pound.
Fruits: Oranges $3.25 05.50
lemons $3.50 4.50; bananas
1114c; dates, pounds (bulk) 25e
Dromedary dates $7 case; IiIpck
figs 10c; white figs 12 He; Cali
fornia grapefruit $4.00; Florida
grapefruit $8.50; Arizona grape
fruit $6.50.
Retail Prices.
Butter and eggs: Eggs 25c;
creamery butter 4445c; country
butter 40c.
Portland Markets.
Portland, Or., April 5. Cattle
lower; receipts none; choice
steers $7.508.00; medium to
hoice $6.75(1)7.50; fair to
OOd $6.00 fir 8.75; common
to fair $5.0006.00; choice cows
and heifers 9ti.0U tf 6.7S ; medium
to good $5.50 ;& 6.00; fair to ms
tlium $5. Otis 5.50; common to fair
$4.50 if 5.50; tanners $2.2504.50;
bulls $3.50 0 5.00; choice dairy
calves $12,500 13.00; prime light
$11.5012.50; medium $9. 50ft
11.50: heavy calves $6.007.50.
best feeders $6.0006.50; fair to
good $5.50 06.
Hogs lower; receipts 98; prime
light $11.00011.50; smooth heavy
$10.50011.00; rough heavy $6.00
W9.50; fat pigs $$ 11.00 ifi 1 1.50.
Sheep steady; receipts none;eaat
of mountain lambs $ I .Of ii S.i-'O ;
valleys $5.5006.25; he . -fi'6.00;
feeders $5.00 fe ! ruii.s
1.00' 5.00; ewes $1.5001; ..)(;
light yearlings $5.5000 pi, 'h.e.t'v
$6.000 6.50; wethers $" 00 , i 75.
Butter steady; extra cubes 300
32c; cartons 40c; prints 39c.
Butterfat, No. 1 churning cream
35c fob Portland; under grades
Eggs: Selling price case count
9ftfl9e; buying price 1821c;
selling price candled 2 4 ft? 26c ; se
lects candled in cartons 26 28c.
Poultry: Hens, light 20c; heavy
24025c; broilers, 24026c; roost
ers 12; turkeys 52c; geese nomi
nal; ducksi nominal.
Millstulfs: Millrun $27028.
Hay: Buyingp rice, timothy $24
026; alfalfa $19; grain mixed
$2223; clover $16; cheat $22
Wheat: Hard white $1.1214;
soft white $1.10 northern spring;
$1.07H; white club $1.09 hard
winter $1.07; red Walla $1.07
County Court
Road District No. 15
Roberts, Jack repairing
road 2. SO
Goodknecht, Jno W pa
trolman 2.00
Road District No. 15V2
Brown, Sam helping open
ditches 11.20
Davenport, John H patrol
man 17.10
Road District No. 16
Peareo & Son, Lot L plow
beam ajid bundles 9.00
Summers, James ditching
Sann, Wm dragging .
Planard, Anton do
Halseck, Hinrey. dragging $ 6.00 1
Foster, R, N., do 6.00
Jefferson, R. ('., ditching 3.20 1
Sbittin, T. P.. hauling plank 2.00
Ounderson, O laying plank
Schanp, Murus, do
Willig, Fred, dragging
Jefferson, W. C, patrol
man 1.60 I
1.60 i
Road District No. 17.
Ramp, Malcolm, dragging 6.00
Road District No. 18.
Dollar. W. P., gravel. 16 90
Hall, C. M., do 30 00
Linsdav. Harve. i,.,i 1
eravei c a n , '
M , 60 00 I
. w., uy 21.00;
Hcharf. Earl, do 12.00
Cole, Robert, patrolman
46.00 1
Road District No. 19.
Farmer Hdw. Co., Ray L.,
devices and bolts
Larsen & Sons, P. J., ash
for doubletree
Savage. W. E., general re
27 00 1
Darling. W. D., do 6 00
Pitts. Joe, do
Blaklee, W. W., do
Newton, Tom do ....
Hall, Morse, do . 6 00'nn, !' knowledge and belief a
Finster, H C do fi no lo "le rlrcumstances and eondl-
Radkee, Carl, do 3 90 "T Un7 ?h,eh "''"holders
n 11 ' and security holders who do not
Darling, O. !)., patrolman 35.00 appear upon the books of the
Road District Ho 2(1 company ;,s trustees, hold stock
r .V101 tl- f- c, and securities In a capacity other
Oregon Gravel Co., gravel 107.55 lthan tha, f , bona 'fide owner;
Salem Sewer Pipe Compa- and this affiant has no reason te
ny, pipe 18. 00 believe that any other person, is
McAdams. Ralf, hauling SOelatlon, or corporation has any
gravel etc 109 50 'n,'r"rt direct or indirect In the
r- nnn. said stock, bonds, or other secur-
Oesner. Clifford, do 81.50 . thiin a, m 9tated by
8tory, Tom, ditching ...
Ratzat, Fritz, do
Palk, John, hauling tile,
Meeeke, Fred, hauling gra
C 60
Sllkie. Paul, do
Gerge. Val, do . . 21.00
Heinke, Otto, do
Roth. Gotlieb. do
Kaplinger, William P..
patrolman 5
00 1
TV-. oni
n : " 7" '
Van Cleave, L. M., patrol
man 14.01J
Boad District No. 21.
and hauling rock 12.32
Magee, M. M., patrolman.. 12.20
Road District No. 23.
Harras, Ben, breaking
rock 4.8O
Harras, O. P., hauling rok 9.00
Mathew, 8. P., hauling
rock, etc J.20
Missler, J. H., Iron roller 2.00
Neal, Geary, taking tree
out of road 3.00
Peters, Edwin, hauling rk 6.00
Phillops, Jasper, laying
rock no
Road District No. 24.
Highberger, Leo, draggin 3.50
Basil, Ben, do 7.00
Highberger, Joe, do 3.00
Pieser, Frank, do 2.2S
Van Handel, J. B., patrol
man 4.00
Road District No. 25.
Davie, Tom, dragging .... 6.00
Porter, Glenn, dragging
with tractor 21.09
Porter, Rex, making sub
grade 6.00
Porter, C. R., patrolman.. 20.00
Road District No. 27.
Salem Sand & Gravel Co.,
eravel 5.40
Road District No. 28.
Cleveland, Raymond, put
ting in culvert, etc 4.00
Hill, Lynn, digging ditch,
etc 17.60
Ohmart, R. V., cleaning
ditch, etc 5 go
Westenhouse, W. W., pat
rolman 22.00
Road District No. 28i2
Harper, J. F., team work
Davis, T .E work single-
Henningsen, P. A., do
Jones, J. N.. patrolman
Road District No 2fi
Raniey, F. A., hauiiug
SWel 63.00
Harris, John, patrolman.. 34.00
Road District. No !M
Hampton, Clinton, haul
ing gravel 15 oft
Myers, O. J., graced 6.00
Weildle, Robert, hauled
ravel 5.3a
Wells, Lee, patrolman .... 14.00
Road District No. 31.
Doerfltr, Lee, shoveling
Pennell, Albert, hauling
George, Walt, do
March, Norm, shoveling
36. Ot
Kravel 16.0$,
Russell, C. W., do 20.81
Russell, H. E., hauling
Kmvel 42 0(
Russell, H. L shoveling
gravel 3.29
Russell, Kermet, do 20.80
Russell, S. H., patrolman 61.00
Road District No. 32.
Lilly Hardware Company,
nails .4J
Porter, Rex, dragging 4.50
of the Omiershlp, Mtioatreriwnt,
Circulation, etc.. Required by
the Act of Congress of Augu&t
24, 1012,
Of The Capital Journal publish
ed dally at Salem, Oregon, for
April 1, 1921.
State of Oregon, County of
Marion, ss.
Before me, a notary public In
and for the Ktate and county afore
said, personally appeared G. Put
nam, who. -having been duly sworn
according to law, deposes and says
that he is the publisher of the Cap
ital Journal ami that the follow
ing is. to the best of his knowl
edge and belief, a true statement
of the ownership, management
land if a dally paper, the circu
lation), etc., of, the aforesaid pub
lication for the date shown in the
ahove caption, reiuired bv the act
of August 24, 1912, embodied In
section 443. Postal Laws and Reg
ulations, printed on the reverse
..e 1!.!.. f..,.. ,.. :,.
1. Thai the names and Addresses
of the publisher, editor, manag
Inir editor, and business managers
Publisher G Putnam. Salem, Or.
Editor, (5. Putnam. Salem. Ore.
Managing editor Harry N. Craln,
Balem, Ore.
Business manager G
3 ,P"0r",
2 That the owners are: fOlve
names and aildreB.qes nf Indleld.
ual owners, or. If a corpor.i!on,
give its name and the names and
addresses of stock holders owning
or holding 1 per cent or more of
the total amount of stock.)
Capital Journal Printing Co.,
Salem, Ore.
(: Putnam. Salem, Ore.
H. N. Yockey. Salem. Ore.
3. That the known bondholders.
mortgagees, and other security
holders owning or holding 1 per
ce,lt r more of total atnnmt of
b(""' mortgages, or other nt
it ies are: r If there are none.
) None.
4. That the two paragraphs
above, giving the names of
tni' owners, stockholders, and se
curity holders. If any: enntain not
onlv the tint of stockholders snd
security holders as they appear
upon the hooks ot tne company
; but also, in cases where the stock
2.75 holder or security anM'i appears
upon the hooks of the company as
trostee or in anv other fiduciary
rpla"on' the name of the person
Pirinriiin f. -!.. .Ad,
I -00 trustee is acting, is given; also
S.20jthat the said two paragraphs con
3 20 1 tain statements embracing f1B-
6.40 1 5. That the average number of
6.40 copies of each issue uf this publi
'cation sold or distributed, through
the mails or otherwise, to paid
subscribers during the six months
preceding the date shown above Is
(This information la rrquire4
from daily publications only.)
Sworn to and subscribed before
me this 4th dav of Auril. 121.
(SEAL) L. P. tldrica.
Notary public for Oregrn. re-
siding at Balem. My comnu