I jg Page Six CoastBaiT Tuesday, April 5, 1921 The Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon When Jeff gets an order he follows it to the letter. 3 ; . - , ,- 1 . . SDLTCeiO 'BRtCk TO LOrVD t If oU CAR(y L6Si THftfsJ THM IT LL 7DAx niiT THG JoB AMt I'LL LOSe MoNCy.' Where They Play Ran Francisco, April 5. Following is the Pacific Coast league schedule for April 5-10: Portland at San Francisco Oakland at Salt Lake City. Vernon at Sacramento. Seattle at Loa Angeles. 1 (fnpvright 120 by I"tr"atlonal Mark registered in the U. b VmSSBBiWEXXSiWSmM I whew l wo,- - BR(CK woea o,-v.. . SiK?5 tovi)M orvjt j -A(V B0 (Siixeeio 1 AS H, social eouAt. - o e aqBT 3 kg tuis LOrVD V A loAT! poypieerO, FiPreeM V TVi L u N I parns usl n w Into Action , . I I San Francisco, April 5 Flr "I the nation's orgaulz-'d hiiseholl leagues to start the 13-' t season, the Pacific Coast leafiic Bets away this afternoon with roiUaii-i pluy lng here, Vernon at dacniiaento, Oakland at Salt Lako an J flOJltie at Ijot Angeles. Mhyor James llolpu pitnea nn first ball hire with Cbl'-f jf Police Daniel O'iJiien on ma receiving end. After the offIci.nl I'juve ihe battery positions. Sun iVaaclsoo, It was expected, will rem! in Sum Lewis, pitcher, and Sja.u Agutw, catcher. Portland ' ,lhc Herman Pllletle, pttiiui', .!! iu Baker, catcher. Seattle Meets Aneels In LOS VPU'iKS uien Lou Angeles, Cal., 'Vp"' i. '1 ht- tpenlng of the Pacific Const base bail league season here'- "day, wil I; a game between tin Seattle unci Lo.s Angeles teams, w.:.i moi nun u.v the custimiiiry punul than the nisloiiiary en and more UM.-i.-jm by fane. Batteries, as anno'im ! were l be either Geary or Cu-V.ni-r and Bpencer for Seattle, and Ci.uidu.ll or Lyons and Stauau-i In Lo3 Jn geles. From advance Hairs it was esti mated that at least 10,000 pmsolis would witness the game. on Tigers Clash With Sacramento Mine Sacramento, Cal., April 5. Urivlii kUIih ami a coo, inir li vi:il greeted that portion of aari-awwilo which was prepared '" atl- ml Hii: afternoon Ihe opening pinna i,f I lie Pacific Coast leagui lianulmll sea ion. A parade prior to Ine g'.mi waf to lake the Seiuio.'s urd the Vernon Tigers, char i-imi of the last two yeuus, to Bu'f'Uo purl where Governor William " Stephens was to pilch the fnvl ball. Love or Dell and Hannah e" alii to be Manager K,;uc4 li.it terv selections while Manager Un Hodgers of Sacra nto open the game with Fl KUlott. I Ml 1 'I Race Scored By Councilmen (Continued from Page One. I about. A minute ago !'2d SclniuUe -waB making positive liUieineut-i concerning this matter, aim :iovn hlB words are refuted b Mr. Pic's. The trouble Is that we jjt UP here about ever so often, u jiimiilt i f figures Is place before us ' It was about this lliuti tl.al Clly Recorder l um got to ills feet. "That's not u Juinnle if figures, they're all correct," lie declared, -Waving his left hand. Dr. Utter cut in. precluding ih-: record -i S atatemeut. Following the dm-im- s talk, H. H. Vandervi- l aditioHurt the chair and offered a lew la'id.i tory obseivallous n-. ji.no fi il' aftlcleiicy of the clly recorder and City treasurer. The matter of th relief sewer was again taken up. After many minutes had been con aumed, it found its way to Do uble. Fire Hazard Considered. Bentluient favoring the council .! aupport of Mayor Halvorsou in leHseulug the fire hatuid la tbi city, was expressed ailer u report the state fire marshal had from been read. Certain ol the buuu Inga la Chinatown were held to t h menace bv the official Who ahould lake care of the clean-up the purpose in Portland. Stunents camplagn proved to be a putsle,in ,ne Institution, together with but some ot the aldermen contend (,elr families In the case of mar ed that (his work should be done L,e(1 adults, will be housed In the by the sanitary Inspector and Ihe 1 btilldlriK during their attendance police. Mention ot nanu.uj ... enactor J. N. Skalte name caused Councilman Haumgartner to move that the Inspector be Instructed to attend council meetings in the future. "He'a over at church." explained Alderman Marcus. "He (old me he couldn't come tonight. For heav en'! sake give the man a chance He'a got to atteud church once In while." Mr. Bnuiugartner sat down This la more Important than church right now." he observed Pavement Ii Ordered. On sutgesttou of Alderman Pal let the council voted to notify the Oregon Electric company to repair Its pavoeaent on High street where a depression ia eald to exist. The 6ou'.bers Pacific company also will ik tant'-ucted (o pate Its spur tieck oe Front eetweea Court and JMate street in respcae Fie Chief Hut ton' reejiMeA that some action be taken t-w. d providing for over hauling of t'i" city's pumpur truck, the fi." and water com rut tee wa. 4talle4 le investigate, md was Vttue4 with rower to act. AeWOin?telv one docn aide -lk rw9lut!on. introduced by Aldermen Weaderoth were re ferred tfco atreet committee, while en a. rrcacufed by Alderman .MaMWM end Mauraganncr. waa adopted. O: the sag;eattne ot JMr Hu"ifr. a ildewalk iilllBP-mffi' Appearing at the Grand Next Boy! Malts, Sodees, Pink Lemonade And Freezes Drop Here O Mars! Thou are Indeed sure ly to be forsaken soon! Salem milk shakes or rather those milk shakes guzzled In Salem malted milks, ice cn-aiii!to a idas, lemonades, reeces anil j plus two pennies for the govern other refreshment! which have mont. "Malts" also have dropped been paying tribute to the war five cents, likewise lemonades. g0(j , Ice cream sodas, freezes, and cer- Bllt suspense has no part In a tain other drinks. Specials have news story. Here are the facts: slumped in price correspondingly. Salem confectioners have an- Such was the statement of local nounced a general drop in prices dealers this morning. No an- of drinks. Already they are in nouniement was made of "cuts" effect. 'n the prices of food. lullon Introduced several weeks ago which has to do with a walk! icar property owned by Waller Quehner, former councilman, will In- resurrected and brought netore the OOttnct at Us next meeting. State Leases Building For Blind School Contract for a two year lease on a three story and basement apart nient hotiBe at BttrMida and Grand avenues, Portland, to be used as temporary quarters for the slate employment institution for adult blind was closed by the state board el control Monday afternoon. The building which was recom mended to the board by J. F. Mey ers, former superintendent of the Portland school for sightless and who is now superintendent ot ine new state institution, is said to be the most acceptable available for . , ,hf (.hoo, The beard also confirmed the appointment of O. H. Simmons ot , Portland to he assistant to Super intendent Meyers mm field man for the Institution. Mrs. Meyers will be employed as matron of the institution upon the occupa tion of the new building May t. Dallas Paper Plant Suffers Fire Damage Dallaa, Or.. April &. About oon th... olj fanitly friend pene 2.10 yealerday afternoon fire trates without rubbing- and helps broke out In the I'olk County Ob- drive 'em away! And how cleanly. the office ol the lurtev. newspaper published in Polk coun- ty which tesulted In about $JS0t daman - The fire was tint dis-covert-d in the Barrel of th build- in and It la presumed that It orl- Inated from a defective flu. The firemen fought the fire heroically for about an hour and succeeded la ctln(uiabinx It belore It dam aged tbe machinery of the plant eicept as to the water dam . which la estimated at about $ 1 1 Mr. Koen. the owner and editor the newspaper, had a large te of paper on hanf? which waa aU Sunday. Monday and Tuesday. Milk shakes which, the oldesi man can tell you, have been sell jtng for 10 cents (plus two centi war tax) for some time, are now be purchased for three nic kels. damaged to a great extent. ThU is the second fire in Dallas in th last few days On Saturday a flue n..., Wis discovered and extin guished In the Oat hotel. A trail has just been complete ! by forest service men from the Indian creek valley to (he Ten Mile creek counlry In (he Siuslaw national forest. Llovd Hughes m the Thomas H Ince Special, "Beau Revel." at the Oregon Theatre, Star tine Thursday. Exposure Aches Rheumatic Twinge sloan - I in in ,ui kepi IuuhI), takes iIk furht out nl iiM-m around in the wet and then the dreaded rheumatic twinge! But not for long when Sloan's Liniment Is put on the Job! Pains, strains. sprains how " no muss, no turner, no stain J kiQ or dowd pores Muscles limber up. lumbaco. sciatica, neu ral"ia. backache are promptly re lieved. Keep a nettle handy. Get one todav if voti'vt run m,t nt Sloan s Unim.nt. it s so warn.intr All drusirlats Sic. 70c. It 40 The largest lottie holds six times much .is the smallest, Sloa Liniment Transportation Is Held Most Urgent Chinese Problem By Professor Collier Cobb, 1 undeveloped resources and unutili Head ol the. department of Geo-, zed waterways. Besides her exten- logy of North Carolina. Written especially for the International News Service. "China has one-third more ter ritory than the linked States, and four times the population, and in spite of the dense population in many sections (here are vast ureas in the north and west of China suited to and used for raising cat tle, sheep, hogs, and, in much smaller measure, camels. "The Kreat problem in China is me of transportation, While mil lions were starving in four or five provinces In China, wheat at the close of 1020 was selling at 10 Btntl a bushel in Szechwan, 2,000 miles away, because of lack of transportation facilities. The build ing of railways and of highways and the rehabilitation of the old anals, will soon remedy all af this, 'Ibis will probably be the f I rut work encouraged by the Con tortion, and it will be a paying investment, for China is even rich er than the I'nlted States in re sources of coal and iron and var ious economic minerals, and un surpassed in her agricultural pro-1 ducts and possibilities. "The railways of China are welll managed, and the Chinese have re- cently begun the construction of modern ships at four principal shipbuilding yards which are ca llable of turning out a modern oc ean carrier complete. The younger men of China, many of whom have been educated abroad, are able, al ert and effective business men and they are all distinctly friendly .o Ihe United States. Vast Mineral Deposits. "Siberia is also a land of vast CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME If you have catarrhal deafness or head and ear noises or are growing bard of hearing go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of Parmlnt (double strength,) and add to it i; pint of hot wa ter and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonf ill four times a ijjiy. This will often bring quick re lief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop dropping Into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Any jone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a trial. (adv) as TONKJHT 7 and 9 V. M. TOMORROW MATINEE ONLY. TOMORROW NIGHT We will Show FLORENCE VIDOR In "BEAU REVEL' OI R Ml SIC MAKES GOOD PICTURES BETTER ns 1 1 te " i 1 isive grassy plains, aim two sie.ii forest bolts one of conifirs and one of hardwoods -she has impor tant mineral deposits awaiting de velopment. "The Kuinetl Coal Basin in the District of Tomsk. "A large deposit of iron ore on the Pacific coast along Olga Bay. "Oil on Sakhalien. "Platinum in the Irkutsk region "Gold at a number of points near the coast, and particularly along the Zea and Burca rivers, af fluents of Ihe Amur. "Thus vast deposits of coal and iron, of oil and of copper; exten sive forests, and wide grazing lands with abundant cattle, are al ready known in Siberia. Siberia's development, like that ot China, needs only adequate transporta tion facilities. The rivers- of the country are navigable for thous ands of miles, the Lena alone hav- Do Not Delay Use Thrip Spray The thrip is showing in various orchards in Mar ion and Polk counties and it would be well for j you to examine your trees very carefully and see if your trees are in- i fected. In case they are. you will have to spray at once in order to save your crop. We have the proper spray to use; Misicible Oil No. 2 and the Black Leaf 40. All size pack ages. Remember the damage is all done with a few days, so look at once. D. A. WHITE & SONS Phone 160 255 State St. SALEM, OREGON James Oliver Curwood's "K A Z A N" AND Harold Lloyd IN "Now Or Never IS rm SC. " ...... ocm ,n, ..f hi,, nninerals which are used andl Alaska gold seekers, ing more than 2500 miles of navi-lbic gable water, one branch reaching understood the worm over, muugn almost to the Trans-Siberian rail- the number they represent are dif way at Irkutsk (Katchug) and ano ferent in their spoken form in ev- ther within a short distance oil Port of Aian on the sea of Okhotsk ( Nelkan.) "F.ither railways or canals con necting these points, the one thru a nearly level plain and the other across a low gap in the mountains would go far toward opening up to commerce a region capable of supplying raw material to .the world for many years to come. English is Spoken. "The wide use of English lan uage in Asia is a matter of deep interest. Pigeon Knglish is not on- ly the language of foreign com-l merce in China, but it is also the language of trade between the provinces. The Chinese language is written with ideagraphs and is understood in all the provinces, notwithstanding, their spoken lan guages are all different. We have a parallel in the wide use of r.i- LAST DAY. "THE ROAD DEMON" WITH TOM MIX Starting Torrorrow MAR.JOR.iE RAMBEAU JTAR OP THE FOKfUNeTfetm KobErtj-on -cocS Another Super-Special "The Fortune Teller" With Marjorie Rambeau Other Attractions GRAND 99 COMING ALL ITS PLENDOR MALL TOWN IDOL'' numerals WMOO are useu ana ery laud. I'lgeon ungliao is wru ten mainly with English words ar- J. Murphy, counsel for the Rocke ranged according to the Chinese feller Foundation and legal advis Idiom vith all unnecpKsarv frills ! er of John D. Rockefeller, Sr., omitted and this has became the. trade language of China. "English is the only language spoken in Chukotsk, the extreme northeast province of Asia, the Esquamaux having learned it from IrRAND SATURDAY. APRIL THEATRE Matinee and Night PRICES: Night 50c to $1.50; Matinee ."ine to "0; Children 50c anywhere. , WEDNESDAY SPECIALS DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER: Pure a. . No. 5 65c Mutton Chops, pound I2y2c Legs Mutton, pound isc Mutton Stew, pound sc Creamery Butter Lb. 40c Tender Beef Steak, pound 15c Beef to Boil, pound X0c Sirloin Steak, pound ' ' isc PORK Fresh Side Pork, pound ; , 22c Pork Steak, pound ' ' 20c Loin Pork Chops, pound 25c Fresh Weiners, pound 20c SLICED LINO COD, pound '. ' l2y2c Midget Market i Originators of Low Prices. 351 STATE STREET Not In The Combine I hunters and traders. Rockefeller Aide Dead. Daytona, Fla., April 5. Starr died in a hospital here yesterday lfter a brief illness. Contract has been let for build ing a high school gymnasium at Independence. The cost will be ! $1 4,223. 0 The Laugh Show of Creation "BRINGING UP FATHER At the Seashore Seventh and Brand New Edition Nothing but fun and pretty girls. Special Ladies and Children's Matinee at 2:30; Nijrht :45 Lard 71