Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 05, 1921, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    THe Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon
Page Five
News Notes of Salem and Vicinity Briefly Told
Coming Events BrinSin& Up Father By George McManus.
Copyright 1920 by H. C. Fisher.
Trade mark Reg. U. S. Pat. Office,
c April 8 -Realtors lunch-
e eon, Marion hotel.
e April 7 Fanciers and
yoo are: not oint
ib O it:
Tuesday, April 5, 1921
X f ah::: )
in i l
mm I
Yk'A IN HERE AND fbE c '
s Breeders association, Com-
N niercful club, 8 p. m.
It April 8 -Floral Society,
c Commercial club, 8 p. m.
I April 9 Salem Woman's
c club, Commercial club, 2 p.
r- m.
e April 14 Benefit bouts,
k auspices of Co. F, armory
It April 15 Margaret Mat-
jt zenauer, contralto, armory sK
t April 17 Blossom day.
(: April 22 Popular concert
c Salem Synphony orchestra,
t armory, S : 1 5 .
H Ma,y 4 Apollo club in
!t concert with Virginia Rea, ::
It soprano, armory.
Court House Notes
' Circuit Court
Divorce complaint filed by Eu
renia A. Griffin vs John D. Grif
in. Answer to amended complaint
iled in the case of George Feu
ert vs John R. Colgan.
Decree Issued in tna divorce
:ase of Thomas E. Powell vs
riora Powell.
Second semi-annual report of
it. B. Kromling, executor of the
istate of Mary Ann Dodge filed.
Orders filed in the court were:
inal order of the estate of Alice
!mitb; order of final settlement
if the estate of Luella Darby: or
ler discharging Louis Bechtel,
idmintstriitor of the estate oi An
teline Kays: order approving
inal account of the eslate of Ot
o Mourer; order confirming sale
if personal property by the es
ate of T. W. Dodson.
Inventory and appraisement
nade of the estate of John B. Boy
ell. Marriage Licenses
Frank J. Stark. 24, Portland
nd Hattie A. Hammelman, 19,
Voodburn .
Frank McKlfresh, 34, Tenino,
Vash., and Floy Buren, legal, Sa-
Daily Statistics
BNCE At their home 1S25
North Commercial street. In
this city, to Mr and .Mrs. E. ,.
Pence, on April :!. a boy, named
Gailorcl Ray.
IpitWntM t their home 1340
Court street in this city to Mrs.
Henry It. Crawford, on April 3.
a girl, named Harriet.
iHEPARll To Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph (' Sbepard of this city,
on April 2, a girl, named Mary
Elizabi t h.
David Bach of Mt. Angel, one
if the first business men of that
ity who :has some time since
etired, was looking after btisi
iess matters in Salem yesterday.
Mrs. I.
tiss Jul
rora All
isitlng v
or sevc
B. Hixon and daughter,
a. returned yesterday
ny where they had been
itli friends and relatives
I davs.
Miss Clara Baltimore was In
own yesterday on her way home
o Albany from Silverton where
he had been visiting her par
nts, Mr. and Mrs. II. line.
Th regular meeting of the
lorion County v-
nn Hll .,. v'-i i. i ,
londay, April 7th. All patriotic
rdi ar "'.I! in -i '
illiger, 83
Mrt. W YV Scott came n r
rorn Silverton last evening to ho
'ith her daughter who is receiv
er treatment in the Deaconess
Dr. F i in of the Wil-
imette University staff visited In
Ibany during the week end, re
aming yesterday.
Mrs. Harry Bancroft returned
esterday from Albanv where she
pent the week end with her hu
and, Dr Bancroft.
For isle, sterotyping mats, 0c
er bundle r e.l as a light and
Bather proofing cardboard,
apital Journal office.
W. H. Haberly of the Wal'do
ills Was a business visitor in the
Ity Mhterday.
Boneta "Fussing visited
a in Brownsville over the
eek end.
Jeweler. Salem.
jNow or Never"
H. H. Corey, public service com
missioner, and C. J. Green, en
gineer with the commission, left
Monday night for Boise. Idaho, to
attend a hearing before the Idaho
commission on the valuation of
the Idaho Power company. This
company operates extensively fn
eastern Oregon and the result of
this hearing will govern future
rates to Oregon patrons.
Graduates and former students
of the state school for deaf here
are planning a reunion to be held
at the state institution early in
July, it is stated by Superintend
ent Tillinghast. The reunion is
expected to attract some 150 or
more deaf people to the school for
three days during which it is
proposed to perfect a statewide
organization through which to
further the common Interests of
the members.
John Ludowitzke of Silverton
passed through the city last even
ing from Eugene where he waa
called on account of the critical
illness of his daughter.eAnna, who
died yesterday morning. Mrs.
j Ludowitzke will arrive in Silver
ton with the body today and in-
' ferment will be made in the Sll-
, verton cemetetry.
L. C. Deuison the Salem con
tractor who has been engaged to
build the gymnasium at Independ
ence, will begin work of construc
tion this week and he intends to
compete the work as soon as pos
sible Several from here will go to
Airlie Thursday to attend the
dedication of the new Evangelical
church at that place. The serv
ives will continue from Thursday
until Sunday evening.
Mrs. V. E. Thomas has moved
to Stayton. Mrs. Thomas had
lived in Salem for a number of
years, and prior to coming here
she lived in Stayton.
Wanted experienced cashier
and candy salesgirl. Experienced
person only need apply. The Spa.
Henry Krop was In town yester
day on his way hack to the Mt.
Angel college from Albany where
he had been visiting his parents
during the vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Cowden
and Mr and Mrs. T. P. Risiei--en
of Silverton motored over to
Salem last night and attended the
show at the Oregon.
J. W. Baggett. proprietor of the
Central Howell store, died at his
! ome at the store yesterday mom
ing after an illness of --veral
week. The funeral will be held
Old newspapers. 10c the bun
die. Used as carpet maU, for
packing, etc. Capital Journal of
fice. Deputy Sheriff Percy Webb of
Roseburg was In Salem Saturday
on business pertaining to his of
fice. Mrs. M. Dolan and daughter of
Silverton visited in Salem Satur
day. Mr. and Mrs Alria Smith of
Aumsvllle were Salem visitors
Monday afternoon.
Anton Fischer of the Waldo
Hills was In town on business
last evening.
M M. Sayre and O. R. Moser of
Silverton were in town on busi
ness Monday afternoon.
Henry Lierhty of Central How
Mi was In town on hnsiness yester
day. E. O. Royal of Albany was vis
iting friends in Salem Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. J. Bcaaltadt of
was visiting friends in
over Sunday.
Miss Ida Bibcock visited her
brother In Orefron City during
the latter part of the week.
Allen Carson of Salem was
we-v t"Ml visitor with friends
Entire, returning today.
Ernest Aegerter has been visit
ing his parents in Scio.
Sam H. Brown, the fruit man
from Gervais, was in Salem on
business yesterday. Mr. Brown
reports some damage done to
fruit in that neighborhood yes
terday morning, but to no greai
extent. The small fruits had not
reached a point of blossom where
the frost could harm them, he
said, and he looks for a good crop
of loganberries this season.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Largent, and
the Misses Maude, Mary and Edna
Largent were in town from 811-
verton yesterday afternoon. The
Misses Largent returned to Eu
gene to resume their studies in
i the University of Oregon. Mi89
Maude Largent will graduate this
Amoid Hill, 1 4 year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hill of In
dependence, has been confined in
the Deaconess hospital for several
davs receiving medical treatment
He has been afflicted with an in
ternal trouble.
Dave Love of Independence,
was in town on business Monday.
Mr. Love has been in Moser, Ore.
looking after his farming inter
ests. He also owtis a large farm
near Independence.
Mary L. Fulkerson, county
school superintendent, returned
Monday from Spokane where she
attended the Inland Empire
Teachers convention.
Mark Lathum was in town Sun
day evening on his way back to
Eugene. He had been spending
the Easter vacation with his par
ents In Silverton.
Jack Hayes and "Duckey"
Holmes of the Salem Senators
were in Corvallis Saturday to play
with the O. A. C. baseball team.
Mrs. J. T. Hunt and Mrs. B. L.
Steeves and daughter left Satur
day for a few days' visit at Sea
side. Mrs. Manda Parker of Roseburg
was brought here Saturday by an
attendant at the state hospital
and confined in that institution.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Epping of
Scio were visiting In Salem dur
ing the latter part of the week.
Fred Hesslng, bne of the big
livestock breeders of Mt. Angel,
was in town on business yesterday.
Miss Ida Matthews of Albany
was a week end visitor In StJem.
We wish to thank our many
friends and comrades for their
kind sympathies and floral offer
ings during the illness and death
of our husband and father, Mr.
John Zimmer.- Mrs. John Zlm
mer, Mrs. Walling and family,
Mrs. Jim Obenchain and family.
Cherro Flour
Thru the efforts of the valley
merchants between Portland !
and Eugene, in four months'!
time the manufacturers of
running their plant 10 hours
daily on Cherro exclusively
for family trade. Regardless
of all other old hard wheat
established brands of flour on '
the market.
This statement speaks for
itself just one word
F. G. Horton, who has been
spending a few weeks in Inde
pendence with friends and rela
tives, took up his duties the lat
ter part of the week in the audit
ing department of the state indus
trial accident commission. Mr.
Horton will reside in Independ
ence and drive to and from Salem
o work during the summer.
H. L. Churchill of the Olson
Motor Car company and Mrs.
Churchill spent the week end
with friends in Independence. Mr.
Churchill was formerly in the
barber business in Independence.
H. L. Bents of Aurora was in
the city on business yesterday.
Mr. Bents is an extensive hop
producer and buyer.
Frank Bowers was In town yes
terday from his Waldo Hills farm
and spent the afternoon looking
after business matters.
0. V. Meyers of Stayton was in
Salem on business yesterday
E. E. Paddock of Independence
was looking after business in Sa
lem Saturday.
H. L. Kilen was in Monmouth
during the latter part of the week
visiting friends.
Mrs. Marion Whltlatch of Mon
tana has been visiting Mrs. A. A.
Graber in Salem for a few clays.
Russell Scott and Miss Pearl
Wolcott of Silverton were visiting
friends in Salem Sunday.
T. D. Troudt of Hubbard was a
business visitor in Salem yester
day. Attorney R. K. Page was t
business visitor in Portland Sat
: unlay.
Races at Dreamland rink to
night. Admission 10c. 82
Fred Mangis spent the week end
In Portland.
T. J. Ware of Stayton was in
the city on business yesterday.
John Schwab, prominent farm
er of Mt. Angel, was In town on
business Saturday.
Handy rolls of white paper, use
ful for many purposes, 10 cent!
up. CapLai Journal office.
Mrs. A. B. Johnson and Mrs. S.
R. Richardson of Silverton were
shopping in Salem yesterday.
C. P. Darst of Shaw was a busi
ness visitor in town Saturday
W. A. Jones of Macleay was
among the Salem visitors Satur
fB 1091 Rv InT'L
Dedication Program
For Airlie Church
Arranged for Sunday
Airlie, April 5. Next Sunday
will occur the dedication of the
l new church which was just com
Ipleted in this place, and the fol
lowing program has been arrang
ed for servcies during the week:
Thursday evening Rev. A. P. Lay
Iton, of Corvallis, will speak. Fri
day evening, Rev. Kantner, D. D.,
of the First Congregational church
in Salem, will give an address;
and on Saturday evening, Bishop
M. T. Maye, of Le Mars, Iowa,
will have charge of the service.
Bishop Maye will also preach on
Sunday forenoon when the church
will be dedicated. At 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon a fellowship
service will be held, in which a
number of visiting ministers will
participate. Bishop Maye will
speak again Sunday evening. Spe
cial music has been provided for
each service, and a baked dinner
will be served at noon Sunday.
Autoist May Sue
j City for Damages
Independence, April 5. After
L. N. Waldron, of Amity backed
his car off over an embankment
on the east side of the bridge on
0 street, which leads to the ferry
landing, he feels that the city
should buy him a new car. While
be has not yet commenced suit
for damages, he has intimated
that he will. He alleges that the
12-inch curbing was not high
enough to prevent the car from
going over the embankment. Wal
dron had a new car and the only
The Branded Woman
"The Jackknife
The 1feqfcfc Store
Circulars at Store giving lists of items and prices.
passenger in the machine with
him was his 12-year-old so.i. Nei
ther the father nor son were In
jured and the car was damaged. It
is said, not to exceed $200. It is
said the car had no license tag.
In trying to turn his ear around,
Waldron became ennfused and
put it in reverse when he Intended
to run it in the other direction.
The machine darted backward
over the curbing and rolled down
the embankment, landing bottom-side-up
and then turned over on
its side, a few feet from the wa
ter. The car was pulled out of
the ditch, and is held In the ga
rage for repairs.
M'GEE At the family residence,
163 South 13th street, Satur
day, April 2, 1921, Mrs. Ruby
P. McGee, at the age of 68
She was the mother of Freder
ick McGee of Macleay, Richard
McGee of Grand Ronde, Mrs. Ruby
Reinke of Oregon City, Mrs. Stev
ens of Portland, Mrs. Maud
Eklns and Miss Lora McGee of
Salem; sister of Frank Country
man of Colton, and Anson B.
Countryman of Raymond, Wash.,
Jrom Matron
fo young girlhood
Whether your need ia to fit
tbe slender lines of budding
girlhood, or the more mature
and matronly figure, BON
TON corsets will fulfill your
desire. And in BON TON
both comfort and smart stylo
have been skilfully combined.
Ask to be shown the new
Spring models.
1 !
A5 S. Com'l St.
and grandmother of 16. The fun
eral will be held Wednesday at
3:30 o'clock from the family
home under the direction of Rig
don & Son. Interment will be made
In the Odd Fellows cemetery, Rev.
Aldrich officiating.
JORGENSEN Neils Christian
Jorgensen at his home 4
miles north of Salem, April 3,
10 a. m at the age of 68 years.
Funeral services at 2 p. m.
Wed.. April 6, at the Webb and
Clough chapel. Interment at the
City View cemetery.
W. T. Rlgdon Lloyd T. Rlgdon
W. T. Rigdon & Son
Leading Undertakers
A $6500 loan on 102 acres
improved. Socolofsky, 341
State street.
Jersey Jackets
Another Big Shipment of this very popular
Jacket has reached us. The sizes are now com
plete and we advise early purchase before your
size is sold.
This shipment includes the wanted colors
Navy, Brown, Green
and Black
Note the Low Prices
Miss Nellie Burns visited her
parents in Albany over Sunday.
Land Plaster
We have a little more of the
Empire Land Plaster to sell,
better order now and be sure
to have it there is no better.
Shorts Middlings
We have reduced the price
on this feed $5.00 per ton to
day, a dandy stock feed.
Cherry City Milling