Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 05, 1921, Page Page Four, Image 4

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xne capital journal, saiem, uregon
Tuesday, Aprils
Page Four
Salem, Oregon
a n Truk-iK-iitlcut Newspaper
"TTSnSUMl alien and bill
So, 1-A South Commercial.
"Telephones: C.rTuUtlon and L"-
i Krlitorial. &2. ,
r McNaryNot to Blame .
It is apparent from the letter of Senator TJfn
L this we, that The Capital Journal d;d the s nato n
injustice in blaiming
U. Putnam,
"mmr and Publisher
Hmored as aeconu
matter at HalcnTjJJregon
U-1, i irif in' RATES
By carrier, 65 cents a month.
By mall. In Marion and Polk
counUea, 50 cent a month. Um
SabiViuJnY Paab.e in ad-
designed to prevent Japanese ownership in
of the legislature, as no w
Traffic Cops
Arrest 19
(Continued from Page One.)
F. W. Walton, arrested by Vic-
n i XI .. . . , i.AL'Oinn
wreeon at uie .-cc.- ,,
that hP had no intention of trying to influence me , tor. only one headlight burning.
Advertising repreiwntatlves: vv-
D. Ward, Tribune hick , -
W. H. Stockwell, People Can BUS ,
77T-j il,ii i4 (
The "XioeiaTed Press b. exelu
.ively entitled to the us for pub
lication of all news ''f
credited to it or not otherw se
,redit.-d in this paper, and also
local news published herein.
By Robert Quillen
Truth and a liypnc"
to earth will rise again.
A party may have wings, hut
we haven't noticed any on politi
cians. Europe1 ship is helmless, says
an alarmist. Also, fortunately,
One suspects at times that on
and water will mix about as eas
lyi as oil and diplomacy.
"He don't drink" Is good gram
mar In Chicago. But it is a very
lor example of veracity.
You never see a passenger
pigeon any more, and even the
passenger rates are almost out
of sight.
If the ricked brethren can't
have any fun on Sunday, they
will probably make the day blue
The objection to splendid isola
tion that there is no longer
enough of It to seem splendid.
Well, thank goodness, we'll be
gone when posterity begins to
comment on llle ,"u8,, bequeathed
Dearth of intervention talk
would Indicate that the oil crowd
Is doing very well In Mexico,
thank you.
That English lady who thinks
she hears the crack of duom has
probubly heard the world going
And activity In I'etrognul !s
called an uprising. She has
reached a point where there is
no wuy to go but up.
For that putter, you miglit say
that the dry agent who goes snif
fing about Is tliu sceuter or population.
. i r tha loo-islation
and did not even know tne cnaraciet in
8ttttt McNary's telegram quoting Senator Lodge was,
however, utilized by the opponents of the bill to secure Ita
defeat. It was widely printed in the press as denoting no.
only the opposition of Lodge and the new administration to
the measure but of the Oregon senator as well. A copy 01
the telegram was placed upon the desk of each legislator the
day of the vote upon the measure. Speakers against the bill
declared that its passage was not only a slap at the republican
administration, but a repudiation of Senator McNary, and a
fiaunting of his advice. ,
Senator McNary's telegram arrived at the psychological
time to aid materially in the defeat of the measure. Coming
apparently unsolicited, it was viewed as the request of the
new administration that the proposed legislation be killed
and was quite effective in accomplishment a result untor
seen by its author. All of which shows how a telegram can
be misconstrued.
The Capital Journal has no intention of misrepresenting
Senator McNary or anyone else, and will be very glad to
print the senator's position upon the issue of Japanese anti
alien land legislation, if he will express himself upon a sub
ject of grave concern to the future welfare of the state.
Alicia Hammersly
A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry
It. E. boatright, arrested by In
spector Campbell, only one head
light burning and no tail light
Roy Rice, arrested by Porter, no
tail tight burning.
B. Gillen, arrested by Porter, no
tail light burning.
Hugh Magee, arrested by Chief
Inspector Rafferty, only one head
light burning.
L. 0. Bulgin, arrested by Chief
Rafferty, no tail light burning.
O W. Moore, arrested by Chief U rusbJng over to
Hdii'iij uuiy one ueauugui uum
By Idah McGlone Gibson
The Noted Writer
over to my bed. in.ti'
rolled over against the J
"Don't come near me, ,
breath nauseates me."
"Oh, well, If you fen tJ
about It. I am not going t,
ry," and he went into ti.
I heard him drop l
the divan, and In .
minutes I knew hv hi. ...
breathing that he Wis
With difficulty i crwltj
,t i. ..j .....i i. ..
I was in a very nervous state, I ' , " lurJtt
Hal came somewhat
Alicia's Lord and Master i have the slightest inclination to
.(. bo. However. I persuaded Bar
" ti,
1 heard nab ana can rapp.ut, after he had heiped Bub take me severai hours later before Hal
the door and asking admittance ,nt0 tne bc(j room ne left us jcame up stairs. The moment he
in excited tones. "Coodness," said Bab as she opened the door I could see that
What is the matter, Alix? started to remove my wedding he had been drinkiug more than
me. 'finery. "Here is a great rent in was good for him.
Where Is Hal? Did you have a the Atwell wedding veil and a "How you feeling now, Alix?"
and my ears attuned to every step ; I
that he had beter vanish, and I beard in the hall, but it was - u Hi
... uiusu-etclKt
injured hand was a half-coa
ed cheese sandwich.
I did not try to restraii
tears as I hobbled back to k
Tomorrow The News Leak
motor accident?'
spot of blood on it. Do you sup- he said somewhat thickly.
"You bad better get out f ron. ; pose it will bring me tad luck hand is very much better. As
under, Bart, for you are to blame when I wear it?" !soon as Duane and Bob Hadle and
for it all," I said accusingly. It was easy to see that in Bab's Jim McCoy and a few of the boys
"Wha-dy-a- mean, blame for it mind this wedding veil was hers knew what had happened to us
all?" demanded my young brother now, and she hoped that my bad they left that reception and came
High Accomplishment
The one piece of constructive legislation which the recent
congress enacted and bragged about was the Esch-Cummings
railroad law, which was declared to have permanently solved
the transportation problem.
This measure was highly commended by all concerned as
a marvel of accomplishment. Senator Lodge, as chairman of
the republican national convention spoke of the law as
follows :
There is, however, one measure Which cannot be passed over, a
single great law which has been enacted and which In any period
would be sufficient to distinguish a Congress as one of high accom
plishment. This Is the Railroad Act. It is a remarkable
piece of legislation and in general principles is entirely sound.
The Railroad I. aw possesses also an Importance wholly distinct from
its provisions, which have been framed with extreme care. This act
declares a national policy and, so far as any law can do it, establishes
that policy as a rule of action.
ri, I . 1 1, ,1. i jl 1
mere is now no room ior cioum out mat tne law is a
failure it is admitted so by the railroads, public and tho
administration itself. Under it rates have been so increased
as to seriously curtail traffic and impair revenues designed
to be enlarged. It has stagnated industry and depreciated
values. Under it wages are being cut and thousands of em
ployes discharged.
Yet the railroads and the country must be mistaken, for
Senator Lodge could not be. He is infallible. The Esch
Cummings has "declared a national policy as a rule of
action." and if the bill doesn't work, it must be the country's
Roy Hawley, arrested by Camp-,
beli, opc-iuting cur with one Ore-i
gen lkcnse plate and one Wash
ington license plate.
Otto Buff, arrested by Harden. I
not tail light.
William Manor arrested D, indignantly. I luck would not hold over to the down to the hotel. They seem-
Hayden, no tail light. When I explained tearfully I time when she should wear it. ;ed to think our accidents were a
Warning Was Given what had happened, those two un-j I was becoming very tired. I great joke. Perhaps they were,
These 10 men were taken into'feellng littl8 ljeasts sat (,own on wished the day was over and It but if I could get hold of that
custody as the opener of a cam-1"1' floor and laughed until their was a very forlorn figure ihat little devil of a brother of yours
unign against traffic law violators s'''es shook- finally snuggled down In the I'd make him understand that I
x h:ch was begun last evening b At tnat moment I hoped Hal great bed. Notwithstanding ,jat am not the one to play jokes
the combined forces of Traffic In- w0,lla come ,n an" K've liarl wnal Bab stil continued to talk to me. upon."
specter Ralferty and Chief of Pn- I,e deserved. Then I realized for .she told me how worried the "But, Hal dear, Bart didn't
lice Moffitt, and which will cun-the first tim tllat 1 was reall' people at the wedding recepi a mean to. It was him about. H
tinue on today and tomorrow. In- married: that I was thinking In were because we did not return he was awfully sorry."
spector Rafferty has announced ; terms of Hal instead of in terms and she made what 1 considered "Has be been here the little
ihat he will stage "clean-up" cam- of my family. very unkind remarks on the all- wretch! Why didn't he look me
paigus in various parts of the: It was a queer psychological j sence of Hal. So, finally, I closed up?"
itate In an effort to curb the reck- experience when I realized for my eyes wearily as a slight iuii- "Probably because he thought
lessness which is said to be in-' the first time that an entire mation that I wished to be alone, that your place was here with me.
dulged In by countless Oregon change has ben made in my men-; It worked. Bab left in a huff, He waited around quite a while
drivers. The campaigns are car- tal outlook. I dirt not seem to be saying that mother would prob- to see you,"
ried on with a view to waking up A part of Bab and Bart, but I bably be down as soon as the j "Come Alix don't be naitv
motorists to their responsibilities;. ; was a part of Hal. 1 knew that guests left. It seems to me that we h ive' h-,1
nX'rllZn SZZ fr the tirSt t,me 1 WaS ""-i "I am s"'e ot"r won't enough trouble for one day with
was Uun ed Prio To the ope, T T" 'T ' ? te" Con,e' Cab' a"li 1 " "a" eouh ut '"" Hf Bend down
toTtoZiJZn" wJr 'CT.,'TW.,W8nt0dw' AH I want for a bottle of wine and we'll
rferty stated that Te expec me' 1 "'"V knew I felt almost now is to be alone." drink to happier days."
5Krou fubSKA 10 mX brther 8iSter- ! "We"' ou wi" be alo d't t a wine, Ha.,
.rood. A"'l yet, I had been married I go," said Bab maliciously. I'D You know I never drink any-
nnk" q faw hnii ra 'fll a4 t i .1 a u i i i i i .
"The results were iust what 1 . . . "' I '"u UUB 1 "uuiuni uum, aim oesiue you nave had
Senator McNary Explains
Alien Land Bill Telegram
And yet, I had
only a few hours.
Just at tnat moment my ereat- exnect mv hnslinml tn leave mi inn much"
expected." Chief of Police Moffitt est rtPSre was to get rid of Bab alone for hours on mv weddimr "What'is the matter wi.h
wis ici. murnim, uu i u mucu and tsart oerore Hal came back, day, especially if I had been hurt Do you think 1 can't
.ileased with the work thus far. land neither or them seemed to through fault of his." slight load
To protect the hands
wind and sun use
This preparation is not ,
nor greasy. Will not soU,
delicate fabric. Decidedly!
ficial after each washing of
Phone 1690. 125 N.B
carry a
gracefully?" And
Evidences of
Bomb Plot Are
The P.mdleton Roller mills is
now closed and the crew laid oft
because of unsatisfactory condi
tions in the flour trade.
Call at
Capital Bargain
We buy and sell
215 Center St
Phone 1!
Tommy Fox Learns A New Trick, gone. But lie never found it.
Now, there was a road that ran ' You see, he wasn't half
through the valley, along the ''ever as Mrs. rox. It never .doorsteps, in hallways and alone
Berlin, April 5. Myesterious
parcels containing explosives have
been discovered during the past 24
hours in private residences, on
Quoth the silk
"Never more!"
shirt buyer,
If America Is to share In the
Belzcd Gorman customs, she mtuht
put In a claim now for the beer
drlnklng custom.
Applying coercive measures
probably won t do much good un-
aess they ere applied just back
at Heinle's left ear.
Some of the changes are made
for the sake of convenience, and
ome to make last year's cars look
out of date.
The reason Germany can't
think out a wuy to pay Is because
all her mental energy Is eiuVoyed
devising ways to dodge.
To the Kditor. Seldom do I cv
er tuke notice of newspaper criti
cism, in fact 1 invite it when u
difference of principle is involved,
hut where I am thoroughly mls
repriwenteil I usually call atlen
tion of that fact to the editor but
leave it to him as his conscience
Bone days ago I read an editor
ial in your paper entitled, "Oregon
a Dttmptai Ground," as extract
Ibis (notation, "Senator McNary
is probably to blame for leaving
Oregon the open door for alien In
vasiou. He wired the legislature
I he opinion that such action by
Oregon would gravely embarass
the national administration in Its
I real v making with Japan," etc.
The Itataneat is not only false bill
is calculated to do me great In
record will convince you of that
The lasl of February a telegram
was handed to me from Senator
Lachnuind while I was In the sen
ate chamber making this Inquiry,
concerned both the state and the
I think your editorial Is wholly
unfair and does me an Injustice.
With sincere personal regards, I
Very truly yours,
(.'HAS. L. McNARY.
Washington, March 31.
What's New
The Market
Olcott Speaks
To Mining Men
At Conference
Portland, Or.. Opril I, Mining
men from western states were
here today for the opening of the
and 1 submit the following third International Mining con-
bank of Swift River. And when once occurred to him that Tommy
Mrs. Fox reached it, with Tom- mi his mother had turned into
my close behind her, she turned the road just ahead of that farm
again thiB time to tne left er in his sleigh. And finally the
and ran along in the beaten track stupid dog gave up the chase and
which the horses and sleighs had went back to Farmer Green's
made. house.
Tommy Fox thought it very iy uliit time Mrs. Fox and
strange that hlB mother should Tommy were safe at home. Yei
lead him to the road, where they they were even having a good
were sure to find people driving, laugh over the way they had fool
Tommy followed her. But he was j ed the dog. And Tommy had
very unhappy. They swung ato quite forgotten how frightened he
the road just ahead of a farmer naa neen. In fact, he began tc
vention, which will continue with
dally and evening sessions until
Friday night.
Henry M. Parks, director of
the Oregon bureau of mines and
geology, was to open the convrn-
who was driving along in
sleigh. The sleigh-bells tinkled
merrily as the horse trotted smart
ly down the road. Hut the Jing
ling of the bells did not sound
at all pleasant to Tommy Fox.
It only frightened him all the
The farmer In the sleigh did
not see Tommy and his mother,
for the snow rose high on both
sides, and the road wound in and
unit. Utile did he know that
Mrs. Fox and Tommy were senm
pering along in front of him. Of
Coniaa, he couldn't catch thern,
anyhow. Tommy knew that
much, nut if thuy ran very far
down the road t.'iey would lie
sure to met some other man.
To Tommy it seemed bad
the tracks of the Berlin elevated
railroads. Each of the packages
was found to be supplied with a
Police officials declare" that the
German communists had planned a
reign of terror here during the!
recent disorders in central Ger
many. Belief is expressed that Mai
Hoelz, known as the "German
Rob Hood" supplied local commuii-'
ists with quantities of explosives.
ESfJl&SSi'TO8! ?4t."Chlldreii I Rich Mill., Malted Gr.ln Ex l M
.icncinairooa-urinkKorAllAges No CooUng-Nouri.hing 0
What are the prospe, ts of federal don this afternoon. Addresses of
legislation relative Japanese quea-. .,i,,m. i,v n,wmrr li v ivi.
tion? I had little knowledge upon irilU ami Mavor Gpor?(, u Baker 1 enough to have that dog chasln
the subject and Hid not Know wnaiwpre tl, lle responrtei to iy g S
form of alien legislation was being Kowlor for ,rUif(n cilllnm;l Fll.
discussed by t he Oregon legislature , . .,, ,
nor did 1 know what was la the .....,... ', " I And
feel very well p, eased with him
self. For he never once remem
bered that it was his mother, and
not himself, who had thought ol
that trick. He ought to have left,
very grateful to his grandmother,
for having taught his mothe.
that clever way of cheating a dog
out of his dinner. Hut Tommy
i-ox was so conceited that if h;si
grandmother had been there with
them he would have thought be
kuew ten times as much as she
did. I've no doubt that he would
even have tried to teach her to
suck eggs never once stopim,
to think that she knew all about
such thiugs many years before he
was born.
Pier 3 of the Astoria port docks,
just completed at a cost of $1,200,
00, is said to be the second largest
pier in the United States. It is
1750 feet long 45ii wide and has a
berthing space of S880 feet.
General Banking Business
Office Hours from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Idaho; P. C.
mind of the new administration
so . , t-"" nd Fletcher Hamilton
' , Morula
Senator uai nuiiiiui. nun im-u ,-ui
Lachmttnd the following tele
Ravenel Mc
I'lapp. Mon-
them, without going where they
were sure to find other enemies.
Tommy could hear the dog baying.
he knew dogs well enough
While butter has taken the r
pecletl drop, a heavy demand In
the east in expected lo bring the
price up again. The average retail
price of creamery butter Is now 44
nnd 45 ceuts. F.ggs have takei a
drop on the wholesale market, but
there has been no change iu the
local retail price.
Freah peas at IS reus in I ri d
Uhts trooi I'aliforuia will be on
the market tomorrow The pii"e
of radlsbea Is uncertain. Fine
looking yellow turulps are being
sold six pounds for 2 5 rente.
This week will ae the lajt ot
the broccoli. Some of the stor sent the
are out of carrots because of ibe! Senator Lachnuind'
"With Senntor Lodge chairman
of Foreign relations committee 1
discussed today the Japanese MM
Hon from federal standpoint. He
gave me as his opinion that the
government early In the next ad
ministration would lake cam of
this question in a way satisfactory
to the western people and that the
states concerned should take no ac
tion that might lead to govern
mental embarrassment in the con
sideratlou of this important RUli
jeet Ton may quote."
A week later returning from
St. Augustine where I visit
President Harding. Senator Plielan
of California spoke lo me about
the matter, and for fear that Sen
ator ; was misunderstood I
following telegram to
ito know that that dog felt very
sure he was going to catch them
Hut pretty soon Tommy heard
I the dog talking la a very differ
ent fashion. He gave a number
'of Short l,:irLd u-l,l,h rrtoont Ih-it
Tonight h
9 - 11, V.
Marshall runa of Portland.
was to spenk "In the basis inrius-
tries of the northwest.
the chamber of commerce.
30 Lives Lost
In Storm Along
Coast of Japan
Fox looked over her ;
shoulder and smiled at Tommv
She knew that they were aafe
She knew that the dog had not
reached the road until the farm
er had driven rieht OVM their
fooUt,pa and poi.l .cent. AbotJt the ony h fo
trail K -1. 1 J "
... u tiiuiu bin i-1 1
Blizzard Hits
Idaho Falls; 2
Feet Snow Fall
idalio Falls, Idaho, April 5.
With a high wind raging, the
worst bliizard of the year struck
here late yesterday afternoon and
has continued all night with un
abated fury, piling the streets in
iwtlve hours with over two feet of
snow. This storm follows the
mildest and warmest spring on
only the horse's footprints. Inatend
of their. And Mrs. Fox couh!
'ell What I'll hann..nln hnrk
Tohio. April I. Great property there In the road. Sho Tnew
damage nai done and thirty liveajust exactly as well' as if ah had
were lust in a terrific Monn whi. b !een thr .. .
i . .,v rur Knew
Is"1 he wutbern coast uf Japan that the dog had UtoMadj Short night Telephone and j ,nd was running all around with
lelegiaph line, are hU no8. t(, the d '
i nmi where she
the empire. Tokio is stilli n dark-,
School Head
Independence, Or., April 5.
Professor O. U. Byers, at a re
cent meeting of the school di
rectors, was re-elected as prin
cipal of the Independence hign
school and his term is for two
years. Professor Byers was edu
cated in the Independence
schools and was a graduate
from the high school, later at
tending different higher educa
tional institutions in the state.
His work during the past term
has given such excellent satis
faction that the board deemed
it advisable t engage him rm
two years.
Otto L. Fox has ben engaged
to teach mathematics and man
ual training. Mr. Fox is a grad
uate of the O. A. C. He is a
band manand interested in ath-
letirs, and the directors believe
in securing his services that
they have added materially to
the faculty for the coming
school vear.
- . J-T fl
Did you ever ride
m a street can
tne doiigblioy doesn't have to
carry It on his back.
We anal know- anything about INDEPENDENCE PLAYERS
the owa judse who ruled that i
man is head of the householld
but we surmise that he is i
(allure of fanners tu bring ti.e'u
In. Some new tomatoes have i ocn
received by local jobbers aui will
undoubtedly be on the market to
Hogs haie dropped but the piles
ot pork r.-tuains the team. TL
bent sugar cored bcoon raj be ob
tained, sliced, for 65 cent, ur si
ceuM in slabs. Forty-five
will buy a good sugar cnted slab
in some shops. Salt CUfa-i bo on
cai. be obtained belwic.i J and Hi
Fresh mackerel from San Fran
cisco ran be bought for 2o c .;'s
pound tomorrow. Steelheat sal
mon is selling for 30 cents a peejan what little Chinook thru- t
oriegs 40. After the mlddl- of
month there will bo no a -re
1 1 ess and a number ot :., '.i-.-s we.,'
ustiue I was liilortneci r,y wniinr
LiMlge that some newspaper, were
saying that he wsa trying to dic
tate to the western stales what
their policy should be with res
pect to the Japanese quo: ion This
statement places Senator Uxlge In
a false position, lie only express
ed the belief that the incoming ad
minis! ration would solve this ques
tion salisfectorily to the people of
the wast. Tow ard that end he w .11
diligently work."
You will see that 1 expressed no
personal opinion In the matter
whatever, and simply tried to por iVcar Mefollum. owner ot
tray to Mr Lachnuind the mind ot , 1unton ,p,rtments la Monmouth.'
The storm wa espe, islly severe
IB the harbor of Yokohama. The
Jtpanwc earners Alabama Maru
and Atlas M.iru dragged thtlr an
chors and went ashore. The for
mer vetsel was about to Rail to:
Seattle and had her pssseng-'r-aboard
! Belated despatches receive!
from the provinces report inuntla
tlons in many perfect nme and It ts
said that n-.iny houses were demci
ishevl by the w ind
and Tommy had
Independence. Or., April 5.
With A C. Williams as man
agr and Elmer E. Addison cap-
rew of men h.xs begun work 1 v. - . - ul c"'
! m - the..,,., hT.-.-. 1 have fast team and
I iifir m
l;ixd Kiver.
f ur Vim
Start. Sunday'
died suddenly lat Thursday. Mr-
Senator IahIsc This service I,
, ,..i..i lo Mr ljtchmund as I
would to any other cltisen of in, Collum was formerly a resident of, I
- . . .1 n I a T
state, ana upon
tne true stort i
Vrmeh Milliner
Whole wnrlri r..
: 10
the little
rhom t'-.j
know as
a matter which Portland
eems to oe ttnuMial inter-
ei manufested this spring. The
irvout prattce was held Sunday
at the high school grounds and
ne team is being selected from
the best of those who played ia
ujuui name. .0w an ef-
lorx it tmmt made to develop
fast team tn this citv.
nUK someone nearlnj carrying cofiee in a paper h
iunfjrtj for a cup of it too.
Ohen the person carrying that coffee reached hit
the HbeH 6i WXth He resul e coffee had be
'Slto cof? ani lT?Wt qood Price to
or- flrfr:1 ,he? IosincJ mnch of what uoup
Seeks Postmaster Job.
Monmouth. Or. April 5
M- Arant. a well known p',',.'
neer resident of Monmouth, is a
candidate Lir Postmaster Pa--ker's
job in th:s fj
seeking the BMotnta&atl
throngh bis anHUenl f-end J
c1oL1AL,,S MM ("M
durf, I ' enf0'"'agement'
"ring the campaign and
f hii i-rjt many
' 5 lolk e-Junty friends are
T. IO beiP him pick the rn
pnfclican plum.
, Jy lb
r mi
Hills Bros.
rc. u-s. eT. ort.