Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 02, 1921, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Saturday, April 2, 192lSat0nJ
I IIP l dUlUtl JVUI i- i " i
Automobile, Truck, Tractor and HighwayJSIewso
W" - - ,,,!, as the charge is used I The automotive department !
Gear Ratio In Car
Big Factor; Right
Reduction Needed
in working full time and then some.
deal now being negotiated
It takes the proper gear reduc
tion to bring out the utmost In
performance of a car. If the gear
ratio is not properly chosen, the
engine may be placed at such a
disadvantage that In spite or ns
ability to render service, the own
er will be troubled with a very
poorly performing car.
All of us who rode bicycles in
the earlier days can remember how
we used to speak about the gears
on our machines. For quite a time
there was a great amount of rival
ry to see who could have the high
est geared bicycle In the neighbor
hood. The big front sprockets and
the small rear sprockets signified
a very "sporty" type of machine.
We knew, however, that such a bi
cycle was very hard to propel up
hill, while along level ground it
could be driven at a much faster
rate with a slower motion of the
pedal than the low geared ma.
chine. We used to look with tol
erant amusement on the owner of
a low geared bicycle, whose feet
semed to fly around while the bi
cycle Itself was hardly moving,
and we used to look with a great
amount of respect on tli ! man
whose bicycle went over lh
ground at a high rate oif s;j.'it
while his feet seemed to bi barely
In motion.
In those days a bicycle of 90
L-'.ii nu m r , .
and 40 waa very low inde;d. About. tun eI1Jea
a normal gear was six.. This
permitted the owner to !.e lea
sonable speed at a reasonable ped
al rate and still hava uDiiky to
i an automobile on the road
Douglas county. They repeated
Lt ti : hftttue a! If
llim rate bit, cat
'pace of 70 miles per hour Ire- is consummated soon there will
quently, not knowing that the he another gasoline station erect
driver they were annoying was ed on State street, near 12th.
the county sheriff. They e This will make four stations on ,
dumbfounded when the car driv-ithat street within i distance of j
. . .. A l,l,,,kq
ar made niriisen anuwu iua
pressed a willingness to pay tuoir
fine right on the spot where the
Two mechanics from Washing
ton state are in Salem investi
gating the advisability of opening
Spring weather ushers in a an exclusive uatiu.
demand for tires and tire repairs, ; With the remarkable increase in
ha Kalem Vulcanizing fi TIr.: tractors in the county tney uc-
nush the bkvele up hi w ihout ivo. on .touih mmu. v..-. "'vv., -
pusn me Diiycic uV u . , , t , Uar an4 mav decide to open a shop
traordiuary about Of ei- -.
This game set of conditions one leap ahead of the rusTi by:early this spring.
any extraordinary
holds true in the automobile
stead of being provided with only
one gear ratio, however, we hae a
transmission which gives us a
choice of three, and on some cars,
four. Others, like the Ford, have
only two. However, we have at
our disposal low gear rations tor
hill climbing and high gear n
tions for running on. level roads.
None of us would like to drive a
ear continuously on low gear. The
ning; he procures tickets before
driving home in bis Ford car.
Ford Service
To Employes Cycle Sets
Is Complete! New Record
kjj jevnomy
If this Ford man which we will
excessive speed of the engine ncia-j follow through his days activities,
essary to secure only a moderate at the Ford factory has been fru-j
rate of vehicle speeds is not pl?as-gal, as many of them have, he will j
ant. and yet It is very necessury! arrive at work In a Ford car. Dur-
that this should be the case when ing his mornings work ne may
it comes to climbing a hill. To! be stricken with toothache or
secure, therefore, the utmost in headache, whereupon he will visit
canabilltv of an automobile, we! the Ford doctor or dentist for rc-
Fourteen miles for a cent!
Sounds like kiddin', doesn't It?
Tis hard to believe but 'tis true.
For super economy Otic Uackett
a motorcycle rider of Santa Ana,
California, has just hung up a
Names New
Sales Head
Mulch Selected to
Succeed Durant at
Helm of Big Coast
R. H. Mulch, one o the best
known men in the Chevrolet or
ganization, has been named as the
sueecssor to R. 0. Durant, the
retiring sales manager of the Chev
rolet Motor company's Pacific
Coast plant at Oakland.
Sales Manager Mulch is a veter
, i,atd in New York, and weakening m ,
he is well qualified for the new up. . .
Jforlhich he has been ap- JTSJZ
Several years ago the new coast necessary to put in an additional
vlsiteu quantity unless mtmm u.
Chevrolet sales manager
the west and ever since has had a
desire to return and become a re
sident of this section, and he ad
mits it was a pleasant surprise
when he received orders from gen
eral sales manager, W. C. Sills, to
proceed to California to succeed
Durant, Jr., in the management cf
the sales organization on the coast
the jars or is lost by leakage.
the United States vocational sttH
at Camp Dix, N. J., teaches u, JJTjl
mechanics on motorcycles, i,yQ
cars, motor boats and alrpla
Instruction Is also given In
repairing and vulcanizing.
Come to the Big Spring
Says Battery
Acid Retains
Full Strength
Opening Week
like a car which Is so geared ml I Uef. At noon, ne is served wnu I mileage record that eclipses
Muli that a reasonable amount of a lunch consisting of sandwiches, I lujug heretofore known in
engine speed carries the car alonir
Knowing that some chemicals
have a tendency to lose their
strength after a few months,
a ii ui i ne uiuiui t:ai IUUUdI i y lia. v i many tai unucio u ' .
ng spent the past thirteen years solution in the storage battery
with the automobile profession. ha h game faing Mr
For the past five years he has
been with the Chevrolet company DeBSe, of the local Wlllard Serv
and has held such important po-ice Station.
sitions as that of Sales manager of 1 The belief ls not on'y l,n"
ihe Chevrolet Motor nmn' founded, but totally wrong. No
i plant at Fort Worth, Texas, and matter how hard the service Is
I general manager of the Chevrolet or now long the battery is used
j interests throughout the Dominion the solution is unharmed. Of
oi i anaaa. course It varies In strength ac-
at a fair rate of road speed, and
with a low gear ratio so arranged
that no matter how steep the the
hill, we can negotiate it readily.
N. C. Hubhii had In mind a
change of vocation last winter
when the sun refused to shine, and
expected to return to his former
occupation as surveyor this spring.
Hut with spring coming on and the
anxious expressions seen on the
face of so many Studebaker admir
ers he decided to remain as sales
man for the Marlon Auto Co., and
started out on high gear the first
day of spring.
Ralph Morrison, who has been
working In Salem for some time
1 salesman tor the Chevrolet car,
will meet Dallas customers in the
future with his characteristic
mile. He has purchased an in
Kalem officers have been noti
fied to look out for a Saxon i
automobile which was stolen from
the barn of John Nielson near
Junction City a Tew nights ago.
The number of the license tag !s
4 S 1 4 2 . A sack of Biigar was left
in the car by the owner as he
drove home from Fugene, but !t
is not likely that this will be
recovered even if the car Is.
that may see a Ford safety film.
Now supposing that this is the
man's pay day. After subtracting IS laps over a 5.4 mile measured
living expenses, he may deposit J course 977. 2 miles on a single
the remainder toward a Ford In- quart of gasoline, making the best
vestment certificate. Finished 1 showing of ten crack riders en-
the: During the past few mon thfl ' cording to the amount of charge
arnica nas been working out of the in the battery, being stronger
motor vehicle world.
.Mounieu on . .uu , o.uce or the general manager of when the battery is charged, and
moue. UUWUIUV hikjivtjli luicuu
with the day's work, he can go Co
the shoe store for shoes for him
self or son who is In school; or
to the grocery store where, among
other things, he can buy a sack
of flour made from wheat grown
on Henry Ford's farm where
Fordson trac tors do the work -and
ground In Henry Ford's flour
mill, and then hauled by Ford
trucks to the Ford store, where
tered in the Orange County Motor
cycle Club economy test.
With gasoline at 27 cents per
gallon the new record shows a
cost of (i 3-4 cents for the 97.2
miles 14.4 mile for a cent. At
this rate Hackett could have trav
eled 388. S miles on a gallon!
When compared with existing
figures the new mark sounds so
preposterous that even the most
enthusiastic motorcyclist might
it is sold to Ford men; or be may
A ord car driven by R. K. . want to order a custom-made suit, wel doubt its authenticity were It
Miller, salesman for the American or buy one ready-made which he' not for the official report of the
Tobacco Co.. was struck and tur-j does in the Ford clothes shop, 'udges of the contest,
ned completely over a few nights Maybe, a tooth brush Is all he! At the start all gasoline tanks
ago west of Springfield by a car needs, but he gets it at a Ford were drained and a quart of .1( ;1
driven by a resident of F.ugene.
who Is said to have paid the
claim amounting to $85.
to the Eugene office, selling Paige
cars for which the firm has the
agency in Lane and Benton
store. I hen. he can purchase his supplied is sealed cans. This was
meat In the Ford market. Or or- j poured in an improvised auxiliary
der his winter's supply of coke j tank lashed to the machine and
from the coke department. Every-1 feu directly into the carburetor,
thing ls sold at cost, to Ford men. I thereby precluding any possibility
Free Towing
The Advance Rumely Garage and Machine Shop solicits
Expert Machinists insure the Best Results at the least
All Makes of Autos and Tractors Repaired and Rebuilt
Any Place, Any Time.
326 N. COM'L
A Chevrolet
terest In the business at Dallas froB Dlu , fpw
and moved his family there a fews .,lnp()Heu ,o
d,)"i aK0' Officers have been notified to ap-
, , . , . prehend the thief If possible but
There are a lot of good auto ... ,,,, . ' """"
salesmen In Oregon, but the best Botb" h8 bee" Doi
salesman In Salem Is the Capital
Journal. Some business always
comes to any dealer, hut the way
to secure business Is to create
more business. The Journal talks
to many thousands of people dally
while the dealer talks to one.
N. 0. Hubba of the Marion
liarage does not Intend to let
grass trow under the wheels this
mason. If his record during the
first few days of spring Is a crl
tarlon. He seat Hubert Weuger
uu his way home to Sllverton
rejolctug Tuesday afternoon rfitu
new Studebaker.
Detroit, a Marlon count) town,
without a vehicle except a bi j. ,
and wheelbarrow . is likely to get
a good road liom Oales uitfu.
the uiuniur, and likewise motor
regular auto-stage service
has just ben opened between Hose
burg and klugene. Ihe roads
are lu auod condition SOW, It Is
said, and the need ot keeping
abreast with the tlmee teems ap- 1
parent to Koseburg people. Two
seven passenger cars have beeu
scheduled for the run and are In
constant operation.
An automobile belonging to C.
H. 'iHtr and one ladouglng lo
Alex lloss of Albany were dam
aged on the Albany and Corvallls
road the (ore part of the Week
near Oranger when I cars left
the road and wri stopped in an
adjoining ftsld. Both were en
route to Albany, and both are
Sid to have been speeding.
That the accessory Industry in
Salem Is tsklng consldersble in
terest In time saving service
equipment ls evidenced by the
unusual amount of It displayed
la the show windows. A real
field seems to exist for this sort
of equipment and. thanks to th
manufacturer, good progress la
being tnsd In the development of
new forms of tools.
Homer Itswllngs. formerly em
ployed In the Ford shop at Sil
vcrton. and recently a member of
the crsw of the V. 8. 8. New j
York, was In town a fsw days'
ago from Kugsns. He has given j
us the sea life snd will again!
return to the garage work.
ably In Kugeoe
Work Is In progress by the
county court of Una county n
ths Pacific highway between A1-!
bany and Tangent Ths work is
botng preparatory lo paving ths
rood which will probably bs dons,
If this Ford man wants to rent
a house, he goes to the Ford rent
al exchange; legal advice is given
him by the Legal Aid department.
Rut possibly he Is a student in the
Ford school. In that case he at
tends class after work. And
stops In the Ford library on the
way out.
Then he may go to the Ford
Athletic field for a set of tennis
or for baseball practice. Possibly
a l.,t ... ifc.
Tw,, I.,,,., ,.f n i io lase ins lamuy to
Two boys of flosehurg were en- the Ford band tw .
of "fixing" a standard tank.
Sharing in the new economy re
cord were the Goodyear tires with
which Hackett's machine was
equipped. Their tractive and
power saving propensities added
greatly to the victor's success.
saBsnaal '"'W cneral
skstoiidcS sadSsui6 anyone
MlfMpaJKIsWst yMHPyivffWl omobll
''Sssi"- rodlng
I Inn r
- v
Harley-Davidson Motorcyclf
Spark Advance Important.
Wear and consequent poor ad
justment of the spark control link
age, which prevents full spark ad
vance, is often the sudden falling
off in speed of the engine.
' ' - 11
1 II - , ,
prob I
The mileage a Franklin Car covers with
out replacements or repairs always impresses
a new owner.
That is durability the kind Franklin
light weight and flexible construction give.
These principles mean protection to both
car and owner.
The following owner results are the evi
dence of correct performance :
20 miles to the gallon of gasoline
12,500 miles to the set of tires
501 slower yearly depreciation
National Averages)
Marion AutomobUe Co.
Phone 362
235 South Commercial Street
Dtck Millar. Mlssasan for ths
Tick Bras, has been tra&tferrsl
1 I '
d 235 South Commercial Street
You are specially invited to come, with your friends, toceB wel
store during the big annual Spring Opening Week, which tin. husfn
marks the start of special activities in motorcycling. Foreoa
. . . . . .. ... : ii ji f ,'here 1
During this week, April tn to tn muuaive, uu muuc.a ui past t
14 whe
re serit
will be on display in our show rooms. Attendants will be,.,
waiting to show you "the motorcycle magnificent" and give j!ng wl
information regarding it and the most fascinating sport mob,, whl
cycling. This is not a sales drive. We merely want to acqu.indUSt
more people with the motorcycle and what the motorcycle dot does
"Do it with a Motorcycle" efowt
Harry W. Scott!
"The Cycle Man" e hav
We have several good buys in rebuilt machines, be wo
e the
juch s
,'S and
Offer Appeals
1916 1917 1918 1919 1920
Chevrolet Sales
T Y selling 50,000 Model "Four-Nineties"
U before August 1st, 1921, we can effect
large economies in materials and manufac
ture. And we will pass these benefits on to you.
We will give you $70 if you buy an open car and $100
if you buy a closed car. This refund will be made on the
purchase price of a "Four-Ninety" Model provided $50,000
of these cars are sold in the U. S. and Canada between Jan
uary 1st and July 31st, 1921.
Let us explain the details of this unique and simple plan
to you.
Salem Automobile Co.
More than 4000 Dealers, Retail Stores and Service Stations
in United States and Canada.
$993.60 F. 0. B. Salem.